THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH VaLLS, .OREGON PAGE TWO Mondny, July 14, 19,10 IN iTHE REALM QE SPQRTSS5! EX ARRANGES STELLAR CARD FOR JULY 21 ! Signs Up Faiteft Boy In Northwest ror Dempey Show Tsi Blckarstaft, matchmaker ds luis. la back from Portland wkm h succsded In booking a tallar card tor ttaa apeclal Jack Dempeey now at Pool a PelK-aa theslr Monday vning, July 11. With a S4-rooud card. Tax la of ferln th Una of outhrn Ore- ton ona of tha greatest attrae- tloa ever attempted outside 01 tha big circle. With Jack Dempsey, ax-world ahamploa, and tha bur who la llkaijr to step back Into tha ring to bring the bait back to the good old U. 8. A., aa tha third man la the ring, Tex (and Inci dentally Harry Poola) haa ton far beyond the arop of the avsr ate amal) city t give hla public aomethlng oat of the ordinary. Rva Portland re f need to tackl tha propoaitloa of hiring Demp aa to refer a fight la that city. Seattle haa taken him on. . bnt ta Portland It looked like too big fee to pay for a referee. It Poola'a Pelican will hold the crowd that will Jm Into aouth ara Oregoa'a flneat ahow home on thla event, Tex may be tempt ed ta bring om of tha big ahota of tha west here for a match. Oa aeeer cm a tail what this en ergetic booater for Klamath Falls will do next for ha haa succeeded la keeping the fana oa their toea most of tha time alar he entered Ik gam of matchmaking la tkia elty. Ha haa vn gone farther than to stir ap intereet locally he haa Portland and other larger elUee talking about Klamath Talla aa a aportlng center. In hla recent visit to Portland Jo hilled the towa with thla Demp eey affair, and while not mora . than to Portland tana ar pctd her tor tha tight, the ad vertising effect can not be over- ttlmated. Tw 10-Roaadan ' Topping the) card ar two 1 fr iend main events. Two hoya well known la local tight circles are atgned to appar Shrimp MaDoa-Id and 8am Langford. Shrimp will meet eae ef tha toughest nata on tha coast at 111 pounds, BlUy Ryan, a Holly wood aaaaatioa, Sammy la matched with a boy that ha act ail the middle west agog aad a chap whe waa ached aled t appear her last spring and who could not com at that ana. MlUio Mtllittl of Omaha la considered a real eomer la the 141-pound class, in Sammy h meets a boy with experience ho la able to teach the young ster aameiDing la ring tactics. Sammy lore his a wine steaks and he in training seriously these daya, A Hot Seanl J net to glr tha referee aome- tntng ot Interest, Tax haa sched uled Steamboat Jackson to fight Cbt Wllklna of Portlsnd. Wil klns I not kaowa locally bat he Will be after next Monday. Ha will hate to tight If h sUys in i tt right with Steamboat and It he do that he wilt bar the good will ot local tana. And than to make things to th liking of Trybody eon corned. Rosy Rounder will meas ure skill with Jo Dsgutls, a lough soldier boy from Van outer Barracks. Seme body will paae out" In this fight. Th card will open with a slashing 4-roand scrap between rialey Wilson ot Chiloejuln and Johnny 8nell of Portland. This fight will giro Fimey aa oppor tunity to show his staff. Valley Fan See No-Hit, No-Run Game at Salem ; SALEM, Ore., July 14, (AP) Andy Peterson pitched a no-hit, so-run game her Sunday, and the Salem Senators defeated Corral! la 1 to 0 In a Willamette Valley league game. Brown, on the mound for th Chicks, pitched a fine brand of ball, allowing but fir hits. Two of them, howerer, In tha third, were good for Salem's only score. T. Glrod singled, stole second, and waa brought home try bis brother, Paul Glrod, on anoth er single. Th Senators threaten ed on two other occasions, but tight work by Corrallit prevented score. Peterson fanned 14 men while ot a ball was- bit Into tie out field off him. Three Salem men made alf tha put-out. Sullivan making 12 at first: Edwards, 14 behind th bat, and Peterson one. Score: R. .11. E. Corvallla L, 0 1 Salem .... 