Saturday, St'jitcrnW 21, 1 27 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. Pngft Seven t .V MARKET PLACE .J FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished apart-j UM'ni. hi Framl Apia., ZN , Ouk Hi. la.ui. Foil KKNT 1-room frnlahod house with garage. I'honn IHl-W. 2uif FOR IIKNT.-llou.fkm.plna eab ln Cur iiikii, Hi Wnluut. I'huna tSo-W.' 21-31 KOIl KKNT Una four-room mod ern furnished house. Inquire Jut l.lnrolu. Mm. Davenport. 17-24 KOIl RENT 1-rnou and 1-rooio apt. at Hit Dak. luuurro "UO Ouk. 12-f.l Foil KKNT Tlirwrouui uioderu house, tlaraae. ranar, furnlah ed. I'hona 1173 J. 22-31 Foil KKNT 4-room partly fiir nlohid house next In Hoi Spring bath bouae. fall at Cunnolly lirua., (14 Main Hi. 23-Ut FOR HKNT S or -room Iioum and garage. ' partly furnUlind. . pavement. Imiulra l&o Rognra Ht. ll-Ol , KOH KKNT Completely d apla. Steam heated. Ilex Arma, 724 liroad KL Phona 111 A3&-H2S FOR HKNT l-nx.m furnlalird hftuse. flarag and woodahed. 120. Mllla Add. F.berlloe Ht. Call (27 Jcfferaon or phono 479-J. Ifli' KOH HKNT 4-rooni bouae on lake front la Huma Vlaia Ad dition, llalb, full baaeuient. garage, lawn, tree, and were i( garCen aoll. I'aved etreet to town. Rent 125.00 per month. Call 97&-W or write P. O. Box 363 City. ltf big money at tba Arcade, Hotel Aparlmnta, furnlahed com pletely, electric range, llnan, dlabea and talepbonaa. Or rooma with private batbi at real tat rata) to. permanent gueata. Arcada. XI it For Sale Real Estate KOH HALK Nicely furnlahed bouaa. $100 ot) down, Inquire owner. J Kldarado, 22-6I KOIt HALK OH. HKNT 5-room bouao In lint Hprlnaa Addu. Now carries Soldier Bonus Loan ot 12000. Price H'auo. FOR SALE OH KENT B-roora modem bouao on California At. On new navemmt, partly furnished with garage. Ilullt laat year. $760 down, balance on eaay terms. POK BALK New modern 4 -room houae with garage, loralfd on rnrner lot In Altamonl Acres. Hath, hrwkfaal nook and built in. Nearly one-half aero ar il rn land, Irritation water from government ranal. Phone, elee trlclly and rlly water. Can be purchased on terma. Foil SALE OH KKNT 2-room new houae In Allaninnt Arrca. City ronrenli'nrea. On terma. JOHN HIKMKNH. Jr. lit Houth Seventh Hlreet 23-2l - INVESTIGATE AT ONCE 13700 Very altractlva 6-room borne, completely and well fur - nlshcd, located on paving In Hot Springs. Large lot, beau tiful lawn and ahrube. Very eaay terma. Don't overlook lots one. . $1200 Coiy new cnilngo, fur nlahed extra nlco, garage, beau tiful flowera, trees, on aewer, eomploto bnthrnnm. 1200.00 down, bulanco like ronL n r.0 A real attractive 2-room hoiiMi, fnrnlahed, builllna In kitchen, pluatered. corner lot. IIU0 down, $20 per month. LOOK See ua for bualnea prnp ertlea, hotela and apartmenta. Trade and rentala. Th WALTON-WHIOIIT CO.. Inc. I'hona 1141 616 Klamulh Ave. n 21-31 Freckles and His mnvAntirAXL. ) ves-i , DID V0O J Aid JD.ftAX H . . A -ti c;vw - r t . ....... 1 I .-A 3? RENT Foil RENT 2 HK-aiD hi-el. 4th mid Main. IIUMK Hill RENT- Hoard II de sired. (2(1 Washington. 2:1-01 Foil KENT Hlmtplng room, heel d. I2 N. 2rd. 22-31 KOIt HKNT C-rooiu partly fur ulnhod huuwi. I'houa &4 7-M. 21-41 UOOMH 120 Lincoln. I'houa HIW, 82-U2 KOK HKNT 2-room apt. Light, water and wood in.-lud.