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About The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1927)
TVe Eight THE EVENTXO HERALD, KLAMATH FAM.S, OKEflON. Tlmmbv. EcptrrnVr 22. 1027. BRIEF NEWS -OF KLAMATH MnHlns as lalhtl Mn. C'bsrlea Martin, rccnt of Eulalona rhautrr. luuhl.irs of ih Amsrlcan Involution baa culled mrrlln- (or Monday at ternocn at ht-r homo to further plan for the annual banuuvt at which time Mr. Gordon aUOrai'k n. Hale rvgent and Mr. K. K. Wativnbtirf. flrat vie rrftrnt will b honored. Th mtlB( ha been eallod fur 130. Litaul Cartoonist Hrorr ' firnaklDR on th front pane of The Oregon Journal tun time Itbtn t paat vac? na been ttt good fortune of Paul Keller. 'itemmcd from fallfoni t4ia of Mr. and Mr. 3. J. K oiler! Pi of I hi dir. Lindbergh Two cartoon, on and lb other of Mr. llctty Kates, formerly of Moot tore vlklled with friend In the city today. Mr. Kaw fempai'X and Tunney wero ihomn, with hur husband arrived her In the fortland paper within the from the south where they have pint few day, all sketched by the local artlat. During the Pendle ton roundup Keller broke Into the llnielliiht with a three columu car toon of the roundup. been residing ervl month. fur the past aov- RtHurnml Prom Altnrao Mr. and Mr.' E. Vannlec Huge Sum Will Go j To Prizefighters i ' (Continued from nege SI Shir key f'ht. IVltipme) a pulw was . Tb ph)s'vtan dtvlared the eiehamploo a "remarkable' peel men" In nery reeet. After th weighing In IHnnpaey Inatead of going baek to bla hotel was hurried to the home of t a friend, wbere be will havo din-, nor about 4 o'clock and remain i uulll time to go to the arena. j Weighing In an hour after the ex-champion, time Tunney bal-. ancod the acale at ISIS pound, three pound "lea than llempaey but 3 S pound more than be t wolhed a year ago when he won j (he title. , i The difference In weight wa murh ten than had been ant lei-; paled. It wa figured Tunney ; Jfiiil are Hack -..Mr. and Mr. K. O. Nord and children hare returned home from a" trip to Portland, where they apont several week with rela- tnm Lan-vll VJI lives and where Mr. Nord trans-, xn. J. II. TIcknor hopped for acted bualne. "I'm back In ,0T,rai hour In the city this f.;mlh Fall to stay and let me morning from her home in tho lll yon, Ihla Utile city ha more Langv.ll Valley dlatrlcl. life than any place I Waited In I tan northern section." Mr. Nord From Mertill remarked to a Herald reporter i Mr. Scott MrKendree I (hop I -Jay. ' ! ping In the city tbl afternoon " - 'from Merrill. From Kort Klaiuath ' "- cMra. W. C. Flacku of Fort I Iteedsport U. S. harb:r dredge Klamath wa In the city today j more 111, 170 yard at IT cents hopping and Tlsttlnf friend. i'a yard. - . .4 .1.11.1... v.. 1 .1 ...... 4 . . , 1 a frrtm I ... . .... . ...... v.. ....... ............ waull M closer to iss ana ptutp-i a brief Ti:t at Alturas. Callfot- v ..,, ,9 Tll. rfsur. for nla. Mr. Vannlc reaumed hi ,h, ch(llI1poll w tnt fUed at dutle at the Coldcn Rule today. I 190i bnt ,ltler adjustment of pound. Auto It Great Help ' In Rural Education Browne's Paint Store WALL PAPER W. P. FULLER PAINTS PAINTS VARNISHES "Western Made for Western Trade" 1029 Main Phone 75 I A rint urrey conducted by I , Cornell university brings forth j tne fact that the utomcblle Is' i'he outstanding factor In the de-' I rolopment of tho child mind In ' rural communities, according to a j report received by the National 1 Automobile club. The leport ofi 'the snrvey shows luat automo-' ' biles have broughv about better j roads, which.. In turn', have ap--, proximately doubled the distance' over which chllden can be car ried to school. The survey was conducted in connection with the I'niled S'.atos bureau of education. Deep Sorrow . For Dead Boys Colli Inueii from ige II boll, then u ended Ihu outer .atali raae lu the bcya dormltili y j her aha called upon the pnnlc, slrlikeu occupaiil Id eainpe by. H e way she had come. I'uhoed lug they crowded to tho main staircase but were fneed wlih a I ruah uf flames villi h poured from the fluor below. t'nuabt between alieota uf flamea tint boys became frantic. Hcreiimlng along tho corridor they