li r! V! PAGE FOUR Ot? Evening Hvralb O. 0. Crawford.. r. B. Boglleh Published rry afternoon except Company at 101-1JI south rlitn Balarad aa second clau matlar Oracon, OS August 10, 10, under act or congress, aiarcn a, si. MAIL KATK8 l-AVAHLK By Mali In Ouulda County County Una Three months.U.7s 1.7 ail months.., i.71 I U Ona Year .00 00 AHS4.XJ1ATLD I'ltKtUs L,KA8KI UIHK Ml-MUKIt AllllT Bl'RKAU OK llt l l.ATION Member of the Aaaoelatcd Preaa The Associated Preaa la exclusively entitled to tba ue or republics- lion ot all nawa dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited lu tbls paper, and also tba local news published tberein. All rights ot republication or special dlspatcnea nerein are also reserved. Monday, January 20, 1930 Says Governor To Senator (George Putnam in the Salem Journal) "pHE fact that Henry L. Corbett has resigned as state senator because of his candidacy for the governor ship, that Senator Bennett, also a candidate, refuses point blank to resign and that Senators Hall and Bailey also how signs of clinging on to their togas, raises a nice question of senatorial ethics, if not an issue for our great constitutional solons to debate. If any senator still hanging on to his senate seat, should be elected governor, his resignation after election would put his district to the expense of a special election, the nominations being made by party organizations, for the constitution bans two lucrative offices being held by the same person. And this raises the interesting question of whether or not Governor Norblad resigned as senator when he be came governor, or whether he is still senator, as well as governor. A still more interesting feature would be what Senator Norblad said or will say in his letter of resignation to Governor Norblad and what Governor Norblad said or will say to Senator Norblad in accepting the same. As data is not available, we asked Bill Delzell, who was secretary to Governor Pierce and is therefore famil iar with official etiquette and he states that the text of the communication probably reads as follows: My Dear Governor Norblad : I am herewith tendering my resignation as Senator. I find that excess baggage is liable to interfere with my connections with the Capitol Express. Sincerely, AL. W. NORBLAD, Senator. P. S. Knowing me as you do, it is hardly necessary to assure you of my warm personal interest in your suc cess and hearty support of your administration. A. W. N. Supposed text of the Governor's acceptance : My Dear Senator Norblad : It is with much reluctance and many misgivings that I accept your resignation as Senator. I am familiar with your record and it is one of which you may well be proud. Gus agrees with me. The state is under great obligations to you. Senator. I know of no member of the legislature for whom I entertain more admiration. Al, they are going to miss you in the Senate. Thanks for your kind words. I am counting on you in the coming campaign. Very sincerely, AL W. NORBLAD, Governor. P. S. I shall appreciate any suggestions as to a cam paign slogan. Doubtless this correspondence will serve as a model for the use of the other senators in the contingency of election, though of course much more eloquent testi monials from the governor to the senator would be forth coming, for each of them, particularly Senator Hall, has a much more flattering opinion of his own invaluable services to the commonwealth than Al Norblad could possibly have. That is what makes them self-starters. The commission investigating the worth of the 18th Amendment has at last reported that Willie should be panked for stealing jam. The reason most people ashamed to practice on rats elephant. It's hard to tell whether 'great men read detective stories for relaxation or because they were licked for doing It as kids. If a man really loves his dog, it doesn't mean any thing except that he has no children. EDITORIALS From Over the Nation TRYING TO MEASURE KTEIIMTY From Sir Jamea Jeans' "The Universe Around Us": Take postage stamp and stick it onto a penny. Now