Thursday, July 10, 1930 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREE NEWSinBRIEF Character Close-Upt 7 0A i AffrAri rAvJ ' tfffSIW AfOS& S I.eato for Nurtli Mr. and air. Tuia Krhuiioi and uu "T. L" lull Thursday Illuming fur euuit varr.luu (rip In th nurihrrii part of the Him. Mri Hihuppvl and ion will vlait with her mother lu I'url IuikI. while Mr. Hrhuppi I at tenda .111 Oregon MuiuiiI l.ltu convention to o held at I'ara die Inn, Hauler National 1'ark. I'nni Hi-hupr la district manager of Ilia Oregon Ll( luauraiicv company for Klamath county and norflivrn California. Card Tarty I'oelponeit Tlia rard party which we heduled for thla sack and waa to ba bold by lha Ladle Auxiliary of th Kexl.e baa Inn poatponid on account of thp death of Mra. Anna I'earl Klkea, who waa treasurer of tb or f snlsstlon, Afleadliia; CuntrrrnrAm It. 1). "Hod" Kller la leaving en lha "Weatroast" tonight for Colorado Hprlnge and lienver. Colo., wlmre ba will attrnd th weatern rrilonal rouforenr of th Aetna f.lf Insurance company. rWuree llullillng I'rrnilt - M. I.. Brhulls la on of lha latest to livure building per mlt from A. L. Hire, building luapeetor. Th permit call for tha erertlon of a 7-room hnua In Hot Hprlnge addition to roat In tha neighborhood of fS.OoO. Motored to Uw Mra. Dale llawklna, of Cottage Oror and her ilater, Mra. Docla Norrle, of thla city, motnrod to Lakevlew today altera they will spend lha real of thn week tng t tha hon.a of Mr. and Mra. Inland Wlllllt. Herrltlng Medical Treatment C. N. f'hrlaiuphireiin. of tha flraal Northern railroad, la a patient at Hlllaida hoapltal. whara ha la reormog medical t realm it, laeee for la Angeles Mra, Irnia Wrtto la leaving Friday for I. -a Angelea, where aha will apend a month flatting with relative. VUlttng HUter Mra. Mary Gardiner, of Fall Creek, la apendlng tba waek visiting bar alater, Mra. George Kpaniiau of thla city. LIBERTY .NOW WU.I.IAM IIAINK8 "SPRING FEVER" with JOAN tilAHFOriD and oko. k. AKTiirn Card I'arly l'iel poned Tha card purly and Jitney tup par given by Ilia Eiglua Auilllary scheduled for Krhluy night, baa been poatponed Indefinitely, ow ing to tha pnaalng of tha uulovad trmiaursr ut lha Auilllary, I'earl Klkoa. Ari'ita I'oalllon K. X. Kandull hss rarantly lieen apiioluted apeclul aganl for tha Oiegun Mutual I.Ira Inaur atiia roiiiiny, and will aaalat Tom Hrlmiipel In taking rara of lha buaineaa In Klamath county and imr l hern California. Ilahy (,lrl Horn A liahy walghlng nln pound waa horn In Mr. and Mra. J. Wil liam Wah h thla morning. Hha baa baa been named Catharln Irene. Mr. and Mra. Welch ar raaldanla of Dairy. lulling I'atlii-r Norman White, Jr., It leaving for MiHlford, whara h will apend tha real at lha aummer with bla father, Norman C. White, of tb foruat service. t Vlrliriifr- AniilverMiry Mr. and Mra. W, Taut John ann celuliruli'il their wedding an lilveraury Widiieadity avenlug wtlh a delightful dinner party. Covere wara laid for 10 gueata. Iletunia in Vont-alla Mlaa Olive Wllaon baa return d to her honi In Youialla, af ter attending tha 'O celebration and vlaltlug with friend In Klamath. 1. K. Abbott llrl J. It. Abbott returned thla mor ning from lha Veteran hoapltal In Portland, to remain In Klam ath rail. . Holding Food Hale Job a Daugbtera wilt bold a cooked food aala on Saturday, July II, at Johnson's groceteria. Miss Puckett to Teach Swimming At Klamath Nat Mlaa Joaslo 1'urkett of Keno will tusirurl In awlmmlng at tb New Klamath Naiatorlum on Main nod Kaat Main, accord ing to tha announcement made tot: y by tba manager. Mlaa i'nrkett ba th highest rcom men'ailon from tba l'nlrlty of Oregon, wbera aha ha bad three yeara proteealoaal training In pbyalral aduratlon. Hha baa had a great deal of prlence at tba L'nlveralty aa well aa In aummer ramp for girl and will bold pclal claaara for small boy a and glrla. Life tiuard Hired C.len McWItbey of Klamath Kali", recently from ttpokane, whera h w