sought a way tu safely, but moat of them col-1 lupacd the tlenae smoke and tiniue enveloped them. Hlaler as then made her vulu ulleiupt to save them. In tho girl dormitory there lu greater aemblsnru of or der. I'mler ih direct Ion of the Hlaler the older girl collected their smaller compunl - and rui-hed them to safely. A num ber of girl relumed io lite burn ing building twice In rescue tot vho bud been overlooked In tho first ruah fur tho door. Itnv.l Father tingnuu, oue of the ml- aim teacher, escaped derth In Ibe flame by fulling down a stairway and againat nn o' thn doors. Knlerlng smuke lllled dormitory In search uf Its small Inmates, he was ov.rcuntn by the druse smoke clouds. Ha col Ifepsrd lulo the of two boy who heard hi cry for help. The rauae of the fire Is still undetermined. Flvu minutes af ter the alarm wa sounded, the nilaslon houses wu a roaring-furnace and within an hour ouly a smoldering shell remained. The pruporty lues Is brnvy. I I. I it isi:sh;nm Jt'ii. HA t.K'.M, Ore, Sept. 2:', (Al'i Meeauae lie formed a In i -imMIoii III I'oiliiind I'niinU T. Wudo lias reelgued us dlalilil at torney for Ktioriiiati coiini, und Coreltlor I'lltleraoll lodti) ap IHiluted (ieoiK 1. I'pd.gtarf ef Morn to succeed Mm ns noi. culor. for the county. Wide bus been dlatrlcl attorney for live your. I'pilegriilf la a now rumor lu Sbct mult roiinly, linvlng )nt opened bla lu pracllcu tluro. Photogmplis Lic 1-orcvtT Your ih:liliii Mon'l bo llttlu blik'. but I'liolugruphs will keep llicm as Hit y sis, always H1INHO.N HTl Hill MAY KING Wo Arc in tlio MnrUrt for GRAIN and POTATOES Best prices paid Peoples Warehouse South Cth Street R-v Wont 'tn At a late hour this afternoon It was decided to postpone tho bankers' banquet scheduled here f for Saturday evening br the Bankers Association pt Southern .Oregon, Late picture of President and Mrs. Coolidse on the White House lawn. Obituary HtU HKXRV Al.TKIt. .A.s.'.'.j'V the Mi. sw-:tan m -M W " ".V -i. -. . . ilJ- -'JN- mjmm I John lleury Alter paaaed away I at bis kite residence. 13 Hill side street, at 1:30 this morn ing after being III but a short ' time, previous to bta Mine he I was employed as a millwright ,'snd machinist at Dray Mill. He was born In Wyandotte county. ' Ohio. October 19, 1SGS. and wax ) SI years. 11 months and three days of ego when clli-l. I Mourning hi passing are the .following relatives: Ills wife, I, Mrs. Elisabeth Alter, four sons, Dale. Robert, Hugh and John , Lee Alter, a tiaughter, Alter, all of Klamath rails: his 'mother. Mrs. Bather A. Alter, a brother. It. N. Alter, and a ter, Mrs. Flora Sebulti. all or Alliance. Ohio: a sister. Mrs. ' i David Councrs of Portland. Ore The remains have been entran ces to the care of I. A. Towcy. .undertaker, who will announce the time and ploco of the fu ' neral at a later date. Mr. Alter 'was a member of -The Modern .'Woodmen for over tweisty-sU 'years. J Many University Men Like the Two-Button Coat Business Men Like 3 Buttons with Plenty of Ease JAMKS CAM IN LU)VD The funeral services of James Calvin, the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Lloyd were held at the graveside in Mt. Laki cemetery at 2:30 Ihla afternoon, Ber. Guy I)e Vrles of the Klam ath Temple officiating. Two solos were sung by Mrs. lo Vries. The service wa uuder the direc tion of I. A. Towcy, undertaker. C1IARLKS lC MONIIOK Mr. and Mrs. J. Angus Monroe left on last evening's trnln, wllh I the remain of their son. Utile Charles Richard, enronto to Boise, Idaho, wbere the child will bo burled. I. A. Towey, local nnilertakur was In charge of the arrangements In this city. , . $45 , Hart Schaffner & Marx Make Both as Style Leaders Like Them HART SCHAFFNER & 'MARX SUITS ? also priced as low as $33 i $39.50 K. SUGARMAN Closed Tuesday, September 27th, Jewish Holiday "I Ain't Mad at Nobody" LLOYD .IN DREW HOt l.F The funeral service of Lloyd Andrew, the beloved Infant son of Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Soule, were held In Little Shasta. California, tho Iter. Nelson Coin of this cltv official Inc. Interment wus made in' the Little KhaHta cemetery, under the direction of I. A. Towey, undertaker. .H A RICH KKXATOIt NEW YORK, Kept. 22. (fl'i Anestatc of US, 000, 000 was left by former V'.' 