THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Wednesday, Juno 18, 1930 PAGE TEN CONTINENTAL FLIGHT ENDS Brock and Schlee Set New Record in Non Stop Flying. (ConUaaed from Pag Om nmir and went !nto fenra. Tha Diana was tilted on Ha alda. una wbwl was broken, bnt tho man vera unhurt. The plane ehot across tha fin ish line at Jarkaonvllla beach at 1:01 MS, according to the offl 1nl timer. Thle gare Brock and Schlee a total elapsed tlaie from Ran Diego of 1 bnurs and 10 minutes. 4v watches EAOKKLY 1-X1R JiEWS RAX DIEGO, Csllf.. June l. (AP) News of the proisress made In their dah buck to Jack sonville, Fla.. by William 8. Brock and Edward F. Schlea. who yesterday flew from the Florida city to San Diego In record smashing time and who. after the brief itay here, sped hark toward the Atlantic, was rerlT awaited here early toaay hy aviation authorltlea and en- thnslasts. The arrival at Rockwell Field ef the hardy aviatore late yes terday will be long remembered hr all In the crowd which gath ered to aee the arrival of the Brock-Schlee plane. It waa : P. m., when the cry of "Here they come!' rang out from the spartors at the army poet on North Island. Two minmee iaii the trim monoplane, travelling at a terrlfle apeed, waa "let down", on the specially prepar ed runway, and the flyera got out Mayor Harry Clark end William Van Duaen, represent ing the National Aeronautic ae aoclation, were the first to greet them. Brock waa at the control! toe entire way across tha continent, and also took the controls tor the trip back. Schlee waa tn the radio compartment, which has bo communication other than a nar row air space, with the pilot's cabin. Consequently there ta no chance tor a relief for the pilot, the apace between the two cabins being almost entireij taken up with . gasoline tanks. Staved oa Field The fliers did not leave the field, but disposed of their lunch from the rear end of a small eoepe, standing near the runway 'A, conpla sandwiches", seems to be the thing the two nyers are used to. "We missed our lunch In Jacksonville Monday," said Brock. "L-rt Bight we had a conpla gandwichea, down on the beach. We got to bed around 1J:S9 and were up again at 4 this morning." Schlee was asked what they had to eat during the trip and what they would take back with them as food. In each Instance tha answer waa "a couple sand wiches". The receiving end of the radio was functioning perfectly. It was "reported upon the plane'a arriv al here, and Schlee said that whatever might happen to the transmitter, they would be in communication with the earth, so tar aa weather bulletins are concerned. King's Attorney To Seek Retrial KUREKA, Cel., June IS, (AP) Clarence L. King, convicted of the murder of Minnie McCoy, his common law wife February 20. was sentenced yesterday by Su perior Judge Harry W. Falk to hang September 12 at San tlnen tin prison. Marc Morrison, King's attor ney. Indicated he would appeal the case to the California su preme court. FUNERAL NOTICES OLIVE FLORENCE glEI-V Friends are respectfully Invited lo attend the funeral services for the late Olive Florence Stein, to he held Thursdaay afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, at the Earl Whitlock Funeral Home, Pine avenue at Sixth, with Rev. Eaton, pastor of the First Christian church, offi ciating. Vault intombment will be made tn Mr. View cemetery, Oakland. Calif. FLORENCE MORGAN WKLLER The remains of the late Flor ence Morgan Weller will be for warded by the Earl Whitlock ! Funeral Home to Newark, New . Jersey, where funeral services will be held and Interment made in the family plot. LORENZO D. BT.-RK TJorenzo D. Burk, pioneer resi dent of Bonanza for the past 4 years, and former deputy sheriff, passed away at his late rwldenco Tuesday night at 11:13 o'clock, following an illness of several days. He was born In the state of Iowa and aged U5 years snd 9 days at the time of death. He it survived by his wife. Birdie Burk. two sons, Clifford and Mllbtirn. all of Bonanza, his mother, Mrs Carrie Burk, and a brother, Guy. both of Red Bluff, Calif., and a sister, Mrs. Daisy Glnn of Vina. Colo. The remains are In the gold room of the Earl Whitlock Funer al Home, Pine avenue at Sixth, where friends may call. An nouncement of funeral arrange ments will be made later. BADT SVLLIVAX Baby Sullivan, the Infant (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Sullivan of Malln, passed away at an early honr Wednes day morning. Funeral services will be held from their home in Malln with Rev. Anglln of the Sacred Heart church officiating on Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment will be made In the Malln cemetery under the direction of the Klumalh Funer al Home. - . Klamath Golfer Outtcore Visitor In Sunday Play The total number of polnta made by members of the Klamath Falls golf team when they played Sunday at the Reams Coif and Country club against Bend was J8S. Bend totalled SO 4. Fol lowing are the scores msde by the golfers, the Klsmsth men named first, followed by their Bend op ponent: Points. Score nr. Paul W. Sharp I S3 a SS I M 1 J? 2 : 1 ss 4 3 1 90 3 ! 35 115 S 100 14 104 14 103 2 4 SO 4 90 t 9 0 107 3 100 107 1 103 I 99 117 3 104 24 39 4 20 14 S 14 89 14 14 ' 14 9 14 95 1 9 3 0 I 4 1 14 4 101 24 24 101 4 104 24 100 1 lot 2 t 101 3 Gleasoa (1. A. Krauae A. G. Paul Claude McColloch A. R. Peoplea . Ralph Macartney Hosch W. O. 6ralth Hansen -.. H. Perrtn ,. Hamilton ......... Wilson Wiley Liles D. M. Smith Tripletl - F. Lore . Taylor John Houston , Minor E. F. Green . Boles E. M. Chllcote F. H. Tsylor C. J. Huntley Hanson . Psul Dalton . Balrg C. L Roberts , Belmont E. H. Pike . Buegler P. A. Albertson Fairchlld Dr. Merrlman Hoagner J. F. Maguire Honk J. R. Shaw Lines H. R. Harrison , Melacer H. N. Moe Gore A. J. Law son , Relter OFFICERS TAKE BAD HALFBREED (Continued tram Pace) Oaw) ed because he contracted tuber culosis, tha Indians deadliest enemy. Fined Several Time Since he was dismissed from state's prison, Berkley baa been fined several hundred dollars for illicit liquor traffic, and has even served time for the same mis demeanor. When ha was arrested ' last night, he tried to shoot It out with the officers, as he waa arm ed with a 30-30 Winchester. He was overpowered and arrested, however, by officers Mueller. Ackerman, Colby, Oakes and Rogers. Barkley forfeited the Ford sedan which he waa driv ing. He la at present housed in the county Jail, and will have a bearing before U. 8. Commis sioner Bert C. Thomas in the near future. CLARA STATES SHE'S LOAFING (Continued from Pace One) extravagantly. They told the Associated Press they knew noth ing of any demand tor money. To Leave Monday Today Miss Bow, who has been entertained by automobile rides and dances and apparently avoid ing further interviewers, was found again by a reporter. This time she said that. Instead of remaining two weeks as (ho had Intended, she would leave Mon day or Tuesday. "Too much hot weather and too much noise," was her explanation. The cinema star was ac:om panled In Dallas by her secre tary, who was using the same assumed name. Clearance Sale All Suits and Dresses in Stock on Sale Nothing Over $1P This Week Only Cash FLO-ANN SHOP Pelican Theatre Building I I HOLDS STRONG LEAD (Continued from Pag One) election next fall by Alexander Simpson, wet democrat, who waa nominated for the alx year term without opposition end for the unexpired term of former Sena tor Walter E. Edge by Miss Thelma Parkinson, the only democratic candidate tr that term. Hoover Pleased WASHINGTON. June IS, (A P) t'ontidence that Auiba-isdor Morrow would be the next sena tor Irom New Jersey was ex pressed at the White House to day on behalf of President Hoo ver. "The White House will give every possible support to the re publican nominee for the senate from New Jersey," the atateinent said. "The president and the ad ministration have every confi dence that Mr, Dwlght Morrow will be the next senator from New Jersey." It was emphaslied that this wss the only comment which would be forthcoming from the While House on the results of the primary which nominated Mr. Morrow. No Comment While the White House re frained from expressing views as to any significance which might be attached to the result, other quarters commented on the pro hibition aspect. Senator Keen, a republican from New Jersey, contended "the victory was no more one for the wets then It waa for the drys." He said thousands of drys voted for Morrow because he was "such aa outstanding candidate that he transcended any one campaign Issue." Senator Tydlngs, a democratic wet from Maryland, said the vot ing had congealed anti-prohibition sentiment and was indicative of what "la happening to some extent all over the country." He held Morrow to be "blazing a trail which will take us out of a bad situation." Wets Encouraged Anti-prohibitionists In Wash ington greeted Morrow's nomina tion as an encouraging gain In their fight for a wet majority in the senate. Despite assertions of state re publican leaders that Morrow would look with dlataste on any attempt to make him the titular bead of the wet forces, should he be elected in November, the wets here were more than pleased with the decisive primary victory. It was pointed