.PAGE EIGHT WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1929 ..i t CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURE ffi Z2Z2X Under ansplce ot Flrat Church at C k r I t, Scientist, Klamath rllj, lectur ob ChrUtUn fdsnce was delivered Uit evening ia th High School Auditorium by Cyrui e. Rouen, a 8. of San Francisco, California, member ot the Board ot Lectureship ot The Mother Church, The Flrat Church ot Ohrjst, Scientist, Boston, Man. C. A. Rambo Introduced the lecturer with the following re mark s: "Friends, we are her tonight to listen to a new-old message. A niesssg that to many la new, yet Is aa ancient as the 'Ancient ot das""-' All through the Bible tuna the thought that God la the healer of disease, the Bible admonlshea us to turn to God tor the overcoming ot enr difficult' In the Chris tian Science text book. Science and Health with Key to the Scrip tures, by Mary Baker Eddy, on page three hundred ninety Is found this Important etatement, It la our Ignorance ot God, divine principle, which produce appar ent discord, and the right under standing ot Him restores har mony. And again on page two hundred three, 'If Ood wer un derstood Instead ot being merely believed, this understanding would establish health'. So bu inanity's great need la to better understand Ood, and Christian Sclenoe supplies this need. "fl. behalf of Flrat Church of Christ, Scientist, ot Klamath Valla. I bid tyou a cordial welcome to this evening'! feast of food tor thought, w-Mcb. will satisfy some of eha longing and questionings of yeur heart, strengthen your faith, uplift, purify and heal. The apeaker tonight, Cyrus 8. Rogera, C. 6.. member of tUo Obrlstlan Sclenoe Board ot Lec tureship ot the Mother Church, the First Church of Christ. Scien tist, la Boston, Mass.. win no address yon on the subject-'' Christian Sclr nee: vv. -.mhl; Spiritual Truth w war told that there Is a book which explain la minute de- Ull a scientific tnougm whereby all disease and misery and failure can be overcome and eliminated from human experi ence, a book which ahow lu students how to walk ao closely In the path of Christ Jesus that tney hall be able to repeat the works ha did. would It eeem to you fanciful and too good to be true? Let me hasten to assure you, my friends, that there la Indeed such a book. Simply to remind you of this tact and to Impress it upon your thought 1 one ot the great est services t can render yon, refer to Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy. In thla book, for the first time In history, spiritual truth has been set forth as a demonstrable Science, which anyone may study, understand, and irrove tor him self. Think of auch a privilege: A greater blessing and benefac tion to mankind there could not possibly be. The' book wa first published in 17S, and its letter and spirit were perfected by Its author in Order that the language and meaning might be ao clear and unmistakable that no sincere aeeker could err therein. It is the one standard guide to pure meta physics and says to every student and practitioner of spiritual heal ing, in the words ot Isaiah: "This Is the way, walk ye in it, when ye turn to the Tight band and when to turn to the left." Many years ago in time of need as great as a mortal can know, thla book came Into my possession In a remarkable way. It was In Immediate and direct answer to prayer, to an appeal to God for kelp and guidance. Up to the very day when the book waa placed In my hands. In an hour when my condition was desperate, I had never aeen a copy of the book and did not know of Its existence. It helped me at once, filled me with bope, and opened up a new world ot power of which I had been en tirely Ignorant. It showed me the error of expecting to get : a true solution to anything from a material source. My condition to day is heavenly compared wltn the disease and Buffering and darkness In which I seemed to be bo hopelessly engulfed when Science and Health was first brought to my attention; and I have done not a single thing In the Intervening (years except to apply this teaching to my .hlnk Jng. What lhas thus far been proved removes all doubt that here Is the solution to life's problems. Thousands of persons have had and are having the proofs of healing, and have gained the ab solute conviction that the way of salvation and tho day ot salvation are Indeed here. The human race Is no longer defenseless. The weapons ot our warfare are now complete, and the possibility of overcoming all evil, and ot elim inating sin, sickness, and death from consciousness Is no longer a It'toplan dream. It is an actual experience la Christian Science, lu accomplishment has begun, and will increase with every pass lug day. , P I have a friend who was beal 5d ot total bllndnoss In Christian Science. She could not tell noon day from midnight. She waa treated tome tea weeks by a Christian Scleuc practitioner. At th end ot that time she could see to read Sclenc and