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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1927)
Titie Tour THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OltETjON. Blt Eumtittg Hrralfc T Ji , M " K K V.... F. Jl. KNtlLloH Ih'lhrml bv Carrier f)n Vear I 50 Hls Month 0 .a'oree Month : 1 ' Ona Month II) Mull On Miinlh Three Moat h -..... Nix Mouth One Year , - Kdllor .... Itusinei. Manager -T :.....$ I TS BRIEF NEWS -OF KLAMATH ilnutinn te'l hi m be 'a n have U. fi'f-Vl l.i.l, vimiK nf m.aliKt. atrlng vt w T-lir"r T -ffl irviml'lU'itil caiidldal.w wltnse caj.i- I I 1 I A (svi W11 tavlli'B are. n the urfuce, i.A Wonli n Itdumcl J " I Fallowing a brief business trip &0 to Portland. Will Worden. rinhl- oC-way man for the Southern Pa- l HimIik') llntilicr tNKA Service WrIU'l WASHINGTON. Sent. St At- . oi-way man lor me ouuinen . .1....1.... a second das matter at the postofrioe. at Klamath Fall rtf.. ha returned to the city ' ''"' roltutlon ami , behavior. Ure'on. on August 30, 1SU. under act oi t onicrea. .micii a. ,, business lu the interest ol deep, dark outer. nr m i i. - lit company. to U Uirjll me t HI" 'one if them on llio until dor. IThe burs ot iifd which,, tlm I lu. ky candidal.) IU Jiimn. Into jonie he I nniuluiUK'd 1ll lie lit tle ahorl of nloimilliit In lom- luiri.on willhl i'luu ulillr kiiV'.'Mli ' Associated Press Leased Wire " Member of Audit Bureau f Circulation Member of the Associated I'resa Tli Associated Press la exclusively entitled to the ue or republica tion of all new dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited In till" paper and also the local tf'i published therein. All riant of republication of special dlspatchea herein ar also reored. of the bct lamp uot on IVuu- 'LkwCnMl- .vliaiiU avenue, your .orrespoU' I (harlca Sutton. tlwisliilii of dent Interpret the rvrviit utter limy Mill and Miss Jerome ,!,. ,.f Mr. Churl' Knight of I'lne Itldite novured ( marriage license on Saturday uf trrtiuou. ('! lu lni4(' "II be Iiik piifhed lino tin' . VH iiliuillmi iii-e dlK.-r.vt. KxMrl Vl e lu proved Hint the fellowi.: who IU1 Kvuna ma and b.'llow their wuiva to the .J nubile and spend a wad if niom'y i'.j. kcIiIoiii come to pa rty tl.'li- vt. Winning prlimiii.a I I'liil'luill. ully tint n would re fu) to u.'.'epl it ' in I iiu 1 1 t divplle the t'.iolldKe nuil.nlliei'titt'llf leavei ' no oilii'r nlleriiutlvu thun In ai Miiuie he mould be rovepttvv tlllder rertuill I'olldltlnlM. I Tile mroii.Mi liidliallon Ihnl lint bos may be uoiiilnnted "111 I Keiim to lie found lu Hie nppjr eiit w orry of I ho repulilli nii puny lent Al Smllh be nominated by tlio deino.-rutH and carry New Ynik Klaie. Ihu p4rty In nlim to am h I'xlrenin Ii iikiIih In oilier dlre.'lii.tu to Have New Y.nk that the ri'iTiillliig of lluiiliea for Hint purpoyo i.ei.iia Hie next COIIhlttt.'Ilt atrp. i' Uiu , ilooan't Jionday, September 26, 1927. lacft for liilifornli Prank O. Leo. llM'ttl man aocompanirU by Frank llov ey of San PranciKco. left Suiulay for San Krandsco ou a eek'i The End of Trouble - Is it not fine to see the end of troublesome road to see the lijfht when one has been walking in the dark forest to witness the sunshine in the valley after one bunine trip. has wearily trod the japgred mountains in darkness toll.Iitioll lllirovrs . Well, that is the feeling today of Klamath Falls peo-: Krlcnj!, of Mrt cbaru.B iiouue pie, for the darkness and gloom cast over the city by en- win be Riad to burn ahe cou- IIMcea quaranune is lou.iy uueu . lliiKhes lu ttieitn tlut: The year lS nuiy eoe i .. 