PAGE EIGHT THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Wcdnesdny, July 2, ItKK) is ir WOAfyliV'S PAGE EdiUd By Vivian McCaulcy VOUP CHILDREN OlIYI P0CITT5 BARTON rt$ KXrt.Wf. Out-Door Meals for the Fresh Air-Minded are Served on Decorative New Furniture I i sinni ii iiii,.isLMr i ii - iwiii nf'iift-ifna-... .. ,. Equlpnrnt lor outdoor meals U Trry tkormtire this summer. Left: A Urqurr ml and bUrk table ha It gaudy Mrtprd parasol run throagtt Ita center. The chair hare black frames and red seat and fold up when nut In une. Right: Fur afternoon tea or coffee on the porch, a double decker table, with lta top a removable tray, cornea in gay daft yrlluw and green. Green chain have ji-llnw canvaa acuta. By Julia Blanshard .'EA Serrtca Writer NEW YORK. July I. Sum mer's tint balmy days alluringly bid us, "Come, lire outdoor:" "Why not?" is the answer of (he truly modern. Of course it is impossible for most of us to ac tually live outdoors. But with very little effort we can take some of our work out into the open air. What is more im portant, we can arrange for the lamily to eat in the open air. Breakfast, dinner or sapper served outside takes on gala im portance. It has the holiday air of a picnic And where is the person, big or little, who has not dreamed that in the sweet bye and bye every day will bring a picnic? There are many ways ot get ting your meals out Into the open. Trays are the most primitive. For more than two persons they be come a nuisance. By the time you have the trays arranged and delivered, food is cold! Nextcomea the tea wagon Idea, excellent for serving five o'clock tea and useful as an express trsnsit for a full family meal, with regulation table with chairs as the destination. Yon really need a tabla to serve open air meals properly. Comfort is a necessary factor. Moreover, outdoor furniture is inexpensive now. And tremendously orna mental to the porch or the yard. Metal furniture Becomes Colorful. Metal furniture Is the newest contribution to the outdoor meal's comfort and chic. It comes mod ernised, is light weight, gaily colorful. The plainer the frame work of the new outdoors furni ture, the belter taste. Scarlet, bright green, yellow, new aqua marine blue, orange or any oth er colored iron furniture can be found. Fainted in metallic paints, it withstands the rigors of the weather and comes through srlth ita original bright tones. These pieces are comfortable as well as picturesque, with flex ible seats and backs. Many of the chairs fold up into little space when not in use. Some ot the tables take their own um brellas standing up from the center, with the striped awning of the umbrellas matching the color of the furniture. Heed furniture, ot sturdy con struction, is excellent tor those who have a front, side or back porch to move the family onto when torrid days descend. Set tees, couches rorkiug chairs, tables, low and high, and such extras as magaiine stands, chstse lounges, swings, bridge sets and desks come in reed, wicker and the good old rustic style. If you cover your pillows your self with water-proofed calicos, chintses, oil cloths and other guaranteed materials, you can introduce a most artistlo ar rangement that will make you proud to entertain guests for a meal or Just a visit. If you are the kind ot meticulous house keeper who religiously brings everything in nights, you can hare a wide range ot material in hand-blocked linens, hand printed cottons, and rayon mix tures. However, to get out it. Is not necessary to have a porch. By purchasing a single table and umbrella, four or six chairs and a little stand for serving, you can adequately provide for the daily picnic For live o'clock coffee or tea, you need even less. You can get modernized deck chain made of a frame and canvasa for as low as dollar and a quarter at sales. They are gay and comfortable and your guests may enjoy the luxury ot lolling for an hour or so. Contrivance In the Out Ituor Spirit. mere are an ktnda of new contrlvsnres. If you go outdoors whole-heartedly. Convertible trays and tables arranged tor several tiers ot sandwiches, serv ing cabineta with electrical con nections give you the privilege ot making sisillng waffles to be served with fresh berries and Ice cream, or a fluffy