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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1927)
THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FAUS. OnEfiON. Erl.lnv. Sf)tcm1).T 1927. n I I i 2 ROADS TIE UP Ur1' NMhrB I desirous of an -I a Kin rrtn ncDrTiu"wn location for hi freight LAND rUK IJLrU 1 ; depot In order llim trucks and loams ran haul freight wlhl lnst 4 f Continued from page II rffort from ill llreat Northern Tha lll( Lakes Lumber torn- ulallun. This means ths.1 a freight pauy'e land undnr option la In depot will be aurwljr erected on I tin shape of a half moon and tha property. Alao. prominent of t. inters the Klrahoro rallroan oil . fl'lala of the Civil Northern Klnlotk avcnua. j hare atated that a rtiaaeugcr de- Tha W. 0. Millar tract I pot will alao ba built on thla whom ha baa office bow located property In preparation for fu oa Blith atreet. tura development. Tha lorens Co. tract of on Tha Southern Pacific la not acra la where that company now baa plant w hich will be .re moved. - Tha Rwauna option rarrlca 'ertr iteta and It la almost a cer wlih II an agreement to aell back lalnty that the Southern Taclfic to thaVtrompany sufficient land 'will alao have a freight depot on lo ev up lla holdlnga which jth property thua meeting the will lake the Lorena Co. land competition of the Great North and a alight fraction of other em In Itt desire lo land freight property to arcompllah thla agree- j into the heart of Klamath Falls, meat. Alao In tha Rwauna deal Kxrellrai IN-vHopmrat. tha transaction la baaed on the That tha entire transaction la sidetrack now Intervening that! an excellent development for thla property bo removed and a aw Itch no one hesitates to believe. It to be run up the alley between Is one of the thinga that had to ilroad and Market atreets. 'be threshed out In the great rail- Llllle lfcwtl About ('umplrtioa. , road program for thla city and While tha entire transaction la now It la apparently completed. In the option atage there It little i Thla action dovetails In with doubt thaf thedenl will be con-'the Or eat Northern's plan to amnmated tor this Is exactly i have trains in Klamath Kalis by what both railroads have agreed , January 1st at which tlnie."or upon, and the land desired' Is anon thereafter the hauling of the now available provided optiona Weyerhaeuser sawmill supplies are not ullowed to eiplre. land equipment will likely begin. . For tome time the Oreat North- .. riA haa been endeavoring to get (ienrge Kigirs Arrives! k Joint adjustment of ownership i George Itigga la visiting his of the property mentioned and ! parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. V. the i Rout hern Pacific hat altojtttggs. and hia brother. Hob joined In tha movement with the.Rlggs, for the first tlma In two manlt that now all optiona are J-esdy for the chlefa of the two railroads to pass on and give the final word, which It la almost ante to predict, will be to buy and close all deals pertaining to the desired real estate, - . lfcfMMt auul Tracks. , ? Joat what will be erected on the property in queation has not keen definitely atated. bnt it it known that Mr. Budd of the I1 After the Big Dance j Jjj Tomorrow Night at the 1 1 WINTER GARDEN - j HAL BLACKBURN AND H IS' BAND J I 1 P'a or dancing at - ' T i ,. ALTAMONT - - J from 12:00 "to 3:00 , J I JJ . BON DUREE CLUB Due. 75c. - ! Our Delivery System Wa deliver all orders .mounting to over one dollar f .without extra charge. Orders received until 4:30 ( p. m. will be delivered as promptly on the hour as is possible. Please phone 191 if 169 is