Health, and completed her healing through her own effort. Her eyes became a clear as a child's. She has da voted her life since to helping other out of darkness Into light. One time while traveling on a train I became engaged In con versation with a man who seemed completely engrossed In material ity and fleshly appetite. A phy sical body and Its demand seem ed to be lbs only thing ot which he waa conscious. He asked sev- era! questions about Christian Science, which I tried to avoid and answered aa briefly as possible. believing It to be useless to dis cuss th subject with on In hU state of mind. But something hsd evidently impressed him tor he immediately sent to The Chris tian Science Publishing Society In Boston for a copy ot Science and Health. The reading ot the, book quickly and completely transform ed his life. His bad habits droo ped away and became Intolerable offensive to his awakened con sciousness. Todsy he is a humble. .u living, innstian man. These are the natural and In- evitaoi eneeu on everv con sctousness which It touches ot the healing and purifying stream ot life which la flowing to humanity from the page of this marvelous book. The Bible and Selene and Health, together with Mrs. Eddy's other writings, are the complete and only textbooks ot Christian Science. These books are correla tive. They complete and sustain each other. After many years ot reading these books together, careful studenta Invariably acknowledge th complete unity and harmony ot their teaching. Think ot th comfort and beauty and power ot this under standing! what a relief irorn the multiplicity of creeds and dogmas and beliefs whloh have perplexed the Christian world, based mostly upon a literal In terpretation of certain passage in the Bible, and not upon a spiritual Interpretation and broad under standing of It teaching as a hole. The Bible is not a contradictory and impractical book when prop erly and spiritually interpreted. Th spiritual understanding ot th Scriptures and especially ot the word and -rorks ot Jesus, as unfolded in Sclenoe and Health, reveal the Comforter or ever pre sent Christ, the Savior ot the world. Science and Health makes Bible readers and Bible lovers of every on ot Its students, giving them an Insight into It meta physical meaning and application. and they see that the Bible was given to us to spiritualise our sens ot being. Instead of per mitting It to do this, mankind had stubbornly held to its mater ial sens of existence and tried to read that sens into the sacred Scriptures, thereby vitiating their divine purpose and influence and closing the door of salvation, nn til science and Health came with it ivey and opened wide that door through right Interpretation. A wa learn to read the Bible spiritually we begin to read our dally Uvea and the universe stir- iuuy; our world become a thought world, a world of Kniri- "-:u oi a world of matter, and a4 me la seen to ba inevit- Every fundamental question that has putzled mankind through the ages, or that can be asked, is fully and finally answered in innsuan Science, when thought i reaay to appreciate and under stand the answer. It faces everv point fairly and squarely, and evades not a single issue. But let me remind you her that Cnri- tlan Science la not a mere theory, a religions profosslon, or jnst a Pleasant philosophy of life. It is a demonstrable Science, a living and we mnst ba r t put into practice and demonstrate wm w perceive of it a we go along, I shall now discus with vou a few ot the basic teachings of Christian Science, as set forth In the Bible and Science and Health. I do not ask you to try to accept these teachings, but with close at tention and open mind to weigh and consider them. If you have received false Impressions of Ohrisian Science through chance remarks and adverse criticisms, from whatever source or motive, I am sure yon will sea how un just and wide of the mark they have been. No one sbonld he A. Prlved of the blessings of Christian science through misconception or misrepresentation. Each one has a right to know what Christian Science actually teaches and not oe misled by what somebody who knows little or nothing of the suh. Ject says It teaches. What the critics object to. Christian Sclen- lists would usually object to equally, It Christian Science taught anything even remotely resembling what they criticise. That fact Is, that one who has not made a deep and thorough atudy of Christian Science and tested Its teachings honestly In practice, is unable to form a correct opinion about It. What would be thought ot one who had never studied mathematics, could not even work th simplest problems In mathe matics making blind and emphatic statement about what mathema tics teaches and what could or could not be don In It, THE LANGUAGE OF SPIRIT , Now the first thing I want to emphasise, I th fact that Chris tian Science ha practically given us a new language. Not new words, but has greatly amplified