rcf Four THE EVEXTXO TIKRAl n.'KT,AMATH FALLS. OHFCON Snhtnlny, Sfptomlwr 24, 1027 II. M M.AItKKY. II. i;.M;l.lBH .... K.lltor llualneita Mauuxer ! Ih-lltrrrd tj farrier On Year 60 Fit Month 1 (0 Three Mnmbi ... l.SS (inq Monlh 65 Iljr Mall Oos Month Thre Months 8li Month Una Year . . .. CS 75 2.7S 5 Ul) knlenM sorond rlnM mutter lit tho piwlufflee Hi Klamnth Falls anil Hint eiivenel)r imull R.ioil lirfn4. nil Annual SU, 1904, under pot ul Conraa, March 3. l?.an Im duim bjr untiliwil ami 1 i r-lttf ully worked mil maiemoiil,.' lot fuels and polliles. i The I Iiouk hi of the onlintir) IlliMuin.e hU h l exerted oi. , cirvniiiriitlnii In uii)i t iil!iie ( youni: peile by tlm hlMorv thai) and randldale lirai taUiiluled to I fliey m tuUKlH In sehoula and , iruiinl riiinl uinl i t i )iitt.e . oIU-bom la a powerful foivc lor,!,! 0I (ln.l f pedal privileges lo Ihti molding of n.ittonal mul u- noiuv" ' teiiu.llun.il uiidi fslaudiitR uu.l Cootilii I he resolution aM: illielr opposite. -if . ,at(f s . cuuouiU- nee. - Williout oott rliMt upon a d' ay ln,.n ln0 advantage idiould tailed dim-uvulon o (ho proa u,l'.,, ..qualued and niudi of uniform cona of tho suujeet. II l taf to i i.,,fn f.,r , jiomIMo lo all y that many false lmpro.si.ioiu I IVilon of III country. The tra- iar conveyed by unwise Ivaruing. dlilom.1 rvnulilli mi tariff la a r r-rUr- xT TT.f I K ti ii p ill meet al tlio hum ot'llm ainalon of I ho Aiiuuul "-j Or. and .Mia. 'Titian. t5 Nurlli 'i''iu a In Hatrm, Mr. W. 11. I'oiii- r'uiulli at vlithl. ' t1"1" ,hl" r"' '''l; ""' I Associated Press Leased Wire Ntcmber of Audit Bureau of Circulation of reSublleailun of survlul dlspauhfs taorela ai aUo reserved. iiKunif.u'iuriTs' tariff, framed up on Ihr theory that the manufac turer tiiuil have free r.iw mv Irrial mii h in wo produce In the we!, and til shly prutm-llv aehed- I , iudont of hiatory readily molded In whatever . dlreetlou 'Ilium.' repniiHlblv for youthful lu atru.tlon turn I heir e(in. Memlier of Ihe Awirlalnl l"rr - I y, every country It I impor- Th Aaix lated Plena la exclusively entitled to Ihe use or republlra-j taut that a rtuRt estimate of lion of all newa dithatches credited lo It or not otherwise credited : hi.ri.i r...,. .w...t:i . t..., : . . . ....... ... l rmiuiii it 'idmru ...... m .1. In Ihif paper and kimi the ioi news iuuiisnea tnerein. All riKbta i because II l liarUI) raiBhle I ' ' un.ci ins nr. In nvn t II ' 1 1 " 111.1 1 VI ,U Ilierwuy to tw built iiku a fouud.ilionj I of false tea, hi!i(i. And yet In I many countries a ttroni: effort ll I'ltKMIYTKHI.W t ill III II There will be no Sunday i liool ' until further notice. .VorniiK, worohlp al 11 a. in. Keritton. Organ niimhera by .Mr, (ieorge j Mclnt re j Ilercini-e ' K. by Itluir: Antliein, "The Kiirtb1 etnivrt.viil l.,n elitveu it', lin k I tr.le nieelliig will not be held 1,11. .,,.,,., of ilu, udull llihle School al 11:4 5. 1 Ou Hi" aflcrnoun tit Huuday. iv;rioiipr .nil, wcaiucr pel iiiuiiii I la uioulli. t IIMMIM I Y MIM.Itl ; U ll II. ( Ill M il W11 WanllaiKl Aw, Hot. NcIhoii r, t ole I'aalor I'nttl Ihe qnilrunlliii) I rained the Sunday School under my .sunrlae hy Kr-KIerl: I'""'" """ by Delbnuk. March lu KVt Ki ll IIKMIT ( III III II K'lahih und IIIkIi Ktreeta Itev. A. K. l.oe r Iter-. ('. II. rVlne Slllldar lliaxaea ul 6. If. H -4- Saturday, September 2-1, 1927 The Steady Thrift Habit Ail'of us are too anxious to get rich in a day or in certain direction has bven peniiateutly made lo tcah hU tory from a biased or prejudiced I stamlnoint M.'h,i.il t, vi It.i.ik a In a yer; we are impulsive and cannot be satisfied with ue in these coumrie are writ- tho lw of ttVor'nfe,' neither can we be content with theu'n o'temiuie by individual steadind. Wendin eighty cents of every dollar eara-j.'