Conxo. KLAMATH FALLS WILL HAVE 25,000 PEOPLE IN 1930 WATCH HER GROW City Edition The Old Home Paper watt! SuraJiJH wkathfh. Orrgon: Cloudy tonight with fog near thu ro(. Sunday gen- rally fair Willi rising temper ature In tlio Interior. Moderate weat to northwest wluda. Associated Press and United Press Telegraph Service Herald Advertisers Appreciate Your Trade Price Five Centa KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1927 Number 6139 lliilvrltv Llbrsry Eugent, Ortvon Mfat WILL FIGHT IT flllT l! II UUI IU INDICATION Dempscy Refutes to Be Squelched By Decision of Referee EACH MAN CLAIMS W CAN LICK HIM" I..,,-, ilWr. ,., ,, ...,.ulr , anu l-algc lunm .tin Ib-Uift iff end fur Atwllirr l liilili Tunney Hind) Any Tlui lu Meal Lv-Clinmp. CHICAGO. Sept. Jl( (,$)-J, k lmpi.y baa emerged (mm lil second rhsniplouahlp beating rld-i lite a new creai of populnr favor I hlrb If he elect to rid II out,) umy carry hi in to greater rina earning poavr Ihau he cv.r knew beV-or. lieflulle talk of another "bat tlo of Hi ri'tilury" hat bain aul durd and uiiolfli I, but talk (Intra baa lHrn. altunal friiin tlo muiurnt at HotdtiT r'lxUI Thura- ilay nlnlil that tiinf Tunnoy'al arm waa ralard to mark hla a.r-' uun victory over Ininpacy. Tax lll.kard. a ahrewd dlugno llrlan of p u b I I p opinion, hat hon sign of actual cnthualaMii over a third licnii.acv-Tuniirv riajlil. and Tuiyicy nan Indicated M willingness in meet Deinpaay or anyono else llm public uiny think la a match for htm. mnipr a first reaction a ft-r Hi Soldier Field flitht wak that It marked (tin i'ud of hU rsrcur A day' aaclualott and rest with Ita Jnerltahln relroaMTtlon mad Hn e certain. Today Ilia tll - luilo a reflected by hi rloae asstirtatu. seemed io be that Jack tirmpsey might o bark to the war Hall again and with a vengeance. The picture of a new Tunney. Delllpsey fight la sketched In the comment of the three persons who could make audi a fight pos sible Tunney, Deuipsey and To lit kard. (Continued on page M Funny News of Today NUXX" YOHK. Si'pt. tt. anc slullallis are Hist liuur imong till. 000, U00 perscn Ilia mortality average from heart dUease In half an hour la five and foiir lonlhs. Lateet advices are that a iloien died In various part of :he rountry while listening to the fiKhl ir lu argument ihout l(. I'KX.V VAN. X. V . Sept. !l. Mr. Sarah Tompkins. (7, Is In have a funeral Instead of a wed nlng. Trying on Ilia gown In which aha waa to have been tuar rlid In William Kmerson, 70, a ibllilitiTd from whom aha had been -aratea Id yeori. alio died of apovi' Xy. 11 r IIIOAHO, Sept. r-;nt of children 21.-Sixty per of clguriillit- Aiucktng molher din before they . . 1 u are io ,eai .... .. t . of llr. Charles L. liar her of l.siis-l lug, Mich., aro correct. Me gave hi conclusions to the American tissocliitlun research, for niedlco-iihyslcnl i NF.VV YOHK. Sepl. 21.-New York City mid oilier ellle and town In Hie east whli have been observing daylight saving 1 1 ill since lust April will return to oastern slumlard lliuo tomor row. Tho official lime for chang ing clock I 2 a. tn. XKXV YOHK. Sept. I, dIi.,,1. ...I. la ,.t lo 1 Hint, Hempsey would not knock Tim-j fay out, Suninel Znivt, knlld-.T. 1 hua refused to liiiept Ihe IJ.VtO bit tvon. Iln Ihluks Tunney ni really fairly knocked out. j I WIIK.XT 4iOKH VI'. I CHICAGO, Sept. 21. (API Opening al Sc lo 1-Hr advance. Chicago wheal quickly scored ! further gnln. Corn slnrted Vr In lVsO higher nnd then contln-lo tied In rlltiih. Onta were firmer. Provision llkewlso went tip Rrnrin, ' 4 ABBEY CHOSEN TO HEAD CO. D. OF THE GUARD WuIIit V, Abbey was unani mously elected rnpluln of Coin- ipony ".It" of lh 249th Coost Artillery corp of Ilia Oregon Nn llonul (iuiinl, which u orgiij l'd III till illy lust evening with SO in I'll ul I iiillu K the ui UN lerlng In riTi'iiiiuiy. Allonmy i. Van Vaelor was chosen first lieutenant oml T. I). Case was appointed second lieu tenant to aervu wlili Captain Abbey. With Ilia mustering in',, . ninti lust night. Klmnalh Falla run now ln.l national guard company of coast artillery under I