The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, July 03, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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Thursday, July 3, 1930
OH? Eliciting Hrralil
O. 0. Crawford-
Publlehed very afternoon except Sunday by The Herald Publishing
Company t 101-111 South Kirth atreel. Klamath Falla, Oregon.
Kntered aa oecood elaaa matter at tha postofflc of Klamath Falla,
Orelon, on August 10, lu4. under act ot Congress. March . U7,
11; Mall Delivered by Carrier
In Oulalda U Uly
County County Ona month.. 10 il
Thraa months ll li Thraa montha , ,.
III n"- 1" S. at Six months , !.(
On v - a.00 4.UU Ona Year t.iO
Represented nationally by ,
San Francisco
K. York Seattle Portland
Detroit Chicago Loa Aagelea
Cnntaa of Tha Barald and News, together with com Plata In
formation about tha Klamath Falla market, may ba obtalnad for
tha asking at any of thaaa olllces.
atambar of tha Associated Press
Th AaaoaUiad Press la excluolvelr entitled to tba ta or repubtlea
tinn of all urn dtsDatchee credited to it or not otherwUa credited
In thla papar, and alao tha local news published therein. All rlghta
t republication Ot apaciai aispaicnea oaraia are aiso reserveu.
Thursday, July 3, 1930
A Timely Reminder
THE summer season is here. Grass and leaves are be
A ginninjr to turn and the ever present danger of firs
is more apparent The Forest Service is doing every
thing within its power to prevent fires, or at least to
keen them as low as possible. One of the latest re
minders to the public is captioned "Good Manners in
the Forests" and contains the following advice :
You may be reasonably "wild and wooly" when you
go camping in the national forests of Oregon and Wash
ins-ton. but don't leave your good manners at home
Take them with you. You need them more on your
mention than when you are at home. The rules for
good manners as given by the U. S. Forest Service are
easy to learn and are followed by all good sportsmen,
good campers and good tourists. They are:
First obtain a camp fire permit.
Carry a shovel and ax.
Smoke only in camp.
Drown your fire dead out with water.
Leave clean and sanitary camp.
Observe the state fish and game laws.
Co-operate with the forest rangers and state fire
wardens in reporting and suppressing forest lire.
Practice these rules and preach them, too.
Attention is also called to the fact that forest fires
directly affect the tourist travel in Oregon and Wash
ington. The prevalence of large fires in the Pacific
Northwest with their accompanying smoke clouds hiding
the scenery and tainting the atmosphere unquestionably
keeps many people away and causes others already in
the region to leave hurriedly. If there were no other
reason why caution should be exercised in the forests,
this one thing alone is of enough vital interest to the
Northwest to cause people to observe the regulations of
the Forest Service uncomplainingly.
Miniature golf seems appropriate enough when you
think of the near-beer at the 19th hole.
You can't tell, by the way a man cusses the Income
tax whether he's boasting or trying to ease his con
science. '
Tests proved that animals commonly delighted by
music hated jaiz. The animals, however, were sober.
A "decisive" battle in China means that outsiders
can again tell which crowd is the government and which
a bunch of rebels. '
A naughty churchman makes news because he's like
a pair of white shoes. A very small spot looks big by
Indianapolis News: Because of
accidents, it has been found by a
survey conducted by Insurance
investigators, adult In the United
States lose annually 1.600.000
years from their rrsular pursuits.
The total is calculated from the
average Ufa expectancy of those
killed, to which la added the time
required for recovery of those
not hurt fatally. The Taat Im
portance of safety campaigns,
while widely realized. Is thus
made mora Impressive. Tbera Is
no aocurate method of judging
the extent of the damage In the
way ot social disruption, but
clearly it la tremendous. Only
approximate figures are available
concerning a part ot the economic
Mortalities and dlsablemtnta aa
a consequence ot motor vehicle
accidents are estimated to cause
at least $3,000,000,000 a year In
joss ot Income, either paid out or
not received. Occupational mis
haps, that Is those happening in
connection with work, account
tor tl.000.OUQ.000. Other classi
fications, including accidents at
home and to pedestrians. Increase
the total greatly. In addition the
expense ot hospitalization and
doctors' bills must be considered.
