l-Vl.lu.v, Sfptynilwr. 23, 1027. THE KVKNINO HKI!AM). KI.AMATH FAU.S. OKF.ON. Tncro Thro1 NEWS IN BRIEF I AIIh it Monrliiml tiiu'liiatiil Allien Mool land, formolly nf klamiiih 1'iilla, liaa rout plot ed hla wink al Hliiiifuril 1'nlvirally. nr iiiulliilt in word ri'i-flvi'it hero by f r I 11 . 1 . I In la Hit min of Mr. mill Mi h'rn uK Moorland, tur hut resident of i lil illy who how iiiiLii their home lit aW.nia f'riii, California. Mooilaud alii'iiil'il hlKh m limit luri mill waa liroel tti'itl uf tliu Niuili'iit hotly ilii'int; ; III. senior ynir In IMS J. Ilnforn , uiilorliia: rulli'Kv ha was emuloyi'il ; for it your In mi Oiikliimt hunk I bill Rrmln iied with his claea l ruinilitliiK ilm regular four-yeur ji-ulli K course In three yeara. lie hllM Ml l-i'lll'll H lllinlllllll III llli' San Jimii hunk uf the AiimtIiuii ! Trust I'limiiuiiy nf California. Ml. lllM- lloill,' j Mrs. (i. A. Musney liaa roturn ,1m! Ilium' friiiii Ku"i'tin unil Salem, 'vhere she HH 111 llli pail week I'll l-eim Nlllliliu Mlaa main Mi ( nil will fiauum her aluilliiii ul lliu NiiiiiiiiI IiiiiiI III A xli 1 1 tul fiiliiwlua, un enjoy iihln mi in itur v .inn Inn In KU.in Hill Kiilla mill ainilhitrii Cullrnr Hlu. .Mlaa .MrCnll la lliu iIiiiikIi lir nl Mr. uml Mil Jnlin A, Mr ( nil uml la oiilorliiK on lur -mill year ul nilloKu. I IHIIIlll iilHH Nlll lll - A J I on ml I y of f'linnnlly Druthers left un Thursday eve ning lur Hcllcy I.akr, .Montana, where lin will spend several niiinilia on n ili'ui trip Mr. Connolly will vlalt Willi relatives nml friends, t Millings, Montana, Ilia fntuii'r home. Meeting IMoher I Illh Members lif Hie All Needle Work club will meet ul lli home nf ,lra. Ilufua Moore un Oriuln-r Klf I It. Mi. KlUiboih M. Cunly V III pri-tiUo 11. Joint ltslca wiiljj,ri ,Mg.r a ( omminlod her alra. .Moure, .daughter, Mia Allaa. north lo . , Kilgene wlu-re she has entered When light lulr l rrwlii j , imvenilty of Oregon. I.ui.t darker huvo a "'' W"t ! Massev visited In Hil-m lllllliinl i:M-r1 II. n , II. I'. IIowiih. iiiiilniially known lillllunl H.i.l. iirrlvml In I lie It y yraliinlay from llolrolt, Mlili Ikiiii. mill wlilln tnr will nlvn a tiiiinlii'r uf ilillillliiiia. Mr. Iliiwna la Honing ul lliu holl'l An ml. t ltd lliinl'll Nii-lHKa J J XiIIit, lllrlil fr.lchl uml iMMN.ii:iT UKi'iil uf tin Koulli' I'm rmifli' 1. hi iiiHiik ai'vmitl Uuva III Uli Iwii-iImiii IMirliiKa llii I mc lii no-over Iruiii it fi ntiui'k of IMiii-ioi. Mr MllliT f la In lin hwuv frniii Kliininili Kalla fur ul loii l ion il iya. CI.-iIk.-.! IIiIh Hi. Iu I'l . frnfik null, nieiiii.fr ot inn rluiui of .ii nt lliu Kiamntii coun ty IllKll a. Ilia. I. liaa llfrn .li'ilKill lloiu Tlo-la I'l ur.oiilliia In woril ricilvil livrif liy rt'lailvi'a from I hi- north. Fall When I the Time of Motoring It Year Beit Kli'tlrlrul alornia uml i-louil I'urnift ur hut, lliu ronila urn flni. l'io .Im like In apmiil wi..'li 'ml In Ihv lillla llil. limn uf y.ar. Mmiy wliu liiitn no rura arw wuiili Ittx lliu "Auloa Kor Hulf'' oliiniiia of Tlif llirulil for Kuod liuya. I'lMipln wulrli lliHViuit Ail rolu;unH 1 1 TU ll.'i ja lil fur Uit'lr wuuU S.' rttlMi tllfy find Ihi' Krruli'it aHi'illoii Ihi-rr Whuinvi-r yon liuv to rill. Iliralil Wan I A.I. will null it for you. ai.il II'tuIiI U'ant AtJi i"i lea. Hit-rlul ( day ral'ri f'.Jerr-iJfJKPV?lr6, DEPENDABLE MERCHANDISE7riii.,c A' GREAT Vuli'il Cur ArllM II. K. ('. Ilowna uf Jx-trolt, Ml hi lt. i li, wi-ll known run arll-i lliioimliout li I nltrd Htutra and la'iM-li l-ruiii