filday, July 11, 1930 COMBINATION HERALD AND NEWS CLASSIFIED AD RATES Tbrot cent word each time ad ie printed Same ad run one week, 10 per cent discount. Same ad run one month, per cent discount. ' Telephone 677 or 68 FOR SALE Real E.t.u I" DIUNU V YOUll CAR to trad tm city or ranch properly; eev rul to choue trum. - t TKN-UOOM bouse, parti furnish. sd, close In; suitable (or room ers or apertuiuuta; large lot; (lua rlitw. Snap at IUUU.UO. I will take good car or roasotia able down payment. 1.AIMIH LOT, )uit above Pacific tarrars. Tola one only at Mbu fsKAltl.Y NKW 4-romn hou.o; full uaeenioni, wttn garage, vara wood flonra, bullt-lni. Hot Hprlnga addition, and on pave ment. Mm thla at Huoo.uo; aay terma. fltRKIATKD TRACTS from 1 acrea to t arree, service.! with city watar, electric Hahta and talaphone: cloaa In. Price ram from 1:00.00 to ibOu.OO par acre, in 7, down and monthly paytuanta. Guaranteed tltlaa. j-OUR-llOO.M, modarn. mall base ment, garage and woodshed; lawn; larga lot; oulaida city tlmlta: very fin rlow or oily. Reasonable down payment, and uiimthly paymanta on balanra. Immediate poasaaston. ffHK REAL KSTATK F.XCIIANOK REALTORS Phon IJi. office lis, B. th , 10-3t SPECIALS 0x100 (aat oa upper alda of ra eltlo terrace; ona ot lha finest lota In lint Springs. Price only 1900. Co; liarms. Al.hO yi.N'C level, view lot. 60x100 feet, on macadam etraet. In Rlver alda, Jn.t off tha highway. Only lilt. 00; aaay tarma. ALSO $110.00 raid, balanca Ilk rant, buya aaw 4-room. b'kfait n'k and garaga. In Hills addition, roll prlca 13000.00. ALSO XAKDT bom on Pacific terrace, wlib I bedrooma, full baaamant. fireplace, oak flnora In living room, b'hfast n'k, garaga and man other featurea. Price only 11676: tarma, 11000.00 dawn, balanra monthly. ?rAr.r; a nosin RRALTOK3 KIT Main at. r KINO Phona 631 lt-lt roil BALE SMALL hotal, monay maker; a). waya full: cheap. (Slcknesa ratlin of gala.) t FULLY equipped garaga: good lo cation; good business. For eale rhaap. INCOME PROPKRTIK8 46-ft.. Main at., 136.000. 100x110 Willow and Sixth at., 11.600 00. 6th at., rloia In 10 ft. at $500.00 par ft. Mntn it. 35 ft. Prlra $38,000 00 W. M. 411 Main. MONTELIUS Phona 111 11-lt rOURTEEN ot the beat realdani lot In the city, within tea blooka ot Sixth and Main; all conveulencca. Will aell on terma for $2:5 per lot. PEYTON A CO. I J 111 8. 7th. Phone 531 I-tt THE COM1NQ ot the Ureal North ern Railway, the completion of the big Weyerhaeuaer box fac tory, the conatructlon of tbe new 1110.000 federal building, ahould convince evoryona of the future growth ot Klamath Falla. The Klamath Development com pany baa not advanced It pricea oa tboa wall located city lota and acre tract, but are aelllng them at tbe aame roaaonabla pricea and aaay terma. Thla la your opportunity to aeenre property and profit by th big advance which la aura to come to property valuaa. Call at our office for full Information. Of fice. 140S Mala at. .. 10-lt . NEW HOME Very aubatantlal and beauti ful home; 4 room with bath downatalra; 1 rooma npatalra. Hardwood floor In living and dining room; fireplace; lota of bullt-lna, mirror door, beautiful fixturoa. Owner will aell at a aacrlflc or exchange for close In acreaga. ' CHILCOTFJ A SMITH REALTORS TIT Main. Phon II 11-lt roit SALU OH TRADE For In come property In Klamath Falla, 11 acre 1 mile weat Grant Paaa, on lower river road, plen ty water for Irrigation. Olv full particular flrat lotter. Deal with owner. W. E. Saundera. Oranta Paaa, gen'l dollr. 