..'".'! ihaN ed and laying aside the other twenty cents for the pro- many intanees the truth I made Verbial rainv day. (subservient to the desire lo cn- . " ,, . '-i. i. j . force a certain viewpoint or to Occasionally there is an individual who is different Bpholll p,,, . on who believes the long- race is the best race und The resulting harm that unques- therefore works daily with the end in view of making 'llol,-b,v -c in many case .1 . . . can . scarcely be estimated, seed? a unuoim ana consiuiu mimiis ule for tuaiuiractured producia.il11 th laird. When the republicans placed a I Kveiilu worship. 8 p. m. Ser tarilf on our western product. ": )fn number Kveiiina they uot only gave, lo 111 niunii- j "aniier. iiuu uy i.ouiu: :,,, ,0 ,0, Kveniu devotion at faeturer in addition lo his re-1 """ " ainrun. 7::W. ular and very hiKh tariff, a com- Wednesday evenlim f.yowslilp Week day maa at 7:00 a. Ill I Merrill, first and third Hun slrona K-lhlilty (hut tire fllitht day at li:.10. All are coidlully tn'the Pnrlfle. eoaat atul relnrti WidcoliiH at nur urvlie. of the western producer of rawniiKbt liner be called off entire-! " " materials and at the same lime ly, hut Ihts rtport could uofbo tllltlsTUN St IKVt K fill III II Kiiilsfvlnit the manufacturer, hut j confirmed. ' i Tenth nl WnslitiiKlon in uddltiou (hereto so framed - - - . , Suiidiiy sclunil, :4& a. in. the tariff on western product WOMAN Ml.l.KI) 11V AlV j Sunday service, 1 1 on a. Ul. as lo afford a Kk hole tlirounh I I'tHITLAMI. Ore , Sept. 21, (,Ti i Suliject: "Kcullty." a ptilille Viwper seflce Willi special proiiiuiii of eierclae will be held on the Auditorium floor of the MethodUl church liulldln now under construction nl I lie corner of Tentlf and lllitli si recti AriuiiKunieiiia are In chiiriio of a, commlllii lonalalliiK o( Mr ti. T. Caaper, I.. K Phelps. W. IS, t'uniliia, Mrs. Hurry I'elu and Mr, lleuiml. ' IMMVM I I, IIAI'TIST I III III II i uii and i ( i k it j It. II. Mulliiilland, I'aalor The adult llllilo Si hool mods ul ! -15. There I liitereatina audi prof liable dlsrusxlou of I ho lesson ' liiakliiK alii nilnliie worth while. LI.. ... I V.. hi. AM UII TliMI'l.i: l oriiei Kill ud link liny HeVrles, I'aalor I 1 1 a. iu I I y 1 1 u worship, lople will bo "rYiHIl In Hod." i p m. Yuuiu I'coplea' hum l- ii al . fitllowaal hy si reel uieelllia. 7 : 4 5 M Ai. I'reai blna services. Just one week until the I rol ler Kliut revival cacninllll. I HINT IIAI'TINT ( HI IK II KlKlilll and WushliiKton A. ' Sluiiiious, I'uKlor llllll" schliol. Adllll strude:! only. H SU a. m. Mornlim or. sltlp and rnmn 1 1 a. iu. Kve nliisT service 7 at) P III. Prayer service. Wednesday '.',10 p. III. You are respectfully Invited lu Mtl ud and w urchin Willi u. v which Hie manufacturer could import competitive commodities I by p:tltis: only a fractlou cf Ihe nominal tariff." I'OSTI'ONK I l.KillT XKW YOliK. Sept. II. (i Captuin Uene Konck. French ace. today announced Indefinite post ponement of. hi proposed week end flight with six passenger In his riant Sikorsky biplane. ' Vllle linuorm nu cunsimu Having. lot friction- and discord , beini;; rl mnl MKorsay oipiune. ' Rfcentlv Miss Mary Frances Lawrence of Portland 'own where harmon antt fndsfv-'I,c 1'rls- 'rnnrisco. a . .... ... ... ,.t -.j.-l. , . I was ronorteil that the-.