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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1927)
THK KVKNIN't; 1li:t:ALD, KLAMATH KALI.S, OUKGO.V. l'aeo Seven 1 cCV MARKET PL AC For Sale Real Estate j KOIt HALM Nicely liimtuhi-d kousa. 1100.00 down. I tti ill ro . nwnot-, 418" Hldsriidii. I2-ti FOR RENT IIUOM KOIt RENT -Board If ilk , altrd. liv Washington. X3-CI IUM IMS 120 Llucolo. I'bona 6-J7-W. H2-02 KOU KENT. 1-rooin furnlabed hnttae with gsrag. Phone iuSW. 2vtf FOR RENT Rooma. Healed. 310 Holllli Mil.' I'hunn 744-J 24 01 KOIt KKNT Furnlndoil 4-roum bullae, tmlh. $35 0U. Phone 1 447 W. 24-.I KOU UKNTKurnlahed rnhin and sleeping room. 1121 Enrl HI. Phone 10J7-W. 2-3l "OH RENT 8-ronin unit I -room Ull. nt 111 Dak. I minor" soli IMk. 23l OH ItKNT New 4-room mod - orn house, partly furnlahed. Hit Knsewsy Drive. I'hiuia 111. , Knit KENT Housekeeping room nnd cabin. Close In. Adults. I'liuu. (.'H it. .1143 I'lim HI. I 2H.31 Kolt llf. ST rurulshod house. m. Phone 443 or mil mil or VI I S Lincoln. WimiiI. Hghta. wulcr. 27-31 ' S7-J1 KOU ItKNT t sad J-roon .. completely fnrnlahed. Kent rea sonable. 1 block (mm Mnln Phone 1419. 7-i KOU ItKNT 4 -room furnUheO house, good location. Itm nnd lawn, $5o per mouth. No chil dren. PhoMe UKi or write Hon 30 rare Herald. ' 2C-G KOU KENT 4-room parity fur nished house mxt to lt"l hprlug hi" ill houae. Cull nt Connolly tiro., 014 Main 81 ... Kull ItKNT 4-rooni house, in rag. 2 stoves, ffUmii tu pave ment. Rent $2". oo. Phone 3. Mnmyer A Momyvr, llnpka llldjc. S4-tf big noacy at the Arcade Hotol Apartment!. furnished com plainly, electric ranges, linen, dishes aad telephones. Or room vita private batbi at real cat rates to permanent insets. Arcade. M-J WANTED WANTED- Messenger boy. West em Union. Ifl-.1t WANTKU Houke'pcr. 21 Kldnrado. !-3t WANTKI) (llaM how eo. I'hnnn 303. 2"-St WANTED TO TKADK Car for llmba or body wood. Call Wll llama Tt. !-tt WANTKD Wa pay hllit cab , prlrea (nr uaed furniture and atoree, Da aure to aee ua be fore you coll. We gWe you liberal allowance fbr your uaed farnltura In axchanita for new. You will find our priori very reaaonabla and credit acrvlca liberal. KLAMATH FUHNITl'TtB CO. 1011 Main St. l'bono 194 ,. . . Hl-Ol FIRE INSURANCE Wa apeclaliia. In Irrigated furmn'nnd stock ranches. IS yaars'- exporlonca la county. REED A REYNOLDS 101 Mala Ht.' I'hona I0I Freckles and His WMATCHA GOT IN Af OLD TIN teVt HfcKl, I i -. - w v r P.- -e' I I Vlr" V x ri ll t LOST AND FOUND lOHT - t)ir'nul, Iron grsy hiir'xel urnniuil on noun, bobbed tailed,' Weight ljp lbs. Phone 14H1-W. Klamuih Kails Auto Cnmp. 27-31 FOR SALE KOU HAI.Rluu roihI ewe, lull Kalvey, .Mrrrlll, Orrsen. Il-t Kill HAl.K Uit (or Blt. cloiw , In on paved alreat. I'lioim US M or rail at ,4 Itoaa Ht. 27-t KOIt HAI.K l4'l tona nllallu hay. Alf iKi and atubbl'i pas luro. (iood place to f"d. Frank NlKliula, HiinHtiiin. Ore. 28-tH KOU HAI-H2T, Mnawell kirt tourlns. A-l rondltlrui.-1 Rood llrva. Ternia. Ci7 Homh till HI. 2-Cl KOI1 HAI.K Travrlnra Koomlnx liouae. corner Hll and Main. One of the heat locations In town. 20-St KOIt SA1.K lly the owner. 7- roora uio"rn i oionini nouse. rloo In. (iood trraia. I'hone Djs-W or t2b. 24-41 KOU HAI.K -30 hrud nf dairy rowa. It brad Jry. 1 hrad nt HuUtrlna. Can Jie seen at Ofury Itun'h on Wbico Mnmh. or eon A. I'rnnllll, I'i'Mcoii City. 27-4t KOU HAl.K - AmrliB"lit house, nIs a inn", fully furabihrd, good . roturna. Klual Im-ullon In Klniaath Piilla. Will lake mod ern & or t room uiiiikkIhw a flral IMiydii lit. Write llox 76 Herald. 