11-lt FOR. SALE OR TRADE For Klamath Falla home, a fine 7 room houae, all modern, not built long, In fine abap. very eloa In, on extra large lot. In Mountain Home, Idaho. Deal with ownar. Be D. O. Buaby, 10 Walnnt at. H-lt FOR SALE Look thl over be fore yon buy; new 4-room mod ern, 1 bedronme; alto 1 room and bath. Price nnd terma right, 130 Qwene at, 11-lt FOR HALIo By ownar, la Hot Hprlnga, l bouse com pietely furnlabad; aiuall dowa payniuut, balanca Ilka raut; lm pruiuuiit all paid fur; batb, nook, bullt-lna, llreplaoe, scrsau porcb. garaga, fin lawn, all fenced; ireos and altriiba. Will ctjiialilor light cloaad car for down puymciit. 1921 Fremont at 1-tf roil MAI.K Four-room stucco villa atyla bungalow, bath, din nulla, garaga, pavad at. Will arrnpt light car or gund lot aa part payment, bnlanr Ilk rant T. O. Tannar, 14 6 California ava. lu-Ji WILL 8F.LL OK LEASH reaeona bla, ramp ground and aervlc atatlnn on highway at Klamath Falla; alao nw 1-rootn boua In 61 llli addition. Callnndina Service Station, Pallran City road. 7-6t FOR HALK OK TltADK 14000 equity In 4 houaa, all furnlab ad; leaving city; balance month ly paymanta; a Itll Orchard ava t-tf FOR SALE Three-room modera houaa, on pavamant, good con dition, prlcad low, aaay tarma. I'bnna Ownar, 196. 21 N. lib. 10-lt roll IALK Oil TRADE Three- plr living room ault for used car. Box 4), llarald, Newa. 11-21 FOR SALE KOR BALE Beautiful (-room modarn born , lawn, trees, larga cardan. Irrigation walrr. garag, wood abed, chicken buua; a raal buy; ' miles from city. Morrill road. 1'bona lHl-J-1. 11-U FUR SALE Ona Wilton rug kg 11. caah or tarma. Call Mrs. Mareum. 1012. or Hi A la ma da. north ot naw high acbooL 10-31 roil BALE Vary good Jersey balfara, aom coming fraah. V. Bewald, Langcll Valley. Or. lit roll HALK Twanty waanar pig. II. J. llxardilay, Marrlll. Ore. 10-lt KOR HALE Ha by buggy, haator and daybad. 2010 Applegata. -Jt4 KOIt BALK Kvana .Marrantllr atora. Happy Camp, Calif. U-at KOR SALE Uaed piano; gain, last Portland. a bar-11-41 OLD PAPERS FOR SALE At Herald and Newa Office. 11-tf FOR SALE Automobile IIARUAIN'S IN CSED CARS 1 lkia Durant 4 door aadan, with 1131 license. 1 1117 Naah Sid. ( acdan, 1131 Ik-enee. 1 Hupp 1 aedan , In wonderful condition. 1 Franklin acdan, like new; thla la a wonderlul buy. 1 Naah Special aadan, ' door, runt fine; a bargain. HI Kord Modol A coupe. Naah roadttor; a dandy buy. Iludeun coach. Chevrolet aedana. 1V37 Chevrolet coach. 1921 Esaox coach. Star 1 aedan. Whippet 4 coupe. Bulck with glaaa encloaur. I Chevrolet roadalor with atcol delivery box. 1 Whippet 4 coach. 1 Ford roadatora; dandy buya. 1 Maxwell touring. 1 Flint touring, glaaa encloaur; a car with worlda ot power. 1 1130 Hupmoblle De Luxe cy. Inder cuatom aedan; a wheel and trunk. We have many more dandy buya for you to solect from. From 136.00 up. Liberal Terma ROY CALL AUTO CO. LOT Phone 334. 627 Klamath ave, HUPMOHILE DISTRIBUTERS -4t FOR BALE 111 Ford truck; alao l-room new houte. Eaay terma. Phone 891-J-l. 10-lt FOR SALE 1300 equity In Hon Has landoau aedan for $160.00 Phone 171. 10-tf BABY CHICKS BABY CHICKS, at aummer price; Reda, $11; Leghorns, $1.60; Black Giants. 116; White Mi norca!, $14; Buff Orplngtona, $14 per 100, prepaid. Hart's Hatchery, Boaverton, Or. 11-tf FOR RENT FOR ItKNT OR LEASE Large modern houte, 3 bedroom, full baaament, furnace, close In; furniture tor sale. Inquire 701 8. 