The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 05, 1928, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' 11ntrMnyf January B, 102S
rift? mmmn mnhtn, klamati? VAtm, mmrmr'
Hailing- for lrH)M!
Mkhcul Korrsal, rlt known
hmtp mutt ul tha Mnrrill roantrjr,
baa Infl for (tin fuUTa ronul
htra to will asll from Na York
on January It (or Irnlano tv
IH (ur Hril iiiuntha lik
ClilltNtilll llJHI.'l
Chllutiuln f one if tha liiUe
kiwwa town Iti Onunu wiiiih
ara furKln tit lb trout, M.
O, Wl'.kln) rliti!fd at lh I'rr
klm (ram that ptuf,'wlll (Mart.
Um-a boaattn; At on aawuilll sod
law ixiotilii, ('hll(uin lias nuw
iiumhrr of plants. clirliiR it
aulnUntlal payroll and pnitwrty
YSiuos ar on Ilia Itirri-jao, Cbllo
uuln ta off lha main highway, but
' had. a ititvniiltl road tnnnwllim
II with tha Klantalh Kalta-Mund
rnti in. It ta inratvd In a Vina
llmhur tt.It and the market lor '1;ihtu)iih with I 'art)
To Hevh'W Ilia Monday
Mra, Nelson Hard will
rat law of lha much talked ot
book, "Klua'a Im!hiB bjr
Kdlik Marrllay ft tka rasular
nteotlnc. uf lb study (roup ul
tha wiiaiaa'a Ubrarr club on
nl Mnndar adnrauux. Tha r
Tl will atari prumiwjy at 1:30
ci'elurk and all mwisjbers and
their (fiend ara aatual to be
praat at tha piflitaKt kuur.
Aa appal to raaldn ot
Klvnatb Kails to cb-ar aldswalka
of !- and aao wasrriu-r It la
poJbl, waa r.ada'lhla morulas
( br I'oaimajrti r Jufaa A, Mr all
I "If thla rould ba dn rarrbra
iiuttuml Imihw "f tha artoa matt ri
Mra, Kranr la Mnyd bnaorrd bar : lkrauboflt Iba alr would b
dauibtar. Mra, Mary Mojfd Wan-1 aided a rat deal," Mr, McCall
nxr and araaddaaibtar, Miaa atata-d. Hm-sum of tha early
Klsaner with an Inlormai erw I f)u that tnmm mi this tim ol
rslatives and Irlnnda, ifr. "-; nl of luara at sanale at Uta tha year, ofirn tb rarrtara hart
" ' "w . J, ' family Bam last hum, Mm,
yuan and tll apvtiri muat ot tila
tram In i:ounty t:rk, l-oiir-ehaalns"
ala railroad tickt a ad
tvamahlp rasratlms, tha Irl
Huulbnrn I'acirta took tompbMa
i Iiaru of bta trannptirtatlua.
aba Billla la In CaUfurnln, Mora-
lug Oregonian. : .
(Wflivra Inrtnllwl Timlglit
A Jnlnl Inatallallon of offlrvra
with tha tjidlea Auxiliary will ba
bald at tha wnailna; of tha Apple
Mat t'amp tit tha Hpanlah War
Vatxrana tnplht at tha court
homo. Tha mllni iaa burn
rallwt promptly for laNt o'clock.
It. W. llathlauy. Junior lre-d.
partmant romiuandfr, will pra
atria aa tnatallliiK offlcrr, J, II.
; Carnaban, department ludaa ad
vnrata will art aa moi-UT of tr
Diunlix. Klilluwlna tha Joint III-
atatlatlim a bannnet wilt ba annf.
ad at the Groeu Lauluro Cafa-tarla.
Knengrmtnt la TobJ
It will ba with mora than toi-
Inc Intnraat that tha frlvnna of
Mlaa Lola Win btara of hr
I iiaamnt to It, I.. t)e wely
,ot Baa rraiwlapo. Mbt, Wwlon
j la amployed at lh hotid WHIard
i and ta tb datti!htr of Mra. W.