24-11 KOIt HA1.R (iond I'miI llanxes. 125 00 up (I MIim-i II.Mla .t SO up I'bmI Hti-i-l Knrlnss.... 3. DO up 15.0D up timid Vtrii )tiiR ,. I d IMnlnx Talilrs ... 10 00 up Hrn our llamaliui in Used Kurnltur b-fore you buy, Our I.IIxttiI Credit Man ll hrlp you. Kt.AMATII KVRNITfR CO. 1011 Main tU. . l-boaa "4 S2lf MISCELLANEOUS ItOOM AND " 1IUAHD 225 Bo. 6th 8t. . . 27-11 .MAllTIN liKVOKIt Home cbiov Df awiMip. I'hono III. , 2- I'ATTKKHON H KAINT AND Wall, papkii sTonic New location lis N. 4th St. I'bone 1536 2!-t DEKIl Hl'NTEIttt ATTENTION I.t me park you Into com pa where there are deer and no other hunters. Heal doer coun try. N. II. Wampler. Kocky I'olnt. Ore. S8-OS WINDOW CLKAMNQ Floor waxlna, bouae cleaning and JauJior service. Reference!. A. M. Itboads. I'hona 105S-W. . 107-2-tf .For Sale Automobiles KOIt SA1.K Kord truck, now rubber, first class ronUltlon. (Irsr shift, flat body. I'bona l!i 17. 1311 I'lcasant Ave. 21-61 FOR SAI.K 1 1 926 Dodge louring, com pletely equipped. A dundy buy. 1 1025 Dnd( commercial, with screen side, all new tires, fine condition. . . 11922 Willys fit. Clair coach Thte la a fine car. Lots of value for tho money. -1924 Chevrolet roadster, dandy buy. I 1323 Hudson roach, all ready lo go, completely equipped. 11923 Dodga touring. Sure soma car. Wo hava many mora to select from. Liberal Terms. ROY CALL'B I'HED CAMS See Walt Abboy 8th aud l'lnn Ht. Lot. I'bona 334 21-28 Friends 7AU;UA W5JJD-i?V DOES irSO OFF AN' MAeiG MOISE UcB TXS ISAT AN ; OLD TIN CAM !! SAV-7AIS IS A CAN OP TALCUM JOVJDfcR IAS 6LN POVMDEK DKJNGIN JaXWfe. TO TME. t-l ( li-v' l-Tf JV ( . pop. i ' ' oaf . MA' NEW TODAY POIl HALF. Al unc.'rlisp, din in t une, cliaira, bulfut. 430 No. 2nd. 2-3t l.OHT-STKAYKI) A larKe brln die Or ni I liana dog. Kinder phono 419. Iti-ward. Mo. Itlvrr aldu Camp Ground. m il' Kull ItKNT Hli-polsa, room, tit North Ml h HI. itH-tH WA.NTKO lllai kamltll and aruly-li-nn wrldrr vt.inta alrady employ Birut. Iloi I Herald. ZH ,4 iuiorm.a u-nt. oetweeu Hand Crxk Honrka Hlatloo and uppxr Marah, Haturdiiy. 110 re ward. I'honn 49. 2S-3t run HA i.e. 30 head of dulry cows, 14 bead Jersey, 16 brad I of, llolatelna. Can be seen at I (Mary llun' li on Wo o Mjruli, I or see A. I'eullll. I'ellcsn ( Ity. ' 2t-it: w.. ttAi.r. uit TKADK Kord truck, new rubber, flral claw condition, dear ahlfl. flat body. I'hnne 1617. 1321 I'leasant . Ava. 21-St mih x-rooni J house cloaa to rallrout sistloli. niBiadam street, psrtly furnlah ed. in mile toilet. I'hone 20C-W to Inapei't. . 21-21 KOIt IIKNT-I1&. J-rm. Iiouao un lurnMieH. near pavement, xood slxhlly lot. 10 minutes walk from buaineM conler. I'hone 2U5-W. 2S-3t WANTKD (ill) moil and chil dren to oruny nabin at the Ailainonl Park. Winter rales project; whether or not the pro ater Oct. lat: per wrek or ut would In any way afleci ih 124 per month, Free wood. ,ult wntch the HunJiiia cltl liKhta, water, shower and laun-lm auln tlui mat hlKhwoy dry. float, to arhool. 2S-t WANT To meot union vlollnlal. aaiophonn and pianist that play both ol.MjniH and modern mu ak. 1'reler musician that dou . bin or hitvii aood voice. Hos D Herald., 2 Kull RENT Clean two-roomed furnlahed house. New, aaraae. woodebrd. I2U. Oreson Ave. ' For rent, .tbrwroomed fur nlahed house, rarest $20.00. Mills Adillnoa. 