climb Cleopatra s Keedle and lay tba penny flat. postage atamp uppermost, on top of tha obelisk. The height of tha whole structure may be taken to represent the time that has lapsed since tha tarth was born. Or this acale the thickness ot the penny and poataga atamp to gether represents tha time that man has lived on earth. Tbt lapsed since tha earth was born, represents tba time ha baa been civilised, tha thickness ot the penny representing the Urns he has lived In an uncivilised state. Now stick another postage atamp on top of the first to represent the nest 5. not) years of civilisa tion, and keep atlcking oa post has stamps antll you hare a pile Editor -.Business Manager Sunday by Tba Harald Publishing street, Mamatn fan, wegun. at tba nostofflce ot Klaniatb Kalis, ;.N AUVANCK Dell rerrd by Carrier In City month. Three months. !. 3. 60 1.60 Sli month Ona yaar. fail is because they are while waiting to shoot an as high as Mount Diane. Even thickness of tha postage stamp quste repreaentation of the length of the future which, ao far as astronomy can aee, prob ably stretches before civilised bumanlty. A STIGMA DMAPPEAItH NEW YORK TELEGRAM: The horrors of a snrglcal operation be fore the daya of anesthetics and antiseptic surgery are well known. Tha greatest surgeon ot the six teenth century was Ambrolse Para. How did he perform an op eration? He bound the limb with a cord to check the flow ot blood and benumb tha part as much as possible. Then be applied tha knife and saw and afterward plunged tha bleeding atump Into a pot ot boiling oil to cauterize the wound. Today wa are free from Kti h crude and brutal methods. Thanks to the prorrees ot aneatho TIMELY QUOTATIONS FROM PEOPLE IN THE PUBLIC EYE "Working your way through collets la not a good thing In itself, but a bad tblng, to be avoided If there Is any other possible way of getting a collego educaton. Dean Virginia Gilder slesve. s "The people who have no weaknesses are terrible: there la no way of taking advantage of them." Anatole Franca. ".Wit to being an expert. It la well to be a contented duffer." Andrew Lang. Mostly Short Words ' 3 4 5 o 17 I Id 1 j.O In a il I "" aO2l 122 123 lib Liv " 2- J V i-yg- 30 """" il I " ' ' 55 T: ' 3J -5 JiS m 39 " " 40 4 42 """" -"" ST"""""- 45" I I I I I 1 I I I I L HORIZONTAL 80 Male. iFish. 3 Battering machine. To augur. 40 To manu facture. 43 Way out. 44 To Inure. 43 Kilo. 45 To contra il let. 47 Carmine. 4M Confined. laMpoken. 13 Devoured. 14 Black. 13 Large namber. IS Witticism. 8ATVR DAY'S 17 Flat round plato. gy gNbngji i Icha l rtElttlKi I 1PBAf c C)Rg6iNlgl:IGulc: AU?A? giRBjvi I E RE ai'gjjpna&rS nA,woiffioy aTgA ANiDgril RlclDiSP AjL NiEDSjOAPISttu AVE :Dl if lOPrePClAT E S IS Porous cup. 20 Persons having: leprosy 24 Groeau 28E0lnr. SO Donated. SO stick weapon. S3 Dormant. S3 Satan. 33 Trumpet signal. tic methods since the days of Dr. Morton nearly a century ago wa now have painless surgical op erations. The progress In painless mental surgery has been slower. The pain of the surgical operation be fore anesthesia was matched here by the social stigma and tba sense of shame attached to commitment to an institution tor mental and nervous patients. The person who needed auch treatment was branded a "luuatic" and regarded as a thing apart from decent society. Ills relatives were viewed with mingled pity and suspicion The Institution hlch received him shared tie stigma. It was known as a "lnna tic asylumn." and was classed with prisons. Jails and almshouses. Af ter the mental surgery, if any, had been applied In the asylumn the recovery of the patient was ham pered by the whisperings and side- wise glances ot neighbors. Evidence that all this is passim Is afforded by the mental treat ment bill now going through the British parliament. According to the provisions of this act, "The very word 'asylumn' la to disap pear. Institutions tor the care of the mentally afflicted become hos pitals. Lunatic becomes mental patient. The principal Idea la that treatment of mental dlseasea, be ing like that of