Wednesday, September 2. 1 f27. THE EVENING HERAT!). KI.AMATH FAI.I-S. OREGON. P;i;.m Five Nation's Use Of Evaporated Milk Gaining I Meet the Ornithopter! "It'll Fly," Says Inventor Tim Imrnra In lltit u.a i( MMiH)rnlil milk (luring tti paai flflKKii raara ihm Iwm truly r murka'tla. Not only la IhU true on hl himril. In Ilia Iroplnt auil arclle rlona. In llix lutnlirr'aml nilnluit ramp wlixr llillo itr tin'' milk la prorltmil, Iiut In Ilia rlilM, In rr anil Mnftll, Dlarrlm- i lunllna women u II In lark . qilahllllia iMwanan ivii In many nl Ilia lnrk rlltra tli'V find II iwra ri'llahli. than iiinrki. or ,' von IioIIIpiI milk. In arlillllmi. nnpnrniml milk la wliMy uwil , wll "if I'akxra, rnnily ami Ini arrant niamifai'lnrxra. Tlila Ronrrul iirnviil In Hi hliih quality ami rHIatilllty of milk la dua In IIm rlxlil aiamlanl iiialiitulnnl liy llii ninnnrai'iiirHra. llrniiil Airort Takr Alplnn milk, fur lntnr. Thla lira ml nf milk la nm (if lha nlilnal and latl knnwn nn Hi I'nilflr rnaai, kiiIi plnnia In. a I m lu California ami Orriton. Tliv riiilr Hull all nrn Iroin villi h lliy arrit mill) mul l Imallby and In aonil rich at all 1 1 him anl Huti lhy li mllkl I rciiilar huura, mornlna ami fvnlnk. . Thy havn ih iikihI alrltiaett rulm rlallv in ih lanllna uf Hid milk rana, anil Hi mllinil nf haoillliiK Hi nillk. anil rqulr tlial th atalilia and fthnla hr lh roa ar krpl mum l clean and wll vrntllal id Th roinimny'a luapwlura Iruik pi-nnal Uipwtliti (rum lima lima to that all ih riulrrmnla nf tli rnmpany am tiring lltrarl up u and any auk Hatluna mad by hlin muni li carrlfMt out by Iha dalrymrn. Ka It Alpine nmnnfni lurlna ! Ilnni rw'l" Ha milk from lienU 1 nrala In lli vplnlty uf ih Vlanl, any within iiuinm of nhnul lrnly liillK. ThU I alili-fl tlimn In liavo in milk tin- I llri iiulrkly after H la lakeu from lit mw. Ii la tlin atrr fully laird for puniy and rli h- ' and any milk tint up lo Ih Mandurd la promptly rlild. Walts- ItnmottHl Tba proa by ahlrh annul , 80 of the water la rrninmt, hna bean tvlupd In lia prnaml I lilKh alai of parfm llon through i year nf pffoii and a lurk r. ' pencil! u re of uiwwr. Aa a re ault of Ihla r(Mio1 proreaa. Hi j evaporated milk la put Into Hi Una In hlrh II la anld lu Ih pulillo lttt all Ih wntnia and ; purity of frh milk rilntl. jt la. nf mum, rtouUy rl M In ' rream limaun II toki a a win. I quart nf reh full rrram milk 1 In mak a pint nf Alpln. ; In addition tlila. Alpine milk. a(lr Iwlnc plard In hxrmrtlrally oald tlna la aprlltxd by blli , baid uodrr atnam prxaur ' ahli h dnalrnya the uatli rlu and -prflrrhtj) frmnlullon. Tii atT llliailnn of lha milk rraiilta In '. ktna; It pur and awt In th , can. arhli b la on ri lha muat i Important rraaona thai Alpln milk haa brumn ao popular. Alao Ita rlrh flavor, rri-amy i amoolhnraa, aud ita crunoniy out1 mark! milk mak II a xrl la tori i among dlarrlmluatlnc houiuiailr who n It for every 1 purpna for whlrh milk la ud. FAMOUS DOGGJZR DIES OF WOUNDS fOI'XCII. III.I KKH. la., J. IAI'1 -Kdward I". -Hllm" Carki-y, aald to b thn wurlda champion atr "bull dii"r," dld br yMrriiy. An operation prfurmd In th hni of aarliix lila Uf rerea'rd a aaiiKrcnoua xrowth In th ab dominal cavity, whlrb pbyalclana ' aald waa du to an lnlury Caakny anfferrd a yar aao hn he waa ; ranjrnd by a etnar'a born. A rip old ax braf alxiul. Junt a nothliiK to cooaldrr III orniHiiiiili'r la Ihla nw flying marhin. Anl Ciorito Whit, fornmr army aviator. Inalata It fly. Ilo'a liuan trylua II out on Ilia b ai li nar lha rlty of inn on lb Klorlda r.m cnaat. Th wlim rinipliik, foul prnpt-lli-d duvli wulnhla lull pounda and hna a link aprpud of 21 foC ll'a l)Ull of alixd tilhlnk and rnllulold. , . . vo s BUICK KI.INT. Mlrh. Hpl. II. IVter llol'.uiln. formvr A. A. A. raring champion, who la ladlna In point a toward Ih 1HI7 ap-id rrown following hla rrnt vlr lorla, haa Juat tuki'n dillvry or hla alulh llulrk. I.Ik many otlmr famnua"ip'd drtvrra. .Mr. Ih-I'aolu haa long bn an rnlliualaallr ownr of