-il; J bloika from Main HI. 120. Ito month, fall lot. 7 or Inquire at 1 1 IK Walnut HI. 23-21 KOIt HK.NT Three room houae, furnlahed, newly papered. Oa rage, water. tl month. J til Durruw Ave., Mllla Addn. 23-21 MISCELLANEOUS I'ATTKIIHON'H I'AINT AND WALL I'AI'KIl KTOItK New location 1 1 A N. 4th Ht. I'hone IJ3I1 22-61 KOH TIIADK- Touring -ir. IfpUU laundry atnik to trade for good cloaed car. No Junk. I'houa 2IH-M after 11 a. m. 22-2t LOA.NH Money to loan on real caul or comrade bought, I'boiMi HI KKLAK It TKACY Healtor. 21-21 DKK.K lll'.NTKHB ATTKNTION ma park you Into camp wbaro Iber are deer and no other buutera. Heal i1t coun try. N. 11. Watuplur, llocky I'olnl. Ore. HK-OS WINDOW CLKAN1NU Kloor waxing, bouao. cleaning and Janitor aervlce. Kefereccea. A. M. Ilboadi. I'bona 10-W. 107-21-tf For Salt Automobiles KOIt HAl.K Kord truck, new rubber, first claaa condition. Dear hlfl. flat body. I'bon HIT. 1321 I'leaaant Ava. 21-61 KOH KALE 1 193 Dodge tonrlng. com pletely equipped. A dandy buy. ll23 DodKe commercial, with . acreen aide, all uow tint, fine condition. - 1 12! Willy Ht. Clair .roach. Thl I a fine car. Lota of value for the money. 1 114 Chevrolet roadster. A dandy buy. I 1(33 Hudaon roach, all ready to go. completely equipped. 1 1921 Dodge touring. Sure owe car. We have many mora to , aelect frum. Liberal Term. HOY t'ALL'H KHKD CARS Heo Walt Abbey Sth and I'lne Ht. Lot. I'hone 33 4 21-! WANTED WANTED We pay highest caab prlcaa for used furniture and love. II sure to aim ua be fore you aoll. We give you a liberal allowance for your used furniture In exchange tor new. You will find our prlcea very reasonable and credit aervlce ' liberal. KLAMATH FUKMTFRH CO. 101a .Main Ht. l'bone k(4 Bl-Ol FIRE INSURANCE W" epeclaliie -In Irrigated farm and stock ranchea. If years' experience In county. REED & REYNOLDS load Main Ht. I'hone 1000 Friends Si vjaa'T oo to n . . . -' . "4 H , .'AT. i a tkiN. MtAaw I 'NEW TODAY KOH HKNT I'l'.aaunt room for aluala man. t24 I'llia Ht. 24 KOH HK.NT Hooina. Ilruled. 31V Houth lib. I'I.oiih 745 J. 24-Ct MiMT A Kall'a cord 33xt and a I'ramler Klake 20x3 tt. Howard. I'bonu 1D17. 24 KOIt HKNT Kiirnlnlied 4-room hunae, linlh. l'Jf. 00. ' Phone 1 447-W. 24-3t KOIt HALK 12 Rood milch cowa. lleaalay, Merrill Ht., City. 24-31 LOST Mun'a large wallet. Name on Inalde. Iteturil to 207 Wll. llama Hldg. 24 KOH HALK One xy.-d Dtylou computing acalu. Inquire at Hunart tlrocery. 24-2t KOIt HALK New rmum separ ator. Inquire lit" Lakeview Ave. 24-2t KOH HALK Ily the owner. 7- roeni modem Colonial houae, cloae In. Good term. I'hona 92H-W or S2S. 24-41 KOH HKNT 4-room houae, ex- rage. 2 atove. cloae to pave ment. Kent I2K.U0. I'hone 380. Moniycr Momycr, llopka Hldg. 24-tf KOIl HKNT Klrat claaa room for two, with board, iiest realden tint aectlon. Home privilege. Muat be aern to be appreciated. I'hone 1222-.M. 24 WANTED Haleaman to sell' the faateal selling car built. , L'nllmlled posallillltlra fnj- a man that will workt Literal compensation- (22 Ho. Hlxtb HI. . 24 LOST AND FOUND LOKT Maa'a large wallet. Name on Inalde. Hetum to 207 Wll llama Hldg. 23 LOST Large brown leather wal let kit: name engraved Inalde; contain Insurance paper. Ke - ward. Hetum 207 Williams hldg.. or call S4S-M. 24 FOR SALE KOH HALE 100 good ewee. Hill Kalvey, Merrill. Oregon. 23-Ot KOH BALK Hewing machine, two ladles' coat, other cloth ing. 12 Oak. Apt. 10. 17-24 KOH LEAWK 5-room furnished bouse, garage: also 5-room partly furnlahed houae and ga rage. Call 617 Lincoln. 23-U HAHUITS KOK HALE Uoing at ooco. 2G0 choice podigreed doe. I'rlra 12.60 td $7.60. Hllver Chlu Fur Farm, one tulle south of Talent. Ore. 17-24 KOH KALE C.ood Uaed lUogc.. 