riN Pour THE EVENTNO nETvATiD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ' " Rnhmlnv, Dcf ember S, H2ft" Eutntistg Hcrato T. a MAI.AHKBT. r. H. KN'IUHH ..Bualnaae Manager Fabllakad avary bfiamnnn atpt Sunday by The ".rata PubllehUuj tbU-a" at IM-ll. Houlh Klflh atr..U Klamath Falls. Or.b. Bul.r.4 a..i.d claaa maltar bl Ilia I.loffk at KIK'b ajalla. rba Tor . mm Montka Thraa Moolke Ob Moath ar nu , t.tb 0ltvr4 kr Crtfct On r.ar M Bli atoniha Tbra fclonlha -' Ona ktonib i H. R.RISLEYIS' STATE MANAGER FDRP.T.ANQT. AaSOf'IATKII l-HI0 I.KAKI WIHBI RKH UK AI'IMT Ml MKAtl K VIHtV 1-ATlOaT 4k. Aasoelataa' Pr.aa la .ielu.iv.lr cntlllod lo lha aaa br '""J; labile-tie- at aoaela.1 dlapalohaa haralb bra blae raear-ab. Appointment U'Announc ed in Portland; Word Received Here ' cAt The (!hurcries r'lr-l Oinrch of OiH Helen 'tlx, 10th and Washington. Sun day school at :4i a. m.; Sunday service. ., subject. "Ood the Only Cause and Creator." I WoJnesdny evohlu. mwllin bl 8 o'clock. Free readlns room anil free lending lilirnry open f mm ;J:30 to 4:30 on Tms.lay. 'Thtirs jdav and Saturday. Tho public la cordially Invited lo attend the .services and use tho reading, .room. Sorrvd Heart 1iuri'h. 8th and ; I You Miss j; Your Paper To giro our aulisorlhara i , heller .orvloa we have V i nmdn arrangement for a l I J i special inoaaoiigor lo deliver , 1 . 1 niH'ra that novo ho. ii !i hiIkmhI by olir regular ' , carrlivw. , i -1 If ymi should lull In I 1 ri1v your iwpor mil, 1(10 1 ' wiwn 7:30 p. m. nnd 10 ' p. m. mid ona will l bnt , , J i out ut ! 1 1 IS I. SEAVER IMPROVING IS New Notct of Keno Di trict Told by Evening Herald Correspondent LOUD APPLAUSE IS REGISTERED BY INVENTION I I'Ol.t'MIII'H, t) llw. K, (AIM I di'vlio nibilH nt Dhlo. Siiil niilvorKliy nii'iKnura llif mil'lim!' of nn uudli'iiin, I'miwm won't 'nan II, Homo of llo l'li " " illioii'd liy iuriniliiHi In Hi" I'oiiKri'Mtoiuil rvt'oril iirnvr would 1 ri'UliT oil llio uinihllio. Mr. II. mado aliiie inanaRpr of the ri-l- SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8,. 192S "They Say" tiri,,e"'''n- im;'Kn,''naK,,' ,t our.orrl.-. toi me i a c i i i r , cn-I(nre " KMi'Uil lo Tin' llorolil . (ViIiiia Hnoloono, rnrrwiiondi'iill KKNO, Hoc. K-Mr, Ida Hon vor, who hiiH Iwon rltlrnlly III tor Ihn iiiI aovoml iw'k, In r''l""'l d rirv iniifh Iniprovod. J i lin .Nfi'dnublior. Iiln 'kHiiillh f.ir tho IV J. I'ni'kcll louuln rom- All ar rorllnllr wli'Orar Union?" "Whnt l iitTry for ttuny. ri'luriiod Tuowtiiy from lila , ,;i : Ian il Wood Extra Dry Slabi Mi'cmolOlfi-W Ike Larkcy IIKIlAt.ll fl.AHSIKIISn AD9 I Km llltlNCI IIKMIII.TH . ... . . t moil, to In ti'r. 'Amont tho mill- R. Rlley h n '' e' mM,o.'l t':M. tHudo of pro-onl-duy rillKloii ...". ,.,.o.;. .i.,v.i , ruin, hut l 0110 to ihoinK?" "Hv fir Tolonhono and ToloarbBh com-; ' : 1 .ni,lhui modltiin or biilhorltv ard w pany for the aiate of Ornton. be. m , ,, ,tln, ailn. to .lol.Hiiln tho ionll.il III ro- rordlRH .to word rw-Wvod by Mr. " . oor.llnllv wol.omo Union?" Whnt la no-oianry for noraonal aiilvallon?" Thoso pop- j,(,,no ai Hnaohurii, whor ho on- nlar ntiorloa will bo lvn nnld-1 ,,., Thunkailvln 1. Imnmnuol ItantM liuivli. lllh iorallon by Mr. Womoll n Kro i.iron, Klmuiilh conn- In lit ontlllod. "T'io I Sand." Tho public , Itoiiiliir aor y morn' jTelenraph company tonight. Ho I i . j ..1 ,.h,.r.a (,f nil I11A. rrllEY SAY that Governor Patterson is preparing to ,PParimoni of tho " Call a special election following the 1929 legislate -company In the ,tate. t !Bd7mooUK for'mon an.l b.y. I- ''- ' : J Surely this is a mistake; aurely the governor of this 'm;; ",t rnTnx. Th, .