busy and every effort will be made to give you the same serv ice as dunnf the week. .Why expose yourself or family during this quaran tine? We have put in additional telephone service along with extra help to. enable you to remain right at home, if such is your desire. We assure you the same quality and price as if you paid us a personal call.. - One Cent Sale A DUPLICATION OF LAST SATURDAY'S - ' SUCCESSFUL ONE-CENT SALE CARROTS 1;EETS ONIONS Bunch 5c Bunch 5c Bunch 5c Additional One Additional One Additional One Bunch lc Bunch lc Bunch lc TURNIPS RADISHES -Fancy . e n k SWEET SPUDS Bunch 5c Bench 5c Additional One Additional One b.. '" jr5c , . , , Additional One Bunch lc Bunch lc , round ..; lc BAS ORANGES BR00M5 2 lbs. 25c Re. Dot 40c jleg j)i 00 Additional One Additional One Additional One Pound "lc Dozen lc Boom lc Rhode Island Red Fryers, lb. ... ....35c Tomatoes, per crate .65c Public "PAY CASH Phones 169 and 191 (asleep In thla transaction by any ! meant for It haa demanded aa , much ground aa the ireal North- years. Since, graduating from the University of Oregon and the Colorado School of Mines. George has been employed by the Mid west Exploration company la subsldary of the Standard Oil company of Indiana) aa sub-sur face geologist, and la located at present In tha Panhandle country of Texaa, with headquarters at Amarillo. He will be home about two weeks. a A Ml- !.i i i s i . ' i 1 V I I t Market IT PAYS" Sixth Street at Walnut a I IK I i I $1 Children's Hose.. Famous Gordon brand hos iery for children. These can be bad In all sizes, in colors of either cordovan or black. Seamless Sheets, O 1 Size 81x90, each 4 1 Full aiu-d bed aheets, fre from filling, wide htim, pure white. Thla la a most ex ceptional value. Huck Towels, Eight for $1 A nice sized hand towel In ' white only. A general util ity t:wel f-r all around the bouae. Men's Rayon t " Dress Socks, 3 pr. ) 1 The newest styles in men'a Rayon dress socks, finely woren. durable, lock liko silk. A T5c value. Fibre Silk Hose, d -1 Two pair V X Farhioned to fit flhra silk hosiery in many new shades. Reinforced toes and hivh. Very fine ralue. Novelty Doll Laundry Bags.. $1 This Is Indned new. A run ning laundry bag that la a, French doll. Ixioks like the more expensive French dolls and Is of heavy material, well made. Hat Box Hand Bags $1 Made of durable leatherette, round in nhanc. neatly lin ed. Pretty Illustration on one side, rounded handle, metal clasp. Pliste Crepe, S Yds. for ... $1 In a fine assortment of love ly flowered denlgns. All new shades. Fine for making dainty undurtblngs. 6 Yds. Colored t "1 . Marquisette V X Another new Item for the i heme. It ran be had in sev eral shades, to your liking. Excellent quality. 7 Yards Union Linen Toweling.. $1 A lovely quality linen crash. Can be used for table rnn nera or straight and roller tcwela. Closely woren. laun era well. Feather Pillows, $1 Each A full-sized bed pillow with filling of first grade feath ers; a superior grade lick ing, sanitation guaranteed. Value Versus Price Women w.ho shop at the Women's Store think of merchandise in terms of Quality rather than cost. Their selections are never theless made with the secure knowledge that "The Women's Store's" values are seldom found elsewhere. Furthermore, those lopresentative women depend upon this store for honest values, knowing that nothing is misrepresented here. They are the soil of patrons who are attracted more by quality and value than price and never sacrifice quality to the bargain instinct. Full Bed Size . T - Comforter Bats.... 3 1 Fallaewlng season Is here and cool weather Is Just around the corner, (let your comforter bats now at a. very low prlco. , ' ! Rayon ' Bloomers $1 This Item Is exceptional as the material la the best and the fullness through out is unusual. Can be had In all desirable pajtil shades. Jap Table Cloth 1 and 6 Napkins.... 