The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 14, 1929, Page 8, Image 8

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Countr Prisoner Now In
Infirmary For
Th death certltkat ot Otto
Anderson, . Swede. tate that
lie died ot eute alcoholittn on
Wedneaday tslt. Tht he we
frothing at the month when he
414 m revealed to the press
Saturday night by tboae who were
with blm at the last.
It also became known last
sight that county priaoner who
was in Jail on a liquor charie
gentanc la now In the county
Infirmary, where he la losing the
tight ot hla eyea and hla mind
h being affected by the condl-
' Bury Man Not "Dead"
It waa further learned that
Bert Doyle who died Wedneaday
and waa burled Friday haa not
officially "died" yet No death
certificate haa been algned by
a doctor, although Doyle died
in the county hospital and Dep
uty Coroner Henry Joyaux took
a certificate lor Dr. G. S. New
aom to till out to Newaoma
office before the man waa bur
led. ...
That Anderaon waa In jail tor
two days previous to hla death
on a charge ot being drunk waa
learned. He waa releaeed from
jail on Wedneaday and waa pick
ad np an hor- later by offlcera.
He complained of being nick. The
offlcera etarted to take him to
a hospital but be died before
they reached it.
- la Voting 8Iht
Anderson waa burled yeaterday
in Ltnkvllle cemetery at county
.pons. Hla death waa due to
cute alcohollam and the fact
that he waa trothing at the
mouth ! leada . to the bellet that
it may hare been polaon alcohol.
Eddie Wataon, a young man.
waa arreated a io time ago on
a charge of bootlegging and waa
...LnM to ISO dart In Jail.
After- being Jailed he became
tick. It waa learned mat u laaee
alcoholic polaonlng aome time
to act, and although Dr. New
aom would not atate definitely
latt night what waa the cause
ot Wataona slng hla tight, it
la possible that it may be from
the eft ecu ot liquor. .
Wataon'a brother haa been no
tified that he la aerloualy ill
rid ao haa a girl who resides
In the Oxford rooms in , Boise,
Dr.' N a w a o m a escribed the
young man's trouble aa "optic
Serve degeneration" and admit
ted that he aeemed to bare been
affected mentally.
Die lm County Hospital
' Bert Doyle, a baker by trade,
came here recently. He took
lodging at the Crater Rooms and
waa said- to hare been . an ab
atainer from alcohol ot any form.
October 1 be became ill and a
foe tor waa called. He waa taken
to the county hospital October
(, the doctor and the manager
at the rooming house stated.
The doctor said that when he
first called the patient waa on
the floor pulling at the carpet
and hla mind aeemed to be at
U ted. The manager of the room
ing house states that Doyle bad
been suffering from a severe
cold. '. ..
Doyle died Wednesday at the
eounty hospital. Friday afternoon
ke waa buried. However, no doc
tor has yet filed a death cer
tificate with the undertaker or
the county coroner. Doyle was
ala.0 burled at county expense.
Cause of Death Secret
The doctor Who attended Doyle
aid that men who hare been
poisoned sometimes act as Doyle
He added found no
auspicious evidence in the room.
Doyle, however, 1 waa without
funds, and had been ill tor a
day when the doctor waa called.
He had taken quinine for his
rold, the manager ot the room
ing house stated.
Just what caused his death Is
not known. The death certificate
which has not been tiled, even
though the man has been burled,
should tell. Just which doctor
should sign the certificate seems
to be in question among th
The cases became' known of
yesterday tor the first time after
considerable investigation by the
(Commute from Pact One)
ed tea runs in the seventh to
overhaul the Cubs.
Not aa much scoring punch
was needed this afternoon but
It waa sufficient and might have
been going yet but for the fact
that only one run was needed
when Btng Miller came up, spoil
ed the Cub strategy in passing
Foxx and crashed Ant th hit
that meant difference of
around fSO.OOO In the player's
Prmideul Applands
The President and Mrs. Hoo
ver Joined in the applause as
the Athletics broke through the
latt Cub defense. leaving Im
, mediately after the game while
another crowd ot exactly It, ill
In paid admission , staged
noisy demonstration.
n4ara to Capital
P) President Hoover and his
party, after aeelng the Philadel
phia Athletics win the World's
baseball championship from the
Chicago Cuba, left on the return
trip to Washington at 1:40 p.m.
