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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1927)
Friday, September 2-1, 1027. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. Pniro Fovon c -MARKET PLACE LL. ; ' ' FOR SALE, , KOH HALE Hewing uiacbluv, two ladles' coats, olhcr clnth-j , In. Ill Oak. Apt. 10. 17-24 j till SALE OiIkI rasor blade ' sharpener, loud condition. I'hnitp. Wlsard Novelty Hbop. TA.1 California Ave. 2U-2I FOR RENT FUlt HKNT 2-room apt. Htnaiu licul. 4 ( li and Main. , KOIl HKNT Sleeping room, heal ed, lit N. 3rd. 12-31 KOIl KENT Furnished I room house, balb. $36. H47-W. 21-St Full HKNT 6-rom partly fur ' blahrd Uoum. I'houa 647-M. $.4t KOK HKNT 4-rootu bouse. 230 Dnrrnw. 1'hooa Din. 11-23 ROOMS t20 I.lucoln. Phonn t.9j-W. 6S-02 KOIl HKNT KuruUhed apari mrDl. 81. Fraud Apia.. 28 ' Oak HI. 19 61. KOIt HKNT 3-room furnished hous" villi garage. Phone" 105-W. lotf KOIl HKNT -Housekeeping rab . In (or men. Ill Walnut. I'hone 630-W. ; I -31 "OKHKNT -One four-room mod I'm furbished housu. Inquire 3U6 , l.tnculn. Mrs. Davouporl. 17-24 KOIt HKNT trooin and lroom apl. al III Dak. luquere so Oak. . 22-41 KOIl HKNT Threo-rooin uioilcrn bouse. Garage, range, furnish ed. I'hone 1I7JJ. -31 KOIt HKNT Itoom. and board If desired. (U Washington. 22-11 KOIl HKNT S or Broom house and garage, partly furnlalicd. ' pavement. Inquire liv Rogers Hi. !-! Foil HKNT Completely furnish - ad apla. Slaam beattd. Hex Arma, 214 Broad 81. - Phone 111 A25-826 KOIl HKNT 3-roum fumlahed house, flarag aud woodshed. 120. Mills Add. Kberlln HI. fall 927 Jefferson or phone I 478-J. 22-11 FOR HKNT t-rouin house nn lake front In Burma Vlata Ad dition. Hath, full basement, garage, lawn, "tree, and oer of garden aoll. Paved trmt lo town. Rent $25.00 per month. Call 7f-V or write .l. O. Hox 811 City. latf big money at the Arcade tlotel Apartmenla, furolahed com pletely, electric range, linen, dishes and telephone. ,Or room with private balb at reel eat rata to permanent lueata. Arcade. M9-J9 For Sale ReI Estate KOIl HALM Nicely furnished bouao. $100.00 down. Inquire . owner. 638 Kldarado. 22-61 INVESTIGATE AT ONCE 13700 Very attractive 5-ronm ; home, completely and well fur Dished, located nn paving In ' Hot Hprlnga. Large lot, beau tiful lawn and abruba. Very cy term. Don't overlook i thl one. 11200 Coxy new . cottage, fur nlshnd extra nice, garage, bou- tlful flowora, trnrs, on sc.wns, com plot o bathroom. $200.00 down, balance llko rent. $850 A real attractive 2-room i hnuae, furnished, bullllna i In kitchen, plaaterod, corner lot.. $100 down, $20 per month. . LOOK See Oa for business prop erties, hotel and apartmenla. Trade and rontuls. Tlia WAI.TON-WniOHT CO., Inc. Phone 1144 015 Klnmath Ave. II 21-31 Freckles Aiiid His" uiei.L villi mux; x ( AMJRDEBfc I EB15 IT mrvjr a, WAbBG AT ALL f AAPpCOSD ' NEW TODAY wASTKI Hoy who wain lu nrn automobile work lo clean up on pari tlnir. Tcm- lilur Motor u. 23 It A II II ITS KOIt HAI.K Uulng al one. 26V choice pedigreed doe, fries $2.60 to $7.60. - Silver Chin Kur Faroi, one Uille south of Talent, Ore. 17-24 MISCELLANEOUS KOIt TltADK Touring car. $60U IjiuHdry alock to trade for good closed car. No junk. I'hunu SU M after 11 a. in. 22-21 LOANS Money .to loan on real estate or contracts bought. I'hnne IW9. HKLAK 4 TRACY Realtor. 