Satimliiy,' StoniT)ff 2, 1i27 THE EVENINfi HEKAT.n. KLAMATH FALLS. OKFJON. Pare Three- ,.-! NEWS IN BRIEF Ml hi Mrliil)r llinur luioicoiliiu: I Mini Mm The Klsmnlli Ciiiiniy, .Mr. did .Mr. Id-liu Powell of Teacher m lattoii bi'14 Ita first Woodhuin. Um , In (oiutiaiiy with moiillng it the cuou ol t h Sir. mill )lr. Jutk KdlrtsJli of home ill Mm. Coorgo ,Mi linyre j I'lirllund anil Andrew Miller of mi Thursday evening. Il wii ( I'li-llund, arrived hero I III uftcr iU'i IiIimI lu luku uu ii l uurw lit , noon ciirimlii lu Ashland to nl simly during iliu winter mouth jtcnd u hunker meeting. They lu liu miiiil mil by Mia iloity j .i r- suest for several hour ul Hi-udcrauu. Tli n next mKiiliir i llin liuinii uf Mr, mill .Mr. I.e me,' ii k will li hold nl III" ho mi-' I In Roger. Mr. Powell I presl of Mr. K. T Hunter (HI the eve tlciu of Hie State Hunker uo- nlne of October I'riinuiUi. i:iiiIi' mill prlmutlvn musical In Irnmciil will lin llin uhjm-t m this meeting. ill I llljllll ll Mlw M in nln WllllmilN suffered, liulnful InJuili'H when the car In which mIii hoi rlilluic turned over uii Th Dillra-Caltrortila hlKhwat near hluniulh Agency mi 'Ilium iluy. .Mh William' Injiitlr were iiIhiiiI I In head nnil fart. She wait I nk mi tu tb Klamath Aikiiiv IiimiiiiI where her Injurle were treated, Kdmaid Berkley -1 driving tlm car mul iliilin.-il In.uhl.. llh Ihn .lo.rl... ufln.i.1 I4 repunihl fur the ai-'ldeut Will Airlie Muinlii) Mr. mnl Mr. Ileury INplnosa of Santa ll'irlmru. I'allfur.iU. will Im tin house niKam nf Mr and Mm. Kilwaril K-.ilnnrn on Mon day. Tlia inlhrii vWllnm nr 'iiruutn lo Saw York to alt"iul llin world frlu. WhllA In tin raitirn inrlropulia tlwy will bv till gumta of llu I llyan, nlmrt atop of rituhurnh. Tlit-y plan to Ik p.nt for al tvaxt llirrr iiiontlin I'niiiiiiltfnl lo tail s'. M. Ilniilap waa romnillti-il tu the county )nll lata iatrdny Li axrva out a I no nf $400. liiiu lali wan airiiloil early yratprda)' mortilue by Krllh Ainl.rnnr and Uinta .Murllrr at kla honii on laooiia Rln-ot. flu o lo Kal lona nf innonahlii whlakcy with k'K ami botilra waa anlliTl'il In lht raid. !-: lI l-n"- Ti-I Doclarlni I lie Lake o' the Wood wore iH-autllul than It h err been. Mra llle KoKtra re turned home laal ertnlna from the reaort In ioiniany with her two Kin, Juinea and iMinnld. Mra. I'harlea H. Moore and Mra. I.toyd llarrla t'f U'WI.toti. IUubo. Thay wire (tuexta at the aununer cot HiiKe of Mr and Mra. C. Moore. l.MMi lo on on Ki-lilay Memhera of the I'aal Matroua riub will tuei-t 'on Friday. Sep tember 30 at Hie 1 1 nU-1 Wlllurd at a no boale.-ia tuni-heon. loiter the tnoiutiera will adlonrn to the borne of Mra. Marlon llunka on I'llie for the r !. Ion of offlrcr.a lor the enauluc year. All who hi coinpleled Ibelr atudlea with ua linye aei-uied pi alllona. KLAMATH 11LSINK.SS COlXEdK. KS-Ol -Mii-t on TueU) Ilillii (lamina chapter of the Delphian will meet for th flrat time thla full on next Tuiaday nfiernoon at tho new city lib iiiry. Tho mi'ntlnn hna been an liounrcd for 2: SO.' Miwlirr Ulton Uailnit MmlRn Dlion of tho Jumoa II. HrlM'oll oflliea eiperta lo learv for t.oa AnRelea within tho next tew week to muke her future home with her . parenla. Her ' inuny frlenda will nun l to learn of her ilepurluro. . When llglil lialr In growlnit darkor bavo a Uotdon Glint ahampoo. lrabnoaa dlnappi-ara In 000 ahampoolna! At drug or toi let Rooda countora or at your Balrd roaora. A d. Harry IVIt ICnlotiil Harry Pelti. aon of Mr. and Mr. II. K. 1V1H of thla city, ha entitled the Alwuter-Kenl context In bo held ut the Flft I'resbytur Un rliiirch thla evening. No New CnaiN Another duy ha paiwed and no now raic of Infuntlle pnr- lyaln hnvo been reported to the office of Dr. (1. 