They add enormously to the ag
gregate. The lesson to be drawn
la unmistakable. Care In avoid
ing mishaps not only helps to
prevent tragedy and sorrow, but
pays dividends In dollars and
This economic aspect alone is
of Immense Import in national
affairs, although, of course, sec
ondary to the human element
From whatever atandpolnt the
situation, is analysed, the need
for ataady and growing activity
In aatety measures la all com
mnnitlea stands forth.
American Review of Reviews:
Three-quarters of a million men
and women are compelled to find
new employment each year be
cause ot Increased use of mechan
ical power. Somewhere around
300,000 persons are being re
placed on the farms, the other
400,000 In industries.
But at tha aame time many
new waya of making a living have
cropped up. The ec-called "aerv
Ice" occupations are absorbing
the workers displaced by ma
chinery, so that the total ot wage
earners la actually increasing.
Nurses have increased 2.400 per
cent since 1870 There were
three times aa many wage earn
ers producing cosmetics, per
fumes and toilet preparations in
1826 as in 114. Barbers, mani
curists and hair dreaaera have in
creased eight tlmea aa rapidly as
the population.
The thousands of gas tilling
stations and automobile repair
shops call for men, while tha gaa
and electric meter readers, line
men, gas-fitters, plumbers, swell
the roll ot wage earners.
- Fortune: Christmas accounts
for a goodly part of the annual
profits ot New York department
stores. An analysis of the Christ
mas trade of one ot them reveals
the following Interesting phe
nomena: Three tons of pennies bought
from the United States treasury
each week. 131,000 dolls aold,
five tons ot plum pudding sold, a
clerk behind every thirty Inches
of the novelty Jewelry counters,
8,000 questions a day asked of,
and answered by. a single Infor
mation clerk; ten times tba nor
mal trade in fine Jewelry, 4,000
pedal automobiles sold, 101,390
parcels delivered In ona day.
Judge: For 3100 yon can buy
a set of clubs such as Hortoo
Smith used to beat Bobby Jones,
says an advertisement. Yea, and
for $3 you can buy a bat such
as Babe Ruth uses to knock all
those home ruaa
It's Too Hot Is) Waahtnirton
for Anybody lo ties Very
Ktrlletl About Anything!, but
he People's LrsrUlatlve
Service, a iJk Ful lisle Heir
loom, la Hard at It.
NKA Service Writer
daya in Washington have begun
and although no ona who re
mains nere can keen from heine
hot, almost no one is willing to
i mu qui ana oomered about
anyining. me news out of
Washington aeema rather ln-
aipia. no one with a federal
job aaree aay anything Interest
ing because thla Is aa election
year. And It's too hot tor poll-
to ugui, tet atone do any
Into thla atmosphere of swel
tering quiescence suddenly bursts
tha Peoples Legislative Service,
naming witn wratn, effervescing
with steam and seething with
deadly Intent to tear the hide
oil people. Thla organisation
doea that aort of thing with
more gusto, if not with mora
artistic affect, than anyone else
arouna nere. And in all kinds
of weather. It Is a heritage of
me emer senator LaFollette. b.
queathed to or afflcted upon, as
tha ease mar be the capital af
ter nia aeatn.
And Here's a Sample
-O. O. P. Hurrahs for Bare
Bleeding Feet." aaya Mercer
Johnston, the Service director, la
a nice, restrained way la his
lateet bulletin.
"Loud cheers and yells," It
quotes from newspaper ac
count, "greeted Speaker Long
worth's announcement of tha
vote" that the Uarner resolution
to put shoes back on tha free
list had been defeated.
it waa not in ueaiam. says
Mr. Johnston. "iut In our tariff-
erased Hons ot Repreeentatlvee,
that thla ecstatic axploaton oc
curred. The time waa not B. C.
but June t. A. D. 1930.
