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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1927)
Tut'wlay, Scptc'iulicr '11, 1!27. TUB KVKNINf; ..MALI), KLAMATH FALLS, OI.KC'ON. l'lio St'Vt'i. aO iii" For Sale Real Ettatc FOR HAI.K -- Nlioly furnished bouan. 1100 OH down. Iniilri i owner, 44. Kldnradn. FOR RENT 111 Ml M Foil UKNT Hoard If ri elrail. 420 Waahliigtun. 23-41 wllOOMH 92U. Lincoln, i'hntm " fc7-W. H2-OZ KOIt 1IKNT 1-ruum furnished limisa with gsrugu. Plume ' JuS-W. 2utf KOIt KENT Kontns. Healed. 310 Booth Hh, Dions 740-J. 24-41 KOIt ItKNT Furnished 4-ronm house, bmll. 3VUU. Phon 1447-W. 24-31 Foil ItKNT 2-rontn and l-rontn if ill. it Si 2-Dak. Imiucrn Hud Oak. 2.-4I Kolt ItKNT liiiusrkeeiung riuim unt ratlin. Cloaa In. Aditlta. Phone &44-K. III! riun HI., KOIt KENT 4-rootn furnished holla. good location. I rt ami lawn, IbO per miinili. No rlill dren. Phone ISlia or write Hot S earn Herald. 24- KOIt ItKNT - 4-room partly fur nlahed linnwi ni'Xt li Hut I hprlng bath house. 'nit at 1 Connolly llroa.. till Main Hi 23l KOIt ItKNT 3 or 4-rnoiu house anil garage, (mrtly furnlalisd. pavement. Inquire Zla ItoK'-rx XI. 21-61 Kolt UKNT Completely furnnh rd apti. Hteam lieatod. Hon Arnia, 714 llroad HI. rimna 111 A2S-H25 KOIt ItKNT 4-rooin bouw. kj rnge, 2 atovea, rloae lo iave nient. Kent 12' 00 I'hone 3611. Mumyer A tomver. Ilupka Illdg. ' 24-lt KOIt ItKNT -room houa on Ink front In lluerm Vlata Ad dition. Ilalb. lull baaeiuillt. gnragn. lawn, trtwa, and i turn of garden aoll. I'aved airMt to town. Itent 125 00 per oionth. full 971.-W or write P. O. Box 3.1 jTlty. Kit hlg money at th Arrada llotol Apartmenta. furnlahed rora- plelaly, lartrlo rangoa, llnon. dUba aad telcphonea. Or roots a villi prlTnta batha at rMl rat rataa to pertnananl foaata. Arcada. Ul-J WANTED WANTKU Mmacnger boy. Weal urn' t'liloa. 2-St WANTKIl -Kldaradn. Jlouackevprr. H21 26-3t WANTKl) TO TKA1IK far for llmba or body wood. Call Wil liam 104. 26-t WANTKl) A load f ton or un der for truck to Portland. The Iiollea. Walla Walla. Lewlalon or way polnla. Inqulra at Con nolly llroa., 412 Main HI. 24-lt WANTKO W par hlgheat caah prleea for uaad furnllnra and atovea. II aura co araa ua be fora you aall. We give yon a liberal allowance, for your naad farnltoro In exchange for new. You will find our price very reaaonabla and cradlt aervlco liberal., - . KtMMATII FURNITURB CO. 101 1 Main Ht. Phone !M M ' . Sl-OI FIRE INSURANCE We apaclnllx' In irrigated firm1 and atork ranrhoa. 18 yaara' experience In county. REED & REYNOLDS l3 Mold Ht. Phono 1005 .Freckles and His fT DCMJW V0U 5OM0S, AVE X "J v y - v -a "" ' 1 NEW TODAY .MARTIN liKVUKIt -home rliitn-n-v mri'ii. Phone. I Hl. it-' LOST AND FOUND LOST Black Wiinr Spaniel. I.I renae No. 114. Picked Up at Parker Ml., Tuuger Hlallou. Return to lilt I in lores. 2S FOR SALE Koll HAI.K -100 good awe. Hill Fslvey. .Merrill, Oregon. 23-4t KOIt MAI.K Oiih guod luyiuu computing ecnle. Inquire at Sunset Grocery. 