Vug Six S. P. Istalls Inovation On j Trains 31, 32 7 ; tliliKt locked tip," Moody Mid. improvcmant,. follows. Improve-i "Ponderina; over bin whereabouts miit In tha floutliera Pacifl'and porhaiw belli tho only other railroad' passenger scrvlorton Its ; portion to know that down under main Una throuKh Klamath Falls, the latest beln a 'rafe-observa rhlch ha boon Install-jlbat Ina No. 31-33 from tlon car d on tra Klamath Kalla to Portland and return. -Tbo car made Its first trip yes' tsrday and I considered auch an addition to the service that It niVn tha Rieal muiir train I leaving thla city In the morning at I a. m. a fine observation train over the Natron cut-off for It Itlvea a rilll day to Portland arriving In that city In tha eve-: nlng at 7:10 o'clock. Returning. the train leave Portland In the morning arriving lit Klamath Fall! In the afternoon. This ( give 4he observation car passen-; gera an opportunity to view the 1 country through the entire day, and also la a fine service for those who use the train on short trip. It la a car composed of two sections, the dining compartment eat twelve at one time and the observation aeata 18. Four men , are with the car. all of whom, have moved to Klamath Falls and j will make their home in this , j AGED MAN IS MURDERED (Continued from page 1) him months before, perhaps the body would never have been dis covered. However after the trap door waa opened the stench from , the decomposed body could be j detected for more than a block. Llntock, of Koseburg, cashier. Back oft the highway, almost I With 14 count' exhibits In at. the end of Crescent Avenue, j place tho usual Monday morning the aback stands with no neigh- hurry to complete displays was boring home. ! at a minimum this year the fair Through a small window. Just I hoard having demanded that ex over the entrance of the dug-1 Dibits be ready In detail for the out, two small holes were fonnd ; opening morning. All space on which had shattered the glass, j the proimd Is occupied by ex These however were thoughts to ; hibitors aud concessioners, many be rock holes, however there tsfrnf attractions being offered this a tKissibility they were bullet! year. Practically every Oregon hole from the outside. ) product and activity is represent- lnvestlcatlon of his one-room ed this year. cottage at the front of the tool j shed found it unkempt. The.bed ; PDlfJCIP A 1 fTV tiol hai Intl. Inn ha hri dm- I '"vlf ' ten out of It: the room was clnt- j tared and clothins wa8 thrown ! about on chairs. Papers and per- aonal beloneinta were found here' which might bring some clue as ! The entire principality of to his surviving relatives. He 1 Lichtensteln of 68 square miles, had spoken little of his people bordering on Switxerland. is In other than that his father was a danger of being flooded off the doctor in Chicago and that as' a ' mV. say advices received here young min he studied pharmacy, today. Many persons have been More than ten days ago Keith , drowned and the inhabitants of Ambrose was first told that thevi:iaR hare taken refuge on man was missing, that no one had ! honse tops as the result of a un him ihnni for mm iinvn i flood caused by the breaking of Knowing him and that he always kept things padlocked." Amboac ' wvui IU LU CUIiagB ADU IUUDU 11 unlocked. He investigated the premises rfh several occasions but found nothing that would . lead to any foul play. A post mortem will be held to determine the cause of death, although officers are convinced the man. was murdered and then placed upon the keg, seemingly as though he had taken his own life. y Ha was fully dressed with the exception of his hat. His pock eta revealed no papers or money. That he was not murdered with robbery as the motive is positive. Going to the shack where bis friend bad lived for more than a year,' Moody with his friend Reed : entered the old tool shed WATCH REPAIRING , . ! ' HERE ' v 1 year guarantee on all GEO.METZ JEWELER tea Sfaln ' Standard Dyers I and Gleaners Odorless Cleaning i . One-Day Service ' Expert Dyeing 1409 Esplanade St Phone 825 SAVE tho of an cnjrrav- d plate by giving j your order to i KLAMATH PRINTING ; . ' COMPANY for embossed stationery, e a r d a, announcements, Christmas greetings, etc. j i 522 Klamath Ave. Phono 1282 ! 'hiT nlrt tlrc. rilirt of nil ; kind mid in old truck stood, to find the saw. They found it and cloaiiiR up the . biitullnit ld back to town. whs nut contented l ftud- to IriK tho glace not padlocked, for I "Shorty." as Miner waa known hi friends, alwaya kept cyery- ithe tool shed wu a camouflHKed moonshine, den I told Mr. Keed i felt .oni.nhlng waa wron. ! After talking It ovur I confident- ly told hi in of the den beneath the earth and we decided to o naca and aearcn mo place. It and had been overromn with lh jf times. Aa we entered the place, i which waa covered up ao that no one not knowing of the trap. ' door entrance could ever find It. I noticed the door slmhily ajar. ; The atenrh proved that Home anl- mat or peraon waa dead below, i Mr. Iteed piikhed me back, after I told him that by peering down I could aee n shot Run. He looked over the aide, took three atepa town and looked up remarking "Yea, Jim, he' down there," Mr. Moody told a Herald reported. The two friends. . old pros pector who had worked with Kbner. left the scene and went 'or Keith Ambrose, who with hillock. Mitchell and Mueller worked around the place for more than three hours, : 3300 PAY TO ATTEND FAIR 6AI.EM, Ore.. Sept. SI. (AP) 1 Bright aunshlne brought out a 'record attendance nl the state fair grounds Sunday and gave promise today of breaking the first day records. A total of 3S00 paid admissions to the gronnd Sunday is reported by J. E. Mc IN FLOOD PATH VIENNA. Austria. Sept. 27. (A. dam 900 feet wlri.. . - .. . -" Hunters CLUB CAFE , will be open All night on . SATURDAYS Lorenz Ca. Wholesale Mill, Logging and Industrial Supplies "The Complete Line" 123 No. 6th 'Phone371 GLASSES j tye Examined. Fined and thi Classes Ground in our own factory to luit your indnidusl requhitnenti. Broken Lenses Replaced DR. COBLE'S - ?O0 MAIN STREET Rf pairs r Quhk-Setv'xt Mom 'n Pop 1 FEEU SO foolish ( y , ' A f IP t TMOoOHT THOSE K A f VCLL. VP THEVRE ( IM Tuece KNICKERS- J. : - V y. ',. t : ': ... - - S MEAI WERE UHUSHIr4(3 AT WE 1 -I HOT THEY HAV6 A RUM 1 tveo Notion NOT To c'Mo- Tee. ) OIAW A T 1 ,. ' ' . i t I'D SLAP TOEiR FACeSv - V, SENSE OF tiUMCn fiOOor ON THE. C0UBSC lets PiAf ) . J IhAW ! ) V J ' V-- J . " VZ . I 1 i, 1 i . Li--"" i'. : "" " " " i? ,wt n A s lllfla"r,l''', -.. - - , ' , ' .' J , ,' ' .... ..... ... .. , - . I THK New Boat House On Lake Is Done t Special to the Hwrald) OOKSMA. Sept. 87. Comple tion of the Chrysler' boat homo a made duiina the past week