The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, April 01, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tuesday, April 1, 1930
Extension Of Municipal
LimiU Will Alto
Be Taken Up
it aa adjourned meeting f
the city couurli la si night. It u
decided thai do apeclal city elac
tloa will be bald until aflor tbo
Mar prlmarlee, at which tliuo
both lb queatluna of eslonillug
the municipal lliulta and (ha new
ally charlar will ba volad upon.
Aa Mayor T. II. Watlare point
ad out, tha aipsiiae ol holding
an election during lha lora purl
ol May to tula on tha lliulla
eilonelon and auolber Utnr lo
rota on tha cbarlar would put
tha elly to a groat deal of e
pauaa, and It will ba liupoulbla
to have (ba cbartor proparod lo
lima to submit It at tba pri
maries. a, reaolultou waa adoplad and
an ordlnanra authorising tba
boundary aloctloo waa psaaed to
second reading but no data lor
tba election waa eat.
It waa announoad at tha moot
ing that nolle ot a city soiling
maalliif will ba announced
through lha pre.. At tba meet
Icg tha proposed ordlnauca which
la now practically complete, will
ba diecuued between tha city
council and proparly boldara
County Library
Book Placed in
School at Malin
Mlsa Mildred Olnaun. librarian
for lha Klamath County Library,
announced thla morning that lha
Malln branch ot tha County Li
brary baa boan inured from tha
Community Hall to tba city
arhool. wbnro It will ba perma
nently located. A. C. Olsnn. prin
cipal of lha school, la In charge
of lha branch, which will ba
open from 1 until I o'clock Toea
day and Thursday aftarnoona.
ftillnquln llrmncl, (irowe.
Tha Cblloquln branch ot the
library will ba open eveulngs ba
glnnlng with Saturday evening.
April 16th. Tha Cblloquln brancb
baa bad a larga Increase In tha
circulation of books during lha
past month, demanding a regular
librarian. Miss Berths B. Mc
Cain has been appointed lo fill
thla office.
A few ol tha books, both fic
tion and non-flctlon that bar
been placed upon the shelve of
the County Library aro as fol
lows: Walpoln. "liana Froat."
Manila. "Best Ir'lare of lS8
119." Mumford. "Herman MoMlle."
Keeping. "Exile."
Inland, "lleelhoven."
I'earaon. 'Dim Novels."
Pearson. "Quear Books."
Tarklngton. "Panrod Jaahber."
Kalaer, "Tha"
Wharton, "Hudson R I T e r
Kgga, "Hanalmo Solatad."
(ilaspel. 'Kuglllvcs Hoturn."
Mart, "illda In the Bark."
Ilyrna, "Tho Field of Honor."
Friable, "Book of l'uca ruca."
(Ibenl, "Road To Oregon."
Jamea, "Sand."
Fhumway. "Cap'n Tenn."
Chambers. "The Happy Par
rot. "
Laacock, "Iron Men and Ttu
Construction On
Golf Course Starts
Construction baa started on
lha IMedmnot Oolt and Country
club nlno-hola course, to bo lo
cated ID Piedmont Heights, II
was announced last night.
Plans ara completed for one
at tba beat courses In southern
Oregon, and tha ground la now
being turned for lha fairways.
It la to ba tba first public golf
course In Klamath rails, and
golf can ba enjoyed at a nom
inal coat.
All peraona Interested In golf
Ara Invited (o mael at tha
chamber of comtuerca Friday
evening, at 7 o'clock which will
ba tba last general meeting until
tha mamborshlp drive has reach
ed Ita quota of 260 membara.
Hpoclal prlvllugoa huvo boon se
cured from tha owners ot tha
Halghta for all churtor members
and these will ba outlined at
.'lday'i Bloating.
TWO DALLKfl. Ore., April 1, (A
Pi Highway officiate announced
today that tba Columbia highway
would ba closed lo travel at tha
wast entrance of Ilia Hosier tun
nel starting Wednesday morning.
The action la necessary nntll a
large rock, loosened by a blast, la
removed from tha road. '
NEW YORK, April 1, (AP)
Tha marriage ot llort Lytoll, stage
and eoreen star, and Miss Orace
Mankan, actress, became known
today. Thoy were married In bil
king Park, Philadelphia, on Mnroh
18, at the home of Kenneth Men
ken, a brother ot the bride.