27 Jeffersin. Phone 47-4. 22-6I KOU HALE I50, nan of the best tracts in Lakcahore Gardens at the end towards town, over 1 acres, drinking water at prop erty line, ditched and drainage built for Irrigation. A nice alle for auhurban home, ltea aonabla Icinu. ' ' 1750 Two house on corner lot, - each 2 rooms, water piped Into bouae, 2 blorkt from paving, 10 inlnulea walk from buslnees center. Terms. $1250 Two lots and small well built bousa In Laksview Addi tion near Oregon Avenue and ; highway. Lola In garden, place well kept up. $350 down, bal ance $25.00 per month. A good chance lo own your own home without much effort. M. L. JOHNSON 1 406 Main Hi. Phone 2A5-W 2S-3t HIGHWAY WORK HERE ENDORSED . (Continued from ptte 1) view Jilgbwa- one of the woj-at main traveled roada in the elite which followa a lava ridge from Illy to a point Juat- arrow the Klamath-Lnke county line. Ulda for these projects will he advertised tor nnd opened at the next meeting of the stste high way commisalon scheduled for uext mon I Ik The commission apparently bad Us collective, mind set on the three projects. Only one quos- Lowest Stage Fares FROM KLAMATH FALI-S . To Ashland SI. 00 To Mctlfortl - 2.80 To Ban Frnncktco ........ 11.00 To Pendleton .......:..I4.$W New Stage Depot . 8th and Klamath PHONE 326 w iiimiwwwnwwwwiwmm You Win, Tag! '):;) CPA1V M,OfA OSES TO PUT OfO ASK FACE i j v. Newsboy to Concert Pianist ',:4'i,:iS' a sy-. -.rat -4v Ov Raymond Burt, younc-pinnlidf of Puaenon, X .i , Is raliilnit the dream lie lutd as a newnbuy atnadinir cm Psteraon corner with hla papers becoming; a concert planlai. Ilu di-parted the oiher day on a concert tour of Kttropean ciilea. Una was'aeked In n sud to tb I i Klamath Kall-ljiketle- highway c-ommlsalon in an attempt to pro- vent the re-routini of the lilrh- ly from Dairy throuch Hilde brand to lrrens mill a move which wonld leave Bonanu off ths atate highway ayatem. , County Judge Fred H. God- dsrd attended thn commisalon I taiidorf. of the Ostendorf Motor1 uAniirr,,:hneJ- judge ,a!' 'r ':rr-;,n r ,hor thla morning. "I was more than;mor" '"fnlly than It could be gralltUid at iba result of the com- taxompllahed In any other way mlaalon meotlag' pjrtlcularSy the tljo excellence of the body'flniih itT'l,' i 'rd' ", '"" a,J the high character' of the which Is one of the rresteat ' r. , needs of Kramstb county. The bJ,lr. appointments of Dodge commiaslon U showing a dispo- Hr.Jr" "' x- ,' t ' alllon to cooperate with and help I T1""' lamediAlely notice that the Klamath enuntrir In it. r.nM deralonmeet . It Is understood that the work will probably not bo undertaken until next uprlng. . . , At rr-n ivirrn PIC,mKJ rk.Plitt.Lf - IN WA?FHnriSF (Contlnusd from paga 1) Rtlnson salient submitted to being "friaked". by polka. "Where's the knife: what did you do with It." Psirolman Mit chell demanded. "Tell the truth I now or . .