The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 08, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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    pXdE Votra
Slf Intent
O. O. Crawford-
PaMlabed vry afternoon except Sunday by Til Herald Publishing
Company at 11-111 South Fifth street. Klamath Falla. Oregon.
Batered a second claas matter
Oregon, on August 10. llut, under act ol congress, aiarcn a, 1;
By Mall Delivered by Carrier
lu Oulalda U City
County County
Throe montha 11.76 11.71
Bis montha. 1.71 1.(1
One Y-" 1.00 1.00
Repreeonled nationally by
San Francisco
New York Seattle Portland
Detroit Chicago Lot Angela
CoDlea o( Th Herald and
(ormatloD aboot the Klamath
the aaklng at any of these office.
Member of the
The Associated Preaa la exclusively
tlon at all new dlsoatchaa credited to It or not otherwise credited
la this paper, and alto the local
ot republication ol pedal dltpatchea herein are alio reserves
Tuesday, July
- Bathing Beach Nuisances
A GIRL stood on the edge of a Chicago bathing pool,
gay in a bright new bathing suit Beside her ap
peared a young man. 'Til get your suit wet for you,"
he said gaily and he shoved her, forthwith, into the
This was all right, except for two things. The pool
at that point was eight feet deep, and the girl did not
know how to swim. The practical joker dived in after
hsr. but his efforts to save
and he himself was rescued
All of which is Just an
smart alecks .who infest
in the summer months. It points to a very impressive
moral, to wit: a bathing beach is no place for practical
jokes, and the worst practical joke imaginable is push
ing someone into the water. Let's hope some of our
brainless bathing beach nuisances csn take the lesson
to heart.
America 's Rise In Aviation
EUROPEAN nations are
' ahead of America in tne use 01 commercial aviauon
lines. Now, however, the American Air Transport asso
ciation is quoted by World's Work magazine as asserting
that America leads Europe
which is both surprising and gratifying.
London's famous airport, Croydon Field, handled
1358 passengers in one month; and in the same month
the airport at Tulsa, Okla.,
Le Bourget took care of
was handling 3136. These are the figures supplied by
the magazine, and there seems no reason to doubt them.
The plain fact is that commercial aviation in this
country is making a steady, healthy growth. The ex
travagant prophecies of a couple of years ago may not
be fulfilled yet, but aviation is moving forward. People
are losing their fear of getting off the ground.
A Very Useful Citizen
N the death of Dr. Harvey
' has lost an extremely useful and able citizen.
Every inhabitant of the United States for the last
two decades has had purer, better food than he might
have had if Dr. Wiley had not lived. That, when you
stop to think about it, represents quite an achievement.
Few men can hope to serve their fellow-citizens any
In recent years Dr. Wiley was not as much in the
public eye as formerly proof, in itself, that a great part
of bis labors had been crowned with success. His sensa
tional fight for pure foods had been largely victorious.
That was what put him out of the limelight In itself,
it was a great testimonial to the high value of his
Free service is the pat on the back you get when you
pay 15 cents for a 10-cent article.
Enlarging the golf ball has helped some,
they will only enlarge the hole.
Cummer is a time when people try to keep out of the
sunshine they wished they were able to afford last
So the carrot contains the great vitamin A. It's just
another proof that true greatness has simple tastes.
PORTLAND Orcgoaian: We
might aa' well atop discussing
whether Unemployment 1 essen
tially as Individual problem, to
ha solved by personal thrift, or
a community responsibility, to
which the entire body should di
rect Its attention. It la both.
Birmingham News: The re
turn ot aprlng with Its flowers
and blossoming tree brings out
that peculiar type of deetructive
nssa In Individuals which leads
them to strip the countryside ol
everything beautiful In nature
that tbay can lay hands on.
It la an appropriate time to
refresh the mind concerning
property right. Flower and
tree are either public or private
property. No peraon baa a right
to destroy them. Growing dog
wood la far mora beautiful on a
tree than when placed In a llv
' lag-room vase. Whan flowering
trees ar stripped they become
permanently marred. Excessive
stripping will kill them.