A Wonderful Game
Mr. Hoover characterised the
A'a triumph over Chicago and
the clinching ot the world aeries
aa "a wonderful game," but went
to considerable paina to main
tain strict neutrality as between
the two teams, and even com
mented on the fact that ha had
not indicated which team might
be bis favorite.
Mr. Hoover, who waa Intense
ly interested all through the
game, asked Mayor Mackey to ex
press her congratulations to the
Oft: ' a la HuiMle,
The crowd gave a big cheer
aa Connie Mack. Joe McCarthy
and Commissioner Land is posed
In a huddle near the Cub bench.
A special detachment ot polios
came out on the field and uni
formed men crowded every atep
ot the incoming path ot the
presidential group. A big bou
quet of flowers tor Mrs. Hoover
Tis placed in the official box.
The field was cleared at 1:10
p. m. tor the committees welcom
ing the natlon'a chief executive
and the first lady.
The one certainty ao tar as
the A'a pitching waa concerned
was that Howard Ehmke would
not start. He sat in the stands
In street clothes. Instead of Join
ing the players on the field. Prob
ably for an emergency, be had
his hag. packed for a trip to
Butting Practice Heavy.
Batting practice found the
Mackmen hitting with the aame
savagery that marked their fa
mous seventh Inning .attack Sat
urday. Jimmy Foxx hit two tre
mendous wallops in succession
over the roof ot the upper deck
ot the left field stands, aome-
thing that has been done tew
times in play or - practice. Al
Simmons bounced a drive on the
roof himself, not far from the
spot where he pasted one to
start the seventh.
By Braia Bell
(A. P. Sports Writer)
First Inning.
Cubs: McMillan up: McMil
lan bit to Dykes and waa out to
English up. Strike one, called.
Ball one. outside. English hit to
Ehmke and beat the throw to
first tor a hit. It was a slow
Hornsby np: Strike one, call
ed. Ball cne, high, outside.
Hornsby popped to Foxx on a
ball he did not Intend to hit.
Wilson np: Strike "one, tailed.
Strik) two, called. It waa a alow
curve. FonL Ball one. English
was out stealing, Cochrane to
No runs, one hit, ' no errors,
none left.
Athletics: Bishop up. Strike
one, called. Ball one. outside.
Ball two, high, cutslde. Strike
two, called. FouL Strike three
called. Bishop fanned on a fast
ball over the corner.
Haaa up: Ball one, outside.
Ball two, inside. Haas lifted a
fly to Stephenson.
Cochrane np: Strike one, call
ed. Ball one, high. , Cochrane
hit to English and waa out at
first on a close play. It was a
good play by the Cub shortstop.
No runs, no hits, no errors,
none left. . .
Second Inning.
Cubs: Wilson up. Wilson bit
Into left field for one base.
Cuyler np: Curler hit to
Ehmke and Wilson was forced
at second, Boley taking the
throw. )
' Stephenson up: " Strike one,
called. Ball one, outside. Ball
two, outside. . Cuyler ran off
first and was trapped, finally
being retired by Cochrane. The
play was Ehmke to Foxx to Bish
op to Foxx to Bishop to Coch
Stephenson: . Ball three, out
side. Strike two, called. Steph
enson walked on a low fourth
Grimm np: Grimm went out
to Foxx on a .roller near first
base, unassisted.
No runs, one hit, no errors.
one left.
Athletics: Simmons np. Strike
one, called. Ball one, high, Sim
mons singled to left.
Foxx up: Strike one, called.
Ball one, low. Fjxx lined to
Hornsby and Simmons waa dou
bled at first after the second
baseman made . a one-handed
sUb. ,
Miller up: Foul, strike one.
Ball one, low. Strike two, call
ed. Miller hit to McMillan and
was thrown out to Grimm.
No runs, one hit, no errors,
none left.
Third Inning.
Cubs: Taylor np: Foul, strike
one. Ball one, outside and high.
Ball two, high. Taylor hit In
front of the plat and was tag
ged ont by Cochrane.
Malone up: Strike one, awnng.
Ball one, low. Strike two, swung.
Ball two, outside. Ball three,
high. Inside. Malone hit by first
base Into right field for two
McMillan up! Strike one, call
ed. Strike two, swung. McMll
lan hit to Boley and was out at
first, Malone went to third.
English np: English filed to
Miller who made a running catch
near the foul line.