8HER1DA.J, Ore., April 1, (A
P) Funeral services tor Ray
mond Turn I due, I, ion of Mr. and
Mri. Calvin Turnldge, yesterday.
The youth burned to death whan
a kerosene lamp exploded and aet
tha honsa afire Sunday sight.
State Federation of Labor
Enters 1930 Campaign With
Active Legislative Program
Tha following circular, out
lining tha legislative program
and policing of the Oregon Slate
Perforation of Labor, baa boon
aant out by Wm. Cooper, praaldenl
and Hen T. Oehorne, executive
secretary, lo all legislative can
didate In the atata.
The Legislative Program In
cludea the following:
Support of a free test book
Support of a hill establishing
a state system of old age pen
sions. natiriclallon of lha federal
child labor ami'tnlcinent.
Kostrlctlona of labor Injunc
tions. A law which will give lha stale
labor commissioner more powor
In the collection of wages.
Support of a bill Increasing
Die salary ot lha atala labor
Increased compensation for In
dustrial workers Injured by ac
cident and the Inclusion of oc
cupational diseases aa lnjurlee
subject to compensation.
Support of a bill to outlaw
"yellow dog" contract.
Support of the personal In
como tai bill which waa adopted
by the legislature but which haa
been referred lo a vol of tba
people at the general election
In November.
Support of the propoaed con
stitutional amendment lncreaa
Ing tba pay of member of lb
tats legislature.
Support ot a federal law plac
ing Meilro tinder Ibe same quota
provlslona as now apply to
European natlnna.
Urge restrictions against Im
migration from lha Philippine
Study Text JSm.k Proposed
An Interim commute of lha
state legislature la atudylng a
proposal that lha atata publish
tha teit booka used In the public
schools. It uppoara that many
people ara confusing thla pro
posal with free lest booka. Tha
two qnestlona are aeparal and
distinct. Tha slat may print
the test booka and yet may not
be furnished tree to Ibe pupils.
On lha other band, text booka
msy be furnished fro and not
printed by th stale. There la
danger that thla confualon may
ba capitalised by tha opponenta
ot both measures with the result
that neither will be enacted.
Membara ot organised labor
should Inform themsalvea on
both measures. We believe that
nothing should deflect our ef
forta to obtain tree text booka.
that being ot paramount Import
ance. Nutneroue status have enacted
free text book lawa. Soma ot
them ara mandatory and others
are merely permissive. In some
of th slatea where mandatory
lawa exist, th books are pro
vided by th aute and In other
case each supplies the booka for
uaa ot the children In the dis
trict. Ot course. In tha autea
having permlsatve lawa the books
are furnished by conntlea or by
school districts, aa the voter In
such subdivisions determine. The
Oregon Stat Federation of
Labor la not committed to any
partclular type of bill. We bo
iler tba mandatory law la tha
batter, but our effort must be
Joined with the effort of other
progressiva groups to obtain tha
enactment ot such a bill, and
tha Federation will support such
bill aa meets tho approval ot Ihe
different groupa. If a permissive
bill aeemed lo give promise of
adoption and a mandatory bill
aeemed likely to to meet defeat,
then It would seem that we
should support a permissive bill.
It I almost beyond compre
hension that publlo sentiment ha
not become so strong aa to force
tba adoption of a free text book
law. Booka are aa much a part
ot the equipment of the schools
aa the buildings and other ap
pliances. W boaat of our edu
cational advantages and that
there la equal opportunity for
th poor and the rich, but auch
la not true nntll we provide all
the equipment for all the chil
dren In the primary and the
secondary schools. Tho many
advantage and ultimate econ
omics to be obtained through
free text book are ao numerous
aa to prevent a full list of them
being given here. Opponents
have an array ot arguments
against free text book and
anme of those arguments sound
plausible until they are sub
jected to analysis, when they
fnll to pieces. Perhaps Ihe most
absurd argnmenta used by the
opponenta ot free tout booka la
that tree clothoa and tree food
might aa well be advocated aa
fre booka. If there should ba
anyone ao atupld aa to be Im
pressed with thla argument, ha
should remember that the books
are used exclusively In school
work, that the hooks cannot be
come Ihe exclusive property. of
any Individual student and Hint
th bonks are not consumed ns
la tho rose with food and cloth
ing. Old Alio Pension
Th Tillamook convention
authorised the drafting of an old
ug pension bill for presentation
to th next legislative assembly
and declared It to ho labor's
purpose to place the bill on the
ballot by Initiative potttlon It
the legislature should fall to en
act It. The convontion authoris
ed the appointment of a com
mitt to draft auch 4 bill which
I to b suSmltted to tha next
Federation oonvantlon for ap
Varloua nations have and are
experimenting with thla subject
and ther 1 a wide difference In
lh aim ot auch lawa. Tba law
which th Federation contoin
platea I on for relief, a law
that will enable th aged to
avoid aucb Institutions aa "couu
ty farm" and "poor bouse.'
