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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1927)
Tuesday, SfjiU'inlifi' ll, 1t'J7. T1IK KVKNINd IIKUAIJ), KLAMATH FALLS. ORKOON. Pnpp Three , Here it William' Dream Come True Il2 '.tPVsiafrf Ssir.-mj DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISEr. NEWS IN BRIEF it Mlka Nalnicffor Improves M Ihh iiIIh Hahueffcr, popular yuiiiiK woman who has Ih'kii a Al I III- Mlllllll IIiijik Sir. mi (I Mm. K. I.. f'nnklln . uml mm l.yle, of I'ouiiac, Mich , 1 pmli'iil Hi lliu Klnmutli Vnlli-y have univeal here from I Im euat liay.liltiit aline forty Hcplciuhor. In spend aevorul v.toks as Iht' rennvorlng front serious injuries Initial. guot of Mr. utii Mrs. Willi h aim encountered when alio (liirlt JaiHi'pli Murllii, Mm. Mar wai thraiwA from her. spirited Hit mid Mrs. Conklln are ..fuer. hols Willi riding at lliu llnile. Tim eu item it'.lt.; made the submitted Id mi ojierallnn on her IIiuIi llila morning. Ilur ruiiilltliin In ri'iin ted favorable and hopes urn held fur Iht tnliiplulo recpv cry. Hit many friends will ho . interested to learn aim la show liili linpinvoinui. Word I'Viimi Mlaa Ciiftusx Always Interested lo learn of lh condition of Mrs.' rullutia of Hill, moiliir of Mhia l.otilso futluata who formerly ulli ployed nt the (Inlili'ii llulc. friends will lii pleased in li'iirn her con dition In vrry much Unproved. Alter riinmillliK aiei-ialtsl In Him Krolli lm i Mra. filtuiia Ima een taken hark lo htr haime m i Irlu vlu llliiliir uml' lilllie till Hurl lift it roiiin from Yellowstone Knilnnal park In returning rail Ihev ui a .luii'ill; l, iilnliir over tlin aoiithi'rn roiiui. KnJ.iyaaa I'l.uri- laiha Mr. uml Mr. WIIIhii J nia-a Rr Wilbur Jones. Jr . uml Mra, llnihel Applcgiiin Holnmon cnjriy- il a doliuhl'til iiiolor Irlp on H'lii- ily. Tim puny vl'dtod I'rmnr l.uke mill onioyid lliu Irlp down lo Ih 'i uaiara edi: Al leus! una hundred iar from vurlotia pur la oi i In- -'ki ii i . y nr at Hi" hake en Hniiilny it"ailte tin furt the toiltrn haa In n rl'.acd tm , Ihn :uiU. V Is. " " r.'vsiVw 'x-.w.v -; firi ,,,. ...m, , . " Tr"! . r.' ' Vlllrr Im.miiiv.iI .7 . . i i T . i. V, r . .1 J. J- '"rr. illairkt fr.-khl uml i Bradley Sweaters Juit tlie hiriK to kr.(M'J:arout !n. Rib knit, coat ntyle, heavy, weight, with a lare collar. Thin in an extremely low price for dQ. C( i Rradlcy Sweater. In tani an'l grays. Larife range of diiseH 9&OU , Chambray Shirts N il a r.alr prkr, but a regular prh p. In lil no anil khaki, i ial niyli'. Kxira ouuliiy 89 c Wool Sock l.?xH w.Uht for Urtiaa. Naiurnl ".I. r 50c In heavier fnirtc 29c, 49c, 69c Canvas Gloves 29c Cjii;i. Two Pair Fa.r qi,alUy. 25c 55c 3 Pair woIIh aha rnil'li'il In ihla riiy uml llijiln muiiy frlinoa horn at T.-vij'V. 'i''4ri7.,t T "t iMiHaotiii.-r aKi-nt of inn Hmilliorn 1'ui'lfli' wii'l" word hi k lo hla ., 1 . .... '' , ifrlonila In Kliiimith Uml h la Pool.. Ml. Ilr.,11,.1 hlKhly liiiprovil afu r a wool!'