Tuesday, Juno 2i, 1MU COMBINATION HERALD AND NEWS CLASSIFIED AD RATES Three cent a word each time ad la printed Same ad run one week, 10 per cent discount. Same ad run one month, 20 per cunt discount. Telephone 877 or 88 FOR SALE Real Estate VBHT PHUTTY 7-roout home. Larg lot. 14600. ROOMS AND UATII On on or. Iuld nicely finished. Prlc SlbUU with lrms. 4 ROOM HOME Modern. I lot. Prie ISUUU. Liberal terma. Vry good bujr. OOUDLOOKINU NSW IIOMB-v-4 room. -lrplao. bullt-lna and garaga. Occupancy July lt. Price I'JUVU. Cash. llliU. UL'SINtBH LOT-South lib 11800 lor quirk sal. MHHVICE STATION And lourlat aDarliaauta. Long lease lor suitable parly wli livutt ceah SIKSTAUHANT In l.asvl. iiouo. Tumi, (load lutilUin ud pari"! business. ROOM HOUSE Near South . IliOU. Will trail". lluuiaa and aiarlinnta (or lUut. T. J. WEIIII. UK ALTO R Call U. I. Taylor, Haifa Manager 121 Main HI. I'lione 7 POIl BALM Four lloom plastered lloua. Oa rag In baaernent. furnished, rina vlaw. l.arge lot. Prlc 1250. lth amall down pay ment. ltn large lot right on Pacific Trrc. A bargain. Prlc 1760. Tea aor tract. Clnaa In. The cbeapvit we have aver aeen. Water and light available. I'rire 1 1 ooo. Terioa. Bring aa your car to trad In on bouse. Your pick o( aeierel. l.rs or amall. Wi aur do trad. Br nt now. REAL EBTATE EXCHANGE 111 Bo. 1th Bt. I'hona 134 14-31 )IOW IS THE TIM K TO INVEST IN KLAMATH KALLS LOTH (1600 COMMtltt IAI. LOT 601 137 on Market; apur track IB rer. Iioou HUtilNKSM LOT 26x111 Eaat Main. Will lucreaae In valu rapidly. 50 KINK IlKSIDKNTIAL LOT la Hot gprlnsa; tuillo. 1400 LAltliK AND WKLL LO- CATKU Lot In mill. Many olhera to choose from kaalneaa and residential. Will aall en very eaay lernia or take good dwelling In ucbanga (aaumlng loan If aceeary. CIIILCOTE BM1TII KKALTOHS f IT Wain rbon 13-11 FOR BALE -room horn, atrlclly modern, oak floora. full baattnnnt. tub and ahowor balb. laundry tray, enclosed rear porch, lawn, tree, ahruba. only 13760. A real good buy In good location. Terma on part. Might take wall located vacant lot. ALSO roil RENT I room apartmenta. new, furnlah d. wood, bot and cold water and eleclrlolty fre. 121.00. A. T. WARD CO.. REALTORS 714 Main 13-11 ron ralh ALTAMONT AUDITION Two mllaa from city: good roade. Irrigation, city water and light; tb beat aoll: cloa to so boo I. Eaay tcrma. dlacount for caab. Buy m of thee a lot and watch tbm grow Into money. , PEYTON A CO.. Agent 111 8. Ttb. Fbon 631 3-U SMALL TRACT One-half acre tract, ImproTod with l-room taoua. city water and lrrlgtlon. If you want a amall tract, la thla. Price 1176.00; 1100.00 down; bal ance ay lamia. T. B. WAITERS. REALTOR III Mala 8U I'bon 4 . 24-St rOR BALE OR TRADE 1 or land In Stockton, Calif.. I block! from city limits be twnn Hlih Hchool and College Faolflc Will accept Klamath property or good naed enr or truck part payment. Phone 1H-J-1. - 11-tf FOR SALE CHEAP Roataurant and lunch countnr. A bargain Tit taken by the flral of July. i Writ Box 740, Yreka, Calif. 7 14-2t TOR BALE OA TRADE 6H acrra on pavemant. Improred, t Irrigated. Phon 612-W-S. ' 8-t TOR SALE Two residential lota for the prlc of on. Phon 1073. l-t FOR RENT rOR RENT W guarant com fort and ve yon money; 62 Ingla and double, up-to-date apt., completely furnished with telephone aorvlce: by weuk or month; w furnish every thing but groceries. Also room with prlrat bath, transclent; gnrnge right across. Arcade Apt".. Phon 700. 