6th. 7-6t FOR RENT Room, $5.00 (In gle, $7.00 double, weekly rate. Hoard, $6.00 per week. Phon 1667 Elm hotel, $11 8. 6th at n-et FOR RENT Wall furnished apt.. clean, quiet, cloae In; eloctric range, hot water; roaaonnhle. 628 Onk. 5-6t FOR RENT Furnished S-room apartment. Call 605-W or 1062 Melrose, Hot Springs. 11-lt FOR RENT Three-room house. bath, garage, $25 month. Call at 1111 Walnut tt. 11-lt FOR RENT Housekeeping room. ciot in. pnons 1076-w. za-tr FOR RENT Furnlahad apt. 419 N. 10th. 10-tf FOR RENT Peck' brick gar ages, lHh st near Pine. ll-6t FOR ItKNT Modern large apt.. close In. Phono 1076-W. 11-61 FOR RENT roil ItKNT W guarantaa com furl aud aav you niuuayi 61 alngia and duubi, up-lu-dat apia., oouipiaivly furolauad with taiapbuu aarvlca; by wg or moulti; w furulih avaryihlng but grotarlaa. Alao rouuia with prlvato batb, Irauaclant; garag rigui auruaa. Arcada Apia. t'huna loo. g-tf AI'AltTMKNTM with or wltbuut badroum; alectrlo range, roll around bad, bath, hot and cold watr, raaaonably prlcad. Will furnlah on laaae: tarma; cloaa In. Inquire W. 0. Van Kmon, 103-4-6, Ulidarwood bldg. i'buna 0t. -t roil HUNT Two-room apt, at- arytlilug furulahad; alao I room unfiirnlahed modarn boua, 10. I'huti 130O-W. 10-Jt KOK ItKNT Kurnlahod apt.. wood, aloclrldly, hot aud cold watar furnlihed. 447 Markat at., phon 2 1 k 1. 10-tf KOIt llK.vr Thra naw apta.. furnlabad; electric rafrlgatora, radio, range. Krota 10 op. 410 B. 6lh at. 10-11 rOH RUNT, LKABQ OR BALK 7-room partly furnlabad buuae. Inquire at O. K. barber abop, (17 80. (th. 24-tf roil RENT Completely furnlab ad apt,, natural hot watar beat, refrigeration. Hermoea Apta. Phone 11 or 411. 14-if KOR IIK.NT Kour-room houaa. acrean porcb and garage. In quire Cottage HoipltaL 10-lt rOK RENT Knrnlahed I room. bath, garage, phone, 130.00 1414 8. tn at. 10-31 FOR RENT Two-room furnlihed boueea, llghta and water. Alta- mout oree. Phone 1167. 10-lt KOR RENT Kuralahed liToom bouae, garage; couple only. Phone 1644. l-ll rOK RENT Large fnrnlahed apartment; fireplace; electric range. 707 Waablngtoa. l-t roil RENT Fnrnlahed apart ment, rent reasonable. Pondo- aa Apt. Phone 11 or !. li-tf FOR RENT Flrat elaae apart- aenu, furnlebed. Evana Apta. Phone kl-M or 1U0. f-if FOR RENT Comfortably fom lahed apt; frtgtdalre. 114 High t e-tf rOR RENT Large room adjoin ng nam; alao garage. 411 High. Phone 710-R. . 7-tt FOR RENT Two-room furnlahad apL Phone 74-W. ltoi Ea- planade at. 7-(l FOR RENT Three-rcom snfnr- nlibed bom. 4118. th at. 17-tf BOARD AND ROOM for 4 men 1100 Pacific terrace. 10-St KOR RENT Modera apt. 1010 Upturn. furnlahad $-lf FOR RENT .Modern High at. Pt. 33 8-lf ROOMERS AND BOARDERS. 610 Waablngtod. 7-1 It FOR RENT Partly furnished bouae. 114 Lincoln. 1-tf FOR RENT Rooma: outside en trance. 115 N. lib. 10-161 FOR RENT Nice Phone 561-M. cool room. -3t FOR RENT 8. 7th. -Furnished apt. 117 U-tf MALE HELP WANTED ONE RELIABLE MAN In each town and city to distribute tree amples and circular from boose to bouae for national ad vertiser; no aelllng; experience not neceaaary. Writ quickly, giving tola lie about yourself, for particulars and contract. Advertising Dept.. 101 North Welle St.. Chicago. III. 1-1 It WAN I tD CALL SAM Highest price paid lor aecond band furniture, atovea. Sam' Bargain Houae, 111 Broad. Phon I01O-W. 7-6t WANTED Buy. sell, exchange used gooda. Peck, 17 Main. 7-61 WANTED TO BUY Four or 6 room honae, small payment, bal ance monthly, phone 111-R. 11-lt Ruptured? Free Demonstration at tha WILLARD HOTEL, on JULY