PAGE FIVE Friday, Juno 20, 1930 THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WHITNFY SAYS 01 MSTFW1 LIES ABOUT FUNDS AT THE KLAMATH THEATRES Merely Seeking Pardon According to Dry Administrator. KKATTI.K. Jun S. (AIM "If Mi Klttimy Icmk lining (rum the Uluiatum! rriiwrl, tlml hulp him." rnriiHT 1'iillwl Hlalf Atlur Hoy Tinnitus I'. Hamlin' a tniiiiiinlll mi Ilia hIuIi'iiikiiI matt jralrnlay In Hull Kramlaro hy liny Olra niniiil, tiiitirlaiiiiml rum Huron, thm hi. hnil :limu lu llo vullna riiiMpulii I ii ml for anvar In 1 It 3 4 . Th itiili'inrnt was msilii t Hi liKurluu uii m KiivrniiK-m ppll nil Inn lo rntnnv Cltfliiril T. M: KlllMoy, for mar aaalalulll nun., attorney ninlnr Itarall, lo hi-nliln for trlil. on rhamiie o( miiaulrary li vlolata Hi" pnililltl lion aft tlmati-ad th mon ey wua iielri in Mi-Klnnny aa "ov rmnirnt liiatiraiiri" mrulnrl Intar. furnnra III Ilia lliiir rnniilni an t..rprl,fnr tha cannula fund. Not III lluallwaa 11 .MiKliuixy "ruins r, iiiH.'iil inaurannj or any uilior alti'l lit Inuuraiiro. that a lil Utial- lliaa," Itavolla uulJ. "I am o III llio inaurutito liualiteaa." Ho r.ilu.ud to cuuuui'iit lurtliur. Ill an olllilsl sUlvluoul 111ml ai lur lila .Int. at lor tlto rutiubllran giltiurnutul lul utililliialloli. II tnllo lllil III' campaign vaueila ra aa U.mti.Jti. olib Ilia rum (Hi : "II I hud hud mora money 1 Mould liavaaimul luoro " lilnil.'il ullril Llur Mi'K'iiiH'y im iii.IU iui itk lr..liihi(iou Atliiillilalrator Hoy C I.yla, lua aulMaul. William M Uhllnir ami lt agi'Ula. Wall-li.-v. wln-ll lliturniod of oliualuad t atuleuifiit, dtiurid: OlniiUU la a Uar. and ho knowa Iii i a llur. Thai la prob acy Hi. prlra lia la wllllnac to pay tor I he pardon lie thlnka ha will ti. Ilia miliuony in auoihcr liul rontradlcl what ha eald In Han Fruiirlam, llu Diuat hava for got ion Unit." Circuit Court Pay Respects to Joseph Honor us puld to Ibe mamory j nf l ha lata liaoria W. Joaopb. fortland attorney and rapubllran ; imiiiliioi- lor governor, Tftursda) i at i p. m.. by tha bench and bar I ..( Klaniuili county and tha tilt- 1 scna who ware In tha court room, j Jud.n William liunran ballad I court and U. K. r'letcber, wall j known attorney of Ihla city. In j lirU-t talk paid bouur to tha lata , .Mr. Joaipli. I Tbla la In tiro of tha Intor- , monl ot tha oue-tliua barafoot buy ot Laka county which took In Klamath county lUur Klamath county cut oil I ; of an erpb unrd boy who forced tal way through Ufa. II auflcrrd many inula and tribulation to educate himself. II bocatua a leading at lurii"). lie brcuma a atalaumen one of tha graaioal In th Mr. Hatcher ttalcd. lo liwatne the republican puriy'a candidal for goernor, which ahowa the extreme and lin pllill confidante and regard by tb people of tola alat for the man. "I feel, your honor, at tbla time In honor of that man and In re apart for the work which ho baa done. It la banning that the bench and bar lu Klamulh counly bow their beads In respoct and regard for ono of our niomhora who hua boen taken away. 1 further aak that Die clerk ot tbla court apread upon the Journal a resolution of regret and hoiior by th bench, th bur and the cltlinu aasemblrxl here, and that a copy of th react, hit Inn he ent Xa Ihe widow and In (leorgo V. Joaeph. Jr.. In Port land, Oregon." Mr. Kletoher con cluded. Tha court ordered the re iieat followed out. A I