14-21 Koll HAI.K 160 ion alfalfa liar. Alfalfa ami atubble pas ture, (louil place to fmid. Frank Nli'luila, llouansa, Ore. Z6-l KOH HAI.K -1926 Mu.w.ll .port inuring. A-l rondltlfin. 4 good : Urea. Terms. 2227 South lh Hi. 24-Bt KOIt HAI.K TruvH.ra Rooming hnuM, corner Mh and Main. Onn of III boat location In town. 24-41 KOIt HAI.K- - lly the owner, 7 . room modern Colonial house. loan In. tiood terms. I'hone 2N-V or tti. 24-41 KOIt HAI.K Apartmeiil houiu.. all apta., fully lumlahiil. good returna Klnoai location In Klomntli Kul I a. Will tak mod ern & or room bungilotf a 1 1 rot puyineot. Wrltii Jlui 71. Herald. 24-lf Al t TION HAI.K 47 bead of dnlry cattle fur agio at Kugeno. Onaon. Hepieuibnr 2. Tbura duy. 1 ho Kunene View liulry. W. K. Iteed plarw. I mile aoutheaal ol I'nlveralty of Ore gnu. 10 o'clock abarp. 24-21 KOH BALK r.ocwl l aad Hangea. Me. 00 up .. J CO up 3. (a up . IS 00 up .. 10 00 up In L'acd I'aml Hleel lleda .... I'aid Hleel Hprlnga OoimI l aed It una I ad Iintng Tnldea Hea our llurgalna Kurnlture. U-forn you buy, our l.lueral t redll I'lnn will help you. Kt.AMATII Kt'ltNITI'RB CO. 1011 Main 81. , I'hona k4 2if MISCELLANEOUS I'ATTKItSON H PAINT AND WALL I'AI'KK ATOIIK New location III N. 4tb Ht. I'houn 13311 22-4I UKKH lll'NTKRB ATTENTION 11 mo park you Into cam pa where there are dear and so oibvr liqulera. Ileal doer coun try. N. II. Watopler, Rocky Point. Ora. 88-OS WINDOW CLEAMNO Floor watlng. houaa cloanlog and Janitor aenrlco. Raference. A. U. RboaiU. Pbou 1034-W. 107-14-tf For Sale Automobile Villi U I I II VnrA Irurb new rublmr. flrat claaa condition. I Gear ahlft. flat body. Phono 1517. 1321 Pleaaant Ave. 21-ei FOR HALE , 11934 Dodge touring, com pletely equipped. A dandy buy. 1 192S Podge commercial, with - screen aide, all now lira, fine condition. 1 1923 Willy St. Clair coach. This la a fin car. Lota of ' value for the money. -1924 Chevrolet roidator. dandy buy. 1 1923 llu'daon coach, all ready to go, completely equipped. 1192.1 Dodeo om car. touring. Sure We have many mor lo select from. Liberal Term. ROY CALL'S USKD CAR3 -Hoe Walt Abbey 4th and Pinto Ht. Lot. Phone SS4 (1-28 Friends 7t "711.6 r.JRE WOO 60IAA3TO FOR AOM C7vw j AM' GO VHI7M J 6KT ATTttS STOB& FOB ' NEW. TODAY HOOM AND HOAltD 220 Ho. . 6th HI. I7-3t WANTED Phon 313. how ram. 27-31 KOIt KKNT New 4 -room mod ern houaa, parity furnished, tul Itosaway Drive. Phona 241. I7-t KOH UK. NT Furnished house, (loan In. phone kol or l4tk ' Lincoln. Wood, lights, water. 27-31 Kolt HAI.K.- 1)1 for ai, close In m paved irt. Phou 222 i Hi. I 27-3t l or toll at 7I Itoaa Kolt ItKNT 2 and 3-rooin apta.. completely furnished. Kent rea sonable. I block from Main. I.I...... 1114 97. fit a ' i.ohT--Strayed, Iron gray horse bramli'd. O on none, bobbed lulled Weight 1400 I ha. Pbonu l(nt-W. Klumnlh Palla Auto Camp. - 37-3t KOH HAI.K 30 head of dairy rowa, 14 hind Jerany, 14 brad of llolaivlna. Can bo aeen' at Unary Ranch on Vaco Mnrah, or aeo A. Ptanllll, i'ellran City. 27-41 KOIt HALK S-room bnuae and bath. . garago and woudalicd. Ijitkb corner lot, corner fr lluga t t'pharu. 1 blocka I rora California Ave. Kor Ml cheap. Hmall payment down. Inquire. 