(oi .;n nnt nnlv discourage another special Oil IV " ... but; will disapprove of one even though the legis nuLfl for it MoVino- rIbIa nolitics a continuous business apparent mission of certain people in Oregon, hence nt stt trnvernment If the. legislature is to be a factor in the state, why have special elections following each session to undo what that body has done? If special elections are to continue, why have any leg islature at all? 'i ti... ?ht in cnoolfino- tnr tVi fiovemor. we believe, . UDC ' 1IW . - " .-- . j ar talking without proper facts when they say he will; m th. ute call a special election. ! It all hinges on the automobile license revision. The tamperers have begun their work on the well balanced automobile code. Wait until they get through and if th! machine is not out of balance with every cylinder knocking, while a bunch of legislative mechanics stand by 'and realize they have failed to put the parts together correctly. ' ''We do not think the highway and automobile laws Dvii aavArl hilt VA do believe the v are better right now than they will be if the legislature opens them up for the full authority i designation. . moawicca are IntoroatlnK i Dt.inif h,. tuin O rrion 1 . . . i -.. - i. ....... mi. j - 'lorfOllll. ana luvpiinmr . , . vision commercial manager of . h n(th, Tho pub:ic la in- rU"1 u' ' lri-h ! . HI 111 .IU. Ol tv auporlntondi'iit. tnmln a visit lo the Kono Rrudo arhool on od noiiilny. Tho Konn lloy H.outa. who ro conlly oranlod. hoi a hualnoaa. nicotinic on Wedneday iiftornoon. Ilr Tlllun and friotld molori".!' over from Ahtnnd on Friday io hunt diiika nn tho Klamnil rlvor. Mr. and Mm. HnlohMa anil children nint-irod lo M.rillim' mill nn ThuraiUv. whore Ihov jaocnl Thankajlvlnit with Mr. an t Mi Ivy Johnainn and chiinron. Mr. and Mr. Ilotohkiaa roconlly manor wiini : . . ihiiiMr in numr ui hid run, . ...... nmlloi! In the; . . Vlun a l.ullicrnn nmrcli, i.in. m.l .im.1 n w llnfrmun. lial- tor. - SOIIuiav acnuji ami ni""' division commercial manager 01 ,n(f M(,h n(th, Tho pub:ic la in- r""'" ' hl",V ... jur,haed tho Kenn-atom former- tho. company ain.e last Marcn. d , ,rirM. " - - " ',,.., of . ly owned by T. J.rnitner r,...i. ,h., Hm. ha haa become' . . . apeak nn Tho Sooond ComliK of Mnrtlnaoii ouma I ... ih.i ... . chriai." Kvonlnif aorrlco at telephone aervlce uainu a KlanmUi KnIU l.ullicrnn riiurrii. i -- ., ce and properties, chnmb,r of Commer.e room..', f',r,0 ,,',:.pl V ' U the advance- b ,on Sund ,,., ,nd by Faith . . HunH Miirtlnitoii tmiuc Iowa th -I....- I kU nine hiva.1 fi'iitn hlat Abnihum JuNttflml m nn itl xv ... nil I il llltkla .'lit Mat , M atab alllfttlhttbl ment to tho new position of ..ate te ,t l0:30. Our,""'' LrTitr? to II n ? ou Mr " M'"" U Wl r...r h. will have reportlnni ...J t, . ...,. ou are Invllei to alien i our aer i ,..,. ni,.(,r,.i lo Klamath utatiHfivi - tinnay Wruwil lawi j amv rs f to him the divlaion manasera ofpr((rjr SundT. nrliiK your chll-lv"'M ... Ir'"- Wortnoadar to attend the all-the operatlnic departmonta In i dren and attend aervioea at the! , luurrul of Mr. Aiiiloraon'a brolh- .1.1. .t.is 1 ! .i r r , i.,u. I Pn-ahiiprlnn fliurcli. Sunday, , wultnr J. Andoraon, The new Oreson atate man- lor . 9: 4". a. in.. Hun-iy bc iuhh. .;,. .uiaM 4une t roaaen apom n . i.i. i.i.niuiiu 'nwN: a . a Interoatina lo every a Jo. 11:0" BRCr WKOll -v., --. , - - i.. In 190J at Jamestown. -ew ; B1 nr, vnlHcontil fliiircli. m.. mornim wor.iui. v i. I- kt. Knvhnnd homo. In ; ,. e-i..... iiw ohhht aih nr 1 ionic. "Kingdom .u.a -- ,,1,1,. r..... - - - . - .