8. Newaotn. coun ty health physician. Your Opportunity Do you wlah in becomo a iKiokkeeper? KLAMATH UUS1 NKH8 COLI.ECK. S8-01 New .ri-lviU Of con's and dreaae. Het values In town. Kimm 7. Mel- hae Untitling, oipoHo court houae. Adv. 21-2t Klitinnth Klcmer Hliop For flower. Floral designs, quality villi service-. 834 Muln slreot. 1'lione 689. Adv. Mnuulre Itetulileil J. F. Miigulre, Jr., returned home lust evening from a aevernl lays hunting trip with a party of friend, lie resumed his liual mm dulii'H till nioruiiiK. Hui Uf ait Ion . Hualnes trulnlug may lie had at the KLAMATH III'SINKSH COI.I.KOK, SKOl iinti n (rsirgi Ib-rtlillil I .eft ! (liMnrii lint i in m, sooif Mr. mul j Mr. W. J. II. .rt rmn left on Krl-1 itny morning fur Corvnlll. where j Im will enter (). A. I'. II rlrmn ; lll maj it In c-iik I ii.-Tln k Ijiir-j Ink the summer month li employed Willi W. II. Canton's j party if engineer Incutcd near Alumna. Mi-liomilil linpi-ovii Tnin Mi Don lid continue to Improve mnl In nil inn roan to , recovery according lo wonl r-, II elVert here today irom Aim. .111- Iiimald. He la u patient at the I'nlvvralty of California hnaplial at Han Franrlaco. where he aub- milled lo a maor opi-ratlon lute laal week. - lli'llirmil llollli- Albert lirnyroii haa returned to lila home In Mnlln after rpeud ,aik Klnibnll 'Mt . Inn the puat alx weeka In Mln- J"' Kltnbiill. head of I In neaola where lie tmik hla three Klamath Foreai rrolei-tlvit aaao-i-hlldreii. They will make thelrn'tatlon. and iiiaiiaKer of the Wey Itllure home In the rant with hla erhaeuacr timber Iniereta In mother. Klaniulh county, wua in ljike- iew Wedneaday on one of hla Waller Htronmii Hack many rlalla to Ikla ae.tlon. He Walter Htrouarb, nlKht fore- wua accompanied by Mra. Klm 111 an uf The Klaniulh New ro-,lall. Lake County Kxumlner. turned from a four week'a vaca- Hon apent In Lo AnK'elea anil linner Tnkeii nrf Kanla llarbara. He made the; Frlenda of Mra. Judd Low will trip yla motor. rejjrei to learn the auffered the !- I'aa of her flrat flnijer on the Airlieil From California rlalil hand In an aeiident at the Mr. and Mr. John It. t'ewera , fumlly home late )lerday. Mra. arrived In the lit today from Low eaiiKlit tier flutter In the Yuba City. California, to attend : mangle. the funeral aervlcea of Ihn lule William A. I'o w era. a brother of Knnnile l Cnllforiila Mr. I'ower. Mr. and Mra. F. 21m Ilaldwlli paaaed throuKli the city enroule Arrliil For Funeral t Han Franeleco where they are Mr. and Mra. U. W.. Huffman bave arrived In the elty from Ap- plegate. Oregon, tu attend the funeral' aervlcea of William A. Power. Mra. Huffman I n later of the deceased. Mta Itlileolll latlMIT Mia .Mildred Itldcuut ' plun to leave on Sunday for AahlnnuV where ahe will attend lha South- em Oregon nurmnl acbuol tbl l,.r,u. Front .Ml. hliaelrt F.d He Uon ef Mt. Hhaata, Cal.. n.rkl hnrM Vi.alt.fl.iV In aiiefld " ' ' mi vol nl day on bualnma. He la stopping at the hotel Arrudu. Ki-oiii I'lne Hlilin Mr. Floyd Alesunder of Pine P.idRe la hiipplng In the city to day. Hills tor Flowers and flurnl design. Adv. Phone 1118. Trnnaiiitiil llu-!!!!"