th meaning ot words. Is It not self-evident that th words ot a human languag which w have been accustomed to applying mostly In a material way, are In adequate media with which to teach a purely spiritual Science, unless these words are given a higher significance? The failure to make thla discrimination be tween the lower and the higher, th material and th spiritual, meanings ot words, is on ot the principal causes of confusion and misunderstanding In discussing the subject, and In reading th Bible. Near the end rt Science and Health Is a chapter under th heading ot "Glossary." Her th spiritual meaning of a few ot th important worda ot th Bible Is clearly given. This is a key to the meaning ot other words, and Is certainly a fulfillment of the prophecy of Jesus: "Thev shall speak with new tongues." Let me read to you out of this chap ter the definitions of the two most important words In the lan guage, and th very basia of Christian Science. Tj two words are God and man. Her Is the definition of God: "The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Lite: Truth: Love; all substance; Intelligence." Here Is the definition of man: 'The compound Idea ot Infinite Spirit; th apirltual Image and likenesa ot God; th full represen tation of Mind." You can readily sea how far re moved from the ordinary sense are these definitions. Christian Science la a radical teaching; but is not a radical change in our con ception ot things necessary to ef fect radical results? What has the old material way ot thinking done for usT What can It ever do for us? A d It It a under standing ot things is opened in Christian Science; a new concep tion ot the universe is born. The seven nouns: Mind, bpinc &oui. Life, Truth. Love. Principle, con tained la th definition ot God, are always capitalised In Christian Science literature to distinguish them from lower considerations ot the same words, and are synonymous terms, all mean the same thing. They are the seven most appropriate term taken from human language and given their highest significance, to de tine God to our thought bo scien tifically as to enable us to dem onstrate His presence, power, and government In onr lives. MIND AS GOD Consider for a moment the term Mind as a synonym for God. Tho general belief is that mind is something personal, something In a physical body, tfray matter in the brain, etc.; that each of us has a mind ot his own, and so there are myriad of minds, all more or less in conflict with each other. Christians Science teaches that there Is only one Mind, a universal divlna Principle that pervade all space. Spiritual man reflects Infinite divine Mind and Is In a constant, unbroken state of nnity therewith. As the Bible says: "In Him w live, ana move. and have onr being." Paul re ferred to this universal Mind when fa said: "Let this Mind be In you which was also In Christ Jesus." A Christian Scientist Is constantly endeavoring to radiate and express mora and mors of this perfect and Infinite Mind. And he is endeavoring to alienee and to express less and less ot what 1 termed in Christian Science mortal mind. By mortal mind Is meant all negative conditions ot thought all fearing, worrying, Imagining, supposing, believing; all disease. sin, death. Ignorance, superstition. materialism; In short, everything contrary and antagonistic to the real Mind or God. Paul reierrea to this mind as the "carnal mind," Which he said Is "enmitr against God." Mortal mind has the same relation to divine Mind that dark ness has to light. Light Is posi tive. Darkness Is negative the mere absence ot light. When light and darkness are brought to gether, every one know what hanoens. You can know Just as certainly what will happen when the activity of divine Mina ana Its attributes Is realized in a hu man consciousness wher mortal mind ha seemed to occupy most of the gronnd. And you will make the greatest discovery and re ceive th greatest Inspiration possible If you make the test fair ly. Th kingdom of (heaven will open to you. You will find that Christian Selene Is indeed the Science of sclencos; that It Is ac tually demonstrable; that It Is possible for us to overcome, hen and sow, our false mortal beliefs, and to realize and experience more and more of present spiritual good. ' Remember that divlna Mind is absolutely perfect, pure. free; unlimited and universal In power, presence, and knowledge. It Is the very substance ot the universe, -the basis ot all life. It is our Father and Mother, tho source and origin of all conscious ness and being. It is self-exlstant, self-contained, self-operative un der It own omnipotent and har monious law. It Is God. Nothing csn Influence this Mind to be or do or think other than In accord ance with Its own nature and character. There I no hypnotism, mesmerism, suggestion, or human will la Christian Science. Every ffort a genulno Christian Scien tist makes Is batted upon this on divine Mind. It U entirely a spiri tual