lath By Tr. and Kir. O. W. ELLIOTT Laillr Receive Private AttrnUoa of Mra. Klllott From 10 a, m. to T p. m. It coats you absolutely nothing: to receive free ten-day teat anp ply ot tha herbal muacle-tonle Plapao," and to examine and have demonstrated to yon pri vately a sclentlfio aelf-treat- ment, which so many others at test under oath rid them ot their rupture and anred tbem from the knife. FREE PLAPAO FREE Stuart's Pla-pao-Pada ara pat- entably different from tha trues, being mechanlco-chemlco applica tor made aolf-adheslva pnrpoaely to koep th muscle tonlo called Plapao" contlnuouely applied to the affected parts, and to mini mise danger of slipping and pain ful friction. Fahrlo soft as Tel- vet eaay to apply Inexpensive. During 14 years thousands have successfully treated themselves at nome without hindrance from work; Awarded Gold Medal, Rome: Grand Prix, Paris and Honorable Mention, San Fran cisco. Process of recovery la natural, ao no subsequent use for any kind of support. BE SURE TO CALL I Do not tall to call on Dr. Elliott, as yon may not have another op portunity for some time. Remember the time and place. If not able to 1 ill, write for FREE TRIAL PLAPAO. Ad dress Plapao Co., 998 Stuart Bldg., St, Louis, Moj v THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, WAN 1 tD WANTED Room and board for mother and child In private borne. Ulve addraaa, phone nu in nar and price. Write Ilox 411, llarald, Newa. 11-41' WANTED Two ahownaaaa and I wall caaaa. Write Ilox 47. Her aid, Nawa. 11-11 WANTEI $1,000 on elaar In come property In Hot Hprlnga ill Alammla, ll-JSl SITUATIONS WANTED TWO young ladlea want work, cooking on rauch or bouae- keeping In town. Write to Uox J 160 or call 1110 I'reaoott ave. 10-lt WANTED Oood home with reaa- onalile wag In family of ailulte. Call 116 line, i'lione 730-J. lo-tf WA.NTKI Poaltlon for lady aten- grapnor and bookkeeper; I yaara' experience. Write A A, care Herald and Nawa. 10-lt EXPERIENCED flllplno cook and driver wanla poaltlon In private family; referencea. Write Hox 4, Herald. Nawa. li lt 8WEDII1II LADY wlahaa houae work by day or hour. Phone 447-R. 11-lt WANTED Laundry to bring home; alao mending to do. 410 B. Hlh. (-it WOMAN wlaha any kind of work by hour, phone 1S7-J. 11-11 LADY wlshee work of any kind. Phone 14H-R. -tf HELP WANTED WASHING, greaalng and almonls Ing business needs good belper; experience not necessary if reli able; division of profits week ly; amall Inveatment required. Arcade garage. 11th at., ask for waabar. -3t SALESMAN wanted for Klamath county by large financial con cern; experience unnecessary; will train man with good refer ence. Writ Box 4i. Herald. New. 11-lt WANTED Full or part time rep resentative for Life. Health and Accident Co. See Ostby, Blsbee hotel. 10-tf BOYS WANTED to sell L'xamln era. Oak and Spring at. 10-2t LOST AND FOUND LOST Between Fort Klamath and Bly, one aulteate contain ing bedspread and clothing; re ward. Notify Clara Glbblnt, Bly, Ore., care Ewanna camp. t-St LOST Scotch terrier; on Lake ehore drive; answers to Jock. Finder please return to Herald office for reward, or call $1. 10-tf MISCELLANEOUS ATTENTION MOOSE LEGION AIRES Sunday, June 12, at 1 p. in. Ulg frolic; Urge clasa en tertainment and refreshments at 1 p. m. Clyde Thompson, herder. Mooaeheart ladles wel come. ll-2t REDUCE No medicine, no alarv Ing; a nurse's discovery; alm ple, aafe, reliable. Sand a tamp ed envelope for particulars. V. L. Moyer, gen'l dellv., Klamath Falla, Ore. 10-6t LOOSE WHEELS Tightened. spokea reset. Factory method guaranteed. Snyder'a .Repair shop. 8th and Klamath. 