. lan. Hlniifonl l-ooln of Haul,,,, n, ,, .,,, Hprlima ami I rranriarn, wmiorn roaal miinnKor ft(,,.r B V,, r , w,., Hun'!; alritl r, i' V.'hnl An ron tnjuuvc Willie' vnuld any " " inianmiiiia j ml loin- y, .an,.M.0 with roluilvpa niul II ho mul.1 luv huili lo llila onr? Ii h;i.M n.i to lir uu uairlrh ' puiiy. mm... i.r. ..ruin, , u,n r,,n,, will loiurn in hla offl-: iliut ta .Mjtli. .:iiii-ori if. nijoylna horo. ami rlii- b:ii lo .all: " " "' .nil nniia in una iny. in unani in. :n: m li.nii n. r wiiii it. n omniii lit ii, main prill ilaya Willi hla hroihor, llnrry 1 1 , atlxti ul in.ol I..ii.iii. i;l.-n rwwilly l.y llm Ailvi ntiinira1 . lull f l'ool.. tliruior man Mr. loolv Tlio Kvi iiIiik H.-rald liaa roador j m l oa Anx-loj. ', 'o la arrompaiilod l,y John Cil.i.ow ' r.ii,flil. ii..roadrr roaM-. t -ln o' fV, of hnn fran.iaj-o. . w lino lirrn ,1,....., -..ii1.,i i, low. Ifanv. 'I 1 mm . ' U'ij-,! f IH Heavy Cotton Underwear Iltlnfonoit, crtra weight, ex tra woiithl,. long alrcum and Iouk loca $1.50 Ihay will jijoy Willi Mr." I'liiiln. Iiuiitiim trip , wulll,,rn 4lroK whlih alvoa ll'a tromoiiiloua taiwor lu In- Iml.y l.lil I ; ( otiiir.iliiliiiliiiia uro hMlie F.lvi 11 vi-li.-. In iVn- lnn it Mr. and Mia. rhurli-a Kkdnhl Mr Mnl Mr,. j.;rnvl fhlMira. upon ihn urlvul of a hhy duuRli- .Mra. Ilatol Mlukomoro and U. K. lor. Iiorn llila mumina: at llm 'uiiorini molnrod lo IfOHtlmr Klauiaih llonornl hoaplinl. Tin v,.r 11,0 wo.k rnd whoro llivy lulitlili r. 1 Iik firal 'ihlld horn lo Milfoil wllli tholr pan iiH. Mr. and Mr. and Mra. kdhl liaa Ixin Mra. V. K. I'liltoinnii and tholr paniod "llotty Joy " Mr. Kkd.ihl hriithor lii-law and aialor. Mr. uml In dda a iMinlilon wilTi tin- It. It. It. Mra. William liounl irff. Th.-y ro. (iaruco. Itnrnfd homo on rHinduy nvoninx. Obituary iL ; JOHN AI. I! MII,thWIIUTIIV J'rlvnl. f iiiii.i tij M-rvioca fur John Halo tinlilawortliy will Ik hi lil from tin K:ul Wliiilo. k KNiior;) llnmo, I'lno nvonuo a( Hlxtii 011 Wfflii.-Miiy nrtornoiin al l:). llrv. liny 10 Vrioa. m tor of tho Klamath Kulla Toniplv will offu luio. Krli aro re mum (fully iiirltod lu aitoml tho aravialil., ,rli'.'M In m held nt l.llikvlllo K-motory nt 2 o'rloik. Hon llorn Mnmlny I The Kn'tiluc llorald liaa roador 'lllliy la I ! narnn wjil.h Mr. 1 ronflilono roador reapooi In a and Mra. II. V Karrla havo glvon diario oiualld iy fnw. If any. Iholr now liolr, who arrived nt in aoittfiorn Orocnn whl.h ttivoa thv Klamuth fionoral honpllal ii'a ironioiiilnini powor In In yoaiordny iifiornimn. Tim hoy lliioiuina auloa. wulaliiil nlno poumla. Mr. h'nrrla la a rontrnrlor and Iho family It.-uirnliiaT Tliurxliiv roalilo al i:i Clin. I Hr. and Mra. K. IHi lm lio In jrntnpntiv wlih rhila Itlnnna of tho To lliil.l I IihIIoii 'hoiil Ariudo will roiiirn homo Annual oiori,,,,, 01 outrora lor uiiinriiia .n, inuiwwi. .... . " . . " a 1 . ... Iho 1-a.l Matron, club will be and Mra. Hlot-ho have e. 1 m.,n. p...r or Flr,t UnptW " "T" '" """':; hold n. t.i,t.. fioro,.,.n ., ii.. Inviiia a fnrtnlehl In Calltornla. ' ehtiroh will olfli-lnto. Intormont " a perched on top of ..." I-.." ..'...- ........ ... m. h.. i,. .i.iii... : will he mndo In ihu famllv nlif,nH "ox onu-oui: a re 11. line M ...,a. .ii.o.'n ...una .,. t..,,,. . ' , vnlvor -nn .ilno.wl In I i.i.. 1 I. ..!,.... a. 1 1 .. 11 1, a Klohar.1i.on Snrlnaa nrtor an III-- i.iiir.u.o l.l: I.AVTKV WIIITK Krlomla aro roapof-ifully In vllod lu allonil tho fiinoriil forv l.oa of lllo lata. I.00 Ijulry White 10 ho hold ut Uu Karl Wlilthuk Kunorul llotn... I'ine aVa.nuo at Huth on WoiliioM.liiy uftoriuHin ut lhrM n'olo.k. Ilov. A. K. Slm- romotory. , rail is the lime ci Year Wli'en Motoring la Beat Klwtrlcnl atorrna and Iniid i-iirata lire over. Iho ro.'ida are fine. leo. pie like to Npand weok nda In the hllla llila lime of ya-ar. Many who huvo no a-ara aro wut.-h-IllE the "Auto Ka.r Sale" aolumna of The llorald fur kimiiI Imya. I'enplo watih the Want Ad columns cf The Her ald for Ihoir wanta he raiiaa they find llio Kn-.iloi-l aelertlain there. Whatever ynti have lo Mil, llorald Want Aala' will aoll It for yi.u, and llorald Want Ada coal lets. Speiiul S-day rata-a. STONEWALL OVERALLS A money navin Luy in overalls not a cheap overall in fjuolity, hut jurt one of our leader. Made of a 220-df-ninri, cut full. Icrge pockets and in either hi or OQ lo hack. What else can ah overall be for only Q7C MEN'S BLAZERS In light, heavy and medium weights. All colors and comoin i'ion of colors. Kn-it bottom with regular style collar. Some priced as low as $3.08 an all t C CC - wool blazer for only PJU tJ kiar: Double Cotton In a very good w-lght, ImtK9 Rir-p. In Kray only, with color ed borur- .. $1.98 Plaids Work Sox 5 pair $1.00 ro!)lo; Trry ood welghf : . bound edge; Ure atze, and In many very pretty pattern and rolorn $2.50 Single Hats S'ew Ktylea. Bond ;:izUy felt. In either rolled calK? or sqjp brim $2.95 Suit Case Very aervia eaole ease for a!l ui". Medium size. In tan only $1.50 KLAtlAlH V.' FALLS . ' : - will he held tirevlnua to the bual- neaa nf aeverul wwka. Ilo la re noaa meeitnit at Iho Hanka home. ; ported . very much Improved l ort Klniiinlli Vlallora Jink Martin und Jimmy Hyan Wtl.TKU Mall.l.WltATII The roniallla ol the Itile Unllor Milllwrittb will l,e fnrwiinl.-d to. all Miilhorry, Kiinaua. Iiuvlna here1 ( liMniiitx illi cit Infant line. Relllnn trammeled hualneaa In llm elty tnintta at eoat. - t nine ann see on maraiiny morninc, a no in pan -far aevernl linura on Mnuil iy preat barcalua at KATZ li il Iiy hia wile. Mr ' lto-o Mai- from Ihelr home al Kort Klam-J'AOV HIIOP.-Adv. SJ lllwralh. Kunoral na rvloe. will Mr, lU llinan (ione KoIIowIiik an enjoyable visit hero with lit brother, aon and ilauahter. In-law a well as hla alh. The bualneaa viaitom atoppad al Iho Hotel Arrudo. I.eturne.l From ('allfoinin fharlna llnai.n maiiotiMil I'Mlnr. day from fallfornla. where bo many friends. A. A. Hetlman has hna lieen for aome lime with Mra. I 'I ' '" I'ark. l allfornla. Ilnaue who aiibmllled to u major he will send thai winter MhtmiIoil Mr. Ilomie repoila hla nior.thii. wife la rapidly roiovirlua fro in I mad. a M IV rrv Kan. Krlendi ' K,,I,,:r"" I""'""'- he aaid. pleaded ! ProJ ?' " u"ler con.ld- The former army officer eon- Iinilie Ul Mill. H rr, nana, r riennt , . I .nllm fi.r lhr .ir. nninl. ' ,.rrA llh I vnn Qnhlo .Mi.i ... .no i-aiarKU Ol posea:llon ' ' j .. -' . " - " -- and uxnnorated Kbnep of any ro-: OUI ,llat east-of-the-Cas-1 tiry of tho chamber of commerce spon.tihllity. i cadea-Klainalh basin route waalon the project and outlined to . more feasible horause of no foRs that civic official the plana of rsv a v i and belter weather conditions fuihis concern. PLANS FOR AIR l!eneral. DnTTTP A rt- Tr-i. w' Klards conferred with ; Kvpert lrr! riptiainLsts KUU lb AKL I OLD; W. C. Van Kmon. Klamuth nttor- Korba-s i"ure Drugs. Adv. volver was Placed In hla Inn I ni . ni'ur hla hand and a rllle droped lk-rrZ-' i mar Ills loft aide untiar.-ntlv eff ; liio niurdored recalled that Khner waa loft hnndod." I ' Amhroao said tint Elinor was! money: hut mora) than that, wciiiey thla mornlnfc. He hopes that f n II - . l i ! want Ihla tirniorl lit Iin n anoooaa itttoa. V.-III l.n Inken l.nmfwtla.olv I.-"a ' i " m i . m i . i.i.i lie iiau ' - " - i been rallied on several occasion ' rom ,hc standpoint of serving j by cgencles to secure an ade and that on one ooa-aston five ' ,n Public." i quote landing field in Klamath. pints of whihkey were conftaa-ated. I -Major townrnt auiii mat tne .close to Klamatn halls. Wool mixed blttnket of three pound weiKht. In dark colors only- $2.69 Nashuo rirt wool blanket of a known quality. Double. . large size. I0113 nap and In many colors $4.89 Australian Tart wool.: long - nap, large size. df.uMe and in many colors und patterns $4.35 her Illness. New -irfuioa lualnlleal furrlns fair Drugs a I ore tn Netv rpttnlr Shai X'i arrival of emus and lri-aa-04. Itai vialties In town. Itoom 7 Mclhuse llldx , npixiHlle court .Main and Ninth has in. lulled I House. Am. Hew window In (nr... and ahow- raaea whli h will add much 10 the I Uelnrmil to Nan IMa-gai appejrame of the store, one of I Mrs. Helen le haa left for llm most modern of Its kind In j "an uiego. t nniornin. ancr en aouthern Oregon. Joying a fortnight hero aa the housegueat of Mr. and Mrs. (I. A.. Ilellman. Mra. Lev will spend trie winter months in Rau Diego. Slef ThU .flemiHin ' Members nf I he Delta Cainma chanter of the Deliitiiana met at the new riiy library this afttfr-' NMclnl Nate nnon for the flrat meellng of the All this week nt Cray's (lar- f nil, I inent Simp. Croat reductions on ( j ovei ytlilng. Adv. 27 llete jYnm Mavlforil , - (1, g. D AIblnl of the firm of Willi Mm. illmr Jones tie n ii I. k and D'Alblnl is here for . The Kvonlng llaas ur the Delta aevnral dava on business from his 1 finmum rlinpler of Ihe Delpliians home at Ma-dfaird. will meet on Thurtdigr evening wllh Mra. Wilbur Junes. Mrs. Itui bnel Applegatn Rolninnn. Iand or. will prostate. The Evening Herald hat reader ronfldenco ra-aaler respect In a degree esualled by few, If nuy. In southern Oregon whlrll gives It's tremendous power .In In fluoiirliiK sula-s. Ieglala-ra- fl-om lllinalllllll J'hurles