-. IS01 he became manager or ; j(criiiii. Rev. J. Henry Thomaa. , me it"v. n. . '" - telephone company at Meads- pnnno sj.r. Holy Communion tt'.oo. Xlolntvre at t.ie pliio organ: in n. .m4 In ltlOX mOVOO IO o kbt..! .rvA4 In'antncm DV ino rnuir. vin'- vine. v ai o '" uito.i"-' - - . U . . t. rt no. . . idar evening vlaltlnx with Miaa aorninn rvoella Wllann. I Ktockhnldera," , , . ,, Nl,Uon .x. ! buaiiiena railora In Kluiuath Fulla I on Monday. , j MlBa Auauata Piirkoll. who h.ia SPECIAL Sunday Dinner a Kt'rved 12 noon until 8 p. m. We servo the best foods, ineparetl in a sanitary kitchen by expert chefs. COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS Pelican Grill Mar Pine Tree -Theatre . k. . . . I . v. Mn.n II eoab Ku'fllU 1 V O'lT . . . a a . t. ntt Mnntana. wnero ue - nartah Knni. nrtt-rwArciA! s u.'no .hp in ma norinfrn urv i m- iA.itAi vith ihr Mon-ib. w .u i. . m m .rninnThop." Shllpy. :10 p.m. 1 1 1 ft tl I -.. ,h ,- r. ftt.irno1t t j TAlanhnnn com . .1 - .rhei.tUn .a-hinl rhrlfltlun Endeavor. 7.30 1.,. Thitnlfbtivlrii, with laua luucirruucii praj Pr, IPrmuu mruir, v ua in " I 11 Jin u n bi'ruu v ----- - A aoa In tnr HA HP- i , . .. v. a .k. 1i I K 1 1 1 , T In.. ATPll III K UTUrnillU. tana lnaepenaeui ivj.i- prayer, snrmon lofnif, i nnmi ui " . .... t . a raw vhiin inier do wiii n k . . A .i ,,nAn ka iiihiimi d. ni.. i'-. -111111, iuif tinkering. . - . I "..;.',. mndent n.l"""RL. .7. ' .v " , ' , .clonal alnalnit. Topic. . . - . came mauaai w. - aiaiemeni, i am mm - . k, ,. ,. , Q : .11. - . . . ,t t. MMitnna ...... . . ... L'nml ra nt the Northwa-at. by S. T; iTeiepnone proptniCT - -- charse not." i.-ia. ciaaa in P"- - .... .. ainai reiiRioa ana inrisuan uoai- . - ..,,..i. . in plrloriiil aurvey of the oulpoaia, I a i of the Klticd :m. made ry one 01 WE LISTENED to J. D. MlCkle last evening ai "eniey Kdqarter9 ,n Spoine. Wash- Flrs 0mprh t ,Bd:it. moat daunilo ponaora. on Conere- Mickle's Value TE LISTENED to J. D. Mickle last evening at Henley 'whan ho tnlH cf his trin to Eneland to attend the international dairymen's meeting, and we renewed our allegiance to Mickle. President Coolidge' thought enough of1 his work as dciry and food commissioner of Oregon toi'select him to represent this nation at the London meeting, and the President usually has a man well sized up before, he confers such honors. jr. D. Mickle's work in this state over a period of years has brought fine results and placed Oregon well to the front in the - dairy business. His efforts have caused more men to earn money with the aid or the cow man j any other iorce we know of. And Mickle has been en- j tirjely sound in his advice. Like the late Governor; Withycombe he is enamored with Oregon he sees the possibilities and knows how people could prosper 11 xney weuld but get in and do things. .When the speaker last night afc Henley said if he colld but cancel a few years of his age he would be .a resident of Klamath Basin because he thinks this Basin hjis the greatest future of any other locality in the west, hi made a statement that he meant. No one knows better than Mr. Mickle that the location of a good dairy farm in Klamath county right at the San Francisco market and close, comparatively speaking, to Los An . geles, means success. i 'fx. St and later he win in charre of all Independent companlea 'In Mon tana, and nortnern iaaoo innton. In 1915 Mr identified with Rislcy became I simmons- nihle arhool at 9:30 a. the Mountain u. n n Wnleh. aunerintend- States .Telephone and Telegraph ent jjornlna; aervlce. aermon bv I ml impttM i iiurrn. aim anii- - - - . . , Wa-hink-tonatreet. P.ator. A. F. ! - P-'X.u' Z ere".hor mother and other r.tlte. T no , . ... .i,ium. .... h. j .11UI1T ill UCT , iont from arhool thla work on ac-1 count of had cold". Veiny IVaraon. who Jlod In ; Chiloquln. apont lila early child h3o:l lu ihla vicinity,.. - I Mlaa Olive Hill and Mi a Miller- modlulo rhrbtlnn Kndoavor ao-' ', -.u..,1,..1i,,. , k,.i, ... ' dcUea." Wednesday. 