21-: DKKIl lll'NTKHB ATTENTION Let inn pack you Into cmpa where I her are deer and no other hunter. Heal deer coun- try. N. II. Waiupler, Hocky 1'olul. Ore. HH-OK WINDOW CLKANINO Kloor wailng, bouxe cleaning . and Janitor aervlre. Inference. A. M. Itboad. I'hone 10JS-W. . ' l07-2-tf For Sale Automobile KOIt HALE Kurd trunk, new rubber, first class condition. Uesr shift, flat body. Phone 1017. 1121 1'leasani Ave. 21-01 KOIl SALE 1 1020 Dodge . tourlug. com pletely equipped. A dandy buy. t 192S Dodge commercial, with screen aide, all new tires, fine condition. 1 1922 Willys Ht. Clair coacb. This Is a I ts car. Lot of value for the money. 1 1924 Chevrolet roadster. A dandy buy. 11923 Hudson coach, all ready to go, completely equipped. 1 1923 Dodge touring, some, car. - Sure W have many more to eelect from. '' Liberal Terms. HOY CAI.I.H IHKD CARS He Walt Abbey sth and Pine Ht. Lot. Phone 314 - -21-2k WANTED WANTEl Kurulturo lor five room Jiouse. . Phone 20. 22-31 WANTED Kxperlcnced chamber maid. Metropolitan Hotel. 21-St WANTED Hmall air compressor. Wyard Novelty Shop, 701 Cali fornia Ave. 20-3t WANTED Hmull air compressor. Wlsard Novelty Shop, 703 Call ' fnrnla Ave. 21-31 WANTED Middle aged woman wanta housekeeping, or will work for few men. Write Her ald, Box 621., . 20-31 WANTED We pay highest cash price for need furniture and stoves. Be ure to see us be fore you sell. We give yon a liberal allowance for your used furniture in exchange for new. You will find our price very reaaonalilo . and credit service . liberal.. . . .... ' KLAUATH FURNITURE CO. tOU Mum SLy f; '"" j. ........ ,., 8i-oi v i FIRE INSURANCE ' W ; apoclallxe in . Irrigated fsrms and. stock raochc. IS years' experience In county. REED & REYNOLDS tOlM Main Ht, Phaao 1000 Friends ukitiiiAC : 0 V50 7WS 7S6&6tE!7W' IN fA KAKtaK tpoWM AtBS TM' AlB'CrCkW! IT ALL- ' I 1 i t i t 1 ( uii V 1 1 . NEW TODAY IIO.MK KOIl HKNT Hoard Ifde-'the approval of the Hecrelary of sired. 1120 Washington. 23-01 j'he Interior. The purchaao price, . with an additional sum of one- KOH HAI.K loo good ewes. Illll.flftb of oue per cent thereof. Kalvey, Merrill. Oregon. 23-CI being commission allowed, rnuil vim iinuif-TI '. !"T"T b" deposited at time of Bale. KOIl I.KAHK6-room furnished 1 money to be returned If aaie 1 bouse, garage: also 6 -room .h..-iu partly furnished bouse and is- rage. Call H7 Lincoln. 21-lt KOIl HKNT Three raoin house, furnished, newly papered. Oa rage, water. $1 month. 2401 Harrow Ave., Mills Addn. 23-21 KOIl HKNT 4 -room partly fur- nished house next to Hot Hprlngs bath houw. Call at . a ConnoUv lirna . mi' in 23-61 elided In any offer of a larger I unit. T. II H , R. 8 W., 8ec H. KOIt ItKNT 2-room apt. Light. I NB NEV4 green snd burned yel water and wood Included; 3 low fir and hemlock 2779 M. blinks from Mnln Ht. $20.00 appraised value .tSi8; NV4 monlh. Call 1U&7 or Inquire NK1 green and burned yellow at 111 Walnut Ht. 23-i'lfr and hemlock 36K0 M. ap- : Ipralsed value $4028 20; NK14- WAN1KI) Hocoiul-hand gasoline NWV4 green and burned yellow ii. pa. iiimu lunuiuiin. wun . for bargain. Hee lslle I'eyton at Drews Htore Katurday morn ing. , 23-11 KOIl HALE flood t'sed Range. $20 00 up I'avd Hteel Beds i.U9 up .iZTa ,r:. " .??. ""'Ho fir and hemlock 2800 M., Used Dining Tables 10 00. up Han our Bargain In Used Knrnllore before you buy. Our LilHiral Credit Plan will help you. KLAMATH FURNITURE CO. 1011 Main St. Phone 94 22tf PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE Ho. Clb Street Dealer - . line flraln att,t linolnAa store grain, potatoes, household goods, furniture. In fact "If It Is storsble, we store it." Crating and packing at reasonable rate. "Try us, we deliver the goods." 