1.5 1 Batteries: Brown and Mack; Peterson and Edwards. SKKKI.XU SON Joha Allen Carpenter, or any one knowing of bis whereabouts will confer a great fsror upon Carpenter's father by communi cating with him at 1907 San ' Fernando' Road, Los Angeles. The father was In Klamath Fall today seeking his son. ' SUCCESSORS INSTALL PHOXE NEW YORK. July 14, (AP) After tha lata R. M. Smyths conducted his securities business oa lower Broadway without a telephone for 40 year, nis nt feasors In tha business have la stalled one. ' A white whale, declared to be par among tha denlcens ot the lea, waa sighted off the Newfound land Beak recently by a coast guard U7, Pitchers Find Babe Hard Hitter to Dope I t'KeJi HA- ru . .a By AL DKMARKK (Former Pitcher N. Y. Ulants) How to pitch to Bab Rath ha kept th pitcher la th American League awake at Bight for years. To the pitcher th Bambino is a perpetual hasard. At timea he may appear harmless, but they realls from past exper ience, th erer present dynamite a his menacing bludgeon. I asked Bab what balla he hit th best. "Half the time I couldn't tell you whether It was faat or curve ball that 1 kit," anawered the big fellow. "Any time I aea anything Ilk a ball coming up to the plat tkat looks good. I take a clout at It!" Wait Hoyt. former Yankee pitcher, told m an day that Ha be ran hit anything yoa throw up there when he's bitting, but when he's net hitting aad la a slump he east hit anything. He's either a superman or helpless. And so th question goes mer rily on. Some pitchers pitch low to him aad soma high. Soma inside and soma outside. I b. Her Joha MeGraw Is right when he saya: "Bab Ruth Is like Haas Wag ner used to b. He hasn't any real weakness. AU yoa can do with him is mix 'em up aad Pray." By The Associated Press Const Final rttaadlaga W. 1 Pet .674 .140 .131 .620 .620 .480 .440 .130 Los Angeles Hollywood 17 (4 11 11 11 41 44 4S 44 41 41 48 it it tl Sacra meat San FraackKo i Oakland i Missions Seattle Portland . National League W. L. Pet. .40 .648 .644 .61 .481 .474 '.436 .360 Brooklyn Chicago New York St. Louta 4 46 43 40 11 17 34 i7 .Boston Pittsburgh Cincinnati Philadelphia AsMTieaa League W L. Philadelphia - 54 2s Washington tl 28 New York , 47 34 Clev'nnd , 41 41 Detroit - ! 47 Chicago 31 48 St. Louis 32 SI Boston 80 61 Pet .643 .664 .880 .600 .453 .312 .384 .37 BRUSHING UP SPORTS - L'psrve&Bwif4-R TOMM7 WcMOOK. SOW. A I ,mammii4i D s r-J . v.iiiiiiiiiaii utua When They n lit OH S. Fl'I.I.KRTOX Jr. (Associated Press 8ports Writer) The Cincinnati Keils bar dsvl- oped suit a punch at horn, bat It la strangely lacking when they take th road. Laat week they looked Ilk a team ot world beatera at Redland field, taking tour straight gaa from Chicago. They atlll looked good aa they ricked on the hum bl Phillies for three moro victor ies. But yesterday, when they moved to New York, they lost ! t I. Th Cuba moved to Boaton yaa- terday and lost two games to th Braves, 1 to 1 and 1 to 0. Ijkvr Help Rravra Th first Boston victory waa due to Harry Svtbold'a pitching, th second to th Massachusetts law which makes It necessary to atop Sunday game promptly at 4 o'clock. That hour cam after the Cuba had scored four runs In the alnth, but before that Inning ended , and the score reverted to th eighth. Chicago's double defeat cam at something ot a boon to the legu leading Brooklya Robins. They lost one of th year's tough- eat decisions to Pittsburgh. 1 to 9. but atlll gained a half gam. Jim Elliott gav th Pirate only tour hits, wall th Robins mad Bin off Larry French, but waat d their opportunities by slipshod baa running. TAKES FIRST Late Rally Put Angel In Lead With Actors Trailing Second By Associated Pre The first half of th Pacific Coast lesgas'a ssoa ovr, fans today wr remarking on th 1st rally that put Los Angalea In front. Instead ol Sacrament, and en th ssddea rise of Hollywood from sixth to finish In second placa. Los Anger closed with a bang, blanking Seattle 10 to f in th second gam ot their doable bill yesterday, alter losing tha first, 6 to I. Hobbel was tha winning pitcher In th first The Angela 4 rove Simon!, losing hurler, from the box In the first Inning of the second. v Actors Make Record Hollywood today boasted of a record of eighteen win ia tha laat twenty-two game, having aplit a doobl bill with Sacramauto yes terday to cinch second pie- after a nip and tuck contest for th place sith the Sacs. Six pitchers worked as th Senator won at Stockton ia the morning, 7 to 4, and Rhodes beat Vinci on the mound as the Stars took the after noon game, 4 to 1. Sacramento finished In a tie with Oakland for fourth place by dividing yesterday's game with Portland. McDougal worked in the morning aa the Seala won. 4 to 1, and Jimmy Zian waa driven to the ahowers as tbs Ducks took th afternoon game, S to 4, with McDonald la th box. Oakland's