1.1.1... Ih iiri crop vi ....-.. . . . -,,,.. W hite llouxe uln. e the depurtlim ,i,h.r lliliiitii belim e Uul. n Tli toriotii' piliniiry i-.iiiHiln,le can The wonl "may" l. of eoume. m ;,!,.' denl ill the emiveni (on n the wu'y prom-r one. Tluil la Iv we I n the next fellow, b tt lia uy. Mr. Iluches In jimt ua iuu li . tlminl ruiupulKiii (or iioiui nullnii of a candidiite ' tor nomiu itlon ' are expcnxiVe III more waya tli.iu :hla moiiient ai Mr. Hoover and one und cenoially liiudvlwlile lumber Mr. Iianei are rnudl.lutea. llolowliiR to the vx.elleiit tlajncea MlUTl.'.l Sullllil) ll...... I.I Jll.l..n 1'lll.A UM.I Marie WefaU weVe marru-d In ' I'enjamln Jliirrlaon. this city on Snuduy niomlnic. Ilolh iiv tlietr wt'ldt'nve a - liimuth Fulls. Monday, September 2C, 1027. Correct Denial Work When you coino to mu for your dental work you will bo itssuifd of proper workmanship fit u just ami reasonalilo price. My li.t of natit.fieil patients is trowing daily. You. too, will bo pleased with my service. Free Examinations Given DR. Mopka Bldg. R. D. COO Phone 836 probably I not quite such a Rood ot lilllin.ilo defi'ut. I According' to Health Officer Newsom 'serious major operation In "we are out Frauelaco aoverul day aco. f the woods," so to speak, and Klamath Falls is as From Trip tealthy a place for children as anywhere in the north- Floyd Duncan McMillan T , ' . . and Mndce IHxon returned last west. Ill fact, the health officer assures the hvening ..renin from Fine Ridge where I Herald tint he would rather have his children in this enjoyed the weekend with '. .... u . a j u 'rlends..' um.. touay , inan any j)iacu cise up auu uunu liic iua.iv, lirix-oll because he feels there is less danger here of infantile' -lu-uti" .v. r . auu ... i Jnme motored to Bly on Sunday where Ihey upenl-aereral hours TLsitliiK with Mr. DrUcoU's parents. .Mr. and Mrs. Parker. bet as they are. but opinion a ) lo that will vary. J Siuric to the effect that Mr. IIiiKhe wouldn't like to bo prel-' dent can rejuonablr be reiturded a niost questlonnble; It nuiy be , that Mr. HukIic would not (d San after the nomination iinlena hi. ; were a.iaured that It would be' waitinit for Mm on a vllver chnrg- ' er and that he wouldn t take It ; eren then if he Ihouaht he) dtdn't have at Ica.-t an c,ven chance for election, but It doe not follow that .Mr. IIUKhr will be unreceptlve if the xenlletnen whom know coin ml the nom- lliiltlie' fullure to retternte motive on the east vide of the paralysis. ijvThe work of stamping out the disease has been ac- TOiplished and the few cases remaining under quaran- Jfcpe jhave no danger attached to them. It is a time for rejoicing, for the schools can be open- JkOl verv soon and the streets of Klamath Falls will strain Southern raclflc riKht-of-way. M alive with the little folk who have been forced to wSrh.&Ab"5 "ftmain at home for SO long. . . ; immediately rushed to the cene rv ; . 'i , of the accident and started an In- ' vestlcation which lasted throush- 'Z Settle' the Row Now reaa today. This roominR he an- . nounced that an Inquest would Jr2 The Bonanza controversy over where the state high- be held Wednesday afternoon, at PVay from Klamath Falls to Lakeview should be located 1 o'clock. getting to be a festered sore and should be healed up JT,; ' one way or the other. The state highway, commission in Klamath county. rVcly will not let the altercation continue for another. whUe '"."le. Va.h jVar, thus preventing the people