." M. K. 1-atta of llio l.alta llros.l ranch tran.acleil bualneini at the office of Mrs. U II. Hague whilei In Ibe city on Friday. You Could Attend Ihe KLAMATH IlllSt-1 N'F.SS COI.I.EUK It you wish lo ' becotno a stcnogruphur. 88-01 VlaltliiK I rom California R. White and tlniiKlitcr. Miss T...... U-I.lln t I m S.,umI..m f'.tllf .........-...., ....... an- the house guest of Mr. and Mr, w. c. nation ol sinnn. KtneH lrescrlpl lonlsl a Forbes Pure Drugs. Adv. lletiirnnl l-'roin Waslilnnton Floyd-llenrlott of Tho Wlllurd buttery atatlou hu returned from a business trip to Washington. I'or Inauranre 8oe Jus. II. Drlscoll. nidK. Adv. Williams NOTICK. I will not be responsible fur any debts contracted by Mr. It. V. Purdue lifter this duto (Sept. 17, 1927). It. V. PAHDtlE. S1H-2I-24! Coats Remodeled. Fur Manufacturer. Furrier : t . MRS. WILLIAM llKHSI.LH 428 Klnniath Avenue, Botwsan Fourth and Fifth. ' Klamath Fall) Or. Wealth Where a- :l '.5 ; t 'rim sw ,,, k1(Jtt. iy UVar,. n ,,, , c.rnmny beiauae the 1 1 .iiiHi.ijiiw.iHju.eoii uiui.oou fare of Frauleln K. Mnkr la on eyery new five murk note! Fruuleln Muler la a llerlln. a-clely Klrl: on the f' II I'. elll-V the ntilH-kr. m ni,a!inl Iw.ldlnv n h,.f .r emln ' , purchaalng llulck for Ibelr ga- rage lu l.akevlew. They plan tu return home within the coin In i few duya. Win. Venn ti cent. A good clsar. adv. 24 f ,. l VIMlIng FHemla ' j Mra. Huncan Mil jiIii imU on of Hit" city are upending a few! la In l-iikevlew a the Inure; Rueula of Mr. and Mr, ('holies t'tnbarh X lallliiit .rinlinreina M 1 f PTtl AhUtrOUl Of thiaifu ,.i..& . -. i'liliKn. It . . . y. I viatiing in LaKevivw her grandparent. lr. and X il. tniinuier. Miaa Aniatrom imar, of forelKn miaalou . launch la' former ri-aldent of Ukeview. ra , n,ia(.K on tne ulnHtry of .the church for It apparent re- Wm. 1'ciin ' trogresg'on In aupportlng the S centa. A good cigar. adv. 2 4 w orld service program lu favor jof a more aelflah eatlafacllon In evr l iMiitlnt Slion t building new church edlllcea and New arrival of coala 'd ; locil projecU. ilrewea Heat yalue. in town. .-EvangelUm ha advanced It. Room 7. Methane llldg.. opposite , ,... .un i . ! court houe.- n.l",r ..'leu.. niil.r .- ioue. Adv., !-! ,n.ii- ,.... n..a fc Itillirniil From Trip J. Piny Well, city sunerlu lendont of schools, has returned from a northern trip which kept hltu away for several duy. Wulrh Kpt-rlul Sulo At llray'a Gnriucnt Shop ou Monday. 21-51 Consistent advertising In the 14-VAl.ittl, II..I-..I.I l.rll.i-a ulfM.lvl. .. ".in the Homo field nnm as an salea growth. t aftermath lo the accusations ' Watch SM-elnl Kale Al Gray's Garment Shop ou Monday. 24 Wm. IVnn 6 rents. A good rigar.- Consistent advertising In the' Evening Herald brings steady aules growth. . Win. IVnn 5 cents. A good cigar. adv No i.rvt in:o WKiiM:sii.r ! That there will be no forum lluileheou at the chamber of co-.u-! nierce on next Wednesday noon was announced from 1 1 - ofrica of the secretary this afternoon. In stead, the dinner of Thursdavi evening when close to 100 busi ness men from fullfornln will he guests tn the city will serve ns the gathering of t ho members for the coming week. An Interesting program will be given at this time with several . outstanding speakers. The dinner will be held at Hie Pelican cafe. WK.ATIIKIt l ull TIIK WEKK. SAN' FRANCISCO, Sept. 24. (A.; P.) The weather outlook for the week beginning September j 2f, wua announced here today by the I'nlted Slates weulher bu rn ti a follows: i Far western stules. tho outlook ! 