-. At first refusing to answer Rtlnson . finally muttered brok enly: 1 "They Jumped on me; they tried to get me. ... Probing fingers revealed the knife case bnt no knlfo. Mit chell ran his hands up and down the prlncr"B logs and up hi uio priet-bit a legs ana up nis j - back. He was Juat about tu stop rrlvea at nosltifricr nt 11::0 the search when be felt the long's, mi Flit class mail worked stlllrtto underneath Stinkon s ' by 12:00 m. From lioseburg to shirt ln the back of the neck. Ho hsd slipped tbe dsgger down the back of his neck, a fnv orile hiding place for weapons. "So tliat'a your game: come along with mo." Mitchell ordered. On the way down the stairs to Hie jail In the basemem of the cltv- hsll. Stinann trlnned. Officer and prisoner tumbled heud overi heels down the stairs to the con crete floor below. The officer arose quickly and escorted the ncgra Into the JalL Stinson. sccordliiR to police, ts not unknown to police. Ho was nnested on September 12 on the charge of disturbing the peace and released from the city jail Heptembcr 22. ', "He's kuown as a bad actor." Patrolman Mitchell commented. ' These nro the dtys when all VVaung men are divided into two 'ilassus footbull und pool play jirs. ! Nine-tenths of tho people In thls country ore unable to think : for themselves, says an eustern jirofoisor. Wo aro Just wonder ing how Hint other , tenth ever i got Into his classroom. P'jr iroN PACE .f 9rh, wffU if .Sx.,v-A r Y.V.L face! ) 'TsiA.. 1 FR?X PBsrry" J si . vi. it j 7 n A.r ; I v -; - - ri 4. a I 3 aW'lU. E BYTflE FI SEX It has -remained 1 for the wo men. however," nays Mr. Ed Oa "-"I "muir or uriiiiuunnu w 01 finest quali lity. They com ment on the depth of the soft velvet floor carpet. -the arm reeta. nlit -cor da. -vanity and smoking wisi and the pattern and finish or taw bony hanr wmfcr-xmhas Ideialts reflect the care which wss Ulken ln Pining every item and master craftsmen have carried out the Ideals of tbe designer. ' ' MAIL SCHEDULE TO BE ALTERED (Continued from page 1) a. m. Mail originate at Portland Train No. 17 From the. Vwlh Arrlvea at - depot at 7:40 a. m. First claas mail worked by 9:20 a. m. . From eastern states and Oregon. Ashlunil Ktture Ashland. Aalilnml Stage Arrives' at post office at 3:30 p. ni. Firm class mail worked by 4:00 p., m. From Weed to Itosebnrg. ' Train No. i0 From the South -Mail arrives at depot at 3:45 p. ni. First class mail worked by 5:30 p From California. Train No. Ill From North ' Mall arrives at depot at 1:40 p. m, First class mull worked by 6:30 p. m. From Oregon. Train No. 10 Front South .Mail arrives at depot at 10:17 p.' m. First class mull worlted by 1:00 a. m. From California Air mail 10 rents for each half ounce, or fraction anywhere in Initcd Ma- ' 4 ot led Ions Collection- nro made from bus- kss district street letter boxes at 11:00 a. m. for dispatch to train i No.- 14 via Aslilund stage; at 11:00 a. in. for dispatch to train No. 13 via train No. 31. leaving nt 1:5.1 p. in.; ut 6:30 p. m. for dispatch to train No. 16. llelM at Princeton Jnka Single, Princeton's great back last season, is an assistant coach at his alma mater this yeir. I n '1 n Markets ltuii.-r PORTLAND. Hept. 28. At iM'holiiMle prlrea: Hulwr; prime 'firau down Vie. Kstro cube, city 4Ttc. ataodbrda 44c; prime firsts 43c: flraia 40c. Creamery priceai: Prima Ic above cube standards; butterfat 45c; fob I Portland. Milk ! Blda to the farmer: Milk steady. Raw milk 14 per cant cwt fob Portland. Butter 6c fob Portland. Current receipta up lc yev 1 ertiay. current receipts 30c; ;' freab medluma 22c: frenh atand I srd. (Irate 32c; fresb alandard extraa 3c. Poullry Poultry steadr- Heavy bens 21je22c; lljcbt 124V 13c. Bprlnna 2Zr24c; broilers 22t(24c. Pe kln white ducks 22c; colored ncminai; lurxeye. anve nominal. ' Ouivna Onions steady, local $1.00 45 l.lo. Pot at ore PoUtoes ateady, . tl.25 