22-3t FOR SALE OR KENT C-room house In Hot Hprlugs Addn. Now csrries Soldier Bonus Ixisn of $2000. Price $2800. FOR BALE OH RENT l-room modern house, on California Ave. Ou new pavement, partly furnished with garage. Built last year. $700 down, balance on easy terms. FOR SALE -New modern 4 -room house with garage, located on corner lot In Allamont. Acres. Balb, breakfast nook and built 1 Ins. Nearly one-halt acre gar den land. Irrigation water from government canal. Phone, elec tricity and city water. Can be purchased on term. FOR SALE OR RENT 2-room new house In Altamont Acre. City convenience. On terms. JOHN SIEMENS. Jr. . 120 South Seventh Street 2.1-2t Legal Notice NOTH K (IK HALK OK OOVr.K.V MENT TIMBER. . i , (ienorol (Uintl Office , Washlngtou. D. C. Aug. 11.. 1927. Notice Is hereby given that sub ject lo the conditions and llmf tatlons of Ihe act of June 9, 1I (39 Slat.. 2181. and pur suant lo departmental regula tion of April 14. 1924 (60 L. P., 376). tho timbvr on tho fol lowing lands will bo told Oct. 2, 1927, at 10 o'clock A. M. at pub lic auction ot the U. 8. land of fice at Hour burg, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not lens thnn Will trade good used Touring Cart for Lota or Acreage. Biiick Garage It Happens WAS yf Vl..Jr .'t "i n i vnara,i..Tv, ; A t. - 0 the appralied value aa hown by Ihla notice, sale lo be subject to will Issue for the timber, which must b removed within 10 years. HfUs will be received from cltl ten of the United Klates, assu ciMliona of aucb cititena and cor poration organized under ' the lawa of the United Hiatus, or any late, territory or district there ' only, fpon application of a iua"ei purchaser me noiocr on ;,,r '' auhdlvlslon will be TCePavil sss tiai r as I il V luiffira lulna1 I n. lereo aeparaiely before being In nr and hemlock 3&20 M.. ap- praised value $404&: NWKNWtj green and burned yellow fir 293U M. 'appraised value $230; SWNW t-een and burned yellow fir and hemlock 305O M., appraised value $4429; and the HKNWVi green and burned u.h-ttirf v. n. IlilkS'.- .... of ihe timber on these aubdt vision to be sold for lea than the appraised value stated. T. 17 H., 11. 7 W.. Sec. 29, NEKNEtt, red fir 30 M. red cedar 71 M . HE NE red fir 6U0 -M. 8WViNW4 yellow fir I2 M., red cedar 0 M: NE14 8E red fir 8"0 M. red cedar SO M; NWH6E14 red fir (00 M; T. 18 S., R. 7 W., Sec. 1. Lot 3, red fir 1900 M. none of the timber on these section to be sold for less than $2 per M. T. 2 N., It. 2 W., Sec. 17. NE14BWi4 yellow fir 1000. M. red cedar 170 M. hemlock 40 M: SEfcSWtt yellow fir 920 M. red cedar 140 M: T. 29 S II. 11 W., Sec. 24. Lot 5. .port or ford cedar 39u M. yellow fir S00 M, red fir 2U0 M, white fir 40 M. red cedar 20 M; Lot 12, port orford cedar iOO M. yellow fir 1400 M, red cedar 20 M. T. 40 8.. R. 2 E.. Sec. 19. SEVt SW4 yellow pine 380 M. sugar pin 60 M. white fir 80 M; Lot 4, fVllow pine f00 M, augar pine 60 M. white .fir 30 M. red fir 100 ii, none of the timber on these section to be sold for less than. $1.00 per M for the red fir and red cedar, 12 per M for the yellow fir. $1 per M tor the whit fir and hemlock, $9 per