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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 27, 1927)
''ilfcrniiv -.inrnry '-Kene. Orrcon Cunin. KLAMATH FALLS WILL HAVE 25,000 PEOPLE IN 1930 WATCH HER GROW City Edition The Old Home Paper weather. Oregon: Occasional mini to night anil Weduesday. Cooler Ik ast porlluo Tueaday. Iacrln , southerly wind. Associated Press and United Press Telegraph Service Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade Trice Five Cunts K LA ill ATI I FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1927. i Number 6141.' PLANS 0 AIR ROUTE TOLD HERE First Plane of Valley Air Service Will Arrive in Kkmath Next Spring Ifl AMATII FAI I ? TO ....... ".ih Inlr Una year and l la BE DIVISION POINT ' 'Hy - H'r.cnl mora Hum Hump of lust year. Nineteen rnuti Majnr Kdnaiil. lliMiea ( liv U III , (ilte turpi. tnlli.n A v I n I I ll 1 I'll Id; Air hurv.- of l.lnr frt.m u . . , , , ...... ,. K,...knl,o I..H. .,..(., Will Ci.liauoihinli-tl In SfM I'tilure. Klrai iilnnn of Iho Vnlloy Air aorvka will drop lulu nn of II. ' ihl-f dlvl.lun imlnla Klainath Kail-ni-t aprliiK. IntllntliiR n IMMonior, llphl In Ikhl anil ' pteaa air aoivlre boiween Hpo kane and Atiaoli. Thla waa th aniiouiirrnient ! lay of Major J. Hpaulilliii Kd warda. H.irramonti). who, arrnm paiilr.l by Captain Hanifrd K. Mnaia, l aiN'nitlnK III" day In Klnmitli FallV. Majnr Kilwnritx. oip"i I'"'"' and well pnalr.l In flying, la t lie prealdent and mutineer of the nil. Hun dollar limn pur. illun wlihh iropiiai-a to eatnhlliib an air roulii ( ou whlih Klauialli Kalla will he' one of Iho prliii' division ' points. i Want rlelil. Th major bluntly Infnrmed a Herald reporter that lie boned , and etpncied the rlty of Klainath ' Kalla to cooperate wllti the Vnl &i. u Ji . . i.. ...... i.m.i.. ' . .. . , i ii . . au aviation f i. in- aim . u. . ""- t.f 1 .1 j.iiiio. "All 111 c.niea HI me rniimry ait. doing It and we i xpu l Klam- tin Kails to follow suit. h polulod iinw It will b ar- rang d, la another nuoMtlon." Major KdwanU Went nn tn out (Continued mi pign SI D. A. B. REGENT! EXPECTED HERE Kiilttlnni chupler, Danshters of , " , .. , , mi Ihe American Itevolutlon will honor their Hint regent. Mrs. (lordon Mai'Crai ken and Ihelr first alol vice regent tra crl K, Walletibiirg al Ihe nnniinl hanqucl Monday evening. Oct ober third. This wna definitely derided nl a riilled meeting held on Mondiy afternoon ut the honi of Mrs. Charles'ph Marl In. regent of j Kiilnliiria rhapler. 1 Th banquet will he held at the Pelican Cafe in the grill room nml will stnrt protiiptly nl (1:30 nil. ilk. All members of h local rhapler are urged tn attend. At the meetliin on Monday nflernoon chairmen nf the rar loua committees were named. Mrs. Hnchol Applegnlc will presliln at tnnalmlalreas; Mrs. linn J. Ziimwnlt. ijinlrninn nf th priiifrnm and Mrs.. Kred Helitllork of decorations anil Ihe menu. Officers of tlie. suite will he luvlred Including: Mrs. (ionlnii MacCrarken, sinto tTKinit; Mrs. HMiert K, Wiiilenliurg, vli re gent; Mrs, JcksIk 1) MrConib, se.'ond vice 'n gent; Mrs. O. K. Walts, recording secretary; Mrs. II. O, Anderson, cnrrcxponillng 'secretary: Mrs. Harry K. North ritp. Ireiisurer: Mrs. II. C. Crow, run. iilllng registrar: Mrs. A. K. Btosamelsler, librarian: Mias l.ll- llun Applegtilo, hlslnrlan and Mrs. l.n I il Sheldon, rhniiliiln. Kulnlonn chapter was orgnnlr.ed In June of 1922 mid Is nun of the most active chaplers In Ihn Kioto. DANK CLOSINGS WILL BEPROBED ' RALKM, Vopt. 27. (,T1 Clr ' riimstnncca surrounding Ihn dia log cf n bank lit Hensldn recent ly and nlso Ihe Sheridan Stale llnnk will be plnreil beforo Ihn stale bnnklng hoard nl special mooting hero today. A. A. Hrhrnmm, recently appointed stale niperlntentlent of lunik In suc ceed Frank C. Ilrnniwell, will nl- A...I.I lit.. ..luliin I'l.n lilonllllir today places Inlo'effect a change In Iho board's policy, nnnniiiiceil whnn Schramm was appointed. whereby Iho b ard will consider firm hnnd llm affairs of nil bunk I hut nro In Irniililn Instead of tuernly noting upon th rernni - mcndutlnns of Ilia uporliitendout. BAD WEATHER FOLLOWED BY SUN AT FAIR hai.e.m, Or.. Kepi. 27. Mi lium and wind soaked the fair ground and canned considerable annoyance In the t-oiicisloncra Monday night with sun tirruklni! through th r I n u d a Tuesday IiiuiiiiliiK, ruining Ihn hnpea ftf lh fulr hoard, that I ho second ilay nl Inn til ill UlltlllHl alum fair itilKhl yet break record. l(o I l m Miiinlii nggroirilcd ;IK3 !l. nn Itn'rewir ul 1MB fill over tti same iluy Ihhi your. II u riK-an ami riiiinliiii rare will Ki'l under way today nn u heavy Iraik utiles lh wind itii In drlvo the moisture from th gtound. Aut'imohll rre were Ihn feature iif I In- opening day. Ilnya and girl rlub ai'llvlllra r Inking an Important plar In I ili a hum hm.tlia In llii- old puvl ln while there urn more llinn 1 6ml olilhlt In adillilmi to over , " Pi "r"i iiv. .toi a. Jm Kim la holn .loiilliiuoil a ',... ,,.,..,, ,.iav .,,,, i ' ' dally roiirfria aro holna; itWrn hy i hp AiniTiian l.orinn ilnnd of 'Hhnlilan. olll. lal .lalo fair liali.l iomonirau..iia ui-.anninK and oiIht a.tlvllloa In lh. rlub -'" " " " '" II. hi A feat urn of the raeea this' aftetiinon will be a Mrlul event between an airplane and a run- i.l.,.. ...... il. ..I. .1 1..I...I l.u Un a Itnnklu. of Kuleiii. . in llng the mile track while Ihn horse run over the new half mile roiirse. KAI.KM. Sent. !7. (At - Ap- pMntinon! announced tai yeater- ly at the clo.e of the Oregon nilifi-renre of the Methnillat Kptn- ro,,a ,hllr.h in. iiidnd the follow- lug; r.natern district A Hiti in.,,. .ni...rii.i..n,li..,i tuiom ' ,.,.,,.., Hllnpion llnnirlck; Kinma,,, vatlts. K. I.. W. meit; .0i,t.W,.w. in K. Ilankln: I'end- ,.0, m. t. Wire: K:rt Kluiuaih, heun C. Polndexter: Chlloiiiiin Mid Krhn tn lie supplied. Smiili-in illHtrli'l: S. J. Chnnev, suporinienilntit, Kugene; Aahland. K. rembi'rlnu; t amus aiiey, Ten Mile, T. K. Allen; Canyon rllle, Ainandn Mltsner: Cnbiirg. 'oreal Klnley, Collage drove, . John A. I.lntt: Crosiwell, C. (i. Mnrrla: lllllunl, l.o.klnn Class, ,T. K. Allen: liraln. II. W. Itutii- nieii; r:iki n. iiraro uriver: r.u gone. J K. Ilaas: Fall ('nt.k, tioshen. I'nliy. C. O. Mnrrlsa: Hr 'il'tl"l: Oranis Pass. C. C. Itnrlek; Harrlaburg, T. It. vlfni.r jnr,i city. K. A. t;inn: Medford. T. II. Temple; Onk Hidgn, Weal Kir. C. J. Pike: I.osetllirg, job cnuiia, nprnis field, (iabrlel Bykos; Sutherlln, Wilbur. (I. P. Trltes; Talent, Jarkaon, C.old Hill. (I. '. Wagon ir; Wlldervllle. K. II. Horsed; Wolf Cteek. C. C. Pnitl; Ytn calln. Joa Pope. II oil lllver was chosen for tile r,i2H conferrncn. " Mr. C. C. Hnrlrk who goes tn (irnnts Pass, hns heen pualnr of ,, Kri'inont rliurrh lit Portlnml. . , DAMAGES GIVEN i LOVING COUPLE JAILED BY COP CLKVKI.ANI), Ohio. Sept. 27. (Pi Judgment for 8J.675 was awarded today by n common plena cnurt Jury tn Mr. and Mrs. Jns. Mark who had brniight suit for 115.0011 against Police Herg c n nt Kriink I.. Kolfe, alleging he arrested Ihetn and had them Jail ed