out that his nomination waa the first to be won by an avowed republican wet In tha 1230 primaries. Wets asserted that his victory was the more a triumph for the antl-pro-hibltlon cause In view of his prominence In publle life. ATA TIME Hnxi Bin. Coffee ! "done to a turn" becaiue only i few pounds at a time pass through the routers. That's Con trolled Roasting Hills Bros.' patented, continuous process and it creates a flaTor do other coffee his. Fresh from the original vacuum pack. Easily opened with the key. HILLS BROS COFFEE 01930 Frtuti-frleJ fUfet earn V dug f m tun if cktd Afew ROAD WORK TO BE COMPLETED (Continued from Pag One) Grading, straightening, rocking, widening, oiling, and everything la going on at the aame time on the different stretches o( road. Including the new bridge which is being built at Keno. When It Is completed KWniath couuty will have a speedway o( mountain road (0 mllea In length that will be one ot the best. hlRhw lu the country. Tour ist travel 1 1 1 tie way Is only be ing held up a year Instead ot two, three, five or more year. If the work had been started at the same time on the entire road Instead of piece-meal, Mr. Gates explained. Curve Fllmlnateil rancorous curves are being eliminated, polnta rut off and ravines filled In. Work on re surfacing Into Klamath Falls Is now uuder way. Construction work ou this hliihway will ag gregate almost 3500,000, Oates stated. RADIO SHOP MOVES. The Radio Shop which hss been located at lia North K.lghth street with the Service Electric company, haa moved to 1013 Donald street for the summer months. Service and repair work will be continued as usual, and thia fall will again be located down town. Wm. Long, who operated the shop, can be found at the new location, or phone 1IS4-M. TlIE VALUE of sound design, good materials and careful craftsmanship is especially apparent in the new Ford after the first twenty-five thousand miles. Long, con tinuous service emphasizes its mechanical reliability and economy of operation and up-kecp. As you drive the Ford through many months and years you will develop an increasing pride in its appearance and a growing respect for the substantial worth that has been built into it From every standpoint in everything , that goes to make a good automobile you will know that you have made a farsccing, satis factory purchase. - Wherever you go, you hear enthusiastic praise of the car and this significant, oft-repeated phrase "I'm glad I bought a Ford." A FORD owner in New York tells of a 13,000-mile trip across the United State and back in sixty days and saya "ihe car was extremely economical to operate, comfortable and speedy." A grateful father tells how the Triplex shatter-proof glass windshield saved his wife and children from serious injury in an auto (mobile collision. To test tires, a large company drove a new Ford day and night, for an average of 500 miles every twenty-four hours. It vas still giving satisfactory service after J 05,000 miles. Apartment House Going Up Rapidly Construction work oa the new A. H. Agger apartment houre on Eighth aud Walnut Avenue. Is progressing rapidly, and It Is believed that In about alx weeks the apartiuenla will be ready for occupeucy. The building Is constructed ot red brick with dark clinker brick worked lu, making a stunning exterior. The root, ot Spanish tile has been laid by the Dig llasln Lumber company. The rooms are all laid out at present, and the apartmritte are spacloua and roomy. The parti tions between the apartments are nf double construction, which renders them almost entirely sound-proof. The floors In the house are all carpeted, and each ot the atxteen suites In the build ing Is equipped with rsdlo, eleo trie rofrlgerator, range and tele phone. The Agger Apartments were designed by the offices ot How ard W. Perrln, and all construc tion work Is under the persoual supervision ot A. R. Agger, TO OPEN TRAP SHOOT JUNE 27 (Continued from Page One) lime tor all who attend tha three day tournament. To Collect Fee The plan adopted by tha Ore gon State Trapshooters' associa tion at the recent atate shoot at Salem of collecting a fee ot 50 centa from shooters competing in After the wirst twenty "five thousand ISRiles THB NEW rOBtB BPOBT Ford registered shoots lu the stale, will be put Into effect for the first lime at the Klamath dun club special to he held here oil Juno 37, 33 aud 3D. This tee, which Is exclusive of regular ground fees and the eon trlliullou lo the Amateur Trap shooting association, waa adopted at Salem, when plana were set lu motion for the re-orgaulsallon of the slate association. The new