PAGE TWELVE THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FAIXS. OREGON Wednesday, Juno 25, 1930 INTREPID 51 MAKES LANDING Flier, Reaching Harbor Grace, Prepare for Trip to State. (Oonttaoed from Pas One) Bight that proaented lmot erery danger lo arlatore. The film Mid that (or mora than ona hour during the night thej had (lava blindly not knowing where they were or In which direction they wore heading. Raillo Directed Landing Tha (Hera wara finally directed by radio to the landing (laid here. After clrcllug tha (laid tor romld arabla time, they asked that a plana ba lent up to guide them down. This wan dona and the .southern ('rota glided safely onto tha field. Tha four altor vera la good condition and although disap pointed in not being able to reach their anal, said they were deter mined to (inlh their flight to New York. After landing. Captain Charlea Kinolord-Smith in charge of tha Southern Cross, aald tha plane would never hare reached Harbor tiraca but for tha wonderful ra dio wlreleea." Ha aald the plane would have had to fly about wait ing tor tha risibility to Improve tf It had not been for tha means of communication wnicn permit- Contractor Here To Start Work on Federal Building work on tha new federal bnllding will be started within a few daya. according to a report given from tha post office to day. George Isaareon, who made the lowest bid for construction and whose bond has been approved waa awarded tha bid and la now In Klamath Falls preparing for the commencement of the work. Work on excavating for the base ment la expected to atart within a day or two and from that time on construction will ba rushed to completion. Tost office officials atated to day that aa soon aa a construc tion engineer Is here, which will probably be on July T. work ot hauling cetueut and getting the eteel on tha ground, will be started. FARMERS FIND PACT VAGUE (Continued from Page One) lite tha whole matter under dis cussion and a motion followed to postpone further consideration ot the contract until mora study had been given it. Tha motion received tha unanimous vote of tha assembly, However, before the rote was taken, both Secretary Thomas and Director Jacobs explained that the dlatrict board can aet tha amount ot water needed each HOW BROADWAY HAILED HEROES ted the plana to aeek aid from the fr "d ,h" minimum men radio sUtion. here. With but a " ' contract, which few hours' gasoline supply in the tank, tha Captain would not chance a guess at what mtgni have happened. Klngsford-Smlth aald: "But for wonderful radio wlreleea we wonld never have got out of tha fog." Appealed For Direct ton la one acre foot, only meant that the one acre foot Is the basis of minimum charge. In other words. If a landowner uses no water, he still will be charged tha mini mum, w hile the explanations were exhaustive, both tha secre tary and director endeavoring to cover the matter aa they saw it. the landowners were inclined to The plan appealed to land sta- want , clearer statement of the tions for guidance and was direct ed to the field here. Led by a Diane sent up from the Harbor ;raee flying Held tha Southern Cross landed easily at 1:57 a. m. Eastern Standard Time, or S: 27 a. m., Newfoundland Daylight bav ins Tims. Captain Klntsford-Sml'.h and his companlona made their land ing where Harry Hawser ana Commander Grieve hopped oft In their first attempt at a trnns-At-lantlc flight. Eleven years after tha epochal attempt of the British aces and tha first Atlantio cross In r or Alcock and Brown, the Australian tilers had beaten the record of bad fortune -that over took every previous attempt at a westward crossing except that of the Bremen. ' On To Xew York. The plane will leave at day break tomorrow for New York. amount of water per acre writ ten In the document before pass ing on It. Sentiment at tha Merrill meet ing Indicated that the landown ers are not objecting to the plan ot taking over the project from the government. In fact, senti ment seemed