The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 07, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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    Monday, July 7, 1930
Character Cloie-Upi
i7 SAIfllL NQSfr
a a r .
',Ki 'ft r
Portland ltsllranle
Portland vleltor Hi locl hotel,
ye.t.rd.y tnolu.l.d K. K. 'rU.
t is. llrbr, fc. O. Ul. Mr.
.,,4 Mr. W.H.r Ev.u. Frank
Turnbull. lUrold Hicks, Mr. and
Mr. VM" Fr.yh. Mr. ami
Mr B. It. All.n. K. . McCall.
M, tod Mr.. II. W. Urowu.
Erne.? .'"kin. Oorg. M.Uo
and wife. Mr. .nd Mr.. Rob."
? Hurl.. Thome. Fr.nk. ud
.aughter M.r... Otto
auo end Mr. and Mr. I
1 homp.on.
Hient Short Time llei
Ml.. M.r Conn. "I
Bulletin, .pent a "hurt tlni m Fall. 8und.r afternoon.
MM Co.- .d M -P.IM jU.
bolld.r. her parent. Judg.
.nd Mr.. U F. Cuun, l W'
".V d on br
lo Vend, wb.r. th. r..m.l "
work tod.r.
Ar.Vo",uof77rr...d J- KU--
J., wb.r. , .ta h
been .pending- "
, friend, motorlt.i
from ltrolt. Mr. MnrdoH.
mo.r U ! ,b
M. O. Mordolt horn
Ml" Virginia
Angel... U n, ",,r ,B ,hi
Ml. win "h,b,t l
Mo?, .lor. lor tb. next lo
wrrc. crk .n:
h. bolld.r KJifc F. n.
vl.ltlng .nd attending.
trom Lkvlw. m th. ur T-rdr
from the were J5- ruM"
ind C. E. Scbllllo. Irom L.
"on.. Wl.coo.ln .d i.or. IromrorU.ud. M.ln..
Vl.ll.n From
Mr. nd Mr.. WUItom H. K.t
,bnm. ol
J.r..r. In Kl.m.tb
K.ll. Bund.r.
A Romnntlf! Comty
All In Twhnlcolor
Annual Irinnrr Tiil(t!
Tb llualnn. and I'rofMi.lon.l
Woiu.n'i club will bold tbnir an
nual dlun.r and Iw.ilon uf of-
lli.r Ibl. .veiling at Ilia city
lllir.rr club room.. Mr.. I.wu
I'arknr, prmlilnnt uf I ha rluli, I.
in rii.r.a, ami invtlra mm.
Iii.ra and llitilr Irlnmla la aiinmi
I ha nivnilni. Tlila will nmcliiUo
Ilia bualiian. .iimIiiii. fur Ilia
yaar, Ilia balnma of Ilia maat
lii. will ! In I ha furm. of
oi'lal. and wlinmlna parlla..
Maujr lnlratlii( .rem. r. ba
Ing iliinrd.
Vlalinl lika Tha WikmI
Mr. and Mr.. Tbandura 8.
Duriuanl .pent (ha holiday, at
l.aka O' Tha Wood., r.lurnlm
hoiua laat aranlng. Many Klam
alh paupla rlalird lha laka yaa-ti-rdar,
auinug thrm Mr. lur a brulbvr. Jlnfi.r.l ll.r..,.
and Varnuna McCaulay. Ollmra
.nr. ana air., 8.
Juhn.on. Mr. and Mr.. K. A.
Dunham and rhlldmn and How
ard llalph and parly,
lUtalgrra at likiw
Mr. and Mr.. Klmar Milliliter
and cbllilran and Mr. and Mr..
K. II. U.lalgar o( I'ortland p-at
lha bullilara ai Diamond Laka.
ramming to Kl.malli laat ara-
ntng by war of Crater Laka.
Mr. and Mr.. K. II. Dataller are
now tlelllng In Klamath rail..
Mr. Delator la a roualn of Klm
ar Dataller of I hi. city. The
viallur. are accompanied br tbelr
daughter. Dale.
FimmI HnU Tuniiimiw
Tha ladlea aailllary of lha
Eailea will hold a cooked food
Mia tomorrow In tha real eatato
offlca of Cbllcota and Hullh.