association la patterned after I lie Washington state aud also the Northwost Trspahoolvrs' oraalil satlona. The sO-cent fee collect ed at all registered shoots In the slate will go Into the added money (or the annual Oregon atat tour naments. In addition to this means of raining money the club holding the stale shoot must also put up "40 lu aililed money. Famous Miols Cuming Such famous shootera as Frank Troeh, O. N. Ford. Tom Seavey, and many others, are planning to attend the shoot. The Klamath Oun club aa a body Is working hard on the prep arations (or the big shoot, and Ihe hoya are devoting much time to details lu order that the affair may be a huge success. The club exteuds a cordial In vitation to all shooters to attend the three day special, and com pete for the money and trophies, ATTAIN ALTITl lK KECOHH WASHINGTON, June 13, (AP A new seaplsne world altitude record waa credited today to Lieu tenant Apollo Soucek. I'. 8. N.. with a calibration of his baro graphs showing an altitude of 3D,. 140 feet, attained last Friday, June 13. A Ford ear that had fallen Into Fernan Lake was submerged for twelve days before being raised. After a new battery and carburetor bowl were installed, it was driven back to Spokane under its own power. Blany police departments have written of the special advantage of the Ford in crowded traffic because of its alert speed, acceleration and ease of control. An in creasing number of fleet owners are also purchasing the Ford because their cost figures have given conclusive proof of it economy of operation and up-keep. COUPE Motor Company FINDS ROAD TO ASHLAND GOOD (Continued from Page One) tweon Klamath Falls and Ashland la Increased only about 10 or It inluulea over the llnio usually tak en lo make Ihe trip. "Contrary lo reports, there Is very Hula loose gravul ou the road. I would Judge about one quarter of a mile altogether, aud only two very short detours of about 100 yards lu length. These detours will not he In use after the nest two or three days, as ths fills which they avoid will he fin ished w II Itln that time. "When Ihe highway Is com pleted by Ihe slain highway com mission, about the middle of Ihe summer, this will be one, of the finest piece of road In the state ot Oregon," Mr. Uubb added. Although light travels l.0no miles a second, the light we see from the constellation known as llrsa Major started on Its Journey lo us two million years sgo. NOTICE The lime limit for transfer of stock of Rnulhern Oregon Oil Company, bankrupt, expires at Nine o'clock P, M. on Fri day, June ituth. All Credllora and Stockholders are advised to have their claims In the band of Ihe Trustee on or before that time In accordance with our letter malted to each Creditor, Sub scriber aud Stockholder oa May soih. L.WOKIX VAI.I.FT OIL (TOM PA ST, K. J. Murray, President, !MT Williams' ITJ.Ig. In addition to Important triumphs in Germany, France and Italy, the Ford won ix out of seven leading place In a con test in Finland, first and second in tho Rafaela race in Argentina, first and sec ond in the run from Gpenlugen(o-Paria-to-Copenhagrn, three gold medals In England, first ranking in the durability test over the tortuous Amancaes road In Peru, and first place in the 1930 reliabil ity run conducted by the Royal Auto mobile Club of Sweden. This contest was an exceptionally severe test of endurance and sturdy con struction because it was held in the deatt of winter and covered 600 mile of steady running over snow-covered coun try roads and mountainous hills. NEW LOW FORD PRICRft Roadster . s ...... . $135 Phaeton . . . s s s s a a 440 Standard Coupe a a a a a 49.1 Tudor Sedan . s s a s a s a 49S Sport Coupe .sssssaa 525 De Luxe Coupe a a a 5 IS Three-window Fordor Sedan ... 600 Convertible Cabriolet . s s . 625 De Luxe Phaeton . . a . 625 De Luxe Sedan .asses. 640 Town Sedan ........ 660 All prfcos . o. b. Demit, pirn night and itliverf. Hamper anal spar CEI.EHIt ATM IIII1TIIIMY NEW YORK. June II, (AP) There's to be a big celebration tomorrow, the filth birthday ot James J. Walker. "It's very nice of Admiral llyrd tn arrange hla return on that day," the mayor rotniu anted. Connolly tlrnlhera Removal sale at 13-H Main at., opposite Tenth si. 1-I3t HEADACHE RELIEVED . . . QUICKLY rarely V.t.l,lli ftl otilcklv corrects tha airestlva disturb' ancea. removes thm In. teatinal noiauna. ami sick hetlrh Quickly disappears. V our whole sy. tern enjoys a tonic effect, constipa tion vanishes, and you feel a renewed vigor. Avoid bromidea and dope, they are depressing and hsrwiuL, AU Druggists fw and 76c red pkgs. CARTER'S EKi PILLS tin txtrm, at lost cost.