I, I.IKH Vli.l Mnfnrlat: I drove eo funi that tbo trees appeured like a ronco. Second Oliln: I droT ao fual tlmt til milestones made a alone wall. Third Ditto: I went so test tlmt I could see tha number on the b.nk of my cur. l'uges (julca. Vverdon. AT TIIK VV.UQSH m I w .. M m v hlla frfjm th pens and piano of popular coin- poanrs oiuaa inoir n.uu lu Ik III! aerian in -aiariauu-, -hi.i, u for an opeulur toduy at tha I'allran thaatr. In till new m"iro-umiii-Muyar mualial talkie. In which Murlon lala la starred, tuneful a muv un Imuurlaut pari. buvlng been written aa an luta giul purt of tli dlalogu and tiint motivation. Thaaa numlwr ar "Juai ion Juat Ma," Ilia luv ballad, and on... ii.. in Ma." written by ;r.r and Klag.s: "Hugur" and "Do I. I La 11- a turn auu Ahlurt. who alao wrote tha them song. "Marlauna." and "Hlondy," by llrown and freed. drear and Klugeg will ba r memhared for "Oni In a Life time," "Klapperatla" and olbar mualrul aoug blia. Turk and All lerl wrote "Mean lo Me" and "I'll Get Hy" among their euo caaaea and llrown and Treed were reaponalbla for "lJull Hume." '"Viiii Wore Meant for Mn," and tha reront aoug bit. "blugliit In tb llaln." AT Tllli l"INE TKKK Of all th moilou picture that have coma to Klumalh Kalla tlila araaon, none quallflea aa a belter evening' entertainment than "Hold everything." which open ed an engagement at th 1'lue Trim theatre Tuoaduy. This lavish production, p- -durod by Warner Hroe. with a truly all-alar caat, was filmed en tirely lu color, aud aaida from Us other merlla ulanda forth aa ab aolutely oue of lha funniest com adlea aer screened. una of It leading role Is played by lieorgea tarpeutler. tumuua rrench boiar, who Is shown aa a coutnaiaul In a rlui lialtle for tha beayywe'.gbt clam- plnnshlp of tha world. Tbla pU tur reveal tli no 14 "Carp'" as an actor ot no mean ability. Th loading feminine role la In the lapnliln bands of th Oil., telle Wlunl Llgl. or, who appeared prominently In "Hold Digger of Hroadway" aud othai raoant productions, while th fea tured comedy rol I dared by Jo K. llrown, who hue few riv al la a cren comedian. In this he, lu u luuuh-aettar oar Ii:el- Unr. Rally O'Nell plays the part of Cerpentlar'e awealbearl. "Hold everything" l mil oi niiiifinu humnr. and lha dia logue la fast aud funny, front a production standpoint, una pic ture la airepllonal, and l lreclor i, ii.i n.tih hau turned out a film which I a veritable comedy gem. at Tim MUKivrY I'lrturu ar present ing Tom Tyler In a aerie of out-of-doora dramaa known aa Ko- nanoes of tha Wast, the first ot hi, I. "The UW ol tne l-iaina, la now being shown at th l,lb- rly theatre. " Tom'a new alfllla- Hon you remember his previous , picture were made by TBO Judging from tba recaption ac corded th Initial raleas. la go ing to be a profitable on (or all concerned, for certainly ther la nougb faat action crammed In to five reel to satisfy tb moat avid thrill seeker. Bom years ago five to all miles of paving constituted a (air Job for a paving gang. Today 20 to It miles Is tha average du to Im proved method and machinery. Ar jour feet bolt Ar your shoes beavy? Bring them In and let os put on ItKAL. HUMMER WEIGHT BOI.KH that are light and comfortable. CONN KftM HIIOK RKPAIR HIIOI' 121 North lib Near Golden Kule Store I J Tfl VV 1 Serve only the Fineit rurr..Vu-. h ib, . - ,u.a.It .All IH tMI W0l UPTONS