The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 19, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tnuwrlny, Juni 15. 10.10
Character Clote-Up
v x -I
ss0kY size's ?
s?Mpf swore
itlrS llm ny lU'turn-
All llui vi'V, duiiKhW'r or
.Mr, unit Mr. C. I. Murvi-y, re
nin. rd Hutiutiy H um Kum-uw,
Khcro hw lias beiii utluiHllli
lliu I ii!ve.lty of Uu-Kun.' MIh
lUiv.y will tuttumii Uvr furimir, im in Ih hluninih Cuuut)
lihiury dm tug Mm aiiiume.- num
lluu. KrlH'kittlH tilling 111 Aftliluild -
IKi 1 urlay evening, (It a Ke
lt, kit It dilll tt-am, Mturt-a la lue
tl'kiUIUU ut lu u( '41, ftlll tfU
1. 1 in AaliUml loilif, liiu
lltny will iut ou lulduiiuu.
While Hi ItfiM-haha are lu the
vtilU'y city, thuy will Uuo, ttir
'I'i il.btUm,
Anituuitt IMrUi vt hou
Air. ud Mm. Ku-r.'ii Jtuth
liurii, u( Klumath Ituad, mi
muiii tt (lie liirih of kuii ft I
If UUiut hi.Mliul Hit" iiiurnliiK.
'lliu lly WflKlli'tt Hl'VlMl JlUUIIlU
uiiil lhru ouihi.
Tyler ,
The Jla maker
fcrren Oomnlle.!
Warner lJroe. I'roeenl
J(lK K. 11IIOW X
UINMK I K. Ill M il
Ioalllvcly Ih fnnuleat
comedy ever nude The
luuihlnt aucceaaor la "Guld
Dllgeri o( llroadway,"
Hold Everything (or
"llnlil Kverylliing''
llaa Everything
Tho Triumph of Comedy Id
Atlenil llio Miitlnere If
ro.eililo mid Avoid the
Mulil Crmvila.
1 Mill AHrml Arillli'lliy Here
.Mr. und .Mm. liny t'niiieiulllrr
Juui in ) i d In Kliiinulli ralle nun
tiny with their iIuiikIiKt. Doriithy
Ji'iui, uliu entered the Haired
lleiirt Armli'iiiy I'" the 10
week. utor ae.nlnn. Mr. and
.Mi.. Wtllluiu l.amerer of llm
Wuat Mid and Mr. inl Mr.
Jai'k O'Kaoffe ( Adel alau ee
cmnuanleil their clilldrcu ho
will iiiinll tur the auaiumr aw
alim. Oilier rhlldroii frniii Luku
ilw In ulli'iid Id. ai-hool ami
Mary, Harry ami Thereea Taylor,
children ut Mr. and Mra. t
Taylor; Kulliluun ami Johnny
Kliiilletuti, ami and daunhler ol
Mr. and Mra. John bliialotoii;
Johnny Analalid aim of l'at
AiikIiiiiiI: Anna O'Loary, dauibt
rr in Mr. and Mra. Jack O'Leary
of 1'ulul.y; Hut llirao clilldreu
of Mr. and .Mra. Tom .Martin of
llio W'1 Hliln: Hi.. 2 aona nl
Mr. and Mra. William Calilll ol
Ail.' I and Hires anna ol Mra.
Kruiirna VorlliiK of tha Waal
Hhl.. I.nko County Tribune.
Kill i'nrty at (. lover
All lloyal Nnlxlibora aud Tlalt
Ina lluyal Niilahlioia and liua
Imiiila am lhllixl to a Kid parly
to hu kIvi.ii at the huma ot Mra.
rinl lilovnr, U North llm
ilrril, on Friday avunlug at a
orloik, Kuili auiMt la tu com
ill.... .it a a Kid, and to bring
bl lumli In a pall. Klddi
llauir. will b pluynd and piak
li'inimado Thla parly U
rallud a ft toavibur In ordvi
to bold a III.UU..IIIU of Ibif toa
luiuia lor tho Uaya ol ''.