No runs, one hit, so errors,
one left.
Athletics:. Dykes up. Malone
was delayed In coming ont from
the bench. He had to have a
drink ot water after bis bat
running. Btrlkt one, called. Foul,
strike two. Ball one, outside,
low. Dykes til d out to English
on a great backhand running
catch in ahort left renter. '
Boley up: Ball one, outside.
Strike one, called. Boley hit to
English and waa thrown out at
Ehmke up: Ehmke went out
on a fly to Cuyler who did not
move to make the catch.
No runs, ao hits, no errors,
none left.
Fourth Inning. '
Cubs: Hornsby up. Ball one,
low. Strike one, called, llorna
by hit to Boley and waa out to
Wilson up: Ball one, low.
Ball two, inside. Wilson fouled
out to Cochrane, near the stands.
Cuyler up: Cuyler hit Into
right field for two bases.
Stephenson up: Ball one,-outside.
Ball two, low. Ball three,
high. Ball tour. Stephenson
wslked on an Inside BUI.
Grimm up: Ball one. Inside,
slow curve. Cuyler scored on
Grlmm'a atngle to center, Steph
enson went to third. Grimm
staved at tint.
Taylor up: Foul, strike one.
It hurt Cochrane'a finger. Steph
enson scored on Tsylor'a tingle
to center. Grimm stopped at
second. )
Malone up: Ehmke was re
moved in favor ot Walberg. a
big left-hander. In four batamen.
Ehmke had permitted three hlu
and a base on balls. Good for
two runt. Ehmke w cheered
as he left the field. Strike one.
called. Strike two. awung. It
was fast. Ball one. high. Ma
lose struck out, swinging hard
at the third strike.
Two runs, three hits, no er
rors, two left.
Athletics: Bishop up. Ball
one, outside. Strike one, csllod.
Ball two, high, outside. Foul,
strike two. Ball three, high.
Bishop hit to McMillan and was
out at tint. McMillan fumbled,
hut recovered to make a light
ning throw.
Haaa up: Foul, strike one.
Ball one. high. Foul, strike two.
Haaa hit to McMillan and was
out at first. The ball was hard
No runs, no hits, no errors,
none left.
Fifth Inning.
Cubs: McMillan up. Ball one.
Inside. Ball two, low. Strike
one, called. McMillan fouled to
Foxx who made a clever catch
near the stands.
English up: Strike one, called.
Foul, strike two. Ball one, out
side. Ball two, low." FouL Eng
lish filed to Bishop.
Hornsby np: Strike one, call
ed. Foul, strike two. Ball one,
Inside. Hornsby struck out on
a called strike. He kicked rigor
ously and stamped hla feet.
No runs, no bits, no errors,
none left.
Athletics: Simmons np. Fonl,
strike one. Ball one. outside,
low. Simmons filed to Cuyler In
deep right almost to the fence.
Foxx up: 8trlke one, called.
Ball one, outside. Strike two,
swunj. Ball two, low. Foxx hit
to Hornsby who fumbled for an
error, Foxx reaching first.
Miller up: Ball one, high.
Foul, strike one. Foul, strike
two. Miller singled to left, Foxx
stopping at second.
. Dykes up: Ball one, high.
Dykes filed to Cuyler who caught
the ball without effort and held
both runners with a quick throw.
Boley np: Strike one, called.
Ball one, low. Boley popped to
McMillan near the pitcher's
No runs, one hit, one error,
two left
Sixth Inning.
Cubs: Wilson np. Strike one,
called. Wilson Uned to Miller,
who picked the ball just off the
Cuyler np: Ball one, inside.
Strike one, called. Strike two,
swung hard. Ball two, high. Cuy
ler hit to Walberg and was out
at first,
Stephenson np: Strike one,
called. Foul, strike two. FouL
8tephenson fanned, swinging at
a curve ball for the third strike.
No runs, no hits, no errors,
none left.
Athletics: Walberg np. Foul,
strike one. Ball one, outside,
low. Walberg lifted to English
in short center.
Bishop up: Ball one, outside,
low.. Malone was using a fast
ball and a fast curve. Strike one,
called. Foul, strike two. Bishop
hit to Hornsby and was thrown
out at first
Haas np: Ball one, high.
Strike one, called. Foul, strike
two. Haaa struck out, swinging
at a third strike. Taylor dropped
the ball, but tagged him.