-e j passuH on. She was a teacher and had devoted her life ins "V11. mim hv bwn kto her professior., saving a little each month and living; Krom' ihi s'uudpolnt. a nolle and correct life. C. C. Erower knew her well' and his praise of the lady is most sincere. When Miss Lawrence passed to her great reward, the Portland Jour nal had the following beautiful tribute to her. every wordvof which is vouched for by Mr. Brower of Klamath Falls-! From her savings and investments as a teacher in Oregon public schools, Miss Mary Frances Lawrence, Portland, in her will sets aside a Jund to found a home " for sif-supporting women. For nearly 50 years she taught in Astoria, Salem and rortljjnd schools. Out of her monthly earnings she laid nsidoja small saving. As this saving grew, the money was invested, and so invested, worked for her by day and by nirht. . , By and by she found herself with a little competence, and made her feel independent, free-minded, and with hope 'ahead. There were no financial worries to haunt her days or harass her nights. There were no debts to pay, tio creditors to evade, no collectors to dodge. ' Along her placid way she walked, planning and j history should be nothing but a .... . . . ! trtia nrtHiontiit inn nf v h t nrliml. IhinWng for the children under her care in tne scnool, y h;, (akcn "p,are ,t (h, 4AnAV.;n tkatn 4n. tV.mlc fillincr 4 Viiiir vTiiincr mi nr? with ! . i. . i i. : - information, building :them- into: a . future.. Wiea it was all over, and the life span of this teach er hd been lived out, there was wealth enough in her hand! to bequeath $25,000 to relatives and others and a final estimate of $75,000 to ?80,000 as a home for homeless self-supporting women. It is a beautiful lesson i thrift, a beautiful story of a liff an( a beautiful sequel to its close. Mrs. Kllrabeta Welsh of Os vcko. S3 years old. was struck and killed by an automobile driven- by I.lovd K. Uosjers, at Fast Fifteenth' uud Tlllniuook streets lust olahl. Ho was re ported driving at ten mile nn hour. Police did oot hold him. Tho, woman body wa Identified his mornliiK by her sister, Mrs. 11. F. Wheeler. Win. IVnn a cent. A good clear.- ! Wediiesduy evrliliiK meeting ul :u0. ' Free readlnx room oud free 'leudlua llluury open from 1: .10 ' lo 4:30 p. m. on Tuesday, Thurs idity and Saturday. The public Is cordlully Invited lo nitend the services und use the rradlny. room. I UtsT MKTIIOIIIsT ( III lll'll t ny I. Iinaiy Ilulldiiia Frank I.. Wiirtett. Minister lu the absence of the pastor ai j MornliiK worship at It. No evculiiK service this Sunday. i Thero will be uil Iniporlunt IH'tltlt bllalliess mcettllil Wutllles dav evening al 7:31). ION I I I III IIAN I III III II i luii lllitli Str-et j Ii. W. llotfilian. I'aalor ,J lil.au a. m. Moriilnx seivice. . i Topic: "Paul's Admonition To Walk In Ihe Spirit. I ' There w ill lie uu Sunday school, j The lllblu class wUI uicct Moll- one would be Justified in bellevinx that no little pood uiielit be ac complished hy the institution ofj an inieruauonai ooara or com mission. havinK as Its dutv the writing or the rensorlns; oi the history to be taupht to the youim people of tho world. Such A board would have within "lis trasp a wonderful opportunity for constructive endeavor. With a personal devoted to the best in terests, not only of their own countries but also of the world, such a commission could offset much of the propaxa.-ida that in the past has tended to arouse inharmonic and antagonism. Scarcely anyone will deny tint much that would tend to world peace would result from the In culcation of a fair view of the various relationships in p a t year between the nations of the world. An important point to remem ber in such a connection is that EDITORIALS i FROM OVER .THE NATION truth that is nought and nothing else. Ther should not, indtd. be jive pligiiit'st doubt on thin issmv 1 1 Mary that is tint true is not history. And an4liinp that can le In to rtimlnnt falsehood from tht liintor? thai is taught concern. ne ncihlporinR and friendly nation phmild fin-1 a welcome from all thoie desir ous of see I nn established an atti tude of Ktlll areater friendship between them. i i . . ; . .. mm rfswo .a ! I . . AJv - Y 1 7 . - I I f- f - ? r '. -.