' W a a d 0 n of Uarrammito, ' Mia
1 'eedon la on of 'tha popular
t yotmi woman of thla rlty nd baa
i hoala ot frlcnda In thla aorilon,
1 Mr. Ia Wabiaoy la an enplnaor In
tha bay city and waa formerly
an army aviator. '. . ',
Mr. and, Mra. Malt k'aa of AN
anroa anlrtatrd with m dll(bt
tul Naw Yaar'a danrlnx party at
I hlr puma on New aar a niKht,
Amoea tha local people who on-
Joyed tha attalr ware: Mr, and
Mra. O. W. Hobertann, Mr, and
Mra, Fred Houatos, Mr, and Mra.
Hoy r, Ilnrbln, Mr. and Mra,
I'orry D Lap and B, flrockJIngar.
Ta tloiw MMiitwrablp
'luiii of ntrmtwmhip In the
rnme a(fwil on neat Monday
Klimmth Oratorio Bocleiy will t
renlna when tba ora!eafla
will wrat at the Flr.1 1'rwlif iWwl,rt ftwi wl
tenan churcn promptly at inv
o'clock, Hlnnnra who wlah to
join tha aoclety mnat rKlataikoB
or betor neat Monday evening,
lint It rehearaala remain before
tha formal preaontatlon of 'Tha
itaven Jt Worda'of t hrlat, aa--
cording to Mra, it ul U Akera Hol
loway, director.
Waaner la here with br dauah-
tor from New York Clly for an
vtlended vlait.
Mo! hT linprtjvi .1
Word haa be-o rwnlv4 front
Mra. i, B, C'ooley, Jr., wife of
Mr. Coolay Of tha Rualar ItroWB
Shoe atore, tolllnc of t im
prevail condition of her mother,
Mra, t'ooley waa called tu Yak
ima aararal da re aao on account
of bar B'tker'a crllkat condi
tion. Hha p.ana to remain north
until tba flrat of Febraary.
Attorney I'muM-a Tlinl
Attorney Arthur Krbaapp, of
Klamath futla, pamcd through
born lam Bight ca bta way borne
from iitmph where ha haa been
ylalibig for tho peat awvcral daya.
I, a draariu Ob!jr,
ia few daya wish their
Bta, Mr. aad Mm. A. W,
I. t, Itowilng lIltl Willi Mr.
and i'rt. A. W Bhuy on Chrtot-
till f t f f W t t M W attxt ( ! m. n, wW Citi us as k at isi-
nyrp it iiiim 2"2'"&cziZK? W LETTRMAlLED
UIiILiI ll I II nil M- CurtoeeVWord I " Wltk tha arrival of Ika new
j , t. J, Bandera and Umliy jwr nwny of U,t haHnvm houm-
Worrten went to Morrto on Wed- tf Klaaaaib Parts are aarthu-
Chrtotmaa tree and program on ta mM wwk
hardly completed their routea
wax n darkaeaa enta ta. Thla to
due to tbe drplorabla roaditfon
of walk, covered wltb lea, eleeh ('hrlatmaa ava. Praaeata and
and mud. It la aflaa Impoeetbla ;t(Bdr wra) cjvaa the geeata.
is ioaae more np one oivwry
tnrcr night fan, wane tf , - , r.ZlT I
walka were half way cleared tha
tmoy Cbrutmat rrogram - tt. . , , ' tag mr office aappiiea .ad n b
I baalaeaa la KIaa!fc !! imttBg m1 rnt Tqsf-s i,2t liantaew'
tfca part wrk. , rlnua paraaaea aamlopea with ;
SJr od Mra. C, If, Ileaorlrka their return tm nnmtmt m tfrt
of Ktatnafk Falls apent Chrlt adtlrena marked 1b tbe spper left
m whs Mr, b n rt, T, f, nana ciraer.
IVAK, Jan, S. People of thm Tai asd Alfred girder mni
Wordeu eunaaallr entoved a Wyda TowacU of Weroca aajoyed
Latest New of Farm
f Special Ta The Herald 1
Mary Cay Correspondent.
Tbara were ike worfle ef S'u-l-
aa aa eherk4 ngmerona h;iv,-
daara at Ktaaaatk falia dur ajawalattara aaat tturwagk the aaalt i
wlttt bo refara feddrna,
"Vory often ftopim bp or
II to poaaJMn tfca tettr mm not
be adclreased correctly, l?niei
hey have msmm aort of retnra
iiriH in JaiJ . .
j Alfred Soadera of Wordan to-. Blow I.yeeb, arreitteJ tor i-
. . .1 .. . . . . r . . . f . r s 5, I 1 n q ( , H v H. .
