PAGE FOUR THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON' burning Umilii Tuesday, July 15, l!)30 O. O. Crawford- -Editor rblltd evry afternoon except Sunday by Tn Herald Publiahlns Coaipasr at IvS-lSS South yitta strot. KUwU rail. Orosoa. Entered M second class matter at tba postofflc ot Klamath rails, Orefoa. oa August 1. 1U(. under act ot C'onsria, March 1. 187S. MAIL KATKM I'AVABLK IN ADVA.NCfc; Br Mall Delivered by Carrier In Outalde la UU County County On month IQ.SS Three months .11.1 $1.7 Three month! Ma pmntni . I.H 8ia months .0 rrn. Yr i.OO t.Vtt One Year . ASMOCIATKD rUKSD LKaSKU WIRK MKMUKK AUDIT 111 KKAU UK CtltCtLATION Kapreaented nationally by U. C. MOUaUNShlN CO., Int. San Francisco New York Seattle Portland Detroit Chlcaito Loe Angeles Coptea ot The Herald and News, together with complete In tormauon about the Klamath Falls market, may be obtained for the asking at any of these office. Member of Hie Associated Frees Tk. Pnu uclnsivelv entitled to tbe ate or republlca' tton ot all newe dlspatchea credited to It or not otherwise credited la thia paper, and also the local newt puuiisned tnerem. aii riguu of republication of pedal dUpalcbea herein are alto roaorved, Tuesday, July 15, 1930 A Good Soldier Passes On rpHE marine corps lost a good soldier and the nation ' lost a valuable citizen in the recent death of Jlaj Cen. Wendell C. Neville. Entering the marine corps in the early 'nineties, on 'graduation from the naval academy, General Neville found enough action in his military career to satisiy any one. He fought the Spaniards in Cuba, served in the campaign in China against the Boxers, went to the Fhil ippines to help put down the insurrection there, served In troublous Haiti and the Dominican republic, won tne Congressional Medal of Honor for bravery In the expe dition to Vera Cruz, and took an extremely active part in the fighting in France. I As commander of the famous fifth marine regiment rat Belleau Wood and later as commander of the fourth brigade in the hard fighting at Soissons and in the Meuse-Argonne, General Neville rounded out his career. His death removes from our midst a very fine soldier. During his 60 years of life he served his country as ' whole-heartedly and gallantly as any man couia ao. An Exchange Of Visitors AMERICAN motorists are expected to spend around 5300,000,000 in Canada this summer. The great dominion north of the border has unrivaled attractions as a vacation land and we're not speaking of Its liquor " laws now. either. Citizens of the United States are dis covering the fact in increasing numbers every year. However. Canadians do a good deal of touring, too, 'and a lot of them cross the border to do it. In 1929, ac cording to dominion government figures, Canadian tour ists spent more than $111,000,000 in the United States, and more than 619.000 Canadian automobiles went south over the boundary. The figures probably will be higher this year. Here is reciprocity of the finest sort. That famous unfortified frontier is in no danger as long as the two nations exchange friendly visits on such a scale. Alas! The only one that doesn't give honorary de- rreea is the school of experience. If you like a Sunday picnic in a quiet place far from the crowd, you can use the front lawn. Nobody bats a thousand in everything. Washington .was first in many particulars, but he married a widow. The chief difficulty in establishing parity is the fact that a fleet is no stronger than the man in charge of it It's a sad commentary on American culture when a reporter's possession of a bank account looks suspicious. aSSSBSB3SSSBeaS3:.K3K ED IT O R 1 A LS FROM OVER THE NATION DAILY LETTER ON AFFAIRS AT U. S. CAPITAL The Price of Food la Going IVxtn. but It Appue to tho u noioiiairr More Thaji to tlie Retailor Thue Far II Hasn't Dropped Kajough to Help the lloasewlf Much. EIGHTEEN YEARS AGO IN KLAMATH , THE SILENCE OP DEATH " Spokane Spokesman Review: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's resig nation from the Society for Phy aicai Research la explained by an official as "an honest differ ence of opinion. Sir Artbnr Is a spiritualist; we are an Investi gation society." Of that society Conan Doyle bid been a member tor