Ilarrla I mmiHv lfl
Mr. and Mra. It. C. llurrla
and Jui k and Klaina. left yea
ti.rday lor Culver. Oro., to rialt and relutlvea. Kroni
Culver thry will i to I'rlue
VIIId where Klallie Will apelid
Hie auuiiiier varatlun with Mra.
Ilurrli.' iiiiilher. Ml.a Allldena
llurrl. r.umlM.-d lu Klumath
Kiilla. Mr. and Mra. llurrl. will
return .liorlly and Mr. llarrla
will ro-innr hi. pi. .HI. hi at the
I'ui'lflc f ruit and I'roduia Co.
; C.llfornla l.llor
Cue. i. In the illy todny from
i California Inrludo William H.
Jaelilrke, Jai k Kelll.ti lll, Run
KrunriMo; liavld I'udlln, L.ot
Ancle: F. M. Murky, Holly
wood. Calif., V. Fhaefer, Willow
Hanrh: Mr. and Mra. (leorae
I'. burner, llerkuloy; t. M.
Hwllt, Macramento; J. C. York
I in Oakland: and Mr. and Mra.
Juhn II. milliard, 1'aaadeua.
I'urtlanil lleKl.lranla
Ainoux the Cortland vlallore
In Klamath Kali, yeatnrday and
today Inrluded II. K. Hlone, II.
II. Wright, U. II. Smith, J. K.
Harrington, Charlea T. Karly, K.
M. Kendrlrh. Joo K. Illoodworth,
0. C, Hliefflald, l. A. Johnaon,
K. A. Ulener. J. K. Kwtng, K.
1). llrldgua, A. C. Kuiltu, Mr
and Mra. W. ('. Kemp, and
Walter ll.rrl.nn and aon.
Pacific Coast Branch in
Convention at Uni
versity. KUOKNK, Ore.. June ID, (AIM
Mora than (HO arlentlata ale
gathered at tha (Inlverally of Ore
gun from all aeuloua of the I'a
rlflu roaal for tha annual meeting
of Ilia Tactile Coaat dlvlalon ol
thn American A..orlallon for the
Advanreniniit of Brlome. Tho cou
vaullon opened yuatenlay, and
will lontliiua through thla week.
During the dully au.alon that
will ha held thla week mora than
3U0 paper, will be read by aclen
tlata who have apeclullied lu ento
mology, chamlalry, mathomatlca,
meteorology, phy.ln, biology and
many other branrbea of acleuce.
Hmoka lleneflrlal
l)r. Olof Lartall of the Lnlter
ilty of Oregon medical arhool yea
terday reviewed re.eunh work
oouduclrd by llr. Ira Manvllle,
alao of the Oragon medical achool,
and told the aclenllata that llr.
Manvllle bad found fire amoke
aud cloudy weather to be benefi
cial. An oicew of ultra-violet raya
deatroya certain vltauilnea In
fooda, the report aald. and cau.e
aurh fooda to be !. rlcb In nu
tritive qualllloa. The prolnotlug
acreen made by amoke or cloud.,
during the late aummer montha
and during the wlnier, ilerltalltea
the auu.hlne to aome extent and
the ultra-violet raya do not dam
ago fooda. In addition to thla.
llr. Lar.ell aald. the average out
alde temperature lu the Nnribweat
la efficiently low ao that email of ultra-violet rur. are poa
alble at nearly all tlmee of the
year. Theao two fartora are be
lieved to be aaaorluted with the
low Infant mortality of the North
we. tern atatea.
ingh tribute to Weatern aclen-
More Public Support Needed
In Effort to Save Forests
KUOKNK, Ore., June 18, (A I')
declaring that the whole-hearted
public aupport In the preven
tion of fiue.l flrea hat not yet
been attained, In apltu of their
doatrui-tlveneea to forent reaervoa,
K. 1. Kotok. director of the Cali
fornia fore.t experiment atutlon,
today urged that acleutlata of the
nallou lend their beat efforta to
tho problem of foreal fire control.
