FAUK LIGHT THfci tVtiNING HfcKALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OKtitiUN Tuesday, July 15, 19:10 HEAVY BRUSH hides sue OFAJELSON Charles Maier May Have Committed Suicide Neighbor Think OREGON CITY, Or., July IB. (Al) Heavy underbrush along th Mollala rivr toaay con tinued lo hide Charles Mater, ' M, Bought (or th killing of An drew Nelson. (1, hit neighbor, who waa ahol to dealh at lb Malar bom ytrday In in ar gument over a oow. A poaa r ntered th tlmbar today In arch of Malar who carried wllb him the weapon wllb which Nel son waa alaln. , An all-day search yeateday -was fruitless. During the nlibt deputy sheriffs kept a Tit II at all roada In lb district. Snooting? Followed IHipute Meter abot Nelson when tba latter want to the Maler (arm to recover a cow that bad wander ed onto th. Mater property. When tbe farmer fled from tbe barnyard after the shooting be wore no coat or bat. and bad on a pair of heavy rubber boon. Sheriff E. T. Maaa of Clacka mas county aald today be be llerea Maler either killed himself and hla body la lying aomewbere In tbe thick wooda surrounding the farm, or be la atlll In hiding, armed with tbe heavy rifle. Neighbors of Maler aaid they heard two ahota a ahort time after Maler fled Into the wooda. SEN. REED IN FAVOR OP PACT (Co a tinned from Fag One) fleet at tbe time the London ne gotiations were opened lait win ter. Pact Offer 10-10-T Ratio He said Great Britain had a four to one ratio against the Unli ved States In commissioned cruis era while Japan had a margin of two to one. The London agree ment proposes to establish a 10-10-7 ratio on cruisers. Leaders were more optimistic today of an early and successful vote on the pact. An Informal un derstanding among frlenda of the treaty on the Norrls resolution ap peared to have cleared away the bixgest fighting point. Opponents Busy However, the opponents were busy today preparing new reser vation. Treaty advocates In sisted they would stand for none . except that of Semator Norrls. re tiuhllc&h, Nebraska, stipulating that In .ratification of the pact tbe senate nave no consent to any se cret und.ertandinj:s which may exist. r Senator MrKeOar, democrat. Tennessee, an opponent of the pact, was drafting two reserva tions. One would provkle for freedom of tbe S'fas for all neu tral vessels In both war and peace. Tbe otber would call for removal try Great Britain ot her naval bases around the -American con tinent. freedom Sot Discussed 'The American delegation" and others aUrthe London parley re fused to take up .'.be question of freedom of the seas. McKellax said thv naval base reservation would ai'fect five or six British bases new the United States. Senator Reed paM tribute to the American naval officers, many of whom have opposed the treaty terms. He aald the oirfieers them selves were In disagreement on the needs of tbe navy and there fore the American detonation to London had to differ with some. assessor sriciors. i BONNER'S FERRY. Ma.. July 15. (API The body of W. C. Iteid, Boundary county assessor who disappeared yesterday- after a shortage of $4,800 wan dis covered In his accounts., was found last night In bis seda.il. 12 miles north of here. Held bad attached a piece of gnrden horse to the exhaust pipe, closed the windows of hi" car and sat down to await death. CLUE FOUND IN GRAHAM SEARCH (Continued from Pag One) for Graham In the direction of the Colorado river waa found yesterday with the discovery of th remains of a kltbsg some 1 miles south of her th plane waa located. Article Identl'led by McDonald as from Graham's kit were found nearby. Major McDonald thla after noon dispatched an airplane to the reported location of the shark, In an eltort to icarn whether or not th man nugni be lirahaui. GAINS EXPECTED SAY DEMOCRATS (Continued from Tag One) There was no official eiplana tlon forthcoming from the Jef ferson society as to why Mayor Curlev had not been Invited nor would tbe mayor amplify bis statement as to why he would not have attended bad he been Invited. "To be charitable," th mayor said. "I'll say that perhaps tbe society figured It would have been a waste of postage, and perhaps the society Is a little thrifty." FIRE SITUATION BETTER TODAY (Continued from Page One) latest reports received here from Bend, brought back by some of ik, v.irkra were to the effect that the situation was now almost under control and tnat tne ures are not as serious as they have kuh f,, th txt two