Vciliu'H(luv St'ptpinlH'i- 2S, l;t7. TMK KVKNlNt. IIKUAI-!), KLAMATH FALLS, OKKHOM. Pngo Thrf Separation Threaten "Siamese Twins" ' .lJrir5Jr DEPENDABLE MERCHAND!SEjt;--p,ca NEWS IN BRIEF l " ' ' 'i l it J mil l Inn IIimiiIi Heroi n I nl Thti Junction booth mi lb Ash In nil Klamath Fall, lilaliway. wlih h l i tin how window (or ryca nf h it rli kr. from nil pari, uf lh" I'nll.d Hliilen who lrol llm- 1'ii'lllv highway wan ycalclday droaaod Willi n new display Agricultural product from Klniiinlh county were pliu-oil on rtlnpluf wlib print gialna, hay. natural granae.. vrgoiuhlca, nil ilrlrk. of furrliK Wli.-ii III minviiB loim-.l tlio . : i-iMiii iiiit 10 ramp no nun iiy im-v ' r vlr A , . j.? ,1ri'I,l v. .lemon, county .ml W rjr MkH miir ,' u ,,, , ,, ' jT ' , f " V- VW 1 'Iwrm-I llm ImioIH. Mr Hmn1 ! fl . . , . A , , i J . '"' "Ui-lmv VI-....I .hMr- .,, M, Jl(, .. , 'J' II ".V V.',-a v Loiiib a.i.riii ll. M-n-rn a.-.i KHi.l f Mr. hihI Mr.. Allwrt , tlflU V r- ' ' ' ' , X i ',( "I lliv. umili.u trom Klnm.ili . ,.rll nf ,v(r , , ,,,,, ,., ; WjH 'Jj ! "if ' --vii 2 i T rri.m N-w Vnrk .lute wl.ero il... (V W i , tjj V . ' ' P 1 Iiiiiiik of, v '- . m,,. j.,h... i.r . ...ivin. ...i it... ! P i;. ' f J'zJm7 i; v,S: T....r film hl,l, lukr,, . r- ,1B1,y , ,H, ,,,. , ',W I ' Vr ?!'V VtJT i ' 1 11 1 tin. inn wuuk by t.. 1.. 1 1 ......... VJi v ' .Zi . J J 1 3-T".- ..: '1. w.ulliorii .....lion ...f llu rouiuy e-.m.riif MlHu. nr. brink ro ll v ml il. .i..k iilnur... nf Iho 'r(.v, i,y Mr. nnil .Mm. W. (I .liin.. irlu. Vi-i..rduy ,y r,m ,r f,.nH ,iPn In .omiwiiy wllh l.ynn Hnl.ln. lr. ',,. Krrlul , u,.,ir, burn lloii.lri. ki. In rbil..iiilii Tiii-Hdny rvonlim nl lh.. Klum l.i not ..:iiir.m of llm ruilln b. lnic ,, ii,.,.r., ,B1.. T, bnliy .rrnarrd lilimi..ii bv I.lnrt-; wtKlid l1it ..nindii mill Ir. i m.y Hlu'iiinr.. of llm r'ori Kl. niuih , nhmr,t n,.v,.r,.y j,.nn." Mr. .niiniiiiiiiiy .11111, iu-r mi inn lllllll will l.f nliowii .1 f'urrlli. ilrnx ilnrn. l.illlnlli.ii;lil Th Viriiifc nf Kn-.lj.-a Vnr will Rio'l In Hi" .i.nrl lioi.n.i ililn rmnlim for liililuilou rlt- unci lb rririilnr buini-nn Hi'imlnn. n.--ri.rdliiR to nnni.iini..iii.iit mail. by riinrl.'M linM'ti. nni.rtiniuni.r. .' Anion oiln.r IliliKa lb Vru will lomnloli. nluna fur Ihrlr wlni. r .ciltlil.ia t thi cr-ninc'i. J inr.ilDk. All invmbur. nr nnk.d o nl d. i. O. I llra.l llw Kloyd I,. I'ook. .cri4ry .f I h reuubllmn hI.I" runlrtil rnui tlllllro anil rral...nt of I"1 ford Km b buln.aa vlnlior In Kiumntli Kallk yrainrdHy. Mr. I'm.k n-kUinrod .1 lh Hot"! Hull liurliiit bl brl. f ylnll h. rt. , Mr. C.H.k J a KUF41 of Itohrrl ' limn. in Ktiyarnnnii. a rif.n.