when be found them kissing in Ihelr puked nulomoliUc. One night In July hint your. Mr. nnil Mrs. Mark, a young couple, were returning from n picnic Willi several other parsons. ' Sergeant llolfe and n 'police aiiiud wore out looking fnr a ' gang uf rowilies. Lights sudilen- ly worn thrown upon the Min ks niilnmnblln and dlsrloaed Mrs. i alack uion Her liuaiiaiiil s lap in Ihe not of kissing 111 in Sergeant Itnlfe (Irncgcd them from tho ear mid look them tn lull where they were hold hours, tho Mucks testified. six NEW 5 p QFFJCE Tt CiPFN VfJfJV J UrCH OKJUiV ' Itcnovnllng nf Iho Southern Pa- rlflc offices lo be Inrated nt fill name pastors ofiejup; Main shortly after Ortnber 10 tbe brunt nf Ihe nttiick and was ( ny. representing Iho ('.real North wn started til In innrnliig. Tear- given first aid by an ninhiilunce ern rollniinl. arrived in Klamath lug nut of the partition look mi crew miiiulniued by th Purl In nil Kalis this morning to attend to Iho lime of Iho workmen on tho fire department. Captain ltcis nrr.ingeinnnl pending th rlos Jnh today. .- ' nilnilnltHrrod Iho Irenlment. ' Inaj nf optlnns for a union depot A new brick fronl with bov- l''d "glas windows will be un other added fenliire In the build - H. M. Iliiller, general con- I Irnclnr Is In charge of th work, An up-lown ticket officii will be Instiillcd III Hi locution with lA. S. Iloaenbiiiita and J. J.' Mil- jlur In (iiurgo. ' " AGED MAN MURDERED IN SHACK Body of Paul Ebncr, Ex Night Watchman, Found In Moonshine Cave GUN FOUND NEAR BODY OF V I CT I M j .-- Officer I limit IMIrve Man Vic ii.i ..v i.'..iai in... . ii ........ . .. Miln ll Mnrr l ". Until y Hull l:ili rl) Iti-iliinr Ilml ( oiniiiliieil Holi lili-. .... ... , , , Beal. il on an old beer keg. hla head dropiied forward on hla breaal. tongue batiKing from hla Ininulli utut Ilia Imilv iiernniiHiHed .. . . . ... nltniii.t beyond reeiignltlou, re- mains of i'aul Kliner, ex-nlght "i.iiiMini ui i nn nil liny '"'r. r"'"l''"r. '"J. "'"I"' dlnghoy dug-oul lieneath his IikiI ahop early laat evening by Jim Moody and Jim Heed. In dications pointed to tile probabil ity that the aged nun hud been inn rdored. At his Hide was a shotgun. while his left band limply gripped a ..1 mil lire revolver, which,' when examined, proved beyond a doubt that K liner had not killed hltniu'lf. Two bullet holes were f. nih. I In the left side of the neck. One shell under Ihe ham mer, with another unexploiled shell nott to it, proved Ibis, for inn oiiii rra who woraeii lor I V'r'" h""r" r'"""1 i--" nlug bofor taking the rem ilns the Karl Whltlork Funeral Home Kifk Haw. Had ll not hern that Jim Moody wanted one-man a saw whlih Kliner had borrowcil from (Continued on pane six) Funny News of Today ( VI, IH Jl llOlt. l.KOMINSTKIt. Mass., Sept. 27. (API Calvin CoollilK has been drawn ns a Juror. He Is a comb maker. JOHV MAIlltlKD. CnKKNWICIl. Conn.. Sept. 27. I API John Coolldg has been married. He's a niechnulrnl en. gtneer of Dedham. Mass. ti nnf.v ;kth n.isi:. NKW'.VAltK. Sept. 27. (API fienn Tunney has got a raise with bis million. Longshoremen 'wilh the Southern Pacific explain now earn ftl.M) a day Instead of d o Ihe rouiicil that unless this 16.00. Oenn Is an honorary, mem her of the union and entitled to a working curd. VOI.I'XTAKY KISCIPI.INK. HOHOKKN. N.J, Sept. 27. (A. P.) Wm, dray, stone cutler. Is In Iho hoosogow voliininrlly to avoid exlruragunce. He walked Into tho police station, said he had bean nn a bit of a spree and desired to be locked up lest he spend a legacy that