Tape Six THE EVENING .IERAU), KLAMATH FALLS. OREftON. 1 - i i i - I .in-- '" While in ( nwnt City HI op at VAN'S A I TO CAM I' Crsbs, Clams, Good Ocean, KishliiK. Special Weekly llatea . ,axxoixci:micnt We with la announce that we have nothing to lo with the so-called "Sluston Studio," 737 Main Street, owned and operated by Mar King. We arc using our own name "II. E. Stlnson" and located af 321 Main Street, opposite Court House. The same h Ik h -class work 1 st ill being done br ua that made the name "Stlnson" famous In Klirmnth Falls. Old customers and new customers will dud ua at our new loca tion. TAPES hanging PAIXTIXO TINTING SMITH BROS. 94.00 Per Room l'p ' lbone l9 MRS. WILLARD JOHNSON Accredited Teacher of P1no Harmony, Ear Training sad Musical History. Studio 81S Prospect rhone 733-R lt-30 Finest Mineral tlafe in the World hot sruixos N ATATOIU I'M now open from 7:00 A. JI. to midnight Tub Baths Swimming lank Hot and Cold Showers For PrlTate Panic Phone 1M.W Spring and Esplanade Martins: Jnly II Red Ball Stage Line Two Pally stages Between Klamath Falls and Lakeriew. Leaving; 8: SO morning Leering 8:00 P. M. Learea P.ECKARD'S Ante stage Office Phone 77 or 600 HURRY TAXI SRIU1CH Under ' New " Management Phons 14V Prompt Service J10-JY1S. HOWARD Transportation Co. STAGES Leaving Klamath Falls ?:JM A. M, 10:00 A. M., 1 P. M., 4:40 P. M-, making connec boiia to Portland and way potato same day. Connect Ions at Ashland with Pickwick Stages for California points. 7:20 A. M. and 1:00 P. M Stages make direct through connections to i-oriland and Seattle 10 X M. and 4:40 P. M. Stages make direct con nections to Ban Francisco and Log Angeles. Local Office 015 Mala 84. I'bme 009 First Methodist Church Tenth and High Sta. FRANK L. WEMETT, Minister Residence, 1003 High Be "We Specialize la Helpfulness" Sunday UerYlces: 11 a. m., 7:30 p. I Chiloquin Stages Leare Klamath Falls Daily for Chiloquin and Intermediate points as followai 1.00 a. m. 12:10 noon 8:30 p. m. 7:00 p. m. Take S a. m. bus to connect for camps beyond Chiloqnln. O. H. KIXU. Owner KLAMATII-WEED 8TACU to WEED and Intermediate points. ' Lt. K. F. 7:30; Ar. Weed 11 Lt. Weed 1:30; Ar. K. F. 6:00 Stages Leatlng Stage Terminal Depot SIS Maia 8U DRINK RADIUM WATER Has cured thousands. Why not youT Radium ore for'sale by N. A. DK1UUS, (Special Representatlre) Phone 960-W LEVINE STARTS; FpRCED DOWN ' (Continued from page J) The plane as taken (mm the i hanrar and preparation for the I fllaht begun at 7:25. Trior to i tuning uti the euaiue a baro graph was scald into the plaue and the tanks were loaded will) 40 gallons -of pel nil. Levine wore the lucky lilue? striped suit and Ktilrt iu which he crossed the Atlantic. He and the Imperial Airways pilot had appttrtully settled the difference Club Cafe the place of REAL SERVICE and EATS Road Oil -Cleaning Oar System la Something New and Better than the Old Hand System Can Waahcd Motors Cleaned Vacaam Cleaned Gas We call. for and deliver Phone 606 NEW SYSTEM AUTO LAUNDRY Esplanade near East Mala - ! z tw' Baking 5?S Hard on the Dry Goods Merchant Fine 'for the Baker Nothing has shrunk more in size in the last few years than the skirt, unless it is Lhe" kitchen. And why need a large, kitchen. A glance at our display of fine pastries, pies, cakes, cookies, etc., and you .have the problem solved. Special cakes for special occasions made to order. Wedding Cakes Birthday Cakes When ordering Bread from your "grocer Say "Better Bread" Sixth StreetBakery 124 SOUTH 6TH ST. For goodness sake eat Eetter Bread Mom 'n Pop . . , MORNING MRS TVre- IT'S ASOCirTtME ' YS HERE'S I rlE-SWfiiTiNca HC'S yoSTCflPD FROM I BEEM GOME OV6 HTEMITB-X. AVWKm ' . . mm; - which arose belween them last work, ns l hero was no friction at the Marl and l.evine made a lavt .minute arrangement for lusur j ance fur Mrs. lltiich.