to favor such an undertaking. But It waa appar ent that no such action will be taken until very heavy and earn est thought is given to every feature of any contract that Is offered. Chairman Henry Semon held the discussion directly on the contract Tuesday evening and the occaaion waa productive of a great deal of g-od. for It allowed that farmers are taking an in terest to the extent that atndy is being given every phase ot the matter. Harry Wilson, speaking for the The flyers. Captain Charlea delegation that went to the New- r a n-nk !. Vm s TWIr I . . ... Klngslord-Smith. Evert Van Dyk. J. Patrick Saal and John w. ntan nnga. ware la good condition and excellent spirits when they landed here at 5:57 a. m. (E. 3. i.) they talked briefly of the dangers they had encountered ana men all sought sleep. Harbor Grace la the second city of Newfoundland, and la abont ! miles weat of St, John's. It Is a town of considerable trade, which consists mainly In furs, fih. seal-skins and cod olL Its population in 1301 was 3.184. There la well equipped land ing field there. t lands. Nev., project which was taken over by the farmers, told ot the reduction la O. and M. costs and aald the entire district waa well pleaaed with the experi ment. He la sure that a big saving has been made at New landa and that general satisfac tion prevails among the land' owners, who are harmonious and happy la handling their own work. Following the discussion of the government contract and after it had been put to sleep for time by a vote to postpone its consideration until further study of the provisions could be given, Secretary A. M. Thomas introduced Kenneth Harlan, who told the farmers that they coula Above Resembling the Antarctic suuws from which they hud returned ihi. hn. .,.,.. ticker-tape and confetti which greeted Hear Admiral Uyrd and hia nartv of einlnrera th.. n-- aded up Broadway to receive New York's tumultous welcome. Admiral Byrd and Urover Whalvn. chairman of the mayor's welcoming committee, are in the first car. Note tha paper-Uttered pave ment and the dense crowds that packed the sidewalks and tha balconies of buildings. it waa Broadways third and biggest welcome to Byrd. the trans-Atlantic flyer and conqueror of both poles. OFFICERS POUR OUT. HOME BREW pay their O. and .M. charges and more with electrical current which they could generate from thirsty looking Individual was the McCormick site on Klamath seen by neighbors lurking la the I river. alley, mourning over the ruins of Mr. Harlan said he was pleased so much Joy. While the neighbor that what la known as the "suit watched, an unearthly light bill waa delayed by the action auddenly awoke In the searcher's of the last legislature, for now eye. He aplea three Bottles toat the district could proceed with had been overlooked by the of- development of the McCormica fleers. With a stealthy look In power aite without extensive ail directions, the man tucked litigation, which would have hia booty under his coat, and departed forthwith from tb scene, earing, "Tia an ill wind. ate, etc" surely followed if the "suit bill' had been pushed. He told the fanners that con gress will undoubtedly pasa the bill next December giving to the district the McCormick aite and then develnnment ,nnM Of Sale Divulged hu'ckljr- H we" the be- I lief that aalawstot tu a..e. viv.u . i inuaiatnj Name and Place VETS'IORE up Tojoe (Continued (ross Page One) will be called upon to sustain or override him. Two-Thirds Vote Needed A two-thirds vote is necessary to override a veto and, with the Republican leadership behind Mr. Hoover, proponents of the bill are expected to be defeated. The Ken ate would not then be called upon to act on the veto. The Houae will begin formultatlon of another veterans' bill aimed to overcome administration protests. The first such bill vetoed was for relief of Spanish-American veterans. Both Senate and House overrode Mr. Hoover's wishes. He repeated his objections to that legislation after it was