nulik mnlnr rar. tie waa drlv Ing hla firth llulrk when lb afir aiiimliilng tlum, ordered onn for Mra. Drl'aoln, thua join ing llulrk'a growing family of two-car owtirra. The nw il'anto llulrk la a Ito I, tit atiort roadilr, rqulppnd with al wlr whla. two carried In frtiilrr wlla at Ih front, trunk a ferry boit. Oar waa nxprnaacd that b bid htm drownd. II bought a frrry tlrknt which waa found in IIib rar, but h waa not am-n again. II waa In Aatoria on a bualnaa trip. You dou'l have to have an or- rack, and full-width rar bump-' f'""""1 u,t lo mk " orrr ,.rm ' turn. ra. BUSINESS MAN BELIEVED LOST I'OUTI.ANI). Or!, Si r. !. I A. IM-At lha bom of II. W. KU-b hr nothing had bn hnrd from him thla morning following rnport from Aatort laal lilvbt that ha had vanlahrd IHZI ruodiva wfro Introducxd, and .altar placing hla ulomobllo on GENE CRITICISE U. S. EDUCATION AUTO LIMERICKS liy CI.AKK XKWTON llerc'a Mr. and .Mra. Th happla roupln w know. Thy bav drlvn quit far In I hi li r-liulli aporta rnr It didn't lak mub of IhWr d. unh. RELIABLE REBUILT CARS Get that car now. Act promptly! We have the high-grade car, at a low price, that you've been waiting for. Bring her for a ride. We'll tell you why we can hcII you a guaranteed cur at such a xmall price. . USED CAllS y 1024 Oakland Touring $500.00 1921 Nash Coach $575.00 1921 Ford Coupe $250.00 1921 Chevrolet Touring $200.00 1925 Star Coupler ...$150.00 192G Chevrolet Coupe $585,00 R. R. R. GARAGE (Continued from page 1) "I har rrrlaln Idea In mind In llilnga that aro wrong In the education of the very young among our boy and glrle. alao thllixa that nilnlit ho corrected In tbo chm of rn-eduratlonal work but until I have dcvoied ray thoughta to tli thlnga mora fully, until my III Iqlefeat la not olhnrwiae taken np. thn time, haa not coin la talk on my alma lo any rnnaldnrabln tnl. ' j 'Bomelinw I frH that I ran find a tbotight of genuine value lo give Vo Ih growing genera-. Hon. Honiehow. I feel that I will find Hie way lo bring thla thought to Ibe clear nnderatand-1 Ing and appreciation of our i i youth. Honiehow I feel that my aurroaa na nn nthlrlvj hue been , fated aa merely a aloppltic atone j tn the mnre Important wnrk I lint there la at III before me." I When the champion wua aaked : what he waa going in do with! lila million dollnra, he aald: "I haven't got my million yet, bul , aome dny I'll get It and when my ' financial Independence la aaaured. , then I hope to give my future to that on r pone for whlrh I ho llevo I hiivo been ordained." x Not Mllllonnlrn Vol. "Although my pnran for Inal ! week'a nintch with Oempaay waa , fl.Onfl.non," he aald. "I nm aUII fiirifrnm a millionaire. Out of Ihla nninmil will rnmo my nuin-1 r nger'a end, expenaea of training mid niimerotia olher Incidental. Ami tho atnle end government will Ittke a ronalriarnbln percen tnce nf my earnlnga. li will he n while yet before I nm In the niCllnnnlrs claaa." PHONE 212 KLAMATH Phone 408 Our rrfiuliitlon fir i-ctumtnic rMhn tluil !mk urw hn play nl no liti In Mrt Id our Nun-OKM. Klamath Cleaning & Dye Works 43i MAIN WHEN YOU ORDER t PRINTING You tan either nhop around and award the job to the lowent bidder Or place the work with a responsible house, capable of the higheiit workmanship paying what Huch service in wor(h. Thin i frequently lens costly from the tttandpoint of renulU. Case $C Melton 121 South Seventh Phone 183-W fOjrSaYe y T . IZ cv Offlca ItKin I IM MUiaa Bldg Re, fhon IMS KUaaaini Palla WAS YOUR TRIP RUINED by uncertain tires? If ao bring ti em In and let u repair them In the moat com pletely eqillpr.fd ahnp lu .!.., u ran . Or trade them in on new CTC Tire ACE TIRE SHOP ii.vsr. i mi PHONE fU.1 T Another Triumph! THE HOOD FLAT TREAD , It grips the road, instead of touch- ing it giving you more traction nd greater safety in driving rither in congested traffic, or on dippery roads, or both. It's a sensible tread for a tire that's a sensible buy .... Most 'Tiilcs per dollar that's the reason. USED CARS