What la very beautiful in nat
aral lurronadiaga often become
ng lirralD
at tba poetofflcs ol Klamath Falls,
Ona month 10 it
Three monthi 1.11
Su montha 1.10
One Year 1.10
Neva, together with, complete In-
Falla market, may b obtained tor
Associated Pre
aotlUod to the as or republics'
newt published therein. All right
8, 1930
her failed. She drowned,
only with difficulty.
object lesson for the assorted
the nation's bathing beaches
popularly supposed to be far
in air passenger travel
was handling 7373. fans
1850 while Chicago's airport
W. Wiley the United States
Now if
hideous in an unnatural atmos
phere. Aa a general rule, blos
soms atrlpped from tree are
faded and withered long before
the person who taken them Is
able to get them home. Even It
they survive the transfer they
seldom last long afterward.
The obviously sensible thing 1
to leave the wild flower on tree
or bush where they bloom and
where they will delight others. '
Qood Housekeeping Magazine:
The reasons for divorce In these
United States ar not nearly ao
Important aa the reason for
happy marriage, for, after all,
there Li only one divorce to every
seven marriages. This Is the
vlsw ot a group ot widely known
and happily married Americana
who Join In explaining the fac
tors behind their own auccessful
domestic lite in the turrent Issue
of Good Housekeeping magasln.
The essentials behind any suc
cessful marriage, aay these peo
ple who happily tell of their own
uccess, are these: Courtesy be
tween man and wife; unselfish
ness on both aides; mutual taste
and Interest aside from emo
tional love; enough real work
Tariff taw. Basin OoadW
tluna and Prohibition Seeus
fhk't laeuo la CXJngi ulutt-
ai uuiiiMUgm Dens octal
Hopeful, but Real I pee la
llaruty Kxpected.
Mi A fcwvice Writer
neta conditions, the tarlft and
proamnion will be the moat con
aplcuoua luuea In the fall elec
tion campaign when Kepubli
cane and Democrala battle for
control ot Congress.
Knout u primaries hare been
run oil and enough election
tight consequently a r In
their earliest elagea to per
mit a fairly clear bird s-eye Tie
of what will be happening In
October. That there vUl be
some recession In Republican
strength In both houses of Con
gress, aa la 1111 and lilt after
the Harding and Caolldga Vic
toria, aeeua reasonably certain.
There la also Just the possibility
that the receasioa will reach the
proportion ot an upseL
How Wet Are the Weta?
Prohibition will not be a party
Issue. It importance probably
mil not increase aa It affect
the general campaign. Anything
that happens with regard to pro
hibition In the next four mouth
la not likely to change any re
sult. But the question In sever-
al slate 1 whether wet sentl
ment haa been sufficiently
aroused and made ready for or
ganisation to affect decisively
contest where the issue already
1 drawn.
The oaty real parly Issue wUl
be buslneaa and the tariff, which
can almost be spoken ot aa one.
The effect ot the new tariff act
and the improvement or lack of
improvement for business In the
next four months are likely to
make a great deal ot difference.
Unless there Is an actual boom
and a real reduction ot unem
ployment. Republican candidates
for Senate and House will be on
the defensive right up to No
vember. After doing hualnei
tor years aa the party of pros
perity and tba protective unit,
the O. O. P. now tlnda Itself
with no prosperity to point to
and under the necessity ot show
ing that the protective tariff
theory as exemplified la the
Hawley-Smoot act Isn't a very
bad thing instead of a blessing.
Prosperity and tariff benefit
in nave to prove tnemaeivea.
For many montha administration
spokesman from the president
down have been asserting that
business conditions weren t real
ly bad and that the worst ot
unemployment was over. That
didn't work at all; things didn't
Improve the least bit. Lately
Mr. Hoover haa been trotting
out cabinet members and other
hirh Renubltcans like so many
trained aeala to assert that th
new tariff law with Its iiexiuie
provision could be depended up
on to help the country. But
the new tariff ratea will have to
stand or fall on their own merits
and It remains for the president
to demonstrate that he can tink
er with them successfully enough
to eliminate the term a a
Democratic Issue.
If the tariff-business- unem
ployment Issue proves Important
enongh to wipe out the Repub
lican majority in eiiuer
k., it seems aa it the House
would most likely be the ona af
fected. Only a third ot the
Senate 1 up for re-election and
all of the House. About two
thirds of the contested Senate
seU are extremely unlikely to
be captured by tne oppoeiuon
party. And ft happens tnat mosi
of the other dozen contests will
have other issues to overshadow
the tariff and the business de
pression. The more conservative Demo
crats only predict that the elec
tions will furnish the material
for a strong Democratic-Progressive
coalition In the House
and for a stronger coalition In
the Senate. They aren't really
confident of a Democratic ma
jority in either house.