W do not propose a law I tut
would establish a retirement
fund, from which all peraona at
taining a given age would be
paid a atatad sum, without re
gard for their need of susten
ance. The rapid trend ot th
employment policy which bars
or makes difficult th securing
of employment by worker bs
youd mlddl age. If It continue,
may make necessary the exten
sion ot relief to Include many
peraona for whom auch relief
la now neither necessary nor
desirable, but that la matter
that only Urn can determine.
Th law w now have In mind
provide a form ot relief more
humanitarian than that now In
The term "old age pension I
odious to many people, not alone
those who may be It beneflel
arlea but to the general public,
and It 1 probable that th nee
of the term ha a psychological
tract tbt la harmful to tha
cause. Advocate are now gen
erally using the terra "old age
security," or aometlmaa. "old
age Insurance." either ot which
la batter than the nse of the
term "pension."
. Want Oilld Protection
Tba Federation muat continue
II effort to eecura Oregon'a
ratification ot the federal child
labor amendment. Enemies of
thla amendment persist In mis
repreientlng Ita provisions. The
amendment merely glvea Con
greaa tba right to enact legisla
tion protecting children ot cer
tain years. ,No law could b
adopted preventing farmer from
requiring their children to assist
with farm work. Only children
ot vary tender year would be
prevented from working In cer
tain preferred occupation. Prac
tically every northern atata now
haa protective lawa that ar as
restrictive as any federal law that
would be adopted. The amend
ment would enable Cong rasa to
enact lawa that would end the
disgraceful employment ot Utile
children in aouthern factorle.
particularly the textile mills.
Such lawa would be beneficial
to northern manufacturers who
now are compelled lo compete
with thla aouthern child labor
alluatlon. It would seem that
Oregon manufacturing Intereata
would be drawn to aupport rati
fication from material Intereata.
It not on humanitarian grounds.
Itretrict Injunction I'se
The Amorlcan Federation of
Labor will sponsor a bill to re
strict the use ot the Injunction
In labor dispute. Thla will ap
ply, however, only to Injunction
Issuing out of the federal court.
It I our duty to secure th en
actment of a (tale law that will
restrict Issuance of Injunctions
by th atate conrta. There is atlll
another field for activity against
Injunction, a mean by which
Immediate, though temporary, re
lief may be obtained. We ahould
aupport for Judge those can
didate who ar opposed to th
use of the equity dovlco, ex
cepting when there la apparent
danger of irreparable damage to
tangible properly. Particularly
ahould Judges be impressed with
the Injustice of granting tempor
ary reatralntng orders In In
dustrial dispute until a bearing
on th case haa been had.
Oregon l.xa Behind
Oregon laga far behind other
progressiva state In It labor
laws. In a number of matter.
On place In which the labor
lawa need strengthening la In
wage collection. A bill designed
to give the state labor com
missioner greater power to make
collection tor worker failed of
adoption at the last legislative
assembly. The Federation will
Furnil are tm
lVow lite Vofpie
Th pretwnt mJmr In m&tm
decorfttit-rn remtires .he ue of color
ful furniture throughout thehoun
"even to th floors. A tabouret te
and magazine rack in Chineae Rdi
n ocraaional table in Delphi
molting ntand in Jade Green ltiaj
'tore juat the added color jour Ur
nf-room needs to make it farihion
ably correct and comfortable.