25.00 up Used Hloel lleds..- Uaed Hteel Springs 3.60 up S 50 up 15.00 up 10.00 up (lood Used Rug Used Dining Tables See our Bargain Uaed Knrnltnre Iwforo you buy. Our I.ltH.ral Credit I'lun will help you. KLAMATH FURNITURE CO. 1011 Main 8L Kbons 94 lltf PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE So. 6lh Street Dealers Hay. drain and lotatoe. We store grain, potntoe. household good a. furniture, In fact "It It Is atorable, we store It." Crating and packing at reasonable rates. "Try us, we deliver too goods." 23-3t Will trade good used Touring Cars for Lots or Acreage. Buick Garage Getting the V - W IA1 A AJItB j in ' Ct&AAJ TC.U'. r- 1 NEW TODAY WANTKIt Kurnttuni for five room houae. I'hona 2V. 22 -St KOH HKNT 2-rooin apla. Light, water and wood Included, three blocka from Muln Ht. f3b.00 per mo. ( all 10(7 or Inquire at 1111 Walnut Ht. 24-21 HAKKIt W A.NTKD Opportunity to get In ealaliilalied nuainHa with email capital. Good liv ing guaruuleed. Married man preferred. Apt. 1. (10 Klam ath Ave. 24 KOIl HKNT Three room modern furnlahed house. 1 block from It It and Muln. tS&.OV per mo. Three rooms, bath, stove, some furniture, on pavement, tbree block from Main. 121). 00 per mo. Apt. 1, 618 Klamalh Ave. 21 KOK HAJ.K Apartment houai-. alg apta., fully furnished, good return. Klneat location. In Klamalh Kails. Will take mod ern 6 or 4) room bungalow at first payment. Write Hox 73 Herald. 24-tf AUCTION HALK 47 head of dairy rattlo for sale at Eugene, Oregon. Beptember 29. Thurs day. The Eugene View Dairy. W. F. Keed place. 1 mile aoutheaatjof University of Ore gon. 10 o'clock sharp. 24-21 SIXTH STnEET SO FEET DY 100 FEET IMPROVED H.000 CASH BALANCE OF $7,000 TO SUIT el INCOME. $116 MONTH.;., J J WAKD & DALE Realtors 724 Main St. 24 Deeds Filed Decfls Slater Investment company to J. S. Mills; northerly 50 ft. of lots 4 and 6. block 105, Klam ath Addition. Arhtur R. Wilson et ux In M. McBride; lot 4. block 41. Hot Springs. The K. D. Co. to R. F. Ander son: lot 3, block 58, Buena Vista Addition. ' i . - U W. HurUIn et tlx to. K. II. Lawrence, trustee for N. Mar- chnnd; part of lots 1, 2, block 1. First Addition to Klamath Kails. . . ' E. II. Lawrence trustee, et al. to L. W. Hardin ct ux; lot 3. block 8. Falrview Addition to Klamath Falls. L. W. Hardin et ux to E. II. Lawrence, trustee for N. Mar chand; EH of lot 6, block 16. Falrview No. 2. , J. Perry Wilson et ux to M J. Barnes, et ux; undivided 1-3 interest In lots 5 and 8. block 10, original Klamath Falls. Walter T. Smith et'.al to J. B. Ferguson et ux; lot 6S Fair Acres Sub. No. 1. J. C. Wright et ux to Walter Best of Oscar DO VOU MAVife OP 7M AT i f HE OUAM5D AT 7i& CAA.vCS TO 7A! AS RA.TA MOimOUr A6 EMSA COAX IM S EticAJ KMCW TO DO 17. .Mid- I hind Tract. WeyerkaeuatT Timber company to Ol.-Kon Trunk railway; 1U0 " ft. atrip acroa He.Hon 3, Twp. It. . l.'nltod Kiatea In Lulu A. r r&K .3! 39, II. 1 Tim United Htutes to llalley; of Hoc. 29, 27. It. 10. May Twp. I Mary E. O'l-ouKhlln et vir to H: TM and T tr,. Z NW14SW',,, Hhc. 23. Twp. 31, )lt. 8. K. M. I'eariton to Howard Barn- J hlwl; sarao property. Mary H. Mann et vir. Martin A., to Norman A. Mann; lot 13. 14. block 01 Second Hot Hprtnga; and lot 9, block 4, The Terrace. iUaa II. Cumminga to Domen- Ico Tuso, George II. Wood, el al: KE'4 of Bee. 30, Two. 23, II. 10. United States to William Vin ton Miller: lots 1. 