FHliiv.. July 11, lttHO THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE NIM5 NEWSinBRIEF Leaving fur Lurupo- Jultus Uea aud luuilly of Klein etti fall will loav shortly lor t thro uiuiittii' vacation trip to KU' tupe, vleltlng lu tluriiiuny, Auatrla nil Italy, Mr. One liai Iiixu rue Idunt ul KluiimtU county fur -J yara, and la making lb (Irl Hell la bl paroiila slue cumins lu Una ctmtiiry, Tlia fitllior wliiiui lia lad littiitud la stuluiie lo em. ,. Amer ican grandchildren. Mr. Una anit family llva al I! Itooaevult street. Uueliiee VUlior Ham Currier waa buslneas vlaltur in Kiumatb Kails toduy fruin liia home at Malm. H-nl Twin, In klmiialli F. I). Kvurhurd aiMiut timet oC th day lu Klamath from hi, home at Aalilnml. LIBERTY t.T HIKHYIMJ TOIlAV William Haines in "SPRING FEVER" Matured to Jaknivw.. Mra. Ual liawkiite, of fjottago Urov aud bar a later, Mra. liocl Norrl. ul llila city, motored to Lnkevlew Thuraitay, wliure tbey will pad 111 raat of tit wuua vleltlng at tha huuia of Mr, aud Mra. (.aland Wlllitta, AHiliitU HlMxinl Agrnl hi. X. Kuudull ua recently batiu appointed special agent fr Ilia Orugun Mutual Life Insur ance oouipuny, aud will auiai 'luut Hvhuppel In taking car ul Ilia bualiieaa lu Klamath oouut? aud northern California, .Moved to KIiii . Mr, and Mra. it. A, Moltney, wliu have boau residing: uu Wuiil laud avunue, have luuved to na lam, wlmra tiiay will maka IMi buuio. Mr, Mohbey waa af f 111 alad Willi the Klamath Valley 1'rugraaa Willi bars. Una HualiMwa in t'ortlAntl Cuartua Merluo ot Connolly Urol hart alura, left yeeterday fur Cortland and expert to return tu Klaiuaili Kalis Monday, Mr, Murliio la Ininaactliig business In ih northern city, llrtnrnt-d Hoiaa Mr. and Mra. J. F, itarkatl and daughter and Mr, and Mra. Clmrloa Whitney bav raturusd from a several daya' outing otf lb L'nipuua river north ul tlt Ulunioud uu region. IPisiie ITffe SHOWING NOW BILLIE DOVE in "A NOTORIOUS AFFAIR" with BASIL RATHBONE (ld,ol of Broadway) Kay Francis Montague Love and Kenneth Thomson Sh was the daughter of luxury. He. was a musical genius. ThotiKh he belonged to him ... he be longed to tho world. See how aha saved him from himaelf ... for hcraolf. Plus ADDED SHORT SUBJECTS OUR COOLING PLANT 13 DOING ITS STUFF PeHieaim STARTING TODAY SI) M Ny SIDE UP "MOVIETONES oreoiestmusical tomedyl triumph' Mk' your favorite" ttart JANET GAynoR CHARLES FARRELL taoktltg their llaglnQ dabul ' f-e-t-.-, Ste-a l!tk4a tlte-Sel e-4 Matiatla.WUia fault-' PAVJD BUTLER Hmt Um Sang Hit by M inVA, MOWN oad HtNOtKKX Tm A Draonar, Araal W Adf K I Hod A Tolllf fkwa el You" ALL TALKING. SIMOIMO. 'lum "rZ,6! Up! . 0 rind ma tlm. IH Bad tKa Hoc" pnncina musical comedy -youo(.alil..)lhot,0olu.l' -On the Stage TONIGHT "THE EBONY SERENADERS" In Concert America's Crack Colored Orchestra Big Sensation of 14 States. 10 Strutting Fools presenting- a Riot of Fun Pep Rhythm Speed. REGULAR PRICES! Kaimla4 Mown Mr. W, i. Tlnglay, wbo baa baas ylilllng In Wlaconaln fur the pan aavural modtha, la J pactad bom til for part of nail wank. She will b Jolnad iu lb Twin Cltla by Mra. Har bort Hcott, formerly Anna Maa Jolinaton of llila city, wbo will pud aral wk bar tlait Ing iar father, i. 0. Jubnatoa. and iter datura, tbr will atup lu foreland all rout bar lur auroral day. Mra, Hcott raaldw lu 1'aatalc, H, i. .New A'rlvala Atuuug riKut arrlral at tb Ularainuut ar Mr, aud Mi. , M. Lull ul Upukaue, Mr. aud Mi. J, r. Hatigvr of Medfurd, Alai Uoradkl, fortlaudi Lou la llaau- vblular, Wanna, Ure , II, P. and U. II. Nawnian, Uregua City, Ilea, rjf