3-tf TO LEASE Six-room modern house; desirable location; thro bedrooms; also for snl. Icebox, desk nd single bed. Phone 1262. 17-lf FOR RENT Coneesalona for "49 eelehratlnn at fair grounds. Phone 1796-W or 324 Rroad at. lS-t FOR RENT Two house with gsrsges. 1011 Wantland and 1007 Wantland. Phone 632W6. 18-6t FOR RENT WILL I.KAHK Malln botal and ca(a at Malln, Or.; botal bua 14 room, turnlabad; cat la up to data: wall furnlahiid through out; frlgldalr. llalouank Deiuils, alalia. Or. ' le-l KOII HUNT Weeping room a tor ona or two gantlamau. Out aide antrauc. Cloa In. 110 Ho. lib at., or cornar Willow and Commercial, yellow bouaa. 24-lt' KOII ItKNT J-room furnlihad apt. Suitable for I or 1 adulta. tiood loratlon. Also I room unfurnlahed bouaa. Phone 1104-J. 14-t KOH ItKNT. I.KAHK OR SALE 7-room partly turnlahad bouaa. Iniiilr at M. K. Ilarbar ehup, 127 Bo. 4th. 24-tl KOII ItKNT 4-room furnished modern hone and garage. In quire Superior Service Htatlnn. 2101 Ho. lh Kt. 24-2t KOII RKNT Nice dole In mod arn J-room tiouae. uaraae. furnac. electric rang. Adulta, Phon 41. 14-11 roil ItKNT rnrnlahed apart- mtnu. 61111a addition. 2361 White At. Fbon l 641-W. 216f roR RENT Naw. nnfnnitabed 6 room flat, alio l-room apt. all loll MrKlnlar. I'bon 4 4T-R FOR RENT 4-room apt. furnUh d. Cloa in. 166.00. S rooma ran be rrantd aa an apart ment. 1020 Main Bt. 21-lt KOII RENT UnfurnUbed 4-room cabin: double garage, on 8. ftb at.. 120.00. Bean Lake Mould Inx Co.. phone 76. l-tf KOII RENT rurnlabed 4-room bouae. l-room bouaa, modern. No children. 402 11 road Bt. Il-lt roll RENT rurnUhed 4-room anL 64 Main 8U phon III W. 4-lt roll RENT 4-room bouaa, part ly turnlabad. 1410 Bargaant At. fbon 1I7-W-I. 14-21 KOH RENT l-room. modern fur nlabed bouaa. Inquire 1602 Wordcn avenu. 24-2t roil RENT 4-room bonaa wltb bath. Oarage. I'hona JI2-R. 24-21 rOR RENT I -room furpehed bouae. Llghta and waler. Phone 1167. . 23-lt HOARD. ROOM and houeokenplng room. Elm lintel. 4318. 6tb. lO-tt KOII ItKNT 2-room bona, part- lr furnlabedT. I'bon Itl w. I2-21 KOR RENT Larg furnished - room apartmnnl. 707 Waah lniton. 23-gt KOR RKNT I'artly fnrnlahed room bouae. (iarag. 13 El dorado. 22-2t KOR RENT Modern 6-room bouae. 1021 Waah. Phone 112-J. -lf ROOM Suitable for on or two aeiitlnmen. 631 Conger At. Il-3t roll RENT Three-room unfur nished bona, close In. I'hon 612-M. - l-t KOII RENT Threo-room furnish' ed bona, wltb bath, garag. 1611 Oregon are. 19-t KOR RENT Three-room duplex, new; rang connected. 614 Di vision or 127 8. 7th. 11-tf FOIt RENT First olasa a pert- mania, turnlabad. Evans Apt. Fbon 621-M or 100. -tf roil RENT Comfortably furO' lined apt.: frlgldalr. 614 High at. 4-tl FOIt RENT New 4-room house completely furnished. 640 Di vision. 11-tf FOR RENT Room In private home. i: High, rbone 1804 17-tt FOR RENT Throo-room unfur nished house. 411 8. 9th at. 17-tf FOR LEASE Six-room modern unfurnished bouse; good loca tion. Phone 1242.- 20-tt FOR RENT l-room furnished bouae. 3I Washington. 