awlmmlng Inatrur tor and Ufa guard In th Mla alon l'ool, I mother naw ar rival at th Klamath Nat and will giro awlmmlng Instructions. Claaae will ba conducted be tween S and 11 a. ru. beginning next week. There will b a ktddla claa from t to 10 year of aga a well aa an older chil dren a claaa, a ladlea claaa and a men'a dlvlalun. Anyone w tell ing to enroll may call Mr. Mo Wlthey at tba Klamath Natator lum or Mlaa ruckatt at lo lor a achadula of rtaue. Cleveland to Be Host to Indians Flan for a larg attendant to th American Indian congreaa, to b. held at Cleveland, In Septem ber, are being made. I.rgo dele gallons of various Indian tribe from Washington, Oregon and California are expected. It la possible that special train from thl district will be sent to h. nnventinn ami that many I Klamath Indiana will attend. It Is estimated that mora than 1. 000. 000 thunderstorms hit th world annually. MKT BIIOWINQ PINE TREE I.AHT 8IIOWINC1 VIVIKXNE 8KGAL and WALT Kit 1'IIMIKOX - "BRIDE OF THE REGIMENT" ALL IN TKCHMCOLOn Tomorrow Billie Dove in 'iA Notorious Affair" 17" NEGRO MOTHERS INCENSED OVER DISCRIMINATION NEW YOIIK, July 10. (API The New York World today lay that flfty-flv negro fold alar mothnra who ware to aall for Franco on Saturday have can called their reaervatlona and have sent a prntoat lo 1'realileiit lloor er alliiglng discrimination. The letter lo the president, signed by the tt wonii:n, pro tests tha segregation of the negro women, contending they should be sent to Franca on tha baals of geographical location with the white mothers. The 1 1 rat contingent of negro avomen aniline Saturday on lha American Merchant la said by tha World now to total only alsty- oue, although originally 4(0 of tha 100 uiolhere eligible had planned to go. The World also saya accuaa tlona .have been made that In ferior accommodations are being offered the negro women. The negro mot here are aalllng on boata that are entailer, alower and cheaper than those 4eed by the while mothera and uotea unnamed officiate of tba United Stains lluea as saying that where as the government paid lilt for a round trip pasnage for evory white mother It la paying only II 00 fur tba round trip passage fur the negro mothers. Prayer for Sick To Be Offered at Services Tonight Prayer for the healing of tha sick will be observed In Iter. Wat son Argue'a services tonight at the Dig wooden tabernacle, corner of Bovenlb and Oak street. Tb rangellat ha Invited lb sick of II kluda to b preseuU and many serious caaaa are expected. "The Or oat I'byslolan" will be the aarmon auhject. Following the address, the alck will be brought to tbe platform, whera they will receive tbe evangelist prayer for recovery. A preparatory healing service waa conducted last night at tbe tabernacle, when Instructions were given lo Lhose who will ba prayed for tonight, llrlght' dtseas. lung trouble. Internal trouble. cancer, chrunlo back trouble and appaudlcllls war among the af Illrtlona that war repreaenled. A number of convert mad their way forward lo atart the Christian life last night. A large audience listened with Intereat lo Ha. Argue'a aermon on "How I'eter Caught Fish." The evangel ist displayed much athletic vigor while preaching. For part of hla sermon he wss standing on a cbalr and on the pulpJt. When telling of I'eter walking on tb water, he came down from the platform and walked across on of th altar benches. Lat nlght'a audience eeemed amused when Kt. Argue an nounced that next Sunday hla sub ject would ba "Th Meanest Msn In Klamath Kails." Hawaiians Greet Student bteamer With kntnusiasm Word haa been received from .Mia Jean Kogera of tnla city of the arrival ot tbe student cruise Boat at tbe Honolulu dock July t at 4 a. m., where they were met Ly a welcoming committee of the Honolulu chamber ot commerce, the Koyal Hawatlana and won derful native band. A large orowd of Americans aa well aa native Honolulu people were at tbe dock lo greet