Use FLEX tha new color ttnUh
for the homeand jmi'll ba mr
prieed how well 7011 can do the work
vourvelf, eren without any exper
irnce. It doesn't require PTpeTience
or skill to paint with FLKX, any
one can apply It ancorasfully the
Yery first time. It can be hruahed
this way and that way without
ahotvtng a single lap or bruah-markg
yet it dries very quickly before dunt
can settle on its finish and mar its
lustrous sheen.
Twenty colors, are provided In
the FLEX color line Your own
dealer probably has them all. Other
combinations and tints can be pro
duced simply by mixing two or
more colors of FLEX to produce the
exact variation or shade you wish
Tha wearabllity of FLEX Is an.
other of its many virtues. It forms
a surface so tough that the hardest
wear mnke but little impression
on it." FLfcLX is a reel find for the
support another bill when the
legislature meat again. The
bill will not work Injury lo tha
honest employer but It will be
a weupoo against the unscrupul
ous employer who habitually re
sort to dishonest practice to
avoid the payment ot wages.
Ask Salary Inrreaee
The aalary ot the state labor
eotnmlshluner, 13000 par year, I
anolbar nutwy that ahould have
attention. A th bead ot
tat department, tha dutle of
which ar Increasing yearly, the
commissioner ahould b paid an
amount mora nearly eommen-
surat with the value of hi serv.
Ice. Th functioning of th
department af(eota the welfare of
a greater number ot peraona than
do some of the other depart
ment of stat government whoae
haada ar paid a much higher
aalary. Tha other department
heada are not overpaid but tba
labor commissioner la underpaid
Further, larger appropriations
should be made to provide tor
efficient conduct of the many
acilvltlo under tba direction of
th labor commissioner.
The rate of compensation fix
ed for Injursd worker ar en
tirely inadequate. They were
fixed whan the buying power of
the dollar waa much more than
It la today, and even then they
were too low. It la our aim to
support an amendment to the
compenaatlon act that will mater
ially Increase the beneflta.
Occupational diseases, con
tracted through employment,
ahould also be Included In the
Injuria for which benefit ar
A study of th compensation
act I now being made, and
amendment will be presented to
the next legislative assembly.
Labor will support all proposals
to atrengtben th law and make
It of greater value to the work
ers, but th two features above
mentioned are one on which w
should concentrate our efforts at
After 'Yellow-Dog" Contract
The Tillamook convention gave
definite instructions to the of-
tlclsl of tha Federation to nse
their effort to eecure the en
actment ot a bill which will out
law "yellow dog" contracts. Thla
contract, by which employer
bind workers to non-union jobs.
rob th worker of Inherent and
fundamental right. No worker
who Understands th nature of
this contract will sign It unleaa
urged by th direst necessity.
It I our duty to expend every
energy to have a law enacted
which will render such contract
void. In signing a "yellow dog"
contract the worker surrenders
hi right as a citizen, when he
agreea to not become a member
of a labor union. It works great
Injury not only on the Individual
signing It but on all bis fellows.
for auch contract have been
made the grounds for Issuing In
junctions which effectually pre
vented unions from making any
attempt to organise the worker
In certain lnduatrlea. Ita very
nature make It repugnant to
every aense of decency and free
Favor Income Tax
The Income tax bill which was
referred to the people after hav
ing been adopted by the legls
Isture. embodies the principle of
basing the tax on ability to pay.
It is the best bill that haa been
considered since the former state
Income tax law waa repealed.
The Federation will wage a
vlgoroua campaign for Ita adop
tion and every branch ot labor
should give auport to lnaur the
success of th bill at the election,
In Novembor.
The niggardly pay ot member
of th stst legislature I a dis
grace to th atate and an In
justice to the men and women
who serve In the rapacity of leg
islators. T h constitutional
amendment proposing a aalary
of 1500 for the two-year term
should receive the aupport ot
Restrict Immigration
tn the matter ot Immigration.
State Federation otflciala -will
urge the Oregon delegation In
Many arc the Uses
of Steam Heat
In addition to being used for heating pur
poses, steam supplied by us can be used as
Water heating, steam table service, coffee
making, plate warming, bread rising, cloth
shrinking, custard making, egg boiling, meat
and potato boiling, roll warming, bread
crusting, vegetable steaming, accordion
pleating, etc.
Coogreea to aupport the proposal
to place Mexico under th same
quota provisions as apply to
European nations. Tha Federa
tlon officer will also ua their
Influence to bring about restric
tion of Immigration from the
Philippine Islands.
