Monday, September 2fi, 1027. THE EVENIN'G HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Pa Flv DUILDERS tome WNERS TAGE BUILDING LOANS Disappearing Mortgages 'Just Like Rent' J'lll a lung fell want, simplify borrowing oil rra entitle; at tliu tuu' limn sound fur tliu lender mill audi for Oio borrower. Cull and lit us kiluln lully. Insurance' Department Wilson Abstract Co. K General Insurance Loans Bonds riirnu! IUO ail Mulli HI. R. E. WATTENBURG S;isli tnone 1316-R AIIMIIU'H 'IYihi.iiiiI heiilie" TULK l.VNl HAWK AN OKLXION COUrORATION fhurirrcil lu a General Abstract miiiI l-anj Til lu llusluess. Our Cci -llfk'iilo tin J Corporate Seal Cujrjulcu Accuracy. ABSTRACT OF TITLE COMPANY if tfaiul In-ill Oregon MO Mulii '. T. 1'rlie, Mimnifr Tel. IIIHI AIINTIIACTh; "IVi-wmii! Hrrtli-r" TITLI-' IMM'HAW'K 1(.li ltS JH-t Vfl H. E. ROSKAMP, Builder I'hono 572 Brick, Tile and Concrete . liuilding Construction of all hinds ' Commercial Buildings Apartments Residences Public Work. Etc. Kbllnmtim Cliocrfully J'unilflicil Philipsen '8C Huls Phone 293-W 204 Main Street -nCny - Ja- -Jexa- nJ I T.n. -tnirwi-i nivniitnrtfi iri,Tt 1 nofTXT nTrtr.'i rvTVTTc T "WATER SPAR" VARNISHES "BANZAI" ENAMELS R. P. OLIVER Plumo 722 Show Concrete Pipe for Sewers and Culverts All Nines Also Stone Tile for Foundations and Walls Our Pipe nnd Stoiia Tile (iunranlHod to puss ul Tout Huquli -mvlita uud liullillng Speciricntlonn. Pi ll en ItciiNoniiblo, I'lione or Call Klamath Concrete Pipe Co. I'lione ilNli-W ', ' 1 10.1 Mnl-ket Nl. CHAS. N. COSEBOOM- Building Plans, Specifications, Supervision 210-211 Underwood Bldg. Phone 654 Contractor and Builder und Doors Screen House Repairs. All kin Jh of Mill work. Cabinet Work imd Ruilt-ln Feature 801 Spring St. A Hone Ilnlli nf Material mnit IliirLlnnn.h tl l mm. nmuil b llliiliiT l(i)-ulu Vlu. r .man ! I p I L.ei me ouiia jucn a Home for You 1972 Earl Street Pr.Ori.K any llicy like to Iniy tlu-ir paint Mipplici liere lirennnit tltry li retrivc giNnI uilv ii-e along ri itli I lie inn Irn.iU. Of rutirM-, I lie ativit-e ia liivrn only Ttlu-n wanleil. Hut' our uiiti(-rlliii)f exirrietirc lias litiiliM u ninny tliinn I tint wo like lu as on to riitomer. We liuve Dtilrli Boy wltitr-lend. ami lin-ii'il oil for Imllt exterior ami interior line. A ml n full liua of oilier paint sipiliis. Oiine lit anil talk with ua - boul painting. Patterson's . Wallpaper and Paint Store I'lione 0S2-J VOItTII lOlltTII in - J J J JnV V ? T ? Kooriis 120 No. 7th St. V Jn f Ct rrV One of mm? M m a , ' - J I 11 I . - .in. TM Building News Wliilhi-r )ou want a oII:ik or iMuimliin, a huintnlnw vr fnur-mory huuan llm adrriim'rii on Hi In pa ir qiiallfll by yrani of kpi-rlirurff to build yuiir homo i lii-nplv. efflil-ullv, and a you want II. , Mr. and Mra. J-nn Tlmma-i Mi'llun hare nion-d tlilo lhi-lr hi-w hmnn In llm lllllililf aildl i ! li U-ti wan recently com-l.lili-d by Mr. Ollvi-r. Work today wi.a will uniti-r way on a battery of lhri inodrru dry kllna now Ix iliK In'tullpd br tin lllic likri Mux roinpany at It plunt on luiuth Hlxth atrwt. Tli nc-w kilni, wlibh are to Im- rompU-trd in llntu for uhi whro the Hilt Ijikra rompany optna lia plant nnl aprltm. will ront abonl f2(.0V0. In-ludlnx lhi lulol v p(. c(iilpinnt bi-liig In M:.ll.,. Tlie I'ortrr Catialrnrtliin rom pauv l liulldlnK tin- kllna with K. Hill lliiniFr oi linn aa rnui-ni-fr on the proji-rl. Actual cont of rontrii-lion alone will be aboit I3.00. The tbreo kllna will bare an aiiRn-iiato amrliy of 1 00. Aon t of lumlivr. The kllna are of the North sent lllower type, alinllar to thnae built aeAeral niontha a no by the Porter rompiny for Kliom-. Ilertram nd the I'ellcan liny I. umber company. Kxi-nvalnu work for the new bullilinit on Mnln and KlKhth whlrh la being erected by K. J. Murray where tho Rvenlnn Her ald formerly atood, haa been BigBasinLumberCompany KL.M.VTII I AI.I.S OISEUOX Retailers a Regular Lumber Yard A ;imi I'l.tri: to TitAin: itKc.ii sK or tiik i.iu;k sTh ks to m it aw vi use. it is to voi rt aivv. TAOK TO TtlAbK WIIKKK hKI.KCTIOXH AKK wl H:lil:i. VK ALM TO COMillT