: : i' . j c i w i i ;i , bmit !. :j f I,. ;j.h, - - - ' ...... -- , . .
carrl'ajcould gariTl a trlj tadrick. of Kl.! wd IMd to tt.
',(h Kaila . city Ja tor toye tbta or-, f "
" mmrmnm' T, U..I . . rtrttor ta tm M pay! J
ET HOSPITAL i b tt B mtn t f y ,
and Mra. Lyis Oordoa ct naer to tbe charge ol
. !.,,.. . . . . . . - n f L: f: k ! r ' m n r n ! n i"
t ifBfyca . j ; . i s i i . . j . j . i j - -
entu, Mp. and Mra, Dan OordoB( .
WH on Chrtatma. ' j Beforsed Flrom Ctoss fitww
Of I f ttrti? (, nrA, ir. nf Won r. n ! . Mr n.-i M P . -. .
h.!.. w not loau nemry ta
rbang tha camMnattou BecaaM
of delinquency, I
The N. P, Deverln company
Chlcagj, waa awarded a MM.1JI (he boDdaya win bla grandpar-'and ehiidren returned irom
"Tfce Obligin'
IBc fortBBe fcewTd
nt lost tfcrBrt Ike. t c
ttoHB gf ttnsrrBttJtt rttsaea
To 6 kk(b4 M tuaf
ana and fcmwa c trtantp
w'T ttn dceii nd esward
Tha ptatr BfW
Bill, )r,, mrmr mmim,
Selected Short Reel
Subjects "
Kred Knight who auent tbe
CbrUtmae bolldaya with tola fam
ily at North Itooaliurg baa re
turned to Klaaaaib Valla and ra
aumed bla position.
Moved To Klamath
Mr. and "Mm, W, P. nrabarn
nod family who have been rank
in a their noma tn twtf ora
general eonatrnetloB contract by
the veterana bnrrau today for
111 bed boapltal at Portland,
Tnntttgll IWtlil f ., ,!, Rtva.4 tn tht
Karl V. Ileyaolda. who aue- wh ltttf w)u tvMa p.
caada f.ynn P. BahlB da aarratary , '
of tha Ktamalb ('barn bar of Com- -
nterce, pained through Bond re- CvnaoU iSroa.
on hie way, from 1 1 r.- .ho and Iu-
The Cycio-Stormagraph at Un
derwood Pharanary abowa a
falling preaaure today and con
tinued unsettled condltioBn, with
moderate tcmperaiuree i Indt
catsd. Poreoiat for next i houra; ,
f'loody and aaaettled.
The Tycoa recording thermom
sl it reglatorcd maximum and
minimum temperaturea today aa
fori tollowa;
illgb 10. low II.
tirande to Klamath ru. ''gUo. iZ-l Mala St. Adv.
waa aefontp&Bted bylil fnially
Habln haa acre pled a poaltlnn aa
aaalatant manager ot tha Port
land Chamber of Commerce.
Highway lllorkeit
Manv aiolnriata marooned at
The Uallca by tbe recent heavy Mr, fngai Arriving
iitnrma which blockaded tha Col- Ur, J. M, Ingala of tha floater
nmbla highway were coming via Hrown-Bhoe atorea wll(arriv In
Klamath Palla and Medford Into tha city Friday to remain horo
Portland, according to reprta for two aaya at tna local atora
her yealerday. Thla detour, lr. ingata will o pieaaea
Mr, and Mra, Jlorrte Home
Mr, and Mra, Ira It, Morrla.
popular amployea of the llulllday
Dairy, have, returned from Eu
gene and Cottiss Orove, where
they v tailed with relative aad
frlaod over the holiday.
enf, Mr, and Mra. Oss Cordon, Cottage Creve, wbere they yis
y.izits Itandera made a call oa tted orer the holidays witb Mra,
John and Walter Collins j BUmpleye parents,
Thuraday afternoon. 1
Klxte and Latber Bandera iria-j MonmoBth Walnut crop " Ic
lied with Mr. and Mra, Ben Uay lighter out st better (oallty thm
Mtaa jenni Orowte and jtath
Iwin Konrte apent the Chrtatmaa
hoiidaya with Mr, and Mra. tlrev.
er of Klamath Pal la.