other diseases, any Idea of ihatr.s and stigma must be obviated." In our country the work ot the ERRORGRAMS THE WlMPMlU., WIU. fPM ' l Y0I) 60 BACK AND J TURN IT OFF? The Jasf There are at least four mistakes In tha above picture. Tbay may pertain to grammar, history, etiquette, drawing or whatnot. t)e If you can find tbam. Then look at tha scrambled word below aad unscramble It, by switching the letters aroun d Grade your self to tor each ot the mistakes yon find, and to tor tha word tf you unscramble It Find corrected list o me S. WE EVENING HERALD, "The attraction of angling for all sues of man, from the cradle to the grave. Ilea In Ita uncer tainty." Henry Van Dyke. as "Tba test ot a woman aud bar power la not tba pleasure sba be stows, but tba way In which aha known bow to fill the pauses in a honeymoon." R. llauimrrllng. "In tba arta you have to lose all before you begin to gain any thing. The arta are like religion In that." Sherwood Anderson VERTICAL S Kl I Involved. 10 Isoww SCoiutcllatlou. property. it Hastened. 4 To handle. 3 Branch., A Os top of. 7 Measuring device. Cot. 1 1 Witchery. IS Formula of faith. 10 lawful. 2t Kur plum 2? Tablet. 23 Knibryo chirk. 23 To occupy a SSMnht before. 27 Lair. 31 Nocturnal animal. 33 Faced. 34 Flower holder. 30 Tool. 37 Peg. 35 Kve tumor. 40 Soft broom. 41 Farewell 42 InaighL. ANSWER national committee for mental hy- giene has produced slmialr results and we aro being freed from the medieval vestiges ot the "lunatic" and ' asylum" era. Mental and nervous disease, which once xavored of charlatans and of bars and chains, has be come a problem of scientific med iclns and h iraane social service. Psychological insight and humane understanding hare here achiev ed what anesthesia and antisepsis have performed for the advance ot surgery. FARE COLLECTOR Capper's Weekly: Mary That Mr. Smith is so romantic. He nev er speaks to me without address ing me as "fair lady." John Romantic, my eye. Don't you know that bird used to be a street car conductor? SAME OLD STORY. ELWOOD. Ind.. Jan. 20, P.) Edward Wokin, It, shot and killed today by brother Earl, 14, while (A waa hla they were at play. The boys, imi tating soldiers, were both arm ed, the younger lad with an air rifle and the older boy with a shotgum They pointed the wea pons at each other and Earl pull d the trigger ot the shot gun, thinking it waa unloaded. The charge from the shell struck E 'war ' In tha chest and he died within a few minutes. word KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON DAILY LETTER ON AFFAIRS AT U. S. CAPITAL Th HoorerWohnson Feud Ilroaka Out Aimln. ami u..n. ator Johnson Doee Not Get the Wont of tho Frny An Intorratlng btory llvhlnd n-ilrtrnlUt Appointment. lly RODNEY DliTt HKIl NKA Horrlro Wrlt.-r WASHINGTON, Jan. SO Any one who has over seen the stocky form of Senator Hiram Johnson or catirornia probably suspects that ho would bo a hard ma to bowl over. And that'a the way It seems to work out. Tha genta who collaborated In the latest attempt to do that to Illram have one mora been boomeranged by their own pet- son's colloague, Seuator Samuel wore President Hoover and Johu sonSa colleague, Senator Samuel Morgan Shortrldge, There la fourth gent Involved, ono with the alliterative namo of Alt Otte- dal, ona ot tha best minds In the prohibition enforcement service. Briefly, tho Oftedal story Is that the prealdent. with the agreement of Senator Shnrtridge appointed All to replace ono of Johnson's political friends aa col lector ot Internal revenue In the San Franciaco district and that it waa found that Oftedal waa resident of Maryland and not of tba San Francisco district aa re quired by law If he wero to take the plum. But It'a tha back (round ot the story and the In cldent'a place as a hlch spot In the longstanding Hoover-John son feud that make It worth few chucklea. He Thrives on llntrcl The past presidential asptra- tlona ot Hiram have a tragic his lory, but aa aenator from Call- tornla and a tough customer loc ally he has always thrived and still does, desplto