724 t'erlluga HI. 27 ' i RKBTAt'RANT FOtt BALK Old catabllahed bnalneaa. !ood money maker, tlrlrk building, good leoan and low rent. sea WARD ft DALE Realtor 724 Main St. Markets nutter PORTLAND. Seut. S7. W Rntter: Klrata up He; whole aale prlroa: Hutter, oxtra rubaa city 45Hc; alundarda 44c; prima Orafa 41 We- flrala 4l)r praam. ery prrcea: Prima 3e above rulie aiandarda: butlarfat 46c, I fob Portland. Milk alaady: blda , to farmer Raw milk 4 par cent 12.25 rwt fob Portland; buttor- fat 4 5c fob Portland. K.RK Egga: Extraa and first up e. Current lecelpt 29c; fresh mediums 32c; frsah atandard flrala 32c; ditto extra 38c. Poultry 'Poultry steady: less t per rent commission: Heavy hens 32 (t 32c; light 120 13c: spring 22 tr 24c; broiler 220 24c; Pekin white duck 22c; colored, nom inal;, turkeys, alive, nominal. Hpwla Onlona steady, local ll.OSIj' 1.10. Potatoes steady. 11.26 ft 1.45. Lowest Stage Fares FROM KLAMATH FALIA To Aahlanrt . fl.BO To Merirord C80 To Nan Franrtaro .. .. 11.00 To, Pendleton .............. 14.83 New Stage Depot 8th nd Klamath PHONE 328 v , Getting the Buttons, a li BI66E0 7UA. I.'' .'-4F X Accused Nurse Hera new photntraph of la a Mury Alklnaon. Enid, Okla., nurne in lot 4 of ec. 13-38-S; S6S.ZM. who fmea a murder charge in ! Krank Z. Howard at ox to connection with the mysterioiia Arthur M. fleary el al, lot 24 dealha of the wife and daiiKh- and 24b, Lake Shore Gardena. ter of Iter. Ilalley. Kplampal mln-' Hht-rllf to If. K,. Ilaurer. car Inter of Knid. The picture wa tlflcate of sale, lot 12 12. block taken alnre her aireat. Author- 112. Iluena Vint addition, $334. Itiea Inveatlgnllng the raaa aay fiept. Z, 1937. Martin L. Po Mia Alklnaon waa Infatumed at ux to Leonora K. Rreck- with llm paator. EXPERT OF U. SI TIRE TELLS OF KM I t A f r MM A r arc IYIILLALmL JnAKKj J.' A. Koucher of Ihe technical department of the Cnlted Htalea Hubbar company of Dettolt. pilrh.. baa been among the intar- iaiing bualneiia vbiitora in Klam ath county during the pant few day. During hi rlnii here. Mr. Koucher baa found an exceptional number of cualomera who have made unuaual mileage record with the rtao of the; V. S. tiro. The Cnlted Stale Rnblier com pany la one of Iho few lira man ufacturer maintaining a complete alnff of fartoiy trained expert for actual observation of tire op erating condition. Thla work has helped In a large measure to In aure unlinrm quality and service In the L'nlted mate Rubber pro duct. ' Mr. Fotjrber I accompanied on bl trip rl Klamath Kalla by C. K. Oraill. rchreaentntlr of aoiith- ern Oregon and northern ' CaiM fornia HHKItlllAM HANK CliOHKS . PORTLAND. Sept.