Saturday, Juno 21, 1930 NEWS in BRIEF Close-Ups j Character 'Vot ortnerre i 1'roiiiliirnl I'mpla ('amine Mr. and Mra. K. L. HhloliU. Mm. Mlnnlo Lawless snd Mis. 1. J. Wllllts, nil prominent resi dents nf HI. r'rsnrle. Kansas, ar arriving In Klamath frails IhU avonlug lu t Ull (ur several lava Willi Mr. Uni Huero, (uruiar resident of Kanaaa. The vislture hav mad reservations al Ida Wlllard huinl. Mr. Hhlelda la a wall known lutnkir of lh eoutliern elate while Mra. I. awla la employed In eourl work. They plan la remain lier for eeveral date. Hprnt Mailt Hero Mm. W. Wray l-awrnnr and amall daughter Hetty Juue, atop pod In Klamaih Kalla 1'rldar afternoon and epeiit Iba nlghi Bora loll ItiaT " friends, bi'lnra proreedliig lo their bumo at Tlia Halloa. Mr. Lawronr waa aa elalant enmity aitrlrullural agent In Klarnath Knlle for two yeara. nd la n couuijr agent al Too II. lira. tiueata From m IUsln Judith Moaa. t'hlrego; r. W. Johnann. Jarksnn. Ind.; W, C. Cnlllna, Tabla Grove, 111.: George riaraly. Now York CUT and Howard Mataor. Itosevllle, Ind.; wer among tha vlaitora In Klam aih Kalla Krldey and Halurdar morning at Iba local hotels. Vlslllng Mr. A b.i In Mra. A. V. maples and ann. Austin, ara visiting In Klamaih Kalla with Mr. Aualln. Mra. Htaple'e brother, who la tha manager of tha Wlllard hotel. PELICAN L.iliT HIIOWINO TODAY Marion Davie In "MARIANNE" with LAWtlKNCF. tiftAV. IIKNNY BVniM nd C1.IIT (I kelrle Ika) KDWAItlM PINE TREE LAST HIIOWINO TODAY "HOLD EVERYTHING" Thla la BAROAIN DAT Cuntinuoua Show from 1 lo II P. L 25c After 6 Adulla 50c LIBERTY TODAY "THE DEVIL'S PIT" A Drama of Native Passion Revival Fires. X n 2 n m "Which Way Out?" SUNDAY, JUNE 22, 8 P. M. Large Chorus Choir Orchestra Big Wooden Tabernacle Os 5 t S f p God Answers Prayer. Wrung linirrealiin Itexolved A vlaltur who waa In Klnm alh Kalla from Anhlnnd today told tha rlerk at tha Wlllard liolitl where ha wna a guest thai word had gun around Aaliland lhat olio of Klamaih Kalla' irg niit rmtauranla had cloeed down lur tha lack of business. On he I nil Informed of tha nilarepr axnlstloii lha visitor eiulaltied that aa aouu aa ha returned lu Aahland ho would ctirreel thuaa who have hau Issuing tha slsl uiont aa aoou aa poanlhl. lU'luriied Home Mra. Ilia Miranda and bar riuuglitora, Mra. llou Cultan and Mlaa Kuiilr Miranda. Ml for Ihnlr homo at College Grove, Ore., after an enlovahle visit In Klamaih Kalla with Mra. Mir anda'a alitor and hroihor, Mra. Iloaa Hlamploir and Mr. Ira Mor rla, Iteturiird Vrom VMallon-M . Mr. and Mra. Ilalph Woraloll and four aona hav rolurnad from their varatlon which they apeiit visiting In liurna. linker. I.a Grande and llallaa. They al io visited In I'ortlaud during the li a ii III ill Iloaa festival and apont tha remainder of tb lime at lha liuarh at Newport and Neskowln. IUIii Kalla In Mountains Heavy rainfall In lha mountain dlatrkta of aouiberu Orrgon waa ri'porlod following tha atorm of Krlday n l 111. waa tha word ra- rolrud boro from Modford. Light aiiow and ball alao ffll la aoma Imalltlra. No lightning flraa bad boon roportad, offlruila of lha format aortrha atatrd. Tho atorm waa vaporlally haary throiiithnut all rriilona ot tho Cralt-r national foroaU VlT Ixxlijo Will Opni Tha flrat rrowa for tha open ing of th crator laka Iwlga loll Mrdfnrd yaatorday for tha nallonnl park. Tlia lodga will b oponod Juno tl, K. W, Trlra. maiiMKr haa anuoui ?m1. Tho rafolorla and qlhvr ronrooalona ar now bolng oparaiad. al though tha a"iin for tha park dima not opan offlrlally until July 1. Hold llounlon An Inlornatlng Horn In