The most clean cut wet-dry
fight yet assured for the faU is
that between Ruth McCormlck,
dry Republican, and J. Ham
Lewis, wet Democrat, for the
Senate In Illinois. A Lewis vic
tory there would appear to be
the best break the wet could
get this year, not even except
ing riwleht Morrow's recent
cleanup in New Jersey. Wet-dry
election contests In Massachu
setts and Montana are also con
sidered quite likely.
to keep the wife huy. and, fi
nally, children.
Oddly enough, perhaps, the
stage, where domestlo infelicity
la supposed to be at It worst, is
prominently represented In this
group. For Instance, there is
Mr. Eddie Cantor, wife ot the
famous comedian, mother of five
"Childless couple someume
separate over silly trifle," ob-
serves Mr. Cantor. "Mother
and fathers seldom do. it a
woman la Interested in wnat ine
average husband la doing, and
give him sympathy, he won't go
somewhere else for it. It she Is
extravagant and selfish she can't
expect to bold a home together."
"Emotional love Is not
enough," aay Mr. Walter Dam
rotch, wife ot the distinguished
musician. "You must una in
terests outside th home to
gether. And next to this I
should place courtesy after mar
riage. It Is Impossible to quar
rel when one party la courteous."
Judge John Ford, who has
studied hundreds of divorce
cases, adds a word of advlca to
"Simply because a woman
keeps the borne and rear th
children, don't consider that she
doesn't earn her part of th In
come," he aaya. "Don't dole It
out to her In bits. Just becaus
you happen to collect It. That
la degrading and unfair. Decency
about money matters Is one of
the strongest elements In a
happy marriage."
Councilman Mctlowaa ot th
fifth ward stated to tba council
that as Shlpplugtou waa without
question within th city limit.
a th ault against the city to
teat in boundary election bad
beea dismissed, he believed that
they war entitled to fir pro
tection, lie moved that th city
purchase a hose cart and tod
feet ot hose for us at Plilp
plngton. McOowan stated that
the cart would coat about fl(V
and th hose about fl a foot.
Th California Oregon Power
company, which held an option
oa th E. R. Ream properly
oa Conger Avenue for 116.000.
notified tba owner at the expira
tion of th option that the pro
perty waa accepted. The trans
fer will b formally made Just
as soon as are abstracts are ap
proved which are now being
paased upon by th attorney for
th company.
The Tegular quarterly meetlnr
of the Klamath chamber of com-'
A Famous Author
' 1 I- I" I I I 1 I : I ' 1 'P 1
7T' nr is i
13 1 TT "3
" -" ;i "
di aaa. JJ-
rr t--t (sir 53
?! X mmm 31" S3"
33 ST 35-
ss it 3i sr
23 35" ' ' IS"
w 1 11 h m z
HORIZONTAL SS Note la scale. '
1 Capita! e( SO Oars.
Montana. .
Secretary at "Door rug.
war. k n-m
a t) ' ' ' 1 4S To corrode.
mm . " v
' 47 Rest.
48 Vokaa
- eeealag.
1 Saalt St.
IS Soar plosa.
13 Aa Mtftl
t Vessel.
IS Beverage,
SO To keep
aloof from.
23 Railroad.
2S Sloe.
84 Still.
2S Mined.
27 Border.
80 Period.
St Obstruction.
lAlVIAI I ill !3BE2k
S3 Wise men.
84 Point.
84 Measure.
Nine Couples Wed
Over the Holidays
Nina marriage licenses were
taken out by couple wishing to
be married during th Fourth ot
July holidays th records of th
County Clark show.
Georgia Pool, 19, became the
bride of Richard T. Guild. 11,
mall carrier, at a wedding per
formed by Rev. Leonard B. Slgle,
pastor of th First Bapttet church
on July 1. Both Mis Pool and
Mr. Guild are residents ot Bonan-
Other couples taking out licen
ses were:
Berrltt Franklin Miller. II.
commercial man, Dunsmulr, Cal
ifornia, and Vlvlenne Stafford, 11,
musician, Los Angeles.