- frtniul. WIwb llalit hair In .rowing darknr hnrn a (iolden (lllnl .banipon. Drabiii.w dlnpiar in iiuj nhinHi.ilu! Al druit 01 Inl lot i.iod. rounl..rn or t your linlfilron..r. Adv. I'ft for I'Hinon I lie n.v. J. Il..nry Thnmn. nnd M. J. YoutiK liar l.'ft fur rnnyoii f'lty. (Jr.oii.'io nilrnd lh Kiiln roiallnn ronv.'iiftiin wblrh Ihhi. Ihroii.bnut Hnlurduy. On Hunday Ibvy will 10 on to i'ortland. ' Main. Ill H.iw.t Hbi.p For flownm. Klur.l dral.n.. qu.llty with rvlr. XI Main lrr"l. i'hono :. Adv. Kviih (ii-ta Ilia- Ilui k Frank Kvana of lh K'vann nbo Shop In ronipnny Willi from llaidnn mo....lnln Mr Kvant bark bla fit I drer of the ....noil, u 2'iU potiud burk. Iloa.lrrwnii rnim llunjunlilr A. Hondernon of Diinamulr, con duilnr on Ilia Soul hern Purlflr, nrrlvml In Ihii rlty yenterdny-to be tier for neverul iliy on bunl nrn In tbo lulrrp.1 of hi. com pany. Mr. Homh-raon l at the Hotel Lake while In lbs city. IC.Torerlim l-ruiii InJ.irie E.I McCoy I. rapidly reeoven. 1." ... .--J . "' .1 .ntotnobl e accident on TH Dalle. ,?' 3A- "- UrlHcoM (llfornln hl.hw.y. Ho 1. rocnp- i ",nB Alv crating at the Hotel lakn, bta , , , . hom. -Mrs. I.jl.. Imprmlnic Ileli bcl ll.lurned Monic--. Frank llcchtel h returned 1o ti...irie .r... .i.m.. -1,1. i... ,. v , , , '.."-... liven and fileml. 11 Anhlaud for .uvnr.l ilava. Mr. Ilechtel return- 1 ed from Han Fraimbu-o a week ' HHH wouru .iu nuoillllltMl to minor operation. Nntlafactbin . Bu.lniw. training inny ba luul at the KI.AMATII cou.koi:. UUBINKSo BS-OI Il.-Uirucl Front I'ortliind Hurry Marly lua returned from roiHaiid. where bn apenl the pnat two weeks vlsltiug friend, and IrannarlluK biislneiis. lllxim la Ibu k Tom Dixon relumed 'Monday from Hurra men to, where he spent sev.rnl days wllh friends on n bllHilieits ttiid pleasure f trip. Win. Fi nn I 5c. A good cigar. - Adv. i Mr Murphy lniicovcl Mr Jack Murphy hi. re sinned her position nt. liurrelon's Kloctrlc Hhop lifter nn Illness of several diiys which confined her to tlm family home. Vlnitlnii lYom McMllinvllle Mr. and Mm. 11. C. Johnson of M.T:: ..rvlllo transacted btiHl lies. hero for several hoys on Tuesduy. They were guests at the hoi nl Arrndu. . Win. I'enn ' Dc. A good rlRiir. - Adv. Ilcin l-Vntil Albany K. I. Anthony of Albany wis n business visitor In Kliimath Knlls over Tuesday. Wm. roiin - Do, A good clear.- -Adv. liu. k From Trip "iir" ('link of the rnderwood 1 Pharmacy' Willi Mm. Cook r. i tnrurd last evening from it Hire." I Hi.), trip iu Hky l.ukM u mi i nuili.g. While few hunter, were ', found In Hi... Bkr l.ak. dlMtrlrl ? Mr. Cook i..pnrtt. Iota of gam. I "'Tim)' Inn uf ruin j'llli Wcrtt able Itl get bill i few I : pi-tur... of lb .! m.oi. in. dr.11: Mar. . I L, I . i. i.rrll ..,,. ifcll, j.yu,, , i-,uii.ti..u wllh llm T.