process. It In Impossible to do evil or try to work for selfish personal ends aas'.nst th right ot others and b a Christian Scientist- Th good which come to humanity through th demonstra tion ot Scleuc. comes lawfully and scientifically, and In accord ance with Hod's will. No one can sway or chang or move dtvlu Mind. W must all ba moved by It, and let It reign supreme In our lives. W learn that God's will for each ot us Is good and good only, What a change Christian 8clenco Is bringing to th thought of th world In this respect! You have heard that God sends slcknesi, and calamity, and death upon mankind. Christian Scleuc posi tively repudiates such a belief. God Is Love. His law la wholly beneficent. always working tor us and never against us; always sustaining and protecting us, and supplying every need ot our being every moment ot our existence. When w see what God's will for ua really Is, with what eagerness and joy and complete confidence w can surrender ourselves to Him, and say from the heart, "Thy will be done." The Bible tells us, "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart ot man, the thing wnicn t,od hath prepared for then that love him." Thore la no de ception in that statement. It is literally and divinely true. The good whica God ha In store for us is Infinite. beyond the power ot Human imagination to nlrtnr. and through right thinking the way u opened for lta acceptance uu realisation. That which seems to bring dis cord Into evidence Is mortal mind. not divine Mind. And as mortal mind is overcome and displaced In our thinking and In the world's thinking, all discordant and de structive element must inevitably to inai extent dissolve and disap pear from Individual and collect ive experience. Thia overcoming ia 10 oe accomplished her a nraver. ful, persistent, patient effort to flrat discriminate between mortal mind and It elements, and divine Jiuia, and lu qualities, and then to deny, resist, and reject the one; and affirm, hold to. and ae. cept the other. That Is our work ing basis. Any of you can make a beginning right now. Take tea; lor Instance. That would be classified aa error or mortal mind. tor certainly fear has no place In divine Mind. "God hr.th not given us th spirit of fear" said Paul. rne Bible is full of "fear nbts' uu do not strata." Then to heed this admonition and to sup press and overcome th amotion of fear you would declare you ar noi atraia and know the re. for your declaration. No state ment is mad bllnJIy, and Chris tian Science is not Just .h.ii optimism. It la the operation of scientific, spiritual knowledge and understanding. Whatever a Chris tian Scientist declares and endeav or to realize In hi prayer or. treatment he understands, and he can explain why It Is true. Other wise there could be no power In hi efforts. The reason we should not be afraid Is because there is nothing in the universe to be afraid of when we understand th situation. Evil and dlseaae ar not power within themselves. They have only th reality nian- aina in lu Ignorance and suner- stltlon bss given to them. They have no intelligence with which to Plan and work against us. There Is no Principle to sustain them, no law by which thev can oner- ate and Invade our lives and op Press us. How could there be. God Is admitted to be the only creator and governor of all things. The Bible distinctly tell, us that the creation I like the creator, and reason tells us the same thing V " ch,nc9- B" ha. It b otherwise? EVIL UNREAL The very thing for which Chris tian Selene ba been most criti cized is Its explanation that evil must be, hss to be, In th nature of an unreality, an Illusion, or God does not exist; rot this Is th only hop of salvation. What could be blinder than to say a perfect God created all things Im perfectly, that th Infinite God, who Is all good, created something contrary and antagonistic to His own nature, and turned It loose on His creation, which He love with a love far above that of a hu man parent for bis child. There Is not a particle of reason, Intelli gence, or scientific thought in such a belief. Either we must give up our belief In evil as a reality that can never be destroy ed, or we must abandon our con cept of the one perfect God. Thora Is no escaping the Inexorable logic of Christian Science on this fun damental point. It holds us right there and demands demonstration. All through history philosophers and devout student hav sought to discover the origin of evil. lta any origin been found? No. Why? For th all-sufficient rea son that It has no origin. Evil must be seen and held as an Illu sion, a baseless dream, powerless and unreal, or not even a scien tific beginning cun ba made to wards overcoming It, and freeing ourselves from It oppression. Wo do not ask questions about th sourc ot an Illusion or unreality. W ar fully occupied with prov Ing II unreality, and as we do so It ceases to trouble us or by any subtlety to decelv us liito