WhM.. ,.,,, mt. local .atlerv it III .r.m. t III i) ml eaalnn of ilin legislature for n armory fur dri:i purpnar. Iirllt l lit In a will lis each. Tun dtiy night of ilm month. -BELL CO. OFFICIALS PAY VISIT TO K.F. Inupcctinj 1600 Million rcet of Pine Company Own. Near City What In do with ICno inllli in '" I hit fluent pnt ilmlirr that atanda In I hi- world todav l Ilia prolili'in that I.oiik IIHI ioiii pall)' la cuiiatdarlna at prvacut. I'p on Ih rraarratlon that rnn rarii ona t tin amount of timber RKUlloiicd. It la lu (lua lmp, hut limber In that nine ahow.i Info'tallon of Ilia bug lliul alrlkea j" - ' nanruenon to inn pino tree auu naiurauy me loiiK-lltt:! rnri.pany doe not waijt to ta th lame block of timber which It l:aa held for nine yeara bocnni lufeated with the bnga. In ortlcr to bring up different anciea and mcKeatlona to the board of director on Ihla aubjort ( harlea Murphy, auperlntendent of I lie longing department. V. II. hmlercuok. chief t nglneer. Char lea King, the official 'IniRiiitin or the company and XV. F. Ryder. ara In Klamath Fuila today after fliiUMug a trip of Inspection of the tract containing Kelt million feel. XX'ouhl lt r'li.e 4)M-ratlin J Kliinmlh Kalla looka with much Interest on Ilia Halt of thaw Umc-lli-II offlctala for In due lime It may mean that there will lie a I.oiir Hell oM-ratlnn here to turn that 1 1 m her Into commercial lumber. Tli nt thla city I the logical point for a I.nng-llell plant many who are experienced In I ho lumber bualneaa do not banliata to atala. The liura ara being feared more and mora by all who own atnndlng limber and way are being conaldered to cul and .mar ket I he timber In the region Infeated by the bug. The carry ing charge on timber have reurhed a point where no longer can anyone buy It And forget they own It. Owner point to the fact that they get Rharp re minder of tholr ownerahlp aloni; about tuxpnylug time, fire fight ing time and aevorul other tlmna during the your. Kor theao rca- lainia no concern, regnrdlea of the of . Inllk rolli (l,ol, rontenl . . . . ... I to lei timber "In ml where thn hugs have decided () mil K u their homo nuil multiply. 4 DIV ISION XX II. I. HT.XM) ' CHICAGO, Sept. 24, n Tim derision giving Gene Tunney the victory over Jnck Itempacy stunda 1 and 4 I he stilt nthlollc coiumls- slon "wlli not consider n re ; vernal", John Itlghelmer. 4 chilli niiin of the commission j dei lin ed In statement to 21. -ll:iv. day. Mr. Itlglielmiir a stutument apparently closer, the door lo any further possibility of nctlon on n pfolest by Leo P. Flynn, liempsey's nuin ager. The commission nmde It clenr Hint It would give either Flynn or Pempsey n hearing lit any time on any score but It whs equally clear that Ilia box I tig nti t hurtles had no Idea of re versing the- verdict, given III the ring nt Soldier Field I'll li rail n y (light. SMITH MET OPPOSITION IN MEET N I I New York Governor Endorsed Under , Protest MANY I OPPOSE WET LEADER XX by khl urctte" MuT (lite of Hi licit -icalr to Hi" Ti-n XXrttleru Htalr licmocrnilc 4 'on vent It m l'tlitf In eigfln lo I'oliu XX'ay for 1 lo ir I'arl). ItltiKI.OW IIOTKI.. t)t;lK, 1'iah. Hcpt. K. (At'i -"XViiy ktd ouraelve und try (, tell the caat there la a real wjva of aintt- tliellt 111 the wehl fur Al !ai plealdev V I Hut deaplle thla . lilui prttaat'd by National I'ouiniltiet ESsPPnL IFTIRESIOEIlTSlLLii:: dclillal candlducy Yok governor. I The tlun howevt r, tit , unanimous and Muyle. tn op :ing the- resolution, churned that Ilium preaent at the meeting I were not representing the aentl- , in em oi intr rest'iive ainie. j I Further opposition to Smith, . wn expressed former Judge (ireeii of Halt l-ake City whu declarmf that niuny demo- t ruts hold th.t belief that Smith j would fall to carry bis Uom. st4to If the republicans nom-1 llnaled Charles K. Hughe. Fred XX'. Johnson of Hock Spring. XX'yo., one of the lead ers to nrranulna the cnWference. I . i an mm need the receipt of letters! land telegrams from XX'athlngton. j New Mexico and Nevada delegates tunable to attend. In which iheyjlMi read with Interest by women ' declared Inquiries bid led them 0( this city. lo believe Smith would be strong-, In (heir respective HtNteS. Today the conference will lake im tier mnxtdorarlon on ihe tariff ami lw subject ofit.nt imi jeffectlng a permanent orgnnita- lion lor mo purpose oi auvanr-i Ing party ideals and principle in the weal. IVriitMiicnt llcsnnlutli.n. I lleli cutcs io (he western state democratic conference this morn- j tug pern-. -ieo a permanent or-; I Continued on page i) mZsl ? '5tr !