- 27. Wl t The Sheridan State bank at Sher idan. Ore., waa taken over today by Slate Superintendent of Bank A. A. Schramm, who reported the-' bank Inaolvent. Nrgotiona for conaolldatlon of the atate bank with the First National bank of Sheridan ware conducted. but failed owing to the Inability of director of the state bank to guarantee a aufflrlent amount. nald Schramm today. An all- night meeting ended at S a. m. today without rtMiilt. Amount to bo paid depositors will de pend upon results of sale of the assets of the bank. Including real estate, bank building and fix ture, said Schramm. NEED FOR FLY-TOX The Panama Canal Wa Im possible Until Mosqui- toe Were Killed whole neighborhood ran breed In """ " u,"' '"" one ordinary tin can. Mosquitoes it0"n,r; -spread dlsjase. They must be L c- V' Drak' !, Win killed. Health authorities advo- he namn an atyle of Drake rate Klv-Tox. Kly-Tox to the Lumbar Company. plaintiff, vs. scientific Insecticide developed at Otnger, defendant. Mellon Institute of Industrial I T virtue of an execution. Research by Rex Fellowship. In- Judgment, order and order of alsl on Fly-Tnx. It is safe, stain- less, fragrant, sure. Hlmple lu strurtlons on each bottlo (blue label) for killing ALL household Insect. Easy to use. ACCIDENT VICTIM RECOVERH IU'VllI VTOV Ore nnl 9? (API Wallace Burnett. 24, In- lOltnger, for the sum of One Hun Jured In a motorcycle accident irtred Forty-Seven and . 47-100 Inst week. Is reported as some-1 4147.47 ) Dollars, wllh Interest what besier at a local hospital, thereon at th rato of ate 4) He has been paralysed sinco.tlie pw cent, per annum from the accident. 2 lt day of July, 1427, until Best of Oscar S5krJTS' By OUST1 "TUACrS SIMPLE- J h i Bl3 AS ) isSlJL.'lJ I ; AskiA B twrrows N)sAkr?'r Km Six cents' ) rste i . m 1 . ara u a aT. oer. . Ti ' 7T O V - . Otsar v au stnvKC Ike i Deeds Filed Tim K. D. Co. to Hanry D. drown,' t uz, lot 4, block 4, Kecond 1)1 ion addition. J. A. Xnddox to K. V. Lively, truatee, lot 4. block 11, HjI Hprlnga ad'Mtlon. I Colled Htate to Leah Meal 1 1 (llffen.'Ntt HW and 8Wj HK4, aac. 27-27-ln. (ieorgo R. I.lniiley at u lo O. I A. Illllrd. SOililo feet. M. ft. U., aec. U-i-9. ' c. I-on Lewla at nx to O. A. Illllurd and II. W. Zollman: 1.34 arrea, M. ft .. Rec 8-3- (0x 97.74 foot alrlp). M. M. -Wntera t ux to Laater V Kltkpatrick at nx. 4 aero M. t H . SWH aer. 5-39-9. Oragen t'llllly Co. to Mr. K'hel K. Pickett, lota IS, 14. block 10, Hpragun River. It. K. Wattenburg at ux to laar It. Blrubla el ux. 144 feet off weal and of X Ifc tiy, NK"4 HW. rw. 11-39-9. Hherlff to r. Hill Hunter.' wr liflrate of aal 42.13 acre in 1'ila 1. 4. of aee. lk-34-9, and mridre; Iota 7-4. Ilk 12; lot 4. I.Ik. 44. Klnt Addition to Klam ath K.'illa; and lot 743 tfnd WS lot 742, blk. 114 Villa Addn; earn IK ft. lot 2. and lot 1. blk. r.mmin aumh; una i-i. ui. IU ltlranildn Addn: nnd lot 1-2-3 al Klamath Addn: lot 1-2. blk blk. 31 Herond Addn. Klamath Kalla." Leonora K. Rrpckenrldge, at vlr to Mirtin L. Poland and Charlotte L. Poland, husband and wife, a Joint tenants; same property. John Kubick at ux to ilert Cray, lot 4. blk. 2 lloyi's Addn.. Fort Klamath. L. II. llellman to J. O. Beards lny;,lots 1-2. blk. 95 Klamath Addn.. Klamath Falls. A. C. Cletiger i-t ux lo J. A. !.eech. at ux: trurt 10 (itengur's Home Tracts. , Marion M(. Lawrence to the Khevlin-lflxon company: SW 4 XW!i, Sac. 25. twp. 24. range 8. G. K. (Turner to Georgette