- plionn f.n)innv. ftiipl'llj Ili-mn-rlim llllion lluiiillinn, nun of Mm. liln I In h.lK.trt hnu ulinnyl ,it. pMrly r'.ovrrrd from n wrluu. ' h.inrv wlii.i. h wwrnl vwlii aitn wbll worklnk In n I. mill. II u nrm wnn I.....I,. . ... i.. .. ,.i,.u. i.i... allll i.,r .. i,n i. ",.,.r.n.i ... n." wi.m.n, i:...,r,.i hM. . Mn.ihiic II. I.I -lb.- Iiitiu'l ni.-i'lliiE of lb.- full nnd wlnlnr iik.iiiIii of lulin I. u 111 ma rlmpl.-r of lh" lilihlina wiim lild uii Tu..i..luy .finrnooii i lb 1 1 11 li room In lb. rliy llhrury Tim m.."lln wna W"ll .tuinl...l nnd mont li.trnilm(. your advi-riliilnit dollar ovrr Kljlnnlh Fall, and K ttiui li ! rouiilv b unlii Tim Kronlii ! i.rn.1.1. n 111. I'm lc. A Rn.l lKr. Adv. .Mlnw IUII H..1.1I1 MIm Vtru-y K. Hall U cnjoylni: i a I wo wci-k . vlnll In Hall Fran i-Im-o. Han J.ia.. und other ,a..uh irii flilrn with f ri.-11 Vour OppoHunlly ; vlollluai will) In VavadnM, Do yoo wlh to l.rrome a Calif., bin will Inu-r Join Imr hiia KI.AMATII I1V8I-1 b""'1 MCH8 C'ULI.EfiK. . Hb-til . ir. A Rood rl(r.- Adv. Iu l-' Irn-lll Mm. Kdward I'ropat . of th Merrill dlalrlrt .pen I nerrrnl hour In the r!ty yntrday bop pln( and vl.ltlBR with her mother, .Mr. It. A. Kmmltt. !' 11 f riovti'l a and floral Pbuno 1111. Adv. Al i...liii Itul. f. A. Km nil of, Kutrone. rep. renintallvo f Iho IVter Show .-nimify tr.m.irted buaiimn. wllh membeia of th (lolden Kill nlnff today. New t'patfiii-M Hhop New arrival of t-oaut and drenn en. tlenl valiiea In town. Itoom. 7 Melhate Hide.. 01. pontic rourt hnu.c. Adv. 8 Kor Inmiran. Williams 11 will be wllh Interest thai jth many friend of Mm. A. J. ' l.ylo born of her recovery from a ai'lloun attack nf lllnrni which ......i.. .... i. ....ii.. '."- .... I......V jur more than a week. .Mr. , ,n , , n.t.ov,.rti,K. ' ' 1 In l"iimi lU-ntty Mr. and Mrs. C. nn.i .tra .1 l Ileal ly were viaitor yealerdiiy. Mr. nnd Mm. Taylor r from llm llentty .tor. While jher Mr. Taylor transacted offi cial uusiiiea. at 111 court iwiuhc. Mk-iIiir .MiiiiiIiiv Mrs. f'hurlca Joaeph Martin hns invileil Hi in e in b e r a of Kubilonu chupter to meet with her oil next Monday evening, 111.' regular monthly meeting. Kximi Fn-mrlpllonlHl Forhca Piiro DrugH. Adv. Here From Vrc Fdnnn I,. Foulk nf Yruka. Calif.. Is at the hotKl Hull today while Irunmii-tlng business In the city. Wm. I'enn (n. A good cigar. Adv. Vnn I'oiil.l . Attend th KI.AMATII nt'SI NF.SH C01.I.K0K If you wish to becotnn a .Innographer. HS-01 In Krnni Dorrls Charles Kvans of Dorrls spent evernl hours here yeslerdny nt tenilliig lo lumiuuss Itilerests. Hpriigue Itlver Merchiiltl - Dan Wnnn nf the firm of Wnl- N ford and Wnnn nl Rptngne Itlver Irnnsaitetl biislnen. In the city yestcrdny for sev.unl hours. Hrr From Kuu-ctie- . J, F. Crnndnll of Kitgetie la regislorml at th lmtel Hull to day. Mr. Crnndull Is trnnsactltig bn.lnes. here. . JV V; V' If HX?i a kT vV J"y ' Vg" . jf1 flLy;; f ' . llitfj . j.', W' - ' " , X 22g' l .. ' .; V 3 tffc t Ti Mv V V ir.