FatV Four THK KVKNINV, .IKKAI.l). K I.AM ATI! KAI.I.S. OKKHON. (51)0 Smelting Hrralfc T. II. M 4I.AKKKY K. u. kn;i.isii Kditor Iluainou Manager IMIvcrnl by Carrier Yeur ft 50 Klx Months 3 6f Three Months l.Dfi -Uue Month .tS 11) .Mail Ona Month f .S Three Moulin 1 TS Six Mom hi - J H Una Year S" Watered aa second class matter al the poslotllce at Klamath Falls Or.gou, nil Angust So, 19tl(i, under act or Congress. March 1, IS.. Associated Press Leased Wire (j Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation JL. MrmlMr iif the Assoclatci! IVewi Associated Press la exclusively fill II led to the use or republic- L iMin u( all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited III Ih In 01 miner and alo th local Di'oi tublished therein.. All rights republication of iperlal dispatches herein are aim reserved. Tucsday, September 27, 1927. X But It Will Continue ; 'i t)f course everybody hate it. This thinjr of a fam ily always getting its affairs into the newspaptrs is quite offi-nsive; all feel that it reflects on the family very sadly. And apart from the irritation of having a fam ily in' the national midst so lacking in whatever it is lack ijgl.jn, there is the annoyance of having to peek into the domestic affairs of other people, which is extremely dis tasteful to tasteful folks. -, j. "Nevertheless, gentle reader, you must suffer reading iluc'h"more of it. against your will, of course, and this 4aper must suffer printing more of it. One cannot en imagine where the end will be. Some things are like that. They run on forever and ever. Of course oiery newspaper reader will be annoyed by it. and yet all newspapers will feel it to be their duty to provide tikis provocation for righteous annoyance. j Exactly liow the' next batch of objectionable news wilt break and whom it will concern no one knows, of dpurse. It is-impossible to say who will figure in the next sensational divorce and alimony case, who will be fdnaping whom, who will be murdered sensationally by-vwhom, and who will elope with whom, but it is a dead certainty that a lot more of the stuff is coming, and the reader must make up his mind to face it, endure it, absorb it and go on hating it. -. aj It may be the Chaplins. or the Stillmans, or an Amer ican heiress or her titled husband, or one of the many happily but briefly married Hollywood families. Perhaps it will be one of the old reliable families, or it may be a new one that will burst into print next time. That one or the other will in inevitable. And it is needless to say the story will be published against the will of the edi tors, the readers end the persons involved. disarrange every iiiauuf.icturliiK Interest in the country ami would involve cliniimttu ipt'liie., ' With the awepiiun of the I'nited States and I lie i'l iu-h em pire the nietrlr sft(ein of weight and measure la pia.-tl.ullv uni versal among cotntnerclsl n; lions. However, in a number of the countries where Jt Is the offi cial .vsiein the people. In Ihelr local transactions. u-.e systems pet ulliir to thus countries 'There are section in the I'lillei Stales where old French rtml Spanish systems of measurement are still in use and some busi nesses have adopted the metric system. Though i he metric system create an ii.Kiie In the next con . areas and though it has itself 'adopted as the official system of measurement for the t'nlted States, the Amerlcnu people are likely to continue to incisure dls ( lance by Uie mile, instead of by : the kilometer; to buy their food' by the pound rather than by the kilo, aud Its liquid by the amirl aud not by the liter. wlih another on October i. No I'lutier will luive two .itfali on the Htli and Siid. Iicctu-ler chilli! two. one in ihe t itii and the oilier on New War's i:c. The inula! aftnlr will le an overall uud apron dance. Hat Ulark burn's elKhl .piece orches tra will furnish the tl.ince music. r t t ALTURAS, CALIF, i CELEBRATION TO BE OCTOBER 29 i K.iiliMiid Celebration at Al litius. t'Htlloiula. will be held October in-Meaif ot September ?n. accoptittr to a wire received by the Kveuinit Herald todv from It. K Kelly, manaai r .of developuieill tor the Southern Pacific " , Through a biisiindersian.llu in tbitca it was assumed bv many Hint the celebration would lie next Saturday. Well, I suppose NOW you're, wondering WHY Jon bet on lliat Jther HI M. . ., ' Diseased Tonsils Cause Much Trouble. Have them removed without pain or blood shed. Removal of tonsils and hemorr Jioids a specialty. DR. C. R. LUCAS Chiropractor and Electro-Therapy Specialist Insurance Real Estate Fire I'lvvi-nliiiii W'ltk liigius ()itlnr 15 uiul fiids Octolnr Jl. Ytui will linvo a iliiiiH'O to li'Jiru a lot more about Insiiniiico tit that time, Then put into piiictice that which you have liiinutl mid iiiHiii'u with j. f. ma (; in uk ni 816 Main Street "Writes All kinds of Hound Insurance" SOCIAL PROGRAM OF ELKS IS GIVEN Elks dances, which each year prove anionic the outstanding so cial events of the .fall and win ter months In Klamath Falls hare been arranged for. John M. lilorer. chairman has scheduled the dates for dances in the K.ks Temple. October IS Is the first erent of the fall months to be followed , EAT DINNER AX ' CLUI5 CAFE YOU'LL LIKE IT! Ask about our Special Plates Huildcrs Exchange Members There will be a spoeiul meeting of the Kxthangc at the Legion Hall, 8 o'clock Wednesday evening, September 28, s 1 1 F RE E Hello, Carrier Boys TrjeeensId-.famili'iii xettinj iiKSShtJirain todjiy'for our carrief 'boys are