V. Noblo. K. H. Horner, A. J)'. (I ram n and Kills I'otter of I Dunsmulr registered at the Hotel Arcade over Monday from the aouthern city. When light hnlr Itf growing darker have . a Colden Glint alia m poo. Drnbnoss illsippeurs In una shampooing! At drug or toi let goods rim n I era or nt your hnlrd ressers. Ail v. rrorli Ijiiigoll 'nlle.v lr. Iavl Motlonntil arrived In il, i. t..r m r.. .lum l.lcoiihO In Wa-al wllh rolmlvos and friends. Kriink Jumes of I'orllnnd and The Menanald'a nre well known ; i11"" !l "rownleo of farmers of Ihe Lnngell Viilloy Vnklmii. Witshliigtoi.. were gratit dlstrli t ' p,l Heelise In wed ut Jim office '. of Iho county clerk Into Saturday. ,. IfllialllUr Out . Of all sweaters ult a very low price. Itonl Imrgulns. Modu Simp. J7 Now rptinlrw Hlin Na-w arrlvul nf co.ila and dress es, Hist values In town. Itoom 7 Mi'lhaMO llldg.. (ippnille court house. Adv. JS7 . From ( lilliMiiilii It, ('. Hplnk ot Chllniiulii Irniis ncted btislnma In the city yes torday for several hours.. Drlncoll. Williams Kor liiaiirnnie Roe Jna. II. llldg. Adv. Visited l roin Pine llldire Mra. Knrrell IC. ' llnpklhs of Plnn Itldge visited III the city yesterday wllh friends. klniiinlli i'laiwar Nli . Kor flowers. Floral di'slgnn. niiullty with servlon. 834 Main 'street. I'honn n H ! . Adv. ' Kiinii Tenuunl K. Klngsley , nf Tennnnt, f'lilifnruln, Is ifnnanetliig Imslneas In Ihn elly today. Moloml (o (Iriinls I'naa 1', IJ. MeDotlgnl and Hoy I'loe ger motored lo (Iriinls Pass over Iho weuk-cml on hunting trip. M3 Main. Ailv. IlillH fair I lowoi and flornl designs. Adv. (Continued from J.:iKf. II may cull at the Karl Whitlock funeral home. Pine avenue ut Klitli, until Wednesduy evening at nine o'clm k. Al l l: VCItDDKV Kuneral servita-s for the lile Allen Nordoen will be held al Kulni, North Dakota, and tutor menV will he mndo in Ihe family pint. The body will leave Klam- j lino salient features of his com-1 am raus on i nuiKniiy. f rionits , panv's plan. may cull at the Karl Wliltloik'. ..... ,.',... , . , . . J.-UI1.TI.I ll.,me a-xiierled to gel started Hin.rul """' lAiiKiist I. but lack of equipment ! has slowed up Ihe program. In Wll.l.ltM KKIttasoX. lull. It will take about 15 planes . Kuneral arrangement for the to start w ith. At first there will lute William Kerauson are penal- : bo 't wo pUues coming Into Klum Ing word from raihitlvos at Ta-.ath K.-ills each day; one south comn. Wasbtngtam. Friends may I ward hound and the other north call nt the Kurl Whitlock Ku-. bound. nc:al Home. Pino Avenue at I Plan Air Service Surveys. Nlallt. j "We have made the necessary ground survey of the route und THOMAS f. HI I.KI.I, all that Is now left to do is Tnmnna l. Delsell. the Infnnt ' consummate careful air surveys." son of Mr. and Mrs. Thnnins i Mr. Kdwnrds dea lined to reveal White DeUell. p.isned away this the n.uiies nf thaise who at THE LIBERTY "THE GILDED' BUTTERFLY', with PKItT LVTKI.I' anal ALMA Itl ItKNS . . I'liiuance -PathaiM Tlirills Sntpense A Rrlpplng evpat a of awinl pnra!ltef anal thole mathods, plus M