by H. K. Hansbury. Fred McTlffimonda has acid hl rattle to A. K. Warn pier. . Paul Lambert. Tom Graham nd P"? ' Klamath Fall men were deer hunting for sev- wthler clas. tho Rill a ordvl 1 eral days. Tha first day out """butterfly and the man eneriietle j huntera brouaht down four ; nnj , forked horn. John Mpc, u worklnx fr the B,r" ,,a ,"- -Mike Wampler la cut for a few daya on a deer hunt. Jack Ryan brought down a fine buck aevvral day ago oa hit flrgl deer htim. ' . , n. .rr-ci fCil. I L.Sil'l CJ . . APF ARRIVING K.C AtilKl r.lvj POKTLAND, Ore., Sept. ST. lA. P. I Portland was prepared to day for its first big aerial show and races. Twelve army planes, tour marine rorpa ships and four national guard craft were due to arrive this afternoon from Spo kane, preliminary to. the Colum bia tiorge-Swan Island race which is to start tomorrow at 11 a. m. j from Spokane. More than 100 airplanes which . participated la the international j races in Spokaue are expected to , come here in connection with the two day program. t ; Prises aggregating $3,500 have been offered for the first three to place In tho class A aud class It races from. Spokane to Port land Tuesday. There will be a series of race events and stunts at the Port of Portland airport on Wednesday., XF.W I.ONO PIIOXK WIRK WASHINGTON. Sept. 27. ttP) : President Coolidge on Septem ber 19 will talk over the tele- ' phone witn President. Calles In j Mexico City, formally opening long distance telephone com munication between the two cities. 1 We're -certain thia mugg Alad din was a terrible prise fighter. He was always ruhbfng his lamp. ' HOTEL WILLARD COFFEE SHOPPE Offering for Your Approval SPECIAL Breakfast . ..50c Luncheon 1 50c Dinner ..85c . These at Counter Only Only fa. Best Served FARB IM UO VANCE PLEASE . X OniE. O' VOU - Kiki RiO CM TU COAL Pile) wait. tt: VNAS TH' Fire, mam TvijiC. m"' I WANMA B5 I 1 r J I 771 IvvV -5-r-- rNI. VJl-W MOTHERS GE.T GP?AY MOKEO FI'SK. aro.u. sat orr. KVKN1N0 IIKKAIJ). KLAMATH FALLS, UKKt.ON. l. I 1 . 11 J ISI III "T"IT . ' !' ' Aim Kubras Is Ideally. fat In 'The Gilded Hilttetfly.V comln to the Liberty thitcr, In which he la co-featured with handsome , Bert .Lyiell. Thee two prime I. favorltea portray typlcally I American couple from the and ambltloua. " -r - usly iponed aud humorel and In In thla Interesting story there la a sermou preached In a sub He manner that will Interest parant and daughter alike. Alma Hubena la Linda Mirver- m.i. .ne uai.K.ner. ner i.nner, ,h u ,n, la1 wim ln p-to-Jlm Haverhill. Is a social para- ,llo ,,,, , ,oprIl fooling. ite. who has been living on his .,., Weston, well known vlo- - .... f1" niuA hti,aiy """" " luxury with the hope that she - .... ........ .... will eventually marry money. ; me resuna or nia training forma the basic theme for the reat of the tory. It Is filled wun umuuai situation, never- ly workea together Into a per- feet whole, and runs smoothly to the thrilling and unexpected end- ' AGED RANCHER IN JAIL FOR-MURDER NOGAI.KS. Arlx., Sept. 27. ; (t'.P. ) M. L. Shellenberger. 