He apoke at the annual meeting
of the I'aclflc eoaat dlvlalon of the
American Aaaoclatlon for the Ad
vancement of Science.
l.Dt.tMMi I-tree Annually
An "annual crop" of 16,000
foruat flrea In the United Htatea
explalna, bo aald, why American
foroatera devote much of their
time to the probluine of fire con
trol. He apoke of tnveetlgatlona
of ' the Heiiuola Waahluglonla,
which carry foreet fire hlalory aa
far back aa HU A. I).; quoted
Dana'a "Two Yeara llefore the
Muat." iu which the writer vividly
deecrlbea I raging foreat fire on
the mouuiatu aidea near the prea
enl alle of Hiinta Uarbara a hun
dred yeara ago, and remarked
that Mark Twain, "In bla own
Implab way recounta hla aettlng
flrea In the Lake Tahoe region
Juat to enjoy the epeclacle."
O-.lrui Uve Force, cited
There are alg waye In which
flrea contrive each year lo deairoy
the foreal reaourcee of the coun
try, Dr. Kotok aald. Tbeae are:
liy burning Ireee at tha baaa ao
It cannot wllhaiaud the mechan
ical .train placed upon It; killing
of tbo cambium layer; by burning
part of the crown and reducing
the vigor and. rate of growth of
tree; by reducing vigor, (hereby
Increaalng iua aptlMllty to la.ect
and fungi attack; by completely
wiping out younger atanda of tree,
lu aeedllng and aapllng Huge; by
reduction of the alle quantity
through removul of organic ma
terial and accelerating proceag of
F.ven the llghteat fire. Kotok
aald, may produce aome of theae
deleterkma reaulta. In Intenae
fire., he aald, complete deatruc
llon may be expected.
Hut destruction to Umber alnne
and the effect of flrea on future
growth of timber la not the only
problem, llr. Kotok explained.
"In the weatern United Htatea,"
be auld, "where foreata have a pe
culiarly algnlflrant bearing on wa
ter re.ourcea, a alng.e fire, by the
removal of the vegetable cover,
may produce dlaaatroua reaulta to
dependent agricultural landa. Our
experimental data ahow that by
removing through fire the litter,
bumua and organic- material In
the foreet, there will be an In
crease of Immediate run off one
hundred fnlil, and the eroded ma
terial one thouaaud fold.
"Where a foreat become an Im
portant waterahed," be concluded,
"It la obvloua that every fire la a
thrent to dependent agriculture."
Dr. Kotok aummed up hla paper
with the eonrlualonl "Until Itiej
fnreater la able to eeenra raaann.
able fire exclualon the develop,
infill and 'lie of our weatern loi.
eate will be delayed for autold
KUOKNB Ml.a Mary J. Hob.
arte, 8S. reeldent of Springfield
alnre 1D93 and at on time city
librarian there, died.
Connolly Brothers Removal tala
at 13-9 la Mala it., oppoelt
Tenth at, l-llt
tlata waa paid by Dr. Laraell. Dr.
C. 11. Lipuian of the Unlverally of
California, and Dr. It. II. Urodle
of the Unlverally of California.
Tbey Indicated that Weatern acl
enllata are In the front randa,
and In many of activity
load the country. Dr. Urodle, In
hla report, aald that more than xu
per oent of the papera in the I'hya
Ical Review, a leading aclentlflc
publication, came, from I'aclflc
coaat Inatltutlona.
i ll.Kt.tcrcd 1'roin a Kl.lenrr
! Rrgiatered at local hotel, yea
I terday Irom dlataut cltlea were
Mr. aud Mra. C 1. cam on. New
I York City: K. Van Auadale,
Miami. Florida: Tbomaa 11. Al-
leu, Elliabelb, New Jeraey; Mra.