the hun dreds ot students and teachera as they arrived at tb city. In the welcoming group were Mr. and Mra. Kluin, former residents ot this city. Mr. Klura went over from tbe University of Ore-son as coach for the University of Honolulu. A short vacation was (ranted lha students after their arrival, and the six weeks course la now In progress. Miss Jean Rogers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Kogers, and Mra. Myttle Helm are attending from Klamath Falls. Last showing PELICAN NOW BHOW1NU CORPORAL BOB INGLESTON In Peraon ' With . ; "AMERICA UNDER FIRE" Plus NORMA SHEARER in "THE DIVORCEE" Tomorrow JANET GAYNOR and CHARLES FARRET.L "SUNNY SIDE UP" Insurance Agency Established Here J. O. Oslhy. formerly of Los An geles, has taken over the district j management of the Pacific Slates I Life Insurance company, and baa I headquarters temporarily located I In tbe Hlsbee hotel. Within the near future he expects to maintain will transact the business for this district, which Includes Klamath, Lake, Dtiwchutes, Jefferson, Grant, Josephine and Jackson counties, and also a part of Northern Cal ifornia. The Pacific States Life Insur ance compnny, Mr. Ostby pointed out, hnd total Insurance In force on June 30 of $23,660,000, against 115,656.000 a year ngo, an Increase of 17,964.000. This was an extract from the annual re Flve million dollars in lnsur- Flve million dollars in Insur ance waa written during the tint six months ot this year, which Is 11.600.000 In excess cf the amount for the aamo period last year. The Institution now oper ates In 24 atutea, and maintains its head office In Hollywood. Local Man to Talk On Club Finances At Summer School Karl t'.' Reynolds, secretary ot lha Klamath chamber of com merce. Is lha ouiy man chosen from Oregon to lead one of tb flv group of round-taiil discus sions at lb tenth annual western school fur commercial aecrutarlea at Htunford L'nlveralty, July 14 lu 10. Mr. Ituynolds bag bean asked to discuss financing and budget con trol. Technical subjects on run ning a chamber ot commerce and subjects of community intnrest handled by chambers ot commerce will be discussed, Thar will b two secretaries to handle each group, with three tak ing part from Washington, six from California and one from Ore gon. Mr. Iteynolda baa never be fore attended one of tbs aa- alon. In speaking of tb coming chool, yesterday, Mr. Reynold stated that tbe Klamath chamber of commerce had tha largeat In come of any outside of Portland last year, showing an Increase ot 1 per crut In lea thn two year. Tb secretary, his wlfa and two children will leave Friday morn ing by motor for Pato Alto. They will b away about ten day. Southern Pacific Arranges Another Popular Excursion Another popular excursion from Klamath Falls to Sun Fran cisco and Los Angeles, with a time limit of 10 daya to Ban Francisco and 11 days Los An geles, will be held by tbe South ern Pacific on Friday. July IS. The tlcketa will be good on all tralna and Pullmans. If addition al Pullman fare la paid. A 110 fare to Ban Francisco, round trip, and 120 to Los An geles will b charged. Other Town Affected. Similar excurslona will be held from Marshfleld, Kugene. Ttoae burg. Crania Paas, Medford, Asb- and, Lakevlew, Alturas and Cblloquln, according to Cheater M, Ulgga. local Hon thorn Pacific agent, who mad th announce ment today. From Lakevlew tbe far to San Francisco will be 113, and to Los Angeles 123. The Alturaa rata will ba 111 to Han Fran cisco and 121 to Los Angela. ablle 110.60 to San Francisco and 120.10 to Lo Angale will be charged from Cblloquln. Hundreds of reaervatlona from thla territory are expected and It la anticipated that It will b on ot th most successful excursions ever held from Klamath Fall. Thumb Cuffed Man Eludes Patrolman TUB DALLES, July 10. (AP) Authorities today aearcbed tor an unidentified transient wear ing a pair ot thumb cuffs City Pstrolman Dunsmore clamped on him. Th