enacted into law. Republicans Back Hoover In a aaucus last night of 151 Republicans, It was agreed to sup port any veto of the bill by the President. Immediately after the House convened. Speaker Long worth recognized Chairman Royal C. Johnson, of the veterans commit tee, who requested that the House unanimously concur In the Sen ate amendments. He explained he did not believe It would do any KOod to send the measure to con ference, t Representative Rankin, ranking minority leader of the veterans committee, sought to have the House consider the Senate amend ments but Speaker Longworth up held Johnson. Rankin said: "Then, let r go." That was dona, Mr. Hoover today conferred with five Republican congressmen on the legislation. They were Representatives Hoch. of Kansas: Cole of Iowa, Reed of New York. Strong ot Kansas, and Fish of New York. Bad Legislation The Swick bill la alated to be the basis for substitute legisla tion. In a statement today, Rep resentative Tilson, the Republic an leader, aatd this would take care of every World War veteran who haa 25 per cent disability re gardless ot the origin ot the dis ability. He said tha bill to be vetoed was "not only too liberal to a special class of veterans, but it also is discriminatory aaalnat a much larger class ot equally worthy and needy veterans." Days of '49 Being Well Advertised Jean Joyaux and Tom Cunning, supreme ballyhooers for the Daya of '49 celebration, returned today from a re-traclng of their first trip to Lakerlew, Alturaa, Red mond and Prlnevllle districts. This time they distributed a dif ferent line of circulars and litera ture advertising the celebration, and Inviting everyone to come and be here on July 3, 4, 6, and 6. Again this evening they atart out to re-trace the second lap of their journey, going again In the covered wagon. This time tbey plan to go as far north as Contai ns and aa far south as Dunsmulr, Calif. Klamath Rebekahs In '49 Garb Take Ashland by Storm Prosperity Rebekahs took Ash land by storm last evening when more than forty of them appear ed on the Ashland streets, parad ed through the Ibeatera and Tea taurante in their 4t costumes. Full skirts and ruffled skirts, short sleeves and long elaeves. crinolines and ginghams, sdnbon nets and poke bonneta, all were worn by the Itebekaha who made an official visit to the neighboring city and were given a royal wel come. Twenty-eight member! of the drill team. In addition to many of the lodge members not In the drill team, put on the Initiation work for the Hope Rebekabs ot Ash land, and Initiated two new mem bers into the Hope chapter. Af ter the lodge opened, the Pros perity lodge members marched around the hall, ahowing off their coetumea. Banquet Served Following the Initiation and business session a banquet waa served for the visiting Rebekahs, and each of them presented with a basket of red cherries. Both chapters then marched to the neaa ot me loage room, ana tne captains of the drill team and the Noble Grands of each lodge were presented with corsages. A program consisting of Sonus and a number ot whistling solos was then given. The captain of Prosperity Re bekah'a drill team, Mra. Elisabeth Sanders, and Mrs. Harry Hill. No ble Grand, led tha Klamath dele gation to Ashland. Thar return ed last night. line ENTERS RAC E (Conllnned from Page One) tribute to the lale Senator Jo seph than to myself, the sug gestion evidently originating In the thought that 1 could be trusted lo maintain the Joseph prlnclpala and carry out tha Jo seph policies for the people, And that 1 could bs so trusted goes almost without savins for my love aud admiration for the man aud bla principles knows uo bounds. That, to my uilml la the all Important thing, the carrying out of the principles aud policies contained In tha plat form on which Senator Ueorae W. Joseph waa given tha re publican nomination. To carry out these principles so vital to I he welfare of the slate of Ore gon there must be nominated a man who thoroughly