ra rant dlllon ef (ha 1'ortland Orogonlan told of a rounlon of former rraldouia of Morrill and Malm, Orognn. Bow . living in lmrolhurat. Tha guoal of honor for tha aftornoon waa Mra. Mary Ularomlnl of Mor rill. Hank t:nil)ra lo lirnlr All tha amployoa of Iba Klrtt National llau k ara loavlng Ihla avanlug tor Diamond Lak to pond lha wook and plrnlclng. I boating and ramping. A oum j bor ot rani ara leaving thla afiornoon aa aoon at lha bank rloaoo. .Modfor.1 Vl.lK tiuoaia In tha cliy today from Modford Inrluda A. Z. Doan of tha I'nlon (ill rompany P. W. Nowltt. K. (I. I.u.a.. W. K. Doal. II. Darloa. K. W. Mookor. W. B. Ilolmoa. F. W. Froad. W. I. Tonby, and Arthur Kobarlaon At VM'a llnapltal According lo word raoolrad hora today by frlonda. W. B. "Illng" Kponrer la rocovarlng iatlafartorlly from a aorlnua otwratlon to whlrh ha aubmltted at tha Votoran'a boapltal lu i'ortland tha flrat of lha waek. ' llorolio.1 lrllral Altonlln Mra. Irmla lloalpy haa roturn ; ad to bar botna on lha Merrill highway from Aabland. whoro Ing medical atlontlon. Drum Corps Will Play at Ball Game The Medford-Klamath baeahall gama Sunday for th champion- hip of the flrat halt of the oonaon In tha Southorn Orogoa itaaeball loagua will undoubtedly ba tha neat attended and the llvelleat ba no ha 1 1 game held yet thla year. The Elke drum and bugle rnrpa will meet at 1 o'clock at tho Klka temple, Jiu'k Glovor itatod yeater day, and will procaed to the ball park at the fair ground! escort ed hy the lodge niembera. Kinltoil Hitler Klbert Veatch Inat night aaked that all Elka be 'at the temple at 1 o'clock lo go I with the drum and bugle eorpa to the hall gama and to aupport Uie l'ellrana who ara now tlod with M cd ford. Karl Hilton or Steve "Lefty" Beck will alert on the mound for Klnmath. with Jimmy Mnnn back of the plule. The reat ot the line up will remain unchanged, I'eter ann, lb: Varnnilnre, 2n; Fuller, aa; Granger, 3h: Moane, ef; Zlel, rt, and 8hlpman, It, For Braulta Tae llernlil Dun Aih Cor. 7th and Oak Sts. Will Not Collect Additional Fees On New Licenses The queallon haa erlnon regard ing permlla to Crater Lake No tional 1'ark artnr July lit. A larga number of Klamath Kalla cltlioiia have already purohaaed their annual permit for lha park and liava been wondering whether or not theee permlla would atlll be good after their now llconaea were laaued the ll of July. The Chain- bar of Commerce haa taken title matter up with K, C. Mollnaky, Hiiperlnlondont of the park, and Mr. Hollnaky advlaed that It la not tha Intention of tha park ' to collect any additional fee for Iheae new lleenaea. However, h roouaatad that each permit bolder add the new llrenae-number un der the old llcenae number on the permit laaued to lliora. All per mlla are laaued to the car and not to the driver and for thla reeaoo Mr. Hollnaky aaka that tha correc tion b made on pormtla with ref tlnn be made on permlla with rof aoon aa thny aro placed on the car. Editors Witness Demonstration of Machine Gun Fire ARTOItlA. Ore., Juna 21. (A V) Ijelegalea to the Orogon Stale Kdltorlal convention, which opened here yoeterdey, were dln ner guoNta of Mnjor-Conoral lieorge A. white at Camp Clat aop laat night. Following the banquet mualc and vaudevlllo entertainment wore provided for the edltore by memhere of tha Orognn Nation.! Guard and at 9:30 o'clock Major General White look thora to the camp'a natural Amphitheatre and atagftd a night machine gun domoiiBtratlon. MpertacuUr Night Tbnae of the party who wer not over aeaa durlug tha recent war oald that the domonetratlon waa Ihe