omelet to tempt them, or a steaming cream ed chicken dish, with hot toast and coffee. It is quit consistent with the out-doonplrlt to use paper pistes and paper napkins, some of th washable table coverings and In every way simplify the business of serving meals. However, if yon go about it scientifically and plan things well In advance, a few trlpa with filled trays will transport everything and th matter of doing a few dishes afterwards will assume It na tural proportions. Sifter Kitchen By SISTKK MAR'. NEA Service Writer , llany ot us like to pack our Innch and drive to. some quiet pot to enjoy it. - The right sort ot sandwiches, fresh fruit and a drink of some sort can be made to serve as an , adequate and nourishing lunch eon. When a sandwich is to form the real piece de resistance, it . should be substantial and both the filling and the bread should be thicker than that iu the tea sand wich. The picnic of sandwiches and fruit doe not mean packing and nnpacklng of baskets, dishes to be washed at borne and scraps to be ' oaten. The real picnic meal re quires as much planning and prep aration as any meal for a special occasion, and means time and ti tan for the housekeeper. Solid Type for Trip There are certain kinds of sandwiches that will endure sev eral hours ot packing and jolting and heat, and still be palatable. Other are ruined after an hour's standing. Meat sandwiches, plain cheese, olive and nut, many veg' tsble sandwiches and some sweet ones are "hardy" and will stand much. But tomato and cucumber and some varieties of cheese, de licious as they are, are best served on the porch or in the garden. Various kinds of breads are good and are of great value in adding variety to the menu. A thin coating of butter should always be spread on one side of each slice ot bread. - Butter ma terially Increases the food value of the sandwich and also aids In preventing the bread front absorb ing tne tilling, crisp lettuce leaves are another aid in keeping the filling from soaking Into the bread, making It soggy. Meat sandwiches need lettnoe for another reason, Th lettuce furnishes the green vegetable so necessary, and adds bulk to the diet. Trim lettuce carefully so that It just fits the bread and there will be no unappetizing wilt ed edges. The same treatment 1 required to keep lettuce crisp that Is used to keep sandwiches moist snd that Is careful wrapping to exclude air. Finely minced cabbage, carrot and celery sandwiches may be given to quite smsll children. Cot tsge cheese and Jelly put between graham bread will be good tor small folks. Finely chopped prunes tawnbined with peanut but ler H another popular mixture with Juniors. With milk and fruit even 4-yesr-olds can find a plc nie not at all upsetting if the sandwiches are wisely chosen. L Cons Into tlks.Kaltelkea' By ELLA M. LKHR Mechanical refrigeration Is the greatest thing snap of the switch, and there you are "Cold er than Ice" actually! Electricity promptly chills the refrigerator to the temperature desired and maintains these temperatures constantly with never a speck of variation day and night sum mer and winter. Vegetables and fruits keep for weeks because of the intense dry cold; baby's milk is vigilantly guarded 'cue germs can't possibly grow in this frigid tone and besides it's really a miniature manufacturing plant In which all sorts ot frozen foods can be made. Food insurance is positively guaranteed. It's abso lutely DO bother, easily Installed and easier cleaned. A bit of baking soda In tepid water and a soft cloth to wipe it out there always spick and span and In Its gleaming white coat. Frozen Desserts There is no end to the variety ot frozen desserts. Frozen elec trically means no labor nor messy ciean-up and oh so good! The food value of such desserts is high. They are easy to digest and are valuable In the diet, un less too much cake or too rich cake is eaten with them. Simple wafers, sponge cake and maca roons are an excellent accom paniment, f rozen mixtures are variously named. There are three types of Ice cream. Fren h Ice oream rich custard, with cream or milk added. American ice cream flour or cornstarch added to less rich custard. Phila delphia ke cream thin cream (or cream and milk) without eggs. Frozen electrically