Tne vote to keep ahoea on
tha feet ot the poor thla coming
winter was lis. including SO
decent Republicans. Tha rote
to take ahoea oft tha feet ot tha
poor thla winter waa 111; includ
ing seven Democrats with hope
ful smells and actual rings in
their noses.
It means that bare and bleed
ing feat wlU be aeea thla winter
on city streets and country reads
la far greater numbers thaa was
aver witnessed at Valley Forge
at tha apex ot tha agony ot tha
struggle against overseas op
"Now that tha dishes of the
Presidential Barm ec! del Feast tor
tha army ot tha unemployed are
being swept unceremoniously
from tha boards, and cheap po
litical prosperity chatter even
makes thai proverbial dog sick.
only those who will not sea can
ba blind to tha oncoming spec
tacle ... Thoaa load cheers and
yells' tor bar and bleeding feet
are destined to become the mock'
lag refrain of a political funeral
march dedicated to tha party lo
Tha fact la that it these bul
letins were getting' wider cir
culation tha country would be
getting a lot more entertainment
than it is now.
rphoughts We've
Been Thinking
(ConrJaoed from Pat One)
nnally so that "tha remembrance
of the atrocities committed by
tha Germane on tha English
people ba kept alive." WUe and
thoughtful British actors have
refused to take tba money and
produce tha plays. Men should
ba careful In writing thslr wills.
Much better no will than s bad
one. Dead hands must not long
rule tba living. Ideaa die
surely aa men and It la wall thay
do. Wartime hatred between
natlona is dying. Soma day It
will be dead. No ordinary man
can penetrate tha future. Much
less can he safely seek to guar
antee the continued prevalence
of his ideas. Men grown up and
clvlllxed do not wish to keep
live hate.
Only love deserves to be Im
Carl Jackson Take
Prohibition Office
SEATTLE, July 3, (API-
Taking office here today as pro
hibition administrator for Wash
ington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana
and Alaska, Carl Jackson, dis
carded coats and Testa and an
nounced his policy would ba "to
halt liquor at its source rather
than seek out hip-pocket toters."
I shall devote my attention to
ferreting out cases Involving
liquor manufacturing, transpor
tation, conspiracy and abate
ments," he said.
Coming here from Fort Worth
where he was administrator in
Texas under the treasury depart
ment prohibition enforcement
organization, he takes charge of
Paclfio northwest province en
larged under the new depart
ment ot Justice organisation to
Include Montana and Idaho.
SALEM. Ore.. July t. (AP)
B. A. Green, who haa practiced
law In Portland for IS years.
was yesterday appointed by tha
supreme court as a member of
the atate board of bar examin
ers. He succeeds George A.
Pipes of Portland, who resign
ed. The other members of the
board are Roscoe (.'. Nelson. Roy
8hialds and Hall S. Lusk, all of
Portland, and John H. Carson
of Salem.
NEW YORK, July S, (AP)
It was learned In well Informed
circlea that tha Lindberghs have
finally decided on a name for
tbelr little son. Charles Mor
row Lindbergh after his father
and grandfather, waa said by
friends to ba tha name selected
On motion ot Attorney J. 0.
Rutenle for tha plaintiffs, the
ault of tha Long Lake Lumber
company vs. tha City ot Klam
ath Falls and the Sheriff of
Klamath county, waa dismissed
In circuit court thla niorutng.
Tha ault waa atarled about I
yeara ago. ahortly after tha spe
cial bouudary election waa held.
which aunexed 8hlpplngtoa.
among other addttlona to the
city of Klamath Falls, and was
for tha purpose ot proving the
Illegality ot tha election and
contesting tba right of tha sher
iff to collect taxes from the
There will be magnificent die.
play of fireworks on Hie lake
The funeral ot the lata Fred
T. Sanderson will occur Satur
day afternoon. Interment will
ba made la tha Odd Fellows
cemetery. Tha funeral will be
attended by all tha officials ot
lha city, and by former mem
bers ot tha city council who
served nnder tha lata mayor.