moat epoctacular they bad ever aoen. Tbe edltore apont moat of the day yeatorday dlacuaalng the ef fect of radio advertising on th proaporlty ot newapapera and dle cuaalon of a ayatem of meaiur Ing reader Interest In newe papera. The ayatnm dlaruaard waa that developed by Dr. George II. Gallup, dire, lor of the Drake Cnlveralty ecbool of Journaltam. Frank Jonklna, olllor of tbe Eugene Register, told Ihe editors of tbe reaulta be bad obtained In a aurvey ualng the ayatem promulgated by Dr. Gallup, Hit-Run Motorist Under $2500 Bond PORTLAND, Or., June II. (AP) Clarence f. Harloaa. it. waa ondar bond of IJSno today following bla alleged eontcaalon to police laat nlghi lhat he drove the automobile whlrh atrurk and killed Ambrogl Ulnlioia, 40. June 11. Harleea waa charged wltb In voluntary nianalaughter and failure to atop and give aid. Ha la alleged to have alruck Dlnl cola and then aped away from th accident. Wltneaar to tha accident aid ed police In arresting blm later. Pendleton Speed Boat Races Open PENDLETON, Or., June II. (AP) Wltb an entry list of more than 0 apeed boata from all sec tions ot the state and northwest, tbe Pendleton American Legion today opened Ita aecond annual motorboal regatta on McKay lake. Prliea totalling f 1.000 beeldea several etiDe are offered to the dare devlla ot the midget apeed craft. The race ronrae haa been chan ged ao that apectatora seated on lha face of the dam and In auto mobiles on the western bank are enabled to toe the entire rare courae of one mile. '"Ilanslne Snlstad: lb history of an Honest Woman" by Peter Kgge. Puhllshod by Doiihleilay. Doran and company. Garden City, New York. Goealp la ot two types. It tuny be kind and friendly In spirit, having for Ita stimulus an In terest In the people around na In our larger family of fellow human hcltm: or II may be un kind, malicious, and cruel, hav ing for Its motive a desire to hurt someone. This latter sort of gossip is based sometimes on half truths, often on truths mis interpreted, frequently on con clusions reached from connecting facta which have no relationship whatsoever. The nature of gos sip depends upon Ihe mind ot the purveyor. When used by the Spiriied Singing. ba l Ui so ii u I M 4 3 A Hearty Welcome. THE EVENING HERALD, Georgian Quintet Held for Slaying Trio of Gamblers HOCKMAItT. (ia.. Juna 11. (A P) Accused of participating In a triple slaying arising from a poker gama In which each of the victims waa allot In th back of Ihe bead and the bod lea dlapoaed or in gangland fashion, five men were bold In Jail today on murd er charge. lienlod ball. Bill llul.oy, bla two aona, Fred and Kay, bla Bon-ln-law, Tom Hlrka, and L. C. McCullough, wer ordered held for grand Jury action by the verdict of a roroner'a Jury. They wer accused of killing Cliff Jone. Llga Harper and Krneat McCullough, each about JO ynara of age. BulldiiK up a chain of clr eumsiantlul evidence, authorities advanced the theory that th men engaged In a poker game and that th vlillrus enraged the llulsoya by winning th greater part of the money at alaka. Complications, authorities said, which grew out of the game and attendant drinking led to th slaying and disposal of the bodlea In an abandoned well. ( AUK ltf;lHTKltt:i PALKM. Ore.. Juna II. (AP) Practically all automobile In tha elate will be reglatored by July 1, In the opinion of Secret ary ot BUtlo lloaa, aa a reeult of the ruling that motorists plar the new llcena plate on their rare two wecka In advance of July 1, which la th beginning of lh new fiscal year. FUNERAL ' NOTICES AliNLKK COKKMO Friend are