M for the port orford cedar and $& per M for the yellow and augar pine. T. 8 8.. R. 8 W., See. II. NEKSWfc, yellow fir 1340 M hemlock 400 M, while fir (00 M, Noble fir 40 M; NWfcSWU yel low fir 4i'0,M, hemlock 120 M. whlto fir 600 M, Noble fir 160 M, none of the timber on thl section to le sold for less than $1.75 per M for the yellow fir, $1 per.M for the white fir and hemlock and $1.25 per M for the Noble fir. T. 3 N.. R. 2 W.. 8ef. I, XE SI NE Vi. yellow fir 4S0 M. none ot the timber on this section to be sold for lesa than $2.25 per M. (Signed) THOS. C. HaVKLU Acting Commissioner. - - S2-9-16-23-30 JiOTlCK. In the District Court of , the Unltod States for the Dlstrirt of Oregon. United States of America. Li belant, vs. One Jordan Sedan, Motor No. 6H8856. and Tools and Accessor ies; and P. T. West fa II. ' , Notice Is hereby given that the automobile hereinafter described, seised by the United Bute Mar shal for the District o( Oregon, under Section 3450, United States Revised statutes, because the said antpmobile was being used at Klamath Kalfs. In the County of Klamath, Klatif and District of Oregon, as a conveyance for and aa a means of conceuling distilled spirits transported therein, on which a tax la Imposed by law, with Intent to defraud the United States ot America of the taxes upon said distilled spirits, In vlo- lallon of law. has been condemned nnd forfeited by the United States District Court for the District ot Oregon, and is lo bo sold by the United States Marshal, at public auction at Imperial Garage, Klnm- Quite Often - - ?). Raz-V DP THIS 7ET" Ao w inn r-i- mo i . rt.cJ OSCAR f r-r . f i i sill Fall, Oregon, to the highest 4 weeks from the 'date of the bidder, on the 12lh day of Oc- first publication of Ihla summoua tober. 1027, al ten o'clock A. M .lln the Evening ilerald, a news- lo-wit: One Jordan fU-dsn, Motor No. tlHHUio, aud tools and accessories. CLAItKWK R. HOTCHKIH3. I'nllod Hlatea Marshal, district ol Oregon, i Blf-23-30 .NOTIl K OK IO.NHKM.tllO I'lUM KKDINtiH. - In the Circuit Court nf the Hlalu of Oregon for Klamath county. . In the matter of the petition of Ibe Board of Directors of th '-IJ, Klamatb County. Oregon, pray- I. ' w Iangen vaney irrigation xilstrlct Ing that all of the proceedings of said Board of Dlreclora and of said District taken In the mat- tor of the authorlwtion and cutlon of a certain amended water rlaht and construction contract I entered Into by th langvll Val ley Irrigation District and the United Htatea of America, may be examined, approved and con firmed by the court-r;.f4pr-laf Prim-edlng In , Kuhy No. XfM , To Ihe Langell Valley Irriga tion District and to all freehold ers, legal voters and assessment payers s-Ithln aald District. Koflr I hereby given that the above entitled Court ha fixed the hour of o'clock p. m. of Fri day, the 21slday of October, A. D. J97, and the court room of the. above entitled court In the City of Klamath Falls. Oregon, aa the time and place for the hearing on the petition of the Hoard of Directors ot the Langell Valley Irrigation District of Klam ath County. Oregon, praying that all the proceedings of said Board of Director and of aald District in the matter of the authoriza tion and execution of a certain amended water ' right and con struction contract with the Unl led Slates of America, which amended contract- amends the original contracts1 between