the hatred of presidents. As one of the loud est antlleague aenatora he sur vived the Wilson anllpahtr. He fought vigorously tor the Repub lican nomination In 120 and waa licked but survived Harding tha winner. In 1914 ha made a wild Quixotic attempt to grab the renomlnatlon from Coolldge and In the primaries lost even his rn state. Coolidgo didn't forgive him and Johnson received no more patronage. In tact, sometimes perfectly terrible persons were appointed to federal Joba In Cali fornia In order to avoid taking caro ot any of Johnson's friends. But Cal went and Mlram re mained. The latter's tend with Hoover had been simmering slong all these years, ever since he bad given Herbert such a bad trimming In tho California prim aries of 1020. Now Hoover was cut after tha presidency In 1923 and In the same yonr Johnson waa up for re-election. Well. It would not do either any good If they sank their teeth Into each other at such a time, so they didn't. Hiram agreed to sup port Herbert and Herbert's friends loudly conceded that Hir am was a good old guy, after all. Bnt tho Johnson support turn ed out to be theoretical. Appar ently tha Hooverltee expected hlra to go roaring through the troresslve ' strongholds of the mtddlewest for tha national tic ket. Instead, ha stayed In Cali fornia and roared only for him self. Ha never mentioned Hoo ver, although explaining that be was for "tha head of tha ticgei because of party loyalty. Meanwhile, tne Johnson men In federal offieea matntaineo a sublime Indifference to the presi dential race and allowed tneir employes to wear Smith buttons. Senator Shortridge, of course, whooped as loudly for Hoover as hla voice would permit. Well, you can Imagine that there wasn't any more of a place for Johnson at the pie counter under Hoover than under ool idge. The next thing anyone heard In the old feud was John son's mighty blast from the Sen ate floor accusing Hoover of In consistency, cowardice and what not on tba tariff legislation. And after that tha White House dinner Incident, when Johnson was the only member ot the For eign Relations Committee not In- ltcd. Before the dinner party, how ever. Hoover had appointed Ofte- b1, which meant firing John son's man, Collector of Intornnl ItevenuB John P. McLaughlin, with (Shortrldge's approval. John- Industrial Installations Our Specialty Power Equipment MOTORS All kinds and sites, bought, old, rented, traded and repaired. CONSULT US before having that wiring Job don. 24 HOI It SERVICE Phone 7J1-W Night Phone TTt-lt Industrial Electric Co. 7th & Walnut son wlrod In Warhluatoti .isklnis the Senate to wit hold action on Oftedal until be arrived here and hurried on, aa he said, to find out who Alt was. It turned out that Oftedal had onco been head of the Pacific coast Intelligence service of the Internal Reveuua Ilitroau and la ter In charge ot baffling the rum runners out that way. Tha Cali fornia Anil-Saloon League bad supported htm for prohibition commissioner but ho had to be content with the assistant com mlwtonorshlp. The Mystery Is Unsolved It Is still a mystery to this day why Hoover appointed Ofte dnl In particular to McLaughlin's Job. Neither Johnson nor any one else could learn. But what Johnson did find out waa that Oftedal had taken up a residenYe In Maryland and de clared bla Intention to vote thsre In 1938. Customs collectors, tha law says, hare to bo residents of the district and state where their offices are located. That loft nothing to do but withdraw the appointment, a very and atata of affairs for everyone but Johnson and McLaughlin. Now, It Hoover still wants to land ono on Johnson's chin as ho probably doee worse than over he must clench hla fist, haul off and awing all over again. 