The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 17, 1930, Page 4, Image 4

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Tuesday, Juno 17, lO.'M
O. O. Crawford-
Published (verr afternoon except Sunday by Th Herald Publlehlng
Company at 101-111 Mouth Fifth street, Klamath rail. Dragon.
tntered ai second claaa matter at lb poelotflc of Klamath Kails.
Oregon, on August ID, 1VU4, under act of Congress, March I, lets.
11? Mall DaUrarad hy Carrier
in Ouulda la VUj
Connly County On nonlh- . . 10 tt
Tkra noaLh.1.7 11.11 Three months
til month. 1.71 t.ti Six montha 1.1
Oaa Yaar l.Ot .vv Ona Year t.tO
Represented nationally by
Van Kranclaco
New York Seattle Portland
Detroit Chicago Loa Angeles
Copies ot The Herald and New, together with complete In
formation about the Klamath Kail market, may be obtained lor
tba asking at any of thee office.
Member ol tlie Associated lrees
The Aeaoclated Frae la esclusirely enutled to the as or republica
tion of all nawa dispatches credited to It or hot otherwise credited
In thla paper, and also the local neve published therein. All righta
ot republication of special dispatches herein are also reeerred.
Tuesday, June 17, 1930
Whole State Shocked
'T'HE sudden pissing ot George W. Joseph, republican
nominee for the office of governor, was a distinct
shock to the people of the state of Oregon. Mr. Joseph
. was in his prime, really at the zenith of his career, and to
have him thus removed from the sphere of activity in
state affairs is an irreparable loss.
The true worth of the man was made apparent in the
recent primary campaign. He advocated policies foreign
to the opinion of a large and influential group in his party,
yet he carried his campaign to the masses and won a great
victory. People in both political parties had an abiding
faith in Mr. Joseph, and his victory in the primary was an
indication of the strength that certainly must have been
his had he been spared to lead his party in the genr-rJ
election. Just what his leadership might have been as gov
ernor is now but a matter of speculation, but it is safe to
say that his actions would have been guided by an hot. est
purpose, a heartfelt desire to serve the people of his state
A Reporter Is Killed
TT IS just barely possible in murdering Reporter Alired
J. Lingle the Chicago gangsters have gone a little too
far for their own good. Newspaper reporters are not, or
dinarily, especially honored members of the community.
They are not up on any pedestal. No one gives their call
ing the veneration that goes to such people- as doctors or
But when a newspaper man, in pursuit of his duty, fol
lows the news trail into a place where his temerity costs
his life, there seems to be something in the situation that
jars public opinion clear down to the bottom.
, Perhaps it is because the reporter or the editor is, in
a sense, a representative of all the people. He is the eye
and ear for the man in the street The ordinary citizen
depends on the newspaper man's integrity, his daring,
his zeal, for his knowledge about what is going on in the
world. When Lingle, for instance, pursued his inquiries
in the dark places of Chicago those deep abysses where
death is an ever-present threat, where all the structure
of order and decency that society has painfully reared is
held in contempt he was there as the representative of
all of us.
However that may be, organized crime invariably puts
its foot into it when it elects to put one of the news
gatherers out of the way.
The underworld of Canton, O., might give the Chi
cagoans a tip. Canton had a wide-open underworld a few
years ago. It also had a courageous newspaper editor
named Don Mellett, who swung his searchlight on this
underworld. Canton failed to get excited about it until
Mellett paid for his daring with his life. Then Canton
boiled over with indignation. It landed on its underworld
like a thousand of brick. The underworld, with its leaders
imprisoned, has never been the same since.
Chicago has been extraordinarily patient with its
gangs. For many years they have held open house in the
nation's second city, and the city has seemed willing to
tolerate them rather than rouse itself to the point of put
ting them down. But now it is, we repeat, just barely pos
sible that things will be different
For killing a reporter is, when you come right down
to it, gangland's last word in open defiance of society.