M. nnbeock. lots 1-2. blk. 97. Bnena VlMa Addn. Hherlff to Yellow Mftr. Rales Corpn. lot 3K8-3D9. blk. 113. Mills Addn.,- (certificate of aale). assigned to B. 3. nrigsiry. The K. I). Co. to Ham Handy, lot 7. blk 100 Bnena Vista Ad dition. Klamath Fills. William L. Allison to Willis J. Walker and Rirbard H. Horey; NK. tec. 20. twp. 39. range 6. (tontqu-t of Hale Frieda Vocke Doak to D. E. Alexander at ux: lots 4-5-6. sec. 9. twp. 37.. range 7: KV4SWK. SWHXWH and lot 1-2-11-12 of sac 34-34-7: NWHNWtt sec. 3; E H N W 44 ; NE U 8W Vi , NW H N EH. lots 4 to 13. sec. 4-37-7; lots 3-4-5-4 sac. 28; lot 4 to 10 of sec. 32; SWH, NWHSEH and lot 1 to 8, sac. 33. twp. 34. range 7. (Dated 4-24-23). Patent United Statea to Charlr E. Drew; lots 9 to 14. sac. 8-34-11. Assignment Oil Lntse - Minnie B. Loreman to H. K. Morris; S acres. Sec 24-39-11. Power of Attorney Deschutes Valley Loan Co., to W. C. Van Emon Legal Notices NOTKE OF SHERIFF'S 8ALK. In lh Circuit Court of the ato f omuto om oi iw houto an titled court In the above entitled cause, duly directed and dated the 24th day of August. 1927, upon a Judgment entered and rendered In said court on the list day of July, 1927, In favor of plaintiff ana against L. R paid, and the furt.ier sum of 17.50 cost and disbursements, and Ihe coals of and upon thla writ, commanding me to sell th following described raal property situated In Klamath County, Ore gon, to-wlt: Lot numbered Four (4) la Block numbered One Hundred Nina (10). Buena Vista Addi tion to the City of Klamath Falls. Klamath County, Oregon. Now therefor by virtue of aid elocution, judgment, order and order of sale, and la com pliance with th commanda of said writ. I will on the 5ih day uf October, 127, at the boor of ten o'clock A. M. at the north front door of the County Court House In Klamath County. Ore gon, sell at public auction (sub ject to redemption) to the high est bidder for cash In hand, all the right, title and Intercat, the within named defendant bad In and to the above -described real property on the 23rd day of May, 1427, the date of said attach ment or since aaid date bad In aad lo said real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said exe cution, Judgment order, includ ing Interest, cost and accruing cost. BVRT E. HAWKINS. Hherlff of Klamath County, Ore. By Lou! C. Mueller, , ' Deputy. Dated thl 1st day of Septem ber, 1927. First publication September 6, 1927. Last publication October, 4, 1427. ' 4-13-20-27 Lcjulty No. 2433 ' , SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County. Myrtle Jane Tborne. plaintiff, v. Thomas F. Thdrne. defendant. To: Thomas F. Tborne, de fendant. '' In the name of tbe State of Oregon. You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit, on or before Tuesday tbe 11th day of October, 1427. or for failure to appear and answer, for want thereof tbe plaintiff will take Judgment and decree against ycu a follows: Plaintiff demands Judgment nd decree of this Honorable Court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between tbe plaintiff and defendant; that plaintiff be awarded the csre. custody and keeping of Jane Tborne and Bebe Tborne, and for an, order requiring the said de fendant to par the sum ef 44.