2. and EVi NWU of Sec. 7. Twp. 37. H. 14. C. T. Price, et ux to M. Tbel- si-n et ux: lot 4. block 3. Talr- velw No- 2. M.'.Titleaen, et ux to Anna Cllft Prlcr,- lot 4. block 3, Falrview No. 2. .Wlgviturnt lit Certificate of Sale Koy-F. Dnrbla to Day com pany: ajtalgn sheriff cert. sale. lots S, 6. block 26.- Hot Springs. Coutract of Kale Day & Company o Roy F. Dur bin; HESE'4 ot Sec 14, Twp. 39. It. 9. , Circuit Court 2573 Law- E. M. Plasil L. W. Osborne: debt, complaint filed; E. B. Asburst, attorney. 2435 Law: Lyle E. Kedfield vs. Earl J. McFall et nx: fore closure mortgage: lot 16. block 200. Mllla Second Addition to Klamath Kails; attorney fee. com plaint filed; E. L. Elliott,. attor ney. H3C Equity: Harold J. Wl iey el ux va. Angcline S. Money bun at al; foreclosure mortgage on lot 3 and. 6 and N4 ot lot 10, Sec. 2. Twp. 34. n. 6; com plaint filed; O. C. Bogg and J. K. Klugcl. attorneys. , yetlgmrnt I. lens Docketed aguraxi newn . Wilson: $311.40 plua' $75 attor ney fees against American Surety I Co., of ew org tin invur u. Klamath County School District! 110,500.00. and Interest on 115, 000 from S-J2-J0 to 5-23-27. llath S; Addisoa to N. Mar- chand: lot 3. block 8 Falrview, $1500 in full. Legal Notices NOTICE. In the County Court of, Die State ot Oregon for the County of Klamath. ' - In the matter ot the estate ot A. H. Englis deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has filed hi final account. That Friday, the 7th day of October. A. D., 1927, al the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. In the court room of tlio above en titled court, at tho county court house in Klamath Fall. Klamath County. Oregon, has been fixed by- tho court as the .time' and place at which it will hear ob jections to said account and set tle I he same. ' All persons having objections to said account will file the same In the above entitled court or appear personally and object thereto. - Dnted at Klamath Falls, Ore gon, thin 3rd day ot September, 1927. O. W. EXGLE, Administrator ot the Estate ot A. H. Kugle. deceased. S3-10-17-24-O1 XOTICK OK Fll.lXtl OK PETI TION FOB' KXCLIHION OK LANDS KKOM THE HOUN DAH1KS OF TIIK KLAMATH IRRIGATION DISTRICT AMI OK HKAK1NO ON SAID PE TITION. Notice is hereby given, that the following petition for ex- Weat; part of tola It. L,1.cclo.J f VMWIL6 1 WAS AT BOBBY'S 1 JTJKSr IS STRAFE U00S& I 7D TAkS A BATH , J yTOSDAUMT &V)E(SVCY-A10M IE 607TEM J TAkSATEAM, SO I UliE IT--6EE-A FtaULA OCT AIM INTO L AS TARES MORE ' a zi o-io ..- J- 1 . . rlunlon of Unda from within the houudariea of the Klamath Irri gation Dlatrlct and for remlailon of Irrigation taxea -already Url-d naa pc n un a witn me iioaru oi i,r,c,or, of the Klamath lion Dlatrlct by the Colonial Tul-'Healty Compiny. a corporation, . - iM'S' ' trlct, Hoom "Y," Court House, Klamath Pnlls, Oregon, on Hatiir-I day, October 1,, 1927, at the; hour of 2 o'clock, .p. m. I All persona interested in. or , who muy lw affected by such i i.oof, ! to appear at the office of the said Hoard at the time for liear-' lug alove stated and show cause! " writing, ir any tney nave, wnyj " cnn' me oounuane m '- YT. "T.