of this city and the peo- inrton. tie u mirvtved by his l'e of Lakeview from having a highway that can be 0?hMift", m' Sfsed the year round. The commission has said in em- Robert eh'eyne. K:amuth ' Falls. Viatic words hat it will not build this highway unless ' A'Ga1n!!" "7, -- rjf .... ... Mr. Fred Hamilton of New- lionanza row is settled, and the commission has a .berx: two brothers. Frank ' ftfof having its own way about locating and build- )vhl ' 1t'lat!;ka"u rc;v "l'1 ing roads for It ha hold o trre SuTSf? Tr4inri''"rFerk'Wori''K !sHiVed V"tifc' community can build roads without funds. When it ;warmanK does not want a highway built it can .very easily shut off waah.. and a brother. George the money and the highway remains in j"usj the shape the- F"?t " 1 u v eT W f x o rd n have Lakeview-Klamath highway has been in for some time. " been located. Not' one of the For the good of everyone this road must be built, and.,hree men " 1m!,rrlrd. , n 'x. - - i. u i. ii . , . . ... , ' i Funeral service will be an-1 all objections should be threshed out and settled at once, nounced later PLUMBING HEATING FURNACES Motors, Pumps, Engines Pressure Valer Systems 123 Xo. Cth Phone 371 In in your bakings use 25 ounces (or 25 Santo Price tor over 35 years . Millions of pound used bv our flovcrnmcnt LWsBasHBanaBaaBd Special for Sweetest Day r Sr.fcirdny, October 8 " ) The Family Box .'Assorted Chocolates 99c 2'i LBS. Quality & Quantity Place Your Orders NOV! STAR DRUG STORE Klumatli Full". Op'ion A THREE DAYS COUGH IS YOUR DANGER SIGNAL iVtBiMcnt voufli Mini oiltU kml Iv rrittua iiouliU. M tan iltmi nw wtlti lttiiinti!itM, au riitiiUilinl cr. Milt it (tlrMMnl Id ukc Cmutiiil oimi i a in- mfiltral dUovriy tfiiK two f itj arlUtn. it MHillit nthl In I llio iii'luiiu tl iitruiltiant itiltilnu ffrilll gtt.vrlh. Of .ill knototi ilit'r. 'ri itttt I rrc upmxl Iiv tiit:li niriir.t autlutilf it a oH.f nf iIip Bir.itt i ,r nli tin ,ijt tt. r (ur rtitt nt rotijili mul ruttU nut rlltri litnit nf lIno.ll Itiiiiliti-t, ( irtimuUttill j iniiUin, in flililitioti to rniMtttP, oilirr t linlinc rlrrrtrutg vliirli MMttlir ml )im ' Uf htfrclrd mrmlirinr ami aiop the ItftMlHin anj iriHdmmallitn. wliilf ilii , 'irititr jitf mi lo lit ainma h, I ! . mi!wh iniit the Mmh1. a'larkt lite wat f tlitt tiuitMc jiiJ (lirtk, tike gruMtb I ol (Itr crimt. (jimulaiun U fturJitl'-rJ atlf.ic ! iniy in the ttf4lninl nf iK-riimt ' roust' aixl t'iltl lifttiii'lti if aiihita, I'miirlniia anj 4)ir fifin f rr;tiiA lory i)irir, and t rn r-lli nt (orhuihl ing Ui the vifn aftrr r!d nr flu. ; Monv irfiititl'-d i( tnr rmicli r itld it tint tvlirvrd nfli-r I -Una r urditifl t ( diirriituti, Fur m!c hy al dtusUtt, 2.S 2( i jaiO- .. 1. 1 ..: i ' CREOMULSION FOR THE COUGH OR COLO THAT 'HANGS ON Road Oil Cleaning Oar 8)ntrm la Kmelhlnc New anil Iletter tlian lb Old IlituJ K) Klein Car Washed 5ltitora l'leane4 Varunm Cleaned fiillxlied lltprrt Greaainc tree Crauk laao HerTlee V.nit ami Oil Save We call for and deliver Phone 606 NEW SYSTEM AUTO LAUNDRY. Fnplimailo near Kut .Main orrire I'tinno I IWI ,M.niie III.Ik tea. rtmne 1 1 1.1 Klnijialh Fall If Gene and Jack are bound to fight it-out let them go to, -it' without ringside seats or revenue. That would be a "prizefight worth while. Has either, got the gizzard to do it? . 1' ' Obituary TMRFF Kll I FH lT. nd aa badly wrecked. Xo . JrJ rr.7 7, r o 1 1 1 u rl" stained. J V A A I Il HITS. KMnrnlnr tn Chllnnnln h - M . . MMMM " . ' , CC 'what mean authorities were nn- survived liy hi father. Jamw I.K I.AXTKY WHITK Leo Lantry White pawed away nddenly on Sunday mornins at 3:31) o'clock at Modne Point. Me wa 31 year of ase, and wan born at Lyle. Wa.