No runs, no hits, no errors,
none left.
Seventh Inning
Cubs Grimm up: Grimm tiled
out to Haas in left center. Haas
played for him. Taylor np: Tay
lor filed out to Miller in right
Malone np: Malone was cheered.
Malone fouled to Cochrane back
of the plate.
No runs, no hits, no errors,
none left.
Athletics Cochrane up: The
crowd stood and yelled for runs.
Ball 1, inside, low; strige 1, call
ed; ball 2, low, outside; ball S,
Inside, a fast vjne; ball 4, inside;
Cochrane walked. Simmons up:
The crowd whooped: Strike 1,
(Tilled; strike 2, swung; Sim
mons lofted to McMillan. Foxx
up: Foxx hit to English and a
double play followed; English to
Hornsy to Grimm.
No runs, no hits, no errors,
none left.
Eighth Inning
Cubs McMillan up: McMil
lan hit Into right field for one
base. The ball tipped Bishop's
fingers but did not stick. Eng
gllsh up: Btrlre 1, called; ball
1, outside; strike 2, called; Eng
lish ranned, swinging at a third
strike, 11 ova up:. Hornsby
filed Jo Miller In Deep right, Mc
Mlllan held first: Wilson up: Hall
L, high; strike 1, swung; strige
. swinging; McMillan atole sec
ond; ball 1; . Wilton fanned,
swinging at a curve for the third
' No runs, 1 hit, no errors, 1
Athletics Miller up: Ball 1,
high; atrlke 1, called; foul, atrlke
1; Miller popped to English at
ahort Dykes up: Strike 1, call
ed: atrlke 2, called; Dyke filed
to Wilson In center, who made
the 4-atch after he almost lott It
la the sun. Boley up: Ball 1,
tow; foul, atrlke 1; strike 2 call
ed: Holey tanned, awtnglng at a
third strike, curvet! over the
No runs, no hits, no errors,
none left.
Ninth Inning
Cubs Cuyler up: . Blrlk ' 1,
swung; Cuyler hit to Toxx and
was out unassisted. Stephenson
up: Ball 1, outside, foul, atlkt
1: ttlke 2, swung; Stephenson hit
Into center field tor one base.
Grimm up:. Strike 1, called. It
waa a curve: atrlke I, awing.
Grimm fanned on a called third
strike. Taylor up: Ball 1, high:
Taylor tiled to Miller in short
right. ,
No runs, 1 hit, no errors, 1
loft. x
Athletics French batted for
Walberg: French up: Foul,
atrlke 1; strike 2, swung; ball
1, outside; strike 2. French tan
ned, awlngtng. Bishop up: Ball
1. high: strike 1, called; foul.
trlk 2; Bishop hit by third
baa for on base. Haas up:
Haaa bit a horn run over the
right field fence, scoring Bishop
ahead ot him and tying the score.
The Athletlo players literally
mobbed Haaa aa they pounded
him on th back. The Cubs con
ferred about Malone In the center
of the diamond. Cochrane up:
Ball 1, outside; ball 2,- high:
strike one, called: foul, atrlke 2;
fouL Cochrane hit to Hornsby
and waa out at first Simmons
up: Ball 1. inside, high; Sim
mons hit into center field tor two
bases; Foxx up: the Cuba en
couraged Malone: Ball 1. out
side; Malone was about to pur
posely pass Foxx; ball 2. outside;
ball 2, outside; ball 4; Foxx
walked. Miller np: Ban 1. high:
strik I, called; strike 2, called;
oaii z, low; Simmons scored on
Miller's hit Into center field.
Miller was credited with a two
base hit, a -the winning run Vas
on second base. He could easily
nava maae three.
Final Score
Chicago 2 i 1
Philadelphia . 2(0
Official box
Oct. 14. (AP)
Chicago B R
0 2 2 0
1 I 2 0
0 2 4 1
110 0
12 0 0
110 0
1 10 0 0
14 0 0
10 0 0
1 24 10 1
12 0 0
10 0 0
0 10 1 0
2 0 0 0
0 t 1.0
2 0 0
0 0 10
0 12 0
0 0 2 0
0 0 10
0 0 0 0
4 27 0
winning run
McMillan, 2b 4
English, aa 4
Hornsby, 2b-' 4
Wilson, cf , 4
Cuyler. rf 4
Stephenson, If 2
Crimm. lb 4
Taylor, e 4
Malone, p 3
-22 2
Bishop, 2 b . 4
Haas, ct 4
Cochrane, c 2
Simmons, If- 4
Foxx, lb S
Miller, rf 4
Dykes, 2b 2
Boley, st 2
Ehmke, p , 1
Walberg, p .. 1
French, xx 1
.31 2
xx Batted for Walberg Jn th.