14-lt PIANO For lens or rent Phone 1147 or 413. 24-tt FOR RKNT l-room apartment. 64 Main. Phon 193-W. 24-1 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS B10 Lincoln. 24-61 FOR RENT 1 and l-room apis, 624 Washington. 23-3t FOR RENT Cabin close In, IIS, No children. 604 So. 6th, 23-2t' FOR man. RENT Room Also garage. for gentle- 710-R. 23-tf FOR RENT Housekeopln room Close In. Phon 1076-W. 33-tt FURNISHED APT. Two bed. rooms. Phon 124S-W. 13-31 FOR RENT 2-room 616 High. house. 21-21 FOR RENT N. 6th. -Furnished apt. 121 20-6t FOR RENT Furnished apt. 41 N. 10th. 20-tf FOR RENT Modern room. 1030 Upham. alcepln 17-tf FOR RENT Stemheated apt. Rax Arms.. 31-261 When President Roosovelt took his first ride In an automobile I 1!)03, at Hartford. Conn., a horse drawn vehicle followed, to eorve FOR SALE ron SALE ll-ft mahogany Baa Had almost naw. With IS b. p. Jouiiaon motor. Spd ol batwaaa l ud 10 utile par br. fully iulpud wltb born, running and stationery light, lira -tlniulsher, Ufa praaarvara. Tbla la a patented boat built by See mad Co. ('out our IDOO. Will II for 1500. K. K. WltlOIIT Office. I0 William nidg. ilaa. 160 Pacific Tarraea 14-21 rOH SALE Butlful t-room modarn bom , laws, traaa, larga gardao. Irrigation walar. garaga, wood abad, chlcian liouia; a raal buy; IVs mile from city. Merrill road. Fbon iii-j-1. n-tr roR SALE Ueed Maytag elae- trlo waaber. A good buy. used lata modal Tbnr cylinder waab er. 146.00. Used Maytag Uaa washer, IH 00 cub. Sea the at lb Maytag abop, 120 Bo, tb Bt. 1 4 It FOR BALE Charrle. 10c lb. Four tulles north Medford, Critar Lk highway. Dolph Pblppa. lit. I. Ordera filled Sundays, rbon 201-J-l. 24-2t EVERY SUNDAY at tb Whit Bur Inn. on Klamatb-Medtord blgbwgy. chicken dinner and ev erything that goee wltb It. 760. Special rta for families. 2li(t FOR BALE Real bargain! Naw and aeoond - band furniture, stoves. Ham's liargaln House, 111 ilroad. Phon 2030-W. 11-61 roil BALE Bhaw Bertram Lum ber company logging bora nd harness. Cheap. E. L. Iloaley Ranch, 13 mil onth eaal of Klamath Fall. 13-lt FOR SALE Cash rag later, com puting ecale, meat oa, meat allcar and grinder, adding ma chine. Priced right. Terma If daalrad. Phone 2067. 24-lt FOR SALE Two Alfalfa Daln buck rakes. Prlc 196.00. Call or writ John Cacka. Mar rill, Oregon. 24-2t FOR SALE Rng, combination lectrlc and wood. A-l condi tion. Cheap. Phon 1721. 14-lt FOR BALK liar In abock at Knterprls lunch. 1 mtla out. Phon 440-J. 24 FOR SALE Oil stove. a-ond hand. 12.60 each. Th Cali fornia Oregon Power Co. H it FOR SALE Irrigating pump. Schubert's Ranch. Spring Lake. 11-tf FOR SALE CHEAP Davenport set, Fbon 177. 24-tf FOR SALE Toy Boston bull pups. Call 626 Praacott. 23-2t OLD PAPERS FOR BALE At Herald and News Office. 11-tf FOR SALE Automobile FOR QUICK BALE Equity In Dew Ford truck wltb state body. Owner Injured perman ently. Inquire 232 No. 3rd St. 23-tf 1926 liUICK Standard Sedan. Thla car Just reconditioned and la real buy at 2400. Shelton. 726 Pine. 24-2t 1926 CHEVROLET Touring. naw paint. 4 ply tir. Heater. 1246. Bhelton. 726 Tin BL 24-lt HI DSU.N VUACH Learner up holstery, wonderful condition. Only 1160. Shelton, Hi Pin 8t. 24-21 ; FOR BALK Larg touring oar In good condition. Cheap. 