- V . kt- Ji iif-l r j i The I H-7 lieiii) v-clglH cliinnploiiilp fiuhi Is over ( liiiinpli.ii (I ei wy. Tclt thoii to the LveuliiK ,Sc.h,oois win rrooaDiy a Very XVIih Infimtile pumlyal about orcr and no new cue devulop- lug It l believed the ach' ol boarif will opmi the city tchool lu a very few day and Hint the f entire ttty will get b.-k to nor - ! cm I conditlona. ' The lat buard of lit-allb hte bud It every iiKgetlun carried out to the letter, namely that In the Ini ubatlng atage cf any dla- i The one thing now to conald DEMOCRATS """" ,r hould Ij tak- er. a Health Officer Newaom en. even to the cloalng or choola, aireiyea. la clianlliieia njl only the aufhoiltlea' auggeatlon have ol peroon but of aurroundinga. been ui'-l. , tie demnnda that all home nuke The atate board alao recom- li a apeclal order of buaineaa to menda that to keep ai lioola clo-'.eau up the yard and aulbulld ed longer thun a reaaonablo per-iitiga and aee that all garbage I td la not to value, eapt-clally j Immediately gotten rid of. li. n any diaeaae how re. eaaion ; Kiaiitalii l-'irat 1 tie Over a the Infantile paralyal baa. While other coinmunllleg were ahown that In thla city. ';olnting their flngera at (his rlty Thai there ha been a nable and allowing ign tf fear that fight put up Bgaluat the dlaeaae even a long dlatance telephone U plain to be aeen and every phy- (Continued on page a) v'lKLBTH GETSiSACflAHEHTfli li tut-' 'tax 30F FEDERATION , Women's Clubs of Oregon ! l Lf t D; lu vjnuirr licrc lu; uij( Conclave in June "The 1IS meeting of the One- s,m .,ar(un of XV omen' clubul,-'n trom Sacramento. San Fran-, i,s to t Klamalh: Fall. id tind - northern t.-allfonil ivlsl..- tie 1 ..... ..m... . t-i .nldid not I m June, ami ruing io me au- nouncement Just made by the board of director. Kugrue also ' uvited the convention." Ti. .i, annnnncemeni was ... Jde In The Orcgonian and lll.''-' ' ." ,,f . lh .0i f.iM, i..- Include: Mr. George It. Llndley, prusldeut: Mr. II. K.' Gcti, first H. XV. Ilnth- , 1M....rv F. R. Olds, assistant ocretury. and Mr. Itullo C. Groesbeck. J. J. Murphy, president of the jthe chaTter amendments. The at-treasun-r. ' Klamath-Weed highway assorts- ! torney general concludes that the Plans for Ihe entertainment of tloa organized the rararan and special Eugene taxes matt be the visitors In June will be made oy me local federation through-, lout the coming months. upen m Few Days ait-Inn and rtvry law enforcement ofllcer lir.a worked to th end ' llial iiuarautlne be emphatic and cumplnta and that ibildren ha kept In under fifteen year of 'eg. TI.S ho been don with the rt-aull that the community la now over the rreat and there I ( uppnrent aafety in reaumlng every day life a uaual. VISIT- KLAMATH; - . i Trade Excursion Bearing' One Hundred People I Arrives Thursday ' ) With more than 100' business 1 One Hundred People I Fall will be host lo one of the, largest gathering of the year " r.ext Thursday. The southern men are coming to Klamath ...t. ji. .... .... P'euun oi uie,JlilllM tj h. amoun, imite(1 highway. 'by the 6 per cent limitation of The word of their definite de- . islon to reach here u received I at th chamber of commerce iate, Friday. A bauquet ha been ar-iln Mrs. -ranged for the visitors to be heljUf exceeding the per cent liml a( (he Pelican Cafe next Thnrs-Jtatlon wait-not directly presented any evening wua me cnamuerjto the people, nor was It separ-, of commerce member as host, .atelv stated frnm the auestion of the sole topic of the evening will ne tne completion oi me nign-, , way. Hi" i Tumie.v'a Iiniiil rnlscil lu .victory by ililslou ore JmV J)cmi llcntlil by .K. Sirvltf. TEST TAXES IN THE COURT Attorney General Doubts Wisdom of Eugene's Act MUST SPECIAL TAXES IN!uV" CITIES HAVE TEST XX llluilH-lln X alfi y lly flu Mill fur Klcctrlc Lititi ml Three Mill for Iterrra tUm drrwrnh; V'onti of IU.IE.H 1 Viillon. . 