MS nack. . ' CO-ED ARSONIST GEORGETOWN. Tex.. Sept. 28.! (API Rebecca Bradley Rogers.' former University of Texas co-ed. I on trial here for araon, was men-1 tally unbalanced at tbe tima tbe; vacant bouse In Hound rock waa barned. Otl Rogers, her hus band testified today. The charge of arson Is In con nection with tbe burning of house in Roundrock last Decern-1 ber on the day before the Fann- era National Bonk of Buda waa robbed of $1,000 for which Mrs. Rogers also was Indicted. Rival a on Llnka Tommy Armour and Jobnoy Farrell are friendly enemlea on the links. Legal Notices XOTICE OF HKARING OK FINAL ACCOCXT. In the . County Court of the State of Oregon, for Klamath County. . , . In tbe matter of the estate of Ijohn A. LaVlgne. deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that Alice Garland, the administratrix , of the estate of John A. LaVigne. ' deceased, has rendered her final ' account and filed ber petltioa for i final settlement and discharge, and that Friday, the 7th day of I October. 1927. at Two o'clock p. m.. at tbe Court Chambers of the County Court in tha Court House, i st Klamath Falls. Oregon, naa I bven appointed for tbe hearing of her said final account and pe tition for older of discharge aa such administratrix, . at which tima and place any parson Inter ested in said estate may appear and file his exceptions In writ ing, and ahow cause. If any he., has. why said final account should not be approved and al lowed, and tha estate settled, and . tbe administratrix discharged. I , ALICE GARLAND. 1 Administratrix. I 87-14-21-28-OS I NOTICE OF HKTTLEMEXT OF FINAL ACCOrXT. ' In the County Court of the County of Klamath, State of Ore gon. I , In the matter of tbe estate ot ; GEO. E. GILLETTE, deceased. Notice is hereby gtvenr that the undersigned, administrator ot tha estate of Geo. E. Gillette, deceas ed, has filed ln the above named mnrf hln final IivahuI a! th ail. i ,,,,,. , gelher lth hli rep0rt and po- tltlon for finnl settlement, and !... j . . .... -927 at 2 o'clock n m ot said .?" ?' "' 5 "t court, iu Klamath Falls, has been fixed and appointed as the time and placo for the settlement ot nilil account. Dated Ibis 19th day of Sept., 1927... WM. F. D. CHASE. .. Administrator ot me estate of Geo. E. Gillette, deceased 321-29-OS-12-19 Bv Blosser! i POESNT ) "i - V'. ... yrrf- , "1' Klamath Falls LODGE, FRATERNAL, NOTICE Ueet Thuraday evenlnf T '. Visiting me.nbers al fca ' com. ELKS TEMPLE, 3rd and Main OLIVER BPIKER, Ex.illed Ruler V. D. McMlLLAN, lUcraury .EIGHIIORe OF WOODCRAFT Meets first and third Wednesdays each month In I. O. O. F. Bldc Fannle M. Thompson, Clerk. 416 N. 9th. 81S-30 Klamath Falls Business pirectory ATTORNEY. C. C. B ROWER Attoraey-at'Law .' Stato and Federal Courts Abatraeta Enimlned 208 WIlKta Bldg, Fhona til Real Estate Luw a Specialty M. (XWILKINS LawyCT 208 Williams Baiidlng Klamath Falls. Oregon Fhona 1181 Day or Night.. AUTOMOBFLE DEALERS Repair Work. Battery Service. Tires Nash. Oakland. Pontiac, Packard ' R. R. R. GARAGE . 