PAGE TWO THE "EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Monday, Juno 30, 1930 IN, THE REALM OF, SPORTS THIi SURE HE'LL OUIHII AL mm Colored Boy Training Faithfully for Mix Wednesday Night .Young Sam Langford promisee to fir lb fane the low down on hU fighting form when he ' meets At Trolmam at the Le glna paelllon Wednesday re jiing. Hortofor Sam hat had to play on the old form largely became ha had not fires hit training the thought and car necessary. After hit twist with Trulmana ha derided It ha It foinf to flfht that boy ha will hara to quit the kidding and let down to bnalnese. And the way Thammy baa been foinf th past week there it no doubt but that he Intandt to put aomethinf into thlt bout that hat not shown In hit prerloo fights. Sam la Karneat. To nut the right edge on hit wallops and ring mastery, bam haa worked oat with his stable mate. Gua Eaton, and such tough bombrea as Dick Reed. Kid Ky der and Chris Fennell. Ha is boxing at his best, like when he met such start as V o a n g Cor- bett. Yonng Jack Thompson. Al Graclo, Baby Jo Cans, and oth ara among th best boys on the coast. Sam la always a good puncher and he It ripping that left hook for tha body on hit sparring partners. Ha certainly makes It tough on the dots who willingly spar with him. He has confided with a local merchant that ha Intends to take tha San Dlcgo boy In short order. The betting, which is rery brisk, holds Sam a alight farorlte. 10-8. Tralmana Real Klash. Trnlmans showed before a packed boat last night at Toole's Pelican, boxing three fast ronndt with oar local farorlte. Steamboat Jackson. AJ showed the speed of a deer, peppering Steamboat with sharp lefts and crossing with hit famous right. And how Steamboat aalled In. Thia game local boxer just wsded Into Al and sure made a fight of It. At tha finish both boys stood to to to and slagged it pat. Dr. Vera Hamilton had to pry them apart when the bell ranf and raised both boys' bands, calling th Interesting boat a draw. Al thowed that with today's workout nnder hit belt he will be ready to ttep in the ring Wednesday night and ahow at his bast. He suted after last evening s exhibition that he will try and pat Sam away in six ronndt. It siould be a whale of a scrap, and the way the fans are warming up to It th house should be packed. All the boys will work oat today. Al at 1:30 sod Sam at S:10. The rest of th bojra who appear on this super card are all in training and will be in the pink when they aten In the rinw Tickat. ... i - at th Spar, Waldorf and Mecca. I ' . I Shipping Team Holds Lead at Weyerhaeuser ' Fir teams at the mill hare so far taken part In the games be ing played by the Weyerhaeuser plant league on th company's aewiy constructed diamond. A sixth team trill Join the leagu shortly after the Fourth of July. -Th most Interesting game played to date wat probably th I ne played on th new diamond t th camp with the Loggers and Shippers in the contest. Standings Given -Th standings at present are: Team W L Pet. Shipping t 1 1.000 Mechanics , , ,. 2 1 .6(7 Office 1 1 .500 Mill 0 2 .000 Loggers 0 1 .000 Northern 0 1 .000 On Monday night th Office and Mill teams will clash. Wednes day the leagu leading Shipper Crippled Cub Team Battles Way to Top, Wresting First Place Honors From Brooklyn Fly lll'GII 8. Vl l.I.KItTOX, Jr. A-toctatftl Pr-as Sport Writ. A somewhat crippled Cub team lacking Rogers Hornsby and oo rationally a few other regulars, haa been battling Ita way upward through tbe National league and finally haa wrestled ttrst piece from the Brooklyn Robins. The Cubs har refused to be dawned, and even losing tha llrtt game of their series to the Robins failed ta daunt them. They came bark to capture th leagu lead yesterday by beating Brook lyn. t to 1. Th Cuba now har 11 of