1342 ; rM...M a, . . - " . , . L 192 FORD Roadater. new tires. excellent condition. Only 175. Shelton. 725 Pine St. 24-lt 1821 FORD Coupe. Good condition, only Shelton. 7 IS Pine St. FOR BALB Dodge sport tonrlng car. 11.00. see Mr. James, Uulck garage. 11-tf 1919 CHEVROLET Coach. Just Ike new. Be thl on. 1535. Shelton, 725 Pine. 14-2t 1921 FALCON-KNIOHT Sedan. Nice condition, f ITS. Shelton. 721 Pine. S4-21 BABY CHICKS MAOU1RE SUPER-QUALITY CHICKS White Leghorns, 112.(0 100, Ills 1000; barred Plymouth Rocks and Rhode Is land Rede, IIS 100, 1150 1000. Prepaid and guaranteed. Pure bred, heavy production stock. Prompt shipments. New cata logue with hundreds ot testi monials want free on request. J. R. Mngulre, 785 'rcgon St., Portland. Ore. 4-26t BABY CHICKS We batch all aummer; Red, Rocks, Whit Leghorn chick, every Tuesday. Delivery by truck to Klamath Falls. Ashland Associated Breeding Farms, Ashland, Ore. 13-1 It BABY CHICKS at summer prices; Reds, 111; Leghorns. I960; Black Olants, 116: White Ml norcas, 114: Buff Orplngtona. 114 per 100, -prepaid. Hart's Hatchery, Deaverton. Ore. 19-tt MISCELLANEOUS SKH US about automobile flnnnce, loans made; quick service. Uell Knutaen Agoncy, 105 S. 7th t., phon 2090. 20-5t 110USK MOVING Raising and foundations. Stanley W. Smith 2220 Durrow Av. Phone 337 W. ' . 28-61 HEM STITCH NO Gold and allver tinsel; fast colors: satisfaction guaranteed. Phon 973, 514 Walnut. 19-61 RADIO SERVICE Repairing, testing, tubes, sto. Wm. Long, 1011 Donald St. Phone 1454-M. 11-tt THE EVENING liEHALD, MISCr.UANEUUS MILLINERY Reasonable prices; old bate re-blockd, trimmed. Phone 171. 614 Walnut. 19-41 PORTLAND, KLAMATH FALLS fast freight, dally service. 444 Spring at. i'borto 161. 11-241 SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED Stenographic or bookkeeping by experienced Commercial teacbr. Horn of fice eiperlenc. Writ Hoi 17. Herald. 11-lt REFINED (1IRL 16 Would Ilk work In nlc family on rancb or city, i'bon I. P. MeAullff Ranch, Fort Klamath, Or., or writ. 11-lt PRACTICAL N URHINO And bouaekueplng. 14 1 Conger Ave. 24 4l LADY wants housework; one. 1'hou 741. reter- l-6t GIRL 17, wuuta general house work. Call 216. 24-31 WAN I tD WANTED Child stock saddle. Must b In good condition nd reasonably priced. Box 204, Malln. 24-2t 1I1UHKBT prlc paid for aeoond band household goods, atoves. Phone 2020-W. ll-6t WANTED Honskplng or cooking; have child of 7. Fhona 1902-J. 1031 High. 17-tt LOST AND FOUND ,OST Diamond platinum brace let. Finder pleaa return to Mra. Irving Keaterson. 100 Btawart Drw Bldg., and reclv reward. 14 -if HELP WANTED WANTED Woman to live with family and no general nouse work. Call 147 California. 11-lt WANTED Lady to do house work and help with dining room. Phon 632. 24-lt BOY WA.NTED To carry paper routes. Must bav wheel. Cell at 1409 Main. 12-21 BOYS TO SELL Paper Satur day night. Call at 1409 Main. 22-2t WANTED On plasterer. In quire Superior Bertie Station, 2301 South Sixth street. 