-"-" . said petition, should not be made. KLAMATH IRRIGATION I DISTRICT, By A. M. THOMAJ, Secretary. PETITIOM To the Board ot Director. Klamath Irrigation District, Klamath Kails, Ore. Sir: The Colonial Realty Co.. a cor poration, being tbe owner of the following lands now embraced within the boundaries of the! Klamath Irrigation District, more particularly described as follows: : The HE '.4 of tbe SK. less' 25 acres; and the SW4 ot tbe NEK; and the NEV4 of the SE". less 35 acres; and the1 NWU of the SEtt. and the I SWfc of the 8EW. and the SE4 ' of the SWV. all in Section 20.! The SE4 of the NEK less 15 acres: and tbe NE4 of the SE4.i and the 8WV& ot. tbe SEVi all In Kection 21. The SWVi of tho NW . leas 25 acres; the NWV4 of the SV less 35 acres; tbe BE Si of the NWVi: the NE'A of the SWV,; tbe NWH of the SEVt all in Section 22. The SH of tbe SWM. less 25 acres all In Section 25. Tho SW4 of the SEH: the BE of the SWK; the NW"4 of i the SW4 and the SW4 of the' SW4 all in Section 27. The NEK of the NEK In Sec tion 28: the SEK of the SEK In Section 31: tbe SW4 of the SWK in Section 32. All In Township 39 South. Range 9 E. W. M. in Klamath ' County, Oregon, hereby respectfully petitions and i pravs that the above described ' lands be excluded from the boun-! darirs of tbe Klamath Irrigation District, and removed from tbe assessment roll ot said District; and that assessments Heretofore made against said lauds, (includ ing penalties and interest there on be cancelled: nd upon the following grounds, to-wit: j 1. That said lands have been rendered unproductive and unfit for agricultural purposes: 1 2. That the inclusion of said 1 lands witbin Klamath Irrigation District, and the levying of assess ments against said lands, either for Construction and Operation, I or for .Maintenance and District , charges, or both, by said District is contrary to the Federal Law as provided In the Act approved Aug. . 1912. 37 Stat. 265. and the laws ot the State ot Oregon commonly referred to as the Ore gon Irrigation Act of 1917, and contrary to public notices, and the rules and regulations hereto fore issued by the Secretary of the Interior affecting 'the Klam-ath-Callfornia Irrigation Project. WHEREFORE, yonr petitioner prays that the assessments here tofore made and levied against said lands be. cancelled, together with all penalties and Interest thereon, and that no further or future assessment for said pur poses be made or levied upon said lands by the Klamath Irrigation District: and I WHERHFORE. rour netitioncr further pray that publication of Notice of Prtition bo had aa in Sec. 7341 (b) Oregon Itws. and hearing held as by said soction provided, and tbat thereupon said lands be excluded from said Klamath Irrigation District in compliance with said Section 7341 Oregon Laws. Respectfully submitted, COLONIAL REALTY COMPANY By H. R. REYNOLDS. Secy. Dated September 3, 1927. (Corporate Seal) - 17-24 By Blosser Klamath Falls LOIIGE, KHATF.KXAL, XOTltK w Wi7 fY fl U. I. JU. KI.KB Meet Thuradny evening. Vtaltlng me.nbera wel TEMTLE, 3rd and Main come. F. D. McMILLAN, (Secretary NEKiHHOKH OF WOOIKBArT fir . Wcdncd.y. each month In I. O. O. F. Hldg. Fannie M. Thompson, Clerk. 41'N.-9lk. S1S-30 Klamath Falls Business Directory ATTORNEYS - C. C. BROWEB AUorney-at-Law SUte and Federal Conrta Abstracts Emined 20S WUUU Bldg. Phone 111 Real Estate Law a Specialty M. O. WILKINS Lawyer 20S William Building Klamath Falls, Oregon Phona I486 Day or Night AUTOMOBILE DEALERS Repair Work, Battery Service. Tires Nasb. Oakland, Pontlac, Packard R. R. R. GARAGE 831 Klamath Next to Postofflee Phone 212 Goodyear Tires Fireproof Storage AUTOMOBILE TIRES Bring In your worn tires cet SOOO miles mora at anual cost ACE TIRE SHOP" Guaranteed