PAGE FOUR- GJf turning IHmtUl O. 0. Crawford r. b. KBfiith Edlter Buelnee Manager tiTE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS.' OREGON V a .11 --..t I IMIIIl-mK.1E TIMELY QUOTATIONS FROM PEOPLE IN THE PUBLIC EYE "We nuit meet new kind of Publib4 vr ft.rsoea eael Sunder k Tke SUrald rakueklag i uh-... kl..l. 1... Oeaiaeay l lei-Ill klk rifia "fHl, at la ma I ru, urasoa. " " . uliar at tha Meiotfleo kl Klamatk ralta. Oresoa, Augu.1 ie, uaoer mi m vwinu, una e, On fur. IE Meaia. r II thre Mantkt On alealh in. tit llallMMi a CmiIm Ob f" 811 ThrM Moatm i l.H OB MBklk . AMOotATcu rnasa ixiud wiaa mcjikikiii audit auaicAU or ciacuLATion OoTrdor Rootevelt of New York. "Th eniet difficulty of tor eaitlng nowaday la to announce k drakik Of tha tutor qnlekly sough ao that jroa will not re- eeiv. k catalogue of It fa the But ail." - m' Roger W. Babsoa. "To tr everybody who aika 1 1 kk Injustice, bweaue ottan In thla fmlilon on take It away from a nor deaervlng one." . John D. rockefeller. a "All of na bar latent power untold wtthla ourselv ft w will only waka thm up." Harry A. Ovtrttreet. a a "Dreary, aacond-rat Urea r a mar frequent skua of mental dlaorder than overwork or dis aster. Dr. Edward Mopother. Hwktl af Ik aiwUM fll Ta iustliui Praia I atltld I Ih M Of twpabttea- lis ot all a.w. di.pateba eradiiad ( II ar aol atharwta ordiu4 la (hi. napar, and alio ih lonl .w. e.allah.d tk.rain. All rlsku t ra- kaoucauoa oc epacial m.p.ica. a.raia r ia raaat-Taa. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1929 Why Not In Oregon, Too? T'HB opening of school thu week brings to mind to parents who must foot th bills the time hinored snd much mooted question of free text books. This question has been before the legislature, it has been agitated by different societies, and so far as any one ffnows it is still far from becoming a reality in this state. But why should Oregon hold back on the matter j of free text books when the plan has been tried and de clared a success in neighboring states? Why should the people of Oregon continue to psy tribute to the text book publishers, who, by a system of propaganda, man ipulate the text book commission in a manner to cause frequent changes in the courses of study, thereby caus ing a financial burden to be placed upon the individual and adding handsome profits to their business? This appears to be but one of the trusts that has the state by the throat and it is one abuse that should receive the constant attention of school patrons until the legislature sees fit to act favorably upon it. t, .'Not Hard and Not EasyU DAILY LETTER ON AFFAIRS AT U. S. CAPITAL It Wt no Hard' to IniW. nil Why PP Want to Ho Vic rrraltlent Whoa Yoa Me. What Unci. Baaa Hnda to Kcr View rival doaUal Aato la Oood Trim (By RODNEY Dl'TCHK.H) 1 tJit hwvicw Writer) Juit hrakaa, two front aprlni slip, larallnr right front corner of car, honlni cylinder block, In atallluf alloy platoo aeaambllae and turbo cylinder head, tighten ing mala and connecting rod bearing, cleaulni carbon, grind ing vaivee, tuning motor, ra newlni tlmlus ehaln, adjuatlns toot brake, robuehlug torque arm, adjusting plnloa abaft Cleaning gaioiin and vacuum tank, renewing dutch raalng and eplder platva. filling uiilvoraal Jolnta, renewing oil In trans mission and differential, lubrl Frlflny, Soptombor fl, 1020 i 3 " "" . "" 'mm 1ST" ' "" 7T" T1 " t a io 1 Tj , "7 . j i " "" 'mmm ifc u """" " i JwT iTHj - I . I I ! I Li - z P.