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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1927)
Tape KfcM TIIR EVENING I1ERAU.. KLAMATH FALLS, OKF.CON. WVilnmlny, Sonlrnilwr 2S, 127. AGES ARE Thmimli? No. Minute Pflrfrlnrlr i WETS AND DRYS & . PFADY TO hlC.HT BY STUflEBAKER "Ijibor day waa a great dty fi'f ths Studpbakrr Comraandnr, Vild Mr. Kd Dunham, local BtuUo- bukor-Knklno distributor. "Klrt rami) (ha nwa (hat on that on tlut day two stock Stude baker Commander Hport road atcra ran away with tha laurels at Atlantic City by placing both drat and socond- In the 7f-mi: alwk far raca. Ralph Hepburn, piloting the wlnnlnit oar, aped around tho mile and a halt oral at an average rate of SS.95 mllea pr hour. He was rlanely follow ed by Eddie Hearne In another rommauder Hport roadster who plarml second Kh an average aimed of St. 685 milea per hour. Third place went to Chrysler "71" and fourth to Iluick M ister Rig. Hudson. Nash Advanced and Cbryr "70" wera alto entered, but failed to finish. "Now we learn that, also on Labor day, a atock Commandor Snort roadstor. driven by Chuck M"rr of Colorado Springs, took awond place In (he annual Pike'a Peak Hill Climb. The Command er waa beaten out of first place by only 48 seconda by car coaling more than double the Commander. . . , . Fastest Human to Start Training in Febru ary for Olympic Team Berth OFFICIAL SAYS TROUT WILL BE ; GIVEN OREGON "Will Klamath get trout from California hatchery? Yon bet: we've rwleascd E0.OO0 trout on the Oregon aide of KUmalh rlvt-r and will continue to release trout t-aeh year." ... Thin wax th atatement of T. D. Marie Oreeu. aecretniy of Cal ifornia' game- ccmmiaalun. here teaterday on a game conference between the two states. GREETERS WILL i MEET VISITORS To greet more than 100 visitors from Cilifnrnla who will be menu, of this rlty tomorrow af ternoon and evening, member of the greetera committee of the Klamath county chamber of com merce met this afternoon. At tbla time plana were completed for the entertainment of the guesta while in the city. - H. D. Mortenaon of the Pelican Ray Lumber company will pre side aa toaatmaater at the ban quet to be given tomorrow eve ning at the Pelican Cafe. Cov er for more- than 150 will be laid. The banquet will start promptly at :30. The Davis Cnp baa gone to Prance. Oh, well, maybe some of the Legion boys could use it over there. OJAPtrv iiAsetcN f - i scats plying tor. ( r Zc NOT ) s M I VM t HOLDS (t it'untiuui-d front page 1) men! of mure strluRvul provi- I stuns to a law wh It'll the wets now charge la liSposslulo ot eu ; lorcemenl. While the prohibition lue la la non-partisan one so lur aa ! congress Itself Is coucerned. It Is 1ST ill F t PERCY R. WEBB NAMED SHERIFF SCHOOL NEAR5 Hooka and pencils already have 'cant 'their shadow . over pay-! grounds aa the annual summer politics, more so at, vacation near an end for pupils present than perhaps ever be-.oi cuy s. noon sua m iviuui.uii fore, and party leaders see Utile icounty high school. I prospect of It being removed in I School bells will ring In five isdvance of (be ISIS presidential gride school. &crd Heart Aca- election unless It should be that detuy'aftd the Klamath county I both of the major parties noml- hleh school. Just whether the I nated candidates pronouncedly country schools will open waa to jdry. I decided at a called meeting ; Just what provision t lime o'clock thla aUernoon. 1 Golf act will bo selected. byv the More than 1.(00 students will .drys aa (heir battle polnte In (ho tile Into rlansrooma of (he schools, new congress remains to be de-1 according to an estimate given : teruttned. but during the Inst era- out this afternoon hy J. Percy ,slon emphasis waa plat-Mi mjmi Wolls. This figure takea In Klnm ihoiut proposals tor revolution ot'ath county high achool, 8nr.