26-12t RADIO 8ERVICB Repairing. testing, tubes, etc Win. Long. 1011 Donald SL Phona J451-.M. ' U-ti HAROLD FELT, Violin teacher. Phone 1961-W after 2 p. m. for appointment. 11-tt Business Locals 9 Money On approved loans, sea J as. ti. Urlscoll, Williams Bids. ad tl NOTICE EAGLES A speolal meeting Friday night. Grand Representatives Reddlck I and Blgelow with us. Everybody come. s-st In 1902 a 100-mll automobile endurance teat waa held on Long Island. The. average speed was about 15 miloa an hour. HEC? OE " mutHT.orY ; DI6SMOUWT-.-7' ; mimE,- J 5 V y , CS M Too, r7 I S . 1 f-l -w . ai -r.r -V l-ka. i 4 I ' .je - ,i -" -'si LLCAL NO TlCtS ADVERTISEMENT FOIt lilDH Union High Hobool District No. 1, Klamath County, Oregon, Upe clflcatloua No. I, Grounds im provement, Hprlnkllug ttyalam. Klamath Falla, Oregon, June 10, I HO. Saalad bida will be received and opened by tbe School Board of Union High School District No. X, at Ita office In the office ot W. B. Wiley, Clerk, log Oregon Bank Building, In Klamath tails, Ore gun. 00 July 14, 110. -at 7:10 o'clock p. m., fur furnishing and Installing a laws sprinkling sys tem of about one ana one-half acre. Plans aud apeclficatlona may b consulted at tbe office of i. C. Cleghorn, civil engineer, lit iiiga atreei, juaiuatn ralla. Ore- gun, and may be obtained npon payment of $6.00, which will be returned upon th receipt of regular bid. Each proposal mnat be accompanied by a certified obeck or bidder' bond in lb sum of five per cent of tbe amount bid, payable to the Clerk of tha School Board, aa a guaranty that tb bid der will. If successful, promptly execute a satisfactory contract and furnish bond In the sum ot $1000.00 for tbe faithful perform ance of tb work. Tb proposal must be marked "PROPOSAL roil GROUND IMPROVEMENT." and moat be addreaaed to W. 8. Wiley, Clark, Union High School District No. 1, 608 Oregon Bank Building, Klamath Falla. Oregon. Tbe Board reaervee tbe right to reject any or all blda. UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT No. 1. LESLIE ROOEK8, Chairman. Jy 1 to 10 ln NOTICE TO t'KKDITOfU Notice la hereby gives that tb undersigned. Louis L. Stain, has been appointed by the County Court of Klamath county, Stat of Oregon, administrator of the es tate of Olive Florence Stela, de ceased, and baa qualified. Ail persona having claims against the said estate ara hereby required to present tbem, with tbe proper Touchers, within six months from date ot this notice. to said administrator, at Klamath Falla, Oregon. Dated and flrat Publication. July 11, 1930. I-OUIS L. STEIN, Administrator of the Estate of Olive Florence Stein. Deceased. D. E.' Fletcher, Attorney. The nose and chin are the moat Important teatnrea In the fae of any woman who claims to be beautiful, according to a famoua theatrical producer. 10 Vthy Suffer With Cotm Pay Dime Pain Stops And Out Comes Cora. RESULTS GUARANTEED NEWEST. BEST REMEDY Ho balky dongnnut pads " or burning" acids get aa envelops of O-Joy Com Wafers for a dime. Thin as paper, press on oa tha com with finirer and it sticks there. Shoes dont hurl Faia is gone immediately. Dane) if yoa wish, no bother, fast or danger. Later, in tha bath, out comes com, callous, loots and alL Like sagie. Everyon is going wfJu over O Joys. Broadway eras orerioyed; you wfD be, to. Sis O-Joy Wsiexs lor a dim at druxsirU. FOR RENT 4-room house in Hot Springs. Garage. Wood shed. Range 5-room completely furnished house 'on PacifVc Terrace 2-room furnished apartment EIectric"irange Frigidair 6-roora completely modern ntreet, . ?55 00 4- roora house on Oregon Avenue. Garage and range ?30 00 5- roora apartment, close in J30 00 MANY OTHERS Barnhisel & Robertson PHONE 1080 INSURANCE Out Oar Way :.