'Phoughts We've Been Thinking (Continued from Page One) tain this aceiiie road for the good it has done, even If no consider ation la given to the future, for the Columbia river highway has been the trall-blaser. the origin ator ot guod highways In th northwest. -"IRCl'lT JVnOE TICKER, of Multnomah county, says the crime wave should bo charged up to the present day Jurlea. Tcrhsps so, pv-rhnps so, but the condition Is a good deal like Mark T iiln'a weather every one talks about It, but little la done to change If. MOW to punish "flaming youth" for pranks thst are unreasonable aeema to be a burn ing question ot tho present mom ent. In an editorial headed Is panklng obsolete' the Dulttth, Minn. Herald states thst stu dents who chartered a street car for some social function behaved terribly, wrecked and damaged property nd made themselvee a nuisance to the public. That newspaper aays "there seems to be " number ot High school stu dents In Puluth who need pun Ishmort thnt Is best admlnster ed by parents" meaning the old time apanklng. No longer la It fashionable for parents to spank children, an-1 hey "spe e the td and spoil he child." Quarrel Ends in Death of Couple CLARK3 FORK, Idaho, Jan. 20, (AP) Officers wero seeking today for tho motive which last Ight Impelled Jarrsee Howard, S year old sheep herder, to argue with bla bride of two montha, shoot her to death and then take his own life. A con stable found Mrs. Howard's body cabin at a tourist csmp af ter be heard two shots. Mrs. Howard, with a bullet from an old-time 46-90 Buffalo gun hrotigh her breast, was found dead, and In aunther cabin, SO ards away her husband's body la found. Neighbora said the couple had quarreled Intermittently for two days before tha shooting but they were unable to tell what they quarreled about WOMAN CHOSEN. WASHINGTON, Jan. 20, (AP) For the first time In history woman, Representative Kather- lna Langley, of Kentucky, today waa aelected for membership on the republican committee on committees In the bouse. She succeeds John M. Robslon, who is now a Kentucky senator. Among gypsies, children born n Christmas Day are said to have Sba power ot divination and ability to avert tho "evil eye." Miserable With Backache? Too OfUn It Warm of Ditordered Kidntyt. A CONSTANT backache, with kidney irregularities, and a stiff , achy, worn-out foeline all too often warn of disordered kidneys. Don't take chances! Help your kidneys with Doan's Pith. Recommended the world over. Sold by dealere everywhere. 50,000 Users Endorse Doan's: Mrs. Franc Wlttman, A3 Miami A., Kansas Clr, KiriMt, aajrai "My back hurt ao tad that morninga I mil) Hardly fit out ol bad. IKmniMMrrUfMa and bfoka my raat at mtht, Ooaa'a Hila MtU at laal aa wall aa avar." ITA if Ml EIGHTEEN YEARS AGO IN KLAMATH Houston's opera house has bsen ssleeted as the plara In which to bold tho dsbalo between I he Jack son and Klamath county high schools next Friday evening. In circuit court today the work of tha cases with the assistance of a Jury waa resumed by taking Kl mar O. lleardaley against tha Klamath Lake Navigation com pany. Tha plaintiff claims tor supplies and reps Irs on the stasmer Klamath, about 130 of thla amount being a claim for sup- piles aaalgnpd to the plaintiff by tha plumhor, B. C, Greeley. K. L. Elliott reprneents are plaintiff and 0. M. O Nell the defendant. At a meeting ot tho printers of thla city held last evening In the W. U. Km I III tirlutlnir offlrs. the final alepa were taken toward the establishment of a Klamath rails local ot the International Typo graphical union. Officers hare been chosen aa follows; Prtsldenl, Noie Otter beln; vice president, John W. Wil Thirty Year Ago In Klamath 1 i .-m Hie hlamnth Republican a weekly Klamath county has I.11 horses, valued at 170,674: 14.04 rattle, valued at tll.33; 1.2s I sheep and goi.ts, valued at fJ.lot, and Mi swine worth 11.417. January eVhnot Report Whole number beloiiglux at the end of the month, 110; average dally at tendance. 113: number of tardles. 