was due. Ho expects to be normal In a dnv or so and bunk the legacy. William la a Scot. ' KICK OK MUTCH. NBW YOHK, Sept. 27. (AP) One reason given by Capt.eln (. Duncan C. MacLeod. Laird of Hiimsay, an Inland in the He brides, for Ills vlalt lo New York, Is that he Is sick of Scotch whis key and desires to bo whero It Is not so plentiful. lice Annoyed SALKM. Ore.. Sept. 27, (,TI A colony of yelloMi Jackets that ' for n year have enjoyed untruui- meled possession of Ihn grnnd- Island nt the stale filr grounds ! resented Iho Intrusion 5eslerrl'.y of a human swnrni Ihnt went to the niitomobll rures. They .,...,,., th.,r ,iKlenaure , slinging several perilous and al- most started a rlol. Mr. W. (1. ItroltniiKtoln of Chlrngn received . . I'iniic I. .mi 1 OliKGON CITY. Ore., Sept. 27. (API The local pollro report contain till explanation of an accident Saturday night: "Ac- rlileni happened lo Indy Willi do- (relive carburetor, broken spring nml llppery tiro." Organizer h light Visits Here; Upholds Sea Planes Tho man whn organized and I ed from the air del by. at Kpo urrangod the la in in Rogers k-n'- wkh- ... . ,. I.. . i. n j I "It aa a wonderful exhibition flight to Hawal!.-bo walled I, h(j (rMl(, of nine lunar duya and night far ,lm,,, iard avlaiiun. From (.rd of Iho mliialng flyer and who rejoiced with heartfelt glad ness when the new-a waa flaahed lliat "lila boy'- wore safe and aound. loduy In Klamath Kalla doclured that Ionic rilatance hop wir onlv ftalltht Hhi'll Wl- i''"""" ' ll la Captain K. K. Moe. Ban Dli'Ko. who ha lust recently r- tlnd frciin tho service of the navy after 3j ypara cxiwrU'ni:. "It ahould l aoaplanna or i ',,,, .. ,Wp(1. - itorBn.-1 ,.,,. r . proved that conolualv-1 ly. What aaved him? Why the I fart I hat his piano would float; 'nothing else. ; ..The r,.aKO ,h,y iro ng nd plane la that Ihn a-aplane la loo heavy and the lund planes can , carry more gasnnn. now- -vor. they have Jut about ar- r..,.,i . soiution 13 m la prun- i,.tn unit 1 doiiht wry mu h , whntliir these long bops In tbJor J. Tauldlng Kdwarda, rice- 'Van -bo n""!o ,,y land i Captain Moaea has Just return-; CITY URGED IBM'S GARDEN GRANT PERMITiROAD SECTION FOR CROSSBILL BE BUILT . Two Larerc Investment 1 Hang In Balance Await- ins Council Action One proposed investment of approximately one million dollars .. ....A...i .. auniiAn In tlt MH(,i Intliiatrlnl dlMr'pt of Ktam- ath Kails hang In balance await- Jlly and Orews valley was en Ing the action of t!io city council. ' dnrsed In Portland today by the The million d.illar investment stale highway rommlssion and j Is tn Joint ir.ngnt terminal oi work will proceed as soon as pos the Southern Pacific and Oreat slble. according to a wire re Northern r-illroail; nplinns for reived by Kvnning Herald from necessary .and havn been tnken County Judge Kred ll. doddard. and eupp October I. The SS0,-' attending Ihe commission meet oon Investment is a large ware- Inn. house proposed by Ihe Kwauiia j -niBhwav commission has or llox conipany. dered building of Devil's C.arden On obslado must he sur-1 soo, nt p0,ii,ie," the nimioie.i in Knnriuiiee uie niTem - nionu. 'hn obtaining from th council twnilftHiiin to slightly change tlt.i S. P. south Sixth street rmstlng a change that will mom 'rmnvlng tho spur ten feet north on one side of tho street and .10 feet on th olher; hnn tk.l ...ill ........ 1. In ,...,.