I'liiilmiil . A I 1. .1 lu ,l..l.w ai.a n .. I. v , ( (,! wl , rajinail pro. fund ri'llllliliallolirr. with ln-ud- ... . . luirti'ra In ronliind. arrlvid In Un- illy I l.l nrornliiK .n. Kruui iH-rfornium thla ovvnlni; lu poi kH J.illlar.l. ut Mi Ixmnld . lllllli.r.l .. i... .. .. . ai-viTiil diiyt lu-rr on uffl.lul liu.il- , ,' , , ' . ,, , , I la un uu Inti'mailiiiiul luur uf I li.'" ii, ii, ,.....,.Pi.. ....... ,, '. alialiipun. I'rulnu'aa dii.uiiuni In uuti ahuiiipinilni!! Af ilriix or lul i I rgmla lounu ra ur ul your ulrdri.uMr.-- Adv. I loin lira) Mill II. I). Ili.llii.rn.r. iiKiunii'T of In. Ilruymlll l.mtilitr in ny wna nun. UK tin' luiiiliiri" vl!lin lu r.' 'I'll u rn.l :i y . KlitniHlli i'uvrr Hlioi Knr flowi-ra. Kluml ll'nlitiia, qunUUy.wllH at.rvlru. 831 Mailt airnci. I'lionu .13.- AJv. I I B. Willi Maf.y mot In. AT PINE TREE Lad Showing Today of the oulHtnmlitiK com ply "fiiKatitm "Special' Ielivery" Mturrintr tlio Koniudy Kid EDDIE CANTOR. You'll acul un yiitir wiirrlfK mid drop your trouble pat-k-UKia w h r r v limy btdunx whi-n ynti rr poor Kdilli, I lin poatlitan. COMING SUNDAY BabeKulh in M15abe Comes Home" Aflrr Tuura of Cllulia of (lie Kuat Dr. I.. I). 1 (iaaa, lyr, car, niiai mid IhriMil aiwUUM 1 1 uuulu In Ma orflin In th i. o. o. r. Hid. lilt I UK Kroni l-'jihl i Mm. Kiini.. mnoitK i hi' ' u'U. i ii ulaltura cliJiDlltiC Kltltnittli on ti tty iIuiIik tho 1'iirly full, la I lu ll on ... mii'.i uf Dr. uud Mra. ltnlih Cuopcr uf Kurt KUnmtli. ' I'miih WuMliliiKtun j Cluudii I'uiiv In a vlnltur In the cny lor h un.'p n.ii .it,, Wmihlnrluti I I'ur In.uranrc Snn Jnn. II, lllitk' Adv. Drlri-oll. Willlami I ll. r lo l.lloiilu l( I). Klli-r li-ft t til moruliiK for (,'lilloiiuln In tin. Intun-ata oil hla ininpunv, Un- Jnlin- II. Irl- rnll InMirani'o firm uf the W II Itiiin hulldlliK Attoi-ui) (iimv Hon Aitorni-y Art inir H.-ury. promi nently kiiov.n ilirourhniit the it 'to, In lii'i'i- lor n lirh-f vtolt willi lila hroiliira Ho xHTt lo nluin lulh I'ur la nil un Kuu day. '.I ,.' i l!Mati Tre'irlirtioiilirtie- I'url)- I'uro DiuKa. Ad. A Itu.ti-r llrow-n Ktoro Dr. liiKala, foot apcriailai for lliu ltnalrr llrowu Shoe Hiore.' ! i-1m l.'d hi re on Monday to tprnd ai-ri-rul daya at the loral itore. :i.i)iiu inll.-a, Uf la rated a. a ftiiu y ahol uli.nic with the foriii-r world rhmnplona, Thotna llura- ioii unit i uwuoy B eaton. Alter appearing here Mr. Ilowna will apiwar In A a h I a n d, ' Medlord, (ft'aiila I'aaa enroutc to aouttieru (oaal ell lea. Name l.fi Out Mi-mliera of the proKrmu rotn niltlee of the Uraturia Ko.lety n-Kret the name of Mlatt Jllld.ed l.uraa wax left from I he program annoimred In the Krenlng Herald inm niKht. Mlaa l.uian, n aHter of Dr. V K. I.uraa of thla arrived a ahurt time ano'and be a atudenl ol (ha Klamath roitiity hlich athoul Hi la year Mlaa l.ura. wan one, of the flrai lo enter the route.!. fler name will he added to the program thla evening. . The Special of Specials HOSIERY at Give-Away-Prices. Lots of. Colors j Lots of ; Sizes For Tomorrow Only, High Grade Hose 3 pair for $1.00 THE At LIBERTY A Peler B. Kyne itory "More Pay Less Work" (Try and KA't it) ' It's ,n hilurioim Cuppy Kicks comedy. Any Scat, Any Time, 20c tin Varnllon Tom Maaaey of the poulofflre ; d'lartmen la enjuylnx Ills an-'; inual ariUin. Mnaaey left today on a deer hunt to be none fori laerernt daya. Illlla f.y I'luMel and floral dralini. Phone 11 IS Adr. SM-i,l For Haturday only. Kegularl II. US and 12. 