ad' mlttlng and recognising Its olaliu to place and power; tor wa hav already perceived In Principle aud hav begun to demonstrate In eiperlvnro that evil I not scion- tlfkally real, and haa no pine in Christianised consciousness o r real being. This is not Ignoring evil, but is facing It squarely tor th first time; silencing it argu ments, exposing and denouncing Its pretenses, handling Us false claims, and reducing It to Us owj aothlnguess. This requires spiri tual alertness. Industry, persever ance, a constant spiritual ac tivity, but It can be done, la being done, will continue to be done In ever Increasing measure In Chris tian Science. Christian ScientisU hav enlisted as In God's army to war with sin. disease, and death In all their forms, and to keep It up with increasing skill until good is proved to be all and evil naught! TRUTH A REVELATION Manv times Christian Scientists are criticized by those who do not understand their methods, for the way In which wa us th word "truth". Truth In It highest and absolute sense, and as used In Christian Science, la a synonym for divine Mind, or God. It Is generally thought that the picture ot thing presented through the five physical sense is th trutn. Th Bible and Sclonc and Health are In conflict with that belle!. That Is the only conflict there Is. You hav heard It said that a Christian Scientist says he Is woll when he 1 sick, which Is tanta mount to saying he 1 not truth ful. Well, let u examine It and see. Most people have been di rectly and Indirectly taught from childhood to believe that the only source ot knowledge, th only wsy we can know things, Is through the material senses. Th schools ar largely engaged In an effort to discover some final and permanent truth through these senses. The futility ot all that effort onght to be self-evident to anyone who will think soberly about It. How can we learn any truth which will stand through the ages, through faculties which will not stand through th age? If we look through a red glass, everything appears red. Look through the mortal, material senses and will not everything ap pear mortal? And will not every conclusion we reach about our selves or anything, baaed upon material sense testimony, be a mortal conclusion and therefore untrue In th absolute and scien tific sense? Through what other channel then may we gain knowledge? The Bible and Science and Health con tain a record ot knowledge which not only did not come through the physical senses, but Is opposed to and completely supersede such evidence. How did these spiritual truths come to human conscious ness? Through revelation or In spiration; through spiritual sens and menul unfoldment from with in. Spiritually minded men through the ages have lifted their thought above matter and mater ial evidences, and have, with vary ing degrees of clearness and In sight Into the ever present divlna Mind that surrounds us, discerned something ot Invisible and eternal reality. Thus haa Inspired truth been accumulating slowly through history. Christ Jesus understood Truth and demonstrated It to per fection In his day. But spiritual truth had nover been stated In Its fullness and completeness and re duced to a demonstrable Selene, available for every man to under stand and practice, until Christian Selene came. It Is from the standpoint of revealed Truth that a Scientist thinks and works; and from that standpoint he I never sick. He makes his sUtemenU modestly and often silently, bnt deep within him he strives to be loyal and obedient to this Inspired sense of Truth, however strongly opposed by matorlal conditions. He knows that In no other way can he possibly fre himself by spiri tual means and prove th power of Mind over the Illusory eviden ces of matter. Jesns said, "Ye shall know the truth, and th truth shall make you free." Will It make us tree to believe or to say we are sick and miserable? Is It not clear that It we ar knowing or believing anything that distresses us or make us weak and fearful, we ar not knowing the truth as Jesus used th term? If the way we are thinking Is not making ua free, it is not th truth which we are entertaining. What Is th truth? Th truth ot being Is that man Is the perfect spiritual child ot God, and not an organised piece of pro toplasm thrown up hers on the shore of time for a brief day to suffer and perish. The truth is that harmony, and not discord, Is th law of man's being. Th truth is that good only la real and that evil Is unreal. Th truth Is that man's real origin and existence Is In divlna Mind, beyond th cogni zance of the physical senses; that man Is created by divine Mind, and exists now and forever as a perfect Idea or Imago In this Mind. We do not sea this or any abso lute truth with the mortal senses The Bible tells us that "no man hath seen Ood at any time," that Is, materially. The pur In heart shall so God. Jesus told us, W so Hlin with our thought, our understanding, our spiritual sens. That la