-000. 200 000 2
-000 000 003 2
Buns batted in Grimm, Tay
lor, Haas. 2; Miller.
Two base hits: Cuyler, Ma
lone, Simmons, Miller.
Home run:. Haaa.
Stolen base: McMillan.
Double plays: Hornsby and
Grimm, English, Hornsby and
Left on base: Chicago, g;
Philadelphia, 4. .
Base on balls: Oft Ehmke, 2;
off Malone, 2.
Struck out: By . Walberg, C;
by Malone, 4.
Pitchers' records: Off Ehmke,
Although this store waa closed today tomorrow we carry on with our sensational price cutting and
hammering down of prices on all Men's Fine Quality Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Shirts, etc. This is a golden
opportunity to select your winter wear from a giant $75,000 stock of Men's Fine Clothing at prices that
seem rediculous attend. 1 ,
K. Sugarman's Annual Storewide October Sale
A Grand Storewide
(Continue' trot raa Ose
physician's office waa entered
Saturday night or Suuday morn
ing, presumably shortly after the
ear waa blasted.
Medicinal supplies, opiate and
turgery tools were taken from
the cabinets and medicine cases.
polio reported. .
Inveatlgator said they be
lieved one or two other ot the
robber gang carried their Injur
ed confederal to a nearby alley
while entrance waa forced to
the phyalclan'a office, Th fact
that they took surgeona Instru
ments indicated. It was thought
that the men plauned to make a
desperat attempt to aav th
life ot their partner, or at leaat
to niak it unnecessary to apply
tor medical aid.
That Australia Is a little par
tis) to the laboring man la abown
by a law, In fore thr which
provides that In th manufacture
ot any commodity, or la any Un
ot enterprise, th employe mutt
be paid first be for th whole
saler or any other creditor Is al
lowed to ahare In the proceed.
This information waa conveyed
to Klamath Falls by Mr. F. M.
Roughsedge, a native ot Aus
tralia, who, with her husband, re
cently located her. Mrs. Roughs-
edge also stated that ther 1 a
minimum wag seal la her na
tive land, with tlv to tlx dol
lar th lowest amount which any
workman may recalv for hit
service. .
On ot th remarkabl things
about Australia la that th Big
Dipper and North Star cannot be
teen ther. In their stead, the
Southern Cross loom np In the
sky with the bottom star so near
ly la the south that it la used as
a point ot direction.
tContlnutg tram Pace One)
Umatilla county had been con
ducted about the aame tlm Mr.
Mllatead's body waa removed
putxled authorities. Major Omar
Bibcock, superintendent ot the
Umatilla reservation, said he
found at least four graves ot In
dian warrior opened, bones scat
tered about and weapona and
other articles burled with tribal
Indiana misting.
The grave ot Talequot a Walla
Walla brave, who died a' (core
of years ago and that ot Charley
Whirlwind, an Indian medicine
man, who died In 1007 had been
opened and plundered. Major
Babcock aald.
Autborltlea In both cosntlet
believe the desecration 1 the
work of an organized band.
Last night at th big tent cor
ner Seventh and Pine streets, .no
let than 750 people crowded ev
ery available spaos- to hear Little
Jack Van Gundy, believed to be
the world's youngest avangalist
Little Jack brought a very force
ful and convincing messaxe. and
spoke for 40 minutes from the
text: Deut 22:21 "Their rock
I not as our rock, etc." Many
responded to th altar call, which
waa given after the message by
Violet Van Gundy, Jack's little
sister, who will bring a gospel
message at the tent tonight
These meeting will lust con
tinue four nights, closing Wed
nesday night Every service will
ba something very special, and
( hits and two runs, earned in
three 2-2 Innings with It at
bat; off Walberg, 2 hits, no
mns in S 1-3 Innings, with 18
at bat; off Malone, 2 earned
Winning pitcher: Walberg.