NUaeo, Mauttla, Takr Orr Mttiiagi-iiipnt U, A. fuller and eon, truat R. Fuller, ban lull lur Hpragu rlrur Btti Mr, Kutivr baa takan orar Ilia ffiauagvnteui uf tb off! uf til Kptagu llivi-r Lumbar com pany, 'be Fulcra bav bean liv lug at Ilia CUreniunt for tb paat auroral muntba. Hrlurn la Taruma A, II. Ouatad, chief engineer, and C, M, Ingram, aaalatant gen eral manager of tb Weyerbaeuaer company beaduartera al Taeo ma, Wab,, reuned north laat nine after a two daya' buainea Vtalt ber. I'ruurHv 1ian Ifaarta Mr, Oiaon, wno baa owned and operated a grocery store Wantlaad evi-uue fur tb paat tbrf year, baa ld tb prup erty to Mr. Anderaon and oa. bo riMwutly arrived In tOe city from Marebfleld. Srw ZraUnd VUKora Mr. and Mra, 11. L. Uowlr of Hem kWaland, wbo ar tuurtug ( t 1'aclfle cuaat. bav bees epeudlug tb seat two daya la Klamatb rail ae gueau at Hotel Wlilard. From ber tbey plan lo go norto lo Portland, leaving Agsln A. A. Auatla ot tb Wlilard ho tel and bt daughter and eon re turned Tburaday from vacation at Diamond lak. They pica to ear for th reeort again today. lluniett lnir C, B. Burnett, general agent for th Chicago, Itock aland and Pacific railway, left laat night for Portland after a pend ing yeatarday In tb city In tb Inioroii of hi company. Taken Milia AddJtioa II Mr, and Mra. K. A. Prlcbard. wbo recently moved to Klamath Pall front Spokane, Waah., ha taken a home on Waotland are cue. Mr, 1'ricbard la a radio else trie tan. Cut Worms Make Appearance In Some Districts of County Numerou raport of cut worn dauiag ar being received dally t tb county agent' office, A nuntoer of tbeee caaea bare beu laveatlgatad. ahowlng th pre no In aume diatrlcta of tha army out worm and lu ulnar diatncie of the variegated out worm, iiotn ar eomsioniy caiiad cut Worm. and damage 10 acn case i Dm liar, lu auma dUiricta mm (rain lua ha been xpertenced, partlo ularly on wet laud, la other aoo tluna daroag ba bean dun to garden and truck eropa, and In a few caae to alfalfa. Mor than llktly eonalderabla alfalfa dam age will ba reported on the young alfalfa aftor the firal cutting i removed. Tn muat practical method ot combatting cut worm la to tn a polaua bran allied la exactly tne aaina way a that uaed fur graaa- buppet- control, xcept tsst tn polaua maah la generally apraad tale in tb vnlng after th aun goee down, aa tbeee worm nauallt work at night. However, In cool er weather, they ometimej work during tb day time. For thuaa having email gardene the folio lag bait mlxtur la advlaed; Two level teaapoona ot white anonec or Parle green ahould be thor oughly mixed with trots to ( qtfarta of water aud a eruahed or ang at lem'oa added. Tat wet mixture ahould then be mixed with tb dry mlxtur and atlrred until a crumbly wet maih la form d. Tb proper degree of dams- nee ran be arrived at by fine- Ing a bandfal ot the maah. When molatur can be equeesed out be tween th linger th mixture I autf Ideally damp. The maah ahoald be allowed to stand tor hoar or two. aod ahonld then be thinly broadcasted evr th iofeat ad (round, Tha rat of broad caaUug should sot wreed forty l&uuQt er sore. It cut worst ar found! a a Isfne area, th following formula sauuld b uad; On of bran, una aaek of sawdust, I I pounds of nrsenie or Part greeu, mixed ap tborougbly, A mixture ahoaid tktea mad ot gallons of iu grail znuiawea or syrup with rum la to It gaiiona ot water. Adit two ounce ot basaaa OIL If !h , 1 not avallaul a doxea aruao 4 ore urea sr lemons will rplac It. Tha wt mlxtur ahould then ii addtd to th dry attxtur until anlturo crumbly mesa result. 