I'roce.d. will go toward the
drill team twuaflt fund. Any
one hairing donation, to 1
a.ked to rail H-W and tha
food will bo called fur,
llrtumed o rMaaktoa
Mr. and Mr.. William Imm.l
returned Katurday evening to
their borne lu bluckton, Calif.,
after attending lha Fourth of
July celebration aveut. In Klam
ath r.lla. While bera they wera
lha bou.a gue.ta of Mr. and
Mr.. tcar Hhlvea. Mr.. Imm.l
and Mr.. Hhlvea aro .Uteri.
Vlaltml lika Vmlrrrtjir
Dr. and Mr.. 0. L Wright aud
their d.ughler, Henrietta, and
Mlaa Helen Maaon, Harriet Hunt
er, "Pel" Llvlngeton and Deity
Zimmerman and Den Wlleoo. and
Laalle I'eyton .pent Sunday at
Diamond Laka at tha Wrlgbl
summer borne.
Huartay HVhool I'knlo
The Sunday acbool of tba lm
manual Dapll.1 church 1. making
plana for a picnic to be held
Saturday, July II, at Moore
park. Lunch will ba .erred at
noon. A program on game.,
etc., 1. being planned by Kev.
Dernard Ma.on of Loa Angelea.
who will ba bera at that lime.
VUKinc a K la math
Mr. and Mr. 'Karl Wloetront
arrived In Klamath r.lla today
from Ur.nt. l'a, and are guaei.
at tha boma of Mr. and Mr.
Klmer Dal.lger. Mr. Wlnetrout
la affiliated with tba Ford com
pany In Grant. Pa... (tub lo M
Tha Wedneaday brldga club
will meet at tha T. R. Uktlllng
ton boma. 151 North Tamh
atreet. tomorrow afternoon ai
t o'clock. Mra. Carl Templar
will ba hoato... All member,
ara anked lo attend.
Standard Ilran-ra to Met
Tha Standard Uearera of lha
Methodlat church will meat In
tba church aoclal room, thta
evening at 7 o'clock. All mem
ber, and their friend, ara Invited
to attend the meeting.
Lakevkw VUlt
Dert Snyder, mayor of Lake
view, and Mr. aud Mr. William
Gnnther and Mr. and Mra. Joe
Fuller were rl.ltora In Klamath
Falla over tha four day ' cele
bration from Lakavlaw.
Mr. Roger, llrra Today
Mr. A. Roger., Fort Klamath
matron, .pent tocluy In Klamath
Falla vl.ltlng frlond. and .bop
ping. .
Left For Fast
Claude .McColloch left Sun
day morning tor tha aa.l where
he will apeud aureral week,
tranaacllng bu.lneaa.
Motored to IHnniond Ikw
Mr. and Mr.. Oscar Shlvea and
Mr. and Mr.. C. L. Roberta spent
Sunday fl.hlrig at Diamond Lake.
Drops Four Miles to Set Record
: ? -"' .. 1 . jS
Earl B. Miller, center, who et a wol Id . commoiclal altitude
record for parachute Jumping, when he etepped from a plane 20,400
feet above an Akron, Ohio, airport, la shown being congratulated
i,v Atrnort M.narer R. H. Fulton. At the right In l'llol F.rlo Bock-
ley, who flow the Diane. The prevlou. record wa. 17,40 fuel
Vlallurs Doing Kntorulnml .
Dor. and Mr. A. R. Idea, who
ara i.iiiu m Hiatnatn at tha Ar
ihur home, ara balm an.
Ivrtalued cuulliiually by thalr
Irlauil bera. Itav. Rica waa for
mer paalor of the I'rualiyierlan
cburcb bare, and tha congregation
I. plautilng a plcnla Friday lu hla
and hi. wile's honor. Frld.r
they wera lakeu lo Diamond lake
by nr. and Mr. Alfred Collier, re
turning a.t evening. Today they
left with with Mra, Andy Collier
for a vlall to Laka o' lha Woode.
Mr. Collier will motor up lo tha
laka tomorrow, and will rot urn
with tlmiii to Klamath rails on
Injured Alan Uncovering
Wlll.rd Cotfineu, who .uttered
a fractured skull Friday In no
acclduiil at oua of tha local nata
torluuia, I. Improving, according
to word received thl. morning
from lha lllll.lde. hospital, where
b I. a patient. Nurse. In attend,
anca thl. morning dated that ha
eeemad lo ba a little bettor. Con
trary lo the previous report, Mr,
Tollman did not diva Into ahallow
watar, but fell from tha balcony
atalrs, whare ha was a spectator,
and lilt tha cement at tb edge of
tha pool.