Umpires: William J. Kiem,
National, at the plate: William
H. Dlneen, American, first base;
Charles B. Moras, National, sec
ond base; Roy - Van G rattan.
American, third base.'
Tim of gam, 1:42,
Th last caravan ot th sea
son to visit th caves south ot
Malln was led by Captain Apple
late on Sunday, and waa well
Th captain reported a porfoct
day for th trip, and stated that
th trip through th "land ot
burned-out fires," as It waa char
acterised by th author. Town
send Brady, waa interesting. .
Now a national monument, It
Is hoped that means can b had
befor long . to properly mark
notable points and to mak them
acoeaslbl. Th captain remark
ed that th lavs road from Tim
br mountain In Modoc couuty to
th Siskiyou Un la a good nat
ural road, but that ten mil ot
road through th Siskiyou area,
which coatalna th historical la
dlan wall, Bear'a Paw and other
caves, and the volcanlo cones and
chimneys la probably on of the
roughest in California.
Taos attending' on this trip
wr Captain O. C. Applegat,
Orvlll Bralllsr," Ernest Uralller,
Mrs. T..B. Shoop, Mrs. W. J. llor
belt. Mr. and Mrs. George W.
McCollum and Laven and Mel
vlo McCollum, Mr. and Mr. L.
R. Crosby, RusmII. Warns and
Corall Crosby. Haiti Stansbl.
Mr. and Mr. Pater Place. Porter
Place, all ot. Klamath Falls. Oth
er wer Miss Agnes KJellberg,
Tagsa. N. D.; Victoria 8armba,
Clipper, Wash., and Mrs, R, J.
Mlnnler, Eugene, Ore.
(Ceettaoea mat Pur 00
th suit tiled In federal court
haa nothing to do with the pro
testa ot the 1229 assessment.
DeLap Favorabl
Assessor L stated 'that he
talked yesterday to C R. DeLap,
eounty clerk, and that Mr. De-
Lap seamed favorabl to ' th
plans mad to attempt to ttl
th tax protests by arbitration.
DeLap Is 111 and confined to hla
bom with rheumatism, but it
reported as recovering.
With Attestor L th only
member of th county tax qual
ltattoa board on th Job yeater
day, he stated last night that he
had been In conference all day
with the tlmbermtn. He admit
ted that It will be a difficult
task to corns to aa agreement
but states that h believes the
timber owners to b-mtn of
Judgment and also amlcabl to
ward a peaceable settlement He
believe that they, at well aa tho
tax board, will mak concessions
thst will allow th tax matter
to b settled. .
Lm stated laat night that he
and Mr. DeLap, as soon aa b Is
able to return to the office, will
go ahead with th work. Judg
Goddard will be back In a week.
Th county tax board Is now
meeting la special session on
call of the state tax commission
to settle th protest In som
manner. Th board will meet
until th matters are decided Jn
some way.
Members of the stat tax com
mission who met with th board
and th tlmbermen Friday and
heard th high spots In th case,
stat that - th differences, be
tween th two ar not as great
aa they hav appeared to be and
that ther 1 no reason why they
cannot b settled ' by confer
ence. PENDLETON, Oct 14, (AP)
David Millar, Pendleton youth,
died In a hospital her today from
loss ot blood, after bis right hand
had been shot off in hunting
accident yeaterday.
Sunrise .
8 unset
Remember that it la unlawful
to hunt rnrsue, or take any wild
animal, or birds, between sunset
and one-halt hour before sunrise.
in order to handle th crowd th
service will start at 7:45 to
night. Instead of t o'clock, and
ach of th remaining night the
same. The general public. 1s in
vited to hear and ses th fulfill
ment ot prophesy, "A Ilttl child
(ball lead them."
Portland Area Scene
Of Numerous
PORTLAND. Ore., Oct 14
(AP) Accidents claimed th
lives ot tlv persons and Injured
nineteen In Oregon and th south
ern portion ot Washington yes
terdsy, Hunting Victim
John Fisher, 17, Woodlaud.
Wash., high arhool aihlute, wat
killed while hunting ducka on a
slough near Woodlaud by th dlt
rhargo of s shotgun. Fltbvr, ac
cording to conipaulona was til
ting on a lug aud drew tho suu
toward him.
Roy Crick of Dalll Ground.
Wash., waa killed whu a truck
ran oft a highway aud plunged
down a tteop mbankmvut Two
conipaulona ar aald to hav dis
appeared after the accident An
Investigation wss started.