-'.i j .r ji 'Mary I !-( 1 unl Mursnruf l.l.ilm.' C, Ain.iii..'. - only -Umewi Twlim." w !'. 1 It 1 m: I ri -.1 .v ntiaruilmi bo can- f .'.h. r,' i.-vnrp III- ,111.1k wllh lulln. liu u liiilvoli..-. Mu. Bi M'irrr 1II1I hi-r coiidllloii li.-iu n Una b r iluilli w: furil mid mi up.., 111 inn )o tvi- Mnr- jui r. l'i. lire v..;u r,-.n:.'iniil:u'i. r llm Mnry 'Imnioycil und rh imd Miir Ki.i"! arc 1: en in IihiiikI. Mf.' Juln.d nl liu- bli. Tin Witil In 1 Th" ''ylo-Kiii. nJUKrai.h l d.T rrn.1 lh:.ri-my rcr'si.. 'l'1"" .rr-H on. durli.c Hi- lnl 21 houri iiiid Ihln will pri.lii.Uly ! full.iw ' "' ''l.-or wcuticr, nnd . ool. Knr-f fj.r ikxi l bourn. Knlr wllh brink wliiil.i 1 hi. h will dim- liilnh. I lin Tyro nr'llnk lli"r mm '"t"r i"ln. r'd maximum nr. inlnlmuin t..uip..rnl ur. today mm lollnwn: Mich low 41 l.iin.-biN.n iin l''rbln) Tim I'.ixl Mnlronn .lull buvo ronitil.!.! nrritiir. m.nn for tim d on I rldHy at , Iitlii'lmoii in h bi-ld .liu ll'lll-.l-.l lir....l ....... nirmlirr. Kill udjourji 10 th" Iionm of Mm. Marlon Hank, on j I'lnn lo elijrt ofll.-i.r. for lh en- J auuiK yi-ar .1111 iiiik uiw plan, ior ino wlumr moi. il... , , It. I nnu-1 in Klnmnili l ull i M. Krl.-tafi. who hat bi'rn loak- Inc III. hom. In Anir.nd. whir.' ha w.a oniploycd wllh lh Met IroiHilllna I. If Itu.ur.t111- comi.any. baa p'turnnl to Klniiinlh Fall, lo mak bin home Mm. Frlilan Ik 1A1 l.i..r Jloiiiri Mm. Knlun Moor and Mlm U.l!wb. - tb MH.irdy will Joint , , h.-.t.wa on tn xi ..ln.dy tornoon to lb member, nf the '""j I 'lf . Art Nei'ill or emu ai urn home of Mr. .Moure on Kivemidu. BOtllh 1 From fike u' Tin. WimmIh- Mlw Olwm. ten. hrr of the Cen tral at hool hnn ri-turned from 1-ake o' The Wood where nlie baa .pent tli pat.1 never.) dayn j wiin irn nnn. Mian dim. a la bark -. .u , "" fillM."'M" I'll III I'l'VU... O. school on next Monday. IVi-an ; Itork U. II. Il an nf Iho l'ulnce mnr kol broiiKht down a .tun pound hut while liiiniina on the t.-r-ber lain-h on Monday, The d.M-r Is on Uplnv In Hi window of tho Pnlaco meat ninrUet. Hr-ntaiiiM Tnkrn Fail Tho remnlna of Waller Mrt'l - wrather accompanied br .Mm. .Mr I Illwrurher and iliiuchti r will bo taken east 13 Mulhwry. Kannan, on Thnmilay nioriilnx. Tho Karl Wblll.H-k funeral homo w-a. In chnrce of iho nrrnnxt'tiient. Expert' rVeacrlpilAnlhlH . Forbes Ture Drnaa ml v. From Lnkcvlcw Tninnai-ilnii UkoI busrtiiiin nnd visltiiiK with fviendn, Mr.. L. unnKiy 01 l.okevtew in imiotiK . Tnylor ofithn out of town vbltrrra here t i - In til city day. ' 'From llotiaiian Mr. nnd .Mrs. William F. 11. f'bns of llnnanu nrc triinsaetlng businesH in tho city today. F.pci1 I'rewrlplioiilNlM Forbes Finn Urin'n. udr. , Remrne.l lo HonolmrK Mr. and Mm. Jo Hoot nnd Mr. and Mr. Harold Ftrrln have returned to their bom in Hose burg after visiting here over l he week-end wllh fileiidi. Meeting; Xevl Work The uiemlM-rH of the Jolly Neluhbom Club will moet on next afternoon. October fifth nt the hom of Mra. 