Respect to tha memory ot the
departed will ba shown by the
closing of all ot tha banka and
business bousea of tha city, the
former all tha afternoon, whUe
tha atorea will ba aloaed from
I until t o'clock.
Arrangements are lo be made
for the commencement ot work
on an entire new telephone sv
stem for Klamath Falls, which
means new wlrlna and tha In.
stallatlon ot a new common bat
tery system and tha ocoupatlun
ot tha handsome new home of
tne j-soino Telephone and Tele
graph company which hat Jusi
been completed on Seventh
Tha body ot Nela J. Nelson,
aged ol yeara la Irlui at Whit
locks morgue waiting tha results
of Inqulrlea ' being made by
Coroner Whltlook tor relatives
ot tha deceased. Nelson's body
waa touna about S o clock Wed
nesday evening In a dredger can
al near tha Pelican Bay mill oa
tha ahora ot 'Upper Klamath
It la presumed that tha man.
who waa working on tha dred
ger, had been drinking, fell
asleep and rolled oft the deck
Into the canal and waa drowned.
Biblical Question
ji I1 I4 M I F I ft B I11-
i5T HT"
IS S fT IS"" -"
S" " "ei" HGT " " "
S jtf -T ST
7T " " """ : ' "M " lg" -
31 ST B
sr ys -"sT lyT'-ss js-jb-r
artr tr 13
35 Jl IT W
' ' ' til ' ... &
1 Sister ec
'44 Deary.
dl Wises I
i Patiianass xnererorsH
LT.r? i The. dee.
It Tha erhsrsi '
sfh s-L .Sv ad M
. at r.
14 Clay
1ST aerrad.
IS Ltee.
IS Plcew.
I QnaaNtf.
to Pertaining
fa terse,
S Middle.
S3 Pronoun.
t4 Northern
ST Recesses
SWT evpeng.
SI Dune.
SS Horrible.
1 Legendary
' etactvaater.
4Ta frost,
al PTtyMsttlOS
T KxHasaattoa.
To total,
10 To prevent.
iMb.IHfc.IKi 131 Tit S
II Sewtnc
tSAdlgee. ,
IS Steals.
IT To fend aoT.
M Deportaaenst
r SI Felaifled.
fM Parts ef
M Kinusger.
M Oove'a cry.
so Eagle. -MCoagwInsa.
M Network.
M KxrlamactoaL
1 STSoboit.
Sw Oa.
4t Shelter.
4S To b
44 Native
43 Sam.
45 Street.
New Bill Modifies
Jones Liquor Law
Tha senate today passed a
bona bill modifying tha Jones
law to provide lighter penalties
to petty offenders ot the prohi
bition set
Tha measure went through the
senate on motion of Senator
Walsh, democrat, Montana, with
out debate. It provides those
convicted of telling, making or
transporting less than n gallon
of liquor ar subject to a pen
ny of not more than 32500 and
Jail aentence of not more tban
six months.
Tha senate amended the bill
to atlpulate these lighter terms
should apply only If tha dnfend-
nt waa sot engaged habitually
la tha liquor traffic and had not
been convicted of violation of
tha dry laws two yeara before.
Police Vigilance
To Be Maintained
SALEM, Ore.. July S. (API
There will be s letting down lo
police actios against Oregon mo
tor vehicle owners who have not
purchased new license platee,
Secretary ot Stat Hoss said to
day. Ha aald that tha report had
gone out that tha department
waa going to slack np for a time,
following tha first day after new
licenses were due, and that vio
lators would b treated leniently.
The report Is erroneous, sirs
For Results I'ae Herald Class Ad
News Letter
Future Farmers
Are Inspiration
Help Oregon
Make Profits
Timely Quotations From People
in the Public Eye
jcANir.TMi i em
PKKiCM, FR01 e
MM, iCOTlhW,
vt rov KHem the
Tvrtr K'i riAtttitl
WHf.or couftft
it' 'm Am.s
Ate eonm!'