T, J, Handera and cb Ted
trannforred buiineaa in KlatBstb
Palis thi paat week-end.
t'hrhulna and Lydte Oay spent
1 'I
Mm. Itobert Amlrka ns re-
turniflf to the city front an es-l
tended llt tn Portland, Wal.'a
Walla and other points north. I
' m'lt.iH fa. , i s f,.i-n
elalmed to ha tha ioneeat in tha nave patrona of tno aiore as wen, .,, ' j - ia, ,,i
aorthwoat. la more than iooiM others with foot troubles call 'dugitar jaM, bw reirt
tnllea. Juat when tba highway upon blm while be la In the city, ,trom s jg vuu in Ororllla,
la to be opened to truffle could (California,
not be ascertained. r , , " Tt. ,. . , I
Collier- Elected of County Aaaeaaor lo. will bo j
Andrew M. tloiller of this eitv aorry m learn or oar serious m
ha been elected vlra prealdrut . Mra. Lee ia confined to the
of tha University of Oregbn family home and bey condition
1 1 tt tn n I aaao-latlon. Thto was "howa slightly tf any Improve
learned lit Klamath Palis late mept.
yesterday pf tar the counting of ' I
the vofeafroro alumni ail over w wwtnain ran-
lha coonsry, John C. Veateh of . f Oraham
J Portland was elected president Blr wu '"
, , . m ,t itftie l ...I f tuf ar.irta lints. k.
r.nwaro r imiiev, -' n 1 1. '. i u u . - " ; - -
-prt'llflcllt. ' iCfMiiiy muvea io niamain raiia.
wners tney win sum tneir (it-
Kmail Ulnae. -Cheeked heme. Aahland Tidings, ,
A small blata caused from an ' ,
overheated atova in a realdeneo "B,'n "" ...
at 411 Market atreet brought tha f"" to wrmtle to be ex
ri.. a.Urtn,i i iMi. nniitr. cebtionslly good right bow In
a. .,,r,'n tbo Prospect and -Union ei
aand Ki!
Clrjr, gerttnip Yft-e-prt-ali
ai-r gqarentee , alt
SS Mala
All kinds of G!a
for all purpose
Estimates gladly furnish
ed, for;
The GIjms House
Phone ttth and fine
Fuel Oil
Furnace Oil
If it ia Fuel we have it.
We aim to plcaae you
601 Main Phone S3S
j J1 K
Have joa a ptano or pfcono-.
graph that to eat of data"
that Is "seWom Bd or does
not "fit In" with tt rest of
your furniture er home? tt w
Trade It ,
W have s strong demand fa
winter lor good used toatre
meoU sod will take yoatln
as first pcymeftt ok a modem
on mskioa; special ewiy "win
ter" terms on the balance
let bs apprsto yonr tnstrB
inent. , ' -
Earl Shepherd Co.
SOT Mailt St none 38 2
TV VAX and n T . TODAY ai
Where Do We Come From?
Whither Do We Go?
'if-' AvM Wot , Mi ft
No wordt can describe it f
M pen can portray ixi
Mm eye can beVieve hi
, : . , MATINEE . , .
. . , iSe CHOORBW . ,
- ; , , , EVENING ...
CeBerri Adaisidon -". Me tj5j . . ;
a,-'Si ij.aj. j'lif !, jafiifi,!' it
was dona and tha llanea wefa dlatrlrts, owing to tha snow hav-
conflned to tha room In whlrh It ", "KKOtne paraenco. Asn.aao
started. This tusrhed tho firat Tidings.
rait the dartmeat has bad this
Turner Brother II'
John and Dave Turner, prom
inent ripi-hers of tha 1 jmanli val
tejr eouiniunlty tratuiaeted buai
nes In tha eitjf yeaterday. While
here they ntadn final arrange
menta tor tha dance to ba held
at the community hall tomorrow
night. A number of local but
neas voen ara eapeeilng to make
the trip to lha valley for tba
format dedication.
