The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 17, 1930, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tupsflay, Juno 17, 1930
Character Clote-Ups
V Jf70 JALM.77U
U AJTJrt -
In KImiimiIi t'nmi lalifiM-nlu
Th following wore gunala at
ilia local hotels Monday from Cull
furhla clllrs: .M, J. Aliuorsoli slid
mi, XV. II. lllskv, Mr,. l. Mi'llull-
1.1. Mr. mill Mrs. K. A. .Xlerklua,
frank XV. 1'llompeoii, O. 1. Hsu
'r, A. M. Iieuiilaou. Han Kren
tleco; I. H. Ifciae, Arthur Koberla,
Vlnl,. l Trnvnr, Mr. ami Mm Junie
('. llurnetl, Oakland; Mr. and Mra.
I.. W. Illrka, Honora; . Hchaefer,
XVlllowa lunch; Mr. and Mn. Al
llrr, liakarafleld; 1. I. Meyere.
IlKtkrlry; Mr. aud Mra. T. K. Ilol
brook. Herkelny; Mr. and Mn. I.
I,, tiuniaer, Long lloacb: (. W.
Mil. hi. J. N. tlaler. Harramanio,
and II. K. LIHMI and family. Man
ia Ana.
VI.HimI In kluiiwlli
Mr. and Mra. C. A. HallKll. ree
tdcnte of Dmiver, Colo., and Mr.
and Mra. Joe Knt, Juhn and Anna
Kent, all of Hull Kelle. r
Klamath vlaltore last evening al
lha home of Mr. and Mra. J. U
Newman and Mr. and Mra. XV. I'.
Mif'aoley. Mr. Kent la Ilia broth
it or Mra. firar Kant Masrodnr,
who wss recently elected alata
president of tha I'. K. U. orianlta
lion, which held Ita convention In
Klamath Kails Isst month.
IVft fur AlaaVa
Mr. and Mra. Craig Apauih of
Newark. N. J., Ii-ll I morning
for Alaaka. They will Port
land and (-ratlin ro mute north.
Atmr Tlaltlug In Alaaka they plan
to make a tour of X'cllowatnne Na
tional I'ark and othar polnta of In
Inrrai ui thatr way In their hnma
In tha Kant. Mr. and Mra. Alpaugh
hava been vlaltlng Mra. Alpaoxh'a
rar.nla. Mr. and Mra. W. T. Kill
ott of lha I'lna tiroya dlatrlrt for
tha paat few weeka.
Portland Kutrmnta
Included amoni tha Portland
Tlaltora In Klamath Kalla yesier
1ay were XV. Mayar, K. T. Ltowd.
It. K. Nalhananhu, Harry Urn
hskcr. John Klnnar, John Peaold,
J. K. Montgomery, Mr. and Mra.
II. P. Ilobart. II. J. Anderson, Mr.
and Mra. 1. K. Illlna and ann.
('. H. lireaory, Mr. and Mra. Rob
ert llanann and Frank XX'ataon.
Prom fnriiB Clt
Thoaa rrglatered at local hotels
Monday from Oregon cities othar
than Portland Included i- Krsnk
Hall. Illk: tiuy McLaughlin, tiale
Clarklxy. II. John I'mmllly. J. K.
Itoach, U B. llalrd. V. II. Iloagnrr.
P. XX'. Maag, all of llnd; and Mra.
John XVatlere, Dallaa.
Mra. r. XI. Ilejnolila IU k
Mra. C. M. Itaynolda ha a raturn
ad from Clerher, Calif., where aha
spent a few daya visiting friends.
Mra. Reynolds la to Uka part In
tha "Old Family Album." to ba
(Ivan at tha M 1 1 la a.hool by tha
t'onaraaattonal Community rhurch
on Thurailay ifiiln. Juna 19.
XX'aalilnKlonlana llrvr .
XX'aaltlntonlnna In Klamath
Fa I la Monday Inrluriod J. S. War
ling. Snattln; tiuy W. Funk. XX'a.
nal.hiHi; A. P. Mrollatta. XX. J.
XX'alla. Haattln, and Mr. and Mra.