-A! t....r , i, cauer . ; A '- S,., "! -i'Utl ' - . " 4 ' ' i III I day evvnliiK lit 7 3u tT. PAl i.'H HPI'OPAI. (Ill 11(11 The Friendly t'tiurch Mh and Jefferson Itev. J Henry Thoiua . m Holy Comniiiiiloii. 1 1 a. in Momlnc Praper. There w ill be no Sunday school Slranxer and newcomer to town ur eipeciully Invited lu these services. Try c Cc ifnt PLUMBING HEATING- FURNACES Motor, Pumps, Engines Pressure Water Systems 123 No. Cth Phone 871 SMITH MEETS OPPOSITION KUKXCK TOO MUCH FOlt JTHK "WITCH IMHTOn" (Continued from pace 1) Kanizatlon adopted the name The Al Smith for president associa tion of tho Kacky Mountain and Pacific states." The name was sugftestcd by W. II. Matoiioy, for-, mcr mayor of P.uttn, Ihe man who made the shorte-it speech di livcrcd at the lit" demeratic convention: "Me tot' in m-eond-ins tbe nomination of .lnilb at I bag. When he returned I or dered him to cut me a six-foot 1 bamboo pole. Then I got to work. Frmn the Asia Majailue. M ' the sorl Iu the African Jncglea witch l always carry In my camp equlp doctors'1 are the mental and nnt right through the hollow physiisjl practitioners for their ; bamboo. Then 1 tied two pennies tribes.: W hether It be a back- "uu ! that convention ache or a. case of delirium the "n sirips on ioe ouisioe oi iue , wilch iLxtor is ou hand with hi Po'e where, the fishor would paraphernalia to ease tendons or KP 't to spear the eel. I next drive 'wwav evil spirits. J. L. drove an Iron nail Into the bam Buck.J writing of hi experiences boo &o that it made a connection In thl Dark Continent, describes between the pennies on the out his meeting with a chieftain who side and the wire on the inside, appeared to look with disparage-' "With a flourish I took up the nient 'pon Ihe white man's civil- fishing rod. I grasped it below iiatiok - I the pennies. I sent the end. fit- There was nothing left- to do ted witn lis iron spear poini, ifuh state senator, active with but prvve that the white "witch I down Into muddy water. Up Johnson and l-os Dillingham. doctotl1 bad powers excelling I rame a twelve-Inch, wiggling fish. Mackay, Idaho state chairman, as thosejjof the nalive priest. Mr. 'There,' said I; "so man goes jsistants. they to select their own Huck .wanted to buy some ant-1 fishing." I secretary and vice iiresldeuls mal specimens, but the chieftain j "Hector dutifully, translated ' from each dilate, was filamant to his requests (and I passed the pole to the witch I Tariff ICcxolution Adopted ' until jjie. demonstrated his "un-1 doctor. He threw up his f ace, The tariff resolution w hich earthly prowess. He must per-1 laughing. - . i was adopted without discussion The tariff resolution prepared Uy John H. lloyle, Utah national committeeman, was referred to a committee of three with instruc tions to report back. Fred W. Johnson. Mock Sprlngi, Wyo.. leader In tho. movement was made chairman' nf the com mittee on permanent orcunizalion with JoHeph Chez. Ogden, former form a "miracle" to convince the chief Uf his powers. The tnlracle was this, he writes: "In lithe woods cast of Conju we hiiil reached a stream swollen from the rain of the wet season just tinded. Kariina. the witch doctor) was still shaking his rat Then he rame forward. This : or dissenting vote, pledged Ihe his manner showed, was child s play. Woman's business, this fifh spearing! lie grasped tho pole firmly over the pennies, into the water he. plunged it. Within a second the point had speared a fish. Hut as soon as it lies. , turned