60,. rancher, is In jail here tonight, following a verdict of a coroner- Jury that the death of John Yoast. AS, was caused by fire arms liihellenbcrgcr 'a hunds. Shsllenberger . turned himself over to the sheriff lost night, de claring thnt he ahot Yoast in selrdefcnse. The shooting took place at round-up corrals neir Salero. ' We Deal in the Following: rjanos Edisons . Victrolas Portables Radios Sewing , ' Sheet Music Ukuleles Machines Banjos Guitars and Supplies Mandolins and Everything in Music ' Picture Framing & Phonograph Repairing WIRTZ MUSIC STORE 122 So. 6th St . . - NNHAT ? ILL -TO RtOE CO VOO CALL AT FOM PA-JGr To BL". PACKED EN&KKjEEt? 1 VCXJlN TrltRe AGAIKI i ' f FOR IT. J 6JCf 3 At the Pine Tree The fiv. act bill for pntroiia of the Hue Tree theuler thla,Tuca lay and Wednesday la replete with Rood thing each uud every offering belli, distinct In Itself. Frank Uffaiell a yo'.ina dla- pna(,r rf comedy and oim will act an master of ceremoulea for lo scverul presentations besides 'it""ln", ,,n hl owu fl1"- tolrv of rpecl&l numheri. The ahuw atnru off at a merry pace wiin prvur nui n wm a bTigM nnd bry .Jubrette. with pace with prolty lluicl Wood, a aycle of hit that are aure to hit the popular taste. Hanley: and Howard are. enter tainers rte luxe nnd llvo up to their billing III luiighahla skit .... virtuoso ana a nreliv miss ,M vn tnoti at the pt-.ti griim ,lf n no. Indulge In a pro nociallv seliH'led niim- ban ,b,i fca, universaranoeal. Prettily rostutned the offering h!l, h(t, mn ..xrrr i th UrKcV circuit of America nnd re- 1 tHrn lm UlM.n tri order of ,Bl, ,11(y herever they hnve appeared Tn Freehand Urolhers. sensa- jtlonal European . pojxjt artists. offer some extraordinary feats on the best place in town to ' Eat CLUB CAFE MORE. PevHvUE.1 imTHAT ThliMCr? INTO -THcfE UK A HAL'.BjT IM A SAPDimE CM AMO, COWC-'OoT SNLUMCr AMO i rvu.Kirr Ltv A SMOVEO -Q'-dXL; L .tl.ll. '.i'.''- ."'' .. 'j.fSWiUiiM 017T sv mta eaviet. me.' i .... ,, .. , 'Excluded"" . Villi' Ion a poles, liHlutiiiiia am) Itytuiitisllcs of a -k II If nl and dar jlii iialuio supply a 1 In III a nitii- ule to their audllm. On tho sc.ieeii the l.lberly mug unlne'a great aerial feature story, "iSive'a tlreateal MNtuke" U a leal attraction, it portraya the advciiiuies of a young girl who coinoa to New York III search of life and excitement unit It's melodrama plus, FlNiTACTRESS IN HOT VALLEY I. OS ANlllCl.rX Sept. ST, (A. P.) Lewis l.ewym nniiouncml shortly alter noon today that his wife, Marlon Mack, picture ac tress who left here' Ust Wed nesday In the Moiioplimn Spirit of Hollywood which has been 'ml - slug alnce, hud heen found 111 Heath Valley. A telephone message said she und the pilot, Tonilck, safe, but in n badly wenkenml condition. Phone 451-W or 1138 for full particulars and In formation regarding TEACHER OF MUSIC Accredited ny tho State Hoard of Kducatlou. Piano, Violin, lianjo. Hawaiian (iultur aud other instrument. Z. PETERS AJCsoH T,,,; lH:MVRH fWiisV' '1r N AM) untmii W'' v IK11M YtX'H Tf.l rJ'IKINr js - - " tY umi nKSIAS' 1 fiotaf of people in thai United State, Eng latad, Scotland or Wales with speed, economy and satisfaction. QuUtt, st las cast by L&tig DhUittxj TUB PAC1TIC TELEPHONE t ; r "7 i Security You wartf SECURITY in every real estate transaction. Title Insurance furnishes absolute security. 1 ' Issued by TITLE AND TRUST CO. Through ' f Wilson Abstract Co. 