H. ti. Palmar and Mlaa Marian
llarrtaoii, Ttippanlah.
llnrA From OcaiTnl latka
Mr. and Mra. Curlla Clyman of
Craarant l.aka atient yaatanlay In
Klamath Falla vlaltlng frtanda and
tranaartlng bualnoaa. They vara
guaata at tha Hall hotal.
It's luprcmelv
delicious. Rich
as a ruby. And
always success'
fill. Try it today!
a. M.
lli gl.liroil at Touriat llurrau
Tha lollowhig war aiming
thoaa who raglaliirad out of (lata
rara at tha Touriat Duraau of
tha rhamliar of aninmarc ynaler
day aftnrnmin, and thla morning;
Karl XV. Haattln. Valilra. C'al.;
Viola liarla. Ilrldlay, tal l Kay
It. Ilraly. Hollywood, tal l K.
K. Moaibain, l.oa Angalna, Cal l
I.. K llrown, Hiinaol, XVaah.; It
XV. lath!D. Thornton, t al.; C.
F. Frana, Oakland. Cat.: W. K.
I.aaok. Mnnlu. t al.; It. T. XX'nnd
on, Uukloiid, Cat.; Conrad lllmn
qulat, Han Fralirlaro, ( al, H. P
I jit ham, Huiramiinlo, Cal.
Altnilr! Ilmrt4ira l.unrb
XV. C. rhatirtl-r, of Oranta
paaa. and K. O. "Pop" Oataa.
Madforil, lioib mainliara of tha
Oregon Htatn Highway coinmla-
alon, warn gueaia al tha dlrar
tora1 InnrhiMin of tha Chambar
of t'oininert-a tmlay,
Klrvlril lo Hoartt
Dr. tl. A. Maaany and Mra. J.
It. ChanilMira wara ro-lartd to
tha arhool board of HYhool Dla
trlit No. I. at tha alnrlion hin
at Froiuont a. h.l Mmulny aftar
nooii from until 7 o'clock.
Aniiouuio Itlrtli of Hon
Mr. and Mra. J. W. Hunt, of
41& Walnut, annoum-a tha birth
of a aim at Hlllalda hmipltal on
Kumlay afternoon. Tha baby
weighed aeven pound and four
ounrea. -
To Hlng In Coat
Mra. Marjorla MrClura Old will
alng In ooatuma for tba antnrtalnv
ment to ba given by tha Congrega
tional Community cirri at tha
Mllla arhool on Juna 19,
UooOrrefl lo M
Nalghbora of Woodcraft ra
adlaed that tha meeting on
Wedneaday evening, June la.
will ba called promptly at 7;J0
at tba 1. O. O. F. 11.11.
(imntril Marriage IJrenie
A llrenaa lo wed waa gran ted
lo nienn M. Chandler, of Hand,
aged 30. and t'raula Welch of
Iialry, aged It. thla morutug b.
County Clerk DaLap,
Hrlmur IUk Kroia Trip
Mr. and Mra. Paul SVhour and
little aon, Paul, Jr., returned
Hunday from a two week' mulor
trip to Rpokana, XX'aah, where
they Tlalted frlanda.
Ilfdillnc XX'pflneariajr I.unrh.
Tha Klamath Commercial Ser
vice will hold a clearance lunch
eon XVedneaday noon at tha Pell
ran t.rlll.
lanrria X'laltor
8am Head, of Dorrla. wag it
vlaltor In thla city Monday.
Opinion Sought
For Nomination
BALKM. Ore., June IT, (AP) Melarhen of Portland haa
requnated Attorney (ianaral Xan
XX'inkla for an opinion whether
tha old atata republican central
committee exlatlng befor the
May 1 prlmarlea and atlll Intact
baa authority to name Cleorc
Joaeph'a aurreaaor aa tha repub
lican nomtne for a governor, or
whether tba new commute not
yet organlvd muat nam the
candidate. Van Winkle aald the
opinion would not be announced
for aeveral daya.