-hlnclon. lie Is (Continued from page 1) unrecognizable. tiJiplantaneous. The body of table to discover tbe three men White of ewlHrK. wreton. inree laernrvH lh urrlrM nf nn iKter. Mr. Itoliert Chevne Of Death bad, ordered nm ,, driTe toithi city. Mm. Al C.anser of The ; RarrlaV Knrine and tow the Ilalles and Mr. Fred Hamilton Feruson was ' wrecked car back to Chlloquin -of NewlierK. and two brother. found ixty feet farther on up the 'or repairs. railroad richt of way. He had Follow Wreeker. ' KTixtHtned one major Injury, a. ' Nordeen took his machine from ku:i frarture. where some pro-; the garage and followed the ga- trudiug' object had bit hi akull. , rage car. telling the garage man Frank O. White of CMnkanine and Don C. White of Aberdoen. Washington. The remain are at the Karl Whitlock Funeral Home. Announcement of the funeral will be made later. Mil. MAM FF.IH.l'SOV William Ferguson paused away . on bunday niernlug at Moaoc Apparently, Cuunty Coroner Earl he wou!d meet him at the scene M hillock aaid. White had either of the accident. lumped on the locomotive pilot ! whether or not the three men br 'IHd been thrown there. He I ' after being sure the car wa " , , ; V lowea Dac to cnnoquin. lnienci- p0ini at 3-.10 o'clock ' He wa L.l0SBl,Te.,0.r..M 'eet brfure continue their Journey to ? ycari of .g. and i, ,nrvlv." ... w..y ""I'm w... . Kiamatu Fall I not known. . utm n.n. .nii i From what authorities could William Ferguson ot Taroma. ' learn the three men In the death Washington and a brother C.eorg" car were peeding. Whether or Forguson of Twain. California. ! not there was In tho ma. t-v. ... . r Z".t. V'lTl Trlv,.. h"rM,hille rouId not ,M ''"'. b Whitlock Funeral Home. Fine' a8the machine traveling, that wa evidence that they had .venue at Sixth. Announcement I!ui:dliits at I-snun's mill mo- , . , , , ' , mentarlly .. reened the rieedln ! brak , "nn.,,,,.d1 h"a i-r from 1he piiiMiifpr r Rleht I . F u " ' DO Y0UU. FEET-HURT? r Have you weak or flat feet? Have you corns,, calluses, inxrowintf nails, varta or bunions? DR. J. M. INGALLS Foot Specialist, Registered Chiropodist At the Busier Urown Shoe Store Monday and Tuesday, September 26 and 27 FREE EXAMINATIONS ' ARCH SUPPORTS Club Cafe ., the. place of REAL SERVICE and EATS C. O. Webber, engineer for the Southern Pacific, bad seen the! touring car driving parallel to Ihu ml. al a raniil rat. ..f .i.a-H 1 .t ' ., . .. r.rsui-oil ui ......j. Ji.7...7k i-n- uul ,"'re wa" "quor in tne ma- The remain are joiiv o.ti.K ;oi.nswmTiiv John Dale, son of Mr. and Mr. ..... 1' I .1 1 . i . ... j T k. D ' I .. . . I, n ...... n.l nwaw VTJie next time he saw the ma-' 1 """'"' oanero -"":,,,,';""' V ''.., ii.V chine wa an Instant before the e T?".'"?. "'"""V ,m':l- ho. 'a' C ' ! t JJ.t ...u.ivr. . u.i.i, .-..iiu.... WHO in ire ...... .... ........... ialai- crash when the car flashed before the fast moving passenger train. Trui ii SlopiH'd. ,.: Webber was able to slop the ni'MIl I within the train's legnth. He said he was traveling between I 4)1 and EV0 mile fin hour. Nordeen. a resident of Clillo rfuln. wan a timber taller for the -I'lllloQiiln Lumber company; Fer guson wa day loreman at the Chlloniiin Lumber company box m'tory, and White, who had tint' been working for the past week because of nn Infection In 111 neck, wan a caterpillar driver for the Solomon