thlrty elx years. From investigation he passed to conviction, but it Is elgnlticant that tbe society as a whole, after forty-eight years of painstaking Investigation ot psy chic phenomena the world over, has not found, In its stupendous anasa of reports and studies, con vincing proof that the dead com municate from the spirit world, or that they can be summoned from "the undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveler returns." By an Impressive coincidence, news ot Sir Arthur s break wltb the Society of Phychical Re search came on the day that Mrs. Harry Houdlnl, widow ot tbe internationally known magician, confessed that she bad aban doned hope ot communicating with ber husband In the spirit world. Before Houdlnl's death the twain had formed a pact binding tbe first to die to com municate. If possible, with the survivor. . Thar Is pathos now In the disappointed widow's admission that "tbe alienee la Impene trable: there is only a void." HIGH-PRESSURE PROGIIEog Chicago N'ewa: Hitched to an xpreaa wagon, an aged horse, "his every bone astare," col lapsed In front ot the connty building the other day and the erowds that came to gaxa caused a traffic blockade. To onlookers the spectacle called up a past which, though only recently de parted, seemed already as remote y lbs era ot stage coachea and A year eapvsss. Tbe practical disappearance of the horse from, large centers ot population is one more example of this nation's thoroughness in getting rid of anything, no mat ter how excellent, it thinks it bas no present need for. There were too many trees In tbe country, so succeeding gen erations waged hereditary war upon the forests and succeeded, tor all practical purposes. In eliminating them. Millions of buffalo ranged the western plains and manifestly could stand thinning out So the sanguine and sanguinary pioneer managed to kill them alL Wild flowers once grew In riotous beauty In every wood and meadow. They now flourish, less riotously, under the protec tion of shotguns. - Instances might be multiplied indefinitely to Illustrate the gay Irresponsibility ot a people wise enough Indeed to lock the -stable door after tbe horse la stolen but too sunnily optimistic to take the obvious course before hand. In ancient days It was tbe custom to write "Peace" on tbe bells of the horses. Being no longer able to hitch up a horse, the ever-hopeful city dweller Is trying, with indifferent success, to write it on tbe horn of his automobile. OPTICAL ILLUSION Washington Star: "You are recognised as a leader of the peo ple," remarked the friend. "What you are talking about," said Senator Sorgbum, "la a sort of optical Illusion. I manage to get out a little In front of the crowd and then run with all my might to keep ahead of It-" In 1827, the most recent year tor which figures are available, there were 1661 deaths due to us ing poisonous drugs by mistake In the United States. BY KODNKY DITCHER MCA hrrrlce Writer WASHINGTON, July IS R tall prices of food have been coming down, but by no means as rapidly as wholesale prices. Auax never ao. hen the farmer gets low prices lor his products the con- suuier sometimes eventually gets a utua 01 tne benefit, but not until tbe middle man and tba retailer get theirs. If than. C B. Dennian of the Federal Farm Board recently pointed to snarp aecunee In tba prices ot beet Dressed beef in Chicago, he aays, haa been selling for irom xo to 17 per cent less than a year ago. tbe areateat ductlons being In tbe cheaper cuts, netau prices lor beef, be assured all housewives, ought to reflect the full reduction noa- sioie nnaer present prices. (Meant Help the Housewife But none of tbe covernment'a figures available hare Indicate that the housewife haa been get. ting much ot a break on sir loin or round steaks, or rib roasts or chuck roasts. On a rough estimate, however. It is said that wholesale prioes ot food are about 10 per cent lower than the high mark last year and retail prices about per cent. The monthly survey ot retail tood prices made br the Bureau of Labor Statistics covers S3 ot the most commonly used articles of food and Its wholesale aurvey 1S1 items, so no exact comparison la possible. The bureau depends upon about ISOO retailer