T THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. Friday, Soptt-mhiT 2:1, 1027. Page Two IN THE REALM OF as lvmptiey stepped away to put Last Night's Fight Round by Round Hon ml Ono I Dcinnsey led with, left oml j Bussed. One caunht him with I left lo Uin fur and clinched. I He missed a bard rUht to lien a car. Gene slammad a rlrht home to Jack's ear. Gene caught Jack's ariua aud J htm up. Jack la nrtcd a ritlit on 1h break and Tuuney a lrft at Ionic range. Psnpsey put Mi head on Gene's chot ariH pounded ' "tha rliampton't ribs iili 4 rlplit. '. ieue liooki'd a rlaht and a left to the jaw. Clone seut Jul'i head back with a IU;hi k(t at the bell. Tuuney's touud. . , lUmm! T!irve Jack nme out atKreKstvely a left aud they Jack put twit short lefts lo the clinched, ilene held Jacks body. Another clinch. Oemp- i hands aud the crowd yelled ills scy missed ARuIn and lieue. coun- approval. Jack, walked arouud tered wlih left. Jack put li ft to ' lookiiiK for an opening for his bead. Geno stepped away. Jack J left. Tunney jabbed a hard left walked around and lieno led with i lo ho jaw. Jack punished him left o face. Dempsey bored In j with hort blows at close quar and Tunney lied up. Jack put tern. Tunney crossed risht to 'left to the heart. Geue rocked the face. Jk pounded the back him with a riuht to the Jaw. of Tunney's head in a clinch. Dempsey weared around. Tnn- j lVmpsey hit Gene three low ney led with a left and missed. I blows but Gene did uot com Tbeys clinched Tunuey put aplain. Denipsey' struck Gene low liKht right to the tare. twice and one of the judges Jack was caul loin and put llKht 'called K foul but the fisht left to the body. Gene put a left went on. Gene raine back with to Jm It's body. Tunney put left left aud right to the head. Demp and riKhfto the head. ' (Sey put . left and right to the Jack booked a left to. tbo body. They were fair. Dempsey head at close quarters. Jack put a hard .left to the heart, stepped around and Tunney (Jack stepped away as Gene played missed a right to the head. Tun-j for the bead. The clinched and ney put a left nnd a riRht to the I Tunney crossed a right to the . ney crossed a left and a rlisht to the face. Hcmpsey put a bard left to lh body. Gene put hard right to (he face. Jack pu' two rights low lo the body. Tun ney put two lefts to the fare. Dempsey was warned for bnt tlng. Tunney missed a right. Tunney put In a left lo the body. Jack pouched Gene on the knee then he stepped away and traded .lefts to the bqdy. Gene put i Ihjce light lefts and a right to the face as they clinched. Gene crossed a right lo the head and 'shook Jack wlih another right. .Two hard rights shocdi Hetupsey. . Tunney put three more rights lo the Jw and Jack was wabbly. ! Geue put a hard left to the head. 'Gene drove Jack Jo Iho comer Iietupsey was grogny. Geno j stepped in wilh a left and a righ' and had Jack hanging on at the j bell. Tunnci 'a round. . Itnuml Five I Deiupsey stepped away now l and Tunney put a left to the fare, jack landed a riRht to the body ' Gene missed a right to the head. Juik put a low left to the body, but Tunney did uot complain. Gene looped ovcrbaud right to I the head with Jack on the ropes. Jaik bucked away uud Cen : fought him iiuo a i.irner. Gene ' lauded a left hook to the mouih. Jack put a '.eft to Iho body and ' bung on when tlene went In Gene Jabbed liini wilh three lefts to tliu face then cruised a right to the head. IVmpsey got home u left jiiok in the Jnw. lie was slow to fellow It up. Tunney crossed a right tu I lie ear and another one lo the face, A right , cross followed by a left to tho htnd made Jack fall Into a clinch. ' ifene