tape Eight Till! FAT.NIXO HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OHECON. M(n1ny, FU'ptrmW 20, 1027. 3j It's The Final Wind-Up The Finish4 of Beck's Maqstore Klamath Falls, Oregon ' Entire Stock Placed in Charge of G. W. Kennett, Merchandise ; ' Adjuster, With Instructions to Sell It All by Saturday Night, October 1st. :!..;.( We Are All Thru We Quit A Complete Disposal off Emtire Stock Men's Trousers Mcn Heavy F,anneI $4.50 Values . ...... $2.93 BlaZCrS $6.00 Values $3.98 Think of it! a good Blazer for $7.50 Values .$4.98 jjj Bo Men's Blazers Elazers and Sweaters $7.50 Values Priced to close out. From 0nIJ' a few ,eft in stock- $1.48 up to $3.95 Come ea'! ; Every one Real Buys! $4.95 Boys' Mackinaws .Work Shirts $5.00 Values $1.00 Values Good range of patterns. A11 sizes- to close Priced to close out at out at , $3.95 59c : One Lot Leather Coats . Flannel Shirts f.SO'Values 3-50 Values This is a dandy good coat. Priced to close out at only Closing Out Price $2.49 $7.85 - ' One Lot $2.50 Values Mens Collars Men's Dress All sizes and good fetylcs. SWrtS Stiff Collars 09c All good patterns. Soft Collars ...... 19c $1.65 OVERALLS, 93c Good, heavy den im. Well made. Come an J get 'em! y 'A . 1 Sl I W00L SOX. 49c ' SELLING STARTS PROMPTLY AT 9 A. M. TUESDAY Tomorrow Morning and Will Continue Until Saturday NIGHT-JUST 5 DAYS TQ, SELL THIS STOCK! . . One Croup ' Men's Suits ; $13.95 This lot must be cen to be appreciated. All good styles. Come early. Gcod range of sizes. . One Croup Men's Suits $17.85 Think of it. Men! A splendid.suit for only $17 85. Never before such bargains. 1 Value. Fancy ff fCr J V-'VfVV Value. Genu- Silk, Holeproof fiTttr- Ffi V ine Leather. Brand. Cloting out , ' f f f -I J P"d dote out OPENING HOUR SPECIALS 9 A. M. TUESDAY ONE GROUP Men's Suits .$21.85 Every Suit in the lot bought this season. Good patterns and. good range of size' Every one of them worth $45.00. Come early! . 25 Pain Men's Dress " Shoes Values up to $10.00 Opening Hour of Sale $1.95 Come Early! , One Lot ; .. .' Dress Shirts Values to $3.00 Piled irt Bins for the Opening Hour at $1.39 Canvas Gloves 3c (Limit 3 Pairs to a cus tomer.) Be in timo when the doors open! Work Sox, 5c Boar, Brand .andJJoss of the Bond. (Limit 5 I . . Pnir.i To u cu:;loir.c:) An Unpreced ented Sale Coming a it does just at the beginning of the buying season when the problem cf buying your Fall and V inter needs is one, everyone is deeply interested in this sale will solve that problem for hundreds of economical buyers and save them many dollars. It is a Forced Sale this stock must be sold in the next few days. In order',to make final tettlement of this es tate it oils for decisive action on our part there will be no thought of V profit the foremost thought in our minds from now until next Saturday night will be sell sell until everything is sold, including the fixtures, re- 'f, gardless of the co3t or the real worth of the merchandise. A word to the wise is sufficient, be here when the doers open. G. W. Kennett in charge. Boys' Suits Two Pair Knickers. Two Pairs Knicker Trousers. Just ' the thing for sohool .$3.98 y$em lwnMorel HiTimiTiFirTff" KLAMATH FALLS WOODDURN OREf Boys' Suits with Long Pants. Sizes 33 to 34. Priced to sell , quick at $0.85 ; ' Dress Shirts Nw.iu.w V $1.95 Vulues ShoeS Good patterns with collur lC-in. top. Sells regularly attached. They must go! at $9.00. Closes out at . 95c " $6.48 wX.. Boy' Cas Men's Union Suits yZt All sizes. Priced to close 1 ir out at Jpl.lt) $1.49 : - ' Work Pants One Lot $3.5o" Value Men's Union Suits The Uo! )' hv" thom ul $3.00 Values $1.89 Extra heavy. This is a real buy!. ' $1.89 Men's Caps Piled in Bin's All Wool $2.50 value ....$1.69 Union Suits $3 50 v;lue $2 39 $C.OO Values , . Come Early The big sale tag snap. $3,98 ' Men's Hats n i w . $7.50 Values Men s Winter .. . , ., . .. , , , Piled in bins, and the big LaUS tag nap v $1.00 Values ,$395 Priced to close out at . , Gordon and Hardeman o9C makes. Me"n's Over coats $8.95 Think of It ! A splen did coat for 'only $8.95. ' We can't move them! We muat ncll them! 3 Men's Overcoats, $23.85 . There arc coats in the lot that would cot you ' regularly $15.00 to $50.00. Think of iU Lena thun hulf price. Men's Over coats $16.85 Some real buys in the lot and lens than one half price on every one of them: 3 i