T PA(JE EIGHT HE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON i8(!nj', July 8, 1930 Prodigal king by Minott Saunders o 1950 ffi&sma m Kdlturt Note: This li the lirih of tlx smrlos on the romanllc Ufa of Klnc Carol 11 of Kumsnla. Previous stories nsve toid of his youthful morgsnsllc marriage, hit royal marriage and his elope ment with red-haired mistress. . lly MINOT HAI'NDKKS NKA Ncrvlrt Writer PARIS, July . The lure of a pretty woman may have had much to do with tha present King Carol'a action In renouncing th Rumanian throne when h crown prints, but the unscrupu loua brand of political Intrigue and trlckurr Hi practiced In hl native country certainly had a part. ' The auddanneaa with which the errant prince waa catapulted to the throne when he returned to tncharesl from exile recently shows that anything may happen la Rumania, and frequently does. By the aanie token. It probably explains much in connection with kla departure nearly fire year before. Viewed from one angle, Carol may be a reckless and Irrespon sible royal vagsbond. more con rerned with feminine charmi than with the welfare of hla country. Viewed from another angle he may be a young man who waa to aappy In loveless royal mar riage that waa not of hia own choosing-and disgusted wUh the machination thai surrounded the Knmanlan throne, and therefore aought to get away from it all. a Certainly his father, old King Ferdinand, was king in name only during hia la.t years, when Carol was growing to manhood. The powerful Bratlann family, which bad imported the royal family from Germany a generation before when Rumania gained lta 'reedom fsom the Turks, really ruled the country. Ion Bratlanu. prim, minister, led the king .round by Us nose politically speaking. Queen Marie, Carol s mother, tried to buck this outfit when she eame from England as the young granddaughter of Quean Victor ia become Ferdinands wife. She failed, and. being wise, promptly joined them. . , Crown Prince Carol, howerer. was Imbued with more Independ ent Ideal. He looked forward to being bis own "er hen ,.,h time should come for him to take the throne, and made no secret of the fact that when bis day arrived the Bratlann Influence would per ish. He hated Bratlann and the lat ter'e brotber-in-law. Prince Babu Blirbey. a mysterious figure at the Rumanian court. "When Lam king I will clean out your whole crowd!" he Is once reported to bare told them. And so there was war within the royal palaoe. a One can hear almost anything In Knmanlan political circles, de pending on which side be listens to. And so, truthful or not, strange stories hare been told. It is even charged that Prince Carol's youthful marriage to Zixl Lambrino. a commoner, was the result of a deep-dyed political plot engineered by the Bratianns In an attempt to discredit him, and thns prevent htm from ever ascending the throne. It is also rumored that Mme. Lnpesca. his beautiful mistress, waa secretly In the pay ot the Bra tlonui, who had a similar motive In thla case. Whether these charges are trne r false. It Is nevertheless appar ent that young Prince Carol did not show overly muoh resistance when a pretty face beckoned. When Carol fled with Mme. Lu peaca a graft scandal was prompt ly discovered In connection with the purchase of military airplanes. He hsd approved the contracts in question, to be sure, but his friends ssy be countersigned them Innocently. "To the devil with this crooked business!" Carol Is said to have exclaimed when these accusations of dishonesty reached him. "I am sick of It all, and I am going to njoy life normally, as any man should." - -. It was the Bratlanu Influence, It Is claimed, that compelled King Ferdinand to demand Prince I fV. :.- ; J j LAZS V -7r': 7 hi. THE BOY WHO OXCK WAS KING Above. Rumsnla's boy klig. Michael, is shown between Queen MsTie and bis mother. Princess Helen, as he reviewed his army of 100.000 men at a grand military display. The smaller child is Prince Paul of Yugoslavia, his cousin. Below are Queen Marie, King Michael and Princess Helen as they appeared when he ascended the throne at 6 years. Carol's renunciation of the throne after it had been represented that Carol In Paris was plotting a rev olution in Rumania. Bratlanu qulted the king, then almost on his deathbed, as ssy ing. "Carol la the foul branch of the dynasty which must be cut off to save the tree." And when Fer dinand died and 5-year-old Mich ael became king, Bratlanu follow ed this up by appointing himself executor ot whst he called the last will of the dead king. Moreover, he became Queen Marie's Disraeli, guiding her as be bad guided Fer dinand. . e The brand of Rumanian politic that Carol bad assailed was notor ious. The liberals, with Ion Bra tlann at their