Motoring to CraUr lke '
Mrs. Mary Wltbrow of thl city
.nd Mrs. Just of Sacramento ara
motoring to Crater Laka today,
and will return boma lata this eve
ning by way of Ashland, Mcdford
and tha Green Springs highway
Vlalllng Friends Here
Mrs. Jennie Joat of Sacramento
has been spending lha holidays in
Klamath Falla visiting her girl
hood friend, Mr. Mary K. Wltb
row, llolb ladle ara luest at
tha boma of Mrs. Wlthrow's
dauihler, Mra. John C, Cleghorn.
at III High street.
llrra From Yakima
John Frost, who reside In the
Yakima district In Washington,
la .pending several days In Klam
ath falla, looking over tba city,
with tha possibility of locating
bera. While In Klamath, ha I.
tha guest of Mr. and Mr.. M. 1'.
ricaic I. rianned
Tba Cblloquln Altar aoclety I
making plana for a picnic lo ba
hM at the Anderson ranch, near
Cblloquln, next Sunday. Member.
of lha Klamath Alur aoclety
and their friend, ara cordially In
vited lo attend. Details will be
aunounced later.
Left on Vara lion
Mr. and Mr.. W. W. Rlgg. left
tbl. morning for Montana, wber.
they will spend their vacation vis
iting friends and relatives. Mrs.
Klgg. la employed at Mo', .tore,
and Mr. Klgga U with lha Claud
Davla Furnllur company.
Andrr Left oa Vacation-
Mr. and Mr. C. IS. Andera left
today for a two weak vacation.
Tby expect to spend pert of tba
lima la Medford, and then will
Journey on to Idaho. Mr.. Andar.
I employed In tba bolery depart
ment at Mo . ior.
Hhli k. Return Homo
Mr. and Mra. L. M. Shirk left
Sunday for Walla Walla. Waah..
after visiting In Klamath Falls
during tha celebration with Mrs.
Sblck's sisters. Mrs. J. 8. Kldwell
and Mrs. R. U. Hancock.
m. Rita to Meet
Members of th St. Rita Rridge
club will meet Tuesday afternoon
at 1 o'clock, at the borne of Mrs.
H. R. Crane. 14S Kaplanade. All
members and their friend, are
cordially Invited.
Drive Hack New Car
Mr. and Mr. J. II. Carnahan re
turned Sunday from Portland,
where they have .pent the past
week. They drove back a new
Rro Flying Cloud.
Leave for Lake
Mr. Harry Oofller and four
children left Monday afternoon
for Lak o' the Woods, where
they will apent thl. week at their
summer cottago.
J. K. Ilellrnlua Rcturi
J. K. Hellenlua, employment
manager for the local Weyerhaeu
ser company, returned last even
ing from Portland, where be was
on a abort business trip.
Bualnes Visitor
George Wood (row of Chehalls,
Wash., is a business visitor In
Klamath Fall today. He plana
to remain here about a week, and
may possibly locate In this otty.
Illi h Hark From Trip
Mr. and Mra. E. Hick of
Klamath Fall returned Sunday
from Seattle where they .pent
a fortnight vl.ltlng tbelr friends
and relative.
Charming Mlai Sophia Brucboa
of lha gloasy black balr and dark
brown eyes wa. awarded tba
diamond ring emblematic of tb
titles "Delia of '41" on lha final
night of Klamath Falls greatest
celebration. Jack tilover, popu
lar commute chairman, award
ed tb prize.
Dressed In a demure 49 frock
of a deep orchid shading to tba
violet tone and trimmed In
black lac and ruffles. Mis Bru
cboa entered true .tag amid a
salvo of applause that left no
doubt aa to ber popularity with
tna crowd. Tba costum per
fectly enhanced Mis Brucboa'.
natural coloring.
Our 1110 "Delia of '49" wa
bora la California but baa spent
ber later year In thla city, at
tending local schools, sba baa
made a boat of friend here
among tba buslnes. and profes
sional men aa well aa among her
Girls Left for fort land
Misses Wyoming Foster. Delete
Foster and Luella Dalhelm left
this morning by motor for Port
land, where they plan to spend
the next two week visiting.
Accept Position
Mrs. Jean Rawlins ha. ac
cepted a position with Moo's
Woman'a Store. She occupies
the position left vacant by Mra.
Georg Haugen.