-lifto in case :if a crash. Hidtltnit goodbue tn his wife and dims lit or. Captain Hindi-'clltfi- said: "IKni t worry. The li'M ine.tiKO you get from nie will be rt.ue-lined India." I It wan estimated that the Col 'umbla would he utile to stay In , the air 5i hours. ; tAHct-! Home Sumln) j ii. and Mrs. E. Moist he ar-' ivvicttd home this v.' ck-eiul from an enjoyable visit lu Cali fornia. They slopped fur teverul tiays nt Kichnrdscn Fpring and thou motored on to San Francisco. Hem From Mciltord t'liarltst A. Dunlan Is a busi ness visitor in the cliy today froiu Medford. Mr. Uunl.iu I stopping at the hotel Arcade. Nosv Member Cart Sieiiiaclfer of the Sanitary Maiket Is the latest member of the chainlHT-of commerce. Polished Expert Greasing Free Crank Case Serrlce and Oil r.W v ' bi . srsir i 9 t Af the Liberty All San Francisco knew thai Captain KUks had returned While "Moro Pay Less Work." i Peter 1. Kyne's latest story about jl'appy and his company asso- Iciates was being filmed. Charles l"lluddy" Kogcrs, who plays the -part of Willie llluclifield. sou of I'tippy's old rival In I lie) ship-: ping husiucHu, drovo a roadster j 15 blocks up Market street, at - noon, from the Ferry to Light ! street at 60 miles an hour. ! j With ItoKci werj Mary Urine. I who l-.aa the role ef Hetty Kicks, j t'aitpy dautibtcr. suJ Charlc ''tleiiiie" Coklin. in the uarl of I Chester. liinchfleld'a janitor, j Misa llrian sat beside Itogera but IConktln rode the trunk rark and 'gave Xltrket str-t a Ml of rare comedy on a fust rtde. ily night-, I full all Sau Francisco was talking ! about the return of Cappy 1(1. kv land the fast ride of the acton in. "More Pay 1-ess Work." which I is now showing ut the Liberty! Theatre. , ' I Tire business has been improv ing, according to tho Cleveland I ' Federal Reserve bauk report. We 'thought so. after seeing tho road 'slde Labor Day. I !i Lumbago ' Men and women everywhese ' use and recommend Foley Puis 1 diuretic for relict Irom torment ol i Lumbsgo. They satisfy. Over 2 3 ywars .Foley Fills A diuretic stimulant for the kkiMyS Phone 451-W or 1133 for full partieiUars and In forniatioa regardlns TEACHER OF MUSIC Accredited by the Slate Doard of Education. Piano, Violin. Eaojo. Hawaiian Guitar and other Instruments. Z. PETERS -V'R Very Yvt lvtrape KLENZO MagneciaV " ' ' ' Dental H Powder. 25c Neutralizes Mouth Acids. Cleanses a n'd polishes the Teeth. I'leaian'liy flavored. An effective method of stopping tooth troubles. . You'll like It. STAR DRUG STORE Klamath , Falls, Oregon We Are in the Market for GRAIN and POTATOES Best prices paid Peoples Warehouse South 6th Street 1 All Aboard t V i lis s n l . . At the Pine Tree The dliuluulive l-Mdie Cuntor. bose power to muke pi'uplo laugh cuu hardly be measured by his Inches, Is Ihrenteiied to break alt laur'u records at ihc Pine Tree,Tlieaii'e where his new est eouiedy slurring vehlile "Spe cial Delivery." opeued last lili;ht. Kddie discards the tailor's needle mid Ihn trick golf trou sers that featured his luto riot of laughter. "Kid Hoots," for the leather auck. and blue grey uni form of the mail furrier who wears out shoe leather on thv city psveiuuuts and Incidentally gela himself Into all aortu of dif ficulties. His love Is Madge, a waitresa In the Hutch lunch, played by the wluaeme JuhMtu ltalston. who for the pat three years has been Harold Lloyd's leading lady and therefore Is well versed III laugh lore. The Sau Fluiiclaco null llo shot at the screen just as the vll liaii was alHtiit to seite tho beau tiful diiiuel must haw beeti fir- Ing at the same picture we saw the other night. . Asalstant Secretary Lnwinun Is seeking to weed out dishonest dry agents by placing spies on their tratl. And who's going to w;ali ji the spies. ' '. SAVE tho expense of an onfrrnv ed plate by giving -your order to KLAMATH ' PRINTING COMPANY for embossed stationery, c a r d 8, announcements, Christmas greetings, etc. ,522 Klamath Ave. Phone 1282 The Polly Shoppe 133 South Ninth St. Our New Coats, Hats and Dresses Have Arrived and the prices will surprise you. Come in and see them. Children's Wear Novelty Jewelry Gloves HAViWO A LOT OF ThCY T H DlDMT A V0RD AiBOOr PLAYINCr- JIi V GOLF X- JOSr VONftER A V0RD ABOOr PLAYINCr CiOUF I. JOSr VONftER ThO$r. WCN As.' tf?i ! ' W it I iw-.i'.s. A W, ea . ; fe! . mkjrii i. NEWS NOTES I Special to The Herald I FOIir KLAMATH. Ore., Sept ill.