aald District and the United State in the following respects, to-wit: (a). By extending the time of payment ol construction charge over- a 40 year period (b By reducing the - penalty on delin quent accounta (c By providing that estimated operation and maintenance charges shall be'diately upon . the purchase of payable in advance Id) By mak ing the public lands within the District subject to taxation under certain conditions, mfur be exam ined, approved and confirmed by tho Court, whicb Bald ' petition ho been tiled with the Clerk of Ihe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County. Any person Interested may at any time on or before Friday, the 21st day ot October, A. D. 1927. at the hour set by said Court, appear and contest the validity of such proceedings or any ot the arts or things therein enum erated. This notice ' is published pur suant to u order made by the Honorable A. L. Lcavltt. J&dge ot the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon tor Klamath County, made and entered upon the 8th day of September, A. 'D. 1927. Date of first publication Septem ber 9. 1927. C. R. Do LA P. Clerk ' of the Circuit Court of the. State of Oregon for Klamath CountV. JOHN W. TURNER, WALTER SMITH. . OSCAR CAMPBELL, Directors of Langell Vnl . , ley Irrigation District. ' , 69-16-23-30 SUMMONS. Ecuity No. a78 ' .'. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for tho County ot KlamaaJi. ' ' Stato-Land Board or the State of Oregon, plaintiff, vs. -' E. W. Roberts, sometimes known as Eligah W. Roberta and sometimes known- s Elijah W. Roberts V. Roberts, and Verna Roberts, his wife; Frank C. Bniuwfll, auperinlendent of bank. State of Oregon; Roy L. Orera, deputy superintendent of banks. Statu of Oregon: Sam YV. King and Dora f.'. King; Chas. Hanson and S. J. Hartson, de fendants. To: Ham W. Kin. Dora C. j King, . ("has. Hurtson and S. J. Hartson: You are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the, above entitled suit within - .xi.n BOTIWAS A& DlCrVJT AAMS ANOAJ&V 0 1 . 7ir.r. lr I I I (paper, whlch'salu flats I the 3rd Iday of October 19271 And you will lake notice that If you fail to appear and an- er or otherwice plead, within the said time, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief priyed for In Ita complaint, to wit: for Judgment agalpst the defendanla E. W. Roberts, eomo timea known as Kllgah W. Hob- en and, sometimes known Elijah W. Roberta and Verna nooeris. nis wne. lor uie sum oi 1 twenty-five hundred ( $2SU.oe 1 dollars, with interest on laid rate of sU per i . ... " " "'J cn P" annum; for the addl- , "al sum of five hundred &0.0 dollar aa attorneys exe-!''' ror further sum of forty-three ($43.00) dollar for ,ne ro " atwtract of title to the land involved in this' suit, and for the further sum of three thousand two hundred and ' ninety-fiv-dollars and two cental ($3295.02) with Interest on said sum of money from the 15th day of August. 