head, ran the coun try. The profits of members and friends ot the government were not a subject of gossip or scandal. They were mentioned in a matter-of-fact manner as a sort ot accept ed and expected practice. Ion Bratlanu's brother, Vlntlla. waa minister of finance, and thns in control ot bank credit Credit was both scarce and expensive in Rumania, costing ordinary folk from JO to 40 per cent. Thus, when peasants defaulted on their lands as many did tbey were forced to sell them for whstever they would bring. The liberals bought . . . and profited hand somely. The brand of politics practiced In elections. It has been said, "would make a Chicago ward boss think he hsd died and gone to heaven." The local police perfect was a ciar with powers to pass on tax sheets, applications for shop keepers' licenses and the like. Sel dom, therefore, did anyone dare risk his displeasure on election day. THE DOCTORS SAT FOR ACHES & PAINS FOR RHEUMATISM OVER-EXERCISE EXPOSURE OR OLD ACE USE MIKE MARTIN'S LINIMENT BELIE? OTEK NIGH f Ml KIT A iri I ft NEW TONIC KEEPS HI H Tl FALLING OUT OR A New and Remarkable Preparation! ' Which Does Wonder for the ' Scalp and Dm Hair, IT IS EASY TO USE YOURSELF AT HOME. AND IT COSTS LITTLE "The condition of mv bsir was terrible it was full of dandruff and fallmr eut in handsful. On lop of that streaks of grsy made me look years too old for I'm a young woman yet," declared Miss KlisabetR bonne, lerura avc. Irviilu. H I. i Fortunately for ma I learned -ahnut Laa'a Hair Tonic and it has .proven a wonderful investment for me. it nss improvea my appear ance msde me look younger and nut anv hair and acaln in nice Con dition, free oi gray hairs and the thin spots are growing out thick r," continued Miss Sonne, who like Ihoussnds of other men and women have found Lea's to be Just the thing. Between the stimulat ing effect of the Ionic and the mas aging of it into the scalp, the blood comes to the aurface, nature terns to set bsck on the lob vigor ously and healthfully growing a full head of even colored, youthful looking beautiful hair. Certainly villi such wonderful treatment JRN1NG GRAY for the hair and scalp now avail able in most drug stores at smsll cost, it is foolish lo use agly old lime dyes, or psy a large sum for such tinting or dyeing. If reader desires to give Lea's Hair Tonic - n'if. I . I i a rial, uicj aiaj purcnaac hmb from druecist or the famous Lea Tonie Co. Breentwood, Md, on positive gusrantee that its use for six weeks will delight you or mon ey refunded without argument or question. (Sent by mail postage paid f I per bottle) or if preferred pay postman wh'iu U comes,. if dragfist assail it. When Ion Bratlann died. brother, Vlntlla, not half as shrewd, succeeded him as tb pow er behind the throne. Clsmor tor the return ot Carol began to be heard openly and soon It Increased. A taw years sgo Carol thought the time had arriv ed and be made an abortive at tempt to re-eater Rumania by air plane from the estate ot a Ruman ian friend In Knglaud, but tbe British government heard about II and chased htm out ot tha coun try. His hopes grew stronger In ths winter ot 1S8, when the oonserv stlree joined with the peasants' party to oust Vlutlla Bratlanu's liberals and John Manlu became prenilor. Nothing happened im mediately, but the liberal's bitter attacka on Carol were forbidden on the ground that he waa "the brother ot the regent and father of the king." Thau Carol or his friends be gan to play some keen politics themselves. The weaknesses ot the existing government under ths child king were exsggerated upon and Jald before the populace by clever propaganda. 11 la even hinted that tbe recent unfortu nate engagement ot Princess Ilea na to a uerman prince. Innocently engineered by Queen. Marte, was a clever piece of trickery Intended to trap Marie and prove that the Ru manian royal family needed a man at Its head. Such Is politics in Rumania, a a The Caroiists' strength contin ued to grow, and the time tor his return ripened sooner thsn oven he himself hsd expected. An nouncement that everything waa ready came to him In a telegram from hla brother. Prince Nicholas, while Queen Msrls wss en route to the passion play at Oberam mergau. Carol responded quickly, arriv ing In Rumania by airplane at midnight. Next day the national assembly met, solemnly decided that Carol had never renounced his rights, that little Michael hsd never been king, thst since Ferdinand's desth the rightful king of Rumsnla had been "Carol II," and therefore proclaimed bis kingship by a vote of 48 to 1. The one vote was thst ot Vlntlla Bratlanu ... the old hatred of the power behind the throne still lived. Rumanians, long accustomed to royal affairs of the heart. looked on Carol's romsnces