'I'll la sOuuld t spread over ta ta ftd area about sundown at th rata sf Stf lo tit pounds Jer acre. At this Um cut worm ar r-! ported la abuadaac la all of Southern Oregon, Th laat visit uf this pest ta Klamath county waa about flv years ago, wha coav tdwaht damat waa dona to ta new growth of ta seeoad cutting , of ailaiia. Tsey ocoar at pextooic latwval, and seldom oocur tw year Is succession, a th moths nmtlsei will fly gnat dlataac and desoait tblr gga lo an ad joining district or eonaty. Thi ages later hatch eat lata cat worsts, Th period ot damage usu ally tails from two to tarae weka. or until th cat worm paat lata tb papa stag, later ta emerge a moths. Astorian Charged With Taking Funds A8TOK1A. Or., July 11, UP) Charf ad with mbxxliaat of public fuads. Prank Tuooiaia, As toria prtciast Jastlc ot th peatca for tea year, wa ta jail today la ilea ot ISOOfl bond. Th aatte waa Jailed as oom pialal ot O, Zlglr, acooaataat, wbo audltad county hooks, Zsig lev said an inrwUgaetes of Tuo mala' hook rovcalad a thortag of I It. 800. Th Jastlca t charg- 1 4 spaeltleally with tha aahoxxl ,' meat of tt depoalted by (ieo. Adsna, Seaside, as ball, TuoiMln rahuad cuts meet. mum rut car! UjmXiU, On at th iargeat flat tar IB f aa worid was rcatly xbiMtad here al lb showing of tieadoa and ,-lnr.a kutara Hall way tnmptnf, Th car Ih iargaat mat haarlast la Great BrlUa, rthed Itl terra, and on It 11 pairs of wis eels It carried a weight ot lit toas, It was designed to car ry bag natal casclags. HOTULIMT MAVIS TKhkn SALt w. Ore., J sly 11, AP Oreaoa aoctatuta wll tare a complete ticket, from Ooreranr down, oa the ballot la the Me r-emhea- e lectio a. 4, S, Usautvr of Portiaud sad other ssetaiist leader so iufursaed aaeratary at State Uuaa walla tby war aa ytarday brashta up on tha law relative to soalaatloa by assembly. Tb candidate wijj ppear oa th ballot aa social Ul tadepondeata. roe- Beentlto Cee HesraM Class Ada FiKB HKMTnOytl OKAi.V EVUKA. Portuxal, July 11, (API Larg stock of grain vera destroyed by a fir ber during th sight. Tb lose eaua ad ceasldcrshl anxiety amoaa th population owing to a bread sbortac, which already la b int fait. 0 Cuesta of Gwllcrs . Mrs, Roderick Smith and aoa, Donald Smith, ara spending sev eral day at Lake of tb Wood, where tbey ar gueau at the Harry Ooeller cottage. Cei-brated Aaalvenary Mr, and Mr. W. Paul John son caWurated their wedding ua nlreraary W dneaday evening with a delightful dinner party. Cover war laid tor 10 guest. Kat-maa White Ijcavlraf . Noraaa Wbita, Jr., ta leaving for Med ford, where be will pnd lb rest of tb summer with bt father, Norman C. Whit, ot tb torsat service. Cooker Pood Mala Job' Daughter will bold a cooked food aal oa Saturday, July It, at Johnson's groctterla. 11. Kalian la til) H. Kalian, traveling agent and andltor tor tha Oreat Northern Is lu Klamath Falla today at tending to business matter. Baby Boy S'ameil The baby boy bora to Mr. and Mrs. R, Q. Hancock ot Klamatb Palls oa Saturday, July I, hss bees named Rtehard Lyl. wmim Mailt it's different To lav that PuWcxn Malt is erVyrr tnd btur la but ftiting limple truth. Bcttc r beca ue the famous "OmfnlUJ Ttmftn$tmr Proctss" tnd tha finest baric aod bops auurc Co usual gad tssuforta qualitf. Bigger bacattta there is IQ more lo every Puritan can than in most other brands. Today Try Puritan and note ti difference. W s? I brands. m 1 -rj.. r, B.