believes In them and will be guided by them. Those who know ma know that 1 personally entertain no politi cal auibltione and 1 have none, aava only oua. If such It may be called, of doing what In ma lies to see that tha whole unified Joseph pisiform eo overwhelm ingly Indorsed by tha voters of the state be carried out III Its entirety that Oregon may lake Ita proper place among her sister slatea. Joseph l'oll Ira Kavurvd Since the announcemeut was published yeaterday I have had a score of calls to which I have not given a direct answer to the reasons set forth above. If I personally ran help to carry out the will of tha people aa demons trated at tha polls In tha form of tha Joaeph platform 1 shall be satisfied. I will not atand In tha way ot any man who will give hia wholehearted support to the Joseph platform and who will, aa Mr. Joaeph would have done, carry out theaa principles on a baslness rather than a political" basis. fonrenUoa Data Penda Phil Metachan, chairman of the republican atate committee, has not decided when ha will aet he date tor the meeting when ha rommitlre will make the nomination. He aaya some oh- ectloua have been raised to holdlug the aesslon early In July, but he plana trying lo ascertain what dale will be aallafactory to tba greater number ot com mitteemen. There la a desire on the part of many people that the meeting be held around the i middle of July so that "the gony can be over with e.i soon as possible and plana laid for the general election. The longer the delay the more con fusion and wire-pulling will re sult. I At present Melsrhaa Is con cerned with selecting a suitable place for the gathering. He wants one where the committee can function without Interference nd at the same time In a room where there will be ample space for the public to all In and watch the proceedings. Nine counties still remain to be organised and elect a atate committeeman, and theaa may not finish their task before th- end of the current week, or per- bps not until the middle ot neat week. "IViiss Klamath" To be Selected Thursday lNight Tha list of entrants for Ihe I.loua club beauty contest to se lect a "Mlsa hleiuath" to parllcl- osts In Ills stats convention, preliminary to tlalvasluu llulb- Ing Beauty rngeaiit. was given out today by Murlaud Stroud, wuo la III charge. The winner will ba selected at a dunce to ha held In I hi' Alia imini hall tomorrow owning. The girls entered, their ages ami Ihe firms sponsoring IIioiii, lolluw; Lola Miller. 17, blonde Klam ath Cleaning and I'ye Works. Jeailetlo tkllilllt. 10, bloudo Hue Bird. Nellie thane, in, brunette Whitman Drug mora. Gladys Long, l, blonde Star Drug More. .Margaret Mackey, 18, bloude American National Hank. lierlritiln llllyanl. It), brunette Oregon linns and Trust Co. Alberta Kill, In bloude Hall Hotel, Francis Lamlla, It, brunette Maglll Drug Store. Il.rulce lladike. II. brunette- Connolly Brothers. Durls Jones, 17, brunette Klrkpatrlrk Kennett. Mabel Moore, Is, brunette Wlllnrd llolel. Marguerite I.ltiiley, ID. bru netie Klrat National Hunk. The winner of tha contest will ba crowned by Ihe lsl! winner, Dorothy I'owell. ami will he given tha title ot ".Mies Klamath" until next year's contest. REED'S SLAYER PLANNED DEED (("nnllniiril from I'age flue) fore yesterday," Ilia letter lo the sister, Mrs. John Luslsckl, aald. "If I d"u't get some money from them. Hull Is going lo be popping In a short while. They can't aiuaah me up Ilka this without liaylng for It." lleois.i hurl attempted to bor row money from Ilia Simpson Logging company, a Heed firm, In whoae camp he was Injured, pond ing aelllemeiil with Ilia stale da partinonl ot labor and Industries lor Ilia loss of Ilia leg. I lie prose cutor said. 