30; roll of hoiior, IS, The nights are cold, and lha daya are warm, with a clear sky undisturbed by fog Late coasting and late rotlrlna hours are reducing the gradoa of a few of the pupils In the city senooi. will not the parents as sist the school authorities la keep. ng np tn sisndards? On Tuesday, while at the court house. Judge Benson wss taken seriously in. and for a while It looked very dangerous. He was taken home, and la now safely re covering, as all hla friends will be glsd to bear CHRISTIAN KCIKNCK ' IH RCHES 'Llfo" 4s the subiect of the Lesson-Sermon in all Churchea of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. Jan uary 19. Tha tioldejt Text was. "Verily. verily. I say unto you. Ho that heareth my word and belleveth on him that sent inc. bnth ever lasting life, and shall not come Into oonduuttiatlon; but Is passed from death unto life" (John 5:24). Among the citations which com prised the Lesson-Sermon were tho following, from the lllble: 'I command thee this day to love tha Lord thy Cod, to walk In his ways, and to keep his command- menta .... for he Is thv life, and he length of thy days" ll)eut. lo ts. 20). The Lesson - Sermon also In cluded the following paseagea from the Christian Science ten book, "Science and Health wih Key to the Rcrlpturss," by Mary Bakar Eddy: The way Is straight and Barrow which leads to tha un derstanding that (Vod Is the only Life. It Is a warfare with the flesh, In whlih we must conquvr sin, alckness and death, either here or hereafter certainly be fore we can reach the goal of Spirit or life In nod" (p. 34). We have it! The new pmiXM- Balanced-Unit This $uperb NEUTROD YNE PLUS LOWBOY only iffi" If Free Home Demonstration! Yet, w will deliver this mag nlficerrt Philco Lowboy to your home on free) demonstration. No obligation no red tnpe and EASY PAYMENTS, if you decide to buy. Call or phono na today. Other models from 173,00 to (218.09 PAUL JOHNSON'S Super Service Cor. Main and Eleventh Phone 848 Dm turM to hoar uf new Plulco ucfar you hny any ratltn Monday, January 20, 1930 cox; secretary and treasurer, WII. Ham F. Hector; aerxeuiit-at-arma, Archibald Y. Tlndull. Others enrolled In the local are; Zeno ('. Kimball, Krank W Rlggs, Sam C. Graves, William Howdoln, Harry Udell, It. Vaura llulchlna and Elmer Mills, Lest anyone may forget, ba It kuown that the court house of tha County of Klamath la located at lha corner of fourth and Mala slroets, all rumors to the contrary notwithstanding. Due notice win be given of Ha removal. Put up good candidate and the rest will be easy In this elty gov ernment problem. Tha flushing of part ot Mala street Saturday nlgbt was a good move py lu city authorities. Let It be continued, and have main street clean aud oredltable as a well- paved street desarvua to Apathy of the ballot aaater la what maks rne ward heeler wax fat. REPLACE) EDITORIAL, WICHITA. Has.. Jan. 10, (A P.) Where formerly the news paper's Influsncs was through Ita editorial columns. It now baa Its greatest effect through Its ad vertisements. William Allen 'Valla, editor of the Emporia Caiolte, told members of the Kansas Press Association at their annual banquet last nlsbt. "Advertisements tend lo make people dissatisfied with what they have and wish for batter things and the race Is benefit ted." Mr. White said. "As a na tion wa are building through ad vertlsiug Instead of government and It Is prevlng a better way." A Ouolity You Would Imist Upon If You Knew A II of the Facts. flPakiiifj Insurance "If you find any fault whatcvei in this staking Powder, or think you do, your grocer will return your money and also pay for the tggi, butter, flour, etc., you have used." You will find that statement printed on the Schilling Baking Powder label. Look for it. Kcad it carefully. It il far more tlun a mere gesture of good will. Unusual as it is, it meant jint what it uys. Only Baking Powder, lure and pur, could carry such an offer. Be cause it ii nude from Cream of Tartar, and no substitutes. Radio to5 50 Screen Grid, $129.50 Tubm Extra Cabinet finished in genu ine walnut with bird's-eye maple and Oriental walnut panels. Genuine electro Dynamlc Speaker, built-in Acoustic Equalizers, and balanced to use TWO of the wonderful new 243 power tubes, push-pull. This la the same marvelous Philco that you have sewn ad vertised in ths great national magazines. Rare purity of tone marvelous selectivity vast distance range.