shot another rlkht to ill ; heud nnd Jack elicited. Gene ' uiUsed a riRht to the head, ilun Jnw. ' '- Tuuney's round. ItiiUMll Klv They sparrrd cautiously at'ltiu slart. Geue crossed a right to ' the head and Jack ripped home 'three hard body punches Geno brought one home flush to the ' mUtsed a right cross but followed ith a short left lo t.ie Head ' IVmnncy bore In and Geue tied hi mi up. A right a left lo the head made Jack clinch, lie was gambling ererythlng new on get- ' ting in close and Gene was tying him up and punishing him at I long range. Gene got In two i lefts to the face. Jack hooped , a left lo the Jaw. Gene brought up a one-two punch to the face. Ivrninsey put a right to the body hich made Gene dance away. Iiempsey booked a right and lert to the Jnw which shook Gene. j Gene put him uu the ropes with (u icii iu uie iace. jaca nooKeii ! a rlghl to face, lie sua strong land daugeruus. Geue crossed 'light right to face. Tunney hooked n left to stomach, liempsey's round. Iloiiml Seven Tunney missed with a Ml ui'.il right to face. missed uguln with a rlghl when Jack bobbed around. IH-mpsey floored , Tunney Willi right and left to Jaw. Gene got up at the rnunt of 'nine and Jack (lew lu. Tunuey ' fell Into a clinch. Jurk put a light left to the body and fol lowed Gene about the ring. Tun ney waa running away. Iiempsey followed hltn, Geue gut In left to the Jaw. Jack booked a left lo the Its. Jack put a right lo the body on ropes Gene Was dancing away all around the ring lih J-tck pursuing hint. Jurk waded In and Invited Tunney to fight. Jack drove a right and left to Jaw. Gene stepped In with a light right and a left. Iieinpsey followed him around. Jack put a left and a right lo the body at the bell. Tunuey waa weak In Ills comer and was getting smelling salts. Ilu was saved ou the knockdown by Jack's failure In go lo a neutral corner. II was a long left hook flush to the button which dropped Tunney. Tunney suguud down and waited for tltu count. , , ' HouimI Klglil Dempsey bobbed in pursuit nf Gene. Gene crossed a right and left to head. Jack put a low left to I he body.. Juik put a left to the head and (ieno danced away. Iiempsey missed a hard left to I the law. Iieiupsry played for Ilia busty and Tunuey Jabhed blin III jibe face. Dempsey pounded Gene's neck III a clinch. Jack sank a right In I lie body. Tuuney was on the run again. Jack caught lil in on the ropes and ilii)ed for the body with both hands. Tunney dropped Jack wilh a left to the Jaw but he bounced up wllhiiul a count. Geue forced the drilling and pul Jack on the ropes. Jack had slowed up now. Tunuey drove three lefts to I ho fve. Ilolh Jack's eyes were budly cut. Tuuney's round. , Hound V.uo , iM'iupsey nl lacked mi l missed with u left, lie pounded Genu III a rlliich. Genu put a left unit a right lu Hie head and they wrest led about Die ring. Jm k put two rights to the body and clubbed bis right, lu I he head In a cliucli. Genu Jiibbed Iwu lefts to the face. Dempsey missed a rlghl lo (in face and Geue got In a rlghl hook lo the face. Gene stuck two lefts to the face. Juik win bleeding badly. Geue now forced jthe fighting. Jack put a right lo the body. Jack's face was a mass nf blood, (lens played for It with both hsnds. Jack booked H left In the body. Gene shot over a hard right to face, Gene Jabbed two lefts to the face. Gene allot right In the Jaw and left In body. Ix-mpsey put a left and a right lo the body. Geus crossed a siaggoring rlghl tu the face. Tuuney's luund. Itonml Ten They shook bands. Jack resiled Gene lu the canvas after an exchange of led hooks. Gens did, uot go down from a punch, Geuu crossed I wo rights