I . t. ,t..J- VI.. L' U lf,
Chicago: Klllabeth Downey.
Cortei, Colorado; Mr. and Mrs
J. Weat from Uulto, Jluutnna.
Vl.lted Here Over Week Kofi
Uene Wright ol the Standard
Oil company and Mle Dorothy
Itogera of the California Oregon
l'ower couipuny'a force, both ot
Mtdford, apent tho week end
vlattlug In Klumath Falla with
Mr. and Mra. Otto Kill, at their
apurtuiint on North Fifth trout.
Attending Htanford -
Mr. and Mra, 1'aul T. Jack-
ann left Wedneaday for Falo
Alto. Calif., where Mr. Jack-
aon will attend rilandford Unl
veralty for tho aummer eeaelon,
Mr. and Mra. Jackaou made the
trip by motor.
Odceaa Vlaltora
M. II. Wamplor, and Mr. and
Mra. Albert Wampler. wero Tlalt
ora In tho city Wedneaday, Mr.
I Wnninler I a expecting hla
daughter, Mm. 1.. 1). .iicL.emor.
of Oakland, to arrive for s vlall
Iho latter part ot the week.
.v, in:i.l.o!
V Tllia la Officer
f,vBk O'llrlen talk.
jfr tKt Iiik I've ot
ggtajg iMMiMlrf
She tiled (n anvr
her hint her lint
Tule liitervelied
and You'll i-n.
,ny thla ili niuntii'
llooklniia I.eft for North
Mr. and Mra. J. K. lloaking
left yeati.,rdny by motor for
Maralifield whore they plan to
apend auvernl iliiys on bualneaa
niuiiira. Mr. ilovklux la con
iKH'led with the real eatnlu firm
of lulu mid Honking here.
1'nvlng for Portland-
Mr. end Mra. J. Percy Wells
are leurlng by motor Friday
morning for Portland, Ore
whero both Mr. and Mra. Well
will vtilt relative., aud take
pout griidiinto work during the
Croup llnve I'liitiro Tnkcn
A group of the hunileomeat
whisker crupa of Klnmulh Falla
men hud their photogriipha taken
todiiy und the picture, will ap
pear In an IsMie of the Orugou
ih it aoiuo time Una week.
Here on limine
Mr. und Mr.. A, O. Hamaden
of Portland are bualncsa vlaltora
lu Kliiimith Falla, today, gueatu
at Hie Wlllurd llotol. Mr. Kame
drii ia illMtrict maunKer of the
I'uilflc Car Demurrage llureau.
YlsltluK l'aiciils
Mr. und Mra. J. C BMaall of
8:t:t Kldorado are enjoying a
visit Irom tlieii' daughlur. Mtea
Murjorle Kdiull, who arrived
here yesterday from Snn Friiu-claco.
Uih.Kiili. In .Mivl
The Prosperity Kebekahs will
meet this evening al o'clock
for Initiation, il wan annoiincetl
i hia morning. A full attendance
of members is urgently request
ed. Fair Hoard Will .Meet
There will lie an otilclut nient
Itig of the Ktainuth County Fair
Hoard on Friday afternoon at
l::in o'clock In the nfrirea of
Ilia County A.i'kiilumil Acut.
Foreman & Clark
$20 to $35
Guaranteed All Year-Round Prices
5th and Main St.
The New
$270 to
' Tn ntfaiiiT i'. JliUa ,a'i4aigi-.i
MATCHED UNITS with New-Type Boats
Scientifically Engineered For Outboard Motors
iRope-sforfed or Electric started
This new Johnson runabout gives you consunt
entertainment makes water motoring a new de
light. None of the restricted cruising range of
iu board motor boating.
Johnson Boats are made of a new process . . .