8AI.KM, Ore.. Sept. II. (AP) - - Because they are &f doubtful legality. Attorney General Van Winkle advise that two special' tax levies voted by the people of 1 gene last June be tested out the court. Van Winkle o lxes In a letter to the stale! 'tax commission, which has an In- Keeny. Lane levle authorized mount not (o exceed one mill to pay for electric lighting In the city. The other Is, a levy not to exceed three tenths of a mill for public play and recrea- . lion grounus. . The attorney general points Ml.lhlt while the ballot lilies fr the measures stated that the levies would be In addition to the 6 per rent tax limitation of (he state constitution neither the measure themselves nor the the acts made thla pro- otef ore', such prvisfon (,, Pn,rUir ,.Jf a part of Mld measure." say Van XViukle. "It i would not have been effective to '.accomplish the purpose of - Ithorlztng the levies provided fori No ,afh meMlr!s labe Esdj, lEl the constitution." . T assertion Is explained, al ter the - citation o( a supreme court opinion to the effect that ,he Ell.ene fa.e ... auestion levied, and will be valid if the total amount ot all levies does j (Continued On Page Two) tV s. ar., u , UNDERWOOD MILL BOUGHT BY JOHNSONS Announcement lia been made of the" purchaae of the I'nder ood mill la Ijike cinly by eraon and Johnson llrothera of Klamath Fall. Itepalrlng of the mill I under way and plana are to have the mill In ateady oper ation throughout the winter month. The new operator have pnr chaaed the Kehart timber (ract, comprlalng abonl l.OUn.UUO feet and hare aaked the government to cpun up a Kertfon of govern ment timber adjoining the Itehart tract In order that they might be aaatired a rftintto supply I of timber of their operation. The capacity oi neiween 1.'..000 and 2V.0UU dally. MAY MM1f1.lK M.!Kt"lKn XX'ASHIXGTOX. Sept. 21. (API Secretary XX'ilbur is seriously considering taking some disci plinary action against Hear Ad miral Thomas P. Magruder for his recent article in the Saturday Krening Post" In which he as sailed the navy as being over organized and failing to practice economy, it was learned today al the navy department. RECORD II S I TO VIEWii LAKE SCENERY Rosenbaum Takes Tour ists On Fast Ride from K. F. to Crater Lake The Southern Pacific Cascade Limited Is not the only rapid means of conveyance tn this part of the country as plainly shown by General Agent A. S. Uoaen- bniim when he met a lurtv nt . . j.l tourist who were pressed for time, as they arrived in Klamath Falls on the Cascade Limited f rem Portland at 7 it) o'clock in the morning, and immediately started with them for Crater lake. They saw the beauties of that remarkable spot and sped on io Medtord. catching the Southern Pacific train for Portland at 11:52 the same forenoon. It happened thla way and was know. In plenty, but the llve a little out of the ordinary for stock Industry which for years- Mr. Kosenbaum Is. In fad. ot,HM Men rammer s ni a speed demon, and only resorts tn fast driving when the occasion 'demands it: A southern man met some friends from the east ,ln Portland. He was anxious for them to see nol only Crater lake but the ltcgne Illver valley1. as well, and they were equally I anxious to see this - - V. n (n,A Thura 11' .1 tt I but one day the eastern people could spare. Il had to be done, j in a day and they roust be back In Portland the evening oi that I day so they could start east. iting in touch with Mr. Hosen haum, the southern Oregon man 'received the following tnstrtse itions: "Put your friend on the 'Cascade Limited leaving Port , hind at 10:05 at night. 