- ing the street at right angles rather than diagonally Permit Niti-snary W'lll Worden, former Klamath rotilily ndge and now connected permission -was secured the en tit union termiml project tn the south Sixth street area would probuhly be shelved. The Kwauna Hox company, he explained, was loath to give up any land, but finally C. II. Dag gelt, mill official, agreed to sub mit the necessary land if the railroad company would do away with a certain switch and spur (Continued on page 6) INFANT SON OF MR. AND MRS. DELZELL DEAD it will be with slneerest re grets Hint the many friends nf Mr. and Mrs. Thomas White Del. xell learn of tho death of their Infant son. Thomas. Th child .aUM.,.l nu-nw In . ;,, - this morning at ll:2o n clock. The reniuln nre at tho Karl Whltlork Funeral Homo. Funeral arrangements will he announced later. RAIL OFFICIALS HERE ON VISIT A. J. Wllrliell, chief engineer "f 'he 9. P. A 8. railroad and I Charles A. Hart. Pnrtlnud attbr iiTu south Sixth at reel. Mr. Witrhell, Sir. Hart nnd I.. r Gllntnii, vlre-prealdent of Ihe Great Northern, hnvn been bear ing tho brunt of Ihn long nego tiation mil-rounding tho rntrnnrn of llm northern lines Intir the Klamath country and. In partlou- !..0 In.n k-lnltinll. Vnll. 111 111... I.IUU.U.U . ..... of Rogers all ever the country cam common-la! planoH, arorea of them. And 'their ataliilliy and perform unroa waa definite proof to all that aviation waa here to atay. aottl of the Amerioan poople. The native incenulty and courace of' a Kieut peotile U focllKed on problem of fly in K and out of i thla Intereat and investigation will come th aoluttnn to the prohloma shloh inual be solved In aviation. "At that derby they Jumped from pararhutva a often that it rcaaed to be a sensation. Why, an eighteen year old Tacoma high sihool girl jumped from a planV ?,000 feet over the field and floated gracefully to the ground." Captain Moses Is rerognixed throughout the nation as one of the trail blazera In long dls- lance hops. He arrompmiied Ma- president and engineer of the I Valley Air Service to Klamath Kails. i Commission Decides to Proceed With Work As Soon As Possible Construction of the Devils Gar- den section of the Klamath Kalis-, t -1 knk.. n .......Ii nf exceptionally poor road between! , ..r .,,,, .iTh -,., ..,,. thanks all citizens whn helped." The action nf ie commission was unexpecten. It ban been understood that the state com missioners were not In favor of new construction on the road un til a suit against the commission brought hy Honanxa peoplo had been settled. Bids will be opened next month and the work completed next ready reservations for more than year. 1100 visitors and Inral business men and their wives have been PORTLAND. Or., Sept. 27. (A. made for the banquet to be held! P:l Steps toward removal oflat the Pelican Cafe on Thurs-J the tolls on the interstate bridge between Portland and Vancouver, W'asH.. were taken today hv the state highway commission. Chair man H. II. Van Diner announced that the commission would pro ceed as rapidly as possible in the mutter. Negotiations with the Washington state commission to ward taking over tho bridge and (Continued on Vage 8) CITY SCHOOLS TO OPEN HERE OCTOBER THIRD "City schools will open Mon day. Octoher 1." This was the formal announce ment this morning of J. P. Wells, . ... fnlln... i ............ . ..,... Ing a meeting nt ihe school board hold Inst' nlKht nt Fremont school. Derision of the board to open srhnols followed a conference with 1r. (i., S. Newsom, medical director of tho Klumalh county! health unit. J . fur UfATUrP Tho Cyiin-Storinagraph nt Un- derwood a Phnrmuey shows Hint the barometric pressure hn heenj$i.60 will be made for each falling very slowly for over twen-; person, ly-four hour. This, coupled with i the high tempeiiiituro nnd south-1 I'HKP AltlVO FOR TRIP erly winds, will probably result i PENDLETON. Sept. 27. (VP) In rain tonight. . i Pendleton is' preparing for the Forecast for next 21 hours: Cloudy and unsettled with brisk winds and moderate temperatures. Tlia Tviii rnrnrilln thermoln- eter registered,' maximum and i minimum temporal urea today a follows: 1 1 1 h Jllbb 6i; low 51. MANY .0 IN FLOODS Activities in Tyrol Para lyzed by Devastating Inundation Today WORKMEN'S TRAIN FALLS IN RIVER Kuiblen llrop In Temperature May Clin k Kat fi llinx Hnows in Know-4 apped lli glim; Howls l lii .. X . .1 i ii i mi mi i.j,. . miwn i ..... rieyeral Keet of Water. LONDON. Bept. 27. (API Scores of lives are believed to have been lost In Alpine floods which inundated Ihe DrinclDality of Liechtenstein, tbe eastern sec-i tlon of Bwitzerland and the up per Trentlno.. Italy, after tre- mendous rains over the week-end Kspecially affected are those valleys whose waters Join the thine above Lake Constance, i while the upper Rhine itself la' amatingly swollen and the lake! la 15 feet above normal. j The actual total fatalities are. unknown and cannot be reliably' computed until the commnniea- j lions broken by the floods are ! restored. I latest reports say the situ-! latinn is lmnrnvinr somewhat, the I nr minTnii I downpours beginning to subside, j Flocd gates of restless and fnn u .H,isn rfmn in i m tiers i re, inilovlng childhood, checked for I -- - - r - me mountain region nas tnecaea tne melting anow wnicn largely contributed to the floods Liechtenstein, which with an . are, nf sfvf v-eiirht ou'arA miles "I la nun' 'nf -rh "m!lecr nrtncl- j parities In the world, was almost ! overwhelmed by tbe inundation. The worst feature of tbe flood in that region was Ihe collapse of a 5.0ou-foot concrete dam on the I Ir.i.hlnn.iti.KwiM lmrder. nllnw- (Continued on page 5) LA! PLANS TO GREETfESTS Plans were completed by the hniirrl nt ilirmlnr. nf the chaiil- " " her of commerce this noon for ' the entertainment of close o 106 guests from San Francisco. Sac ramento and Weed wKlo will ar rive here on the "Klamath Falls Weed highway caravan on Tbnrs- iday afternoon. Headquarters for the guests w ill be at the Hotel Hall and al - day evening at 6:30. Perhaps no group of visitors have created more Interest among Klamath Falls business men than this delegation who are working hand in hand with Klamath Falls to complete the Klamath Falls-Weed highway. After visiting here throughout Thursday as guests of local busi ness men. the southern party will leave early Friday morning for Tennnnt, California, where they will be noon day luncheon guests of the Weed Lumber company enrnnln tn llielr southern home. in ihelr mm thorn home. Mrs. Ruth Holloway and How- nril (iraham. winners In the At- water-Kent vocal contest which; was held last week In this city under the direction of the Klam- nlh liill tlnlnrln society have : ath Fall Oratorio society have been invited to render vocal num ber during the banquet. The ""'" "l"n.- ........ . ,eral vocal numbers. Howard tv..i nn,i several mhor ' musirinns of the city will render several popular numbers. Attorney W. S. Wiley. C. H. Underwood. Bruce Dennis and C. K. Gates will be the speakers' for the Klumtth Falls district, i -Mr- Dennis, will preside toast mauler. ' a. Ladies are cordially invited I land already any number of bust-, ness men have made reservations I ; for two or more tickets for th . hiinnnet. A cover charge of "Good will trip" of 12i Port lund business men who will ho In Pendleton Friday. October 21. Ihn Put I In tiller, nre mi.kinir their. iserond annual trip to the Port - ' land hinterland, getting acquaint-1 llnlteile Fl!slmmon and ed with business conditions In'Cummings; Scott. Swoctland, and I tho various localities. CHIEF THINKS EBNER VICTIM OF MURDERER I "I firmly bHve that Paul fnpr. w hone dwomponod bcy wan tfound In bHi lonely sliarlt juc oft C'reacrnt avenue yntrJay, I waa mardrfd. lrrumianr jaurroondinK the cane lead me to ' this conclusion." This waa the atatemnt thta afternoon of f'hlf of Police Kith K. Ambroae whose InveMti Kaiiona Into tbe raae have not craaed since tbe xrtiaome dtacor ery waa made tn the moonnhine "pit" underneath Kbner'a aback, .jtmbroae pointed out that the theory of suicide waa not logi cal. "The body was sitting upright. Would It be possible for a man pitting on a box to eommitf sui cide and then remain upright? I should say not. "Then again, the rerolver In Rbner'a lap shows conclusively that he had not shot himself to death. There was one empty chamber. but preceding this nipir chamber were two loaded I'umiiuera. " Ebner had shot . himself, the unloaded chamber would bare kad to precede the loaded chambers." The mystery Is one of the most complex in the crime annals of Klamath and behind the mystery Is the vision of tbe grotesque flK- lire and leering fare of a dead man. perched crazllr on top of a box with a gun on his lap and a rifle by his side. That object could hare once told officials ponlinned on pige Z) I . : . ii, ....n.i.. QUARANTINE IS DISCONTINUED , ' " , " ' " . '. i... V-i.Hnia commission; L. i - - una in Kiiy cuuui:ii mieu mc quarantine. Tbe action followed a commun ication from Dr. O. S. Xewsom. medical director of tbe Klamath county health unit, who stated that the disease had been check ed, that there were bnt five cases in Klamath Falls and two with out the city under quarantine, and that the last rase ta be re ported to the health office was on September 18. In a communication to the school board of Klamath, Dr. N'ewsom advised that it would, be safe to reopen schools Monday, October 3. He counseled the beards to Instruct teachers to send children showing any sign of sickness home immediately. RUTH AND LOU I C AfU nVT UrAA 17 JP. i-ch,ii vaa-a iivinvm I NEW YORK.. Sept. 27. (PI Babe Ruth noisted out homer number 57 in the sixth inning of New York's tussle with Philadel phia today. Gehrig hit his 46th homer in the fourth. The Babe is now only two homers behind ; his record 192X year total of SS. 1 . . WOMAN KILLED IN AUTO CRASH VANCOUVER. Wash.. Sept. 27. ( AP) Mrs. M. T. King, of Port land was killed, and Jack Davis. I l.-t 1 .. .1 n-n..alv InltinJ la.l 1 night when the auto In which I Keynoma passenger pian- .a they were going to Portland skid-led in New Jersey with the loss ed from the Pacific highway 1 0 I of ne ren lives. miles north of Vancouver and I "The fact that Mr. Reynolds overturned In a ditch. I automobile was found In the wa- Mrs. Davis, who also was in ter. the Tiffany statement con- the car. was slightly Injured. Unu.ed' WM,,,ly ! turbing as we thought it had SCHOOL REGENTS llfr f hJIK'FT COOV " a a-a-, irj J-' ' EUGENE, Ore., Sept. 27, (API The full meeting of the hoard of regents of the University of Oregon will be held within the n? ttirna vMib. ooonnllnv In announcement today of Dr. Arn old Bennett Hall, president of Ihe university. The