'Fml Drevelow. Win. IVnii- . . r.e. A good i-liriir.-- From Modoc I"olut Mrs. I'll ll Crump nf Modoc Point I. shopping und visiting iwlth friends in tho city today. Wm. 1 tc. enn A good cigar. Stretch your advertising dollar over Klamath Fulls nnd Klmniith county by nslng Tho Kvening Herald, . Wm. I'enn 6c. A good rlgnr.- -Adv. Stretch your ndverllslng duilnr over Klnmath Full, nu'l Klnmnth rniinty by using Tho .Kvening' Herald. , . ' '' ' ' i" I ' - V ' "X ' ; ' ". 'Ji ' (-'"'A ' ' ? 4(1 vi ' .1 - . J 1 Atf jn s. .-., 1 -,V"'J ' UV;hrfJt.i - ,& ti v.-.1 PR II HI RIIRFillll - I li U II I UUIIL.IIL.'! tfi mi OF CHIEF Oeparlment to B Placed On Civil Servic Basil, ' r(C,r 1 WASIIIXdTON. ipl. IK.' IA. 1' I - Ilorjfolatliin of -tbo pro- blblllon bureau on a rlvll wrrl.e ,,,, ,alhiirWt. ,,y rontv !o tak effort Saturday will not d.-l.t-Kcn iM.fiiro Novimbi.r 1. at th cnilli'nt. It was bunonnod today by A:.HU(ant Kocri-tury lawman. Iu rhurm of dry law rnfor.-tiueni. 1'b t-lvtl MTvl.-i i-ommiiiHion, hn xplulnd. han bn b.ndl rupid by Ink of fundi. nd nn atil. to rotiipl..t exmninailon. as lapl lly c. hnd hern i-xpsru-d. Il Un , Inrornicd th trcXHiiry thai 1 ho lant of ollplbl. for the rxi'Jtlon. oX asulntant and dvptity .,r()hihl(,n ommft doner, and t)l0 Si dUtrl.-l udminialniior. - wiiuM not lie renlttcd by the . lie. ii.l..-liin for .1 month or ais .1. ..(.. u Tin t.rk nn.l flln nf 1 ha eiiforcemeiil at-rvlce In not ex pected to be filled with civil nvrvli-o anpolniee. for everal m.'tiTbn. While ni v.rsl change. In per Bornrl umonK'the .dmlnintrator. nr looked for at the outcome of ! the examination., the adminl.trft' ill. - official, atatloued InWa.h- Inrton are not expected to be allected. FINISH SURVEYS FOR' NEW ROADS With preliminary aurvey. and rcconalssance for - plcbt new i-minty road completed, the e.....uerr . lllH nil- ll-. 11. 'I. ,'l .ii.- ru"iniii- court which will determine whether or not the jr.00.000 tHind iseuo InRt Juno which would fiuaiive.thc project. In Intnl. Road, mirveyed to date, ac cording to County Engineer Gene Henry, are n follow: Keno 11 rond; Y n 11 n a Valley road, went able: Seven Mile hlah--.vay; SlinKia Wuy; two road In :'ipr:ii!iic River valley near My: j and the, llnrpold dam rond, lead- in. from tne Klainalll raua- l l.nlievlew Mithwey nnar the Hord 1 ranch 10 llnrpold Ham. Clean Up Sale of USED CARS If you are in the market for a used car visit our used' car lot before buying. We are making some exceptional 'prices for one week only. This is your