for the Informa tion for its surveys, so It never com piles comparative wholesale and retail prlrea, which would make the retailers sore. Retailers are reluctant to change their prices, either up wards or downwards. It la ex plained. Sometime they feel that alight Increase would be Justified and yet fear to offend th consumer by making them. On the other hand, it la natur ally much, easier to refrain from cutting prices when wholesale price drop. Th retailers never notice lower wholesale price as quickly aa thsy observe Increas ed wholesale prices. Usually there are two step between tbe producer and the consumer the Jobber, or middle man, and the retailer. Tbe wholesale price, aa commonly understood, is the price paid by the middle man. The middle man usually gets a slice during the invariable lag between de clining wholesale prices and de- cllninr retail prlcea, but experts on these facts believe the retailer usually gets tbe larger slice. The wideawake retailer knows his price trends and he can make the middle man observe mem easier than the ultimate customer can persuade the retailer to fol low tbem. Soma blame la placed on the consumer, however, tor increas ing retail costs. It costs more to retail food now tban It did. Time waa when people bought Dotatoea br th bushels, flour by the barrel, applea by tbe peck. meat la bug chunks and eggs at least by th doxen. In these days of kitchenettes the retailer finds himself doling out two or three eggs or a single lamb chop at a time and flour, potatoes. pples and auch food are bougnt Often in one-pound lota. The middle mans margin oi profit Is usually more or less fixed. He used to get a lot ot blame for tbe high cost of living, but lately the tendency aha been to squeeze him out. Mass buy ing by chain stores and grocers' leagues, establshment of chains by producers and farmer co operatives axe among the factors threatening to eliminate tbe Job ber. Latest complete Bureau ot La bor Statistics figures on whole sale and retail tood prlcea are for May. Figuring on an annual family budget, the bureau finds that food costing $1.63 In May, 1929, cost XI. 601 in May, 1930. Food sold at wholesale for 100.977 in May, 1929, cost only 92 cents In May, 1930. Tbe wholesale and retail prices given are not relative, however, and should not be compared with each other except as to tbe com parative ratio of decline. Local Battery Has Perfect Attendance At weekly drill of Battery D, 249th Coast Artillery, last night In the armory quarters, it was an nounced that non-commissioned officers school has been discon tinued for the month of July. Capt. Walter W. Abbey also re ported tbat tne battery ratea iuu per cent attendance for the months of May and June. Men who have received dis charges because ot leaving the state are rapidly being replaced. but there are still several vacan cies and anyone wishing to Join may do so Monday nignta wnen drill Is being held. New members ot the battery are Newton B. Nel son, re-enllsted, and Harold B. Gaussoln, transferred from Nam pa, Idaho. Judge A. L. Leavltt, who Is greatly interested In securing connection with th California highway through Klamath county la ot th opinion that th great eat argument thla section could offer would be the benefit to th resident ot California who deelr to mat thla trip, by the construction ot a road from Weed to Dorrls. Judge Leavltt statea that there Is already a good road from Weed to the northwest of th Cascades, and with th extension ot til highway to Dorrls th tourist travel would then hav a cholc ot th two routes, which would be a great er ben(it to the residents ol California than would slmulv wis roao. With th announcement that th (topping placee In th vl clnlty ot Crater Lake are now open for business, an Impetus oas oa givn th tourist travel. and yesterday th roada leading to thla country wr fairly over run witn outald automobile. Sykea Hamaker reports tbat th mammouth traction engine engaged in hauling lumber from th Doan-Hortoa mill waa loaded Monday and left with about SO.