davs. More than 300 Klamath men are on the job fighting th flamea. and more stand ready to go should the conflagration go out of bounds again. No more calls for aid have been received since yester day. Fire Subsiding BEND. Or.. July 15. (AP) Forest rangers said today all fires In this district will b nnder control by nightfall nnless unex pected winds arise. Tbe Maklaks lake fire waa considered nnder control at noon and barring unex pected wind there waa little pos sibility that it would break looe. No new fires were reported In the Shevlln-Hlxon tlmbr west of Bend where a conflagration has rased since Friday. Endurance Riders Making a Record HACKENSACK. N. J;. July IS. (AP) Four 14 year old bicycle endurance riders, who have pedaled for more than 200 hours, said today they expected to keep up the grind all summer. The boys atarted their relay at p. m. Sunday. July 6, At six o'clock tonight the boys will have been at it for 21 hours, beating an old .record of 120 hours said to have been set in Indiana. They have traveled more than 2,400 miles, around Jackson Avenue school. Legion to Elect Officers Tonight Election of officers for the American Legion will be held at a meeting at 8 o'clock in the Le gion hall. It was announced this afternoon by Leon Crawford, com mander. Tbo meeting Is of extreme Im portance and all members are asked to attend If possible, Mr. Crawford ststed. At the aame time a meeting of the ladies auxiliary will be held to choose their delegates to the state convention. Following the two business meetings a Joint dinner will be beld. Pre-School Clinic At Mills Thursday! A tirA-vtiMl Allnfr. will he held at the Mills school on Thursday I morning. July 17. irom until i 12 o'clock, It was announced this ! morning. - Tbe clinic Is being , sponsored by the Mills Parent 1 Teachers' Association and tbe members of local medical society will be tbe examining physicians. All mothers who have children of school age are asked to attend and to bring their children. MEIER STOCK GIVEN BOOST (Continued from Tag One) ever, that soma of th leaders of th club would much prefer Kutus Holmsn or Italph Clyde aa their leader for then all restraint would be off and the aky would b th limit. Mr. Meier ta a merchant. Ac cording to hla supporters he be lieve in achieving the results that Joseph sought, but he believes In aohlevlng those in orderly man ner, looking at all times to thn welfare of the state and Its rntlro people. This policy. It Is admitted, can offend none of the atronge.it or ganisation Republicans all' at ttlo same time Meier will be carrying out hla life-long friend's political principles, and making an admin istration for Oregon that will he constructive and far-reaching in achievement. , Kay Losing Hi Support Aa matter now stand It Is gen erally believed that Stale Trea.ur er Thomas 1). K.v, wbo has been connected with public life In this state as a holder of some offlco at Salem, for at least two decades, la losing ground In his campaign to hare the committee name him. Eveu persoual friends of Mr. Kay will admit whan talking frankly that there Is no reatou particularly to have Tom tor gov ernor except that Kay wants the place. There is no ausver to the statement that Mr. Kay haa been well honored with ot(tc for mauy years: that he has reached a time in life when he caunot give th energy to th ofllcs that th On-to-Oregon spirit desires: that the sentiment does now exist for a new deal and a general replacing of officials at the stale capital of new faces. All of thee things ar apparent and true and that Is wby th Kay sentiment Is not like It was years ago. Salem candidates for any offlc do not click as they once did. Marlon county has had her day if the present biasing of the public mind continue, for it is wall known that "Salemltla" la not th best kind of a disease If tbe stste operates as a whole and does not confln Its expenditures to on county. I'phraval Is Brewiug It does not US tbe wisdom of a political sage to see that this year and for several years In tbe future the "ins" have the odd against them. 9 The "new deal" boys will be heard and all that Is necessary to kick over the politic al pot In tbe stste. In many conn ties and cities of Oregon, Is for a good crusader to come forward and demand why tbe old crowd should not be removed and new faces put In their stead. Politics run In cycles. They ar running now and observers admit that their running doe not augur political