1924. at the rate of, six per real per annum, and fori it costs and disbursements herein; , I 'And for a decree of this conrt, foreclosing the mortgage men tioned and described herein and foreclosing defendants, and each of them ot all tbelr right, title and interest end equity in and to the said premises, and ordering the real property described in plaintiffs mortgsge to be sold by (he sheriff of Klamath County, ! Oregon, in the manner aa by law. in cases of Ibi kind provided;1 and that the proceed of ucb sal be applied: First: To the payment of the coat and expense of id aale. : and the coat and expenses of this suit; Second: To the payment to this plaintiff of the amounts for which It asks Judgment herein; ..Third: That the balance, if any there be, be deposited with the clerk of this court for those entitled to it; That the court also decree that at such sile any party to this nit mar become a nurchaser of any pat or all of said real prop-1 erty, and also decree that imme-i said property, the sheriff shall place the purchaser into complete VMiMifAn nf I ha nrn I an purchased 7? rar fv.'i That the court also decree and declare that plaintiff's lien upon ' all of said real property, by vir- tue of ita said mortgage, is priory in time and superior in right to" any and all right, title, interest, estate, equty or lien of the said defendants, and each of them, or any person claiming or to claim under the said defendants, or . any of them, and to decree that all persona claiming, or to claim. I by, through or under the defend ants, and any or all ot (hem, and the- defendants themselves, be forever barred and foreclosed of nil thel right, title, interest.! estate, lien or equity and all equity of redemption in, to and upon the said real property and every part and parcel thereof: and that plaintiff may have such other - and further relief as to the Court may seem meet and equitable in the premises. j This Summons is published pursuant to an order of the Hon., A. L. Leavitt, Judge of the Cir-' cuit Court of the State ot Oregon for Klamath County, which order is dated September 1. A. D.. 1927. WILSON S. WILEY. Attorney tor Plaintiff. P. O. Address 206 Odd Fellows Bldg.. Klamath Falls, Oregon. S2-9-1S-23-30 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court ot Oregon, tor Klamath County. Iu tho matter of the estate of Henry Edwin Anderson also known aa Henry Anderson, de ceased. The undersigned has been ap pointed by snid court executrix of said estate; notice is hereby given to the creditors of de cedent to present their claims, duly verified as by law required, within six months after the first publication of this notice, to the undersigned, Cora Irene Beal, in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Dated. Klamath Falls. Oregon, this September 9. 1927. CORA 1HENB BEAL, Executrix. S9-16-23-30 By ; Blosser LUCk. M!. kS if. Al. f I Vn "N-eA jsf ' W 41 II1 I Klamath Falls I LODGE, Kit ATKKX tU NOTICE Itr ,, B. P. O. KLKB, II Meet Thursday evening. Visiting mejibera wel come. ELKS TEMPLE, 3rd. and Main OLIVER 8PIKER. Extlted Ruler P. D. Mc WILL AX, (Secretary , nmii H4.-r 1 fc!GHlkRH OP OOI).R.-r Meetg tini and lhr Wednesday ' each month lo I. O. O. F. Bldg. 1 Kannle M. Thompson, ig o,h . - , 41 ft. tn. . Clerk 810-30 Klamath Falls Business Directory ATTORNEYS C. C. BROWEIt Attorney-at-Law State and Federal Courts Abstracts Examined 208 "Will It Bldg. Phone 911 Real Estate Law a Specialty M. O. WILKINS Lawyer 208 Williams Building Klamath Falls, Oregon Phone I486 Day or Night AUTOMOBILE DEALERS Repair Work. Battery Service, Tire -Nash, Oakland, Pontlac. Packard R. R. R. GARAGE 831 Klamath ' Next to Poatofflee Phone 212 Goodyear Tires Fireproof Storage AUTOMODILB TIRES Brine in your worn tin get OOOtt mile mero at -. - . ' H usual cos '"j- ACE ..TIRE SHOP Guaranteed vulcanizing 115 Sog-lllh St- Phone 843-J re-treads AUTO REPAIR Smithy Repair Shop " Guaranteed Auto Repairing Cars called for and delivered South 6th St. Phone 603-W BATTERY SERVICE Battery Service. Magneto, Starter and Generator -.