th wsy we are learning to see things lit Christian Science, aud It 1 from this basis that w are learning to reason and roach conclusions. The testimony ot th physical senses Is always unroll able even In their own realm of matter aa la now generally recog nised. For thousands ot years they deceived men Into Iho unlver. sal belief that tho earth waa flat anil atattonary. You ar familiar with th reception th man got who first denied that belief wltk a larger view and blifher know ledge. What haa become of the flatness ot the earth? That Is Just whst will become of disease sin, and death aa w know mor and mors of the Truth. The radio haa given a staggorlng blow to th limitations ot human bullet base I on the sense testimony. In fact all human advancement haa been breaking away from auoh limita tions, and this ago la observing th greatest atrldea ver known lu this uirecuon. I'rogreas away from a material baala and towarda a freer, purer, and leas limited sense of lit Is on wlugs today. The five physical senses ar not th servants ot Truth or God. They ar th servanu of human belief. Thoy testify outwardly to what w and mankind generally believe Inwardly. "Mortal mind sees what It believes aa certainly aa It believes what It seos. It feels, hears, and sees Its own thought," saya 8 o I e n c and Health, (p. 86). Th physical sensos could nover tostlfy to tho presence of dlseaae on your ho.lv or discord In four lite, unless there wa a mental condition hack ot that Illusory evldenc thst needs correction, whloh explains why the method of Christian Selene Is purely metaDbvslcal and deals with thoutht only. When the menial origin ot dlseaso la discerned and diagnosis Is men tal. It become logical and natural to rasort to mental treatment. The Christian Scientist knows that It la vain to try to Improve eternal conditions without Improv ing the hsslo causa ot thos con ditions In th mind. Condition In your life and In the world today are accurate reflection ot your and the genoral state of mind of msnklnd. This being self-evldently true, now vain and futile are most of th efforu which ar mad to mprov conditions, trying to correct effect without touching causos, trying to chang every thing excopt th on thing which should be changed, namely, th thinking ot manklndl Th Chris tian Scientist diagnose thought. treats thought and watches for progress and Improvement In thought, a purely spiritual sys tem. Any departure from that standard Is not Christian Sclenr. The Christian Scientist knows and na already bad evldonced to him In abundant measure, that as this work Is fsltbfully dona It bear fruit beyond anythln ha dreamed possible In exact accord ance with Ood promises. As hls scientific and revealed truth la brought Into onr conscious think ing and feeling, as It Is cultivated there, and maintained, loved, and obeyed; and aa beliefs contrary to It are robukod and cast out, tho evidence before tho senses begins to change. This la prayor In Christian Science, the prayer which is always answered, and which we may pray without ceas ing. As this process la nnnki In, the foara anil hn.r i. -i.. and disease dissolve away In consciousness, and the senses can ,onor against us. for there ar no belief, lor taonl , testify to. The Illusory evidence vanlshos, and we go forth free. Thla la the sclentlfio fact, and every case of healing In Christian Science proves It anow. Mrs. Eddy says In Sclonce and Health: When numbers have been divid ed according to a fixed rule, the quotient Is not mora unquestion able than the scientific tesU I have mad of th effects of truth upon the sick." (p. 233). Christian Scientists all over th world are proving this constantly. Nothing could be more practical, mor available, more effective, ii th on way to freedom ., happiness. Thore is no other . CHRISTIAN 8CIENCE NOT DIFFICULT Do not be obstructed In youi progress in Investigating and util izing Christian Sclonce, by the too common statement that It Is too deep and difficult, too bard for you to understand. Wo jsv boetj spiritually Illiterate, It I true, and Christian Sclonc Is a com plete aystem of spiritual educa tion, but It Is not hard to under stand. Truth Is In fact tho only thing that can be understood, Ar material things, sin, disease, and death, understandable? Chris tian science Is different, radically different from old methods ol thinking; but should It not be easy and natural for God's children to understand Ills message to them? It Is equally easy and natural to prove Christian Science. Cer tainly our Creator has given us the same power to demonstrate and prov His truth as He haa to perceive It. Let us keep ourselves fre and give our lives a chance. W must think and talk on tho positive side and not on th nega tive. In watching iyour thinking and In analysing It to tee It It Is true and cltntlfle, keep asking yourself thes questions! ")' Uod know that; dues II ssy lKst does It reflect Him?" In on of Mrs. Eddy's smaller