Hit ana Hun Vktiut
Mrs. U D. Beach of Longvlew,
Wash., victim of a hit and run
motorist waa uucontclous in a
hospital at Longvlew. after she
suffered a fractured leg and
other Injurlea.
Edward Snyder, Eugene, Or.,
died In a hospital ther after bis
automobile minted a nw brldg
on th McKenil highway. Two
glrla and another man riding
with him wer Injured.
MinUter Killed.
Th Rev. L H. Wood. 17, re
tired minister ot Galvln, Wash.,
waa killed when his car collided
Ith another machine drven br
Robert 8. McAndrewa. W. 11.
Robinson, riding with Wood, was
Injured. McAndrew waa arreated.
Harold Ip. It, of Fords
Prairie, Wash., died In a 'Cen-
tralla hospital after he had bean
ttruck by as sutoniobll driven
by Charie Shunk.
Injuries Xameroas.
Mlaa Lsla Hlgdoa and her
mother, Mrs. Leltba Hlgdon ware
Injured seriously near Taklma,
Wash., In a collision with aa an
tomobll driven by Edgar Lock
wood. Near Grant Past, Or., three
automobile piled up on the Pa
cific highway and resulted In the
Injury of thre men and alight
hurts to four other motorists.
Dick Dlmmlck. 2, Portland.
Buffered a fractured leg whan he
wa struck by sn automobllt
driven by William J. Kuthak.
Mrs. I. E. Hooker, Portland.
suffered injuries when eh fell
from a street car and Mr.
George O, Snider Buffered a pos
sible fractured akull when an
automobile In which ahe waa rid
ing skidded on gravel near Dun-
do, Ore.
T. J.
1121 Main Street,
Ceaght from colds may lead to et
tious trouble. You can stop then
aow with Creomulsion, aa mulsified
creosote thst It plesssnt to take,
CrtODulslon is medical discovery
with two-fold action; it soothes and
boa Is ib mBsmed membrane nd in
hibit arrm growth.
Of all known drugs creosote Is reo
egaised br high medical authorities
at on jTlb greatest healing agencies
lor cough irom colds sua Broacnm
Irritations. Creomulsion contains, la
addition t creosote, other healing
Mondnv. Octohpr 14, 1020
i .. .11 i i -' ..'n js ' '' '
(OontluiM tram rut Onel
70 nil let per hour at Muu fuel,
Willi a orulilug upend ut 03 miles
an hour. At Hilt cruising anted
It waa esllmuted the ulralilp
should bo aiilu to fly In still air
a dlstauco t sumo nil I it
without refueling, wltli a normal
commercial load.
The R-101 It fitted Willi en
gines using a heavy oil, the pur
pose being to reduce Hit fir
biisard atteudant upon th us
of gaaollno. Engineers ar par
ticularly Interested lu (lelennlii
1111 i ho drxroe of efficiency reach
ed by these motors,
Th airship la designed lo
carry luo pasauufaia, luggage
and tun tuns of mall. It hat a
dining room capable of teatlng 50
persons at time.
Corrections To
(I) There la a couuler missing
hetwau figure leu and twenty..
Ill There ar four ball on the
Uililo, lusteiid of three. (3) Tho
men cau't play. Uiree-ciuhlon lill
llardt on a luuil table. (4) In
th tint conversation, Hi apot
troph In bow's Is in the wrung
place. (6) Th acramblrd word
la pumpkin. ,
Made For
Beautiful Women
Hoautla who guard their com
plexions us MKLLO-OLO Fc
Powder only. Famous for purity
Its coloring matter Is approved
by th Uovuruniest Th skin
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oanc foT25
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MILLIONS o rouNtis
Have more call for
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Klamath Fa I In, Oregon.
element which soothe and besl th
Inflamed membranes and stop th ir
ritation, while th creosot got ea t
th ttomtch, b absorbed late th
blood, attack th scat ef lb trouble
and checkt the growth of aba germ,
Creomulsioa is guaranteed talisfte
lory la the Irettment of coughs Iron
colds, bronchitis trad minor lonna et
bronchial irritations, and it eioailrat
for building op the syrtere titer cold
or flu. Money refunded if not re
lieved (iter liking tccordlng to dlreft-
tiona, Ait your druggist, tsdv.)
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