- Mr. uud Mi's. Jaiuiia Pelluu left on Thursday for Medfnrd lo visit with relatives and friends over Sunday. Ml "a l.eiinn Saigcul Is here vMllii with her patents for sev eral ouys. Mr.' and Mrs. C. K. H.iyl have iU" returned homo from a trli lo Kogua itlvrr alley, where tliey visited with frleiida and rrlitlvos. Misa Nellie Tbouiaa is In Port land visiting with her brother who has Just been uperated oil. Mr. and Mrs. Itoy Hickman and ilaiiKlilcr. Mildred, of Klamath Falls were hern I Sunday visiting Willi friends. MI-iii l.ols Weedon of Klamath Falls was here Thursday and in tended the fum-rat of the laic ! Jtiatilta llaiel Taylor, her roiiain Mr. and Mis. C. V. laios)e were visitors In Klunuith Falls jTuxaday, A hundred and oue head of ! boef rattle weru shipped from .the Miller ranch. Fort Klamath, San Franrlsco Tuesday for I beef. The gross weight per heud rwss l::l pounds. Chuck Zuinburtin and llllll" I'nk have Just retuiVd from a trip out tu Sumu'cr lake and Lakevlrw Willie nl Summer Q Voronlca to Fkyslslaes la HWhaWeesirii.nt. Aslst Ceadlttasas Kldaee, Live ami Blsdae Treahlas I d 1 1 SUr Drug Co. Needle and Embroidery Work - Ladies' -Sweaters PELICAN CAFE Inc. "for everybody" SPECIAL . Merchants' Lunch -11 A. M. to 2 P. M, 50c William Bldg. 722 Main FOU ARff MC.WTIOM FASTHCff , HFMRY (A'Br &D;l ii m II lake thev picked five liiindied QEMPSEY IS A I pounds of wild plums. ,nri rC17D Francis Feiiiian. buyer lor C i LlULL, LUOLK Swuntson el Son, Sai rameulo. j ' . Ciilllotiila, was hero Stinilay till (fuiitlniinil from page II business ' Klyiui liislsla Hill l.i ee slop Munis lUitieil uf Fugle Point ,uteira timid the period til Tun as hero Sunday looking alter iiey's' knockdown as la aci-oiids, his cuttle King uhserveis pointed out Unit Hi-. A. A. lie ul. of Klamath Dempsey himself Inspire.! Ilio ring Fulls waa a visilor licio Sumlav : n giilntlon which, hail he rentein- C, ,M. Noiib mid crew have Jul ImiciI II In time, might have re. returned from Klamath Mursli i,yed It I in to the world's heavy where they lilled several hull- weight chiiiiiil iislilp died tons ol liny for Asa Fotdyce. j ' h rule i .iuli lug u Inner -Mr. ami Mia. Jack Mm tin and i , mg n kiim kdwn,' lo rellt-e son. Joe, and Mloi Wlnnln .Mm- , farthest corner of Ihn ring, tin. have led ou a luoiitlis' trip j,vtl4 miide t ring regulation Mr- und Mis. Juiiies I'nltoii ntid!,Ui Bfi,.r bis luatch with I. tils Mr. and Mi s. I.. C. Slsetnore j .-(r i,,.e was eomiilaliil be. nuit.n eil to KUioatll Falls Tues- , f ta.t) i.-- lilt the Asgentlnn da- nlt.r Fhpo wia slriiggllng lo his Al tl. Lewis of I he Craler Lake (),, kuockdown. pool hull -left Monday for San ( r,,.r l0 aiUliiate all fu( Francisco, Celitornla. on I'tisl-j,,,,, possibility of nuesllcn on uu"- the point, In a similar situation, Hugh 11 llaukui moloted lo ,,....... lp,,.ed Hie very rule ASiiiuiiu .iiouoay on ousiness. Mrs. Vlolu I'ugo and Mrs., Win A. I'ir.c nil turcd lu Klnuialh K.ills Tue.ilav to shop. .nr ami .hi-. I iks. -e,,- vlrltorn In Kluiin'h Falls Satur day Leland Hesslg. nephew of J. V. Ie-. Monday f- 1. home at Klnmatb Hot Springs. I'ete Ourd was here Sunday from hln home In Medford. Mr. and Mrs. II. I.. Tracy uf j ,. 