'ill Kl.' I CAIMtliM.'rt WII'K III HM I NKW Vl'UK. Hept. i',. M'l'l --Mia. Karl ( si loll, wiin of III" theatrical producer,' who was sen tenced to prison fur perjury, us painfully hurned today while ex HnjiiilKlitng a Urn with a fur ront, In her npartinent ifirx. "Deinpsey Mil sparring mutes helow lii'll." Ktlll prncllclng that foul. GOAL Sumrtu-r pi'icpR on Conl will only !nnt a few tlityit loriK'i'. You must pluvc your order iV you want chuitp toil I. Ordfr your Woo'tl n littit Uliciid as tlii'i'e will likely bv Home i!eluy. We aim to please you. Peyton & Co. "Wood to Burn" 601 Main Phone S3S Your voics to mmiom T' telephone has truly heconte a tj-m-UJ of uoivcnal $.'rite. The far Hung network of voice highwayi, connecting 18,000,000 tclrphonct in over 70,tK)O citka and towns, thrcu(;liout the United Stalei, has woven the fabric of friendly tmaalaas and social relations not only til the cinss rhemacivvs but has bridged the dixanoc bctwr-n citiet and made Amer ica a mcrjoa of neighbor. ' your Toicr, front your own nay umi to any one of rail- AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY ivtain , " f By Tavlor TupsJay, Sftfii)lT 27, 1!2I Wlilli- A freawtil tSlv Ml 1.(1 III v.wh Arm v.m' ('rails, fin ms. II "ml KI-liliiK. HmmIiiI Wivkl) Hiilrs AWIII Nt KMKST Uxl-ll lit anniiiilira llial hsvn not It Di sr t alii villi Ihn . i rlllli'it -HtlllHlin Hiinllu," 7.17 Main Sin-vt, iiwimd ami ofX'i'nti'il liy May K InaT. W arn iivluit onr nwn naiiia "II. K. Hilnsnu" unit li in I'll at 3)3 M u In Hiixfl, iiiilin Court IIiiiisii. 1 hi snniv lllxh-t'tns wink Is still Iii'Iiik ilmii ! us thai iliiulu thn nnma "HMiisuii" (nmniis In Kliuniiili Willis, lllil iiislonirrs ami ltw eiislninur will I in I us at our nw Iims- llnn. I'l'klt II WtilNtl I'UVHNO 1INIIMI SMITH BROS. WI.I10 Pit IIihiiii t'i 1 i-iimio mil ' Mil-. WII.IAIIK JOlM0.1 Arrnillteil T-rtrliit of I'lniio llurmoiiy, Triilnlni ' anil Mii.l.ul llutury HIiHlla Kl l'roin t I'liunu "J3 U ll-30 I lni'l Mlnrrul Walrr in ill- W"rl.l IHIT MI'ltlVIM vr A riiiiu m now t'prit from 7: no A. M. Hi inliliilalit Tuli llullis Swiiiimiin Tank Hot. ami Colli Hhowrr Knr l'liui- l'nrlla I'lionr I nit-W Hprlna ami KIiiiiihI Kiiniiiia July ii Red Ball Stage Line Two llnlly IHwrrit Klntnaili 1'ullf nml laikt-vlrw l'iwlim M::lll niornlna lntlnu itHMI I. M. I.ravro It M K A It ICH A a I o hlan nfflii- Phone 77 or 800 Hurry Taxi Service fmliT 'nw .ManasMntnt llionc III! lroinpt IWvlee HOWARD Transportation Co. STAGES lavlitit Klnmnlli Full 7:511 .. St.. HiHMI A. M.. I I'. M.. 4:411 I. M itutkins; ronnw lliina to I'rrV 'nl way IMilnia Minn ilat, t'ounoriloii hi Alilniul with I Irkwlrk HiBRm for t iilltnrnia iolnla 7:ltu A. M. ami 1 :INI I'. M. Htama makv direct llirouah ronnvctlon to I'orllanil and Kvaitlo 10 A. M. aoil 4:4V P, M. RloRi'a make dlrart con nect loos to Kan r'rant'laro and I.os Anncli s. I IK-nl (rrii- 01. .Mulu Kt. 1100 First Methodist Church Truth ami lllith Ma. I'lUNK J.. WKMKTT .MIiiIsIit It4-sllrlirp, IIHM lliKh Kt. Wn Hpeclalit In lli'lplulnea Sunday Hrrvlros: , 1 1 a. m., 7:30 p. m. Chilaquin Stages l.i mi- KImhiuIIi Kalla Daily for lilliHiilti ami iiiii'rniiMlliiKa points un followat 1I:IM) n. in. 12:110 nmm lt::in p, in, 7:O0 p. in. Tukn D a. m. litis to cunnact for camps hcyonil t'hllouuan . H. KlVtl, Owner KI.AMATII-UKI I) HTA(iK I III nnd InturiiK'ilintii pnlnts I.v. K. F.; Ar. WkciI li Lv. Wocd l::i(l; Ar. K. K, 0:00 Hliimis I.miivIiik Mik" 'IVriiilmil Depot 111.1 Mulu HI. DltlNK It A I H I'M WATIIt Hub enroll tliniiniindH. Why mil yon? Iliidlilin run. fnr snlo hy . A. llltllJC.H IHppcliil ll'iprnsioitailvo) Phono ItflO-W J10-A16 jljijsjrllVlLararrl'Vsrs s'sii