leniently and forgave as he became their ruler. NEXT: Carol's mother, brother snd sisters ... more about this hi strsnge royal family. Have You the nirv-in BRONCHITIS? Tear out this adVt and send with your nam and address, at once. Let us tell you hew R. M. B. Prescription checks ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS quickly and easily. JL M.B. LABORATORIES. INC 1027 Alaska Bldg-, Seattle, Wash. My name Id." My address Is Dr. Castel Heads New Organization Of Chiropractors Tha chtropractlo doctors of Klamath Falls met recently til the library club rooms to perfect an organisation. Regular meet lugs will be held from now on. Dr. C. B. Caasel was elected president ot the newly formed Chlropractlo Association and Dr. O. 11. Mather waa chosen as secretary and treasurer. Anoth er meeting will he held tomorrow evening at ( o'clock In Dr. Jen kins' office In th Stewart Drew building. Dr. and Mrs. O. It. Mather and Dr. C. U. Tassel, attended the state convention of the as sociation held In Madford on July 3rd and report a successful conclave. Newport Oregon's ''Summer Capital" BALKM, Ore., July I, (AD Governor Norblad said today that he expect, while governor, to spend most ot hi week euda at th "Summer Capitol," which the people of Newport have equipped tor the use of tha executive. The governor was Introduced lo the home July 4. and found It decorat ed with flowers and with a radio Included among the conveniences, Mrs. Norblsd, son Waller and daughter Kleanor are there tor the summer. Mrs. Frank Jenkins of Kugene snd children are guests tor several days. MANY VISITOHH. MEDKORD, July T. (API A total ot I, SSI automobiles bear ing 8,11)7 persona visited Crater Ike National park over the three-day holiday. Rev. D. V. Haight Resigns Pastorate Rev, Drury V. llalglit, who has been pastor of the Flrat Presby terian church her for a number ot years, ha resigned from 111 pastoral duties of th local church and with Mrs. llalglit plans to leave within the near future for California to lake up xteuslv church work. Th resignation, It It la ac cepted by the congregation and prusliytery, will becunio effective the last of August. A aCAjH,!-. Tak Umr V FFrtVlViaTTKba biaaesa 1 !,"A"ii-.!,;inv.':T1.rT" lout sr uuuii niatwaui HEART-BURK physicians Kmluraa and rrssurlli . ME-BA Knp pufit, Bur tihil 10 nilnit r" tiff. jtu ami h.nlB llrcil tmn tui.a. Moll. Iiy Hiar lru t'o, u ft MUM '- BMrtml. SPECIAL $1-00 Fried CHICKEN DINNER Southern Style Also bar)cud moats. V peclallse on steak snd chops at Altamont Tavern I'lmne 1711. Tonight July - 8 - At Willard Hotel 8 p. m. lei m n owers Famous Author, Orator, Economist Will Speak Upon the Burning Subject RTjyi piyi o tore Every merchant and every citizen of Klamath Falls who is a True American should not miss this opportunity to hear a great man on a great subject This meeting is a part of the National Campaign to save the Inde pendent Merchant, sponsored by W. K. Henderson of K. W. K. II. of Shreveport, La., founder of the National Organization Merchants Minute Men of America. The Portland Oregonian on July 4, said this of Montaville Flowers: "Montaville Flowers has been a famous orator and writer for many years. He ranks with Billy Sunday and Senator Borah as a "big lea guer" on the American Platform." . Everybody Connie i I j City and State . , .. . . - . JjlgJ Freckles and His Friends Company By Blosser 'ScE' I HOPE -JTX) 6i.T MO-TWlS TIMS I i TMBOOSM OK WW V "J6-rT COOCV TUiS PLA VOUBfe cf-yjA OaLNESlHS, BICE- ISBAtt- tfUi': ano oowt com -rrA yk OefHM IM AMV BNEQ ) V fe"Tr''f&vL vvz 'ie ro twat C-k!: .i3 HUE caT lr4 j ffl&F ABlZONA '.! f - J W'J I IPO UEABO TUT SCAf0 VNUCri TUCy HAD UINt ALMOST "B PaiSoH-UfS A Bad cm AU. aicuT-- Tb LAY CNEB. WEBS 8FOO MbO PvILL OOT A6AIN ? OH.UWTH. FOlO'AV 1 . JGSS RlSWT A&XTT FAD8AS-A SUCK AWO C0MN1M6 J( "OH. OMTtt. FQlSAV 1 . 1 fSUGSS RlSWT J A8COT FAD8AS-A J SUCK AWO CUMNIM0 ( sav, hjuv oottr yoo UOU6S POQ OlMNCR. Soufi HI6WT ? t o LIUE 10 TALK TO V3U ABOUT SOfAC THlMd e AMY NI6UT NOO SKi ! ,S tr m tUats M OP KX), FBECVLCS--- NI6UT 86?' IIS UCLL.fSM3sl 1 r vlml -.J V I ill t .... i . . i ir-ti va. crw ) HAT6 HAOQS I a AL ) w-MUlue loTuese ) itrXK. TO ST OtAOV J A-JiAToaS Mom'n Pop Pay Day By Gowan PkY-DrVVl BOY. TH BIG VCLtOVM BH.CK GOING 10 GC1 P.VI AMrUU UCrttVI' 1'NIGttl. TWO 1P.LKIE. A.HJ BtP 10 EH tA.Wi 1H OPK 1 I ZCT gom.i i.Aosi Foweoi COHK?.V CAiVlt 1"AT TW SUCK MS1.VrEHT ON tv, Btntai xoo vo MK Bt UNO VCC H1LWtHT,tVI? ' h t 001 I If OIHt lCv I S I "'.' . . rv y I of i i I ,1'u, iias if I anrcu-vuCH I vc.LL.tr you tTiw. MkyntHkFF me ic 10 MMRV T)01 COIL, you QIFF IHt Pw 10 you tone iillnccd ni-rr eichT VUCKSI VtLl.VEN I 60T MAKKIID v ytrVVI? noin youw ) wft's ooi V7ugUt.flyllinf jg" n..Aa.a- 1