works, Unity of Good, she mskos th following significant alalo uient: "When I hav most closrly scan and most sensibly felt that the Intinlto recognises no dlsnaie, this haa not separated ma from Uod, but has so bound in to Hint as to enable me Instantaneously to heal a cancer which had eaUu 11 way to the Jugular vein." "In the same apirltual condition t have been able to replace dislo cated JninU and raise tho dylud to instantaneous health. Herein Is my evldonco, from on high, that th views her nromulialed ou this subject ar correct." (p. ?). MAN'S TRUE NATUllB t,i. Insistent bollot and assump tion that w can know something which Uod does not know, that w csn feci and eiperlonce some thing apart from Hint and con ir.rv to Ilia nalur is th sour of all our wo and must b re named of. Christian Sclonc in spires on to so that what God does not know and did not creai la a lie In some form, aud ho Im mediately resists and oppose Its claim to presence aud activity, and disbelieves that It can us blm as Its medium or mouthpiece, became he Is really a reflection, an ex pression ot God only, as ths defin ition of man I road from Science and Health clearly Indlcatoa. Tills definition of man, what he la aud what ho Is not, Is treated In groat detail throughout III teachings of Christian Science. In nothing does the human mind seem so slow as In giving up Its mortal and mator lal conropt ot man. Perhaps the reason tor this Is the ever prosent belief that the physical form the senses behold Is nun. "V know nn mora of man as th true divine Image and likeness, than we know of Uod," says Science and Health (P. 35s). The Bible In Its very first men tion ot man positively proclaims that be la made In th Image and likeness ot Ood. Isaiah admonish ed, "Ceas y from man whoa breath la In his nostrils for where in Is he to be accounted ot"; Jesus said: "The flesh profttoth noth ing"; and Paul cald: "Henceforth know we no man af.e: th flesh." In fact th vital them running all through th Blblo is that man Is spiritual and not material. Chris tian Science constantly reiterate this all-Important fact. The physical sens I th Adam dream from which Christ came to save ua. There Is nothing els from which w need to be saved. The word "man" applies to each ot u Individually and to all gen erally. So we must make practi cal and dsmonstrato In our lives this marvelous revelation about man ao entirely contrary to the ordinary belief. If wa ar to keep Science oparatlv In our thought and reap th rewards, w must b consistent and stick to our Principle. Effect must aver b Ilk It cause. Man Is effect; God Is cause. We reason cpn stantly from God to ourselves. If Uod la not sick, w In our real Individualities sra not sick. If God finds no pleasure In sin, w as His Image find no pleasure In sin. Our who! effort and prayor la to realise and to maintain man' unbroken unity with and llkoness to his Creator. Any other sens Is an Illusion, a niosmarla dream, from which Christian Selene Is awskenlng a slumbering world, CHRIST JESUS A perfect example o a human life governed by this concept of man as the Image ot God, bss ap peared just once In history. I shall never forget the love and ad miration for Christ Jesus that came to me when I began ths study of Ohrlstlsn Science and for the first time tried to domonslrato lta teaching. Then and there I got an entirely now sense of groatnosa and of values, a sons of heroism, nobility, and grandour, which msde other characters I had so admired In history, fade from the picture In comparison. No one csn have a full appreciation of Jesus' Ufa and "work until tie be gins tho endeavor. In the silence of his own consciousness, to dem onstrate th sams power which our .Master exercised. Christ Jesus Is the on model of man, th only example Christian SclentlsU fol low. Thoy know that the test of their Christianity and their sclenc Is In eiortlng ths spiritual power and doing th works he plainly said ws must do to be called Christians and bis follow ers. He did not loave It open for any on to claim th name of Christian on the basis of profes sion. Ho placed It entirely on the basis of domonstratlon. Thero It must romaln. Christian Science Is simply a scientific explanation ot how Josua did what be did. Hav w not needed that explanation? It has bson said thst Jesus' power was miraculous and limited to His own personal experience and to his own time. He did not say that. On the contrary, he pleadod with humanity to see that th power ha utilized was universally avail able to all. He said that ths works he did we should do too. He said that th way th world would know that ws were his followers would be that the same signs would follow those who follow him. He Indicated cleary that there was a divine Principle In volved Jn his works, which all could understand and demon strate. Ha said ha could of his own self do nothing, thst It wa the Father that dwelt within, lilnil that did th works. It baa been) said