- I, r M 1 I r 1 -l-U" MOaiSOKTAI. KwrU. J r,un mm4 mtrT.r "Dear Mr. Editor;. pASHIONEBS of editorial shafts seldom have the sat- isiacUon of knowing whether their feathered darts hit the center of the target. Doubtless some of them do, while others skirt the edges or fly into the air, speedily to be forgotten. An editorial writer may spend hours in patient delv ing, that his pronouncement on the futility of vast arma ments as an international policy may carry conviction, and then wait for the response of interested readers. Slight indication is forthcoming that his pertinent obser vations have been pondered, much less translated into personal reactions. He trie again, using this time a plea for a larger ap preciation cf the League of Nations, and has the per- S rWtkwMl POVtkMlw 13 " nr v U Mark- wltk Ptkk 13 T I4W klato. m It T tmiL T T gtcatfrr. J T wast, hf 59 Part i T.'k Jy VESTKRDAV9 ANSWERS ' !1 V ' WBancAa,: 1 . f 4 am. k T awak S T rwa Mhr. Nli S i rT ri.r Umt, aa wan it. S3 Mar. S TrlaMxl. . ra l'ii.. e T ara wllk w A cHE6C6AlL6b a m i E Ta b ALT lw N iLZiSiTllJfpI IF O, 5 DTP A N Q ES JAD i tTT JSQA RT IHE e" t sV4m e t r Tie r ' E NmE f Ji eat) IDE EOSl iD RE ma1bkEI A"g It In u e T rlaer. a Hmmr. a KatlT aar tii. w- Zt Tkr 4vV k T wrrfarat; Tw rlaaally.l X NaMln. IT Oalf f SS Oraai Mir. Ur. aia.' i a A all. at h,r MIM IM M !. .IS K.rj. 37 Kaiil.tatbHt aw T m. THOUGHTS STATE AFFAIRS (OoBttawat rroiii rara Ob I each and auch a atate by tha tonal satisfaction of knowinir that ha had said something I chair, but now come the qn onnoH-noKv hmt ha aoiM 1 1. I llon oi oanaiing in uoy mem assures oim ne has done a good job, but practically all I according to th KaUon'a Bnai- hfs readers remain silent Perhaps they heartily asrree. Inw in a recent write-up ot the .... . , - .. , . .... laltuatton, that the ipeakar of Ana men one aay in a laceuous mooa ne m Qltes a lth, houaa of renreaentkClTea ahall happy-go-lucky essay on "Bread Pudding," "On Pro- u th expresaion tor both men aouncing Blueberry,". New Fashions for . Men," "Has "4 womn a reeogniaing them xt. 'tiii,h in. . ,x. ... ., aa th "member" from auch outiuary iivoaianiaT nigmi ew ana sener noises, ni ach a atate. and almost Immediately letters from readers anpear in the editorial maU. Some approve, some disapprove B ALL her mucn iovt which is as it should be. The chief end of an editorial .Tl!Lg llf Hl'J0'. is to arouse thought, to capture understanding and fancy I enatomer, but sow come the for a brief moment. And so this written expression of """ " B0 ' " a reader's friendly concern brings encouragement to the ti,at ma engaged in making COltoriai pen. land aelllng powder, rouge, aoap, Letters from the field are indeed heartening messen- "d, " JT gers that bring interesting tidings. They constitute some la eaatomar do with a package of the best editorials in any newspaper, since they are otteni for generally written with sincerity of purpose and with ZlTrS: earnestness oi conviction. IT they avoid personalities and dred minioa dollar wui be apent stick to the issues involved, letters to the erlitnr riava a 1 Americana thla year on aoap. wir nt olarn'n (Ii. .t J i. i.i.--- "MUO " "" ,aiiora uae 10 recrivs mem, u lor no other reason than that the noe appeal la powerful to know definitely that their editorials are being read, lu aiemaiuihip not complacently sampled or ignored. , So if any reader feels disposed "to take his pen in hand," and address makers of editorials, he may be sure that a welcome awaits his communication, for in this way only may a newspaper know that it is finding an audience. LETTER GOLF WASH1NQTON, 8pt. I. I eating and kdjuitlni front wheel soma peraon atlll wonder why bearing, removing headllahla anyoa want to become vIcelatralKhtcalnf, renlckellng and re present ot th United State. I placing, ' renewing dutrlbutor nut artar reading th moat r-l point, renewlua on connectlni ceni repon ot th aecretary of I rod on exchang baata .1. . . . . i ma