'Is fur guilefully tulr weather will) temperunire about normal or slightly above during the fore i part ot the week and for unset lied went her with lower temper- 1$ Thy Sting? N '.-r.iV '!i ' "' I "V 1 ,'fl.TJ I rrvrrs. i Mm 1 &?ti?i&e,'yL-tys'-.i - " ' - - 1 . Fall Ii the Time of Year When Motoring la Best Klevtrlral atorma and ltid l-urat are over. Hie roada are fine. Peo ple like to apend week enda In the hllla thla lime of year. Manywbo have no car are watch ing the "Autoa For Kale" column of The Herald for good buy. People wau-h the Want Ad column if The Her ald for I heir w anla be caiine they find the greatest neleetiou there. Whatever yon hare lo aell,. Herald Want Ada " wil ell it for you. and Herald Want Ada. coal lea. Kpeiiul 6-ilay rale. METHODISTS SAl.KM. Ore.. Sept. 2. "Wl Continuing a aerie of lambaaunga ODened aentniit nreneul ri.nUter- BACKSLIDING IS aa a a a aaax m aaa a a a mm HflH H T HYTHr Willi Ul I Ilia ni. r member oi per aeieitaiion m lln -ShcDherd. Dr. John 11. Kdward. ....... -. . e""..i ...,-m.fp . .KCr.aTi. cf the;"""""5 " """" i . at ia .- i i ivu at, uuuir, nitiw the aecrelnry, "despite hardships and aerioiia outbreak which re-t seultcd In the losx of many nun (lr,,d , ,,OMKlJll(,H f do,nr. ,n m,,; sionnry projerts. not .-a : single worker has deserted his post or ubked for relief en ept ill the j lase of health failures. Never In-fore has such a spirit prevailed in the field while facing so I n.nuy ilrustlc changes." Dr. Howards' plea tor a change .' . . made by Hi.-Imp Shepherd Friday morning, that the mcmliers of the UreRon conference were neg lecting evangelistic duties In j preaching mere "sernionettes" land fulling to be of real cotn adv. 24 ! n.n(y ei-vi-e. I llni.t.u.. II li.l.n..- II....U-.. t JC yuar old pastor ot llrownsvllle. ! was liKht ye-irs over Hie ace j limit for ndmlttiniiV to the con ' fi retire, his application was turn ; ed down on a vote by the con- itirence. 27 to HI. Hud one other r.'an voted nyehe would hav? been admitted, a two thirds ma jority being necessary to suspend Hie rules. Drown hud served l' years lu the Oregnn conferene.! ns n supply and 14 other year In the seivice of tho church. .Seveii young men were admit ted on trial lo their fii-st year studies. They were Oliver J. GUI. Wayne Wright. Robert. Me. Ilvenna, Marcus llerbano. Kd wurd Terry, Kverett Gardner and Thomas 101 win Jr.,' student ut WATCH REPAIRING IIK.ItK year Kintiniitee on nil work GEO. METZ JKWKI.EK Wi'i Main WEDDING WILL BE ON SUNDAY A wi-dillna; i f Inlernat to pouple throunhoul Klaniulh touiity la, thai i;f Mlm Kuth Mudaey. dauKh- , . . .... .... . , I l4 Ii uptaln O. ( . Apple tor of Mr. mid Mra. :.. I.lnd.iy g,,,, ,, or 0,-al pe.ple of III la ilty lo Tlleri K. illab l.reen. ' ' Tin-ceremony will be pi - rfonn - ed at llu home or the l.rlde-elM-fa piirenti on Hunday niornlim at H : rt o i loek. Itey. A. P. Him - mcna. parlor of the Fliat Hop- l(l rhnreh will iierfoim ih cere - m-.ny In the preacnrn o' n latlyea nnn a lew immeiiiaie rnenna. 