-APE " M ADE. P"T BORKl OREGON Divorces Granted By Judge Duncan Ben F. Mitchell waa granted a divorce from Reda H. Mitchell and Lena F. Whitney waa award ed a dlrorc decree from Harle L. Whitney after bearing yes terday n circuit court before Judge W, M. Duncan. Th custody ot three children and $60 a month for (heir care and support was awarded Mra. Mitchell, and tbe cnatody of two minor children waa awarded lu Mr. Whitney. For Results I'm Herald Class Ads End Stomach Trouble Quickly Famoua Hrlentlflo Powder Acta In 10 Minute or Lees Quick relief from stomarh dis order Is gusranteed by Buenger'a ME-BA Alkaline Powder. In tbia new scientific dlacovery, special Ingredients act directly upon tbe cause of stomach disorder, re establlabfng quickly and natur ally th delicate chemical bal ance of the atomacb. ME-BA baa an effect that la particularly aoothlng. Reaulta prove thla Infinitely more bene ficial than tha violent, barmlnl action of soda or potassium. At tb flrat algn of trouble Sour Taste, Sour Risings. Belch ing, Bad Breath, Burning Sensa tion around the heart, or Palna In tb pit of tha atomach try ME-BA. Don't neglect th' j symptoms. They are forewarn ing ot serious trouble that may develop later. ME-BA la aold under a satis faction or money back guarantee by th Star Drug Co., 60e and $1.00. Buy a Good Used Car now to take your vacation with Our Cars are Recondition edOur Cars are Priced Right Our GMAC Fi nance is Low. Look at Our Cars Ride in Our Cars Buy Our Cars And Save Money CAR No. 2160 130 Ford Town Sedan. This car has only been driven few miles, la hardly broken In. Looks and ma Ilka new. Has tha new 1930 license. At T2a CAR No.' 2018 1126 Ford Coupe, with ( good tires, good paint and runs like a million. For. Lgies Locke Motor Co. Chevrolet Sales and Service 112 Sooth Stb St. ' Phone 4 J30.00 $65.00 .550.00 hojne on Second 111 NO. 0TH REAL ESTATE OltUO TY t4kXA tcmncc. INC. KLAMATH FALLS Business and Professional DIRECTORY Th merchsnts and profeealonal people Hated on thla nags known ss Klamath Fall moat reliable business men "ad sra woman. Here you will find --- -- - - , - . u. m j uu promptly, Tooy are all skilled la tbelr respective linaa. Call on tbem today. Pleaaa mention that yon saw their ad In the Evening Herald. AAUk'e) Btffc'l b rlCK lioodyear Tires Hashing, Ureaalng, Htorage Open All night .It '1 and Rlauiath KMI'LOiMKNT AOkiNC'K RYAN'S KLAMATH Employment Office. Ill 80. Stb. Gen eral employment. Phon 167-w. ptioaae 21 it RECKAKD-KYAN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY "W Aim to Pleaaa" 620 Klamatb Avenn KLAMATH PRLNTINO CO. 121 N. Fourth SL Prompt Service TKAMSFEit HTORAOB PROMPT sod eourteoua aervice. ntaoaara ratee. Western Trsns far Co. til Mala. Phona 11. LANDSCAPE GARDENER a W a 8 Thomrjeoa Snplnkn.. System Rock Gardens Work Guaranteed. W. M. PlLiiRRTnu 728 North 2nd SL Phon 2138 Klamath Falls Lodge Directory LODGE FRATERNAL NOTICE & P. O. ELKS Meets srsrv sLsV Thursday Night Vta.ut.s- Members Welcome ELKS TEMPLE, ird and Mala s a - . Moots Hall 618 Klamatb Xve. Meeu every Thurs day, t:10 . E. BENNER Dictator KLAJiATH LODGE SO. Tl A. F. and A. M. Stated Communication 2nd and 1th Alondaya Visiting Brothers Welcome. LOOM IS BUILDING Klatnath Falls Business Cards DR. E. C. HOWELL, Jr. vgterinajuaa: X-Ray Diagnosis Lamp Treatment Phono 816 llti at Oak CUIBOPRACTOR DR. PAl'L C. LONU. Cblroprao ' tor and nerve specialist. 