respectfully In vited to attend the funaral serv ices for tbe let Ague Code mo to be held Uunday afternoon at t o'clock at th Earl Wbltlock funeral borne. Pin avenue at Ruth, wltb th offlcera of the Bone of Italy officiating. A requiem maea wao celebrated for tbe repost of bor aoal Saturday morning at o'clock with Kev. Anglln officiating. Interment will bo mad In ML Calvary cemetory. BABT BtBNS Baby Burns, th Infant daugh ter ot Mr. and Mra. WUlUm Burna of Beauy. paased away Friday night at 11:0 o'clock following a brief Ulneaa. Kb waa aged I month. Funeral services wll' be heed Sunday af ternoon al th family bom Id lloatty. nndi-r the direction of the Karl Wbltlock funeral home. Interment will be mad in th Plule cemetery. OBITUARY JOHN DANIEL HALEY John Daniel Haley late of 1021 Sanfnrd street, pasaed away Fri day morning at 10 o'clock. He waa born In Cascade, Montana, April 10, 1899, and aged 31 years. 1 month and 20 day a at Iba Urn of death. He la aurvlved hr his wife. Lilly Marie Haley, two aona Earl Theodore ana 1 Kobert William and a daughter Margie Lillian and four sisters and alx brothers. The remains T In care of lha Earl Wbltlock funeral bom. Pin avenue at Sixth, where frlenda may call. Announce ment ot funeral arrangementa will be made later. ART A JEAN FOSTER Ana Jean, the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mra. Jack Foster ot lloatty, passed away at th fam ily home Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The child waa born In llenltv and aged months at the time of death. Funeral aervlee were held at Beatty Saturday afternoon under the direction of the Earl Whltlork funeral home. Interment will be mad In the lloatty cemetery. lesions, the angry, th vindictive or th foolish and thoughtless. It Is a dangerous weapon. "HiiBjalu Solstad." the first of the works of Peter Egg to be translated Into English, IS the story of a Norweglsn girl who Is made nnhappy to the end of her life br a bit ot gossip evilly started when she waa still a young girl. Clrrumstanlal evi dence Is against ber as well as her Impassioned silences, her roserrod manner, her few utter ances which are so clearly and fearlessly expressed, so straight forward and honest that they as tound. Her silence, manner, and words not bring understood, are misinterpreted to prove the stories circulated about ber. Hanslno goes away from home but no sooner Is she bnppy In a new envfrotiment than the gossip touches her again. Men fall In love with her but disentangle theniselv from proposals of murrtage when rumors reach them. She marries but finds that her husband's faith wavers when he bears ahont her. Her lather dies, uncertain whether to take her word or the community's for truth. Even her children In taunts from their schoolmates learn their mother's story. Through tho vision and ener gies of Ilanslne, her husband be comes wealthy, but even wealth is Insufficient armour against malicious talk. Hnnsine is hurt again and agnln, but others are not aware of the pain. She Is baffled but never is her spirit defeated. Finally In death she hopes to learn God's meaning, his reason for allowing Injustice. It is a novel of moral strength which Inspire strength. Real ism not that "out of the gut ters" realism sunployod by so many modern writers that tbe word bs lost Ita true connota tion but realism which paints a plctur true to Ufa whether It b In Norway or In Ore gon, pervade th book. E. R. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON At The The launanuel llaptutt t'liurcb, 11th and High streets. Kev. A. O. Hroyles, paator. Kev. II. J. Loreni, assistant pastor and su perintendent of th cbnrch school. Brother Loreni will bring th meaaug Sunday morn ing at the 1 1 o'clock bour. Kvery one be preaeat and bear tboae good aormon whlcji b can deliver. Sunday evening the paaloV will deliver th aernion on th anbject, "lleroea ot '." Th Elk lodge and lh Ameri can Legion are Invited to attend thla meeting and hear th ad dress giving the point of view of tboa trying days. Thar will be epeclal music for th sarvlce of th day Good singing. Dr. Caaael, choir director and Mr. Ilronton, pianist. Th church school meeta al i ii Sunday morning. The arhool la Improv ing and the teachera ara com petent and there are clasaea for all age. Coma Join us. We us tbe beet Sunday school literature publlabed.. Tbe young peopl meet at the uual boons Sunday evening. Good programs r In preparation. Several ot th girls sre going to Bend over th week end to attend lh World Wld Guild Girls house party. Plans are under way for th simmer revlvaL a a e Klamath Temple, Church of the Four-fold (oapol, at lb corner of Sth and Oak atreet. Th church with a big walcom to II, and a gospel message that really satisfies every longing of lb human heart bar la thla world, and prepare on for tb llfo beyond the grave. Tonight at 1:00 o'clock an evangellatle aervlc conducted by tb young people, but all ara walosma. Sunday service: A II v (row ing bible school at t.ii a. ra., claase of Interest, and blessing for all ages. Mrs. Job Lia featy anperlntendent. If y are not already an attendant ef an other Sunday school, w. cor dlslly Invite you to visit a San day. At 11 o'clock, morning worship, special message ky live pastor, "Tb Prayer Test Itoacbed Heaven," contlnaad. A blessing awalta all who attend tbla service, don't Bias It. At :30 p. m. young people serv ice, Emmelt McLaughlin bring ing tb message. Ail 1 invited. At :b o'clock great evangellatle song and preaching aervlee at the big wooden tab ernacle, at th aorner of Tth and Oak street. Special musical by th orchestra, aad lata cnolr. also vocal number, followed by toe mesaage, "Th Jkwfulaea of Being Lost," This will b an outstanding service, long lo be remembered by all, com and bring your friends and neigh bors. A welcome awalta alL Week-night services at th tem ple. Preaching serncan: Wed nesday, Friday and Saturday at t)0 p. m. Orchestra nractiea. Tuesday evening, aad thoir prac tice Thursday, Mr. DsTrle In charge. Prayer every day at 10 a. m. in me onurcn prayer room Paator Ony DeVrt, 730 Oak lrt. pbon ltis-J. a Zion Lcjthanaa Clarctj. 1021 street. O. A. Hoffmann, pastor. There will be no aervlee or 8un- oay senool tbla Sunday. Tb congregations of Ashland and Grants Psss are having a joint Mission Day celebration at tb Tolo school near Central Point. Tb morning service will begin at 11:00 o'clock and m rubers aud friends ot tb Klamath Kalis congregation ar Invited to attend. Servicea and Sunday school will be held ber next bunday. June ISib, at tb usual ' time. Tbe mld-woak bibl dais will meet Wednesday evening June li, at 7:3w. Juae 15th is n Important dat. It wa on June as, 15S0. tk Angsbnrg confession, tha eonfaaslon of th Lutheran church, waa presented ' at Angsbnrg. W are cieor&. 