-d i liquor permits, for search of Heart Academy and the public ItOHKIIl'IKi, lire.. Kept. IK. (A. P. 1 Percy A. Webli. was todny appointed Oouglas county sheriff to fill the vacancy left by the appuiutuicnt of t)hirlff 8. V. Htarmvr to the position of Ar Julmit of the llregou boldivis Home. Mr. Wvub waa for several years a member ot I ho city po lice force and was first deputy under Hherlff Hlsrtiier (or a year, lie Is a HiunUli-Aiini h un war Veterau and has resided In and near Itoseburg pracdcally ull ol his life. Willi nil IIivmi shukeups ot Ilin prolilblilon forces you'd llilnk they'd get Ihelr dilitka mlxiil now and lion. Oil, well, (hose crack I'. H. girl swimmers certainly did show the I'autidlaits au Improvement In form. i dwellings suspected of . having I been converted into ronimercuil 'distilling places and for stricter ; regulation of breweries, j 1'kumI Procews j Whatever bill la introduced on . behalf of the drys will hivo to go through the usual process of i committee consideration, with ! public or private hearings. Since ' tbe doff bill waa favorably re '. ported by the senate. Judiciary I committee there has been a com i plete change in high prohibition enforcement officials and natural ly the vlewa of the. new officials ' would be sought by congrwejaml committees before legislation i was reported to either house I Whether the wet will press : for a national referendum on the questions of repealing the eigh st-hoo's. Don t". Fisher, teacher of Amer Icsn history at the Klamath high achool urged that puulla not al ready registered make every at tempt to do so before the open- jjug of achool on Monday morn ing. At leust ouu students are expected lo enter high achool. , FANS FLOG T SEEK OAIGES n- non m.ti1i:i:xk It seems as if Charley Paddock. . he competed in high school meets who has been running for 11 !"n aoccees. years and who holds 1.1 world I. In oultk auccesslon followed aprlnt records, would have nible marks in the Inter-allled enough of the running racket 1 m" " p"u- ,ae l!0 ol"m or at least be alowed down to P' lames, and other Important such an extent that he couldn't n"'- "" ne oc "battering be considered dangerous now 1 againat a strong field. I Strange to say. Charley U not INJURIES POnTt.AND, Ore.. " Sepl. !S, 1X1 Klaiah uf the class It sir teentb amendment and modiiying I ra.-e from Spokane lo Portland, the Volstead Act has not yet beeu and a program of races and determined. But neither these, serial stunts at the airport at- nor any of the other wet pro-tracted a crowd to Swan Island : posals bare any chance ot get- today. jtlng anywhere In the next con-1 lluforo any of (ho clans n igress, which is overwhelmingly'' flier ' arrived reporta were re- jdry. I ceiled of rtmgh weather along the course. Norman K. (loddard of San Hlego. class A flier, who spent the night nenr Iloardman. Oregon, waa the first to tell of tbe bad weather. The second to reach the field waa J. A. Mi lnuney. vice pre!-1 deut of the Alexander Aircraft ' company. Denver, who dropped Otlt Of CISAS A VMteHmW Tha ' i flight from Pasco, where he spent ,3, the night took two and a half wife nf hours. a Seattle attorney, was defendant I Jack Rand, of Loa Aneeles. In a tlO.000 suit for damages on. wno bopped from Pasco nt 10:20 i trial In federal court today. ind arrived at 11:40. fought a -rw eeenrd. a Trolan runnc. Olad-s Christonson, of Portland.: mil head wind near The at Southern California. . plaintiff, c h a r g e d that Mr. . "es be said. He also dropped Padilnck has crested 3 ree-: "earasiee iniiicieu injuries upon,"" n esieruay, I POnTt.AND. Ore.. Sept. Mrs. W. (I. Beardslee. 