these require beating at half hour in tervals nearly always. They re quire from 4V4 to i hours to freeze. Water ices may be sugar-water or sugar-milk, syrup and fruit Juice or they may have egg white or gelatin added at which they oeoome a snerbert or sorbet. Ice frozen without stirring are: Par- tan tggs cooked with syrup with whipped cresm added. Mouse whipped cream prepared with gelatin and flavored. Frozen whipped cream, no gela tine. Frozen pudding with fruits, nuts and originally a bit of alcoholic mixture. Frozen fruit Fruit pulp and sugar. Recipes for crank and lc abound there are: FHOZEX BT WJBE FTresh Strawberry Mousse i cups crushed strawberries. 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 cup sugsr (scant) 2 teaspoons gelatine. 1 cup whipping cream. Soak gelatine in z tablespoons cold water and melt over hot water. Allow crushed strawber ries to stand la sugar for a abvrt time, add lemon Juice and gela tine and combine with a small amount ot stiffly beaten cream. Place In one ot the ice-making trays, allow to freeze from 4 to 6 hours. Serve six people. Pineapple-Apricot bherbert 3 cups water. i cup sugar. 1 teaspoon gelatine. 2 egg whites. s cup grated pineapple. . cup pulp of cooked apricots. 2 lemons. Boll water and sugar together for ten minutes. Add pineapple, apricot pulp and gelatine which ha been soaked in cold water. Thoroughly chill, beat slightly with egg beater and add well beaten egg whites. Place in Ice making pan to freeze. Stir it three times at half hour Intervals from back to front, mixing until smcoth each time. This must freeze at least three and one-half hours. Santa Clara Special cup milk. H teaspoon salt, 1 egg. 2 tablespoons sugar, cup prune pulp. 1 cup whipping cream. 3 tablespoon orange Juice. I tablespoons lemon juice. Cook prunes until soft and put through sieve. Scald milk, add ' egg and sugar, cooking until cus 1 tard coats the spoon. Chill, add : prune pulp and stiffly beaten cream. Place in icemaklug drawer and freeze Vi or 4 hours. Frozen Fruit Peaches, strawberries or apri cot may be frozen by belns crushed, sweetened, pnt through a coarse sieve and then placed In a freezing pan. A quart will rreeze in 2 or t hours. The fruit may be served with cold meat or topped with cloud of whipper cream and used aa des sert. More than 20 countries In the western hemisphere are connected by airmail service. It is Strang that a mother who watches her new baby day and night with such solicitous care should neglect blm before a I born. Hut in half th cases of child birth, this Is precisely what mothers do not Inleiitlonally, of course, but beraus tbsy do not realise that It Is at this llm that much of his future health storage may b accumulated. An eipertaut mother can give her child a greater hsrllaii of health It she takes car of herself. Her own health, dlsostlon, and fram ot mind all contribute to th dlroct strength and well-being of the fulur citizen by affecting the nourlnhmenl supply that "' Into his dlniliiullv body. When I say "rare" I do not mean that she need in b treuted as an Invalid, unless ludeed h is one, but mrly common sense liv ing and wati'hfnlnusa of hr own heulth and habits. Child-hoarltig is a natural function, not tlio ab normal thing we Ukn to mak It, snd the body proceeds, after cer tain early adjustments, to carry on much as it did befor. There fore thur Is no reason why the mother should not within reason go right on and live her life nor mally and peacefully until tlm for the debut. Th "rare" come under th head of regulation. Sleep, exer cise, food, elimination, and a very definite effort toward happiness and aa determined an effort not to worry. Kule to Observe The expectant mother may find few geucral rule helpful. "An excessive qusnllty of meat should be avoided. "Don't forget to drink water a lot of it. "Dally exarcls la the fresh air should become a regular bablu Don t take up new sports or alh letlcs at this lime, but a certain amount ot any exercise one has been accustomed to may be con tinued In moderate degree, but the best plsn would be to ak th doctor s advice about this, walk Ing is good light housework Is good excessive fatigue should be avoided In everything. "Fresh air Is absolutely esse tisl dsy and night. Ventilation