--- Repairing - , FIX) YD UEXRIOT CO. 234 Main St. Phone 397-W- . BEAUTY PARLORS Expert Operators, Individual booths, violet ray, marcel 1- .- Ing, hair tinting . BOSTON BEAUTY SHOP Giorenna Warren Winters Bldg. Phone, 111 Water, French Paper Cnrl Facial and Scalp Treatment BUILDING -MATERIALS SWAN LAKE MOULDING CO. Quality Building Material South 6th St. - Phone 759 WANTED Carpenter work by contract or Day. Cabinet work and fixtures built. 1401 Division SU Phone 14SS BA(tOAGK AND EXPRESS Harry's Baggage and Express Stand, 8th Main. Phone 924. Trunk hauling and light mov ing. Prompt delivering. H. V. Reamer, prop. Office Evans' Jewelry store. 832 Main. CHURCHES SACKED - HEART CHURCH Eighth and High 8ts., Rev. A. F. Loeser, Rev. C. B. Felge. Sunday masses at 6:30, 8:00 and 10:30. Evening devotions at 7:30. Week-day mas at 7 a. m. Merrill, 1st and 3rd 8undays at 10:30. All are cordially welcome at our ser vices. CIVIL ENGINEERS J. C. CLEGtlORX Civil Engineer and Surveyor 219 High Street C. C. KELLEY Consulting Civil Engineer Underwood- Bldg. Phone 1076 Lodge Directory - LOYAL ORDER OP MOOHIJ Meet every Thurs day, 7:30 L. O. O. M. Moos Hall. Klam ath Ava. GEO, OOLE, Dla. KLAMATH LODGE NO.! T A. P. and A. Sf. , Stated Communication 2nd and 4th Monday Visiting Brother . Wcom LOOMI9 BUILDING DENTISTS General Practice ot Dentistry DR. PHILIP COLE 618 Main Over Moe's StorePhone 6(9 Open Evening by Appointment DR. E. O. WISECARVEB Dentistry ' X-Ray Serrlc ' 4 Underwood Bldg. Phone 645 Dr. J. J. Eminent, Med ford, Or. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Phone (67 CHIROPRACTORS DR. GLEN. MOORE I ' Palmer Graduate Chronic and Nervosa uiseas) New Melhas Block, 125 Mala Phone 1278 Opposite Court Hons DR. C. NORVALL ' I Graduate ot Palmer and Pacific College Fourteen years experience 'We remoro the): caiuMt'ot disess Bonanza, Or. . AlS EMPLOYMENT- AGENCY . . KLAMATH EMPLOYMEXT OFFICE I ; Employment fur workers In every trade mill, railway and farms. ; . . , James Ryan, Prop. ". ' eth and. Main. Phoae 157 GUNSMITHS - Frame and Mirrors Sale ' Renew Mirror and F culture Gansmilh, Expert Key Maker Guar ant co workmen. - I 120 So. 11th St. Pbone 1441-J 8l-Ol LIVESTOCK I Fresh cows on hand at ' all times from one to carload KLAMATH DAIBT COW CO. Phones: Ranch 22F3;Rea. 416 E. Mochettai, Jr. : . . Texum Station MUSIC STUDIO 12 LESSONS 13 ' Learn to play popular music immediately. Many different styles ot bases, fill-ins. etc. This course will enable yon to become a profocslonal dance piano player. . , WATERMAN PIANO SCHOOL Located at Hale' Piano Sale Room ' 223 South 7lh St. - . OSTEOPATHS DR. F. R. GODDARD , I. O. O. F. TEMPLB Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence) Phone 321 rAI.NTS, WALL PAPER Wall Paper, Paints, Enamel, - Brushes , F. R. OLDS . Across from Postofflc . Phon 43 Everything a Paint Store . Keep Paint, Oil, Varnishes, D4 enlng Felt, Glaa, Roofing, ' Wail-Paper ": PATT1 RSON'S PAINT ZtOUU 626 So. Sth St. Pbne 182-J TIMBER CRUISERS Timber Cruising, Recoanai anre and Appraisal - j 1L H. Otil.H 4(MJ Main Ht. I'howe SOS-W Working from M. U Johnson offlo sro u r er orr " jr,.v.'.'