'I cau l send Mania any nton. ay," he wrote to nis uroiner joe. "and she says she Is starving. Mama will get my Insurance front the government so. If 1 don't gat In see you any more don't think Ion hard or inc." Both letters wara dated Hun-day. Corrections To Errorgrams (1) A atera wheel steamboat does not have a wheel house on ihe side. 13) lllver steamers puah boats, instead uf pulling them. Ill The pilot house should he at the foraaid end ot lbs boat. (41 Tha steamboat atarka should be side by able. Instead of In line. t&l The scrambled word la liKN'EHAI.. VOX THEATRE v, .The House with the Perfect Sound Now l'lavinir "Around the Corner" CEO. SIDNEY and CHARLIE MURRAY The Funniest Pair on the Screen 1:15 and 3 Four Show. Daily 7:15 and 9 Polflai? Bay alt SATURBAY Playgrounds Open To Children From 6 to 16 Years Old m.. t,t - .... i from that power site by tha dls- 1 IIB III K I1SJW B VUl, l WOO 1 . , . I j a. i - Imnoasfble to suppress It longer. ?'c c.?uld ta old compete The nsme and place of th f inn T"." '"T?" ,na make V" bi it n the run of 19 rent I ' - aale. which has been anxiously swatted by the public, waa re vealed late this afternoon as the Golden Rule store. From the appearance of the windows and the hustle and bustle ot employes, anyone could 'guess that something was going to happen even the Patrol" could guess it. Inside the store there Is every Indication that a big event Is about to break. Prices on mer- rhandUe are very attractive and there Is no doubt that this will be a "sale-abratlon" that Klani' alb. connty will welcome. Instead ot having the children Whisker I of different agea segregated dar ing me play hours at the city and school playgrounds, it was an nounced this mornlnc bv Joe Peak, director In charge, that children of any ages, from to i, may attend the free instrnn. tlona on the days slloted to their school district. More Boocesafal The playgrounds are Droving successful and parents are nrnd Of '49 Candidates I0'" ''.2. ?.k 't which is being held under the competent supervision of Joe Peak and Miss Parker, physical education instructors. - On Mondays from 9 until 12 children ot the Fremont district will be given the instruction. Tuesdays Mlsa Parker and Mr. Peak will be at the Mills addition playgrounds. Wednesday has been alloted to the Hlverside dis trict, Thursday to Hot Borings. Friday to Pelican City and Sat urday to the Falrvlew and Con ger school districts. ... Standing of Belle The official standings ot the candidates In the Belle of '49 con- test was announced this morning by Chairman Jack Glover, and follows: Claire Ellis 12.000 American Legion Winnie Barret Keno -Sophia Brucbow Montgomery Ward Marjorie Richardson- First National Bank Agnes Greon...., Moe's store Craee Glenger. Chlloqutn Tina Nltschelm. Blue Bird Anne Crawford.. I Polnte's 9,350 I 8,050 8,050 5,950 5,600 5.550 1,450 OBITUARY JOH.V K. HILL John E. Hill, employed as IV AIR 883 HOURS brakeman for the Lamm Lumber CHICAGO. June 25. (AP) Company camp, passed away In The endurance plane "City of 'his city Wednesday morning at Chlcngo" had completed 382 lu o clock following s brief Ill hours of continuous flight at hess. The remains sre In ths 12:40 p. m. todsy. gold room of the Earl Whitlock I Funeral Home. Pine Annna at Only one Connolly Brothers Sixth where frienda ma roll tore aftv July 1st, at S27 Main Announcement of funeral ar Kreet. 6-211 rangementa will be made later. REMOVAL SALE Now in Progress NOTE THESE PRICES Good New 9-Inch Stanley Try BROOM Gillette Blades and Mitre Square . "3t?rt 5 in pkg. Sale Price 37c 95c 2.V ' SBSHBaasaaaaasaaaaaBiaaaaBBaBaaaaa aaaaasaaaaaaas.asasa.aaaaaaaw PLIERS New Gilette Razors Finished ' Wow Reg. Price $1 Breakfast Sets 1 Cw Sale Price . Tab1 nd 4 Chairs j-ajiw 75c Felt Base Rugs yDC $16.25 Reg. Price $11.60 -s-VT TaA 1 Sale Price II M I .1 1 New Cunt Cook Hlnvea JQ regular price 91I7.S0, 4Oe eD Price 8a,e ''rb Used Ivory 2 rniAS $25.00 Bed Room Suite Butcher Knives in-mc oven. Sale Price Choice Lou of 5v42 SO 9ft." ODD DRESSERS 4yv ju zvi t0 Ch00se From LUCAS FURNITURE & HARDWARE 826 Main New Location 195 East Main : r WATER USERS' MEETING AT MALIN ThursdayEveningJune26 To Discuss 0. & M. Contract And Hear KENNETH HARLAN Speak On McCormick Power Site