should b given special attention so that at no tlm Is th mother-to-be without pur air. The im portance ot tht cannot ba over emphasized. "Bathing every day 1s almost a important as th fresh air. It means more than Just mer clean liness. Without question open pore hsv a direct and stimulat ing effect on general health. Don't Skimp on Sleep "Sleep eight hours out of the twenty-four. A nap in the after noon is excellent. No sleep should be disturbed if possible. If It is Interrupted then rrangemema should be made to make up the quota at some other tlm. "Clothing snd shoes should be very comfortable. "Regular elimination should, perhsps, hsve been put first. This is absolutely necessary to all con cerned. Suggestions for Ita estab lishment should com from the doctor. Experimenting with vari ous laxative drags at home Is a poor method, and may be harmful: "A doctor must b engsged as early In the event as possible I do not say "should." This Is for a variety of reasons, although he may have little to do except keep track of nrlr conditions.' There Is little doubt that mny sick, puny babies do not get the right sort of nntrltlon during th parental period and that their nervons conditions are often dne to lark of nourishment during the time when the small body wss get ting II growth. Of the 220.000,000 Moslem In th world, 70.000,000 live In Indi. IS You can tell that Hills Bros Coffee r i trCSn the instant you cen the can fii fresh as when it came from the roasters! Why? Because Hills Bros.' vacuum-packing process removes air from the can and hips it cut. Air destroys the flavor of coffee and no air-tight can will keep coffee fresh. Buy Hills Bros. Coffee in the vacuum can easily opened with the key. Cmntlltt Km'mx livti Hlllt Brti. Ojfti s ftsvtr mt tibirfffitksi. C"3S LOOK f OK TUf A1AB OH TUI CAM Ask Your Grocer For CHALLENGE TUB BETTER BUTTER, CHEESE, MILK, ICE CREAM Klamath County Dairymen's Association Pbone 033 Klamath Falls, Oregon 643 Spring Bu OWXED 4XD OPERATED BT DATJIVMEX DigtribuUd by I. R, Eridege 1 5J TU All Safeway Stores Will Be Closed All Day 17? Secure Your Food Needs for Over the Holiday at Safeway Picnickers and campers will find a wide selection of eat ables that will make this outing more enjoyable. SAVINGS For Thursday and Saturday Shrimp Jello or Jell-Well Make a tlt'liciouti color ful dessert for the 4th. Assorted as you wish. 5 pkgs. Fancy Southt-rn Dry Pack. Summrrtiino is unhid timr. .Safe nt Safeway. 3 cans 43C Gingcrale Cliquot C lul) 1'aln Dry. hiKhi'.tt u u 1 1 1 y ami flavor. Ajted 0 months in lurjfc bottle, 19c each Doz. $2.09 MILK Max-i-mum or Pet, always fresh. " Tall cans, C cans IB,! fsQA.M Van Camp's, with pork and tomato aVUJTiV D6aU3 saut e. .Medium cans, 3 ran 39c MUSTARD OLIVES Max-i-mum, superb on sandwiches, m A just the. right tuns'. 6 oz. jars 1U6 Highway ripe olives, No. 1 tall cans, 2 cans 29c i n I CRACKERS Sm"" ,,uck8g0 13c Snow-flakes, fresh, crisp salted wafers. Family package 33C PICKLES Cake Flour CH E E S E MATCHES Fanning Uread and Butter, with aa. tho old fashionod flavor 15-ois. jars VJV ;wanriown insures success in mak- A ing finer cakes, package JJv Oregon full cream, aged to a tasty flavor. Pound Safeway, highest quality, sure to light. Carton, 6 boxes 24c 15c COFFEE Safeway B 1 e n d , the world's finest coffee, roasted and blended by our own experts. 37c lb. 3 lbs. $1.09 SUGAR Pure Cane, fine granulated. Per lb. C Limit 20 lis, EGGS Fresh U. S. Extras. Every egg guaranteed fresh 2 doz. SAFEWAY Has the Finest Selection of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Lemons Cantaloupes Large Fancy Sunkist Brand Large Size Standard Pack,. Full of Juice 45 count. 2 dozen 63c 3 for 25c Watermelons Potatoes Klondyke Variety, the Best Grown, Largo Whito Variety. U. S. No. 1 Sweet and Fine Flavor Fancy Quality Pound 2c 10 pounds 35c Safeway Market Features Thursday and Saturday Boiling Beef Lean Short Ribs and Brisket Pound ... 15c Boneless Picnics Mild sugar cured. Fine to boil, bake or fry. Whole or half Pound 27c Pork Roast Choice shoulder cuts of grain fed pig pork. Pound ... 19c Sliced Bacon Eastern auinir cured. Nice and lean, aliced, rind off. Pound 39c We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantity ' jjjjj i