8. Senator Wlllliira Andrews Clarke, of llutto. Monl., who died here March 2. 1923, ao cording to an appraisal filed today. Winners in Air Dsrby Announced (Continued from 'ord raalg Knupp; psge 11 Jack Ah- 1 TWIH .RRIK I With th arrival cf Mr. S.ork at the Klamath Valley hoapltnl early Ibis morning, thn popula tion of Klamath Falls wa In creased two more. Twin, a boy und a girl were delivered la Mr. and Mra. C. M. I.von who re side at 24 South Klilorado. The proud father Is employed by the Southern I'aelflc. raft, Towattda, I'a.. and C. D. Miles City. Mont. Five other contestant lu thla race were to start from Missoula. Mont., today at 111 a. m. Nine ither.i were forced cut, most of .hem early In the race, and two aun, K. W. Fleet, Hartford, Conn., and Nlnitno Ulack. were unreported at a late hour last night, but believed safe. Trlies awarded for the class It New York-Spikano re: Firs'. 15.000; second. 11.000: third. II. ooo: fourth. S3uo; fifth, tsr.o. Five plaues entered the Sun Francutco-Spoknne Pacific ccait class A derby and tho unofficial winners wero announced a fol lows: First. N. C. Llpptat. I Aageles; second. Less Schoenhalr. San Franclaro: third. Vance Drvese. San Francisco. Jack Frye, I.cs AngeltHi. came In next and la:t to arrive was Norman God dard, San Diego. Prises for the class A Pacific derby are: First. 11&00; sec ond. S1.000; third, liOO. C. L. Langdon, Aberdeen, Wash., was conceded first place la the Pacific coast derby class B rare yesterday. Next came D. C. Wanen. San Francisco, and Leo Wllley. Los Angeles. The other three planes entered In this race had not finished early today. Oh. well, the funs had a bear of a chunce. DOLLAR DAY Bairns Saturday, Sept. 24th ' Truth in AdwrtishiA i sa SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 22. (AIM Tho Pacific Air Trans port announced here today that it had ordered Its two air mill plan" which were due to meet at Medford. Ore., at 5:li a. m. to hop for Portland in search of Vernon Hookwalter, one of the three pilots in the Ban Francisco-Spokane derby listed among the missing. NOW AX "INDUS" DAY. RALEM, Ore.. Sept. 22. (AP) The fourth Friday of Septem ber was today set apart by Gov ernor Patterson as American In dian Day In Oregon, when schools and organizations Intc.esl -d In history and elvlo are, baked to give proper recognition to Iho In-j dlan. Tho movement Ik common In the sovcrul states, at tlf re quest of ths Auicrlcau l:iJlan j Association. ' The new autumn telephone! books are out. And we haven't' finished rending the present ono. I - 1 ! 1 (H. Helens One week's luin-j ber shipments reach 3, 000, 000,- 000 foot. DO YOUR FEET HURT? Have you weak or flat fect? Have you corn.s, calluses, ingrowing nail.s, warts or bunions? DR. J. M. INGALLS . Foot Specialist, Registered Chiropodist At the Buster Brown Shoe Store Monday and Tuesday, September 26 and 27 FREE EXAMINATIONS ARCH SUPPORTS More tStasa 3m Preferred Shareholders aw i4ixy'Biaa . liS'ArsirLsW' DependaMe Service to Customers Dividends for Shareholders s Customers of The California Oregon Power Company in homes and factories used 293,000,000 kilowatt hours of electrical energy last year. More than 3,000 preferred shareholders receive dividends regularly by check every three months. The capital supplied by investors in the Company's preferred shares goes directly into permanent, useful public utility properties. The confidence of our thousands of customers rests on ' their knowledge of the fact that dependable service is fur nished at reasonable rates. The investment confidence of more than 3,000 share holders is merited by the fact that divi dends always arrive regularly, by check, on the due date. ' A copy of this 16-page book, describ ing and illustrating the properties of The California Oregon Power Company, will " , be sent to you on request, together with complete information about investment in the Company's preferred shares. The California Oregon Power Company OFFICES. Medford. Crants Past. Roscburg. Klamath falls-Oregon Yreka. Dunsmuir-Californla vtrOTi .0 z