In addition to th legislation
Hated here, th Federation of
ficial glv all possible asslst
nc to th American Federation
of Labor la Its national program.
When th American Federation
ot Labor la engaged la suportlng
or oppoalng any leglslalloa be
fore Congreaa, we can nse our
Influence with Oregon member
of th Banal and th House to
Indue them to aupport labor'
position. They ar mindful that
we ar part ot th constituency
and may hsed our vole where
they would be deaf to the officers
of th American Fadaratloa of
Labor. In this work, the city
central bodlea of th stat and
th local anion and Individual
membara ot anion can aaalat
materially by advising oar con
gressman ot oar wishes.
Toar officers ar alert In
rendering aaalatanc to th Am
erican Federation ot Labor and
la watching development In the
stat that may hav a hearing
oa local leglalatioo. la giving af
firmative aupport, there I usual
ly ampl tlm to prepare for ear
work, but at time ther la
Inimical legislation propoaed
which we must oppose and tor
which w hav been given no
time to prepare our oppoeltlon.
In a number of inch ease aris
ing at th legislative aaaembly
In 1129, w war com palled to
hastily marshal our force and
la moat ot theae caaea we were
successful la blocking the bad
The outstanding measure
which th Federation supports
hav bar been discussed. Our
success will depend upon the
measure ot aupport which we
receive from the rank and file,
of the labor movement. j
50 Tons Potato Seed j
Purchased Recently j
Fifty ton ot certified Klam-
ath netted gem potato aeed have
been purchased ot the Orafton
Jackman company bar by Dan j
Dotla, general manager ot the ,
Nevada Potato association, he j
staled yesterday.
Mr. Dotla who haa office In !
Lo Angela will ship th po- I
tatoea to Yarrlngtoa. Nevada,
where they will be distributed to
the members of the association
la th state.
Th prlc paid for th certi
fied aeed waa not stated.
Vincent Smith Is
Held for Larceny
Vincent Smith was lodged In
th eonnty Jail last night charged
with larceny of three head ot
mule and on horse from Dave
Llskey ot Bonanaa.
The mule and horse which
Llskey claim ar hi were
found la possession ot Vincent
Smith oa the term of hi brother.
Mark Smith. It 1 charged. A
warrant for the arrest ot Mark
Smith on charge of receiving
stolen property has been Issued
by the district attorney's office 1
We believe
this community has the
JCovtliest Mother and
Most Attractiv Child
in ail America
Help as prove it by letting
as help yon win a share of
in Prizes
Photographs rrr
MacMarr Business Exceeds
All Estimates in Past Year
The yesult of th first year'
operations ot th MacMarr Storea.
Inc., and subsidiaries, exceeded
even the forecast made at the
tlm of forming th organisation,
according to figure revealed In
th annual report juat published.
When compared with many buat
naa Institution aa nnnsual ln
oreaa ratio la reflected.
Sal for Hit war estimated
at approximately 176,000 000 for
th entire organisation. The an
nual report ihowg them to hav
been mora thaa 117,000.000. Thla
111,000,000 Increaae Indicate Ihe
favorable r si pons which food
buyer gave the new company.
Th net earnlnga of tbo organ
isation, over the predecessor con
cerns aow a part ot It, show a de
cided upward trend over th past
three year ot operation. The
combined figure of the organisa
tion la 1921 (bowed net earnings
ot ll.085.0, which ball increas
ed to $1,171,(21 at the clow ot
1919.' This Increase I largely the
result of centralised control ot op
erations. Which eliminates much
si pens and lower th cost of
goods la Jh stores. This contrib
uted to tnakine a lower coat of
good to th customer so tht
automatically aalea war in
creased. Th area covered by these
store represent th most diversi
fied Industrie of any territory of
Ilk six la th country. The
states Included la their opera
tion ar Washington, Oregon,
Idaho, Montana. California, Arl
sona, New Mexico, Wyoming, Col
orado and Nebraska. In this ter
ritory ar located MacMarr'a II
Two Great Work Shirt Values
Look I Special Work
The more you know about shoes, the
quicker youll buy from this special
group. Tough, flexible leather uppers
assure comfort as well as unbeatable
wear. Rubber composition soles and
rubber heels will stand up under the
hardest usage you give them!
j II y prices
Spreads veil looks
well. 1 gaL cover
250 . ft Gal
100 par
aeed oIL
Garden Hoes
These Garden Hoe of
standard quality have
bright finish 6&-inch
Spading Forks
Strong and durable Fork
with tempered steel tine
11 inches long. Save here I
(fflQIKG5G0O qgfoflE) (5)
225 Main Street
major division comprising 1400
retail food store, too meat mar
ket and tl warehouaa and
plant mploy!ng between 1,000
and 7000 peraona with aa annual
payroll ot from $1,000,000 to $9,.
