Friday, June 27, 1930 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE FIVE BLAST IKS m BOAT '(Contlniinl (mm I'atfa Onn) Hi Muliirp frlnie or (lie Thou mid laland group ynalerlay when llm eaploalon occurred. Horeral boln bad boon drilled In I bo fork and filled wltb drna uilte and tho dor crow woo drill ing adillilonol holu to place muro drnumllo wliou on elootrlral urin broke or (ho rlr about 4: Hi) p. ui. Many of tho ulilil liffl were aaleeii below tho derk. ' Wltneaaes onld they aw flonh of J I li I I ii dart down In Iho boot, followed Imedlalely by ler rliki explosion. Tho olr who (III Ml with delirl and Iho drill boat hud dlnappnori'd. Ml TOMORROW, SATURDAY, ABSOLUTELY THE LAST DAY Owing to Hie woiulerfiil rcinc to otir FL'R SALE anil the crowd which tliroiincci our itore nil day, at ur Mircial request MR. OH.S' KLKIN', wholesale furier. of Los Ancclcs, lias consented to remain in Klamath l;all over tomorrow. OFF Fox Neckpieces Fur Choker Fur Jacquettes Fur Coats If you baro any furo or (ur coala to bo romodalcd, kindly bring thorn In and Mr. Kloln will git yon an oaUmato. Saturday is Absolutely tho Last Day of This Sale Fife&Amicke Corner Fifth and Main Homo reporla woro I hat Iboro Dad lon a large quantlly of At iiamlto aboord Iho cralt which had boon oiplodod by Iho flaob. I.uiher Kuckonlai:kor. auporln londnnt In charge of tho work, who waa ashore at Iho time aald (here waa no dynamllo aboard tho boat. Ilo aald Iho eiploalon waa cauaml liy lightning lollowlng tho now arum wlilcn wro worklug In ina roi a or wiroo loading to char goa which bad boon placed. J.o Marlon, an Inapocior of tho publle work department at Ot- Uwa, who waa mm o( those rescu ed, oallraatod tharo woro throo ton of dynamllo In tho drill boloa and oipruaaad Iho opinion that there a I an waa a ooualdorabla quantlly In tho boat. Ha charged that an unldc-ntiriod boat paaaed at tho tlmo of Iho eiploalon. but did nothing lo aid In tho roocua. V. H. ullcr Hi-o llbut Tbo eiploalon waa wltneaaed by Iho crow of U. 8. coastguard eut- lor ill, which waa paaalng In chargo of Captain O. II. I.nk, with M. II. Kaamuaaen. clilof Inapocior of Iho Huflalo dlatrlct. Tba cuttor hastily made for tho apot and lowered a Ufa boat. A number of men woro eeeu clluglng lo wrockaio and wblla Ihoao near at band woro baulod aboard Iho cottor, tho III boat picked up nthora. After landing II u rv I yora. Iho cuttor returned to tbo aiono and aiorchod tor olbera. Tho hoot of a bono la rosily a hard aholl filled wltb fleeh and blood. Tho eectlnn of tho boot Into which tho aboo nail la drlvon la only about one-eighth to throo-i olghlha of an Inrb thick. WILL CONDUCT SWIM CAMPAIGN &1 Haymoud M. Scott, wbo will conduct a awlnimlng and liro-wr-log campaign In Klamath Kail from Juno 30th to July 6th. In clualvo, la director ot pbyalcal education at llualdsburg Illih Hcbool. Ilo baa been apDolnled In Ibo summer auff of tho Lire Sar in! Service of the Pacific llranch. American Hod Croa and aa a rep resentative of that service will conduct almllar cmpains la to- rlou eltlea on the Coaat tbli aummer. Boott la rradnato or the I'nt veralty of California, where bo wae InatrucUir In the pbyalcal ed ucation department for three yoara. Ho baa long boon active aa a yoluntser worker In life-oar-Ing along Iho Huealan River. He attonded the Hod Crose life-saving Inatltuto at C.'oronado two yearo ago and la well qualified to leech the Had Croaa method of llfe-aav lug. IIOMII.NO KINID BALK The women ot Eat Tulo Lake are boldlng a cooked food, and dressed fowl a I on Thuriday. July 3rd lo the location now oc cupied by the Northern Fur Hhon. Tbo money ralaed at tbo aale will be given to the Kaat Tula Lake achool. Tho achool building la a very modern and well constructed atructuro, and the women of the dlatrlct have pledged thetneelva to ralae aa much