transient la alleged to have attempted to aell alcohol to Indiana and was caught. He raped after tbe thumb enfta were placed on him. ACTOR PLEADS NOT Cl'ILTT. LOS ANGELES, July 10. (A. P.) Arraigned on ar charge ot battery brought by th dancer, Vivian Duncan, Rex Lease, film actor, today pleaded not guilty In tha Justice of th peace cot t at Mallbu Beach, film colony ummer resort, and his trial was sat for July Jl. "Invaluable" Say Society Women MELLO-OLO Face Powdar Is preferred by beautiful women yecaus It leave no trac ot (laklnesa, pastiness or Irritation, jlays on longer no shiny noses! Mad by a new French process prevents large pores. 8preads mora smoothly give a youthful bloom. Vary pure. Us MELLO OLO Face Powder. It's wonder ful. Underwood's Pharmacy. ad. NEIGHBORS ALL SEE BIG CHANG E "I feel Ilka I want to tell everybody In the world bow Bar gun ovwam my ailments. "1 used to wake up mornings with bllluua alck headuches, siy (r(fv 0td MIIH. WM. V. H tfiKMAV liver wa Inactive and 1 auffered with chronic constipation, i lost weight and aeemed to grow steadily worse. Sargon put an and to every ailment I bad, I'm steadily gaining weight and my Improvement Is so great that all my neighbor ar talking about It. "Sargon PHI gave me com plete relief from constipation In an eaay, natural way. They are entirely different from any other laxative I have ever taken." Mra. William F. llageman. (31 E. 48tb St., N. Portland, Ore. Maglll Drug Co., agents. Adv. Sunday School to .ita Picnic Saturday The Sunday school picnic of Im- manuel liaptlst church. Eleventh and High streets, Is to be held t Moore park on Saturday after noon. Maurtne Roger, captain ot the Blues, and her committee, are ar ranging the program. Those who wish conveyance to th park are to meet at the church at 1 o'clock, and to bring a pic nic lunch. Ice cream will be fur nished. NEW BRIDGE OPENED. WOLF POINT, Mont., July 10. (AP) A bridge acrosa the Mis souri river providing the only all-year crossing In the 200 miles between Fort Benton and Wllllston. N. D., was opened tor traffic today. MARKET QUOTATIONS PORTLAND, July 10. (AP) Wblle lop gradea of better were lena plentiful and steady In price, the under gradea were abundant and weaker In valuea. Tbe lat ter were marked down le at the produce exchange, with prima firsts t JOc and flrats at 28c. The egg market continued steady, especially lor the higher gradea. Tba price of mlllstuffs have been reduced, nilllrun being quot ed t 1.13 and middlings at 143. The fruit and vegetable mar kets were unchanged. CATTLE: Receipt ISO, calves J5. tjuotaniy ateady. HOGS: llecelpia 3S0, Includ ing 6 on contract. Steady, SHEEP: Receipt 1000, In cluding MS on contract. Steady. HI TTKK: L'nder gradea cent lower. Cubes, extras, 32c; stand ards, lie; prime firsts, 2c; firsts, 2ffc. Creamery prices: Prints, 3c over cube standards. Eggs, milk (buttorfati, pool try, country meats, onions, po tatoes, wool, nuta, bay, cascara bark and bops, steady and un changed. SUGAR (sacked basis): Steady. Cane, fruit or berry. If. to per cwt. Beet augar, 14.70 cwt. FLOCH (city delivery prices): Steady. Family patents, 4 'is, 10.20; whole wheat 4 Us, I-. 40: grabam, 4s, 15.20; bakers' bard wheat, tit, 16. lu; barvrs' Blue- stem patents, s, 11.10; pastry flour, 4s, 16. 40. biiEEP: Receipts 1.000. Ac tive, ti higher. Hangers. 111.40: yearlings, .e0; fat ewes, 13.00- J.iiO. Funeral for Mrs. Fikes Arranged Funeral services for tb late Mrs. Annls Pearl Fike will be held Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, at tbe Earl Wbltlock Fun eral Home, Pine avenue at Sixth. Rer. Eaton, pastor of the First Christian church, will officiate. Service will be absolutely private. Commitment aervlcea will be conducted by the officers of th Royal Neighbor at the graveside in I.lnkvllle cemetery at 2:45, and vault entombment will be made. All members of the Ladlea Auxil iary of the Eagles ar requested to attend tbe