Her brother'i
was threatened, and she
jppealed to her sweetheart to
save him! What could he
do in her behalf?
wonder film
Don't miss this
IPELECAN Starting Today
Com pi lad XVaakly '
Touriat lluraau of Klamath
County Chambar of Commarc
During tha paat week thara
wer three real flab caught, and
they did not aeem lo b of the
type that "juat got away" thla
lime. Two of tbeui ware taken
from Hocky Point and weighed
17 and ll,'i pounda reapertlvely.
Tha other waa caught In tba
Klamath rlvar aouth of Kano aud
weighed a Vi pounda.
On Hunday, June 1 Mb, all the
cloaed atreama and lakea around
thla vicinity wara openod. At
lha preaent lime Diamond l-ako
and the ainall atreama tmodlatoly
aillucent to It are better for
flahlng than they have b'in for
anvnral yeara.
Wood river, Heven Mil creek,
Hpencer crack, Hun creek and
Crooked creek ar aeveral of tha
atreama that opened on the Mh,
that lioaat exceptionally good
flahlng Juat now.
At l.aka O' The Wooda lha
llaaa are biting unuaually wall
and aeveral good ratrhea bava
been taken from tha lake thla
aeaaon. Kaatern Itronk are be
ing caught at Fleh Lake. At
Hylait Dam, about eleven tnllve
otf tha Oreen Hprlnga mountain
highway, turning al the auuimll.
Crapplea, llaaa, and Hluo (jllla
ara being caught.
If one ahould Ilk an lutureat
Ing waek-eud trip. Sky Lake la
an etiallent place to conaider. It
la nereaaary lo go about nine
mile on pack noraea from
Cherry t rack Haven and on can
eecur the horaaa thrrw. There
ara about to aniall lakea In thla
dlatrlrt nd tha flahlng la good
in practically all ol them.
Watteri Submit.
Rules Governing
Tennis Court Use
Mayor T. It. Waiter. aa
chairman of lha city park board,
haa turned over to tha teunla
club a couplet new aet of rulea,
becoming effective Immediately.
Tha rulea, which follow, ara
poated on all city eourta:
1. dingle may ba played only
when no ona la waiting for tha
I. Only on aet of double may
be played If other are waiting.
S. Six gamoa to ona alda con-
alltute a aet.
4. Outy tennla ahoa ara al
lowed. I. No children under alz year
of aga ara allowed on lha courta.
a. Htudenta cannot ua the
eourta after i:10 p. m.
Anyono who damage or mla
naea city property la liable lo a
fin or Imprlaonmeat according
to city ordinance.
t'peeta la Tournament
Upheaval and upaeu In tha
tennla ladder tournament still
continue. The rhlef feature of
tha weak and game waa Rlrn
mond winning back from Bal
lentlno, tha aecnnd placa on the
ladder which ba loat laat week.
Tha cor waa (-1; 1-t; (-3.
Score ot the other match
played over tha weak-end are:
Hlarkmear v. Auatln. 1; -l;
Hall va. Walker, 6-1: -J; Orr
va. XX'llaon 4-: -3: f-0: Heal
ing va. Hula. -J: Bbchorn
va. Dixon, I: (-1. Hlarkmear
va. Derby, -l; -l.
In the women' matche, O ay
lord va. XVortley arored, 4-S;
-l; S-T: Rlrhardaon v. Ha in
ner (-2: Wllaon va. Reeve
arored 1; -!.
For Hoanlte I'aa Herald Claaa Ana i
lifr'lW - ,'n
Drama, Thrills,
Dr. Gilbert S. Lambcr
Now Endorses Sargon
"For over Iwo year I auf far
ed with rhronla alomarh trouble
aud couatlpatlon that 1 waa un
able lo correct with ordinary
medicine. 41 y appatlt tailed, 1
couldn't aleep and 1 waa toalng
weight rapidly, I bad frequent
biliary attacka when my com
plexion bream allow aa it 1
bad Jaundice.
"The Hargoa treatment appeal
ed to m becaua of Its aclentl-
fc background. Three bottla
taken with Hargon Soft Maaa
Pllla overcame my trouble, and
I am In better phyilcal ton
than In yeara." Dr. Gilbert S.
Lambert, 'wall known retired
pbyalrlan of Haa Franclaco.