-08-per month for the support and maintenance of said children, and for sucb other and further re lief as the Court deems meet and equitable. October 1 1th. 1927, Is the last day of the time prescribed In tbe Ordor for Publication of this Summons In which you may ap pear and answer said complaint, Ufa first publication thereof be ing Tuesday. Sept- 13th, 1927, and the last publication being Tuesday, October 11th, 1927. This summons Is served ' by publication by order of tbe above entitled Court for Klamath Coun ty. Oregon, dated Sept. 12th. 1927; which order required that the snmmona be published once a week for tour successive weeks, (five Insertions), in The Eve ning Herald, a daily newspaper printed, published and of general circulation In Klamath County, Oregon, the flrat publication ba lr.g Sept. 13th. 1927. W. H. A. aVF ' Attorney for plaintiff, wbott) offico and sua. is American National Bank Bldg., Klamath Falls, Ore. S13-20-27-O4-11 NOTICE OF MEETING OF EQUALIZATION BOARD OF WILLOW VALLEY IRRIGA TION DISTRICT. Notice la hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Willow Valley Irrigation District, begin ning Tuesday, the fourth day of October. 1927. at tbe office of said Bqard at the residence of A. C. Duncan, In Langell Valley, Klamath County, State of Ore gon, sit a a Board of Equaliza tion tor the purpose of review ing and correcting the Assess ment Roll of said District for tho year 1927-1928. Dated thla 4th day of Septem ber, 1927. ' A. C. DUNCAN, Secretary. 64-13-20-27 By Blosser Klamath Falls LODGE, FRATERNAL, NOTICE 11 ,M B. P. O, ELK . Mt Thareday evening, I V Visiting me.nbar el La) com. CLKS TEMPLE, 3rd and Main OLIVER 8P1KER, El ilted Ruler F. D. McVILLAN, :lcrstary XEIUHBOHH OF WOODCRAaT Meet tint and third Wednesday each month In I. O. O. F. Bldg. Fannla M. Thompson, Clerk. 414 X. (to. 815-14 Klamath Falls Business Directory ATTORNEYS C. C. B ROWER Attorney-at-Law Bute and Federal Court Abstract Examined 108 WilllU Bldg. Phon 411 Real Estate Law a Specialty M.O. WILKINS Lawyer 204 Willlifmi Rnlldlng 'Klamath Falls. Oregon Phone 1444 Day or Night AUTOMOBILE DEALERS Repair Work, Battery Service, Tires Nash, Oakland. Pontuw. Packard R. R. R. GARAGE 431 Klamath Next to Postofflce Phone 212 Goodyear Tire Fireproof Storage AUTOMOBILE TIRES Bring fai your worm til i a ajet 6000 mile more at H usual cost . ACE TIRE SHOP Guaranteed mlcaalzlng US So. 11th St. Phon 443-J re-treada UTO REPAIR Smithy' Repair Shop Guaranteed Auto Repairing Cars' called tor and delivered South 4th St, Phon 403-W BATTERY SERVICE Battery ' Service. Magneto. Starter and Generator Repairing FLOYD HENRIOT CO. 234 Mala BL Phon 397-W BEAUTY PARLORS Expert Operator. Individual booth, violet ray. marcell ing, . hair tinting BOSTON BEAUTY SHOP. Glorenna Warren Winter Bldg. Phone til Water. French.. Paper Curl Facial and Scalp Treatmeni BUILDING MATERLVW8- BWAN" LAKE MOULDING Ct Quality Baildmg Material Soutlt 4th St. - Phone 74' WANTED Carpenter work by contract o Day. Cabinet work and -fixture built. 