-iu j saS H, 1 J , wvaj t raiiumasu sets tn J . , ; 1 difference, j E TK iftovt astorttMrflcRjeevery of all timet tor quick beauty It thayer't Cream of Crtaros. Ocvctooed ttv-x-rfi five yeers ol rareh by tha (arsons Mot Lsroch ot Paris, no wonder aS fonnula for the ptcrvatvO rain ht twept tru elite of th wtiole wodd. for when thd crcaai a uacd no otrxr beauty eld h rvceded fe dcarow the skints trtry DOtioss ot each tiny port, ft Heeu, sooths tnd rcmes. bf ierjcci pores grow miller. Blerrijhe are combated, hpro vldes costly oils and essences iron rrenea lo reed itarvvsj Ht auca a-d correct either dry ikm CK aaJncicxttveVothr ftyicid a perl rt foundation lor pow dcr and your lavorltc inatc-op. you wi( tea resuks m tsbiflc fi'jht. An amailr5 lnprT?vemer4 in the texture ot the tkm with your ynr rrt uaa. At ooc the kin grows softer and whiter. Vow wil bok nd fed years younjer. And all without rxed for any additional coamctKa. 1hyer Crea of Cream h complete skirt treataieiit at Itself, A creatkxi supreiac Nothing aba Is needed to Cfjitiiy Jin new beauty. SPECIA1 Introductory SDaijSaLeALtOO TViayerg CreatB of Creanwrm been Mh-ncJucect to thcwtandi oi American women at $1,50 a )r. Now it Is available to you h a sensational Area cfay sale, a; $1.CC- And as an additional offer, to male you scOMilnttd now with the World' l greatest aid to ejutds beauty, we will ere you free, during this tale, a hilt lire box o (enulne Bieere face Powder, regulsrty priced at 1.CC Ihlt, we believe, it th finert toe oowder sold either in America or Parji. btckalva. Emukti. , kl A n-irrl lr n t youwlli (ik ft. Aiio you wlB raeerra a M ounce bottl ot 20 tlxe NARCISSUS Perfume ffr f&&&2L - . . durlnj chll Introductory jlc for Sl.CU Simpry bcta3 or send .1-ONarcliuiFaeePowderFREEI "--- l" PELICAN DRUG CO. 712 Main. Phone 523. Klamath Fall, Ore. Starling Saturday for On Week Only I 80 BRING THIS COUPON AND w . A t : . St. a , i ey Theysr'i Cream si Otimi. reeubr erlce tl.Sfli and th si,w son Nc Powder and iiCO bottle Narclttut PcrfuiM FREE, Noti AcJcJ Me lor poitsa ff erejring by mat Prtimt this coupon at sur Mora, Extra coupon for your frlendi for tha asking. Limit S islet to one customer. s - 'A 524 Main-Two Stores-030 Main WHY PAY MORE When yon Help Yourself at Piggly WiggJy you enjoy the lowest food prices to be found anywhere, la additioa you make your aetection from the largest variety o quality food items offered in any store. It's the modern way to shop and save. SATURDAY AND MONDAY July 12th and 14 th M. J. B. HILLS GOLDEN WEST o5&ee POl'XD T1.1 39c LETTUCE LARGE FIRM HEADS All Bunch Vegetables 2 oi? 9c Lemons 35c Extra tart OOZKJI Cabbage Fvastt, lasrwa Terxier . 1 2c BUTTER fit Brand 3Ue P1a-g!y Wlgxty Brand Frrah Creei mery Batter M I LIC . The. Bordest'a Braatt Tall Tina Apple Butter LESLIES SALT Plain or lodisod FOR 25c B. & M. BAKED BEANS 39c S FOB KeHoocf s Cora Flakes . 6c Uettcxoax with ber-liee or other fKeagt firaJtc. MATCHES Boxes la Carts 15c C E R T O The modeRt wrap at mahtn; "Jsaxas sad JielUea. BOTTLE 25c S FOR PALMOLIVE SOAP We Rlilan's Salad Dressing PIXT JARS aCe PINEAPPLE Del Mottta. S latra-a alice ta tb via. 25c BULK MACARONI and SPAGHETTI 8 LBS.. 19e CALUMET BAKING POWDER LB. TIN 29c We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantity Quality Market Acrost from Wool worth Store In Piggly Wiggly Baby Bef Pure Ld Baby Be-ef Boil Pot Roast 2 Lbs, For 25 C 15c Lb. LifC Lb. Picnic Ham, r Fa . Colored Fresh Orasaad n 21c u, 29c tb 5cl Eastern Rib Steak Sirloin Steak Sugar Cttrad Bacon of Baby Beef of Baby Beef 29c Lb. 25c Lb. 28cu, ': Helnie'. Dill Picklea, 7 for.. Prime Rib Roatt of Baby Bsef.. .2Sc lb. Why Pay More If You Can Get the Best for Lew? QUALITY and ECONOMY swaveei. ' w, ia, isae. i i n t i ta. , nil