3 V stronger. M)1 lighter than comparable boats,
and guaranteed to outlast them. They cannot leak
orwarp bailing and calking are ended. Lighter,
they give greater speed for horsepower. Out
botirdcquipped, they give 33 more usable space. -
Johnson Sea-Horse Motors are now electric
starting with auxiliary rope-starting in the 5
larger models. Kopc-starting for smaller models
is simplified by Alternate Firing. Two spirks per
revolution instead of one give instant bring
vibration is cut in half.
Powerful propeller steering means control in
any situation. Tilting propeller avoids obstruc
tion. Men shallowest waters are navigable with
Johnson Sea-Horses.
Johnson Matched Units the two new Aqua
flyer for instance have all the comfort of com
parable inboard boats, none of their disadvan
tages, and cost but a fraction as much. They start
at the touch of a button. Steer with automobile
wheel with controls conveniently grouped.
See Johnson Aquaflyers other Matched Units
and Johnson Moats and Sea-Horse Motors today.
Or write us for new catalog illustrated in color.
Price" for Matched Units $270 to $ 1065
motors f 1 2 r to $39i, C. o. b. fiirtory.
Brd and Main
Imperial Garage
I Sterling In
I Safl-Hene.
Jhone 130
Our lease on present location expirinc on July 31st, and we not desiring to. sign new lease at
rental which we considered almost prohibitive, we built us a new building at 195 East Main Street, where
we expect to move about July 15th.
We own this new building, which is out of the congested district; plenty of parking room.
We owning the building and Icing out of h
to sell you goods for less money than could possibl
Tor our removal sale we are quoting all good
igh rent district, we will be in a position aud expect
y do and pay what we consider excessive rentals.
Should you be in the market for Hardware o
fieve it to your benefit to purchase on our removal s
Unfinished Chair
3 Styles
s at special prices, except few contract suites
r Furniture, or need goods in the near future, we te-ale.
Dinner Set
Hotpoint Iron
6 Pounds
Complete with cords
Walnut Bedroom
Bed, Vanity, Chiffon
ier and Bench
Reg. Price $67.25
Sale Price
Many Other Suites
to Choose From
Henry Disston Saw
D8 26-inch
Sale Price
50c Pocket KnSvec
We made a Special buy, paying SPOT CASH, for a car load of Living and Bed Room Furniture,
and in our removal sale are passing these special prices on to you.
Get prices anywhere you please, then come to us and note the savings 1
,We have 20 Living Room Suites to choose from which, we will be pleased to show you.
We ask that you let us show you these special bargains whether you wish to buy or not. It will
be a pleasure.
Note these prices which are NOT EXAGGERATED and then reduced.
2-Fiecc lacquard Davenport and Chair. Regular price $81. "5 Sale Price .-. ...... ...... $72.50
1 Only, 2-Piece Mohair. Regular price $99.75 Removal Sale Price $87.50
1 Only. 3-Piece Suite, Davenport and 2 Chairs, Mohair. Reg. price $152.75 Removal Sale Price $127.50
1 Only, Mohair Pillow Ann Davenport and Chair with high back. Reg. price $162 Removal Sale $127.50
1 Onlv, Davenport and Chair. Tapestry, button back eifect, high back chair. Regular price $145.00
Removal Sale Price .-. $105.00
1 Only, 90-inch Davenport and High Back Chair in Tacquard. Reg. price $145 Removal Sale Price.. .$100
1 Only, Davenport and Chair. High grade Tapestry. Let us show you this suite. Regular price
$198.50 Removal Sale Price...-. $155.95
The latest Hanna Mohair Davenport and Cliair. Reg. price $163.75 Removal Sale Price $143.35
1 Onlv, Green Mohair Davenport, button back eftect. high back Chair with foot stool to match; all
large pieces. One of the most beautiful suites. Regular price $180 Removal Sale Price $163
Also Many Other Suites Marked Down for This Removal Sale
9x12 Axminster Rugs
Rocking Chairs
Sale Price
New Combination Mattress
40 Pound
Sale Price $7.73
Lucas Furniture & Hardware