money aa pos albla toward Ita construction. LA riHANbK. June 17. (AP) Ed Meyeralck. til. La Rrande carpenter, fell eight feet to the baaement of a new building un der conaiructlon and today waa In eerloua condition. For Beau Ita Ih Herald Cum Adi FREE Hamborgera and Coffee lo every cnalomer at tba Opening of Texaco Gas and OH Station Sunday, June 19th Located at St. rrancla i'ark juat acroaa the Altamont Uridge on the Merrill Highway. Chicken Dinner 75c 81. Francla Chicken Inn Cbarlea and Edna M. Meaaner LEARN TO SWIM and SAVE LIFE SWIM WEEK JUNE 30 to JULY 5th Fre Lessons at Mineral Hot Springs Register at Red Cross Headquarters 615 Klamtah - J 1 F " I M M 01 H HarGI SDH END OF MONTH SALE $1Q00 $795 Featuring Chiffon Dresses at Printed Silks at If LJ 1 I ' n QL3 V.. ! I. - t 1 iii .. . . . . i,,u oe cnarmoa wun tnose styles all copies of hicher-priced successes! One- m i piece frocks and two-piece ensembles, multi-colored and monotone prints on light KS and dark backgrounds. ijr9 It Will Pay You to Buy Your Summer Wardrobe at This Sale We Give Green Trading Stamps Fife & Amicke Corner Fifth and Main I Hi FREE IiKMOXKTRATIOJf ' AT SUNSET GROCERY SATURDAY 91-S3 Main St. AT All Groceries Phone 942 Phone 1927 APRICOTS $145 Lun Royal Anne Cherries, 1.75 for 20-lb. Lug cxira rine quality Bing Cherriet, 2 lbs 35c 20 lbs. for $3.00 Lambert Cherries, 2 lbs 35c 20 lbs. for $3.00 Fancy Young Pork Roast. .20c lb. FRYERS 3 for $1.00 Hens for Fricassee . 23c lb. We have for canning now Raspberries, Loganberries, Blackberries. Our prices are low. Watermelons 234c pound All bunch vegetables. 5c Green Onions, 3 for 10c Fine local Lettuce, 2....15c Spuds, 10 lbs 39c Open Evenings and Sundays 201 E. Main St. 2045 Oregon Ave. COME ON MEN j KEEP A COMING ! WE'VE ONLY JUST STARTED OUR GREAT irrjdifjfaciijjjiMit'AijyjAWJu.iaiiJij TfrWTaaaaaaaaaqaraaaeeqo.a a i aT BE HERE SATURDAY And Share in the Wonderful Values We Have Prepared For You Now fj the time to take adrantay of til monater disposal aale, now while itockt are complete and while ererj price meana a bt( oaring. This 1 not a one-day aale with a tew ipeclala but la etore-wlde In lu ocopa. Oar entire $SO,000 stock: la now on aale at darinf reductlona and thla aale will continue dally with price cat and alaihed anaparlngly. Balf of thla otock most go. A Surprise Packages Saturday wa will plaea on aale a big lot of aurprle) package containing marchandiae worth from 35c to 11.00. Ton can't get lea than a 15c ralue. 25. A Mighty Disposal Sale of MEN'S SUITS Orer BOO meo'i fine mlt Including Kuppenhelmer, Fashion Town and othsr rood wiuuiru m wur Dig wio io at sensational reauciions: UH $35.00 and $40.00 SuiU $45.00 and $50.00 Suit $55.00 and $60.00 Suits $65.00 SuiU ... . Straw Hats Our entire atock now on aale at drastic reduction. $2.75 Value ....,...,...$1.95 $3.50 and $4.00 Values... $2.85 $4.50 and $.500 Values. .$3.65 $6.00 and $7.50 Values. .$4.85 $10.00 Panamas $7.45 .$26.85 ..$33.85 ..$39.85 ..$43.85 Felt Hats Knox and other standard make in the season' newest shape and colors. $5.00 Values ...$3.69 $7.50 Values $5.85 $8.00 Values .....$6.45 $10.00 Values $7.85 Extra Special I Saturday I yt.vv ivnaKi rants Saturday we will sell men' good quality Kkahl Paula worth i.00 for only $119 limit one pair to a customer. $1.95 Dress Shirts A big assortment of men' collar attached Oresa Shirts In desirable patterns and colors. Regular 11.95 raluos now on eale at $14 & $15 Oxfords One big lot of "Nettleton" black or tan Calf Skin Oxfords In the sea son's latest styles. Regular 14 and $15 Talues on sale at $10.00 Oxfords A. broken lot ot men' Black and Tan Oxfords and Dree Shoes former rallies to $10.00. grouped In one big ale lot at ) $119 j $985 $495 I C0ME Klamath Klothing Kompany SAVE 1' Klamath Falls, Oregon BBBBiaasaBiasanBSsssssasBBBBBBBBBBBBassaB