aanaia oocomea a little I rih .u n.... i.... . . BW .VI. IH,I eaaier 10 unaoratand. few ,of the little expenaea during On retere particularly tohnr month. Anyone who ..t,., page or nn kp want to know aom of th wherela la lUted th xpae In- oth.r thing that hi. own auto eldent to the maintenance ot th mohllk prolwhly need or who vTv kuiomooii. I ia ,hort ot tdeaa on how to run which la on ot th Tarloui x-lup , ,xp,BM account may irMi. .. conaalt th kfre-mentlond r- wtivwauvw ta , ODW WllnArt. JAAA . . L . .1 - ' ii.B aaa iaw axpena account referred to aata nn all but ai at ot that ilia. It thla coat of YOUNfi OUAKFRS ..iHimun w a r w ITOiniK OK coura. hardly aayoa would b able to afford automobile a ad moat ot th factories would 'bar to do down. it iwwea- Hard Lark OSKALOOSA. low. Sept. on pmw poor Mr. Chrle G. I f API -A threatened rebellion ot u a w a v peaian unaemanaing oung onakerUm agalnat th con. mora aaauy wny a would Bare rratlra method ot their elder beta willing to tak orer the loomed today following th pro- new pra.iu.ncj again. ior o -ounoement at v.trda-a now operates hla car at hia own .mn of th ail-Amerlcan mead axpent la London and th ex- eoBferne that tha old Quaker pen, account about to be de- pr,eMc oh,0i.t. ,n4 lauvu sa vuw iroui Air. uiwei i efficient. REBEL AGAINST CONSERVATISM Mr. Curtte, covering th flackl year 1S17-2S. n appaara that th garage and repair ahopa had to do Jut Two young pita from tha Pa. clfle coast, leader la th annual meetings In their atktea, Hood toge'her In tha aaaerMon that QUIPS AND QUIRKS OF AMERICANS Itoborl QullUa' ruluted tfa llr ami llrnml lluiuur UIm Rnfroahlng View ot Unman Trails. , boot 181 aeparat and dtatlnct "TnB"! ad ar clamorlsg iwi w cuausw IB I u7 war Trank W. Dell, Whlttlar, Calif., and Edward ilolt of Ore- OOLF O.X POMES A POLO GAME len't nauklly played on golf links, but It can be la letter golf. Par la fir, and one eolation la on pag S. P O I L I Q G I A liM ,E ' THE RCLK8 1 Th Idr of Letter Golf I to chaag on word to another aad do It In par. a given number ot atroke. Thna to change COW to HEN, la tare (trokes. COW. BOW, HEW HJLN. . I Ton change only on lat ter t a Urn. I Ton most have a compltta word, of common nsag. for each lump. Slang words and abrevla- tlont don't eonnu 4 Th order of letter cannot b changed. On eolation Is printed on pag ighu-. Ther ar Ii counties In South ern Ireland and ( In Northern Ireland. thlnga to hla antomobll la It months, each on ot w h I o h thlnga coat money. Ot courae. th largest Item of xpeoi ta th chauffeur, who by I Raymond Blnford, pre. act of eon grew 1 paid II.II a(nt ot the Guilford (North Caro- year. But oh, how th little I Una) eollrg mad a pica for a thing do mount np. liar are I change In quaker educational few ot th lupply Item: I method. Introduced th personal On bar of aoap T i.TII element Into It teaching, Tea yard of cheeaecloth 1.50 One chauffeur'a uniform with extra pair of trous ers ,, On chauffeur' cap On wblak broom On pair glorta One chamois skin One cushion . One pair goggles Wiping cloths . ";SS ..fcM3 ? contoin no fillers, adulterants, arti- ot th Ificial flavors or artificial colors. Cleaning, preaalng aad re pairing nnl form aad overcoat II. SO Merely keeping th car cleaa, excluding attention to th mo tor and counting pollah, paint, wiping clotha, and ao on, eoet a tolal In- tha tu, a! S9S1 !IK Th.. mciude. th. o-c.nt whi.k Guaranteed to In September It waa decided to reproduc. th gowrnmen aeal on th. rear doors of the automobile and the bill for that waa $60. : And her ar aoma other thlnga that had to be done for th car, as carefully Item ised la th aecretary' report: Packing stuffing bog on left front ibock abaorber and fill with