heavy hitting gar Edwarda an easy victory over the Missions, l to 3, in the morning, but th Reds came back In the af ternoon behind Ted Pllletts to squeeze oat an t to 1 win. AT PEEPED K'-4" . .c-, LOS ANGELES L ..ife - T 4 A )eeasl uviit a Leave Home Field Th Philadelphia Athletics one again forced to th top ot th American loagu stsndlug by pounding oat a 11 to 1 victory over the St. Louis llrowas, wall Detroit beat Washington, 1 to 4. Thee result placed th Athletics a full gam In th lead, Th World' champions ham mered out IT hlta, bunching them (or live run In th first Inning and four In the third, while Roy klehalfey held th sllll-ellpplag Browns In check. For th second time, th Sen ators broks their rul ot using only on pitcher to a gam, and Burke, th seconj, waa charged with th detest, aa Vic Sorrel wn hi own gam by lending Kovnlg bom with a elnjtle In the Kighth. Yankee Hs White Hoi Th next two place remained la their former atalua, aa the New York Yankee and Cleveland In diana won easy victories. Th Yankeea. although oulhll 14-11, did their scoring early, and had only to check a Chicago rally that netted three ran In th ninth to defeat th Whit So, 1 to 1. Th Sox failed to capltalis a their chances, having 14 men stranded n the sacks. Cleveland held fourth place, six game behlad, by poaaeing oa Jack Ruseell for fir ran la th opening (ram and piling ap aa 11 I score against Boaton before rata halted th gam la th sev enth Inning. President' Car Narrowly Escapes Serious Collision WASHINGTON, July 14. (AP) Five ot those who accompanied President Hoover to hi lodl In th Bin Ridge mountains over th week-end were congratulating themselves today on having es caped Injury In a collision which occurred on th return trip. ' Nearlng th capital last night, a car driven by a woman careened paat that of the president and that ot th secret service .detail close behind, and washed InU) th third automobile la tha lin. It was Mcupied by Mr, Hoover's eoretary, Lawrenc Richer, his physician. Captain Joel T. Boone. Mrs, Boone, Miss Susan Boons and Mrs. Stark McMillan ot Palo Alto. Calif. Hoover Stopa Car Mr. Hoover stepped his sar, aad with Eeaator Thomas ot Idaho and Allan ot Kansas, went back to aasur klmselt o had bees injured. Th oeeapants of th damaged car cam eon late th city la Mrs. Hoover's own automobile, which was following the party to Wash ington. The aeeend car tn the accident waa drlvea by Mrs. Caj-olyn Lens Beach of New York, end occupied by members of her family. No charges wer preferred against rer. Rlehey said Mrs. Beach's ma chine apparently got oat ef con trol Just a the president's an to mobile had safely passed. It car reened toward th center ot th road, ha added, barely missed th secret service automobile and then plunged into th aid of hi own maehln. Rode Performer Killed. OAKLAND, Calif., July 14. (A. P.) Chaiiea Malcare, 18, rodeo performer riding under the nam of Pat McCarthy, died la a hos pital her from Injuria received yesterday when a bore threw him and then rolled and tram pled on him at th Hay ward rodeo. Mnlcar leaves a widow aad family In Coltags Urovs, Or. Jspan exported 1(7,361 case of canned crab mast during 1321. By Laufer ' I! iU-i PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE SCORES Ily lit Associated ra Al Sea PVaarisru Morning Dam: Prtlnd ......... ....1 14.1 San rrancleco .,.. 4 1J t'ullerton and Woodall; Mo Dougal and Penebsky, Afternoon Game: Portland I 14 8aa Francisco ....4 I 1 McDonald and Pililano; -Inn, Turpla aad Penebsky. At lxi Angele First (lame: Seattl i( 4 Los Angeles . Ill Hubbel aad Cot. Oablsr and Skiff. Second Gams: Seattl . Loa Angalea lo 13 o Slmonl, Lamaoakt, llus.u asd Borreanl, flrrer; Walah and Warren. Save Innluga by agreement At Atorktea Moraiag Oasis; Hollywood 4 11 Sacrsmenlo 7 H i Holleraon, tlulvoy. tV'euel sad Severeld: Flynu, Onlluk, Thomas sad Wins. At Karraairul Secoud Oam: Hollywood 4 11 Sacramento 1 4 .Rhoada aad Bassler; Ylmi aid Koehler. At Oakland Morning Oame: Mission ..... 113 Oakland . li 14 it Nelson Dorough and U'.