It is as if gangland had said: "Here you not only can't
1. ... .L. .1. . ,
"win uuiiik me tilings wc want to no, dui you
can't even find out about us. We don't want you to bother
us even to the extent of putting things about us in the !
newspapers. If you do, we'll shoot"
It will be interesting, now, to see what happens. Kill
ing a reporter has always been bad medicine. Will it prove
so in Chicago?
News Letter
State Taxes
People Vote
Income Tax
Timely Quotation From People
in the Public Eye
'I 'noughts We've
Been Thinkins
SALEkl. June 17, (UP) The
people ol Oregon hero no ona to
blame but themselves tor In
creased taies according to Thomas
b. Kay, stats treasurer.
Of th 40,000.l0e taxes. In ap
proximate figures. Imposed di
rectly upon property In this stste,
all but tl.e 14,000 I letrled by
rote of the people or by local tax
ing bodice with approval of th
People aud the legislature has lit
tle or no voles la the matter, Kay
"IT IS USUALLY said that
sbout 17.000.1)01) Is raised by
levies upon property for slats
taxes but It we examine the rec
ords we find that most ot this
amount ta purely and simply local
taxes of which not ona peuny goes
tor atata purposes." bs said.
"State Taxre'
of the total "state taxes" Is raised
by the mtllage for schools, col
lvcted and retained by the dis
tricts themselves ot which ths
state receives no part. This Is er
roneously reterted to ae "state
tax" bemuse the mlllage is fixed
by the state.
THE STATE sets the ratling
rats tor schools for the reason
that, when the districts fixed their
own rates, soms were niggardly
and some were too generous, re
sulting in considerable Inequality.
Some schools were operating with
pennies while others were operat
ing with lit) bank notes, fompar
atirely speaking. The stale levy
was adopted for th purpose of
The second large Item. Kay said
Is ths market road lax. amounting
to approximately 1 1.125.000 and
which is likewise retained by ths
counties and can not be properly
neid as a stats tax.
THE REMAINDER ot ths mon
ies that go to maka np ths 14.-
400,000 difference is the lerle
raised by mtllages by the people
tor ths I Diversity of Oregon. Ore
gon State college, normal schools.
soldiers' bonus and similar pur
poses, which sre. to all intents
and purposes, local taxes.
state are not only self-supporting
but actually earn mors money
than the cost of administration,
and ths balance Is used for other
state purposes. This Includes cor
poration department fees, inherit
ance taxes, water application lees
and ths Ilka.
IF THE INCOME tax Is passed
by ths people next December there
will probably be no properly
termed "stats tax," Kay said.
LEBANON, Ore., June 17. (A
P) Smoking ruins hers today
remained from the 110.000 gar
age tlrs which struck ths Leban
on garage yesterday. E. E. Tay
lor, owner ot ths building, said
ths loss to ths building was
110,000 and to contents between
$10,000 and 111.000.
T F lA j
m mmm m m
From "Ths Diary of Samuel
Pspys": May 1. Up betimes. Call
ad by my tailor, and there first
put on a aummer ault this year;
but It waa not my tin on of flow,
arsd tabby vest, and colored cam
let tnnlc, because It was too tins
with ths gold Iscs at th bands,
that I was afraid to b seen In
tt: but put on the stnff suit I
mads th lsst year, which la now
repaired; and so did go to ths of
lice In It, and sat all the morning,
th day looking aa It It would b
loul. At noon horns to dlnnsr,
nd there find my wit extraordi
nary tin, with her flowered tabby
town that ah mad two years ago,
ow lacsd exceeding pretty; and,
indeed, was tins all ovsr; and
mighty sarnsst to go. though the
day was vary lowering; and aha
would have me put on ay tin
ault, which I did. And so anon wa
want alone through the town with
ur new liveries ot serge, and th
horses' manes and tails tied with
red ribbons, and the atandards lilt
with varnlah, and all clean, and
green reins, that people did
mightily look upon us; and, the
truth la, I did not see any coach
mors prstty, though mors gay.
than ours, all the day.
No Place To Go
Pearson's: A man had been
visiting certain widow every
evening for some months.
"Why don t you marry her?"
asked a frlsnd.