opportunity to buy a car priced far below its real value. A- good assortment to select from. i 1 Easy terms on any of them. OVERLAND-KNIGHT SALES CO. 4th and Klamath Ave. New Fall Materials Whatever you need you are sure to find the material here. Hi Grade Linen for Art Work J, ?, ! V ') II 2 O-iiuh for trnbi'oidery and chochet work nil round thread all imported Irish li.icn. Very rich in appearance. Dunlin C-inch Ijcnuliful round thread art linen suitable : for -making lunch cloth and napkins. Dew liK'uch and of a very Yard to-. I 3G in. WOOL MIXED In and plain rre nni.-ii ior iu wariiiK iUali'., . Al :rery ntw and owrra 110 rolnrt. Yard Tweeds 5C-inch for making sports dresses and ' coats: Heavy weight, exceptional quality. d 1 Checks and plain colors. Yard v).0 " ' ! . t nr. I fc . MARINE OFFICER GIVES INSIGHT INTO UPRISING'1"11"1 ,he last r ,he we'k ,rom . I Grant. Fass, where she ha spent - Home on furlow. Ueutenant W. W. Orr. son of John S. Orr, former county judge of Klamath. Is .pending several weeks visit ing with his parents. Lieutenant Orr In the marine corp. for five year. ha. been stationed In Nicaragua and took an active part In the federal Kovcrnment'. attempt to straight en out the tangled politics and guerilla warfare that reached serious proportions at times. "The I n lied Stat. I. not striving to be an oppressor or a dictator", he commented. "Uncle Sam merely want, to get the Xicaraguan situation straighten ed out so that country can get on a solid basis once more.' The marine lieutenant said that reactionary eletnents had ceased disturbances In Nicaragua when they w-ero assured by federal au thorities that 0 fair election wonld bo held next summer. A Nicaragua nuliowil guard with marine office -re hta been formed and normalcy I gradual- ly returning to revolii!l;iu-torn central American nation. NOTH K HI XTKRS. Deer bead untouched, 1 1 2 to in. China Pheasant. IS. W. K. Day, Taxidermist, 12 J Adnms. 28-6t 59c 10 $1.00 high lustre. $1.75 For Making A varied iielection of choice plaids. 3G-inches wide. ' This is m hool dresnes for inter weight. All fast colors. Wo advise an cariy selection- Yard ... Visit the pattern de partment. It is com plete with Pictorial and Butterick pat terns tp' select from. wm. .ry durubl and 98c ............. . Ii 'lll.lihlililih'lllllllllllllll1 KLAMATH fielumirujc Froui (iraul I' Mis. AliRUSta Tarker, princi pal of the Fremont school I. re- !the greater part cf the summer month, with her parents and oth er relatives and friends. Miss F-arker will resume her 5u!ie on Monday morning, the opening day of scbcols In Klamath Falls. Iicft For Normal alls. Anna Krans of Chiloquln has left for Ashland, where .he will attend the Southern Oregon Notmal school tor the ensuing year. , VWtcd In Vnll.