TEA aMaueaWuaWuwaWaWaYaWaWaWaW--'aBa Tlia ntiilA.fihvnlrin ) I la It a Art to tiort colorti of cigar, chock r- nirio I runic. h a btirKiar alarm, and atx)r of oiliur tiHes, if ym want 4 juiff roatt bttt it otttn . . . a little at a time niLLi jsaoi. coffee panes throuKb ih roasters by a con tinuous prnrcti s few pounds ar a lints, controlled Koaaongl No bulk-roatilng method can proauce sucn navor, Tmh from tht original vacuum pact. Easily opened with tht kef. HILLS BROS ' COFFEE EEN WD)LEKf New Low Pricei on New Merchandiie Just Arrived Rayon ShirU or Short All Sire Regular Tie Work Shirt Blu Cbambray AU Blui Scout Shoea Black or Brown All Else H9c $11.79 Silk, Wool and Cotton Sox Rayon Unions All Slie Union Suits Short Sleevee Ankle Length 95c Fancy Shirts or Shorts All Sis Boys' Tennis Shoes Regular IS 69 Coat Sweaters All Slice 19c 9Sc Wool Sweaters Fancy Pullovers All Bite $11.95 DAYS of '49 Grey or Black $.95 Athletic Unions All Site $E.95 49 Can't Bust 'Em College Cords Regular 4 5 Dress Oxfords Month o( Wear In ETrjr Pair Dlack or Brown $2.95 Khaki Hat With Screen Ventilator! Regular 7 So Work Sox Bine or Brown Mixed E2c jinani ranis work anoes BdgHasBsfsaTafaBaBTatva Regular 1.05 Leather or Composition Sole. All Silo Rayon Polo Shirts $139 $2.95 nrt. f ' Regular $1.98 Dress Pants Bib Overalls Regular ,3.95 Eighth and Main Eighth and Main STEPS OF, . .. PROCRES How times have changed! How food distribution has progressed! Only thirty years ago autos were not allowed on main streets and the food store was the "haven for jimcracks of a thousand varieties." But, today we have modern cars, conveniently located stores with ample parking space and, best of all, thor oughly up-to-the-minute food stores with the freshest of fresh foods, the most courteous and expert lood merchants and economical prices that plainly spell STEPS OP PROGRESS! Features for Saturday and Monday, June 21st and 23rd Pork and Beans Van Camp medium size tins 3 for 25c Mayonnaise ods Mayor pint bott 37c Best Foods Mayonnaise in full pint bottles. fl Deviled Meat Regular 5c size at Mac Marrs 6 for 23c IPottatto Cflnfipc F,"h d?fe Pint iars Dill Pickles. Excellent for sandwiches. EACH A9e U9e (Snimgei? Afle Cliquot Club Big Bottles. 2 FOR FLUE MLK COFFEE r- ij yt a i .:,ii j.r,;.A Libby's tall cans. Nearest to MacMarr Coffee Deliciously Gold Medal nationally advertised Fresh CrMm different Ground fresh a you pure hard wheat flour. By the Case 48 Tins buy it 49 lb. bag $359 H. 3?c $U.95) 6 cans 45c 3 lbs. $11.10 STRING BEANS CATSUP Twin Peak fancy cut String Beans. No. 2 tins. Van Camp's 14 or. bottles. 2 for $B 2 tor $9 aagagHaaajaBujsBaaBaauaaVuVuaas Onions Olives Creme Oil California new Onions. Heinz or Libby's Ripe Olives. The cream o olive oi soapSt SO lb. bags. 9 oz. tins. 95c 2 (or 45c 4 bars 25c ..aaaaaaaaaaaauasMaaaa fl Lemons fl Melons I fl Potatoes 39c vtJ lb. 2c 10 lbs. 39c ' ' y 1 'T 1 t' IN OUR G SaBniitaffy Mealt MaipEcett 4 mod., ..nitar, m.rk.U-loct.d for your conYanioac.. W. b.ndl. u.thiris but fir.1 cl..., and you will alw.y. find axponcaced meat men to .trvo yon. We Never Sacrifice Quality to Meet a Low Price. Store No. 57 Phone 592 836 Main Store No. 75 Phone 1371 East Main Store No. 364 Phone 150 8th A Klamath Store Ne. 367 Phone 844 423 Main Store No. 380 Phone 83 6th and Main Store No. 397. I Phone 189 1710 Ore. Ave O ljU