831 Klamath Next to Postofflce Phone 812 Goodyear Urea Fireproof Storage . AUTOMOBILE TIRES Bring ha your worn -ill i a git SOOO miles mora a "H usual cost " , ACE TIKE SHOP ! ' Onaranteed vulcanizing 111 So. 11th St. Phone 843-J re-treads AUTO REPAIR Smithy'e Repair Shoo Guaranteed Auto Repalriac Cars called tor and delivered South Ita St. . Phone 103-W BATTERY SERVTCB . Battery. . Service, Macnato, Starter and Generator Repairing FLOYD HEN RIOT CO. 224 Main SC. Phone J97-W BEAUTY PARLORS Expert Operands, Individual booths, violet ray, marcell ing, hair tinting; - BOSTON BEAUTY SHOP Glorenna Warren Winters Bid. Phone III Water, French Paper Carl Facial and Scalp Treatment BCILDINO MATERIALS SWAN LAKE MOULDINO Cl Quality Bulldlns Material South th St. Phone 75' WANTED ; Carpenter work by contract oi Day. Cabinet work and fixtures bullh-. 1401 Division St. Phode 145.' BAfeGAGE AND EXPRESS Harry's Baggage and Express Stand. 8th Main. Phone 124 Trunk hauling and light mov ing. Prompt delivering. H. V. Reamer, prop. Office Evans' Jewelry store. 832 Main. CHURCHES SACKED HEART CHURCH Eighth and High Sts., Rev. k. F. Loeser, llev. C. B. Feige. Sunday masses at 8:30, 8:00 and 10:30. Evening devotions 'at 7:30. Week-day mass at 7 a. m. Merrill, 1st and Srd ' Sundays at 10:30. All are cordially welcome at our ser vices. CIVIL ENGINEERS . J. C. CLEGHORN Civil Engineer and Surveyor 2 IS High Street V. C. KELLEY Consulting Civil Engineer Underwood Bldg. Phone 107S Lodge Directory LOTAL ORDER OF MOOSE .,,, fTM Meet -avsry Tburs aaj, i : ju L. O. O. M. Moosa lUlt, Klaam Xty. atb Ava GEO. OOLE, Die' KLAMATH LODUR NO, IT . A. F. and A.M. ' ':'. i ".;J: Stated Commoalcatlona . 2nd and 4th Mondays) , Visiting Brothers Wstcoma '" IaOOMIS bcildino DENTIOTS ' i General Practlca ot Dentistry ' DR. PII0.TP OOLB ' . (18 Main' ' ' Over Moe'a Etore-Phons lit . Open Evenings by Appointment DR. E. O. W1SECARVER ' Deatiatry" ''' ' .' I-Ray Service Underwood Bldg. Pboae 14 1 Dr. J. J. Emment), Medford. Ore. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Phone 117 CHIROPRACTORS . DR. GLEN MOORE Palmer Graduate Chronic and Nervous Dlseaaat New Melbaae Block. 121 Mala Phone 1271 ... Opposite Court Hoaae) . '' DR. C. NORVA1X ' J . Graduate of Palmer and Pacific College Fourteen years experience . We remove the caoae of '. disease ..'... Bonansa. Ore. , All EMPLOYMENT AGENCY KLAMATH EMPLOYMENT . - OFFtCB Employment tor workers : aAt: to .... IT f isi:i very trade a Ilia, railway and farms. - James Ryaa. prop. Otb and Mala. Pboae) 10T GUNSMITHS Frame a ad Mirroea ftatoe . Renew Mirrors assT FuraKar) Goniwitth, Expert Key Maker Gaaraateo ISO So. 11th St. uae 144llj - si-ox wwewnei imii wewwei,i wm Jlawaw UVESTOCX 3 Fresh cowa 'on hoad at all lmea from one to carload KLAMATH DAIRY COW CO. ' Phones: Ranch 22F3;Res. 411 E. Mochettas. Jr. , Texum Btatloa ' MUfHO STUDIO ' i i in a B asaaasaaaM m assswasaaa , 12 LESSONS-i-U i " ara to play popular music Immediately. Many' different ityles ot bases, flll-ms. etc. his course will enable yon to ecome a professional dance lano player. ... VATERMAN FIANO SCHOOL Located at Hale'a Plane Sales Room 222 South 7th 8L . OSTEOPATHS DR. F. R. GODDARD I. O. O. F. TEMPLE Osteopathic Physlclaa and Surgeon Office and Residence Phone 821 PAINTS, WALL PAPER Wall Paper, Paints, Enamels, Brushes 1 ' F. R. OLDS ' ' . Across from Postofflce Phone 43 ' .' Everything a Paint Store Keeps . Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dead enlng Felt, Glass, Rooting, . Wail-Paper PATT1 RSON'S PAITT fORK 121 So, Ith St. - Pbons lll-J TIMBER CRUISERS Timber Cruising. Recoaaalak ance and Appraisal II. 1L OULB 400 Mal St. Phone SOS-W Working from M. L. Johnson's office ! V " f k 1 t 1 Li 4 ; 4. aimWlc -lac-: .?. t