tbelr last IS games, ttartlng when they played their last game In New York before returning horn. Pall Gam Lead These rlctoriee bar placed them a full gam ahead of the Robins. Their lead la only nine percentage points, due to the fact that they har played tour mora game than tbe Robins. In addition they set a record for attendance In the terlea with Brooklyn, drawing 47.000 tans yesterday to bring tha total of 140.000 for tha aerie. Brooklyn made It a aad cele bration of Manager Wllbert Rob inson's (th birthday by get ting only seven hit off Charley Root. Garde Rejoice The St. Louis Cardinals and Boston Brarea had almost as much cause for rejoicing as the Cab yesterday. Tha Cards picked np two full games on th ew York Giant. Winding up only one game out of third place, by winning a pair of close decisions. Th scores were I to S and i to 4. Sylrester Johnson and Bill Hal la ha o held th Giants to a tout of eleren hita In the two garnet. Tha Braves likewise won both ndt of a double header from th Cincinnati Reds. They took th tint 4 to 1 although outhlt IS to and slugged out a 10 to S triumph In th second. Yanks, Drown Gala In th American leagu. the New York Yankeea and St. Loula Browna registered big games as the Yanks downed the Cleveland Indians. 7 to (, and St. louta- trounced w ashlngton, ( t I. Th Yanks, benefitting by the power of Charley Ruffing, gain ed a tie with Washington tor second place and the Browna tied Detroit tor tltth. each gaining a gam on Its rival. Ruffing finished th gam tor th Yanka and scored th decid ing run himself to make It sli straight rlctoriee tine be came to Mew York. Athletics Keep Ahead Th Philadelphia Athletics kept tint plac safe from assault by taking a tingle gam In Detroit from th Tigers, 0 to t. Jimmy Foil's IJnd bom run of the year, which kept him Just ahead of Loo Gehrig, who hit hit list for th Yankees, was the big feature with th final decision at th plat adding more excite ment. Th Tigers scored two runt In th ninth and tha tant thought they had a third but I'mplr Guthrie tald out Inttead ot safe when Jimmy Sherlln tried to score. Th league's tall endert. Bos ton and Chicago, divided a double header. The Red Sox made It eight straight orer their Chicago rlrals by taking th tint, 10 to (, but th whit hose reversed the decision, I to 1, In the second gam as Ted Lyons nested Jack Russell to gain hi el' enth ric tory of the season. PELICANS GO DOWN BEFORE ITER GAZERS will tak on th Mechanic who are practicing faithfully aad are confident that they will tak th measure of the leaden. Start Play Joly S Under new management th Mill team haa taken on new lit and strength and will be hard to beat. Th office team looks Ilk th Houta ot Darld nine with their '4$ beards. Th Loggers thowed torn tin fielding form In thtlr opening gam played at camp 1 last Thursday. There will be bo game In tb league orer th Fourth of July ; holidays, hat play will be re I sumed on July 8 and torn great j baseball la expected before the race for th pennant is over. Norblad Will Not j Proclaim Holiday i SALEM. Or.. Jan 10. (AP) I Notwithstanding requests r- j ceired from several sources. In-i eluding torn banks, Gorrnor Norblad says he will not pro claim Saturday, July I. a legal holiday in Oregon. Th Bute Industrial Accident Commission haa announced that It will be closed both July 4 and t, aad It may be Joined by on or two other state departments. The Stat department. Including the motor rehlcl registration divi sion, will clos July 4, bat will be open for basinet July I. L-keview Club Spring Surprise on 49er In Sunday'g Game Klamath Falls swept Lakerlew cltiiens oft their feet with a Days ot '4 pared which was staged at th Lak county capital Sun day. Decked out In '4 regalia and with cars decorated with th national