vulccnizlng IIS So. 11th St. Phona S43-J re-treads 4.VTO REPAIR SirJthy'a Repair Shop. Guaranteed Auto Repairing Cars cabled tor and delivered South 6th St. Phone 603-W BATTERY SERVICE Battery Service, Magneto, Starter and Generator Repairing FLOYD HE.VRlOT CO." 231 Main St, Phone 397-W BEAUTY PARLORS Expert Operators, Individual booths, violet ray. marcell ing, hair tinting BOSTON BEAUTY SHOP Glorenna Warren Winters Bldg. ' Phona 311 Water, French. Paper Curl Facial and Scalp Treatment BUILDING MATKRLAkS SWAN LAKE MOULDING CO. Quality Building Material Bouth 6th St.' Phone 759 WANTED Carpenter work by contract or Day. Cabinet work and fixtures built. 1401 Division, St. Phone 1453 BAGGAGE AND EXPRESS Horry's Baggage and Express Stand, Dth & Main. Phone 924. Trunk hauling and light mov ing. Prompt delivering. H. V. Reamer, prop. Office Evans' Jewelry store. 832 Main. CHURCHES SACRED HEART CHURCH Eighth and High Sis., Rer. 4. F. Loeser. Rev. C. B. Felge. 8uuday musses at 6:30, 8:00 and 10:30. Evening devotions at 7:30. Week-day mass at 7 a. m. Merrill. 1st and 3rd Sundays at 10:30. All ' are cordially welcome at our ser vices. -ii-inririn n.i'u'uu CIVIL ENGINEERS J. C. CLEGHORX Civil Engineer and Surveyor 219 High Street C. C. KELLEY Consulting Cfvl! Engineer Underwood Bldg. Phona 1071 Lodge Directory LOYAL iniKlt OF MOOHB II act every Thura day. 7:30 L. O. O. M. Moos Hall. Klam ath Ave. GKO OGLE, DlO. KLA)I.TII LODr.R NO, 11 A. r. and A. M. . i Slated Communications 2nd and 4th Mondaya Visiting Brothers Welcome LOO MM BUII.DI.NO DENTIHTM I General Practice of Dentistry DR. PHILIP COLE ' tls Main 1 Over Moe's Ptore -Phone MS Open Evening by Appointment DR. E. G. WISECARVER Dentistry X-Ray Sevlce Underwood Bldg. Phone 04 J Dr. J. J. Emmetu; - Medtord, Org. -Practice limited to eye, ear, noe and throat. . Phona 697 CHIROPRACTORS DR. GLEN MOORE ,' Palmer Gradnata Chronic and Nervoaa Dlsaasai New Melhase Block. S2S Mala Phone 127S ' Opposite .Court II nn. c. xorvali, Graduate of Palmer and ' Pacific College Fourteen years experience We remove the cans) ot - dlseass - Bonanza. Ore. ' AlS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY ' KLAMATH EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 4 Employment for worker " la every trade mills, railway and farm. Jbunea Ryan, Prop. 8th and Mala. Phone 1ST GUNSMITHS Frames and Mlrrom Rale' Renew Mirror rad Furniture Gunsntith, Expert Key Maker Guarantee workmea. -! 129 So. 11th St.' Phone 1441-X . 81-01 L1VKSTOCK Fresh' cows on hand- at all times from one to carload KLAMATH DAIRY COW- CO. Phones: Ranch 22F3;Rsa. 41 E. Mocbettax. Jr. Xexum Station ; MUSIC STUDIO' 12 LESSONS 12 Learn to play popular mnslo Immediately. ' Many different styles ot bases, tlll-lns.i etc. This course will enable you to become a professional dance piano player. H WATERMAN PIANO SCHOOL Located at Hale's-Piano Sales Room , 222 South 7th St. : OSTEOPATHS i DR. F. R. CODDARD I. O. O. F. TEMPLE : Osteopathlo Physician an Surgeon Office and Residence ' Phone 221 i TAINTS, WALL PAPER i Wall Paper, Paints, Enamels, Brushes P. R. OLDS ' , Across - from Postof floe : Phone 43 . Everything a Paint Store Keeps Paints, Oils. Varnishes, Dead ening Felt. Glass, Roofing, Wall-Paper PATT1 RSO.V9 PAINT SfORB 62 So. 6th 8U Phene f tl-J TLMBKR CRUISERS Timber Cruising,' Reconaale ' ance and Appralaal II. H. tX.LK 400 Main Ht. l'lioa 20S-W Working from M. L. Johnson's offtoe it u T3 I f