Kutte Lumber aianpiiii:'. li lliretllg:itlon of County Cor oner Willi lurk indicated Unit the .lilfu had been drinking prior to the tragedy. I'll n Trip to k lieved to have been the driver at 2:15 followng an illnes o sped on recklessly, negotiated the on8 weeks duration. He was banked right angle turn Just west horn in Klamath Falls and was or the railroad right-of-way and f'v years and eight months of then, it i believed, saw the E". In addition to Ills parents train rushing towards the cms- he leave two sisters. Kuby Alice Ing. Nordeen probably tried don- and Opal Susb'. The remains perately to stop his machine but af" at the Karl Whitlock Funeral the brHke refused to work. Home. Pine avenue at Sixth. The locomotive struck the ma- Funeral arrangements will Im chine almost dead cenler. The annoiinced-latcr. first point of contact' was the front seat and the live of Nor deen and White., who, It Is be lieved, were In the front Beat, were sniffed out Instantly. Whether or not White, su p. M'.XIrillt -Mcll.LWIt.tTI! Walter .Mclllwralh, husband of Mr. It o r e M 111 wrath, passed away in this city on Saturday evening at 9: 15. He was born in poscdly In the rear Beat, saw on- "A16, Kansas, and was 30 years rushing death In the form of the r ' ,he "nle of h' PslnK. locomotive and decided lo chance Heldes his wife he leaves a It wllh a wild leap, or whether 'daughter. Margaret, 15 month be wa thrown bv the Impact ",l- Tn remains are at the against the pilot. Is' not known. r-"rl Whlllork- Funeral Home. ..V. . ..i Y..i,.".h. rin I,lf' autborltie believe he u.- 1 lnc " at Slxlh. Funeral decided to drive to Klunuith 1 fun, for whnt purpose la un .Jknown. Nordeen' car, s light louring. I was in the garnge where n spare lire wa beln repaired. He bnr . rowed a friend' marline and the I three were soon speeding, toward I Kiatnath Fall. . At Han-lay Spring the light I mHcJilne skidded off (he high- thrown against the locomotive. All Found I hail. Horrified' by the accident Web ber did , all that he could; he slopped the train within It length and rushed to render aid. He found nil three men riend. The machine which hud ap proached from. the west wa fin ally slnuglitd o'ff by the big loco- later. .M.i.i: NoitiiFivV Allen Nordeen. nged 32 years passed awav suddenly on Sunday morning at X : 30 o'clock al Modoc Point. The renin Ins are at the Furl Whitlock Funeral Home. Pine avenue at Sixth. Funeral arrangement will be announced later. Good Poultry Feed The success or failure "of 'your -flock de pends largely upon the way-you feed them. Good feed means better production. . MARTIN BROTHERS MILL is producing a grade of poultry feed that will insure the success of your flock. Your poultry will thrive on Martin Brothers' feed. . . ' Martin Brother Jills "The Home of Crater Lake and Anchor Flour", WATCH REPAIRING II Kit K J yi-ur KUiiniiife . .... GEO. METZ JKMtl.Ht ;. j '. j n-ts Sftllil I i : j I A 1 i X i ''AM I if X m wA :W W 1. ' CLEANED : RIGHT! V; iff ratrtiiis of Acme Cli.-iiiH-r.'t uyei's uro novtr in a "xs. (lilonini.t wln-n the time i-omen t' Hi-ltct from tlio 3, wurdrolie. They know thitt Jjf "ffl, ' their j,'irmi-nt are neat and ff ' ; iot!e.w and ctitain to add m . i to their liiipeariiiu-c. ff- . , and Dy?r u ' (i I K Acme Cleaners ff"y ii iinarsrTr j'lufjF iwrr Tin On unstable subgrade such as is encount ered in Klamath Falls you should insist ,'m oil Portland Concrete Pavement. i, , . "The Rigid Pavement With the Long Life." Dunn & Baker Pelican City Road Phone 952 1Z