1 will i meet (hem at Klainuth Fall at 17:50 In the morning, take tnem ' to Crater lake and from there j around by Prospect to Medford so they will catch the 11:52 train (he name morning, landing Uheiu In Portland that evening ; before mldnglht." !' The Instruction wero carried out. The eastern people hud the time ot Ihetr lives and left Port Jland bewildered by tho niugnifl- e . . . ... .... ., ... cetice ol ine Trip, uiierinK praise Ir the superliillve decree for the country which they had hurried ly seen. Land Sells for Advanced Price One ucaln the fulth Klamath county people have In their own basin was proven when A. L. Ihirunt became the owner ot 80 acres of land in the Mt. Lakl d is- Only a slight hnskiness remained trict. Tho property I known as of a throat Irritation contracted the Cnlkln ranch and for the In a radio broadcasting booth past several year Durant has earlier in the week, and be a leascd thn ground which he ha snred Inquirer that he "felt farmed. . fine." Hringlug 1130 an acre the sale' ' price of the land we 1 2.000. j XX'OMAV milKKITi KAIL A portion of the land ha beer. Bane Katie forfeited a tiait sold to Ira F. Orem. who plans cf 25.00 In pollen court thla tn engage In active farming. morning when she failed to ap- Complettnn of the deal whs pear to answer to a charge of made through the office of .Mrs. L. U. Hague. HUGE LOSS IN STOLEN LIVESTOCK vu,uuu worm i axen from Range by Cattle Thieves ' n tit . I er STOCK MEN MUST FIGHT OWN BATTLE On of Klamath County's Itliwrst Ats Huffr CunatMnt liepee. tlallon Without Nnf detent lrn leclkto of tli Ijsiv: l.lrrstock tbism Organl for I'idtertlon "XX'hile law enforcement offi cers are a (hick a hop and the pay rolls of the. county anil state and federal government show an ever Increasing list of men paid by the pnnllc tj p. ci te, t property, the livestock own ers of Klamath county suffered a loss of 140.000 In stolen cattle nd other livestock during 192 Trom the range with practically no effort made hy the author ities to stop thieving." The above was the utterance of a livestock man in this coonty yesterday and from his attitude he is plainly exasperated orer the heavy loss he ' and other hare sustained from the thieves. So great a burden ha the thieve' toll become that Klamath county livestock owners have formed an association . and are personally paying for police protection on the rasses. Moat people were laboring un der the belief that the day of ine came tniet nan passeu amna with the covered wagon and the professional cowboy. But ncn t . . . , . .,. ,, not a fact when one get Intn the inside facts of (he rase and learns from honest men who. are running livestock Ihe true con dition of affairs. Speaking further thellveatock man said, "1 don't know what people are going to do. We have an -officlai organisation la thin county costing more than it ever ha cost. XVe have officer, God jget no auention to pcak of and jtho thieve ride the range almost openly defying the owners of livestock. Hear in mind livestock gets on ihe tsx rolls of Klamath: Icountv. That Industry puys Its '(axes and usually pay well for .the protection and righta - to country butjhkh Amerk.n instUultou !is enimea nnaer our "f - do wo get an effort toward pro tection that 1 of sufficient lie to even scare the most timid of the cattle rustlers." i i The aniouut of livestock fun from the range stolen by thieve In this county,, in 19 3 ' riously estimated by different stockmen from $40.t)0 to T5 00, but the mosl conservative; do not so under lit, 000. - 1 Just -when the iivetrtock indus try Is looking np and there la prospect for larger herd on Ihw ranges It i argued that pro tection Is most vilally needed, v Officer I u lloos Kald. ; In a raid last night officers netted a large number of alleged 'moon" peddlers, "moon" mak er. "lioe hrew" maker an4 some who are charged with only t nnvHeHflli.11. The raid of consider ; e able size, much greater than .u average weekly or einl-monthly raids atuged in thla part ot the state. . A I. SMITH 4'AX'T TALK .. SEW YOKK, Sept. 25. 131 -Governor Smith was too weak day from the effoct nf'-a bron chitis attack to fulfill a speak ing engagement. Hut be wni 1 given permission to take a wal ; drunkenos. lust evening She was arrested on Seventh tr"f(,