1 C . . t day and vl.lted wit e Orths I - Xb m"'l ' .. v nt d Pases 'of ,,lr"" ,'c"nu ",l,n Ulk Mr.. Italpl. Cooper nnd he, :"'" -f'T .fir flooring frlr.,.1. Mrs. Ki.nl.. from the ea.i iTunnry really cost him the cham were lu Kbimnlh Fulls Tuesday ; I'lonshlp. friends. Silentlsts are dehullng whether or not animals can laugh. There's ion. for the horse to glggbr over. Lorenz Go. Wboleialo Mill, Logging and Industrial Supplies. "The Complete Line" 123 No. 6th Phone 371 Just Phone 408 for now Is tbn time lo have all )our r lollies look like new fur I all. Klamath. Cleaning & Dye . Works .431 MAIN ' THE WAY TO A MAN '5 HEART , Wise is the bride who nturLH the lifo of mittrimony right , with a lonf of our broad ion the table for once hub-! .by.gcu i , to cati. it ni u-tfil oho trntd tn unoinrr it ...... .'Ull.t, lb all breu'l tro'ublvH ure ; gone for :itirl they live h.-.jviy tvur aflcrwards. CPF.CIALS: By Tavlor I WOOLOM'T TffOGT -OJYAWM tham i. could sec him -1 V i II r CAKES 'JUT DREAD ! I i 5UWECTHD filU-fSUMCi VIST THIS GOLF OUTING WrtNOTHINl3 80T AN KCOie li OET ftWHV hVOM HCMfT l.f Tlll'IKS Mf.'S nor ArVYTHlNCi iX MC HI HAS ( QGr- - - ,tlS : CCMINlON - i:Ne.i' TlOMH,' . s. villi b had anvil an Important hearing on lust night's battle. In stead if going ! lha farthest timer HeUlltNCV StOOll UV,r .ttlS (uUvn Tuiiney. Hun s.dd.nlv heeded a vuinlng to g lull bis oau corner. II.' sloiiil meie wan- I Tu,',y m rise when llef- ' orur.Ml nlm , 'I lie lurihesi corner before start- - lug lha county. Ceurg I. Ml. in. one of the ,! Judges made the surprising stale. . ' l sro lens, rilinur Him io nw, ! coupled with a muddled brain. .really kept DiMiipscy from the '" Two mouibs ngo ho knock, " ""I ' lfvy uy taking I mlvantage of the iluAuu I. tliuaii, j isn. t arelssiiess In dropping Ins hands while making a protnst of foul to the refnree. Deuipscy won that fight by hair trigger thinking. Ha IjsI last nlghl by be. coming muddled in an emergency. The clttlra were unanimous to. day that Dempsey. while an Im plored fighter over his match with Shat.ey and also oyer his first contest wllu Tunney. no longer Is the atnailiig flgh'tng machine he was when lie fought Flrpo. The old fighting' heart Is at III there. Ha still packs dyna mite In either fist, but they say hi lacks co-ordluallon and speed ' lu the legs. Il appeared to be ! toj alow to catch the retreating Tunney. after the champion had danced away from the peril ol a knockout blow. Iiempsey appeared lo be be fuddled, nut knowing riartly , what to do. If he bad faced a similar situation al the height of his career, the critics say ho nerer would hare allowed Tun ' ney to escape. Ones during that ferocious th round, Hempsey J face I 'l led Into the snarl of wild beast nfter ho had begged Tunney lo ftgbt Instead of run. 'and he flew at him like, the 'the Ih.mpsey of old. Hut It was only a ten second spurt. The former world's heary welelil champion 'displayed no marks of tKo battle Uday with he enrepllon of the two wounds orer his left eye. The biggest wound, a diamond shaped gasb. ai Jusl at tho edg uf the eye brow, while Lie sernnd was a gash an Inch long at the end of the eyebrow. Hotb wero old scare caused In previous batllrs. Dempsey hail thoin treated lm- ! mediately after ihn fight to loa- sen the possibility of Infix lion. After leuvlug Ihn ring Dempsiy hurried Immediately to the Kdge. water lleurh hotel with Manager Flynn and the litter's wife to Join Mrs. Hempsey. lie did not nee in downhearted aa the car sped along the North Short boulos) vard. . , ' Lo w est . S t.a g e I . " Fares FROM KLAMATH FALLH To Ashland l.00 To Misituni a.no To Nm l-'raorisco , 1 1. AO To i'enilleton ...:..r New Stage Depot , 8th and Klamath PHONE 326 .rLVJWrv i J GLASSES Tyct EminrJ, Finn) and tli.' Cassn tiroun.1 in our own fsciorf la mil your inin iiinM ttiiniimmli. Broken Lenses Replaced Oft. COBLE'S , ?oe main sreriT Rlfjhl Q:ikk Sinill Standard Dyers and Cleaners Odorless Cleaning' One-Day Service Expert Dyeiag 1409 Esplanade St rhone 825 tin ' 'SI Jit-All