commitment service and friends are Invited. CTMOST CARE NEEDED One a herd la tree from In fections abortion utmost care Is needed to keep It so, finds the experiment station. One Oregon herd was entirely free when a heifer got away and was not found for more than a month. At the next regular test after ahe was returned this heifer and stall mates on either side were found to react to tbe abortion teat. Willey to Drop From Plane Over Midland Airport Bunny Willey, 21, who ha made 127T parachute Jumps In am year ana was iormeriy a Darachut lnatrnntne In the United State army, will Jump Irom a Diana ever lha MIllanH airport Sunday under the auspicea or ina Kinmatn jrtvina service. He will Jump at a blgb enough altitude to drop 1600 feet before opening the chute and continuing tha descent, Willey made his 127th Jump In Klamath th laat of Jun wnn employed by tbe Golden Htata alrwava aa stunt nu mat the Ford Trlmotor plane. At mat lime ne (el 1000 feet before opening the chute. Ha 1 known tha wnrM a "The World' Moat Daring uuman. Indicted Official Charges Laxity in Attorney's Office PORTLAND, July 10. (AP) a. a. uanay, indicted county clerk, who became Irked bv an alleged delay In the district at torney' offic In bringing Bailey to inai on a cnar of engaging In politic, said be ha figures to prove "extreme laxity" In tb attorney s omce. Bailey aaid bla record showed 415 Indictments returned be tween March t. lit and April 1, 130 have not been brought to trial. In each case. Bailey said, the defendant bav enter ed plea but hsv never been tried or convicted. Bailey aaid tbe reason he re vealed tbe reeorda waa for per sonal use. Stanley Myers, dis trict attorney, refused, to com- mont. Four Loggers Lose Lives in Rapids Manlwakf. Que.. July 10, (AP) Four of aix river drivers aent out to tbe middle of tbe Mallnes river to break a log Jam were drowned yesterday when their boat overturned. Two bnndred lumbermen watch ing them from the banks were ua able to help them. Two ot the six fought their way ashora through the rapids and the bobbing log. REAL SXOW ME.V DELHI, India, According to natives, the expedition now In th Hlmlaran mountains, attempting to acale Kanchenjunga's treacher ous peaks Is lo encounter a porll much worse tbsa high altitudes. The natives report the mountain rang la guarded cy a mysterous race, th Abominable Snow Men. These men ae described as being huge, white, ape-like figures, nak ed and covered with black hair. Fresno Man Buys South 6th Hotel 0. Vldurett. formerly ot Free, no, ha purched tbe leaaa anql furnlaulng of th Midway Hilal on south Sixth atreot frmu Jobs Melln who ha operated tha hotel for the last four years. Th transaction was mail through tha office of lha Favell-Utley Realty company, and Mr. Vlduretta took possession Tuesday. Mr. Flduratta la very much Im pressed with the future of Klam ath Falls and ha and hla wit ln tend to make thl their perman ent horn. They will run th ho tel on the same plan that Mr. Mel ln haa In the past and will main tain tha same standard ot (lxst class servlc. Most of th bugle calls used In the United Stales Army have been adopted from foreign couutrlea. Jrresh Schilling tern Tea in Tactramr Just Lie your coffee f . . It il just as vital for one a ft b for the other, to prevent th evaporation of the fragrant oil that pre them both their flaTor. Science his been longer discor ering how to do it for tea. So far it ' a Schilling secret. Try it, and find what you hare been missing all these year. Iced Schilling Iced Tea U far mora refreshing than any other b cauta it is froth to begin with. Black tea (orange pekoe) it hetu So are tea bam instead of loote tea. Schilling packs ootn tn ' World Champion PR ESIDENT EIGHT Now 122 horsepower 130 inch and 136 inch whlbisf$ $1850 to $2600 ot tha foctory Worfd famous . COMMANDER EIGr?f Now 101 horsepower 124 inch whehas) $1585 fo $1785 ot tha factory T A Freedom -from Disease You'll feel like