8:00 p. m...; lye homN1 . ' ' Th. Pollowahlo of Prayer. Thttrs- n-. ... hn r-,m. ' pnone ana itiwr- m . Momma; nervice. aermin ot - - ai.w.vii.hln - - He held aevoral posl- !,,, t ,. m.. text. Heb. 3:5-. !!'. Ta P ' m- Tho 8 aja 1,1"" on ,n" 1 n,"n U",rh . company. e nvm pamnr, 11 a.m.. ipxi. n?. i---- n. in i'--w - - tiona of Importance In Colorado S(,rmon loplc, .-A Kalthf.il Serv-.club for youna : men meela a, 434, K,no.Wor,,n tK: " . . .. i.iuhn . ....... ,. . 'n. m.. North Swond street. .... ... i and lor beverai jtn ;ant ana a rnuniui twin. iu r- , and lor beverui 3 ' ani ana a minimi m,u. - 0 mananer before coming to Ore- Peopic-t hour. :30 t- 7:30. Eve-, -on. Where ever he haa been he ,, worR!l,p aervlce 7 :30. Pmyer : rt n ' 1 1 f I I rl B baa taken a keen interest in civic mnx topic for Wcdneaday.ove. iL U H 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 actlvltlea and developmenta. ;nn-, 'The Second Coming of,,! I 1 1 1) L Ull I RATES PLAIEOi: Letters From the People Iteno, Nevada, Dec. 3. 19" Editor Evening Herald: Christ." Urinr your Illble. Fri day, 7:30, choir practlroi j . Klamath Temple, 8lh and Oak j. treeta. Sunday aervlce: Dlble i acho3l at 9:45 a.m.. claaaes for j ail BKi-a. Jira. jiiiiii ' ,m . ,,, . iperlntendent. .. A., big., welcome ern Pacific railroad will become I . . . L, .. .i..A ..Ithln ihn nnnr future. awalta all. Hlvino wonuiip ai n .an-i"" - - Mr. and Mra. tiuy Johnston I were calling at the hJmc of Mr. 'nnd Nfra-, HoWiiklaa ou TucaOay. i Miiatera . Mopri Smith' uud I Herbert HriUuln are In tho Klam. lath Valley hiapllal with an attack the flu. LONGFELLOW'S DAUGHTER DIES f 6YS with Holiday ratea over the South CAMnitHMiE. Muh., Pec. R. . ar- Ktl.... 111... ft1..a I inipfl. UWH1IM till. 111M wifwiH ' r . I (C) .1 IHK ..ta.a . o'c ork. hantlsmal norvlce, folio-- occorumn i " - WmlHworlh LrnufKllnw, fllnl H . .i t..-, t tk tu.ati llonrv ........... . , .,.K.-. ... . aennon by tne pastor, nun uicrun.a ; nt fiho wna from mtio 1 i, .d.an.a tnV nOtiCO. In Dec. 1st iasue I've Just read .riltnrlal concerning. Bly, and I can't misa the opportunity to tell you that I think you nave the cart before the horse once more. ted hv lltor Evening "" . ..Th0 work and Gift of the Holy floes. hnr ilomn hern today. n i..,i.. i.' nmain rails . i ... . . it,. k.i : oince Spirit In tho Church." At 3:u ollInnounn uiaeia i-r , ., ypar ld. few months ago. the aaiiy . l5(,k XaOT church. Mr. Mar- Iday aeason will bo placed on, Longfellow, the "grave; n the Evening "eru ' : garet Swanson In charge. At 5 aole' December 21 to January ! I A1(.e . r nor Yhiher'a W.m. "Tho ' eh appreciated and Tery time jp m COUnt Jail service. At 7 Inclusive. Tho final return limit (.ni,rn-. Hour." lived at Hie i. n ni v notice. i ..... ... .....u . . 1 1 l . . i Till,., lli'bntal ... 