colors, about 100 cart mad th trip, and wheu the main arenue of the neighboring city wat reached th natlres thought an other war had broken out. Ac cording to tome of tha parttot- panta it wat SOME parade, and had th Lakerlew people gasping for breath until they realised Just what wat happening. But If th '4er gar th Lake viewers a surprise, they In turn put one orer on the visitor. Thlt happened In the afternoon, when th Pelicans crossed bats with th Lakerlew club. Winning the gam up to the aerenth, th Pel icans got a bump that will remain fixed In their memories for sea sons to com. In this canto, a sub-center fielder (on of thos boys not anil good enough ta play on tht first team, aud who gets his prac tice out In th smaller centers) went In to bat, and with the bases hearlly populated, and clouted out a four-banter. This put tha Pell- cans behind, and they war so stunned, especially after thla tame center fielder tpeared a couple of high tllee to further hla bero standing, that they couldn't rally around tha old atandard and pnll In any more runs. Berk and Hil ton performed In a high class manner, but the rest ot th flock were rather off form. Despite th showing ot th Pel icans, Lakerlew people were so Impressed with th parade that they will be her en mass for th big Days ot '41 celebration. Th scors R. H. E. Lakerlew 14 II Pelicans I II I Batteries: Lakerlew Baker and Llhby. Pelicans Means, Beck, Hilton and Mann. Umpires: Reed Towers. Warf ield 8C House TTell knows Auto Mechanic ot Klamath Fath WUI Open a Gcwtwl Repair Whop at 130 MAIX ST. JVNE IS. by th WTLLARD HOTEL All work will be guaranteed. Sea as first. Warf ield & House 1 I Face Powder That Blends Naturally Jon tool Cold Cream F-ce Powder r 50C It It difficnlt for yon to get a tac powder that won't fall oft your facet Try JonteeL It hat a cold cream baa that makes It cling smoothly and naturally. Sold only at Rexall Store. STAR DRUG STORE CO & ON I H O O t I GO 12 pa 2 o i r5 r-H X '49-Coats The real old tim 1849 Frock Coat and Prince- Albert. Be a well drd '49er. CHECK W have but 20 of these costs left '49 FROCK COATS - '49 CONGRES X i SB s i W O o 3 $5-50 $.50 $7 -50 Junstt IKecenvedi 20 DOZEN '49er HATS $2 .85 Black and Tan . Colon good shapes, all sizes '49er White Vests, $ 1 .00 Boots and Shoes, $3.95 1 xcktstre DMrtkBters eg Society lira Clothes PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE SCORES Hy Th AsMM'latnl Press At Portland First IJaoie San Francisco ........ (11 Portland 11 17 1 Marls, Perry, MIIJus and rennaay; tirwoil and Wood all. Second Oam San Francisco ........ I 11 1 Portland ( 10 1 Zinn aud Penebsky, Cstoii; Fullerton, Walters aud Pslni. At Sua I'ranriw'O First Game Oakland ............ ,' 111 o Mission 1 10 3 Craghead and Lombanll; 11 Plllttt. T. Pillette. Douglas, Csster and Brensel. Second Game Oakland 14 Mission 3 10 IM wards and Read; t'ol and Hoffman. I It 1 Tumor. At Los Angolc First Game- Sacramento Hollywood Vinci and Koehler Yda and 8ererld, Second Gam Sacramento (TO Hollywood 1 11 1 Gonld, Smith. Thomas, Krr. taa and Wins; Rhodes, Welt. 1 and Bassler. T Innings by agreement. At Seattle First Cam I.o Angeles 111 Seattle 11 1 Horn, Uarfoot, Peters and Skiff, Warren; Kalllo and Coi. Second Game Los Angeles , 14 0 Seattle 11 Yerke and Hannth; Urn anskl and Borreanl. I Innings. Tha first Quarter of an bonr after birth Is th most dangerous period ot life, according to a prominent British phratclsn. Only one Connolly Brother store after July 1st, at (IT Main street. Hit SENATORS LOSE SIGHT OF LEAD Drop Two to Actors in Double Bill Sunday; Angel Win One ' Hy The Aaa'H'Ulml I'l-v.. HollywoodS double victory ovtr bai-rminl, I tu s ami 7 to. yeairriler rompMcd the rout of the rrslwhlte It'osun trad era uh a clean ewerp for the Stars la