Maglll Drug; Co. AgrnU
SALEM, Jun 17, (AP) Th
engineering firm of Baar aV Can-
nlngham of Portland waa employ- I
ad by th Salem elty council laal
nlgbt lo msk a valuation ap- 1
pralsal of tb plant of the Oregon-,
Washington Water Bflrvtre com- I
pany her preparatory to th clty'a i
taking It over and operating It aa
a mnuldpally-owned utility.
Call or Phona
Hotel Ball Room tit
rrT,lWan:.ainia. W) til '1
. a I f I av . y ,
1 in.'aVf-,a,ftvx,t y
Pathos, Laughs
PORTLAND, June 17, (AP)
Wbll tb prlcx of sugar ad
vanced 2uc today, tba prlc of
flour balanced tb aralea by de
clining :o In keeping with tb
lower wbeat guotatlona. With
the beat family paienta at 16.110
and Dakar' flour at 1 1.10, tb
trad I anjoylng th loweat
price experienced alnc 12I.
Tb egg market waa reported
unchanged aa to prlc with th
undertone easy and unaattled.
llutter price war fairly
steady with receipt light, but
sulflcient for needs.
Reviewing th fruit and veget
able aituatlon, th Portland
Hureau of lha V. H. Department
of Agriculture tays:
"Cantaloupes ara firm, and
price much higher with stand- i
srd eft's moving to ratallara at I
t3.Go-4.VO per crate. This re
present! about 11.00 advanc
over laat week a average.
"Htrawberrli: continue In
only moderate supply; and !
price remain at the unusually 1
blgn mld-seaaoo level ot 11.00-1
3.a0 per crate.
"Tomatnea ahnw strenglh, al-1
though prlre-lncraasea are few I
due to only fair quality gener
Your Furs Protected
This safe absolutely protects your furs
against destruction by moths, vermin,
fire and other hazards.
129 Sooth Math
song Hns! y
"Sing A Little ThenwSoBj VM aJ-
Has Everything -L ' - i "
ally. A few fancy repacked
Texas tomatoes sail as blgh aa
14.00 per lug. Ordinary stock
'ai la' sell a low aa
"Cherries, celery, asparagus,
spinach, and th bunched veget
able ara mora plentiful, and
price ara lower. A fuw Oregon
charrtea were shipped to Honolu
lu laat Saturday.
"Bovaral shipper ara prepar
ing green paa for shipment. In
straight and mixed cars. Tha
outside market la ateady at t-9c
per Ih. of No. 1 peaa."
HLOAIt: higher; (sacked
basis) cane, fruit or berry 11.90
per ewt. Beet sugar 14.70 cwl.
FLOUR: lower; (city delivery
pnceai ramny patenta. 49s;
wbole wheat. 49 ti 0; graham.
49a tV7o; (lakers' hard wheat,
9Ha t.2Q; Dakers' bluealam pat-
We have just in
stalled a new and
modern cedar lin
ed fur safe.
Fur Shop
Phone 111S-W
anu Its .0; psstry flour, 49s
BUTTER: fairly steady, un
changed. E'J'IHI easy, n met tied; un
changed. MILK (hutterfat), poultry,
eountry meats, oniona, potatoes,
wool, nuts, hsy, caarara bark and
hope steady and unchanged.
PORTLAND An unidentified
robber obtained about 450 In
ttie home of bllda Lagvold from
pursrs whll a party was In pro-gri-s.
lauea t.
Ast for Information. Album of
plctu-M and foett (r on rqut
o Northern Pacific Railway, oi7
Ma'kal Sl'l, San Francisco,
phon Suttar 1073.
for Pacific Northvvejf Trovolwrt, rh l
North Coast Limiteds
Nowest of Transconttnenral Trains
TOLEDO, Ohio, Jun IT, (ATX
Coast guardsmsn eeeklng lti
fat of eight missing Toladoan,
mlaalng sine Saturday, when
their spaed boat waa found float.
Ing In Lake Erl near Weat Slater
laland, today found a Ufa prssarv
er near Ih laland with a shirt
besring Ih Inltalls of Herbert
Nauts, a member of Ih parly.
Connolly Brother Removal sal
at 911-914 Main it.,
Tenth st, t-Ilt
B Klieeaao