1 i nr O ciock. prer in i-iiuit-u uw, wiu u ammiiij " j Ixingiellow bonio uu iioi - room. At 7:30, great cvangolia- will be placed on snlo slartlng hft .n) n(, ,.,,wt 0f tho Poet's ikn uin and oreachfna aervlce. nooemtier 19. ! t.i,..Jv "la the day of miracles past?" Northbound tlokels will he on, "prayer for the sick. Text: Mai. .sole ai tho game time. , 3:. For I am the Lord. I change; Eastern destinations will carry1 The Well-To Do Waitress C WRITER in the current Golden book announces that waitresses in New York restaurants are far more prosperous, as a class, than their sisters in the iripre "genteel" professions of stenography, accountancy alid the like. v, Tips bring the lowly waitress up into the prosper ous class. In some restaurants, it is stated, girls even pi)y for jobs, so lucrative are the collections of dimes aii quarters from grateful customers. lVe waitress n&y be only a menial while she's on the job, but when kA mnvl ia finiahort flhoa t-io-ht Urpll tn Hn f. Waitresses who make ?40 or ?o0 a week are not ore. not. "Jesus Christ tne same yes- a fin RW was ray home for years, . . - l0ii uv and fjrever." Mid- lia These tloketa will go on Hhn was a arudunlii i:f liad- 'cllffe College and devoted much of hor time to educational worn. and the people whov really com- week aervlce. on "The Snlrlt-FHl. December 17. 1 and 19. prise the community of Bly are erf Life." Wednesday and Friday I with many people returning among my dearest friends nd jat 7:30 p. m.. choir practice, and ' home for tho holiday seiiiion, .. .Iil.on, ofln .. . . r.tt n .... , no Detier, aiauiurucr ..... ijiuie siiiay intirsiay uu- i:. i travel Is expi'ciea ia do uiiuauni- be found In any community. They tor Guy riVrles. 1045 California y laTK ycar. are honest, loyal and law-abiding. I aVpBc, phone 1095-W. ra'"", - . . tm IflTC ADC crewa of men building siaioi j.-jrt, olh.xlit (liurcli, inth AVf- -Viu j-as--highways nnd railroad projects. and jih streets. Frank L. We-1 PURCHASED BY naturally an undesirable clement i Dl II P fRn haa become part of that com- i, rt!,ii i. .nnnai. to dl- rULrURf munity, out wnen you au -l-ii.-i return limit of January Sn0 mnK nieinher of Hi" boanf of Associates oi iiiunini- alao was Massarhuaolta vice re gent of the Mount Vnrnm Asao rlntlon. ' , It certainly Is enough to dls- -!..... .... ... ingly rebuke the town and call, . HERLD 8fnSCRinER. Through i rnk estate transfer It a smart alec burg you had (Edltor-, Note Although this completad this week in the of better pause and choose our : newspaper Is anxious lo publish fl ' J. (;- Klch'c' and tom words. reasonable letters from an Klam- pany. Z. T. Pulford of California iras. reasonable letters from an Ktam- mm. . - . .J ... - n..,!..L .1.1 1. ...i. .u.. nnrohsaed 10.1 lots Of Irvington iiiy, an oia iiojui w.i, ;in oniitrii, il icib i.li, ,..i,- j . - -nwillinalv harbor un-!munlcationa should he signed hv ; Heights Addition. uncommon, says the magazine writer. The average Stenographer, on the other hand, takes in between 20 j backbone of Biy are the life- their letters.) jmake thla his future home. antf 830. !long residents there who c.on- Worth Hearing The addroaaes by Dr. F. B. MATTHEWS at the Immanuel Baptibt Church Each Night and Sunday 1 1 :MI A. M. "Tlie Grent Invltntlon." fl:00 P. M. "The Devll'a Illvlilenila." 7::)P. M. "The I'lle . ThliiK on Karth" IdV. long jtraiuciii. iiicii! " . We're not sure just what the moral of all this is; per-! titute the majority of the pop-, - ...tnflin onn tllAff AT. th. S81I W were noi sure jusv wiiai ine niuiai ui an una i, pw-i-- - - ,.t, ', t . ... j.. - , . , , mutation, and they are the 'salt jiis, tuiiisiuci nm luiiujuwiw v uia nw cjv.w. v......., ( p ajg earth. I've had my say and am better mood. in 41 . pO, VVIiaiUbl !