a vacation this rummer if you feel free from bodily aches and pains. For to be well and strong, physically Is indeed In Itself ample reason to celebrate. It you autter from any physical or nerroua disorder, come to us and let us explain how chiropractic adjustments can belp your case, DR. O. U. MATHER Chiropractor Electric Treat men t T31 Main St. Stewart-Drew Bids;, rboneat Office, 401-W. Re., 404-R New Eastman Cameras in Color No ON DISPLAY HERE I OVFX, faahlonabl and lovely art tha new Eastman cameras In color. Drop In and look them over. All styles, box or folding. All th lateat color. All with (trlklnglydealgned case to match. They're appropriate a smart (If ta f or any occasion i Just what you'd Ilka for your own picture-making. Colored Brownie from f J up. Colored Kodak price start at 17 JO. KODAK PtTtTt t'-M M Cses Currin'a For Drugs Fortlnmi Klamath Fall free wteeshfi is heref jrV. "'v.rf CTUDEBAKER,Buildercd" Cham w prions, present! improved, en larged, more powerful editions of seasoned' Eight the world cham pion President, the world fatnoua Coromander plus free wheeling. Free wheeling is a triumph of that same Studebalcer progress! veness that pioneered the popular priced Eight seasoned it and proved it to the satisfaction of over 100,000 owners. Today the whole industry is follow ing the Eight trend that Studcbakcr inaugurated three years ago. A At Experience Prepare to drive the most unfettered, yet most obedient car in the world a car that literally floats along, in gear and fully controlled, yet free and silent as though there were no gears I You shift with silence and safety from high to second, back and forth, at: any speed forty, fifty miles an hour and never touch theclutchl The Instant you lift your foot from the throttle, no matter how swiftly you may be traveling, your engine drops to idling speed with no forc ing of the engine by car momentum with no sensation of "piling up". You know, of course, that Studc bakcr Eights hold many world rec ords for speed and endurance and more American stock car records than all other makes combined. But the Increased power of the great . Studcbakcr Eight engines which drive these new cars is a revelation. Save Money, Too V7ithrrewrHreJjng,youaavel250'on gasoline, 20 on oil and the heavier the traffic the greater the saving. Carbon is reduced. The terrific rever sional strains thrown oa rear axle, clutch and transmission of an ordi nary car are utterly unknown. , You are ready for any emergency of road or traffic on the instant. No sudden grabbing of the new Duo Servo brakes no swerving. Instead, a smooth and reassuring drop in speed swift as your need dictates. Your steering gear rights itself after a turn automatically the car swings to "straight ahead". Your car, floating at each spring-end on oil sealed ball bearings, rides friction-free. Enviable in Appearance All the new delights of free wheeling are yours as the crowning achieve ment of Studebaker's 78 years of manufacturing integrity. They are. yours in new bodies, utterly bewitch big in eye appeal. Visit the nearest Studebaker salesroom. Drive one of ' the New Series Studebaker President or Commander Eights. Get a first hand experience? with free wheeling. We promise you the thrill of your life I Sh.TR from riTejrito SeJCOrlcl a Forty-" Fifty miles per hour . end never touch the clutch Saves 11 on qas,207 on oil'' even more in heavy traffic Reduces carbon, lessens strain on encjine and transmission Yu dont have to touch the cfutoS except, to start or back up ourcar momentum never forces your enqine no sensation of "pilina, up" when you deceler ate -i-You literally qlide alonq Your carls surprisinqly quiet in every speed- uncannily silent when you're free wheeling You are safer because you have absolute control of your car- You can shift at any speed there is less hazard of skiddinql EMnnjinaiiim Auuto Co. Oak and Sixth Street Phono 52-W Jenes Studebaker Eights