1 SUm Iik-i Jenklua unit I'aal Dalton will be the attendant. ' Following the ceremony ibe yonnn ouple will leore by miUir tin a I two week'a honeymoon throuch 1 northern Oreron. They will ylt ut l.a (Irande with Mr. (Jreen'a, uiulber and With frlenda In I'ort- l; nil and Kuiiene. I Mbu l.lniUey la one of Klum - uih'a moat rhaimln younK wo - 101 n and for the pat aereral yeam baa held a reaponnlble poll. tl-n with The Flrat. National llilllK Mr. Creen.' formerly of l.a Clrunde haa made hla home here for Hie pant two yeara and la con - fhfZiS&iA DEPENDABLE ty. Vi SALE HOSIERY If you ""have not already1 faken advantage of this gale of hose , ',' ' ' v 3 Pair do so before 9 o'clock tonight, as it is for TODAY ONLY! kAKATM i Kimball School of Theology and Willamette University. i I UltrA vn flmltf(! In till miifirnr .from Ihn Methodls' 1 : cnur.h ,. Mis Nellie Cnr , f , ,uperintendent of the Por! i . . .. i : ' '. . ' niamhnr ir her flelef-atlon Sunuyside nnd Hie Rose City Park ehurchca in Portland hv; . V. n a,... ...ul unn.ll men in the conference with 1110 and 1122 members each. Salem" i-i. ..hh i r- 1. lis follow with 1.075; 810 snd 72 respectively. Salem first has the largest Kpworth League with ISO enrolled followed by the l(ose City Park church with 150 members. I'LAX ltTAT SHOW llntfiin. It. -i. mt r kA , .....u.or. . o ......, w. ' csason. the agrlculiure commit-, publication. . tee jof Ihe chamber of commerce j The article which was publish-' met this afternoon with a eom-'cd under the title of "the navy I mittco from the potato growers i economy" in the Saturday Eve-; association to lay plana for the'nnj! Post charged the navy' was' Second Annual Potato show. The i over-organlied and failed to prac-' committee active in this work Is composed of J. W. Kerns, director "The principal trouble with the In charge. Bruce Dennis, chair- j navy today." he asserted. "Is thai man. It. E. Geary. Glen Kent. H.'l't never completely demobilized. D. Newell. John P. Duke. Henry semon. jonn turner, jonn tic- ber and Joseph liessig. rlflTD A I I 17 1 AT A 1 Ci ruvJUi.riiirti.o At West Point: Boston I'nl- verslty II. Army J1, I'ninn 1.1. St. Lawrence 6. Syracuse Hobart 0. Lehigh 0. St. John 0. At New York: New York I'nl vcrslty 27. Niagara 0. At Providence: Brown 27. K. I State 0. At ' Philadelphia: VennVyl - . vanln 8. Franklin and Murshnll 0. Wm. IVnn S cents. A good cigar. adv. 24 , We Deal in Pianos Edisons Victrolaa ' " Portables Radios- Sewing Sheet .Music Ukuleles- Machines Banjos Guitars and Supplies'' Mandolins and Everything in Music Picture Framing & Phonograph Repairing WIRTZ MUSIC STORE' 122 So. 6th St VeVrVV.''VVi'eVVV' altn tho K. Hugarmani . CARAVAN WILL CO ON SUNDAY, will leave Klamath Kalla early .Hnnduy uiorulnri tr the MimIot ' Hiromtholil on what will perhapa I' h '' ,r,P ' 'I'"' lh, "eaaon. ' People pluniillilt 10 make the I"P r" " ih "" 1 ner if The Fire! National bunk ; corner on Hunday uiornlni. piouipnj i umi u - enouKll for cn; meal and plenty of xaa and water la all that la n-eded. I bptaln Applexute will explain the hlatorle polnta-of Interest th.oiiithjut the entire trip. . I.KITKII XT Ol'HTEII CHICAGO. Kept. it. 'Judue Ueola K. Sulllyan In au- 'perior court today denied a mo-, Hon of Lady Marguerite Hyde. I ' CounU-a of HuTfolk and Herka, 101 ouat ber brother. Joi. loiter. ' Chicago millionaire aa a truateo ' 1 of the I30.nu0.o00 eatate of j Ihelr father. Url Z. Letter. lati I ' Chicago merchant. MERCHANDISEAi ! 