(, . v...v-v.... v the two jobs average about even. , ... . ,, ,. . , Youra very truly, LiFor that matter, the Allies officially repudiated, docia l. norris. stories' about infants on German bayonets but the Stories helped just the same. Editor Evening Herald: Dear Sir I read he letter from a' , a well wishing aubsrrlber in the ifcWhcn a cashier disappears and is caught, his choice November so issue of your paper. of lawyer usually indicates whether he hs spent it or re crnea n ""Women overcome sales resistance more easily than men." There was, for example, that apple episode in I5rt. 'innthaa mv tn put Howri nn votir rations is to Co out reVularly with fellows who are slow to reach for the ceck. i I 1.1. u ..... 4t.AA ia liltln w-'-f a hnotinir nAtxr. ' . J CUIIIIIIcIlittlUi oaya wn-ic ..w... Time does effect changes; nobody slaps Gene Tunney row. u- county bets toward Its people. I have In mind a family resid ing near Mills sohDol who last winter had the "flu." This fam tv was he nod ibv the county to the extent of Jood, DedJInz anl Iclothlng. which iwaa Justified un der the circumstances, nut ana here comes the rub the county ' ba ever since been mailing this family a check for $25 each month. The father of this family has worked all summer for higher I waaea than many of the tax pay- era whi help raise the mono fori his monthly check from the conn- "Is The Day of Miracles Past- "Prayer for the sick", text: Mai. 3:6-r"I Am the Lord I Change Not." Sunday 7:30 p. m. at KLAMATH TEMPLE Cor. "Eighth and Oak Street - 11 A. M. "Gifts' and Works of the Holy Spirit in the Church" TONIGHT 8 p. m. "Great evangelistic service, young people in charge, every- body welcome," t message by Lester Spannus and span the Broadcast World TAKE AN AIR TRIP with tlic new Zenith visit the bout broadcast programs near and fur range the whole domain of fine muitic, humor, sports and now even!. You have never known radio no flash's in its naturul reproduction, Hit .bcun t iful in it decorutive deNigii. ' , All the -world 'knot s Zenith Hitdioits makers have held supreme place for seven years in the manufacture of high tjuulily radio. This yeur the new sets ure the sen sation of the radio world. Even Zenith famous originator of more tlwin twenty-five .great radio improvements hus never built such tone quality, power, range and selec tivity into n receiver. . . The iVPIC Zenith 31 (pirlnrnl abnve) . This Zenith Cnnnqle U fully I'.lci lrlc In orratlon,' with a unit power eupply iiM'riiliiiK directly from the light circuit, and villi a built-in cone apeukrr "of life-like tone quality ntnl reaonunrr. -The cablnrt of Mmlcl 3 Ma a Irily rxiilsile piece of furniture tnuclo nf fif;urel wulnut veneers in durk dull rubliril finiali, Itraiilifully aliti(t-l nml blemlrd. IIerellraullfulfiirnilurr--tiiiM,riordt,lgn lone, . aclcclivity and powerful ruiiKO thut only Quulity , , Radio can pivr. The .New Zenith acta are I lie lulrat arhlevf-inenla of the wurld'n lurrnt milkers of liifcli . prade Radio. In uililition lo Model .11 there ia a pro-"' fusion of sl)lcs and nimlrls in a wide ruiifie of prices. '. f.'rery home enn enjoy Zenith why ahouldn't your home have I lie IichI in H.iiliu? MODKL 4 Price S'JSS.OO MODKL Ml Hume ns MimIi-I III Iml for buttery iiporntMiii. Price .., SUIO.Ofl 30 Mmlcla S ilHTorenl circuits 6, 8 ami 10 Tillies, Includ ing Ilr l ine MmlrU villli or wlllioul Iihi or antenna hat. tery or fully electric flMI lo 2'MO. f.iornard only for Radio amateur, rvprriuieiilal ami lirnaiH-aal rerepllon, Baldwin Hardware Co. The Winchester Store JJ 4lt Maln.Ht. io.Mail