1 lng th 400th anniversary of tbla ' confession this year, and on I Wednesday next w shall begin to tndy our Angsburg confes sion at tb mid-week bible class. Not only the members of this class, bat all others interested ' ar cordially Invited to attend. I First Methodist Cnorch. Tenth I and High Streets. Frank L. Wemett. minister. Sandsy closes th fourth year of th present pastoral In Klamata Falls. The Annual Conferva convene In Astoria on Tuesday, June i(. At th eleven o'clock arvle Mr. Wemett will adralnlater th sacra ment of Baptism to a group of children, and speak on th topic: "Our Unrecorded Sarvlca." ,Thc only service at ta evening hoar will be that conducted by the young peopl at :!. The Cbnrch S.-iool convenes at 9: (5 a. n. TSa men of the church ar requested to n-eet at that hour to consider th reor ganization 1 ot th Methodist brotherhood. Strangers In the city are ex tended most cordial Invitation to attend tha service on tils Lord day. St. Pant's KpbrofMt Oinrch, Corner Sth and Jettorson Streets. Kev. Joseph 8. Jtvrlati, phone 836-J. too Uphatn Street. S a. m. Holy Communion: t:4l a. m. Church School; 11 a. s. Morning prayer and sermon, subject: "A Christian a Vacation." ! a j First Chorrh of Clirwat Scion-' list, into and Washington, Sun-! day school at :45 a. m.; Sun- j day service at 11 a. m. Subject. "Is th Universe, including Man, Evolved by Atomatlr Force?" Wednesday eveutug meeting at s o'clock. Free read ing and tree lending library open afternoons, on week days from 1:30 to 4:30 except on Wednesday and holiday, also betoro and after tb Wednesday erenlng meeting. The public is cordially Invited to attend the service and nae tho readiug room. a a First BaiMlst Churdb, corner Stb and Washington Streets. Plum 4CA-W. duuday School meets at :45 Sunday tnoruinu. We ar now folly equipped for tho teaching ot tha Wble to all ages who com with us to stndr. Churches Ours will aoon be a fully stand ard school. Superintendent llrowu and hi officer and teach era are working to reach the re quirement of efficiency neces sary to that high attainment. The Sunday morning aervlee will follow In theme and Inter net the carina of meaaages on th Holy Spirit. The topic choaeo Is "Th relation of the Ministry of Jesus to tha Holy Spirit." B. Y. P. U. meeta as ususl at l it p. m. A study course on B. Y. P. U. methoda has been going on this past week. The Intereet taken in It Indicates an effort to Improve tbe already splendid work being done. Ths evening preaching aervlee will b held under the tent pitched on lh corner ot Main and Esplanade. Th pa-tor will prearn on th theme of "Christ, aa Twenty Centuries Keveal Him." Plenty of parking snsce around th tabernacle. Enjoy tbe services of the revival that this service begins. Meetings will be conducted under this lent every evening for the neit two weeks. Th choir of tb First Bsptlst church will be moved entire to conduct tb music as tad by ilr. O,- W. Tenovs, e e e First Proetiyterlasi Chnrrh, Sixth snd Pin Streets, Kev. Drury V, llalgbt, pastor. Sunday :4i a. m. Sunday school. Special summer departmental programs, specially attractive. All the pupils and their parents Invited to attend tb aervlc Immediately following in Moore Pork. Bring lunch and eating ntenalla. lt:u a. m. Morning Worship In Moore Park followed by lunch. Thla will b a delightful oat-of-door service with mack congregational alnglng. Sermon topic. "(od and th Ont-ot-Doors." Miss Ruth Vu.nlc. and Messrs. Robert Van Dakar, Robert Vsanlc, and Charles Var-alce will provide the Instrumental music Each per son I requested to bring bis lunch and eating ntenslls. Hot snd cold drinks, extra sand wiches, and Ice cream will be provided. It Is hoped that the children will attend In numbers too. 1:00 p. m. Evening Worship. "Tb Boon of Contentment" 1 tb topic of Mr. Hatgnt's ser mon, a welrutn them ta theee days of rush, eai petition, and hlgh-preasar