5u purr iillk and aeml ,,tvIi w elxht and rhlffon I ; hone. Kange of afgra and rolora ! i at a one "i-lnaeout" prlre. uf . ! I1.3H. Mode Shop. H2i Main. ' Adr. 23 1 Don't miss this. ' Dozens of colors. They wpn't last tpng Stock Now Regular Price is 49c Pair Here's why!! . Just to, acquaint you with a real hose value, we are cutting the price of this high grade hose ' for, tomorrow only. It's, a sensational sale the regular, price, is 49c per pair. Now is your opportunity to stock for future needs. Silk to 4-inch hem, reinforced heel and toe, fashioned appearance and may be had in all the new, and popular ehadesJ Remember this is for tomorrow only" be here early. K- See windows. KnMii Merrill Houie lalle Smith ad I.. K. Cei-rt-ann ut the Merill route were In lust evening for the fight returns. Iteturoiil I-Volll YMrnllutv Jusfe Hruwn of ttie poi.t offlre hua ri'turui'd to hla duties fol lowing a two week's vaiallnn. Nl'W I'lmtnlra Shop v Itoom 7, New Melhaac Hide, .123 Main. Fall routs and (lrrtmes. Very rhenp. 14-I0 VWItinic In Miilfi.nl . .Mr. and Mra. James I'elton of Furl Klnmalh ure eiijoylng a few days vl.lt In Medford with rela tive and friends. i'ATTKKSON'8 I'AINT AM) WAl.t. PAPKK 8TOHK New lot at ton US N. 4th St. i'hone 1636 22-01 I1m Hliiiinona Lravrs Maude Simmons plans to leave on Saturday morning for Ash land where ahe will enter -Normal for the romlng year. .Mlaa ' Simmons was a graduate of th. Klaninlh county high school with the June rises. To Mo. ,ll.n' Mr. and Mrs. I.ee lloublelo of ' Medford are ripened to mow to K lam u t b Knlla frnin the valley over tho week-end lo make thla their future home. Mr. lleubleln , will be Interested In the lumber ) business near Keno. Mr. Ileub ' loin and Alvln MrCormark visited ! here briefly yesterday from Ihe I valley. ftp " l-niiiiriiiiii'titilihtolihiflJn.vwi'iiiiiioniij, iimiMil KLAMATHiL FALLS. I Cell! mill N'imvIi J. W. Weiner returned north to Portland today following a brief bhainess visit, here with -j james waisn, manager oi ine uregon ooien piore on .Mam and KiKhth. Mr. Weiner is own er of the local store. f E5: E5 NEW $4.85 ; to $27.56 FALL . r PURSES linderviooffs mm& I PURlTYl KLAMATH FALLS OREGON WHCRE PARTICULAR PEOPLtt BUY t,r! DRUGS Special Sale For One Week Only . Commencing Saturday, September 24. CLOSING, OUT. INFANT LINE ' also CHILDREN'S COATS ages 7 to, 1 2 years inc. Reasonably priced. ALL COATS, AGES 2 to. 4 YRS. INC. '. $5.00 Don't Miss This j Katz Baby Shop 125 N. 8th St. Klamath Falls Oil Burners We handle a complete line the. best oil burners ; t i H on us for particulars and prices. Lange stock of oils made, from the smallest to the largest, for both fuel oil and furnace-oil. Satisfaction guaranteed.. Call on hand at all times. Let us look over your heifting plant and quote -you a price. . PEYTON & CO. "WOOD TO BURN" A ! (SantfordCo) t i& 426 Main St. orrf'f Compare our prices with the prices you have been paying Make comparison on each item you purchase Don't forget we furnish you excellent delivery service Free. 2Y2 lb. can Royal Baking Powder ... . . $ 25 10 lb. can Calumet Baking Powder .... . $1.45 49 lb. sack Drifted Snp)v FJpur . . $.98 Tall Cans Carnation Milk, each .10 Tall Cans. Bordens Milk', each ........... ' Q M. J. B. Coffee, lb. 48 Hills Bros. Red Can Coffee, lb. .......... 48 Maxwell Hoqse Coffee, lb. 48 1 ' Hills Bros, Blue Can Brand Coffee, lb. .... . 40 6 Large Bars, Crystal White Soap 25 Extra Fancy Italian Prunes, large crate. . . 65 I I 6 i o, I I I I f MM U 601 Main Phone 535