back on the' job'after theKj long quarantine at home. It is fine to have their bright young faces back; it is fine to hear their voices,, and while, their pranks sometimes exasperate us beyond seeming endurance, we love the little rascals, everyone of them, and they know it. The Herald is in its. stride now with i.ts boys on the streets yelling about the latest news and the carriers scampering over the residence section delivering the papers to the anxious people who want the day's news before dinner in the evening. It is great to be a boy, and it is grear yet to be a carrier boy. Any boy who has not carried newspapers or been a Boy Scout has missed a big portion of life. Shoes That Lead at School . EJlASSZa Writ JUST ONE MORE WEEK to do your school shopping. , That Boy or Girl must be correctly shod to keep them happy and comfortable, whether at school or at play. We guarantee a correct fit, satisfac tory wear and a satisfied mother and father with every pair of shoes, . ' i( V EDITORIALS FROM OVER THE NATION ' w Ki'- IX I T e f".-. V Busna Brown. Shoes Buzthz Brown Shoes SEE ' our Fall shoes "now" for the entire family MEN WOMEN CHILDREN FREE Ruler, and Pencils FREE DO YOUR FEET HURT? Have you weak or flat feet? Have you coins, caHuses, ingrowing nails, warts or bunions? DR. J. M. 1NGALLS Foot Specialist, Registered Chiropodist , i At the X: 7'' Buster Brown Shoe Store Monday and Tuesday, September 26 and 27 FREE EXAMINATIONS ARCH SUPPORTS See the LABOR DAY PARADE and RODEO in moving pictures WEDNESDAY EVENING 9 o'clock at - , PORTLAND AND KLAMATH FAlLS,ORECON FREE BE VKAU, KATHKR.OK OITKKS. siox. I Toledo Ulade: Tlie wisdom ot the men. who laid the foundation if . this government of ours" Is I'mphaf lied when we look abroad. Free speech and a free press are anionic the wisest of their pro-, visions. These seem to have been ' (if divine inspiration. Freedom limy he abused at times, hut It is better so than that It be taken , from the people. Where there is hot full and free expression from j the people there will be rumor. And rumor, in the absence of the means of correcting; it, has all the elements of daniter. good thing: can come out of the cinKorKh'ipH that have been stabllshed 111 some of the Ku roifcitiv countries. In Italy the pn'HH lias been rendered abso- liii'jiiipotent.- .The newspapers Ow-ay: .nothing" that Is not ap lurvt'd, by the dictator. Muso IlitJtJWs" .tpilt bid. band over the mAiiihof the "pill'""'. Hut what liss b.H'n done In Italy is more HiirprlHlng when the sume thing Is a threat to Folund. a repub lic. Marshal Pllsudski. through the president, has Issued a de cree which gags the press, thus MiiHxhlng a constitutional provis ion. The decree Is awulting the action of parliament, and if It is sustained no criticism, of the gov ernment or the courts can be lurtj and government officials nrejrii he the Judges of violations. , iu result of the proposal Is aftinnor that I'llaudskl wants to esVnmsih a monarchy. That Is Hie beginning. There will be oth itr, and they will not be good fur I'nlnnd. They will mean im liapplness, turmoil and possibly .war. Say what yon may. fear Is the father of oppression. It la no In Italy, nolwitlisliindlne the person- Hi murage of the dictator. He Is afraid of the people. The same tblug-t" true In Itussii, where Wwfcaiig usurped power lol-ow Ing the Kerensky revolution. Pub licity is feared, so freedom is , taken from the press. Better things were wished for the peo ple of Poland than that they, too, might be rendered speechless. W.WiHKX lMltK'S MISSION E. S. Martin in Life: Tbey put the flag of Sing Sing at half mast the other day for Thomas Mott Osborne, the prisoner's ' friend. i After his yousg wife died, thirty years ago. - Mr. Os'jorne seemed to consider what to do with the rest of his life and ! eventually devoted It to prisons and convicts. ' . Hardly any department of our apparatus of civilization Is sub ject lo so much neglect and so ' great abuses as the care of con victs, or needs ho constantly to enlist the humanity of disinter ested helpers, in the field that he chose Mr. Osborne, by his de votion and the publicity he could command, . accomplished remark able things and will be long re membered and honored for what he did and what he was? :! j Peon li WWW TO CH.INGK. The threat to renew In the next congress efforts to secure the enactment of legislation to' establish till" metric system for I all federal departments seems to , be much ado about nothing. ' While there has always been ' some agitation for the chang-i I In this country, the most active ' campaign wfts conducted a quar-1 ter of a century ago. Congress nBined a committee which recom- mended the change and enlisted the support of the bureau of j standards.. That the metric sys-, tem was not adopted at that time was probably due to the, opposi tion of the American .Manufac turers Association, which declar ed the change would seriously j '3 El E - 5 Cents a good cigar 1 AX l I TrJ u'wE- r,?ts. Extraordinary Gffer Ten Days Only! With the Sale of Every United States Royal y Cord We Will Give You FREE a Brand New fcest , . Quality United States Tube. , Regular Price 29x4.40 Royal Balloons ... $12.85 29x4.40 U. S. Tube 2.80 $15.65 SPECIAL PRICE-29x4.40 JRoyal Balloon and Tube. . $12.85 Regular Price 30x3 U. S. Royal Cord $9.30 30x3 12 U. S. Tube 2.20 $11.50 SPECIAL PRICE-Royal Cord and Tube ........... $9.30 VULCANIZING TIRE REPAIRING SUDDEN SERVICE TIRE EXCHANGE "RED" PIPER-624 Klamath Arcnue l2j 77T. 6