11-lt CRATER LAKE A total of 40,000 tourists bav entered thla park so fsr this year. No More Neuritis la Arms, Neck, l-ga or ThlKli If you want to gat rid of tb agonising palna of neuritis, neu ralxla. sciatica or rheumatism lust apply Tysmol to tb at reeled Peru and see bow quickly all misery will ceaa. Tysmol la a powerfully pene trating absorbent, soothing and healing. In Ita action, which goes in through the pores and quickly raAchea the burning, a e h I a ( nervea. Those atnbborn pains In the back of the nck. about th shoulder blade, face or bead. In the (orearm and finger or ex tending down the thigb to tb to tips, will soon disappear. Cramping of the muscle will itop and. yon will no longar be botbartd wltb soreness, swelling itltfneaa, numbness or tenderness ot the Joint and ligaments. Tysmol la not an ordinary lin iment or salve, but a scientific new emollient that la entirely different from anything yon bav ever naed. Don't suffer any longer. Get a aupply of Tysmol tt any good drug store. Always n hand at Star Drug Co. adv. : ' 1 1 ''i'-a KLAMATH FALLS, OKEGON business Locals 0 a Oa 4PWoved loan. See J a. U. Uroll, Williams Uldg ad.lt Conoly Brothers Removal sal at 911-914 Main at., opposit Tntb at. 1-1 It Zo Nevela. eiperl maroallar and beauty operator, la now with tba Powder Putt beauty shop, 107 South Seventh. 14-4t CARD OK THANKS. I wish to eipraas my linear thank and appreciation for tb many acts of klndna extended durlug my late bereavement la tba loaa of my loving wife, also for tba many beautiful floral tribute. LOUIS L. STEIN. 24-lt LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OP ItOND SALE NOTICE IS HERK11Y OIVEN that the Klamath Drainage District of Klamath County. Oregon, hereby otlera (or sal 126,000.00 worth of tb bond of th District. Said bond to commenc to matur five year from date. Addraaa all torn- munlcatlona to th nndrsigna. C. K. Dal. AH. , Becratary Klamatb , Drainage District. Klamath Falle, Oregon. 17.24Jyl. .S'OTICK. . SEALED BIDS will be received by th County Court ot Klamath County, Oregon, np until I o'clock P. M. July 1, 1980, and than pub licly opened and read at tba Court House In tba county court Room, Klamath Falls, Oregon, for: SURFACING what la known at the Edgewood Highway, an ap proximate distance of 14 miles. All work to b done according to th plana and specification on file In the office of the County Engineer. BIDS must he securely sealed ON FOOT il 25c Tiny Wafer, Thin As Paper. Stick It On Shoes Don't Hart. OUT COMES CALLOUS RESULTS GUARANTEED Th newest In carious t r mover Is a thla as paper wafer you press on th spot with fingers and it sticks there. No danrerous rator, burning add or doughnut pads to add pressure when ehoes so on. Fain stops immediately. Slip on shoes. O-Joy Callous Wafer never fail. Later you peel off wafer and out comes callous down to the healthy sldn. S O-Joy Callous or Bunion Wafers for a quarter at arufgixts, e Four Room Furnished House $75.00 Down Located on west Oreeon avenue. Large lot. House faces south. Garage and woodshed. The furniture includes bed. rues, ranee, heater, phonograph, sew inj; machine, chairs, table, etc. The total price is only $1600. No city assessments. Barnhisel & Robertson PHONE 10.10 Only $9j55 7000 Miles of Travel N OW NO W NOW I While the rata is so low, maks) this glorious trip through the) lovely North west. Clear up the coast to Seattle. Clear across the continent to