-y Mr. and Mm. R. H. Smith or ! Klamath Falls spent the week end in Ashland visited with friend.. WEALTHY YOUNG MAN IS FOUND Continued from paRfc 1) x. M Ha naptlv hnrt Iwtm fin Vl4- . calion nd hti been living under - .Mumed same to. prewnt being "bothered. After being questioned at the office of the detective agency, Reynolds left in an automobile, with such speed that a pursuing newspaper man s car was easily I outillsl.lnrcd He said he was Phone 899 g-inch,for making lunch cloths, art squares and napkin. All round thread, high-frrade Irixh linens. Same fine the 18-imh. Yard C-inch oyster white art linen, round thread, livr) y trn linen. Heavy, nuitable for makinfr lunch sets of the highest type. Threads eaxily S ng ' ilrawn ami nice to work with. Yard.. School Dresses dress goods hi many very pretty especially adapted to making 59c Have you necnthc new Spun Silk? It's very popular and highly recom- y f( mended. Yard.. P I UU SCOTCH PLAIDS All .!. 42 Imhe wldo. In a Tery beautiful array of color. Very oft nrl rich nppflannic. Scoirh plaldn d O ? are pnpuljr this Kason. 'Yard . PS.-J , Silk and Wool Jerey Tubular-woven high lustre. In Henretta Green, Paris Clue anI,Wilrj Hose. 64 inches flJO wide. Y;-rd &Q& il'Jf-i lli.iiln.iiiil.hlmliiilMihi.l.iit ;. ; leaving for New York today. Annoyed.' "I told Captain Manville Davl. where I wa going," he expos tulated. "I haven't done anything criminal. 1 If the. man in New York whom .1 told where I was going bad merely delivered a mes- ; sage, this wouldn't have lup-1 I pened." , 1 Ha seemed perturbed over th . p.blicity his vacation va draw ing. at THE XIBERTY LAST SHOWING TODAV "The Gilded Butterfly" with - Rrrt l.ytcH and Alma Rttbens COMING Thursday and Friday Wolves of the Air With Johnny Walker and ' y Stlblrrd Hart-la . iy Meat Any Tim 20 Cent Road Oil Qeaning Oat System Is 8omthla New and Better Uuta the . ; t. ;t Old Butd Byatem j : Cars Washed Tollshcd Motors Cleaned' Expert Greasing; ' ,' Tacaaai aaned Free Crank Caaa Service ' Gas and Oil , . ' We call for and deliver Phone 606 NEW SYSTEM AUTO LAUNDRY Esplanade near East Mala We, Deal in Pianos .. Edisons Victrolas Portables Radios ' Sewing 1 Sheet Music Ukuleles Machines Banjos Guitars and, Supplies Mandolins and Everything in Music ; , 'V;. "-,.. .. Picture Framing & Phonograph Repairing WIRTZ MUSIC STORE 122 So. fin f:M duality as $1.25 All who have completed their studies with us ha secured po sitfooe. K.UAMATH BUS1NK8S COLLEGE. Sl-Ol THE PINE TREE ! Last Shovrmg- Today Vaudeville ami ' llihertj'. Popalar Story i "Love's Greatest Mistake", Coming- Thursday and Friday "The Olivet Jubilee Singers" riantatioa Melodies, Negro Spirit , nod Special Feature.. The Big One Sunday ! "CONVOY" the Following: 6th St. it f4criir $ 11 f