gdvriurts. This sermon put tho questions: "Which do yon vJt moan, con tentment or rtrheY ntentment or social prestige contentment or entertainment. Tneve will b enjoyable eongretratldnal sing ing, and two beautiful organ n ambers by Mrs. E. 8. Veatch. "Forest Vesper fJoasstonl and " Meditation" trryflnger). There will be no cnurca night meet ing tbla week. On Thursday June IS, Mr. Roy Csll will ba hostess to th Dore Clrcl at her home, 1019 Jefferson Streot. e Fire Pcxtteoctsal Assembly, No. 1 Main St. Sunday serv ices: Sunday school at :45, send your kiddles to Sanday school and keep theia off the street. S. i. Davldaon, anpt. Morning Worship at 11:09, anb ject, Th Patianc of God. Eve ning aervlc at 7:30. subject Soma of God' Did; Week night aervlee Tuesday and Thursday at t o'ctoek. TnJj.y, subject. Th Bean, Tb False Prophet, of Revelation, "Chart Lecture." Wednesday at 1:30 p. m. the Woman's Prayer Circle will meet at th Assembly Hall for prayer. Friday, the choir will meet for Meet the Gladdest, Peppiest Little Girl That Ever Trod Back of a Footlight! YOU'LL LOVE HER! TPK1 With BESSIE LOVE RAYMOND HACKETT etro TALKING MS-HBSfc Sj Vy' PICTURE ff V I sraai.ii aV aang .;,.:,L.,,lJfc;i practice llav yon vr con sidered where yon will spend r 'tyf Rev. J. H. Steven son, pastor, phone IS. a Kasarrua fliarrh. Corner Oar den and Martin Streets, Mills Addition. Ilev. James Dole, paa tor. Beginning Sunday, June 22, a great Tent Revival will be conducted by fcvangeltst W. H. Nerry and wife of Upland, Calif. Ilev. Nerry la an eloquent, force ful speaker wltb msny years of successful soul winning service. Mrs. Kev. Nerry Is an effective soloist and a competent chorus lesder. Services dsily at 7:46 and Sunday lo:Jo and. 7:lu. r.verybody Is invited to attend tnes meetings where th full gospel is presched. Pray, plan, come. A very live end growing Sunday arhool Is held each Sun day morning at :4s a. m. Classes for all, Mrother Jamea Oraham, aupt. Brother Batea. iJist. Supt. will be with us Hun day and Monday, young Peoploa Society Sunday evening at :30. Wa have a full program for the summer. Mr, Ijikl Church, Merrill Road near Mac's Store. Sunday, 10 a. m. Sunday school; 11 a. m. Morning service, Children's Day program; 7:30 p. m. Yonng People's Society, Miss Georgls Dswson loading. Thursday. 7:10 p. m. Boys' Clubs, Pioneers 12-1 5: Friendly Indiana (-11. "This la th House ef God! and this Is th Gat of Heaven" ' Gen 28:17. "Enter Into HI Gate with ! Thanksgiving and into His Courts with Praise." Psalm 11)0:4. All ar invited to attend. 8TXDAY AMI MONDAY PINE WE RECOMMEND THIS TALKING PICTURE C5GEHinJ (iTC 'ISO qOSST' With. FRANKLYN FARNUM, BUFFALO BILL, Ji and PETE MORRISON ALL TALKING THEIR PARTS V T J I I l A 1 " . -cis.-"! It 'll fTV hornors and a rr Poole's PELICAN Theatre SUNDAY and MONDAY PAGE THREE Minister to Give Two Addresses on Early Day Heroec Th pastor of lmntanuel Bap, lat cbnrch will deliver two ad dresses on "Th Heroas of '4. These ar to b given on Bunds svenlngs. Jan II and St. A personal Invitation ha bean a landed to th Elk and to th American Legion mam bars t attend thee services. Ilev. A. O. Broyles, pastor of th church, is Intaraatod in tho liaya of '. sine his grand father waa ona ot th '49ra, and airs, nroyies' grsnorstber wa personal frlsnd of Kirs Meeker Shopping ta Toaa Clyd Griffith, ot th Merrill Road, waa visitor in thla city today, shopping and attending to busfnesa maitera. For flesulla laa Herald Claaa Ad (1 LIBERTY (tundJix and Monday KEN MAYNARD In "THE GLORIOUS TRAIL" TREE SUNDAY AND MONDAY OKI f