:Jut ftiittuwtx;
Thar srs at least four mistakes la tb above picture. They
may pertain to grammar, history, etiquette, drawing or whatnot
See If you can find tbera. Then look t tb scrambled word below
sod unscramble It, by swltohlog the letters around. Grade your
self to tor each ot tha mistakes you tlad, sod 10 tor tb word It
you unscramDi it. Turn to the Baca ptge ana we n explain ma
mistakes and tell you the word. Then yon ca as how lesav s
hundred yon bat.
SALEM, Ore., July 3, (UP)
One ot tha most proarssslre, con
structive boy organisations In
Oregon la the Future Farmera of
America, aaya Karl K. Cooley.
state supervisor of vocational
agricultural education.
PLANS or THIS group for
1931 luclude attempted accom
plishments ot area greater enter
prises than have heretofore been
tilvea Inspiration
"THK TRAINING and Inspira
tion given the youug Future
Farmera la probably oua ol the
outstanding educational featuree
In Oregon today," Cooley aald.
' It not only teaches boys t com
plete agricultural projects with
an object of achlevlug the almost
profit but It Inspires them to
either save that ultimata profit
from the venture or apply It to
more ambitious enterprises."
TODAY I.N the United States.
there ar vtf.OOO bora ot high
school age who are members ot
the Future Farmers, Cooley said.
Seven hundred and forty-tiro are
la Oregon, carrying oa lha work
of the club, holding annual
meetings, selectlug oftlrara and
generally displaying tbelr accom
plishments along agricultural
80MK OF THB outstanding
purposes lor I'll Include estab
lishment by msmbsra of I ear
cent thrift accounta, completion
ot IS per cent of the supervised
project enterprises and payment
of 100 per cent duee to both the
local chapter and the national organisation.
VIKING THE psst year. It
Oregon rbapiare ot the F. F. A.
ware represented with exhibits at
the Pacific International Live
stock show at Portland. Ona of
these teams won a Judging eon
last In competition with ao
school teams from northwestern
states. Klghtren chaotera were
represented at countv fairs dnr.
lag the year.
Make Profile
THK MOST Important an-om.
pllsbmenta fur 11. which It Is
hoped will be measurably extend
ed during the year, waa lha heavy
gain In financial returna from
supervised projects. For the
year. It totaled 171.1(4 II. Each
member of the organisation In
Oregon thus earned an average
lacome ot 3114.34, Cooley atated
tXAMI'LEH ot projecta In
cluded during the rear were;
Raising of (0 head or .h..n ..
370 chicks with a net profit ot
Another boy grew
1 acree of asparagus, realisine
a net profit ot II, 141. SO, It wss
Defective Signal
Cause Bad Wreck
BA30. Itsly. Julr J. ipi
Fifteen persons were kllii i.
dsy and 30 Injured In a col
lision of a train from Milan with
a freight train eleven miles from
Tha accident waa aacrlbed to
a defect In Ihe electrical algnal-l
ung apparatus. The collision I
occurred la Basso station where
the freight train bad halted. The I
locomotive and sevrrsl coaches 1
of the passenger train were d-:
railed. '
"Single girls buy three times
aa many pairs of silk stockings
aa married Women. They're
Jon and beau Insurance."
Margaret I. Hangater.
"Bay what you will, tha aver
age girl wanla romsme wants
true luv and niarrlagel Furth
ermore she wanla Ihe course of
her true love lo run smooth
wants her marriage to ba a suc
cess Hvangellna Adsms, astro
log 1st.
"Divorce la s ayaooyai for
marital failure, lha headstone
over a dead married life, which
started out with brave dreams
and sallast haps at man and
his wife." Charles J. Mroulrk,
e a
"Oa ot lb great troublee
with our young people loder Is
their lark of respect lor author
ity and law they want le kisa
their way threat life." Sam
uel Insnll, pabllt utilities mag
nate. a e e
"I alway look al tba dark
tlds ot everything Marilyn Mil
ler, aetreee.
a a a
"Women era ssttlag dumber
as they grow smarter." Mary
Garden, grand opera star.