18. thriigh Neler do he .hr..k oj ' "' ! ho,e VovemZr ? he is V. terribly alow. Far from , h'r "I ,he C S .U( ... .. . -fill .r.n.l Him mark, nvar Hta. ' IWIOISITO SllC it, if you will only take note ot his plana for next year. The smiling young man who la generally termed "The Fastest Human," wants to make Uncle Sam's Olympic team and be wants to break Roland Locke's mark In tbe 220 before he calls it enough. still stand. His marks cover dis tances ranging from SO yards to 300 meters tor turf as well as regulation tracks. Between 1921 and 1924, he ran the hundred 11 tithes In 9.0 seconds. ; Paddock created bi 9.6 mar for tbe huh'dred on May he in a melee mt the Chrlstenson 19:5. when re gain possession ot ber child a former marriage. Mrs. Beardslee was Obituary BKXDITH JAME8 CORRELL Bendlth, James, tbe beloved in- it). dork's mark i From his home in Pasadena? ft son of Mr and Mrs. W. E. California, comes word that Pad- Correll passed away at the f am-; dock U going to start an Inten tly residence near Kcno late yes-;aiTe training campaign In Febru terday afternoon. In addition mrr for a Ptce on this country's to. bis parents, he leaves to mourn I next Olympic t e a m. Nothing. Ms passing a brother, Carol. The j Mri paddo.k u going to Inter- xiZ. t. .J' ' ' :::'!" w,tB ."' 01 training. PIedging day at O. A. C. found . - . " " J . " f-"JII even me movies. more than three hundred mem. ments for the funeral service. . A "t,rint"u wh b" ber. of tbe freshmen class p.edg iI,A .e?!!'n -VP wUn the " of ",e! ed to fraternities. Inter-fratern- r, .. .r. :;::; . r i " T n Towey. Brother Frost of the Apostolic Faith will officiate. In ferment will be ville cemetery. . Friends may call at the baby nook and pay their res peels. American larajrue I Detroit-Chicago Dostnoned: wet! by grounds. ' , I " ieveiand-st. I-ouls game pot formerly ptned; rain. the wife of Garland Wnlfe. and I they bad one child. When theyl Fln-lr-.flame ' R. H. E. I &r were oivorceo. toe motner was vtasnington - 1 10 1 i! given custody of tbe child, and Boston 1 ( o 1926 just two yeara after a pull. cisiineu mai none later sin-i t iwuciwh laoiey ana ttuei; i ed muscle during the Olympic tne intanu Alter a tour, ns anu jiooio. i predic-;,,!"r "e""1" ""caieu inn cniia i Aattonui Iitfrue I be made that he was "l ne nome ot uiaoya i.nrtsten- score K. son. It waa then that the alleg-' New York S IS of ed atruggle over the child occur- i Philadelphia 4 IV 0 red. In 192. in a separate case, Batteries Beaton. Barnes, the custody of the child w.ts Henry and Cummins. tev"emr: awarded jointly to Mrs. Ueardsloe Ferguson and Jonnard, Wilson, and Wolfo. (10 Innings.) Paddock once held the record ulcle. "'vmJ'c ye.'r kh she Vac. ed th. ehlVd ! for the J'K that Icke now nan cause msny preuic-; - , ...... . . -i hods. That then was his 14th ''ons ' u i ..j l. i.j ..(through. hUhly. as he doe. the other ut "f not through jet-and ones. But Locke came along In I The "" Human" hopes to 12S and covered the 220 yards ,Brove 11 '"J f In 20.S seconds to shatter Pad-''n " Inclo Sam s vouiuii; it?aio nu. ferunn, set ting a new world mark for the man. THOMAS C. DF.LZELL F.nneral services for Thomas C. Delsell, the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomss-' Delsell were held this morning at 11:30 at the graveside at Llnkville. Rer. D. V. Height, pastor ot Tbe First Presbyterian church officiated. Arrangements were in charge of the. Earl Whltlork funeral home, Pice avenue at Sixth. In years. Paddock is still young, having celebrated his 27th cisie. in- .... ...... .. . made in Link- ' ''.-" i. .?. "Jr. " Is uuuui u d so ovauiircu icirmir Ills first race was In 1913. j Likewise, that first rare was also I his first championship he won the southern grammar school i championship. In 1915. he won the hundred In tbe Far-Western KLAMATH BOYS I BID AT COLLEGE o)0 Ity pledging restrictions were re leased and for tbe remainder of the year fraternities may pledge any student registered at O. A. C. not already pledged to some other fraternity. ' It will be with Interest that local people learn of the pledging of two local yonng men. . Don-Veatch. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Veatch was pledged meet and from then on, until be j Alpha Gamma and Henry Grimes enrolled at Southern California, pledged Alpha Pi Delta. C. K. DAYTOX I C. E. Dayton, for the past IS ! yitira a resident ot Bonanza pass- i ed away last evening following an Illness ot two weeks' dura-1 lion. He was In his sixty-third i year when called. Tbe remains have been entrusted to tbe care j of I. A. Tcwey. Arrangements j will be announced later. I.KO WHITE . , Services for the late Leo White were held from tbe Earl Whlt lnck funeral home this afternoon at 3:00 o'clock. Rev. A. F. 81m- j nions of the First Baptist church officiated. Interment followed In the Llnkville cemetery. Mrs. Marjory Olds rendered a vocal se lection accompanied by Mrs. M. Helena Joyaux. . ' ' . JOIIX DALE AND OP.Uj (HILIHtWOKTHV 4 Funeral services for John Dale end Opal Susie Goldsworthy were held from (he Earl Whitlock fu neral borne this afternoon at 1:30. ltev. Guy De V'ries offi ciated. Interment was made In Llnkville cemetery. ; : AI.I.KV NOKDKKX Tbe remains of the late Al len Nordonn will be taken to Kuhn, North Dakota, on this eve ning's trsin, where the last rites will he held. The Earl Whlt lork funeral homo prepared the remain. I, PAI L KIIXER l-o t rites for the late Paul F.b ner were held from the Karl Whitlock funcrallrnme I his morn ing at 10:tu) o'clock. Interment followed in Llbkvtllo cemetery. m m A 13 Plate Ford Heavy Duty Battery for 10.00 and Your Old Battery. BALSIGER Motor Co. Come and Buy Studebaker's Certified ED G S US Look Over This List and See Us for the Best Price in Town 1924 Light Six Tourin 1924 Special "5" Roadster 1926 Oldsmobile Delux Coupe 1925 Hudson Coach, new "Duco and reconditioned. 1923 Buick Roadster, new Duco 1926 Hupmobile Six Sedan . Dunham Auto Co. Sixth and Oak Streets EXTRA! FREE! FREE! Given Away Absolutely Free First Beautiful Upright Piano; Second Radio; Third Phonograph; FourthSet Silver; Fifth Wriet Watch; Sixth Piano Lamp; Seventh Hand Painted Vase For the neatest correct artiritic nnswor wo will give tho prize mentioned above In order of 'ncconrpUiihmvnt. All i)ii.o winners will be notified. All prizes must be called for within ten, dnys of cloning- of contest. IJut ono In a family is eligible for entry. Can You Solve This Puzzle? Send In Your Answer Today Valuable Premiums to those nnnweriii g this advertisement and purchasing . fro ni us. 2-11 TAKE YOUR CHOICE To Be Given Away Ladies' or Cents' Wriat Watch, Set Silver, Piano and Bench Covers or the equivalent val ue of anything we have in our store. Absolutely FREE! TO ALL W HO ANMWKIt THIS, A HIlKkT OF Ml SKI DIRECTIONS: Take any number from 10 to 18, Inclusive. Do not use any number more thon once. Dace one number in each of tho squares so thitt when they are added perpendicularly, horizontally or diagonally tho total will be 42. SEE THAT YOUR ANSWER IS MAI LED OR BROUGHT TO OUR STORE. You will be notified of your success. Remember this contest positively closes . SATURDAY, OCTOBER IS Winter's Music House SBSSaBBBBBBSBBSSBBBBSSaWsSSBBBflsaaa 710 Main, Upstairs Phone 149-W Klamath Fall, Ore. Xant Aililrna Important Write rut nut anil aaklrrsa on this Hllp. nnit tililtni WINTKIt'H .Ml' Kit: IMlNK to CiHttrst Managrr of Tr- ro,,,,am7 i Savings Savings Savings t o X O - ' ' ' . This bottle of ink is costing us hundreds of dollars and saving the people of Klam ath County thousands of dol- s lars in price reductions during the two days we have been closed, i Everything: is being further reduced at The Toggery 5 619 Main WATCH AND WAIT FOR THE BIGGEST SALE IN K. F.