Ihrlllini;, unevpct-teil elliiin. IH)T MISS THIS ONK! Any Sa-nl Any Time Cents MiAaairsaiii at THE PINE TREE FIVE- -FIVE VAUDEVILLE ; . ,'so -- J ' ' Liberty's Great Serial Feature Story "Love's Greatest Mistake" 1 . ', . With . i:- ' EVELYN BRENT and WILLIAM POWELL Coming Thursday and Friday THE OLIVET JUBILEE SINGERS The Finest Colored Organization on Tour. One Performance Nightly. morning nt ll:2n o'clock. The bin-king Ihe. project. reninuiK nn t Ihn Karl Whitlock; "They nro irsponsllile people: J home. Pine nvenuo at, hut I'm sorry to say I cannot j Sixth. Arrangements for lliivmalie tiublie iheir nnmes. Ij are ; F. R. OLDS funeral will bo made Inter. PA I' I. KHNKH The repiaina of Ihn lato Paul Khner are In (nro t I lie. Karl Whlltia k fiinefnl homo, Pine ave nue nt Sixth. Kunernl iirrnngo lueiita will lie niinnunrod later. "Of 1'oun.e we hope to make i Q Veronica far V a t atrt . a CHIEF UPHOLDS MURDER THEORY to 1 (Continued from p:ige 1) i fc whn was the guilty jinny: but Its tongue In forever stiflail and officialdom mutt unravel u mys tery with priicticnlly no clues nt hand. "What linnpi'neil In iny opin ion was this: Khner was inui-1 Ell S7 4 m t t t WALL PAPER PAINTS AND SIGNS $ " ' BUSINESS IS GOOD' ' ' to afkyalcfaae la tkt H'S'silai Rlah Tit n a 1 1 Phiims ' Acid Coadltlaai Kidney, Uvate ami Bladder Traables Iadlgasliaa 0aClrlla Let Ua Estimate Your Work Phone 43 610 Klamath t 4 i tTt-m-ffttT-f-n-n Star Druij Co. Phone IMS CHAIR DISPUtE l Good Teeth Are (he Foundation of Good Health -Correct Dental Work When you come to me for your dental work you will be assured of proper .workmanship at a just and reasonable price. My list of satisfied patients is growing daily. You, too, will be pleased with my service Free Examinations Given - DR. R. D. COE Hopka Bldg. Phone 836 rvnc im cunr1 e. - T. J (i HANTS PAHS, Orn Sept. !7. iM (AIM III mi Iterentlon over IheiA ownership of a chair, (leorge T Duffield. a r. , was shot through : J the moiiih yoKloriluy evening lv ('. W. Kowlor nt Onlico. It Is'f cliui'Ked hv Dtiffiuld. who Is In a hOHplUl hero. Officers have- aluited lur thu lower Itogun to nrreat Fowler on 11 charge of ns aiull with Intent to kill. Duf field Is In serious rondlllon, hut It is believed ho will recover. at regular intervals. t Exercise watchfulness for your own good. Your U; health is involved and "An Ounce of Treven- ,y tioii is Worth a Pound of Cure." ... Portland" Painless Dentists !l Cor; llth & Main Phone 94 :'t i mi S-P-E-C-I-A-L Sept. 10 to 25, inclusive Bearing Adjusted 4-cylinder Cars, $4.50 6-Cylinder Cars, $6.50 Alb WOltK XCOXDIIONAM.V fl'.IMXTKKI)! Cant Called for and Delivered .- .. KXPKI5T i:i-; niul ItiMTIKN SKRVtCK , 1 GAS Oil. t.'HKANINti WASHINti TOWIXO KW AMI I'SKl) PAIITS. , SHASTA VIEW GARAGE ntwtn 21 llotira Kvrrr Dav Bo. 0th fit. and City 1.1 1 tilts, OppoHtto uth At. Lhr. Co. With Care WE REALIZE that we are com missioned to make your clean restored to newness. We take the best care of your delicate fabrics. Troy Laundry - i- .. . .. , . 336 So. rith Phone 656 'f