glycerin, tighten left front hock aborbera, laclnding clamp bolt to front axel, cleaning and adjusting d a 1 c o points, adjnat teering poat to eliminate rattle, repair left tonneaa curtain spray right front fender where cuffed, vaonum eleaa ear, re move and repair left front ahock abaorber again, repair tire, re new radiator filler cap gaaket front wheel, r p a e k water pump, renew fuellxer wire, re new radiator if Her cap gaaket. adjuat Land brakes, change oil In crankcaa, renew right brac ket on foot reef, rellne and ad- BM-147 Bom ot the foot Hunt filer aren't klr-mlnded. There's , ao air In a vacuum. , " i Th Indian war dance eeiua ralber foollih, but at )at thy doa't yell: "Yo-de o do do." The world' champion Idiot la in on wno seea others being caught and atlll think h never will be. Another objoctlon lo hanging la that It eeeine ao Inadequate for thna who need It. In It effort to make louth border Jolrtl reapctbl, Mexico ha ruthleaaly ralaed the price. A husband la k man who cornea horn two hour lata and wonders whv In Ihnnila him arlr got bark. Ther ar wt and dry slatls- tlca lo abow vrythlng exoapt th number ot drlnka reluctantly accepted by gueeta who doa't want to em queer. . . Of courae. Providence protect us. You know It lin t good 4rir Ing that keeia tha uumberuat wreck so low. ,t.i As a laat deaperala effort" to arrive at an equitable dlitrlbu. lion ot reparation, they might hake die. Amerlcknlam: "There' cele brity; let' go annoy him." City man. 11: "Wbatl Spending our tax money to pro tect Vlorlde ,'frniera from th fruit fly I" City man, 1 e 3 U : "What! A dollar for an nrang. and four blta for s toiualol" Th. poor (lab who buya tak. oil atock la like lb. big on. In Ih. lake. It la taught by liar, too. If Ih situation la to kep gat ling woraa, wouldn't It be ohoaper Juat lo build a Hon wall around the wbola country and call It Jallf ' flrldj lan't wholly uaalwe. ardln flaharmen ar privileged lo feed thnuaanda of married men who one at roaal. Iloraaa, too, become loauparabl companion, but Bot wbll loafing la paatur. Only when they work together. With men Ilk Mr. MacDonald and Mr. Hoover la power, natlone raa live In perfect peace ao long they hav nothing lo rau about. I niuat all p on tomathlng and gat down stairs quickly," cries a popular aoval heroin. Try a banana peel, lady. Correct Ihl utnc: "I'd atlll tbluk hlia great," aald Ih yee-maa. "It h ahould fir aie." KLAMATH FALLS CHILOQUIN STAGE LINE ttiaa. B. Howard, irop 3 ROUND TRIPS DAILY Lra Klamath Mll :UO a. aa, I at: So, SiSU p. bl lav ChlloqalB BlSO a. Bin Si 10, 7 1 00 p. Bl Wo Hao Stage for Hiro Kroaotoy Hafetv Ooufort A drink that cheers and refreshes Delicious lemonade is so quickly and easily made . Fsw drink ar ao rtfreahlng, oollag and ao heelthlul oa warm aummer daya and eve ning aa lemonade made correctly. Lemonade la loved by children and adults, and It may be made In a Jiffy. W went to the farnoo California Frail Grower for th following perlect recipe I Juice from lemons) H lo I cap ugsr 6 ' eap cold water. Put eugar In pitcher, add lea ar anui angar la auiolvtd: add lemon a iule "d " lmmdUlly, sugar I nature e upr.m flavorer. It anakea frulu. .ihlaa taltred MitMal AtCrU a" intereeled In having avtryon aat proper diet point oat bow ia'a'AaVoMr"' W""d "idlclouVua. It augaT A,J?Ji!!k.1inlI,jl! o erl. make th. benenalal food enjoyable to children end adalu. Sugar make it noeeible loVu. ?.dlru.,.",o, iutM -i-pp'o. vtmuSs Tt an7d.l?l?a?i."2m!" ookl "V" recentlr ndlacovered an old A dih of eager la vegetablee while ther are cook. Ing tnak. theM viumla and mln.rl fowd. ae , o4 h, at. . everyone can now enjoy them. A daah oHuV, ioi. aoi mk th. vegetablee tail. aweM. On tha contrary:iYodoDe7l