"I have often thought about
It," was th rsply, "bat whsrs
on earth should 1 spend my eve
nings then?"
Cool off these summer
days with thisheoJthful
wholesome drink. De
licious, flavorful per
fect Iced Tea at every
serving with Tree Tea.
LONDON Soms wise stiaver
has figured out that: Th shav
ing area of a normal man la about
40 aquara Inches, and that con
centration of Hi halra an Inch
meane total of 16,000 hairs to
cut. Hs also has figured out that
because of so many hairs to cut
and their toughness, that the av
erag eafety raior blade Is fit for
fitly seconds' work before It need)
"Education Is as much ot a
problem la crime as Ignorance
th educated srlralnal la i robab-
ly more dangerous than th
Ignorant. Thar la no Inherent
virtu la learning." Lewie R.
La was, warden ot Sing Sing
e e e
"It ta not education which
make women leas domestic, bet
wealth!" Dr. Katharine Jeanne
Gallagher, professor ot history a
uoucner college, lialllmore,
e e e
Thsr are indsed as many
mutts' among th Intslllgsutsla
aa mere are among th uulutelll
gsutsla." 8t John Krvine, play-
e e e
"Capital la ao easily aeeured
tor any promising enterprise
that It I no longer necessary to
o rirn to go into ousiness, even
on an extensive aoale." Calvin
Shakespeare's Heroines
- irb n
3 it rr iB
br ar et
-T !rr 3" sr"-"5o"
ST 3T b3 3T cr
35 37 """" 3r""
35 55" n - zr
35 42 ' '
-'Mill iT"l MIL
X "Opheliu If
th heroins)
In trbat play?
no la the
berolste la
"Merchant of
11 Regie.
IS Proaowa.
14 To mend.
15 Nats.
18 Morass.
IS Each.
Xt Xorlheast
S3 Fraud deer.
87 Tree,
80 Sailor.
St Iota.
JI3 To come In.
34 X.
CIS I'poa.
T Cudgeled,
aj To accoav
2? To ewtploy.
41 Rigid.
& Speech.
STTaataf d
4t Depreeeed.
I Of what h
Cerberu th
a Melody.
SMlaor mot.
a At that ttxo.
T Road.
Saall tUp.
10 Ire.
J3 Whsrs to
16 T color, j
SI Bed.
33 T atroka,
M targes
trT Poke stake.
9fl Fowls.
SO Te diminish,
lite yeta
83 Diner.
S3 Famous.
40 dm.
43 I inset's eu.
4 Nolo hi seal.
40 I'poa.
(Cvutlnuml from l's Hurl
deter 1-akn was discovered in
1111 by John W. lllllmaa and
party, who war looking for tlir
famous. Lost Cabin win.
Thsr la an excellent Imlg local-
I on Ilia si'-.o of Crater Lake
and a road around the rim. It
la ea. Ily on el th great acealc
highway of lb world. Th
motorist I oka down on th on
eld upon t lie lake dlsclusud la
complete detail from every p ilm
ot view, and on th other aide
over an var-ruauglng uauurani
ot Cascade Haul eceuery. Crater
Lake la reached by a paved road
from lb main Hue highways,
and stag lines connect with
Southern 1'jcKIo trains.
College Fosters
Poultry Meeting
Soms 400 ot th lesdlng poul
trymea from all parte ot Oregon
will b sueata ot Oregon 8ta
coti: tor th annual poultry
men's contention July 11 and 14,
according o A. 0. I.unu. head
ot ths poultry huabundry depart
ment, who will be In charge ot
th meetings. Th annual meet'
lag ot th Oregon State Poultry
men'a association will be held
on th campus at th same time.
Koonomicel production will be
on ot th chief topic tor die
euasloa durlug the convention
Other subjects such aa breeding.
disease control and marketing
will also recelv attention. One
ot th principal speakers will be
Prof. A. 11. Thompson, ths
first gradual of th college
poultry department In 1111, wh
le now head of the poultry de
partment at Oklahoma A. A M.
college and a recognised author
ity on poultry problema.