On approved loans, Sea J"
It. Drlacoll, Wllllama Bldg, Adtf
Hrr Front (lie liar
Mr, and Mra. Noel P, WoUa of J
t . . , i .. i .t . . . . i , . .. . .. . . '
.M .1 .ilUV.U Bis 1 i . ! . I u k ; U i li
city on combined buslnesa and
plniaurs trip. While hers they
are guests at tbe Hotel Arcade.
iU North fto St. Ad. t-tf
Hill's Flower ehop
r erf y
loriland VMtor He
- M. H. Nichols of Portland Is'
bnaineas visitor In Klamath Office Phone lira Melttase Akh,
Falls tuiUy,
Kna, I'lione 1 Its Klaroatb J-'alia
j Home From I'ortlnnd "
I William Wade, golf pro haa
rotttrned from Portland whero hoi)
ana mra. vaue Bie' at v a j y a
I Amlrkfl apent tha holidays with
; relatives and frlonds. Mrs, Wade
j plan to remain north for soma
' time visiting with Mr. Wade's
f mother. . e j
Clearance on Ifata
No hats over II. of), aim Insny
leas, nornhnrt's, McCarthy Dldg.,
11 North frt St. Adv. 3tf
111 at Family Home
, It will tin with regrets that the,
many friends of Mrs. Judd tow
learn of her Illness at tho family
home. Mra. Low Is suffering
from nnentnonla.
Robertson's, HI N,
Phone ?H-It, Ad,,
. T-tf
From Kttgene .
0. it, linker of Bugena is g
bnaineas visitor In Klamath Fails
today. Mr, tinker Is registered
gt tho llutol -Arcade.
Mini) and Hody Wood
jonnston s, I'lions
So, tn. Adv.
3t, tn H
1P26 Hudson Brougham, new paint and tires.
1926 Nash Sedan, like new, 1928 license,
1026 Hudson Coach
1928 Ford Delivenr'
1925- Essex Coach '
1925 Chevrolet Touring
' 1925 Hudsin (Joaeh
These cars are in fine condition and prices have
been cut from $50 to $100 on each, car ;
Acme Motor Go.
VWting From Weed .: ;. H PKnn fififi
Mrs. Klla T1I ot Weed la vis- - -
King in tho city for a few day A .1
Open evenings
Wo have extended our
Christinas Special data to
Those who took advant
age ot this Hooelal may now
be accommodated,
Just a minute, Sister I If your Battery don't Bat,
J if your Motor don't Mote, If your Baaiaor dont
I Rad, If your Generator don't Gin then bring the f
1 Old Car over all at one time or one piece at a
I time to the Official Troubles Headquarters,
of Blank Books, 'Loose Leaf Systems and Sundries are Always to be Found at Very Reason
able Frce,
Complete Loose Leaf Ledgers,
Cash Boxes .:.;.: ,,... ...$1,00 to $2.50
Legal Porma ..i;, ..........Sc to 10c
Adding Machine Paper .,.....,..2 for 25c
Letter File ... ..... ' .....xJBSc to $3 JO
Sbaeffer, ConkJin and Parker Fountain Pen Desk Sets. .
.,.,,.,.,.. ,p.50 to 12M
Blank Books ..uL. - 10c to $4.85
Typewriter Paper, ream- ....i,$l,00 to $5,00
Pencil Sharpeners ....,.$1.25 to $4.50
Card Index Boxes ..$1 to $SJ0
,54.00 to 20.00
Greenwood's Complete
0.50 :
Ymit Business Needs, This
; . Book, .
' VaaaslatWl tililHitftlav
c .f d j - t t S LOOSE LEAF
i Family Budget Books i PRICE BOOKS AND j:
i 75c to 11.50 MEW
1 I f 15c to P.S5 I
j 1 Systematize Your Home j fw m Uaf
! t Expenditures. I I 0c $2,75 per hundred, jj
VMVMWWMAVw snsAaSNiavatfViaiavAriaia
Hotchkiss Staph Fastener .......... ..........,$3,S0
Receipt Books ........,........................10c to 25c
Gummed Labels, String Tap, Wire Clips, Rubber Bands, Office Pins, T Pins, Show Card Ink
Brushesanci Board, Drawing Sets, T Squares, Postal Scales.
Thumb Tacks, per hundred 25c
Pin Tickets thousand ..S5cto$L25
Carbon Paper, box $2.00 to $5,00
; 5x7 Enlargements
From Y our 1
; . Negatives , s
35 c j
Krysiat KolmExtrm
ordinary Kodak
Finishing at Or- ;
. We Guarantee Our Work I
Shasta View Garage
f South 6th St. - Klairiath fall
1 fusft'r-r 1