their natural v.gM.b 1. fl.,or oih.rwl. h .ulaSrgS l" ilir 'iil" ' ""A ,!f?, "okln, weget.bliT.ri5 Juit,,u,'lr,nCt 000d 1004 'ro,' " S Why The British Protest TT has been the tendency fa America to blame the British government rather severely for its recent strenuous protest against the reparations settlements as provided in the. Young plan. There are several important points to remember, how ever. At previous reparations conferences it has always been England that has had to make the concessions. Eng-1 land has settled her war debts at a far higher rate than France has. England has suffered much more from the post-war depression than have her allies. , it All fa all, it is small wonder that the British have felt moved to protest. Americans would do well to study the situation a little before passing judgment ,v t "The pen is mightier than the sword," and now that the P. E. N. club has taken steps to establish next year an Institute of Literature fa Washington along the lines of the Williamstown Institute of Politics, with the pur pose of furthering world peace and a better understand ing between England and the United States, it looks as though the P. E. N. should make the pen truly effective Jn proving its might - Even the vacation failed to help Now that the navy dirigible Los Angeles has suc cessfully towed an airplane in midair, and will try to do the same with six in line, will the train look like the tail to a Titanic kite, or will it resemble a modern roc mothering a strange brood? When they went on their vacation, they thought the . rest and change would re store their health and vigor. Yet, when they returned. they were no better off than before th.y went awayv Listlessly he went back to his buaineae. And (he won dered if she would ever re gain her youthful beauty and health. What a city they didn't know that conattpation was the cauae of their tin happi ness. Headache,' fatigue, bad complexion are a few -' of the symptoms. If allowed ' to continue, seriou illneaa often occur. Yet there is a prompt and effective wav to banish this eviL Kellogg' ALL-BRAN i guaranteed to relievo and prevent constipa tion safely. Onfji ALL-BRAN ftVes maximum raullt It is bulk that relieves constipation. Kellogg' s ALL-BRAN supplies bulk in genarou quan tity. In a part-bran product the amount of bulk is tuually too small to be completely off active-' That's why doctor recom mend ALL-BRAN. Kellogg' ALL-BRAN is to tally different from danger ous drugs fend pills whoso doe must be constantly in creased to be effective. It works a nature works. - A pleasant cereaL Serve ' with milk or cream. . De licious with fruits or honey added. 1 Use it in cooking too. Mix it with other cereals. Try It in soup. Just eat two tablespoonfula daily chronic eases, with every meal.' Th health of the entire family can be .maintained by serving ALL-BRAN in some form every day. Kellogg' ALL-BRAN ia sold by all grocer. Served at hotels, restaurants. On .diners. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. Add to signs of the times gone by; the old brewery Bhinir that tinne ntrWrl tv imlnnrm. . - ALUBRAN ALL-BRAS $zm airSs Gumrmnimmdt MUmm't ALL-BRAN Ii with M .av4 fMV gmmranti f it trtortf Mr to tfrtf tori. - it ate fiat rUwv9 Httipmtimn tty, im milt rmtwnd th MTa f Aw pritu I J3 UtmastinWk tpSmartness in IheeSfioesm S-vi rA Wonderful Arrty of Wt 1 Vvk FALL FOOTWEAR W i'A ra - yh 53 Blue Suede,-Kid, UzzwtjC .',,'' 't& 5 . Black Kld, Satin; SUe 41 a "... i Y) 1 xJy Brown Kid, Lizzard, Suede. ; ' J ' Combination lasts. j Y ' J i Sizes 2 to 11. 5 I H - ' AAA to EE. V- PVA ':'v fit the hrd to fit feet" J fllpX '3.98 to 7.85 V- l-feh. ' BUSTER, BROWN jOE STORI j v -mmsm w-ilW a J;TU. -CeV-.' JIT