Ilia sown game eerlis l.os Angolee eitHnded lis Irad by breaking eren with Seattle In a nouiii halr, lo.lng the first, t to . and taking tbe second. j 1 to 1. Louie Vlurl held the Stsra lo six hits lu the tint encounter, but bVrereld'e homer with two on and Turner's (wo-hasger with , one on heat him. Turner gave ay to us in in tilth. After knocking Gould out of the hoi Hollywood acored tlx oft Thouna In th fourth of th seven in nings nlghlrsn. while IthouVs Just barely held the Senators on the losing side. Kslllo ot Seattle wes steady In the first inn ihsre while Home and Uarfoot were hit Just too often. Uarfoot being the loeer. In the seven Inulug night rap. Ducks Win tteries Portland showed to better ad rantage than previously In Its series with San Fran.-l.-o. tak ing 4 out ot T. The Ducks won tb first y.terday, 11 to (. Dotn teems having H hits to use, with Perry the Ineer and Orwoll the winning pitcher. The' Seals won til aecoud ( to . 1 Croseltrt homer In th eighth I leaning a rauy. Oakland took Its morning I game from tb Missions, ( lo 1. among other things bunching three honser off llerru Pillette In th third, th lleds felled lo get to Craghead. Bert Cole took a neat pitching battle from Ed wards la the afternoon as the I Missions won. I lo 1. to win the sertee. four out of seren. No games today, trams traveling. Lau 5.sii'8 Hy The Ainoi laird Press COAKI'i v, Vi. l.os Angeles 411 35 .17 Kai-rainetilo 45 S .Hi Oakland , . 4( .141 San Francisco .. 41 4 .lit Hollywood 41 49 .lit Mission 41 41 .too Seattle It 411 .411 Portland 83 tt .SI'l exceed tig year In th stale penitentiary, lis wat connoted of forgery of contracts In the sales of tombstone. Synder formerly resided al Ashland and Klamath Falls. NATION W, l rhlraito Hronklyn New York .. St. I.ouls Pittsburgh ... Boston Cliictnnstl .... Philadelphia amkhh-ani I Philadelphia Washington . New York .... t'lereland ..... Detroit Hi. Loula Boston Chicago ......... W. 41 lit 14 11 10 1 17 14 40 1( 4i It 41 It 41 If 14 14 1 40 It 40 It 41 14 I Pet. .(II .(01 .til .101 .47 .4t .401 .117 Pet .14.1 .(11 .(II .I'll) .410 .410 .111 .311 DRAWS l-RIHON TKIlM. VIEllFOItD. June 18. ( AP) F. W. Synder, former minister and prohibition enforcsmsol tgent, today was senttnesd to an Indeterminate term ot not to Vox Theatre Acmes I'rora Th WUIard Nuinlay, for Kir Day "BROADWAY SCANDALS" Sally O'Neill Jack Egan Carmel Myers All Singing Dancing Talking Starting rYiday "LadUs of UUure" Four Shows Dally GET THAT DAYS OF '49 BEARD TYim, Haircut and Shavt at Murphy's Barber Shop 125 South 8th St., Aoroaa from Pallcaui TViatr Beauty Parlor In Connection In a hostess it's Graciousness .1 !. t t. 1, .. i 1 Nvg. ' V , .-'. . , ... dtf .;! i' ii.'.; -.' ' .! r k't.j. - .' ...". j'', 'm' i i v i ... .... . .-, ,. v V'l'-'iT, '-' ' H ' - ' , i' '""--'' V ' 1'-'- --- ' ' ' i T i h ''.r. " Ij Fit!::. r. ::, -. b. f if tft f ,-, v- 5'. ll.'-?'j. . , . I f iHl-. ti - l'V:tv.-A:- 4Sxejwf rrfiri5'- -tj-,. i v . .tm .4 L-,, 1 " " r f - in a cigarette it's Taste lHE SUCCESS OF A HOSTESS depodg upon bet bilitjT to make others feel at home; that of cigarette, upon better taste. HOW ELSE EXPLAIN Chesterfields constant gain, it ever-mounting popularity with smokers everywhere? THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE for the delicate mildness and rich aroma that belong to Chesterfield, gi or for Chesterfield's unique blend and cross-blend, "la a cigarette it's TASTE ! " Yes, and in a Chesterfield, it's . . . "TASTE above everything". lawntRvmneiraca up Ws rate kutttsa belief that th tobaccos ns4 In Chesterfield disrtttet arc of fintr quslirr and heww of better lure thin in tny otbet clgtrett st tb prion. uoostt srnMtot ooooo. Chesterfi eld. X S 6ft - SXV H 6f " SaivL 6f (J HW, bnostt t res Toatooe Co. .