000.000. Mora thaa $1,760,000
Pr year la paid oat la thla terri
tory la renta with federal, auta
and county tax amounting to
over $(00,000.
During ll, it western food
distributor joined the MacMarr
organisation and th work of
standardisation ot merchandise,
consolidating of warehouses, re
routing of transportation and co
ordinating of pollclaa with those
adopted by the new company, waa
accomplished. This task Includ
ed, also, the neceaaary change In
equipment, alga, color ot (tore
nd awning o that these food
center would be uniform Ja all
Th policy of th company fa
vor and promote the sals and
as of weetara product, Th
company purchase front western
grower more thaa $11,000,000 ot
fruit and vegetables, annually. It
send specialist Into various pro
ducing centers, which ar espe
cially fitted for growing certain
type of crops, to work with th
farmers nd growsrs to scientifi
cally develop the resoarce of th
community to th end of produc
ing finer product which will re
dound t th financial benefit of
the community.
These store ara of deficit ma
terial assistant to producers aad
grower la that they bay these
products la carload Iota, often en
tlr crops, which tends toward
Coat Style
The utmost in
work ihirt satis
faction! Sturdy,
bhie chambray
. . . generously
cat for freedom
and comfort.
Clotcd Frortf
A tare buy indeed!
Fine, long wearing
blue chambray shirts
generously cut for
comfort whether
you're stooping, git
ting or standing
erect. A real saving.
Save On Paint Supplies!
Our l urpenune is
100 per cent pure.
T3 TIT 1 ' I
Ward-Set bristle are
set in BaJcelite they
can't come outtAmasv
mg Brush value!
ara lowest I
Flat Wall Paint
Gives a colorful, vaehable.
wH wear
(n Cf
glaring velvet flulsa. Q Oft
Us it! Gal PJsOU
Dri-Fast Enamel
Whit. Lead,
New color
la finest un.
Flow oa
on caa aw
LM8c $1,120
Garden Rakes
The teeth, head and shank
are forged from one piece
of steel. Fin valusl
Garden Sets
Two trowels and one weed
er in a set. Small, light tools
for flower beds.
Phone 384
stabilisation of market tor these
product. Thalr retail nlt far.
aiab a ready aad Immediate die
trlbntlng outlet, aapaclally needed
la oes of perishable prod acta,
eliminating waate through delay.
The growing ot batter quality pr
doc la encouraged by paylag a
premium oa th market erica fn
superior grade.
It Is the object of th manage
ment ot those storae to im prove
mas distribution along modara
methods and to help eat down th
eatimated wast ot $$,000,009.00'
which Prealdeat Hoover tlnda 1
being lost la distribution annu
ally. Also, It la Intended that tb
usetulnes of the organisation to
customer shall b increased, as
wall aa to further stabilise tha rm.
tall food Industry la tb wast.
Plana for 1910 Include the con.
atructloa of warehouses, nlanta
aad other modern faellltlea that
will be aeedad to economically
handle the distribution ot foods
la a sanitary manner and In a las-
Mr amount ot tlm. Uvea great
er growth I anUolpaud for the
coming year for thla organisation,
which la tha largeet food distribut
ing company exclualvsly la th
The executive, avarv en a
weetara maa, have invested their
money la thla company, aad each
la deeply Interested la tb devel
opment ot the west . -
PARIS. ApiU 1, (AP) Wil
liam J. Locks, th novel la t, re
turned tody to a hospital her,
where hs sxpected a? Immediate
BERLIN, April 1, (AP) Frad
Coslma Wagner, widow ot tb fa
mous composr, Richard Wagaar,
died today.
for your noma!
easllr any
it I
Klamath Falls. Ore.
Shoe Bargain.