Engine Numeral
Give Practice to
; Puzzle Solvers
Kmerglag triumphant from a
loug struggle with c roes word
pussies, college questloaaalrea
and Intelligence tests, tba ad
vanced claaa of pussla-eolvera
has Just scored another vlctory-
Thla became known today with
announcement that tha mystery
ot the enigmatic combination of
letters and numerals painted an
the aldee of Southern Pacific
locomotive cabs haa been cleared
up at last. Tske for example.
II 117
A ll I. V.
31 B-14
Of oouree, any ona eesl fig
ure It out. But to save lima,
bora's tb answer:
Here's tha Answer
The prefix "A" Indicates that
Ihe locomotive la of the com
pany so-called Atlantic or 4-4-3
The figure II shows the dia
meter et lha drivers In Inches.
The traction 13 over 31 In
dicate that the cylinders ar
33 Inches In diameter and Ihe
stroke Is II tnchee.
Tb next fraction, 13T aver
B-44, lodlratee that there are
137,000 pounds on the driving
wheels, and tb B-44 tells that
the engine haa "booster" and
that there are 44.000 pounda on
the trailing track wheela to
which tha booetar to geared.
Tha suffix lettera. S. F, In
dicate that the locomotive haa
euperheater and feed water
healer "B" designating the
former and "F" tha latter.
And that's all there la to III
House Vote Sum
For Enforcement
CLEVELAND, Hsw mask Is
klsa worth T tlx seal Is tha val
ue lio a placed on on by the Jur
ors In a I3I.00S damage salt Mrs.
Orvtlle Bailer roomily, krougkt
against Dr. Leonard Kinder, she
charged that tha doctor attempted
to klae Oar whoa aha weal to his
office for aa examination. Baa
valued the kit al lit, 444. but
oaky got tha at eaal verdict.
Tha house voted 111 0.400 to
the Hoover law ea forcemeat com
mission today for oatlnuatloa of
Its general aiudy through another
Before that sum is assured,
however, difference with Ihe sea
ate must be reconciled. The ecu
ate voted only 130,000, and limit
ed the commission to an Inquiry
Into prohibition enforcement.
The bouse first voted authorisa
tion for continuation of lha aludy
with tha larger fund. Than Ihe
amount waa Inserted la tba sec
ond deficiency bill to replace lbs
The bouse vote was 171 to 41.
for dte afsat I ssasssl a),
enpomtbsi esf tte) AtnjjneSdls
Sdssscs has Waa sssanar dksaw--ersay
(atw eV it W tee.
I fcr Irs sVJaTOnr terras.
TtJ R sari fes wis TO Wee
Schilling feewf Tm Is far ,,
rtfrtinf than assr axAev h
cent it it frmh So fi with.
Blmck (eel (urmtgm nsissj it
best. So are TBA sue test serf
ol leaf torn. SrhUUng fmcJu
ooli in I
What you expect
you get with
Barley-Malt Syrup,
. not Birm
7b all points North
East and Wist
tot Convenience
Roonoaay, Safety and
Phoni 999
Terminal Stage
830 Klamath Ave.
Union Stage
The rssUursnt at 125 South Sixth wttl b
opened Thursday- evening st 5:00 o'clock.
To Bo Known As
Duffy's Chop 8C Fish House
Under tho Msnsgement of
(Formerly of tho Ssddlo Rock Cafs.)'
For sportsmen
Bvrd. Amundsen nri sent k... i.j zl
, ,,. , , . -ksMsse-sj ins -
malted milk tablets to tha poles. ExperiarKeA,
tmnrers ana traveler use them at the taoJC
condensed nourishment of high merit. They
know. Golfers carry them as a quick relief
from fatigue. At good dwgtor eg e-v-errwhs-r.
Dr. Stockwell
Registered Licensed .
All Ailments ot the Feet
Painless Modara Msthods
Limp In Walk Out
Popntar Prlree
518 Main St. Phone 749-W.
Why 8uffer with Tour recti
Fourth Year ot Successful Practice In Klamath Falls
All Work Guaranteed Examination Free
Latest New York School equipment