tu the lace. Until were swinging wildly trying for a knockout. Ueue Jabbed two lefts lo the face and crossed a right lo the head. Jack was groggy. Tliiiliey crossed Iwu rights lo face, Iiempsey missed a lift lo the head but followed with a right lu the Jaw, Tuuney grossed a rlghl lo face. Jack put a rigni iu iMiuy. iienn rui iiemp sry's face with a bard right. Jack waa very weak. Tunney punished him wilh bulb bands, Genu I crossed a right lo fare nnd then jtled Jack up III a clinch. Hell, 4 bead at the bell. Tunney'a round. . Kounil Two Iiempsey put a left to the heart. He landed another to the head. Gene missed a right to ' head nnd Jack hit around Gene's hip. Jack hooked left to the body. Tunney crossed, a hard right to the bead. Gene danced away. Gene missed a right and Jack drove two hard lefts to the head and two to the body. Gene landed a light right ear. Tunney's round. ,. J , lUuiuil Four Dempsey led with a left. Tun- CORNS un Quick rHf f ran paioiol ; tender toea and prwsortof tight BhnMi DO YOUR FEET HURT? Have you weak or flat feet? Have you corns, calluses, ingrowing nails, warts' or '"bunions? DR. J. M. INGALLS Foot Specialist; Registered Chiropodist At the ..." Buster Brown Shoe Store Monday and Tuesday, - September 26 and 27- I FREE EXAMINATIONS ARCH SUPPORTS No other' ' coffee can H ' ;; i 1 i ' Hills Bros because none is ' Mr roasted the sahie way If 1 n tr-::. Wills Bros, roast thf'xr 9tt as a rtrf mates fine pastry. VMrtttt- U vlde& to the four little al ttmr. lArwiV, ii'iU Brm- rout iLcir couee frm fr undt at 0 Unit, si fit wrm LIU Whex Hills Bros, dis covered Controlled Roast inj:, they found the corrrct way to roast coffee. That exact process of roasting it jnc pounds at a time not only brings out the utmost in enffee gtiodncss, but as sures you of uniform flavor every time you buy. Because Hills Bros. : Coffee is packed in vacuum, all of this entrancing aroma and superb flavor created at roasting time is kept for you. . How well you realize this when you open the can and moke a cup I Drink Hills Bros. Coffee. Your grocer has it re member that the 'Arab on the can is the trade-mark that identifies this matchless, coffee. Send for a free copy of "The' Art of Entertain ing." Address Hills Bros.,' 2 Harrison Street, San Francisco, Calif. HILLS BROS COFFEE i n. a-:. frtsk from tht r! f i nal vacuum sr. Eaiilf C 1J - cfrnrj villi ktj. I .- I li i 1 1 j . . ' , i j ; . ' V'. Lawton, Mich. August 3. 1927. American, Tobacco Co. . ' New York. " ' ' Gentlemen: A word of appreciation for your Lucky Strike cigarettes. On May 29th last, I was operated upon for" gastric ulcer and appendicitis. The day after I wanted a smoke real badly and asked my doctor. He advised strongly against it stating that even. a slight cough would "rip me open" and cause additional pain, and if you've had the experience you know. that to be so. However, I had a package of "Luckiesj' in my coat pocket and persuaded my. nurse to get them.. She did and I smoked eight that day. To. make it short I smoked all the tvo weeks at the hospital with nary a cough or throat irritation or. the least discomfort, - and by the way, smoking was pro hibited at the hospital but nurse kept my door closed and-window open so I enjoyed iny smokes -to the full extent. I am just a school teacher in a small town and not setting a good example to my pupils because I smoke, I suppose, but thereis cer- . tainly "pep" in Lucky Strikes. Sincerely yours. wussv.aj;.st; i. ... .. ' 7- -. - ' t L--- -i'i ii-'-; ---A. '" i . n hm mm r m mum - ri imi i i M ir lit irm "K. vv v - iriMi. aua ir t.im .... TytJ TI 2 iteol . No Throat Irritation-No Cough.