1 Imported from Japan. Size 4Jx44ln. cloth and ( nap kins to match. Can be -had In several patterns. C'ol.r, blue. Six Yards of Percale for $1 All new perralea in 3-lmh widths. New patterns and new colors that are abso lutely fast. L holer; mater ials. Six Turkish Towels for .' $1 Nice sired Turkish hand or massage -towels. Good weight, absorbent. Comes In white .only. Flno'vujue. Purses and Hand Bags . $1 These come In tarRo var iety of styles and !z-, Rome aro mado of real leather. All arc worth more than we ak. Two Stamped Pillow Slips ... $1 Royal Bocioty brand stamp ed pillow rases, neat, dainty designs. Cdme In white only; all ready for tha nee dle. Service, Chiffon Hose, pair ......... $1 Many popular shades are represented. A -fine quality, pure silk bese with rein forced lisle t:a and heels. ' S Yds. New Ginghams .... $1 New crisp ginghams. 22 In. wide. Fine variety cf pleas. ing patterns and shadea. Tbta price for Dollar Day only. All Linen Luncn Sets $1 3-in. all linen lunch cloth and 4 napkins to match. Colors are gold. blue. pink. Beta are made In Ctecho-Slovakia. New Arrivals FROCKS For Fall $1175 There is a hirge and complete a.Hsortmont of dresses at this un usual price in the late style and color ings. Some of the materials from which they are developed arc Crepe Satin, Flat Crepe, Wool and Wool Jersey. There are sizes and styles to suit every taste. Baby-Specials For Day Hand-Knit Cootces, two Denton's Sleeping Garments, size 0 to 1 Infant Wrappers nfantV V nfnt'aM" I anta Hose, 2 Flannelette Diapers, size Fine Baby Blankets : Soft Soled Shoes, all sizes Kleincrt'B Jiffy Pants, 2 for Vanta Vests. $1.50 to ?1.75 value Children's Knit Mittens, Pair v........ 45c Comforter Chal lies, 6 Yds $1 . Thi-re la such wide color and pattern range in thla material that yon are sure to find it lo your liking. Four Yards of t 1 English Prints .... 4 X Fine quality KngeSh prints In a very wide nioiortmcH of pretty designs and tl.e ' colcra ard absolutely fa t. Double Ve Wrap 1 Around Girdle.. J) X Developed from superior quality coutle. Cornea In flesh color only. Careful workmanship throughout. A.l sivs. A bargain. Silk Fringed J 1 Panel Curtains .... p X Rreea up the house ftr spring with these new silk fringe panel curtains. I.ovit ly designs, feme In light ecru shades. Leatherette Pillows $1 Triangle leatherette pillows, wtD UUalnt designs pro- te,erl n oil. Come in black and colors, All Remnants y2 Price $1 Ital rr!nn near limn hurk towels. Very flusely woven, I'uro wlilto wide belli. Very durutiln, eiwy lu luundor. Children's leather Mittens.. ! 1 Told woalher iqlltena fur , rhlldrea. warnily llnxi, dur able and will kiep llttla bunds snug and warm. cy Turkish Towel Very fine Tallies large alr and lull weight. Can be Jiad In all while or fan cy colored bordora. 4 Turkish Towels for $1 t out In a bindy iie-ln color.. Vrrr fine atacrhent oualltlea. Klntv for ramping. Klne weight and are very durable. .1 Pr. Colored l Ruffled Curtains . 