Jo Michael Snyder. 11. saw
setter, and Zemry Hamon, 11,
Mr iffsr vijir to bopa
etsr, gin rut riRjT
7IMf T rwr SCCN
The eye
Thar ar at least four mistakes la the above Picture. They
may pertain to grammar, history,
Be It you can find them. Then look at the scrambled word below
and unscramble It, by switching th latter around. Grade your
self 20 tor each ot th mistakes you find, and 20 tor th word It
you unscramble It, Turn to the
mistakes and tell you th word.
hundred you bat.
werce will be held tomorrow
night, when It la expected that
all members of th chamber will
be present to hear reports of
what haa been accomplished dur
ing the past threw months.
Although local automobile
drivera bav been striving for
honors. It haa been established
that th credit for niaklug th
"nearest to" Crater Lake trlii
neiouga to a laworuia party.
Today It waa proved beyond
a queetlon ot a doubt that
party from the Uolden Stat had
actually reached a point In an
automobile wllliln five mile of
th rim. J. Uordon, manager
of th Whit Pelican garag oall
mates that It will be at least two
week before It will be possible
to (mutate the example for com'
tuerlcal purposes.
County Surveyor B. B. Henry
will go to Merrill tomorrow . to
make survey of th atreeta of
th city for the purpose ot es
tablishing permanent grades for
their Improvement.
t Marie, ahlp
canal end at
- what iaket
STe loiter.
4 Deity.
5 Visionary.
a quantity.
O Always.
10 To Ions
13 Leading
, state.
IS To and.
f SI To scatters
SS To baza, -2.1
1M1 Ham.
87 Speed
28 To alloc
SO Long-drawa
crieeeh. -81
Te preclude.
83 Kinds.
83 Drain.
38 To become
40 Fiber knots.
43 Witticism.
44 Negnrfra.
48 Ban godb
both ot Klamath FaU.
Lloyd Backea. 24, bookkeeper,
and Macki Cochrell, 23, nurse,
both ot Klamath Fall.
Qeorg Lowell Gardlnlar, II,
pharmacist, and LeLalns Folger
Weak II, teaoher, both of Klam
ath Falls.
Ralph A. Eater, 14, builder,
and Bertha Mane Pells, It. ac
countant, both ot Klamath Falls.
Herman T. Smith, 11, laborer,
and Evelyn Wanda Stafford. 26,
both of Klamath Falls.
Seven Hagan, 44, lumber grad
er, and Cora Walters. 41, both ot
Klamath Falls.
Merrill E. Millar, 14, logger,
and Reva Taylor, It, both of
Klamath Falls.
Inventor of a aew double-leased
motion-picture camera claim to
produce natural perspective In pic
tures by using mirrors to blend
the Images produced on a film
twlca the usual width.
OH, IT '5 TH6
A0t., WSf6;
ue ji.wflv
have it
etiquette, drawing or whatnot.
back page and we'll explain th
Then you oa see how near a
News Letter
Excise) Tax
Its Purpose
ResulU Please
Cuts State Debt
8ALEM, Ore., July I. (UP)
Th new slate corporate excise
tax. put Into effect after the
county bank tax waa found un
constitutional, has achieved It
purpose, according to John Cark
In. meuibor of the slat tax com
mission. IN FINDING the old bank tax
unconstitutional, Judg Bean rul
ed In Portland Ibal th tag could
not be collected unless competing
capital was similarly affected.
Study Iteaulta
80 THE legislature set un tour
divisions financial, manufactur
ing, mercantile and miscellaneous.
the latter Including such branch
as mining aud agriculture.
U.NDKIt TUB direction ot Cark-
In. a stuff is making a survey aud
tabulation ot th result o( th
first collection of th new tax.
Preliminary figure show that
banks aud others In the financial
group paid the highest lax. Manu
facturing was second while the
antin til and miscellaneous
classes ware low In comparison.
llnaoclal Pays Moat
TUB FACT that the fluanclal
division paid the greater part of
tba amount collected marks the
tax a auocess, inasmuch aa It was
destined to replace the one found
tnat lasi collection unusr ine
old tat amounted to 4463.000
and Carkln said that a similar sum
wss being received (rum th lour
divisions combined.