12? " 80. Tta SL Phona 1640. CIVIL ENGINEERS 1. C CLEGHORN Civil Engineer and Sarveyor 211 High Strwat a C. KELLEX Consulting Civil Engineer 111 So. 6th. Phona 1076 Excellent Car la Confinements Sickness or Surgical Con valescence . CENTRAL SAFE . Cor. lh and Pine Sta. KLAMATH VALLEY HOSPITAL TWO GREENLAND HOPS BUCHAREST, The S e e o n i Roumanian Arctic Expedition haa planned two hopa to Greenland Ibis summer for the purpose ot es tablishing a meteorological station on the east coast ot that land. One plane Is to leave Europe tor Green land and from there hop to tbe United States. Another plane la to leave tbe States and make tbe trip to Greenland and Europe. For Results Use Herald Class Ads CHICilESIERSJILLS LsaatW! Aak VMS- Drvararlgst ScaT V sU-aa-l.crB) iasaej BrJtarl fUJaila lal ana 1 MKmss. I skr) ts atawsir. amy v BK.lNtt PILL?, toe-4 Tr kr res.r ufe-s. el.M. Bsi tW I SOLO IT MUCGUTS BTUrVlUX SWIM "Hot Springs Natatorium Water changed every night. Paul Cranelle, Instructor 503 Spring St. Phone 1179 RED BALL STAGE LINE Starting April 10th. Two Stages Daily for Lakeview, Oregon Leave, K F. Leave K. F. 8:30 2:00 Office 6th & Main PHONE 999 V 25 PAGE FIFTEEN the firms 11.1.4 .ii..k..i-.i,- Ra-lloae SaeaertlBa Uarajeat ouaranteed MHS HOSE UEISICT R1MLL Baa Walael ave. PSaea e-W Window Cleaning, Windows Washed, H o s e a Cleaned, I'ainta Washed, LET CAL DO IT Klamath Falla House aat Window Cleaning Co, ' Phone IOVA KL VMATH FLTINO SERVICE Aerial Taxi Student Ins traction Aerial Photography ' PHONE 1U We Repair LOCKS AND KEYS Also we asaka dapUrate keys for yoo. THE GUN STORE Cor. 7th sod Klamath CLARK and LANORETH Qualified Architect Pelican Theatre) Bldg., ialaaaatb Fall Medford Bldg Medford DENTISTS DR. K. O. W1SKCARVER Phone SMS 7th sad Mala over Under woods Pharmacy WHITE , : Sewing Machines and SoppUee Rent. Sell and Repair W. H. KLATT Local RepreseaUtlv 107 Klamatb Are. Phon 768 CHARLES J. CIZEK Merchant Tailor Makes Oood Clothes low South aeventh St. Edward B. Ashurst Attorney and Coonaellor at Law Solicfur la Chancery 4 Loomis BaUdtng Klamath Falls, Oregon LEARN TO DANCM Mrs. fi. M. Hogse Tel. 1688 Mrs. Hogne'e School of ' DaarUg All Modera and Old Tim Steps Ballet. Acrobatic, Toe, Tap aad Characteristic Dancing. Mooee Hall Klamath rails ' PIONEER TRANSFER Pay Cash and Pay Less Office 1 700-Phone-Rca. lflM Boxing snd Crating and Garden Soil. Martin Eltina Geo. Eltlsg Props. K CAFE 801 Klamath Avenue Wa Serve for SOe An Appetizing Dinner From 6 to 8 Every Evening FLOOR WORK Finishing, Waxing ' and Polishing Sanding Naw Sanding Machine Price Reasonable Real Workmanship ' . .Phone 1840 O. H. FRALEY Auto Body and Fender Wrecks repaired like new. Plate Glasa installed while you wait. Authorized Harrison Radiator service and re pairing by experienced men. All work guaran teed by BOB RYAN AUTO TOP SHOP 1419 Mala St. Phono 60S1 Klamath Falls, Oregoa SPECIAL REDUCTIONS LIMITED TLMK O.N LI Plates That Fit Absolutely guaranteed sod litelike In appearance. Special reduction la Gold Crowa and Brldgework. Free Examination Opsa Wed. and Sal. Evssisass DR. THOMPSON "Tbe Best for Leas" Phona ItOS 710 Mala St. .'1 f