Th visiting Doultrymeo will
be entertained the first evening
by the Corvallls rhsmber of commerce.
As predicted lu Ilia Herald, W
A. Dolsell, Frank Ira While and
Marlon llauka war elected di
rectors ot School District No. 1
at th annual election held Mou
day afteruooa.
A petition ass read lo lbs
city council signed ny t ol ths
actlv members of ths fir de
partment, asking that Charlee
menu b appointed sergeant at
arms to attend to th fir aa
paratas of th rllv. Th petition
wee referred 1 th fir commit
The teachers' saauiluatloa will
held at the high school build
ing t Klsmalb Falls, Oregon
Wednesday, Juns llth.
Ths clllssns and tai-naver ot
Klamath Fall bsv taken the
Initliiilt In stralghtsuliii out
the eo-called charter muddle.
aud by a petition presented to
in council last evening atgnsd
by 40 or more ot the lesdlng
ouaitiess men end property own
ers ot lbs slty, ths mayor and
city council art asked to tab
such action aa necessary to the
adoption ot a new charter. The
petltlou was presented to the
council ny R. II. Dunbar, su
perintendent of ths city schools.
Henry Bolvln was today
awarded the contract .for the
Attorney General
Defines Exemption
SALEM, Ore., June IT. (API
An c ot th 111! legislature
eiemptlnc old soldier from cer
tain form of taxation I opera
tive when th soldier Is buying
land on contract and Is not yet
la possession of a deed, ears an
opinion by Attornsy General Van
Winkle to Fred A. Miller, district
attorney tor Ularkamaa county.
To be allowed th asemptloo
tor 111 th opinion bold It la
not necessary for th old soldier
or sailor to bar filed bis claim
ea or before April 1 of that
To all points North
East and West
For Uoavaiac
Eeooomy, Hafsti aad
Phont 999
Terminal Stage
615 Main Street
plumbing ami ruling pUul In
th three-atory building erected
by Melbaea Urothera. The up
per two aliirle ol ths building
will bs used for hotel purpose,
sud will be equipped Willi e
Isrg anuust of modern plumb
ing. Heal (or th enilre bull. Hm
will be supplied from a (team
plant Th contract secured by
bolvln le ilia Ursuet awarded In
th city thla year.
Several at Ik roaaa Valley
farmers have hnuvhl - hi.
Kentucky Jack. Th animal cost
11.100. la speaking ot Hie lm-
nortatlon of thla furl, w n
Hhotik aald fhal th. ..n..h.M
the Dairy sestloa ars beginning
to realise that there la big mou
se la mule, aad that th pur-
eaaaa of thla hlvh nrlearf a,ilti
I only a beginning of what will
ueveisp into a sig inaitsiry.
PORTLAND Washington. D.
C, dsnled that W. II. Soaaeffer.
owner ot radio statloa kVKI'
bad applied tor a new license
alnes his denial ot kla Iteease
appllralloa br Ik redlo com-
Oaly a Connolly Brothers
tore after Jsly 1st. t (1? Msl
street 1-1 II
Set the
standard for every
home use
wJI kaMnTsMaT shawewtJnfc
Dariey-Mtalt Syrup
WoffimesiTs ami til dhiHdt'enn'c
Women's lilond one-strap slip
pers. Cuban heels. Rtg. $6.85.
Now $tfl.45
Misses' black patent ties. Reg
ular $3.98 and $4.85 values.
Now $2.98
Short Lines Women's Slippers, values to
$10.00 specially priced at
Short Lines Women's Slippers and Ox
fords, values to $7.85
Short Lines Misses and Children's Play
Sandals and Slippers, values to $2.98
Women' blond Arch Slippers.
One of our famous Dr. Saw
yer's Nattiralizer patterns. Re ir $S.85.
Now $5.95
Misses' one-strap patent leath
er slippers. Rep;. $.,08 to $4.45.
Now $2.90
A large assortment of colors and styles in this Special Clearance Sale. All sizes are
included but not in every model or color. Come in and look them over.
"You Don't Have to be Rich to be Stylish"