PRICED RIGHT Buicks 192G Standard Coach 1925 Standard Coach 1925 Master Coach 1925 Standard Touring 1925 Standard Road ster All above mechanically guaranteed 1 11! ITI.KMS JOt I1XKV routing all the wny from Pit Ittth, Minn., In find thai Ihe ' friend ahe had Journeyed In era were nnt to. be found la the ex perience, encountered by Mra. Una Wlljiinnn, A clone frlenda of Mr. nnd Mm. Jainea Applegnte ahe derided lo Imp Into Klamath Knlla and aur irlan them. They are not tn be located. Mra. WHJnnen will he grateful, lo anyone who might aa alal her In locating her frlenda. During her alny In the rlty aha ia a mi I'M at thn Hotel Arcndo. The gentrnl atom hna come In from (he rrnaaroada. You'll find T it in almom any town under tho name of "Drtui," USED CARS That Satisfy! Roy Call's it the oldest used car deal' er in Klamath Falls. Our motto is: "Service and Satisfaction" to our customers. We handle all makes and models of used cars many that are nearly new many cars from which to select. Liberal terms! ROY CALL t See Walt Abbey at 8th and Pine Street Lot Phone 334 ' I J :: 3 WW af"V af" TT"a mm will 1 FORDS 1927 Roadster 1925 Touring with Rux- stell axle 1925 Touring 1925 Road'r with Rux- ntcll ked pickup tody 1924 Studebake.r Coupe like new 1924 Nash 4 Sedan 1924 Stevens Sedan Several ether makes of Cloaod and Open Cars BUICK' GARAGE FHONE 42 Duck Season OPENS October 1st And Title Lake has more water than ever before, so so buy a King Portable Boat now " ' and be sure of your ducks. I IMPERIAL GARAGE I ' Agents for Johnson Motors j "THE GARAGE THAT NEVER CLOSES" , f 229 Main Phone 134 i II . I for a i $5.95. bridge lamp' Wonderful value - In Poly Chrome stands with parchment shades.--. Other lamps in new styles, specially priced. ' The Electric Shop GARCELON'S 735 MAIN ST. ' We Do All Kinds of Electric Wiring Klamath Tire House Hamilton & Bies, Props. We Ar Always Ready to Take Care of You '.'.. Vulcanizing and Retreading . 315 So. 6th 1 Phone 472 ' KewEtice m 4-Dooanxaur "iMil LI 11" 1 " " 1 " " ' ' ' ' TTTTfTTTTTnTTTTTmTTTl WINTER Will Soon Be Here Our monthly storage space is the best in town. WILLIAMS GARAGE ALWAYS OPEN Opposite' Willard Hotel Exceptional NewLuxuries and Performance Features; -YetaNewLowPrice EXAM INE-DRIYE COMPARE THIS GREAT NASH SEDAN-AND IT'S EASY TO SEE "WHY THE COUNTRY IIAS CONE KA.OII ! Vanity case and smoking set. New type, form-fittina cushions,upholstered in ricn mohair and button-tufted in the custom manner, junn This new Nash Special Six Four-Door Sedan vhtrtvtr you look! calls your attention very forcibly to Nash value. At its new low price you will find that other manufacturers are asking from $100 to $1 SO more for cars not as fine in finish, and not nearly as fine in performance. Here is one of the smartest looking, smart est acting cars of the new season built as only Nash builds motor cars, performing ss only a Nash performs. The body is a full two inches lower in the fash ionable vogue.W indow and door ledges, the instrument board and its crown ledge, are all finished in walnut. The steering wheel is solid walnut, inlaid and crested. There are shirred door pockets. And luxury in every mile and minute you drive it. It is quick on the go, al ways out in front at a traffic start, effortless on hills.' There is increased power in iu big 7-bearing Valve-in-Head motor. Yet that motor is even more quiet, even smoother. Integra balance of Nash operating parts has accomplished an astounding improvement in already fine motor performance. And it is the easiest steering, easiest man aged car you ever handled. It turns a corner at a mere hint from its steering wheel. Finally, here is an easier riding motor car. New itertt-proctss alloj-ttttl springs, just in troduced by Nash, achieve supreme travel comfort. Dritt lha tar before you buy your new one. flvAvr and save $100 to $150 -of your good money. Ill t i 3 TTttHWTtWtTHfTttttttHttTtHtfl 1 TEMPLAR. HdTdR Cd.ihc. Hepi.r Specialists Klamath and Eleventh Phone 1010