00 SJa ' ' ' ' ' '"' ' ,' WASHINGTON. Sept. 24. (VP)' Secretary Wilbur o( the navy lias . under consideration the disciptin- i1" of oat :t l tbM "' Adm'ra' Th0m" . H- ilagrudcr for a recent maga- sine article criticising the navy's administration. Admiral Magruder, who Is com mandant of Ihe fourth naval dis trict, is said lo have violated a ) naval regulation which stipulates ithat articles on military affairs by persons jn the service Bhall be! submitted to the secretary before' . . 1 tlce economy. "since the war. I maintain there are to? many. officers on duty in Washington and with the fleets and thai there ia too much money ' heing spent on the maintenance , navy yards jot navy yards and naval stations tuiong me. Aiianiic coasi. j . The udmirul said he was great I ly impressed by the Interest shown by the general public for the navy. in. I'enn 5 cents. A good cigar. - adv. 24 , YVatcli Special Sale - At ;ray's Garment Shop on (Monday. 24 ; Win. I'enn ,' S cents. A good cigar adv. 24 the Following; nerii'd ' alore. i iiivmrnnrn'. UnUI ' I IH- 11:1a K ". I UNDR I pJ DEPENDABLE' LINEN VALUES '0 j A ' fr 5 , K, j M For Monday This is new Fall merchandise and is com manding the attention of the women of this county owing to the remarkable low prices. Imported Irish1 AH Linen Lunch Cloths. Very pleasing col ors and patterns. 43x 43. Compare this value. , ' Vii 95c Imported Sets Imported air linen sets, consisting of one 35x35 Lunch Cloth and four Napkins to match. 95c Set Curtains Ruffled Marquisette 2 VI yards long. 98c i -- : l ; CaiwIwInK-w Have Kqunl nance WASHINGTON. Sept. 24. API Pennsylvania republicans are keeping an open mind on the presidential nomination. Coventor Fisher declared today after a call at the While House. The governor sat that tour miii!frlrv H n n v e r rice ' president Da id. Charles ' E. i Hughes and J-'rank O. Lowden apparently had equal aha nee r In Pennsylvania and that all were under consideration by the voters. AT. THE LIBERTY r i' i . ? ' : i' .;. SATURDAY ONLY' SPECTAL . "SANTA- FE PETE" Is a snnppv' Vost'ern" story; starring pete Morrison. ! -SUNDAY'ANb MONDAY ' An outdoor story full of thrills Is "THE FLYING U RANCH" and a big .cast led by Torn Tyler play'tlie varlons rref.''TlA -' , Is one you are sure lo enjoy. An excellent comedy and late : . v - NA subjects ar a.(svij Included Jn the program. PINE TREE SATURDAY ONLY' Probably the greatest story Kllnor niyn ever wrote I . Ritzy" and the star Is clever little Hetty Ilronson. the girl who played "Peter Pail." It shows today only1, and is well -worth while. SUNDAY AND MONDAY Everybody in the World knows T ' BABE RUTH the famous home-run king of the New York Yankees. IIo ap l pears Sunday a the star of t "BABE COMES HOME" A thrilling story cf baseball.' Thin Is-bis -flisl and only res tore film, ami la a most excellent melodrumatle story of the t diamond. Anna Nllsson and Louise Katenda also star. IL MERCHANDISES-i Curtains' with tic-backs. . Pair : ' ' CH.K(.KI WITH lMlO.K Charged with possession of liq uor. Florence Howard of 617' i Commercial will be brought Into police court late this afternoon to answer lo the charge. Arrest awns made' late last evening by Keith Ambrose.' chief of police. After Toots- of Clinics of the East Dr. L. D. Cass, eye, ear, nose and throat 'specialist is again In his office id the I. O. O. F. llldg. 12-28 THEATRE