St. Paul, Dulujh and Winnipeg I And in between, you can stop at cities; visit national parks; take your fill of snow-capped mountains. Ride in luxury, too, on the New North Coast Limited All-Mlman Here's the vacation you've longed for. Northern Pacific's special low round trip summer fares make it possible for you to take two or three weeks and spend them in romance, adventure, excitement. tow round trip excursion fares to off points o( until September 30 return limit October 31. let us plan your tHp for you anywhere. T. A. Mvrsby, General Agent. 457 Market Street, SAhl FRANCISCO Northern Pacific Ry. first of tli Northern Troniconfinentals and marked "Uld tor surfacing Edgewood Highway," end ad dresud to tb County Clrk oa of bfor tb hour ot opeulng. EACH BID meet b accompani ed by a certified check or bidder' bond for 1 of tb amount bid aa a guarante that the aucceaaful bidder will, wltbln 10 days enter Into a legal contract to do the work or forfeit the same to th County as liquidated damagaa. THE COUNTY COURT reserve the right to reject any and all bids. COUNTY COURT OF KLAMATH COUNTY. OREGON. by E. B. HENRY County Engineer. Jll.Jyl STUMP DUCK ROME Two thing are above th regulation of Benito Muaaollnl Italy's powerful dictator who baa everything else nnder hie thumb. Those are short skirt and reli gion. Of these, he says: "They say I wanted to length women'a skirt, although I know there are two things which cannot be touch ed fashion and religion." For Rmalt I'm Herald Clsi Ads Buy a Good Used Car now to take your vacation with Our Cars are Recondition ed Our Cars are Priced Right Our GMAC Fi nance is Low. Look at Our Cars Ride in Our Cars Buy Our Cars And Save Money No. 2142 192 Ford Coupe 8113.00 New light blue duco Job striped In orange; nlckle radiator; good upholstery and rubber. No. 1971 1927 Oakland Coupe... 848.00 Small doora for rear com partment; natural wood wheels; excellent rubber; gray leather upholstery; light blue duco. A good as 11 sounds. No. 1931 1927 Cher. Coach S20S.OO Steel gray duco; good rub ber; new aeat covers. Locke Motor Co, Cbetrulet Sale and Service tUK South atb St. Phone 49 I 211 NO. OTB KLAMATH FALLS Business and Professional DIRECTORY Th merchant snd professional people lilted on Ibis Bsc are known ss Klamatb Falls moat reliable buslnoes mo ad woman. Her you will find th firms Hated slpbabetloally who will asrve yoa economically and promptly. Tby ara ll killed la laelr respective lines. Call oa them today. Pleaa mention that yon saw their ad la tba Evening Herald. AMII 8 Blle'S.H t tCM 4oodyear i tree Washing, Oreaalng, Storage Open All Mailt ;iui and klamatb KMPLOYMKNT aVUKNCX RYAN'S KLAMATH Employment Office. 121 Bo. ttb. 0n ral mploymnL Phone H7-W. PHONE 81 a RECK AKD-RYAN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY "W Aim to Pleaa" 110 Klamatb Avou PRINTING KLAMATH PHLNTINU CO. Ill N. Fourth St. Prompt Service AllOMOUlLK DEALER) REPAIR work. Battery aervlca, Oakland. Pontine, 111 Kla. sth. Phons 111. TKAXSFUt KTOtUUB PROMPT and courteous mtvic. Standard rates. Was urn Trans fer Co. 419 Mala. Phon 1109. LANDSCAPE GARDENER Laws Thompson Sprinkling Syatcm Ruck Cardan Work Guaranteed. W. M. PALMERTON 72S North god 8L