THE ONLY difference between
the two methods Is that tba state
collects the corporate excla tax
while the counties collected th
old bank lax. The money re-luces
th state debt and corresponding
ly the amount asked by the tt
from aoh county.
Corporal Ingleston
At Pelican Theatre
Corporal Bob Ingleston. who
haa beea referred to aa a "Second
Captala Flagg 'because of hit
doughboy humor, arrlred IS Kla
math Falls Isst night from Baker
and today, tomorrow and Thurs
day will appear at th 1'elleaa
theater matinee and evening la
connection with the ahowlng ot
America Under Fire."
Corporal Ingleston, who was
rlth the United States Signal
Corps In France and waa one of
27 photographers on the front
line for It months and ona of
six photographers at Hie peace
conference following the war, ax-
platna the picture In a humorous
fashion aa It la shown.
He wss a photographer with the
42nd Division, transferred to th
4th Corps, again transferred to
the 1st Corps and again to th
1st Army.
Harry Pool, owner ol the Peli
can, ha Invited members of BsU
lery D to b guest of the theatre
China haa panned a factory law
restricting employment ot woman
and children and establishing an
eight-hour day for adults.
Timely Quotations From People
in the Public Eye
"This country would be vastly
benefited If about 00 per cent
of Hi organisations could dis
bandparticularly Ibos of wo
men." Mr. Waller Ferguson,
"Only disaster cau result whea
Iba fundamental principles of
bualnea ar disregarded and
what looka like the easiest way
la taken." -llonry Ford. j
Lee Dennis Gives
Klamath a Boost
Le Dennis, rbalrman of th
slat board ut railroad commis
sioners ot Montana, and fat liar
or Mrs. L. W. I'eat of this elty.
is another booster for Klamath
The following lutervlew with
Mr. Donnl appeared in the
Ureal Falls (Moulana) Tribune
on June It, after be bad return
ed from a visit lo this city:
A lorecast lhat Klamath Falls.
Ore., la deallued to become one
ot the leading cities ot the west
waa mad by Lee; Deunla, chair
man of the atata board ol rail
road commissioners. In congrat
ulating that city receutly on the
Interstate commerce rominlssUm
approval ot the plan of the
Great Northern and Western I'a
clflc to link existing linns to
permit a direct trunk to Sea
"Let me aay In behalf ol the
people of Montana that we heart
ily congratulate Klamath Falls,
Mr. Deunla aald In a telegram to
that place. "We know what the
Great Northern has done for this
section, and Klamath Falls with
out a doubt Is destined to be
come one of the largest cities of
lb west." '
Mr. Dennis paaaed through
Great Falls Friday en route to
northern Montaua.
BERLIN, A metal wall paper
has recently appeared on the mar
ket here. It Is made ot a thin sheet
of aluminum supported by psper.
The advantages ot such paper It
obvloua. Whea II becomes soiled
It ean be restored to Its original
Instar by merely washing lu
Peyton & Co.
"Wood to Uurn"
Local Agents
You can't go wrong wiih
OffiSSKJ "" mo,t 'conno
leal oil burner mad.
Call oa us for Wood, Coal, Fuel
Oils, Hog Fuel.
130 8. 7lh
Phone SSS
it's different
Puritan fells at about the same prica
ss other well known malt brands.
And in the Puritan can you'll find
a tenth more male than most compct
ins brands offer.'
Many people think ''malt Is malt.'
If you've lhat idea, it'i high time you
tried Puritan.
Two things make malt quality!
Materialsand manufacture.
The best materials are none too
good for Puritan buyers.
And the expensive but certain
"ContnlUd-Ttmpiralurw Proctn"
guards Puritan every second during
the making.
ik jour Jeattr or Puritan onct
thi result will bring you tad for
Tuesday, July 8, li;io
"I am not lo years eld. I am
10 year young. After this
shall only have a birthday every
live years." sir Thorns Mnton
"The asw autobloirapblae are
leaving very little for future
generations to do In lbs way of
exploring and mapping th polar
wastes and tropin Jungles of
human eiistonre." Don Mar
quis, author.
delicious ...lotii.
fylng. Tree Too
givet the Dorset
1 iced tea flavor.
.anV I
Vmm mm
7 '