to him. I looked hit Ihe fish over rolled the wilcf at hinj as If he were a small boy who annoyed me. Can you catch fish, 1 asked him through Hec tor tpVlr. Huek'a native guide). KsniiiH replied that when he wanted fish he sent out his Wlves: Theii 1 tried lo eein as much 'the fish aud rolled over, like a statue as a short, slender i tint of a slight electric doctor on the hank. Up Into the air shot his legs. "Some mysterious power, some white man's medicine, had done this thing. "Then man after man came up. took the spcer. plunged It into a vic-rhock. man, ' bush-broken Ihe African wild. con seem in 1 spoke lu a deep Jlvolco of mystery. '11111,' suld I' 'can you catch fish man fashlfii?' Karunt had never heard of mtn's catching fish. 'Well,' aid f.. 'I'll show yon." "As I rigged my line I looked at llitse fish again. 1 was sure I was certain. They were, beyond a doislit. small elect Die catfish. They'rould be made lo give these sulky" savages a fine shock. II Christian Science Monitor: It sent Hector lor one of my kit j is. commonly recognized that thei Finally I took the pole again and repealed the process, unharmed. "Hot on this finale, Chief Mor phu grasped my arm and began to talk. Would I be his medicine man? Regretfully I declined, but my stork was high In Conju. And after that the chief furnished me with all the help I needed." Tltl'TII IX IIISTOItY TKACMIVt; Academy Klamath Falls, Ore. Sacred Heart a select boarding and day school for girls and also for hoys under 1 1 years of age, conducted by tho Sisters of St, Francis. Crudes 1 follow the same roiirso as Iho slain. High school standardized. Mu sic and art departments In charge of experienced teach ers. Hates reasonable. A new Studio nnd new firmly Class Rooms for Iho coming year will add lo the conveni ence of larger classo. More teachers will bo employed in iho Music and Art Depart ments. For Information nddres Sisters of Ht. Francis or call at the Academy. When You Are Seeking a Better Job Whether you work in field, store, office or factory, when you wish to bet ter ycur present job, you'll offer your past record as evidence of your pres ent and future ability. v At such a time there is no better recommendation then the one you can give yourself, when you show one of our savings pass books with regular de posits in a neat column. For the man who can run his own af fairs at a profit saved surplus is a preferred prospect for any job. Just another good reason for a savings account at the . BANK FOR SAVERS AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK MEMBER FEDERAL Rf SERVE , SYSTEM ...j Klamath Falls, Oregon " t . i ! PELICAN CAFE Inc. "for everybody" SPECIAL Merchants' Lunch . 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. 50c Williams Bldg. 722 Main 2 Biff Events-2 Tonight Saturday Night DANCE The big night of the week Everybody goes tonight at the WINTER GARDEN . DANCE - From 12:00 to 3:00 A. M. With the BON DUREE CLUB and HAL BLACKBURN AND HIS BAND Dues 75c Everybody Invited at the ALT A MONT vj; v- icw , nioiu' owe O'lUCM UvrtrtC!'-? r-iAiMt" rTlDiKJ', vuri HtlFTLrtl RAlE A FOOT" E.VE.RY ccrin-i vmv.iv C?,-.w. ' V ' -.11 l l- j I CP.E. ACTUALS Vva.'AlWiU' AW DOtJl , MOAI rf. Y X ... ."V pat Misr conuv, V BUT QH1 A HULL . j W WkOWiM DAT i r-pvfr- VI. A- It Will Pay You to investigate our Loan Company t y 6o. Money JAS. H. DRISCOLL FIRE 206 Williams Bldg. Phone 432 LIFE UGPc.N0CD AMlMATiONi. 1)0 YOUR FEET HURT? Have you weak or fhit feet? Have you coiiih, callunt'8, . iiiKi owing nailH, warts or bunions?. DR. J. M. INGALLS Foot Specialist, Registered Chiropodist At Iho Buster Brown . Shoe Store Monday and Tuesday, September 26 and 27 FREE EXAMINATIONS ARCH SUPPORTS t