Washington Visitor
Broch Payne Sillbj. Dao Stan-
toe end Mary Jane btaoto were
registered at the Wlllard hotel
yesterday from Toppenlah, Waah.
Patient at Klamath Valley
J. H. Ren.chen, an employe of
the J. F. Lageaon company, wbo
wa. painfully Injured Saturday,
1 a patient at Klamath Valley
hospital, where he will be con
fined for eeveral day.
Return. Home
Mr. II. F. Haw, and little
wa David Frank. hav returned
to their home at the Johnson
apartment from Klamath Val
ley hospital.
Ebony Serenaders
Engaged to Play
At Local Dances
TV J. Ooodlette'a Ebony Ser
enaders. America' crack colored
orcbostra. has been engaged to
perform at the Altamont dancing
auditorium on Wednesday and
Saturday of thl. week, according
to an announcement by Dewey
Powell, local manager. This tal
ented band of colored entertain
er wa booked from McKlroy'a
Spanish Ballroom In Portland,
where Mr. Powell heard them
play and perform. Without a
doubt there 1. more mualo and
ontertainment In a colored or
chestra thao any other kind and
only th larger town of Oregon
are being booked.
There are eleven people com
prising the group and their atyle
of presenting dunce mualo and
song la o different that people
go miles to see and hear them.
Dancing will start promptly at
9:00 o'clock at the Altamont on
Wedneaday and Saturday of this
week with the Ebony Serenaders
doing their finest la the presen
tation of v danco program.
Borelli. In 1670, showed that
the physiology of man was such
that his bresl muscles were not
strong enough for bim to stay
aloft in fllsht by flapping wings on
his arms.
The number of women In New
Tork prison ha more than dou
bled since 1920, when It stood at
Warfield 8C House
Well known Auto Mechanic, of Klamath Fall
Will Open a General Repair Shop
All work will be guaranteed. See us first.
. Warfield SC House
of Contest
own eet. Last night', honor warn
tha climax of n.ny day of bard
work by Miss Orucbou. Loyally
supported by ber many friend
and aided by aaveral bu.lneaa
bouse, and fraternal organisa
tion., she had local plurality over
ber nearest rival, Clair Kill.
Tba award waa a beautiful
ring of three large diamond, and
eight am.U diamond aet la clus
ters In a dainty Uhgree of wall
gold and platinum.
Too much credit cannot be
klven t Jack Glover and his
committee for tha way In which
they handled tba contest. Fair
play to every contestant waa In
Miss Brncboo waa sponsored
by Montgomery Ward Co lo
cal chain tor, with whom aba
la employed.
u.MrfcCUlr Em m nearest
Mis Bruebon In
contort and Mis Wlnni Darren
vi jvcuo waa tnird.
"Did Vone hlllhan f..ll.
directions?" Did he take the medu
tor mm religiously!"
"I'm afraid be didn't, doctor.
In fact, he awore every time I
gava him a do. Tlt-Iilt.
William B. Ayre. late of II
Mania atreet. passed away lo San
Francisco Friday morning at I
o'clock, following an Ulnea. of sev.
eral da) a. He waa born la Pine
Mountain, Virginia. August 7,
188. and aged 31 yeara 10
month and 28 days at the time of
death. He la aurvived by one
daughter. Lassie Ellen Ayre of
this city, hi mother, Mrs. Lena E.
Ayree of El Paso, Tex., one broth
er, James K. Ayres of Ontario,
Calif., and fire sisters. Mr. J. A.
Callaghan of Bristol. Vs., Airs. S.
O. Sproloa, Esther Ayree and Mrs.
Nellie Able, all of Carrixoio. N. M.,
and Laasia Ayre of El Paso, Tex.
Mr. Ayre wa employed on tb
Shasta division of th S. P. and a
member of tbe Order of Railway
Funeral service were held
Monday afternoon at the Earl
Whltlock Funeral Home. Pine av
enue at Sixth, with Rev. A. O.
Broyles, pastor of the Emanuel
Baptist church officiating. Two
vocal numbers were rendered by
Mr. R. E. Patterson, accompanied
by Mr. M. Helena Jnyattx. Inter
ment waa made In LinkvlU ceme
Allen Long, resident of this ctty
for the past two weeks, passed
away Saturday night, following a
brief Illness.
Funeral service, were held Sun
day afternoon at the Earl Whlt
lock Funeral Home. Interment
was made In Linkville cemetery.
Funeral arrangement, for the
late Frank Bennett will be an
nounced in a aubsequent issue.