that wa could not bo ezperteg. to attempt the works Christ Jesus did. Did he say that? Was lie not our elder brotlmr? Did lu not say that tils Father was also our Father? "Call no mau your father upon the earth: for one Is your Father, which Is In heaven," he distinctly said, '.loos this not Imllcato unmistakably that ws all In reality bavo a spiritual origin and ar spiritual aud uot material In our real being, and therefor aro heirs to tho same power Jusns oxorclsed? Otherwise, how could w obey his lust ructions aud uo what ho demanded ot us? What would bo the purpose In having su eiample It It Is Impossible for to follow that ozamplo? W ar born again through Ilila rovuls lion. Old things hsvs passed away and all things hav become new. nn criticism lias been tint Christian rk-lenca ileulrs tho dlvlu- of Christ. Homing com . possibly be farlhor from the trulh. It maintains that divinity In every statement of Its leuohlng. 11 does more. It reveals the glorious ani Inspiring fact that lb real natur of all creation is and must nerrs- sarlly be like the Creaiur. spiritu al. Immaculate, divine. Any other concept la what holds us In bol d ago and iiseps us from vterclslus our dominion, and Is ths "ol.l mau" which wa ar Instructed to put off." Why do we have so many opinions of our own con trary to what Jesus taught, la ob struct our development and ue fulness. always working sgalnsl ourselves? If ha said we could do the works he did end even greater works, we should without question accept the tact that It Is possible, and arouse ourselves to activity In finding out how to At It, Instead of bringing forth in unending set of strums and opin ions that It can't be done. We ought to be humble enough to ad mit that a man who eserclsed com plete dominion over matter and II material condition through the power of Mlnii, knew what h waa saying and meant what b said. MARY BAKER EDDY It haa been said that Chrlstlsn Scientists worship Mrs. Eddy. They do not. They worship God alone. If they ar true to Mrs. Eddy' teachings. Hhe repeatedly Instructed other to follow her only so far aa she followed Christ, and turned thought constantly to that one example for guidance. Her Ilto waa a marvelous eiample of unselfish love and humility. She donounred, as It never before had been denounced, the error of worshipping a human personality. But there never haa bean a greater service rendered Iho roc sine th days ot Jesus, than Mrs. Eddy haa rendered It. As you begin to see whst Chrlstlsn 8clenc really la, your wonder will never cesso that on lone woman could hav risen to such spiritual heights above the common level of belief, aa to perceive this Kclenc In di vine Mind and running through all th page ot th Scriptures, snd to have stated It so definitely snd completely that It will romal.j throughout the age as a great. erer-operatlr healing I a v n. working down at th rooU ot thought and desire lo redoem and savo the race. There I no possible human compensation for th ben. raciions Mrs. Eddy bestowed upoa us when sth discovered Chrlstlsn Sclenc and established It la lu purity n human practice, ivt.i a friend she haa been to na all! Christian Scientists love and rever ence tier In exact proportion to their understanding ot what eha haa accomplished. It ia Im possible lo hav a true concept ot Christian Science and not feel an overflowing grntlludo to Its 1)1- covcror and Founder. Read her hooks; apply their teachings to your probloms; fool their Influ ence In your life, and you will know whether she Is genulno or not. You will novor again ba troubled by untruthful statements that have. In all ages, been In vented by the worshippers of mat" tor against the spiritual and in spired loaders ot th world. !y friends. Christian Bcwnr Is an xhaust!os subject, it is only possible In this brief hoar to touch upon a few poinu. Let m repeat what I said In the begin- nlng, that the full alaloment ot Christian Science Is In Sclenc and Health. This Is an open book available In the Christian Science Reading Rooms, and In libraries throughout the world for all to study and understand. (There ha never boon a greatar privilege open to a member of th human race than to havo access to th contents of this wonderful book. Thousands upon thousands ot persons hava boon healed of what are callod Incurable diseases and sins by reading and studying th book. In the Christian Sclencs periodicals, weekly and monthly. and at the Wodnosrtay evonli.s meetings of ths Christian Sclencs. Churches, the world over, ton 1 1, monloa of healing ar glvsn, Those healings Include dlneases and sins In all tholr forms and ar experienced by persons in all walks ot life. This healing evi dence has besn growing In vo'om constantly slnco Rclrfnce and Health was first published, un til today no fact la bolter estab lished In human history than that Christian Science hauls. Science and Health tolls yon precisely what attitude ot mind to (Con tinned on page 0) I