A ItfJ'l I.AK Tlt.I)lU I'LACK. ' i WM. H. LODGE, Manager Now is the Time to Build A DL'tLUINd MATERIALS: Crushed Rock AU SUca, Band All Kinds. Cement. Ito-lnforrlng Steel. SASH and DOORS SCREENS 1 Klamath Cabinet Shop E. S. Robinson 616 Spring St. Phone 1434-W the Late Business lompli-dd and llm itVulern brick- bulldlnx will bo ruHln-d lo uiti-pli-tloii. L'pou roinpletloii of tin building I he falln ilukery wl I move In, u well aa tVnuir Blioe Itepiilr Bb-ip. All office, lu fart every de partment of the I -oike Motor company titke on the appearance of a new liome with the com pletion of redet-oratlna and palm ing which wan made Kalurday ereuliiK The I'atteraon 1'ilnl Htoie wti In i-harae of I Inn work. Worjf on the' new Illicit 'ft-honl aymniiHluin at Chiloiilu In b-Iiik runlied lo completion. Found iion for the building wum completed during the punt week and the Hiib-flmir placed. It Ih plunn-d to have the framework croctcd at the end, of tlila j"t'J At leant 30 daya longer wl'l i be need-d to complete- the work j which la under contract to Krcd ! Jordan. I H It. I'errln. lorul arehlteci. j completed pinna for the modern i building which will i on In the .neighborhood of flS.000. . ' An active weeft of buflnena wa brought to a clow on 8itnr day erening for the l.lnk hirer Klectrlc. Several new Inba were ront rai led A new light lug eyl- le in for the Herald and Newa wan taken by the company. Ileno vatlon of the A. and It. Hoot Deer aland will mean a new light ing Hitcin. Thia contract was i taken by the Link Hlver K'ec- trie. A new and modern barber ahnp in being placed In the new build f Ing Junt recently comoleied on , Iteclamatlon. Ueorge Daud will . be tho owner. Link River Elec- i r Trucks For Hauling W Ls, 1T11UC1 VjU113ll.Ul.UUU v-u.J(J I'lione 78 HOLLOW TItE HOMES The home built of Hollow Tile is everything that a home should be. There is no danger of warping, cracking or shrinking to permit leaks of cold "air or dampness into the home. Hollow Tile may be finished in several differ snt ways. A facig of stucco or brick may be used, or the wall may be built with a finished wall of face tile. Hollow Tile the most ceonlmical form of per manent construction. . Klamath Falls Brick 8C Tile Co. 420 Main St.. Phone 1017-R. Yard, Shippington V Phone 101 7-W Buildings of Klamath Falls . L II-. II7 TV trie la tnstailinic a modern light Inn aynU'iu in the bnilJIliE. Work la proKreimliiK rapidly on tho Hihool bulldlux at Dorrla. which will bo ri-udy for occupancy the coming week. Lorenz and Company of this city liar the contract for the beating ayatem wlih-b will be one of the moat modern arjllabli. ' Offices of the Kwauna Hox company were lielng ra-painted ii ml re-deeoraled thia morning and will l.e comp'eted by Tuen 'day night. The I'alieriuin etoro baa the conten t for the work. ! W. H. MITir C.n.ilrurtion com peny in rushing work on the i Klamath Ice and Storuga plant. 'v.hicb they have the contract for. and hope to have the bnliding ! ready to turn over within the coming month. - At lean 2i men at? mpl:yid on the Job. I rianterlng of the beautiful new I'ellran theatre has been atarted. rnd the next twa monlhn will flod the Interior dor-orator bod ily engaged on tho job, which ia one of the Urgent ever contract ed in Southern Oregon. I The W. f). Miller Conntniction c-mnny haa the g-neral contract for the new show hliine. The ;nrc-lon Klectrlc Shop on Feventh aid Ma n have the con tract for lighting aud wiring of the Klrat Meihodlnt church which ia Iwtng erected on North Ninth. The old-tanhioned girl used to be satisfied to atay at h'ome Provided tho family was goiug out. ' . KLAMATH COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Reliable Abstracters since 1905.) ABSTRACTERS T1TLB EXAMINERS TITLE INSURANCE Illiir- Printing , Kire Insurance III So. -ltd SI. I'lione I NO General Construction concrete ijuiidiug Blocks. s Uth ami roninierriiil Dul'ont Explosives. i'i BANDITS TAKE FORTUNE IN CASH (Continued from page 1) The money was scooped iu a laatcbel. The three men were then i bound with school book straps I and rubber balls pushed in their I months. The new style gaga were held In pi lie by handkerchiefs I The plight of the three offl i rials was discovered by Milton r label, another amiietant cashier. Hundreds of men and women were paxning In front of Hie biilltllng which is near Second street and Broadway, while the J holdup took pluce. Twenty-five aeiecuves were rnnnea 10 me Water buildings and barred all doors but tbe robbers escaped. OI.OKR UIKUS T MKKT HOSEBl'KO. Ore.. Sept. 26. (iipi The Southern Oregon Old Girls' Conference, acbeduletl to be held In Itoseburg October 21. 