- 000 feet ot lumber tor th 8a- vldg Bros, yard at Klamath Falls. The engineer had the misfortune to cut oft hi fin ger while cutting som wood for th engine. It waa dressed by Dr. Harris. Bonansa Bul letin. W. F. Hopka, although he haa visited thla city every aummer fur th paat four years, and had no Intention ot coming her thla summer when he left Sacra meuto on a two weeks' vacation, arrived here last night, and will spend the balance ut his vaca tion In thla vicinity. Mr. Hopka U with III well known firm ot Weluatock-Lubl and at one time owned property in mis city, lie la pleased wit th prospect here, and experts to make some Investments soon C. II. Lowry, of Klamath Falli visited Dorrls people Wednes day aud It our reporter reports accordtug to the Gulden Kula, Mr. Lowry Intends to take bark to Klamath Falls mure than fish when he returns. .Dorrls Ad' vocat. Th first automobile I make th trip thla aeaaoa from Mad' ford to this city by th way ot Crater Lake arrived la th city Sunday night. J. A. White, proprietor ot th HUH pelican saloon of thla city, sustained a broken leg Sunday afternoon while on a visit to ML Hebron. Tbe Injury waa sus tained by stepping into a rut, throwing him In auch a manner to break th hone In his right aukl. Th injured member waa dressed and Mr. White brought nom oa th evening train, and placed la the ear of Dr. Atkla on. Dorrls Advocate. Know Your Tunnels? I i i7 is ii E 3- i iT" !cT " " a it "" st tr ST sg- 3JT 37" " " 5e" " " ST .5T ""3T 3S ' b 35" 3? J 4t ' ' ' ' ' ' I I I L i 80 Golf device, a lo acoora 40 Where la . pllsb. Edinburg? T Lrm. , VERTICAL W.V: T Mountains la 84 Piece of thw , u what range ) ?v Switzerland. ber. i. Moon 10 To harden. is Banaio. 1 Where Is th - beU. Moffat tone -u S2 Container. , el? , S3 Prejudiced. Switzerland. It Constellation. SS Room. 12 Since. 13 Xolse of a f ruin pet. 14 Southeast. 15 To bind. IS Young lion. ITWaad. 18 To become. 10 Soar. SI The divine word. 22 Elista. 24 Obstruction in a stream. 23 Daisy. 26 To moisten. 27 Deity. 28 To nakatt. SOIn this place. 3d rata ap a poker atak. 37 Snake. 38 Color. is Mourn "V ' ,13 Thick shra. 2 Gold quarts. - .... Minor aotr. 4 Foray, OEra. YESTERDAVS AXRWER IT Edge. 18 Nodded v SO To oxidis bf beat. -ti Adored. 23 Emitted vapor. SSHport. 24 Tumor. 28 Gets ap. 20 Old woman. 81 To devewr, 82 Wrap. 88 Ball rlnK 84 Card gam, 8.1 To iMfftrv. 87 Before Christ. 88 ExrtawuitrOw Pile Sufferers Ton can only get quick and permanent relief by removing the cause congestion of blood In the lower bowel and weaken ing of the parts. Nothing but an internal medicine can do this that's why cutting and salves tall. Dr. J. 8. Leonhardt discov ered a real Internal pile remedy. After prescribing It for 1000 pa tients with success In 960 cases, ha named it HEM-ROID. Drug gist everywhere now sell it, and guarantees money-back It HEM ROID does not end piles In any form. Underwood's Pharmacy. Adr, houghts We've Been Thinking (Continued from Page One) road president's chair Is ardous undertaking." a has- T ABOR bas bit at a vital need - for the prosperity of this na tion, and that Is to keep factor ies at home. , When large manniaeearlng concern seek foreign field where I cheap labor can be bad and then I want to ship their manufactured products Into tbia country there la a double damage don. If foreign countries offer such In ducements the least that an American concern could do would be to establish citizenship in tbat country and become a part ot it. For Result Use Herald Cla Ada ERRORGRAMS in WHAT ARE Y01 PLAYN4, FRrtMZ? ITS fflrtlLMI?, PlT I CANT. Arte rn ' YOU- fHOlD KNOW IT, n'i , cKfcromo'THe MESSIAH Hi :. j HEDGE Dearly beloved. There are at least four mistakes in th above picture. They may pertain to grammar, history, etiquette, drawing or whatnot. See It you can find tbem. Tben look at th scrambled word bslow and unscramble it, by switching th letters around. Grad your self 20 for each ot th mistakes you find, and 20 for th word If you unscramble It. Turn to the back page and we'll explain th mistakes and tell you th word. Tben you can see how near a hundred 701 bat. Daily CAPITOL News Letter Convict' Time) Reading Popular Their Choices Get Encouragement Timely Quotations From People in the Public Eye SALEM, Or., July 16, (UP) Couvicts at lb Oregon stal peul tenilsry her spend their spare lliu doing something ls other than brooding over their 111 fat. KKALMNQ in 011a ot the most popular pastimes ot tha Inmates, according to Henry W. Meyers, superintendent ot th prison, aud th prisoners' tail lu literature run iu gamut trom gunmen yarua and wild west stories to tba very highest classics In all litera ture, with scientific subjects hold lug promlusnc among tha read ing preferred. Farther Dealr TUB PKldON library la a mod. el la modern select literature. More than 1100 volume of very description, from fiction by th foremost writer to th well thumbed volume ot the Encyclo pedia Brltannlra and th most In triguing solenr, are contained In tbe glass Inclosed shelves. BUT 8ELKCT10N8 are not lim ited to the book on hand. Th deslr to read aud study la fur thered by prison authorities. Twice each week a list of 1(0 volumes is forwarded by th stal librarian to th prison librarian. Th latter circulate th list among th Inmates, each choosing tho books he desires. The list Is then returned to tha stal li brarian and the book are tor warded to th prlsn. Mechanic Popular MOST POPULAR, are those volumes on mechanic. Neat In line are books ot adventure. Au thors who are most popular as writers of this type of fiction ar: Orey, London, Sabatlnl, Ibanea and Cooper. THKHH ARB Inmate who de slr th mar serious typ of iwadlng and for thla purpo many of th books oa th list ar listed under such titles as geology, chemistry, hanking and element ary economics and even the "Out line of Logic" Philosophy In Deaaaad WILL DUKAXT'8 popular ver sions of philosophy are also much a demand there la no better cir culated volume than hla "Hlatory of Philosophy." "Let's play Indian." Michael, deposed boy king of lliiiusnla. e iiupoii!blll(y for Chicago can be traced to llllct lluuor traf fic." Colonal Robert I. Ran dolph, of th Chicago crime pre vention enumltt. -e e "Undoubtedly mauy who voted for Morrow ar oppossd to lluuor, but saw no dangar ot dry law re piiul by th tleotlon of Just sn otber wet from New Jar soy." F, Hcott Mcnrlde. "To a those rows aud rows of cross would b th grsataat appeal to all young niolhrs for world rear." Mr. Charlotte llutler. Hold Hlar mother re turning trom Franc. "All slump ar th liieiorabl cnnsmiuenr ut III dMlrurllr forces ef booms." President Hoover, "What Is nseded Is not mora respectable mediocrity, hut high Idealism end adventurous dar ing." Iter. Dr. Jams Ratten bury, of Eugland. BOMB OF tha Inmates nrtfer books portraying a mora tragic and rtallstlo sldo of III. For thos who prefer them, many vol ume of th Russlsus, Dostolveeky aud Turgcnav, are sent to th prison. rOR TH08K wno prsr.r lo work out playa on th checker and ohvss boar,) 'here are "Chens Mas. terplecee" and "Chckr and Chess Plays." "THE MEN are allowed to r4 anil) nine o'clock." said superin tendent Myrs. w desire to encourage re ill 11 g aa much as possible." NORTHLAND Transportation Company To all points North East and Wtst For CeaveaJeair Economy. Safety and DedabUltyw "HIDE THB NORTH LA SB" Phont 999 Terminal Stage Depot 830 Klamath Ave. Union Stage CK O L PLEASURE TEA First in sales Because it is good to drink and good for every body, more Horlick's malted milk has been sold than all other brands combined. Its richness and quality have made it the world's standard and the safest milk for you. Send us ten cents today for a sample and mixer. HORLICK'S ACINI. WISCONSIN ORANGE PEKOf The right la for tummsr thin. WhoUiom, full ftavorwci.,.porfwCf whn) ICED H4wr P Only $9j55 7000 Miles of Travel Now NOW NOW I WhiU th rat is 10 low, mak this glorious trip through th lovaly North west. Clear up th coast to Seattle. Clear across th continent to St. Paul, Duluth and Winnipeg I And in between, you can stop at cities; visit national parks; take your fill of snow-capped mountains. Ride in luxury, too, on the New North C oast Limited All-Pbllman Here's the vacation you'v longed for. Northern Pacific's special low round trip summer fares mak It possible for you to take two or three weeks and spend them in romance, adventure, excitement. low round Hp xcuaion fares to aft poind asf until Sepl.mb.r 30 - rf um limit Octobr 3J. Ut ui plan your trip tor you jnywfcr. T. A. Murphy, 0nrl Anl, sy Mrfct Strt, SN HtANCISCO North ern Pacific tint ot fh Northern rroniconr(nnroh Ry.