- grsn: Ewdards and LoaiUrdl. Aftsraooa Cam: Mlsaloa I II 1 Oakland T 11 1 T. Pillstt and Hofmaaai Pearson and Read, Dr. Werner Stebert of Berlin, ha ssecesafslly demonstrated a devlc to take motloa picture of th lunge troa Inalde, Xvsry movement Is easily seen. In a . . -wit ,. in a lies (B I, Liooarr t Mrsaa Tosacco Co. ATLANTA HAS GALA HOLIDAY FOR 'EMPEROR' Bobby Jones Happy To Win National Open Golf Title ATLANTA. Oa., July 11. (A I ) Atlanta declarvri hM,l... today to give Hubby Jones, a "prlty happy" golfing warrior oi is. a welcome fit for aa m peror. tiouny aald he was "pretty happy" to rapture the National op.u mi., nut thai mudeet phraa waa much too mild So apra the pent up enthusiasm of hla Atiauta admirers, moat of whom had not aeen him alm-a ha . purled In tha spring to win the ruiaa amateur and open orowus. He probably was mors Inter ested lu a reunion with, his eu lerprlalng son. aled three, who added whistling o hla aevom. I I'lishnieute In the alwenc ot his lather, Marpaasea New utk But frienda of th iaayar golfer Insisted upon a formal re ception, a parade, bands, aa of ficial holiday and all the other Irapplnaa ot publi fuaollona. liany aald they wer determined lo urp, In Boise at least, th welcome tendered Bobby m New York. Kacorted by a fleet ot air planea an automobile party waa dispatched lo a urburban rail- road nation, whoa location waa kept secret, to meet Bobby's kmward bound trala and take ft th champion. Street war tieared to speed him to a busy downtown corner for the forma tion ot a pared la hut honor. - Completion of th City Hall ceremonies left Bobby fre to retir to th privacy of his horn for a long sought rest. Tber hi wlf. who accompanied secretary -,,,...,,.,, .. i . ., ,m ii. . ... iiii. . .in an -ni ''-.' c-.r.-i rU' - V -'..-f t.iH.i .... f. .- . .. r: ' Wf I -. . " " 'J.i; ti,n IV.-.,-' . :i .! -i. , 1. v V a .'' :j? h,... : . ... V. .e.-SvV' c-'? r ' !'-y -..!, '-,- r.i ' Vi'.',- V' V'..'- C ---' : U cigarette it's Taste Through competence, t !di.mi ttm to position! of rcspotuibility nJ respect. Through dependability of taste, a cigarette attain! ever greater popularity. INCREASING MILLIONS of Chesierfialdi ar lighted each day because smokerl find tht in this cigarette good taste li unfailing. CHESTERFIELDS ARB RICH IN AROMA, flavot and fragrance, which come from the right selection of choice tobacco!, blended and cross-blended to a tare cigarette goodness. They offer the utmost In smoking enjoyment . . . "TASTE above every thing". te hint lo Kuropa, hla young inn and nil daughter, aged flva awaited nun, Hirap-llook Kent If he wauled lo read the reams of newspaper print writ ten about nm triumph h hid only to turn to th ut scrap book of hla mother-in-law, Mrs J. N. Union, who preaorrtd a volim of clipping wliil n turtalnlng Bulihy'i children la his absence. "I fsel Just ai proud as It I had gone vry step of Hi way." laid Alra. Melon. Today h wee Hobby, king ot th lints, but In a few daya he hope to slip back Into III role ot attorney and catch up with a stack ot tleorgla court reviews, which haa accumulated oa bis desk. Death Toll Mounts In Korean Floods TOKYO. July 14. (AP) The death toll from floods In south ern Korea mounted steadily to day ai th ralnl continued. Seoul dlnpati'hea slid th kaowa deaths uoojbersd 101, with 14 parsons missing and 11 Injured. Seventy additional caa ui.llles wars reported in Ihre vlilaivi In th Tilkyu region da to landslides last night. Throughout th allotted pro vlncea Icorea ot thousands wer homalaaa. II or than 4.O0 houses war destroyed lid IS. uvo partly Inundated. !aailg to crop, farm lands, road and river embankments was wlde- spreda. I Itaalaea Plionet ISlt, CRATER GARAGE S3 W. MAIM ST. BAY H, TATLOW, Prop. ' Repair Work on All Makes of Cars. '.tot How Cheap, Bat Hew Wood." lUp It. Tatiow and Carl ftohley, Mechaalc. it's Capability mm tmmntimmnutact nm mix wont riwiv PAHIS, July 14, (AP) Th list prospect that Big Bill Ttldaa would reconsider hi decision aad play with the American liavl Cup leant vanished today when th veteran champion, maintaining hla prevlosi attitude told I hi Associated Pre! he waa positively eliminated from parti cipation For lleaulla t ee Herald Class Ada ' ' WW FIXTURES Futures make th ham. No Inltrtur, ao matter how beau, llful, la complet without beli.g set oft by aniens fixture. vVl hav a large assortment of the latest style and designs. Our prices ar right, and our servli saaurpaaaed. Service Electric Co. ISA N. Bight t-BOB IS Red. Plionet tl- as our honest belief rhst th tobaccos need In Chesterfield' cigaretua ar of boer quality- md henc 'of better tun than In any other tigaretr c th pric. uoaarr a mtem Toaaceo oo. liela 4 1