exact date of the meeting, held in Eugene, set. which will be . has not been MKIMTKY UISFS PENDLETON. Sept. (ZD- Tho mercury took 1 decided Jump lyesterday afternoon and register- at'ed S6 degrees. A light rain start- jed fulling this morning. American Iicagii Iloston-WashlngL'n two games 1 postponed: cold weather. Doublo- I header tomorrow. National League Score R. H. E. St. Louis 4 111 Cincinnati 13 1 Batteries Alexander and Si hullo; Donohuo and Ilargrave. Score It. II. E. 6 1M 0 2 7 0 Now York j Philadelphia I Jonnnrd. REPORT ON LAKE TOLD OFFICIALS California, Oregon Came Commission Members Meet in City Today ELEVEN STATES ARE UNANIMOUS California and Oregon to Klanil Together on Uanao lUnt ltr fug Question; rhlppa IUII Kn-' dorMtl; Final Heport; on Lakn to lie ;ivon in Two Mimthji,- Endorsement of a' resolution of the Western. Association o( Game Commissioners favoring leg. islation providing for establish ment of migratory bird game re fuges, and discussion wi-h gov ernment experts of the feasibility of re-floodlng a portion of Low er Klamath lake bed to reestab lish a game bird refuge, featured a conference held here today be tween game officials of Califor nia and Oregon. - Present at the meeting were 5 Paul G. Redlngton. cblef of th biological aurvey, U. S. depart ment of agriculture; I. Zeller bach, president of the California? fish and game commission: B. 1. Marx Greene, executive officer ot that commission: Harold (ill ford, game warden of -Oregon;. II. E. Luillum. in charge of Ihq. , iinrfHU ui researc bureau of research of the lalifnr- V. Jesaupi drainage engineer, I.'., S. depart ment of agriculture; Ray C. Steele, U. 8. game warden. Representatives of Oregon and California .determined to bend erery effort toward the reflood- ing of the Bear River marshes in Utah. Oregon and California' will vigorously support the pend ing Phipps bill in congress ap propriating money for that pur (Continned on page 6) FEAR FELT FOR R.J. REYNOLDS NEW YORK, Sept. 27. WV-- Carter Tiffany, vice president of ,h. R-vnoin. A1rwav Inc. said today mat ne ana nut associates were "thoroughly alarmed." con- corning the disappearance of Richard J. Reynolds, youthful president of the company and that the case had been placed in tbe hands of a private detective agency. "We did not feel any concern about the absence of Mr. Rey nolds." he said in a statement, "until the Monday following our plane crash." Reynolds. 21-year old son of the late R. P. Reynolds, million aire tobacco magnite, and one of five heirs to the I50.000.000 Reynolds estate disappeared Sept ember 16. On September 17 a !rr"Wheyn'nd"id0lno't hear front . I1." ?" wee we.coeceu nm.. iiu ......... that he had not kept any of hla week-end appointments. We be came thoroughly alarmed. "' 1.1 KNTKR DERBY SPOKANE, Wash., Sept. 27. (yPl Fifteen formal entries had been filed at noon today for th Spokane-Portland air derby. It was announced today. The planes will leavo shortly after 111 a. m. Tuesday. WELCOME SOUND . "My, (hat's music to my ears." This was the statement nf 4 6 one prominent matron of 6 Klamath Fall was heard to 4 make late yesterday after- 4 noon as she stood In a local 4 shop door when a beaming faced lad crying "Evening Herald" passed hy. That tbe little lads have been missed from th streets la quite evident with dally remarks being mad by eld- era. of how they rnh.s the 4 hoys and how quiet the town ha been. The quarantine has been lifted and kiddle are once mora congregating on their favorite play ground. i