safety to th "Ins." Laxity baa prevailed for years. During the easy money time fol lowing the war public officials were bard to get. When once In office they stayed without mo lestation. They could do about as they pleased without much critic ism. Families were placed on pay rolls and such things were Indulg ed In with safety. But. no more will these things be permitted without protest. The prairies are on fire politically, so to speak, and people are asking to be heard. They will question ex penditures In a short time from educational Institutions down to the highways. In tact one will hear more politic from now on than has been heard for years. GERMANY FAVORS I'.MOX. BERLIN, July 15. (AP) The text of Germany's reply to For eign Minister Brland's memoran dum for a "United States of Eu rope" was made public here to night. It answers favorably France's auggestlon for a Euro pean union but stresses tbe ob jection that such a program could succeed only upon principles of full eqnallty and the same se curity for all participants. SWEPT SYSTEM FREE OF POISON "I feel entirely different since Sargon awept my system free of puiimit this wonderful treat ment doea everything that Is 1 lAUl k'. A . JACK UltO Un claimed for It. Handling large real estate deals Ilk I do re quire a lot of mental and phy sical exertion, and for quit a while my work had been an awful drag on m. My whole SMtem waa toxic. I auffered a lot with a neuritis condition In my abonldera and a rheumatic condition In my hlpa and kneea. 1 was so lifeless I Just wanted to 'sit around' all day. For 10 years I took medicine but 1 found no real relief In any of them but Sargon. All the pains in my body have disappeared and I feel strengthened from bead to foot. Sargon Pills ended my toxic condition, stimulated my ) bowels to clock-Ilk regularity I and I feel like a different per- son." Jack Brown, Bonneville i notei, zna ana Mint Helena bis., Tacoma. Maglll Drug Co., agents. , Adv. Magees Back From Seaside Meeting Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Mage hav returned from a motor trip which took them to a number of north ern Orogon cities. Mr, Mage at tended th convention of th Ore gon Pharmaceutical Association which waa held lu Seaald while Mrs. Mags and trand-daughler, Dotty Zau apent th tint at Can non Ueach, Th raturn trip was mad via Tillamook, some very wsrm weather being encountered In the valley. Mr. .Mage reports that the convsntlon was tho larg est ever hold III Oregon by the pharmacists and that a number ( Interesting papers and addresses were heard several of them given by speakers of national reputa Hon. Insurance Man on Visit to Klai..th Lane Goodell. who hold the tato agency for th Continental loiuranc company, la In Klam ath Kala for a few daa osten sibly to attend to the Insurance business her, but he also In tends to sound out th guberna torial altuatlon in the county. .Mr. lioodell Is one of the fa vored J In Oregon who will choose a republican nomine for th governorship at the Klks tempi In Portland on July Si. l'IKDMONT (lOLFKK JIKET and country club hav been asked lo attend a meeting to b held to night at S o'clock at th chamber of commerce rooms wbeu Jack Slater will speak. Jack rjowrltig. one n th etnK director, last night asked tbat all member b present at th meeting tonight. He reports that the grass Is growing on th courss but that It I not yet sufficiently started to allow playing on th cours. RAILROADS MAY LOIR TARIFFS Order Affecting Coait Lines Issued By Federal Body (Continue! from Tag On) above the charges to ports. Mllfct Keep Dlf fereiillnl The rait Hues were also ordered to maintain a differential In tbelr charges ahov steamer rates am ounting to IS cents per hundred pounds on class ono shlpmi'iil: 13 routs on class 2; It cents on rlima 1. and 11 rents on class 4 ship ments. In th matter of commodity ratea. th land lines were also or dered to maintain a differential above ship charges ranging from 3 to 15 cents per hundred pounds abov tb ship cbargca. In connection with the findings, th commission refused to allow shipments of lumber to Southern California from north coast points to be made on ratea leas than those applying to Intermedials points. The lumber Interests' complaint uu this subject was dismissed. Reductions Due SALEM. Or.. July IS. (AP) Substantial reductions In rates to Intermediate points along the Southern Pacific line In Oregon will result from th Internal.) Commerce