Tbe remain are in tbe rose
room of the Earl Whitlock Fun
eral Home, Pine avenue at Blxtb,
where friends may call.
Makes You Look
Years Younger
The akin of youth ilea In every
box of new wonderful MELLO
GLO Face Powder. Tbe purest
powder mado it. color ia pasaed
by the V. S. Government. No
pastiness, flaklneaa or Irritation.
A new French process makes it
spread mora smoothly and pre
vent large pore. No mora
shiny noses it stay, on longer.
Use MELLO-GLO. Underwood
Pharmacy. '
Medford Entries Take
Mot of Trophies
Entered Here
Tha Southern Oregon Tennl.
Tournament, held her July 4,
S, 6, proved a bug aucces. Tb
meet w. replete with bitterly
contested m.tehe resulting In
aeveral surprising upsets. Rob
ertson, first ranking player of
Klamath Fall., lost to Doug Bsl
lentlns, second ranking player,
In tha aerol-flnala. Kenneth Bal- I
Icntlne, Bend'a ace. waa ellmln- j
ted In tb aeml-flnal by Jlmml j
Kdmlston of Medford. Doris i
Jones, flr.t ranking womaa play
er, of Klamath Fall., waa allm-'
Inated by Hnlen Kdmlston of ;
Medford before aha reached tb i
aeml-flnal.. j
Mia Coia Ctiauiplon, j
Vivian Cos., Medlord'a star '
woman player and University ol :
Oregon champ, becam cbamploo !
of southern Oregon after ellm-1
mating Helen Kdmlston with a
score of -l, f-0.
Jlmml Kdmlaton won tha
championship cup by defeating i
Doug Dallentln tba best three
out of flv sets. 7-4. 7-i, (-4.
Bailey and Edmlston of Med- 1
ford becam tba men'a double !
champion by eliminating Robert
aon and Richmond of Klamatb
Falls with a score of 4-2, 4-J. j
In tha mixed double Bend's '
Glacier and MUa Gertaon lost In
tb flnala to Bailey and Mlsa 1
Helen Kdmlstoa with a acora ol !
4-1, 4-4. I
Beautiful Trophic Glven.
Two beautiful trophlea wera !
presented to Mlsa Vivian Co. I
and to Jlmml Edmiaion aa tha
victor, la the ladle.' and men
ingle respectively. Tb trophy '
for each represent, tha figure 1
of a tennis player with racket
raised which surmount a large
silver base, the whole standing
aom It Inches high.
Grateful acknowledgement I
hereby mad to the Elks, dab 1
and to Connolly Bros, for the'
Special! AtittraettHQim.'
fT". " '7T.': ' - ' " ' ''.'""J"1 11 l1 .-f '!''.' H'.'.iainwie-, ,e'-'a,
I ; -V- i ;
h52i3ej -a
aaaa9saBanBeBaaasaBaaaaaaHsaB.M ' BBHSsaBS9BaBaBSiss5a5BssssaBaHBBBBa.Bj .
Waa Son, Father Husband
They may be in this
ttylkt i Chester Morris, Conrad Nagel, 07
TALKTH0 Robert Montgomery Vr
Starts Tuesday ,
gift of tb two sup. .nd to A.
A. Austin, manager of tb Wll
lard hotel, for hi donation of
two flna boxes of randy as prliea
'a the mixed double.
Tb or of aluminum la cheap
enough, for It la only clay. Bat
the amount of currant needed to
mate one ton of the metal la an
electric furnace I 30.009 units, or
40 time a. much a. la required
for making a ton of steel.
a showing of a complete line of
Fur Coats & Scarfs
JULY 9th and 10th
Fur of Every Description
and at Every Price
A Small Deposit Will Hold
'Any Coat.
La Pointe's
Bob Eims&esttoim
"America Under Fire''
Official U. S. Signal Corps War Pictures
Over There?.
See our boys
fall wounded
"I love being with Tony. Re
entertains me by talking about
thing ulnar men aever mentlo.'
"Oh. has be proposed to yontt
A Unlvwnlly of Missouri acles
tlst ha developed a nutritive fluid
to be deposited In river bed to
prolong the live, of yonng clams,
the (hell of which ar used for
button when they ar grown.
go Otct the Top! See them
or dead, bat aever tarn bark.
DARING tut truthful! Sel
dom a picture so sensational
in its disclosures of ex-bus
bands and ex-wives!
See this new love drama
of the screen's exquisite