22 and 2-1. baa been Indefinitely postponed hecauno of the Infan tile paralysia situation In the Bouthern part of the state, the executive committee announced today. Local health authorities, feared the aprrad of the disease by such a gathering and advised postponement until the meeting ran be held with safety. New dates will be announced after the epidemic Imi disappeared. . Why all this uproar because a girl of 15 and a man of 51 wanted to get married; Why not permit the two fools to become one family? Lime, Plaster, Juhns-Munvllle Roofing. Industrial Electric Co. i:. L. Hill K. It. llieiner Electrical Contractors Wiring Motor Winding Repairs Fixtures riiones: Hhop,'77I.W MkID, 771-11 New Location Cofer Building 7th nnd Walnut Ave Pur Your lritect Ion THE KLAMATH FALLS Lumber. Fred Painting Contractor Big linnln Lumber Co. Lumber hutlders Supplies Ilottotrtly Keller ' Ueneral Contractu'-. Browne. C. M. , painting Contractor ISHtler. K. M. (ieneral Contractor Cain. R. R. Lathing and Shingling Cofer Bros. Cabinet and Mlllwork Drake l.umlwr Co. Lumber Uullders Supplies Ewlng. L. C Plastering Contractor Cloynteln, Henry Painting Contractor Carcelon, Chaa. 1. Klerlriial Contractor Graham. A. K. Building Materials Crav. J. M. plumbing Contractor Hansen. L. V. Oeberal Contractor Heidi, Kred Lathing and Sbingllni Humphrey, A. V. General Contractor Industrial Electric Co. Electrical Coctracloti Jensen. J. M. General Contractor Kor Karth.r Inlormatlen 9:4 Caiilornla, f PAINT .... ' MH1 and Cabinet Work C m liwM k ASB ITfiVniVtaa4 COFER BKUb., Inc. Wi Phone S89 Brick We Can Save You Money on Your Lumber Here are some SPECIALS Dimension Stock $17.50 Shiplap $17.50 4-inch Bevel Siding $10.00 r'e have many other Items to iliow you. Drive out and look .hem over. - We sell retail lit prices littlo over wholesale. Pelican Bay Lumber Co. Pelican City . For Choice Building Lots See Watters & Barnhisel Phone flllfl Hull's Main St. Fred Jordan General Contractor AND ' Builder Phono 801-J-l Lnkcvlew IU. , HOWARD R. PERRIN Designs and Plans Commercial, Industrial & Residential Buildings 209, 215 Hopka Bldg. Phone 250-J K.niploy Menibem of BUILDERS' EXCHANGE' Jolly. Arihur pliintvritfg Contractor " P Jordan, I Ueneral (lontrartor Klamath Cabinet Hhnp Cabinet and Mlllwork Lakeside Lumber Co. Lnmlior Builders Supplies Llnfenty A Haines Phimblng and Sheet Metal , , siii oiiiim, tio, Ltimler 'Mlctaa.lson, John Painting Contractor Nelson. Lin General Contractor Patterson. W. E. J. E. Painting Contractors Pierce, Hay Painting Contractor Porter Construction Co. General Contractors I Iioxfcump, H- K. I General Contractor " f Sixth St. Lumber Co. , Lumber A Builders Supplies Slereun. W. A. ft Son . Gunernl Contractors . " .'1 Pwon Lk. Moulding Co. ' Lumber Builders Supplies' Vtn Fleet, U. D. ,. .Electrical Contractors Wsttenburg. R. E. ' 1 General Contractor . .... WesUall. T. B. General Contractor Call. Ray Pierce, Socretury,,,,,, Phone mza-w GLASS 1 220 So. 7th St. Builders' Hardware ok Better Lumber Better Houses In choosing; the Lumber tor your construction work, insist upon the. very best which of course, means that you'll get It from the Lakeside Lumber CO. . .'-, I'.NI-.' We can supply your needs to any dimension or amount. Let us figure on your neif work. . Lakeside Lumber, Company W. II. I'E.NWAItDE.V, Mgt.1' Klamath Ave., at Center Set Phono VM Plant More Trees "If It Can lie llullt Of ;; Stone or Concrete ... see Chas. Bennett Stone Work Specialty P. O. Box ' 1-hoao SOi.ri Klamath Kails