Commission's order to day allowing I'scKIc coaal rall roads to meet slesmhoat competi tion In rat charges. A. F. Harvey rat expert for th public service, commission, said It might not b neceaary for th railroads lo re duce tbelr port terminal ratea lo meet water competition, but re duction would result from thai part of I lie order iixiulrlng that In termed lulu ratea bn hold lo a matt mum of nut uinreyliun lull pur cent abov port In pqrt rate. - A still further banent may lis full. Ilsrvey said, It tllo railroads establish th sam port triulnal rales at Healtl aa at Portland, bs caun of Hi maximum requlr mvnt of 100 par rout abov port to port rate applicable to dulsr uieijlat points. Three Couples Ask Court Separation Thre illvorcs at'tlotia hav been filed III th county court since Monday morning, Yesterday Kth el tlriffln filed a divorce suit against Oniric Qrlfflu. shorn she married on Jan. , 1IUS, charging that Ilia ilnfendaut la an habitual gross drunkard. Hha naka that her inal.len naiiiu of tfthel Cook be re stored. Her attorney Is W, C. Vat Kinon. Urt E. Milter charges that Juanlla Miller dsaerled blm after two years of married life, and con sequently he aska a divorce. Tb coupl waa marrlad In Yreke ou August II. l:s. Mr. Millar la repreaentsd by Napier and llaleii tin. Ma hoi Dingier stated that Orvlll Dingier has trenled her orucllv. Mho asks a divorce and th rare of a minor child, lu addition to lit a month for Ha support, Th cnupl waa marrM In liogun Itlver, Om , In IU2e. D. K. Van Vactor mora- seula the plaintiff. Life Insurance Companies Demand TITLE INSURANCE Not only aa an essential protection, but also aa a touvsnleut, economical, ripoduloua adjunct to th making uf niortgas losns. Klamath Comity Abstract Co. Elbert S. Veatch, Mgr. TITLE INSL'KANCE ABSTRACTS 111 h. Fourth HI. ESCROWS Tule Lake Rattle Snakes Hiding Out Thre brave hunter of the Pacific Telcpbous and Telegraph company went a-huntlng Sunday down into tb Tule Lake lava bed country. Armed with all kinda of paraphernalia and cures for snake bitea the three meu ; started out In the hopea of bag- i glng a few dead or alive rattle- j anakes to brlug back ot th city j and collect premiums. . But the rattleanakea were hid-: Ing aomewbere and were not to be found o M. L. Tnrnbull, C. : E. Hal and B. S. Taylor re-1 turned wttti a determination to i go bark again soon In a similar j attempt. PAY TKIIU'TE TO FOUNDERS. 1 BOSTON, July 15. (AP) Notable, of the country and of foreign lands Joined with Massa chusetts citizens today In paying , tribute to the founders ot tbe Massachuaetta bay colony In the j main event of tb state's tercen- j tenary celebration. j Corrections To Errorgrams II SMlliAvan In fh man's conversation, la spelled Incorrect ly. (2) The oratorio, "Th Mes siah." la by Handel. Instead ot Beethoven. (3) The two sides of tb organ console do not match, one curving In at th top and tb other out. (4) Th or gan la fitted with piano pedals. Instead ot organ pedals. (SI The scrambled word Is DARLING. ok 1m ' L',V1 W'A ;fvi.: Washable Print Frocks $p5 t0 $485 Cotton Twills, Voiles, Printed Lawns, Tercale, Linene Pique, Broadcloth and Rayon. These dresses need no "talking up" for smart ness and value. Few can compare. Sizes 14 to 44. LAST CALL! All Straws i2 Price All of our fine quality Straw' Hats cut in half. New Milans, Banga lores, Florentines, Leg horns and many fancy weaves. Also Panamas. Your last chance. Up to 13.00 values $1.45 13.50 straws now $1.75 t 15.00 straw - now $2.50 Men's and Boys' ' Swimming Suits All wool, fancy and plain colors. Most all one-piece suits. Worth much more than $a.5o Men's Rayon Polo Shirts Fine quality rayon, button collars and abort sleeves. $1.45 Colors are . wblte, beige, sky and Nil. 5PUn uuuiJiAK You can buy an Acre in 3rd Addition to Altamont Acres for the price of at city lot. Advantages off Aflttammoimtt City privileges but no city taxes Free Title Insurance Policy written by Wilson Abstract Co. Bus service to' Altamont Free school bus service Only 7 minutes ride from Sixth and Main. TERMS Small Payment Down Balance Less Than Rent Money. ACT NOW AND SAVE MONEY That would otherwise go to the landlord You can't borrow or live on last year's rent receipts. $35 tto $5 Powmi 10 Per Month Buys an Irrigated Acre Tract with City Conveniences foveU-Utte y Realty (Sommpasny LESLIE PEYTON, Mgr. 121 S. 6th St. f hone 1414 La Pointe's SocietgJimnd Clothes S. & H. Green Stamp ; r