4 1 llr-er. ruffled curtains, lull length cf !l vards Can he-had III ahadea nf roae. blue. tnal(t and lay-tmdi-r. pair for.. pair for.. $ 27x27, 6 for.. Pillow Cases, 4 for ...,..: $1 Bite 36x13 In. Made of good quality muslin with deep h' in. I'rac.traiiy Tree from , starch. A Bood . bargain. Fine Quality Hair Brushes $1 There are n nunber f difierent styles military I mshea a .d loni; hun.l.rd I r nhes. I'ure bristles nnd ebony backa. Flue values. C Tine Quality Huck Towels SI This ,1s a r"al exceptional value. Whito lluek Towel with colored borders. Kx cellent" face, towid.i. Very ilunthltf. Nainsook Nightgowns $1 Ileaittlfully trimmed with wlda and narrow laro. necks In several styles. Shade of peach.- pink, or chid, malt.!. fli-iU und oth ers. 5 Yds. 36-inch Cretonnes $1 Huperlor quality 30-Inch Cretonnes. Can he bad !n a wide rungfl of pattern, designs. 4 linen Muck Towels Women and Children's Fabric Cloves I Pair $1 Tht-ra la a Is mo and var ied aaaottniunl of lo fur wonttn and clilldrrn In s.'vr-al dllfTi'iit t Irs and aliudva lu all aliva. 44-in. Lihcn Table Cloths . $1 Tliasa Inlile elullia ara lm Iioriml from t'leclio-Sliivaala and are auaraiili'vd pure , linen. Colon d borders aro , last shades. - Children's Sateen , Crepe Bloomers 2 for $1 i These ,ara developed from ' rirelleul material and ran be bad In blaek or pink, lai'v vr rla.tllr knee. "Maisilon Maid" Bloomers $1 Made of ape-lnlly aeleeied material. Their fullness niakea for romfort and long wear. They wilt not slip. 36-in. Printed $1 Silk Radium, Yd Full 3-lnh I'rinied rilik Itadlum lu a large assort ment nf wanted shadea anJ design. A burtaln! 1 Yd. Silk Striped tf 1 Madras Drapery . 4 1 New patterns In high grade silk striped madras drapery. 3 Imhes In width, lieautl lur pallerna, lovely colors. Embroidered Table Runners , $1 These runners are easily worth one dollar and a half. I'retly, colorful, dainty de. signs. Made on fine qual ity material. Dresses for Crowing Girls SI Made of superior quality . Knglirh prima and ging hams. Many styles each distinctively trimmed. They come In sizes " to II years. 8 Yds. Red Check - Class Toweling.... V X Hero la exceptional value and shouldn't last long at the price. Purahle. fine weight and washes well. Saturday September 24th Store Opens at 8:30 A. M. Children's Pantry Dresses ... $1 Dainty HlHn runtrr drrss. a mailt' up fruiu Klnahains. Iirluta and iii'iiulm lu Hie iui( !!'. ktsu ranstt tuiro I la I rai. 6 Yards 36-in. Outing Flannel.. $1 jk lii.h sua ilurnlila vullna: Ilunnel. l ouins In a lrun rarlnty ul tutored si ripe, t'uld ember Is coming! Iluy oullu now! New Outing Cowns, each , $1 We have Jui-l re'elil a liirgn liliinenl of lheo gown ami their aiyd-a are new and beivmlng. This Is unusually good value. 4 Pairs of Children's Hose $1 Here Is an opportunity to stork up ou a bo. I kose for youngsters. Cm bet had lu severs! shadea, all sl-s. 54-in. White Da .mask Table Cloth $1 Snow white table cloth Hlz &iE4 lmhe; neatly Irlui rtiel. and Inumlers alnt-at like linen. Very duiable. Rubber Aprons, 2 for $1 Fln quality F.verresdy bland rubber aprons, fan he had in several different shades. A genuine utility 'round the bouse apron. 6 Yds. Bleached t 1 Canton Flannel ... 4 X Fine grade of bleaches can ton flannel. Can be used IT many purpose. Hoft nap, easy I) launder, dur ably. 66x80 Cotton Blankets $1 It Is hard lo get enough of this popular Item to sup ply the demand. They come in colors with runtrasiuig borders. 4 Yds. Fast Color Suiting $1 A rot ion fabrle In many heatilUul and desirable shades. One yard wide Colors are guaranteed ab solutely fast. Becoming House Frocks For Fall These dresses are all developed from new fid)i ies, sturdy and long-wearing in many new and clever designs. You will find fan cy weaves and the prettiest of new developments 1 n various prints of fine finality. The' colors will with stand sun and laundering. iTruth in Advertiiingoj