1401 Division St. Phon 14S. BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS Hrrry's Baggage and Gxpreir Stand. 8th & Main. I'hone 924 Trunk hauling and light mov Ing. Prompt delivering. H. V Reamer, prop. Office Evans Jewelry store, 833 Mnln. CHURCHES HACRED HEART CHURCH Eighth and High St., Rev. A. F. Looser. Rev. C. B. Felge, Sunday masse at 4:80, 8:00 and 10:80.- Evening devotions at 7:30. Week-day mass at 7 a. m. Merrill, 1st and 3rd aunaays at iv:3t. All are cordially welcome at our aer vices. i CIVIL ENGINEERS J. C. CLEG HORN Civil Engineer and Surveyor 219 High Street O. C. KEI.l.F.Y Consulting Civil Engineer Underwood Bldg. Phone 1076 r Lodge Directory LOYAL ORDER. OF MOOM " ' Mat rry Thar, day. 1:14 . . L. O. a M Moo Hall, Klaat' atb Ave ' OKO. OOLC. 01c ' KLAMATH LODOK NO. 11 A. F. aad A. M. Statsd Communication -2nd and 4th Monday Visiting Brothers Welcom ' '"' LOOMIH BUILDING . . DENTMJTB General Practice of Deatlatry DR. PHILIP COLE ' 114 Main 1 Over Moe's Store -Phon 144 Open Evening by Appointment DR. E. Q. WISECAJtyER Dentistry X-Ray Barrio Underwood Bldg. Phon 444 Dr. J. J. Emrnens, . . Medford, Ore. Practice limited to era, ear. aoae and throat. Pboaa 447 CHIROPRACTORS . DR. GLEN MOORB Palmer Graduate "'', Chronic and Nervous Diseases New Melhase Block. 324 Mala Phone 1271 Opposite Court Hoj DR. C. NORVALL Graduate of Palmer and Pacific Colleca Fourteen year experience ' We remov tb can of dlseasa , Bonanza, Ore.. . Alb. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY KLAMATH EMPLOYMENT OFFICII Employment for worker b very trade o-tll. railway and farms, buna Ryan. Prop.' (Mb aad Mala. Pfaow 1M GUNSMITHS Frames and Mlrron Sale Renew Mirror and Put-altar . Guarantee workmen. ISO So. 11th SC Phone 14414 81-01 LIVESTOCK Fresh cows on hand 'at all times from on to carload ari.Avs.TM nmT mvar on ''hones: Ranch 32F!;Rea. 414 B. Mochettas, it. ' Texum Station ,'' MUSIC STUDIO - 12 LESSONS 11 earn to play popular music mmedlately. Many different tylea of base, flll-lns, ato. his course will enable yon to lecome a professional dance iano player. - VATERMAN PIANO SCHOOL Located at Hale' Piano . Sale Room 222 Sooth 7th BL OSTEOPATHS DR. F. B. QODDARD I. O. O. F. TEMPLH ' Osteopathic Physician ani Surgeon Office and Residue Phono 121 TAINTS. WALL PAPER Vail Paper, Paints. Enamels. Brushes F. R. OLDS Across from Postofflce Phone 43 Everything a Paint Stora Keep Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dead ening Felt, Olasa, Roofing, . Wall-Paper , PATTIRSON'8 PAINT UrORB 424 So 6th 8t. Phone 443-J TIMBER CRUISERS Timber Cruising, ReconsaaV ance and Appraisal H. IL (M'l.H 408 Main Hu Ptione 90S.W Working from M. L. Johnson' offka IS? 14 v II -It. ... "iar. .ill t , .nil lllw .i I ft") mi ',:..!'. ; ! tv. ; I -ri n :'Kit :.,'JU "i IV- i .:M i . .niiit I titin ! - . .tl a , , i: odt Mtt r ! Kit ' , -.'..ii" t v' It. i ! i 6 i ) ... . t