Phone llli Klamath Falls Lodge Directory LODGE FRATERNAL NOTICE If & P. O. ELKS Meets every Thursday Night Vistula- Members Welcome ELKS TEMPLE, 3rd and Mala Moos Hall 411 Klamath Ave. Meets every Thurs day. 7:10 : . E. BENNER Dictator KLAMATH LODGE NO. 77 A. r. aad A. M. Slated Communication 2nd and 4th Mondays VlalUng Brothers Welcome. LOOM1S BUILDING Klamath Falls Business Cards DR. E. C. HOWELL, Jr. VETERINARIAN X-Ray Diagnosis Lamp Treatment Phono Si 11th at Oak CUIBOPRACTUB DR. PAUL C LONG, Chlroprao- tor and nrv specialist, 117 80. 7th 8u Phone 1(40. QUALITY FOOD Klamath County's Most Modern Eating Place. Special Sunday Dinner. PELICAN GRILLE Phone 617 712 Main CHIROPRACTOR DR. GLENN MOORE Palmer Graduate Chronto aad Nervous Diseases New Melbsa Block. IIS Main Phone 117 t Residence No. 1442-W Opposite Court Hons CIVIL KNGLNKKK8 J. C C LEGHORN Civil Engineer and Smrvayor 111 High street C. C. KELLEY Consulting Civil Engineer lit So. eta. Phoa 1076 Excellent Care la Confinement Slcknesa or Surgical Con valeeceoc CENTRAL SAFE Cor. 4 th snd Pine Sts. KLAMATH VALLEY H08P1TAL SWIM Hot Springs Natatorium .Water chanced everv nieht. Paul Granelle, Instructor 503 Spring St. Phone 1179 RED BALL STAGE LINE Starting April 10th. Two Stagea Daily for Lakewiew, Oregon Leave K. F. Leave K. F. 8:80 2:00 Office 6th & Main PHONE 999 4 A'AGB NINE aw-Muee Sapeeetleal Oavaiea Md.a-I4eaur OuanatMd Mas sois KNarr kakuaix bum Walaal ave, fkeee SSW Window Cleanlrag. Window Washed, Uoa( Cleaaad, Paint Washrd. LET OAX DO IT Valla Horn nl Window CUaalag Oa. Phoa luva KLAMATB FLYING SERVICE Aerial Taxi Stadeat bastractioa Aerial Photography PHO.NB 1S . Wa Repair LOCKS AND R.KTS AIM we make daplicate key for yoa. THK UVN STUKB Car. Ttb aad Klamath CLARK and LANDRETH Qualified Architects PeUraus Theatre Bids, llamath rails Medford Blda-. Medford DENTISTS DR. B. a WlSaXaBVU 7th and Mala ever 0ad wood's Pharmacy WHITE Sewing Machine aad SappUe . U. KLATT Local Representative I0T Klamath Av. Phoa 70 CHARLES J. CIZEK Uechaa Tailor Makes Good Clothe , lu South ajevib . Edward B. Asharst Attorney aad Coa sllor SoUctkir la 4 lionets ttalkUaa Klamath FaJla, tjtcgos LEARN TO DANCE Mrs. E. M. Hog Tel. lt Sirs. Hogae' sVjfaool tt Daaclns AU Modarn and Old Tim 8 1 pa Ballet, Acrobatic, To. Tap and Characteristic Dancing. Moose Mall Klamath Vails PIONEER TRANSFER Pay Cash and Pay Less Office 1TSO-Phone-Re. 1AS4 Boxing and Crating and Garden So'.L Martin Eltlnj Geo. Eltlag Props. K CAFE SOt Klamath Arena .W lerra (or SOe Aa AppaUstng Dinntr From ( to t Every Evening FLOOR WORK Finishing, Waxing and Polishing Sanding New Banding Machia Prices Seasonable Real Workmanship Phone 1844 0. H. PRALET Auto Body and Fender Wrecks repaired like new. Plate Glass Installed while you wait Authorized Harrison Radiator service and re pairing by experienced men. All work guaran teed by BOB RYAN AUTO TOP SHOP 1419 Main St. Phone evS Klamatb KaUa, Oregon BPKCIAL KLDUCTlONs) LIMITED TIME ONLY Plates That Fit Absolutely guaranteed snd lifelike) la appearance, special reduction In Gold Crown aad Brldgework. Fre t'ramlastloa Open Wed. nd 8aL Evenings OH. THOMPSON The Be lor Less" Phone 123 710 Mala M. In case of emergency.